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DLL - Myths

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Republic of the Philippines

Region III
Division of Cabanatuan City
Macatbong, Cabanatuan City



Learning Area ENGLISH 7
Grade and Section 7- RIZAL Quarter FIRST
Teaching Date JULY 25, 2019 Time 10:00 – 11:00 am
The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of
connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word meaning; the
A. Content Standards
sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past;
comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations using
B. Performance appropriate context-dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using
Standards the prosodic features of speech effectively in various situations; and observing correct
subject-verb agreement.

EN7LT-I-h-1: Discover literature as a means of connecting to a significant past

EN7WC-I-h-2.2: Retell a chosen myth or legend in a series of simple paragraphs.
EN7LT-I-h-2.3: Draw similarities and differences of the featured selections in relation to
the theme
C. Learning At the end of the lesson, the students shall be able to
Competencies/ a. Acquire clearer understanding on myth and its basic features;
Objectives b. Familiarize themselves on Ibanag myth, “Why There is High Tide During Full
Write the LC code Moon; and
for each c. Write a simple paragraph by retelling a myth.
Values Integration:
Develop a genuine appreciation and interest for the culture presented in literature.
Strengthens camaraderie and team work among the students through understanding the text.
Topic: MYTH

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
Pages 78- 85
2. Learner’s Materials
Pages 101-108
3. Textbook pages
Curriculum Guide page 151
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)
portal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippine_mythical_creatures

B. Other Learning laptop, projector, puzzle, activity worksheet, speaker prizes, colored chips, pentel pen,
Resources manila paper
The students will give a recap about the previous lesson.
Reviewing previous lesson Questions to be asked:
or presenting the new lesson 1. What is legend?

2. How it differs from other folklore genre?
3. From the selection discussed last time, how the island of Marinduque got its name?
4. What’s the moral lesson portrayed in the legend story?
Preliminary Activity: Only in the Philippines!
 Using the talking chips technique, students will identify different creatures that fill
A. Establishing a purpose
Filipino folk stories
for the lesson
Answers: aswang/.shape shifters, diwata/ fairies, kapre, mermen/ siyokoy,
tikbalang/demon horse, tiyanak, goblins/ elves,
“WordsMYTH” (3 minutes)
Each group shall be given a set of word puzzle. Have them look for the words that can
B. Presenting associate with the “moon” and “tide”. Afterwards, categorize listed words based on activity
examples/instances of worksheet given. The highest pointer group will declare winner.
the new lesson Answers:
 (Tide)fall, gravity, water, sea, sun, rise, rotation, earth
 (Moon) Satellite, astronomical body, Luna, Apollo 11, full moon, Neil Armstrong

 Ask students on their insights/ observation from the two activities given and have them
arrive on today’s lesson: the myth. (HOTS)
 Instruct them to read the information flashes on the screen about “myth”
A myth is a fictitious story that tells about the origin of humans and the universe. It
also explains some natural and social phenomena and usually involving supernatural
beings or events.
Mythic narratives include how the world began, how humans and animals were
C. Discussing new created, and how certain customs, gestures, or forms of human activities originated.
concepts and practicing
new skills #1  Present a 2010 national survey and research conducted by the Pew Research Center on
current status of people who believe in Philippine Mythology or formerly called
Anitism. (Literacy and Numeracy)
a. What is the current population of those who adhered to the folk religions in the
b. How about the estimated its population in the year 2050?
c. How many will be the increase of population from the year 2010 to 2050?

 Give a short background about Ibanags and other ethnolinguistic presents in Nueva
Ecija. (Interdisciplinary and Localization- Etnolinggwistiko AP7)
 Unlock the meaning of the difficult words. Remind them to remember these words as
they read the story.
a. Chariot- light four-wheeled pleasure or state carriage
D. Discussing new b. Wandered- Move about aimlessly or without any destination
concepts and practicing c. Immortal- living forever, never dying or decaying.
new skills #2 d. Imprisoned- kept in prison, captive
e. Startled- surprised, alarmed
 Engage students in period of silent reading. Afterwards, have them watch and listen on
the video presentation of the myth “Why There is High Tide During Full Moon”

E. Developing mastery STORY STAR.

(leads to Formative Instruct students to collect stars by answering the question. Inform them that each
Assessment 3) correct answer corresponds to a point of the star and reward afterwards.

F. Finding practical (Differentiated Activities)

applications of concepts Since this month celebrates the National Disaster Resilience Month, decide on a group
and skills in daily living name referring to any key terms related on disaster risk reduction. (DRRM) . Then have
each group do the task assigned to them. (5 minutes)

 Group 1. STORY MAP PHASE. Create a story map highlighting the important events
in the story.
 Group 2. TRUE TO LIFE PHASE. Recall scenarios on the story stating the

consequences of not following the advice of elders. (Interdisciplinary- Cause and
effect relationship- English 7)
CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
 Group 3: VALUABLE PHASE. Form a slogan showing importance of obeying elders/
The retelling includes The retelling The retelling The retelling does
ACCURACY OF all major points and parents.
includes all major includes all major not include major
RETELLING several significant points4:and
Group 1-2
HIGHLIGHTING points in the points in on
PHASE. Decide the the most intriguing part of the story and
details. significant details. myth/legend. myth/legend.
SEQUENCE The retelling captures make
Thean illustration. The
retelling (Music-
retelling MAPEH 7)retelling of the
the myth in correct captures
Group the mythinPHASE.
5: OATH capturesMake
the myth
a shortmyth
oathis out of
valuing the wisdom of elders.
sequence with all correct sequence with several sequence.
important parts.  Group 6: TRIBUTE
with 2-3 omissions. PHASE.
omissions, butSing a song that is in line with any of the theme in the
maintains sequence
story.(Music- MAPEH 7)
of those told.
Lots of descriptive Some descriptive The reader can The reader has
SETTING words are used to tell words are used to figure out when and trouble telling when
the reader when and the
tellstudents sum upwhere
the reader when the lesson
the by answering
and where thethe questions below.
where the myth takes and where the myth myth/legend takes myth/legend takes
G. Making generalizations
a. What is
takes place.
a myth? place, but there isn't place.
and abstractions about b. What are the basicmuch features of a myth?
detail (e.g.,
once upon a time in
the lesson c. What is the story all about? What punishments the main characters get from
a land far,far away).
The main character is disobeying
The main characterthe immortal
The main law of parents?
character It is hard to tell who
CHARACTERS named and clearly is named and is named. The reader the main character
described (through described (through knows very little is.
words and/or actions). words and/or about the main
The reader knows and actions). The reader character.
H. Evaluating learning
can describe what the has a fairly good Have the students recall the
character looks like and idea of what the myth they have read then retell
how s/he typically character looks like.
behaves. it into simple paragraphs
The retelling reflects in The retelling reflects The retelling reflects The retelling does Rubrics:
CHARACTERISTICS sufficient detail the in some detail some in little detail a few not have any
1. OF
A activities The feature
important beliefs about beliefsmyth is also about
about life, the forbidden
of the beliefs about lovereflection
detailed of Lunaof and Mar. Listen to the song of
MYTH/LEGEND life, the natural world, the natural world, life, the natural the important beliefs
for application
human orbeings, and“Tears in Heaven”
human by Eric
beings, and Clapton
world, human and make about comparison
life, the of the two (story and song). Use
remediationother creatures, ofVenn
the diagram.
other creatures, of beings, and other natural world,
creators of the myth.. the creators of the creatures, of the human beings, and
myth. creators of the myth. other creatures, of
the creators of the
V. REMARKS myth.


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for


C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who

have caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

Checked by:

Principal I


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