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New Delhi
iqu% bZ&fufonk lwpuk
loZlk/kkj.k dks lwfpr fd;k tkrk gS fd dk;kZy; j{kk lEink vf/kdkjh]
vkxjk e.My vkxjk Nkouh }kjk losZ la[;k 312 ,oe 312&A] vkxjk fadyk]
Aligarh Smart City Limited (ASCL)
Mansi Ganga Building, Baraula By-Pass, Aligarh, U.P. 202001, India
Notice Inviting e-Tender (NIT) - National Competitive Bidding -
RFP No: 43/ASCL/2021-22

fctyh?kj ds ikl vkxjk Nkouh fLFkr j{kk Hkwfe ftldk {ks=Qy yxHkx 0-65 Chief Executive Officer on behalf of ASCL invites Bids on two bid system through e-Procurement Notice
e-procurement for the following work:-
acre gS] ij ,d o"kZ ds fy, dkj] cl] LdwVj bR;kfn ikfdZax ds fy, bPNqd Name of the work: Redevelopment of Carriageway, Footpath, Vending Zones,
O;fDr;ksa@QeZ vkfn }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj] j{kk ea=ky; ds Defence e- Covering ROW within ABD Area (CW-12,13,14,15,16,18,19,24) Including 2 Years of
Defect Liability Period Under EPC Mode (Package-3).
The Executive Engineer HPPWD Rampur Division on behalf of Governor of H.P. invites the item rate bids, in electronic tendering, system from the eligible
class of contractors registered with HPPWD for the works as detailed in the table.
procurement site https://defproc.gov.in ds ek/;e ls bZ&fufonk (E- Estimated Earnest Period of Publication Pre-Bid Last Date Date of Sr. Name of Work Estimated Starting Date for Earnest Deadline for
Tender) vkeaf=r dh tkrh gSA fufonk dh 'krsZ mijksDr iksVZy ij viyksM dj Cost Money comple- Date & Meeting & Time for Technical No. cost downloading Bid Money submission of Bid
Deposit tion Time date submis- Bid 1 C/O CHC building at Dhar Gaura in Tehisl Rampur Distt. Rs. 20.09.2021 Rs. 27.09.2021
nh xbZ gSA nLrkost MkmuyksM izkjEHk djus dk fnukad 14-09-2021 le; sion of Bid Opening Shimla H.P. (SH:- C/O site development, building portion W.S. 2,83,81,817/- 3,20,000/-
& S.I. work, septic tank soakpit and rain harvesting tank)
09%30 cts ls rFkk fufonk viyksM djus dh vafre frfFk 05-10-2021 le; Rs. 22.83 Rs. 50
crore lacs
06 Months 14.09.2021 21.09.21
3 pm
6.10.21 7.10.21 at
at 3 P.M upto 1 P.M 4 P.M
2 C/O Primary Health Center building Level-II at Delath in Tehsil Rs. 20.09.2021 Rs. 27.09.2021
15%30 cts rd jgssxhA mDr lwpuk,W Nkouh ifj"kn vkxjk ds osclkbV onwards
Rampur Distt. Shimla H.P. (SH:- C/O Civil work, P/L W.S. and
S.I. site development rain water harvesting system and
1,64,38,333/- 1,97,000/-

www.cbagra.org.in ij Hkh ns[kh tk ldrh gSA The time and date for opening of financial bid to qualified bidders shall be intimated boundary wall and C/O septic tank).
(jktho dqekj) separately. A non refundable amount of Rs. 55,000/- (Rupees fifty five thousand The bidders are advised to note other details of tenders form the department website www.hptenders.gov.in.

