Poem Reading and Interpretation Rubric

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Poem Reading and Interpretation Rubric

Category 10-9 8-7 6-5 4 - below

Clarity and The student speaks clearly, The student speaks clearly Student speaks clearly The student does not speak
Expression distinctly, and with and distinctly. Some minor but is indistinct a few clearly, mispronounces words
appropriate and varied pitch lapses in pitch, tone and times. Some lapses in and is inaudible to the
and tone modulation. Recites volume OR the emotion pitch, tone, and volume audience. Spoken in
loudly enough for all to hear conveyed did not always fit OR the emotion monotone.
throughout the presentation. the content OR emphasis conveyed did not fit
uneven. content at times.

Pausing and The student uses pauses and The students uses pauses and Pauses and pacing may Pauses were not intentionally
Pacing pace effectively to pacing to communicate be adequate but needs used. Poetry is choppy and
communicate meaning and/or meaning and/or enhance more dramatic “sing-song.” Delivery is either
enhance dramatic impact of dramatic impact of the poem. enhancement. too quick or too slow. Reads
the poem. words with no logical
Interpretation of poem shows Interpretation of poem shows Interpretation of poem Interpretation of poem is
Interpretatio excellent insight and a large much insight and a good shows much insight and superficial and or faulty and
n amount time working with the amount of time spent with a good amount of time shows only minimal insight
poem. the poem. spent with the poem. and only a short amount of
time spent with the poem.
Demonstrates synthetic Demonstrates some Thinking limited to No evidence or back up at all.
Depth thinking. Analyzes elements analytical thinking. Analyzes knowledge and
of the poem using quotes or elements of the poem comprehension. States
examples to back up (imagery, figurative the basic situation in the
interpretation. Critically language or theme) using poem with no real
examines the author’s quotes or examples to back analysis of imagery,
purpose, style, effect of the up interpretation. figurative language or
poem on the reader. description of theme or
uses quotes without
adequate explanation

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