i=kad%& B/487/X j{kk lEink vf/kdkjh only) to be paid as Tender Fee. The detailed RFP is available at the website - Executive Engineer,
Rampur Division (B&R),
https://etender.up.nic.in. Apart from the other conditions mentioned in the RFP,
fnukad%& 13@09@2021 vkxjk e.My] vkxjk Nkouh Bidder must also fulfill the criteria mentioned in GOI Office Memorandum number F. HPPWD, Rampur Bushahr.
No. 6/18/2019-PPD dated 23rd July, 2020 issued by Ministry of Finance, Department 4046/HP On behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh
of Expenditure, Public Procurement division. Bid would be summarily rejected in
case of non-fulfillment of aforesaid Office Memorandum dated 23rd July, 2020 and
EMD shall be forfeited for those bidders. For more details, contact through email:
[email protected]
Note:- If any holiday occurs in scheduled date, the events shall be considered for
next working day. Chief Executive Officer, ASCL


1, Sarojini Naidu Marg,
Prayagraj-211001 Uttar Pradesh.
Prayagraj Nagar Nigam invites e-tender two bid system from
the prospective bidders for Engagement of third party
inspection agency for municipal corporation
s. Description Details
1 Tender fees (in Rs) (Non 11200/- With Gst
2 EMD/Bid Security Money(in Rs. 2.00 Lakhs
RS.) (Refundable)
3 Bid Start Date 16.09.2021 at 4:00 PM
3 Pre Bid Meeting 21.09.2021 at 4:00 PM
4 Last date of pre bid query 20.09.2021 at 5:00 PM
5 Last date & Time of Bid 27.09.2021 at 3:00 PM
6 Date & Time for online Technical 27.09.2021 at 4:00 PM
Bid Opening
Note:1 - Only e-Tenders shall be accepted. Further details are
available on U.P. Government e-Procurement website
https://etender.up.nic.in and PNN website
2. d³fd½fQf À½feIÈ d°f/AÀ½feIÈ d°f I e Àf¸´f¯cfÊ Ad²fI fS ÀfÃf¸f Ad²fI fSe ³f¦fS d³f¦f¸f ´f¹iff¦fSfªf ¸fÔZ d³fdW°f Wû¦ffÜ
3. For more Information contact mr. Anil Kumar Maurya
Sd/- (Satish Kumar)
Chief Engineer
Municipal Corporation

Delhi Urban Shelter

Improvement Board
Govt. of N.C.T. of Government of Jammu & Kashmir
Executive Engineer, C-11
Email ID : GIST OF e-NIT No: 12 of 2021-22
[email protected] For and on behalf of the Lt. Governor, J&K State e-tenders are invited on item rate basis from approved and
Press Notice For Inviting eligible Contractors registered with J&K State Govt. and other State / Central Government for the following work:-
e-Tenders S. Name of work Est. cost Cost of Time of Class of
NIT NO. 03/EEC-11/DUSIB/ No (Rs. In lacs) T/doc. completion Contract
2021-22 Including (In In days
The Executive Engineer C-11, Departmental Rupees)
DUSIB, invites on behalf of Supply
DUSIB online. Percentage rate 1 2 3 4 5 6
bid on two bid system for 1. Laying of RCC Pipe 200mm dia & 250mm
dia Sewer line incl. Manholes at Various
following work. Spots in Munawarabad (L=633M) (Under 30.66 1200/= 2 Months “A&B”
Name of Work: - GIA to DUSIB Sewerage Scheme Munawarabad)
for existing Infrastructure 2. Laying of RCC Pipe 250mm dia, 300mm dia
Sub Head:- Construction of & 400mm dia Sewer line incl. Manholes
Boundary wall for LSC at A- behind Khyber Hospital at Khayam 23.08 1000/= 1 Month “B&C”
Block, JJR Colony Jahangirpuri . (L=206M) (Under Sewerage Scheme
Estimated Cost Rs.
44,15,709.00 Earnest Money IMPORTANT DATES:-
A Date of Issue of Tender Notice 13/09/2021
Rs. 88,320.00 Tender Cost Rs.
B Period of downloading of bidding documents 13/09/2021 to 05/10/2021 up-to 4:00 PM
500.00 Period of Completion- C Bid submission Start Date 13/09/2021 from 4:00 PM
270 Days D Bid submission End Date 05/10/2021 up-to 4:00 PM
Last Time and date of E Date & time of opening of bids (online) 06/10/2021 at 11:00 AM or any other convenient date.
submission of bid on 28.09.2021 Tender Receiving Authority : Executive Engineer S&D Division Ist
upto 15.00 Hrs. The bid form Sulaiman Complex Dalgate Srinagar
and other details can be Sd/-
obtained from the web site Executive Engineer
(https://govtprocurement. No: SDDI/CC/1512-22 S&D Division Ist
delhi.gov.in) Dated: 13/09/2021 DIPK-8505 Srinagar
EXECUTIVE ENGINEER-C-11 Government of Jammu & Kashmir
DUSIB (9560596111)
--------Telefax:- 0194-2496089, Email ID:- [email protected]
e -NIT NO: MHCHD/TS /2021-22 /128/e-tendering
For and on behalf of the Lt. Governor, J&K UT e-tenders are invited from Authorized dealers of Suggested
makes of Split ACs or Registered/ Reputed and experienced firms for the below mentioned work:-
Name of Work Est. Cost Cost of Time of AAA TS No. Position of
(Rs. in Lacs) T/Doc. Completion of Funds
(In rupees) (in days)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Supply, Installation, Testing 21.94 1000 10 29 MCS of 84 of 09/21 Available
E-TENDER PRESS NOTICE Commissioning of Hot cold (reversible
acs) at Pathology Department of Govt.
2021 Dt:-
The EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, CD-XIII, I&FC Department Govt. of Delhi, on behalf of the President of India invites Online Percentage rate tender Medical College SMHS Srinagar
Supply, Installation, Testing 3.21 200 07 Mc/plan/ldh/ 85 of 09/21 Available
from the approved and eligible contractors resistered with IRRIGATION AND FLOOD CONTROL DEPARTMENT. The contractors who are registered Commissioning of Hot cold (reversible 202/2886-89
acs) at SDH Hazratbal, Srinagar
with other department and now got their registrations verified from l&FC Deptt. are eligible to participate in Tender process for the work:- dt:18.08.2021
Supply, Installation, Testing 37 MCS of
1. NIT No. E.E/CD-13/Acs/2021-22/37 (ID No. 2021_IFC_208021_1) Major Head of Account 4217(MLALAD) Name of Work: Improvement of Commissioning of Hot cold (reversible
5.91 500 07
2021 Dt:-
86 of 09/21 Available
acs) at various section of Govt. LD 24.08.2021
Kabristan at Dhansa stand Najafgarh near MCD Office-reg. Demolishing and reconstruction of North side Boundary wall of Kabristan at Dhansa Hospital, Srinagar
stand Najafgarh near MCD Office-reg in N.G. Block (Balance Work). Estimated Cost (in Rs.) 17,08,992/- Earnest Money (in Rs.) Nil Time allowed 1. The Tender document Consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria, specifications, Bill of quantities
120 Days. Last date & time of receiving & opening of tender through E-Procurement System 20-09-2021 on 03.00 Hrs & 03.05 Hrs respectively. (B.O.Q), Set of terms and conditions of contract and other details can be seen/downloaded from the departmen-
tal website www.jktenders.gov.in from 13.09.2021 (15.00 hrs).
2. NIT No. E.E/CD-13/Acs/2021-22/38 (ID No. 2021_IFC_208023_1) Major Head of Account 4217(Unauthorized Colonies) Name of Work: 2. The bidders shall deposit their bids in electronic format on the above web site from 13.09.2021 (16:00hrs) to
Improvement of streets and construction of side drain Nathu Ram Park, Najafgarh, AC-35 (Regn. No. 172). Construction of main road from 22.09.2021 (14:00 hrs) in two (02) cover.
Najafgarh Tilak Nagar road to Nathu Ram Park, Najafgarh Block (Balance Work). Estimated Cost (in Rs.) 91,76,034/- Earnest Money (in Rs.) Nil 3. The bids uploaded on the website up to due date and time will be opened on 23.09.2021 (15.00 hrs) or any date
convenient to the department in the office of Executive Engineer, MHCHD, Srinagar.
Time allowed 120 Days. Last date & time of receiving & opening of tender through E-Procurement System 20-09-2021 on 03.00 Hrs & 03.05 Hrs
respectively. No: MHCHD/ TS/4506-11
Executive Engineer,
3. NIT No. E.E/CD-13/Acs/2021-22/39 (ID No. 2021_IFC_208024_1) Major Head of Account 4217(Unauthorized Colonies) Name of Work: DIPK-8451 MHCHD, Srinagar.
Improvement and construction of road and side drains in Raj Hans vihar in Vikaspuri Constituency AC-31 (Reg. No. 1234-A). Estimated Cost (in
Rs.) 54,29,367/- Earnest Money (in Rs.) Nil Time allowed 90 Days. List date & time of receiving & opening of tender through E-Procurement GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR,
System 20-09-2021 on 03.00 Hrs & 03.05 Hrs respectively.
4. NIT No. E.E/CD-13/Acs/2021-22/40 (ID No. 2021_IFC_208032_1) Major Head of Account 4217(Unauthorized Colonies) Name of Work: Tel: 0194-2402617 Ext: 2159 email:[email protected]
Improvement of Internal streets and side drains in Defence Enclave, Part-II, Mohan Garden in Vikaspuri Constituency (Reg. No. 903/1642). Notice inviting E-tenders
Estimated Cost (in Rs.) 32,99,600/- Earnest Money (in Rs.) Nil Time allowed 60 Days. Last date & time of receiving & opening of tender through Gist of e-NIT NO.29 OF 2021-22 Dated.08.09.2021
For and on behalf of Lt. Governor U.T. of Jammu & Kashmir, Executive Engineer, Mechanical, SKIMS, Soura,
E-Procurement System 20.09.2021 on 03.00 Hrs & 03.05 Hrs respectively. Srinagar, invites online e-bids in two (02) cover systems from Original Lift Manufactures or their Authorized
5. NIT No. E.E/CD-13/Acs/2021-22/41 (ID No. 2021_IFC_208037_1) Major Head of Account 4217(Unauthorized Colonies) Name of Work: Dealers/Representatives/Registered firms having experience in installation, testing and commissioning of Lifts in
Govt. Institutions/departments, detailed in the tender document for the following works:
Improvement and Construction of road and side drains in Vikas Nagar Extn. Pocket-P, Gurudwara road in Vikaspuri Constituency AC-31 (Reg. Sr# Name of the Work Estimated
No. 342). Estimated Cost (in Rs.) 35,67,280/- Earnest Money (in Rs.) Nil Time allowed 90 Days. Last date & time of receiving & opening of tender Cost
(in lacs)
through E-Procurement System 20-09-2021 on 03.00 Hrs & 03.05 Hrs respectively. 1. Design, Supply, Installation, Testing, Inspecting and Commissioning & comprehensive Maintenance of Ten 23.10lacs
6. NIT No. E.E/CD-13/Acs/2021-22/42 (ID No. 2021_IFC_208042_1) Major Head of Account 4217(Unauthorized Colonies) Name of Work: (10) passengers Machine Room-less lift at “Engineering Block, SKIMS,” Srinagar.
The complete tender document is available at website http://jktenders.gov.in.Interested bidders/tenderers may view,
Improvement and Construction of road and side drains in R-Block, Ph-II, Vikas Nagar in Vikaspuri Constituency AC-31 (Reg. No. 1001). Estimated download the e-bid document, seek clarifications and submit their bids online up to the date and time mentioned in
Cost (in Rs.) 51,41,605/- Earnest Money (in Rs.) Nil Time allowed 90 Days. Last date & time of receiving & opening of tender through E- the table below. Tender Document contains qualifying criteria for bidders. Specifications, Bills of Quantities, &Terms
Procurement System 20-09-2021 on 03.00 Hrs & 03.05 Hrs respectively. and conditions of the contract and other relevant details.
i. Date and time of downloading/Sale of tender 11.09.2021 from 11:00 Hour
7. NIT No. E.E/CD-13/Acs/2021-22/43 (ID No. 2021_IFC_208046_1) Major Head of Account 4217(Unauthorized Colonies) Name of Work: documents(Starting Date)
ii. Date & Time of Bidding Queries/clarification/Pre-bid meet 13-09-2021 from 10.30hours to 14:00Hours
Improvement and Construction of road and side drains in Vikas Vihar(West) Vikas Nagar in Vikaspuri Constituency AC-31 (Reg. No. 1530). iii. Last date & Time of Bid Uploading 20.09.2021 up to 16:00 Hours
Estimated Cost (in Rs.) 83,43,595/- Earnest Money (in Rs.) Nil Time allowed 120 Days. Last date & time of receiving & opening of tender through iv. Date of submission of hard copies.( Original EMD / FDR 21.09.2021 up to 14:00 Hours
& DD only) in the office of Executive Engineer,
E-Procurement System 20-09-2021 on 03.00 Hrs & 03.05 Hrs respectively. Mechanical, SKIMS
Note :- v. Date & Time of Commercial/technical Bid (Cover-I) opening 22-09-2021 11:00 Hours (or next convenient day)
vi. Date & Time of Financial Bid(Cover-IInd) Opening of the Shall be intimated separately
1) Details of above mentioned works & eligibility criteria can be seen and downloaded from the web site https://govteprocurement.delhi.gov.in qualifying Bidders
2 ) Amendment(s)/alteration(s)/corrigendum If any, will be available at website only. vii. Cost of e-bid Document Rs.1200/=(Rupees one thousand & two hundred only)

3) EMD in the form of Bankers Cheque/DD/Fixed Deposit receipt in F/o EE/CD-XIII, l&FC Deptt Shall be scanned and uploaded to the e-tender ix. Completion Time four (04) months from the date of issue of LOI or Allotment
website within the period of bid submission. The original EMD, should be deposited in the office of EE/CD-XIII, I&FC Deptt. within the period of Order.
x. Budget Head Ongoing works for the year 2021-22
bid submission.
Sd/- No:-SIMS 139 Ex.522/20-1343-50 Executive Engineer Dated.
DIP/SHABDARTH/0303/21-22 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER CD. XIII. 08/09/2021 DIPK-NB-3407 Mechanical, SKIMS

New Delhi



No beating around the


bush, did Govt use

Pegasus illegally: SC
BUSINESS AS USUAL Citizens before us, alleging violation of privacy: CJI bench;
BY UNNY Govt says no new affidavit, let panel probe charges
which are concerned about the the court.
ANANTHAKRISHNAN G security or the defence or any Reserving its interim order,


TELLING THE Centre to stop

other national interest issue. We
are onlyconcerned,in the face of
allegations that some software
the bench said even if the com-
mittee is formed and examines
the issues and "the report has to
Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel with Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Governor Acharya Devvrat, outgoing Chief "beating around the bush" on was used against some particu- be placed before us", "it will
Minister Vijay Rupani and others at the swearing-in ceremony in Gandhinagar on Monday. Nirmal Harindran REPORT,PAGE7 why it does not want to file an lar citizens, journalists, lawyers come into the public domain".
additional affidavit into allega- etc, to know whether this soft- At this, Mehta said: "Your
tions of unauthorised surveil- ware has been used by the gov- Lordshipswoulddecidewhether
lance using the Pegasus soft- ernment, by any method other it should or should not. If your
EMPOWERED GROUP DATA GOVT & POLITICS ware, the Supreme Court said thanpermissible underthelaw." Lordships feel, it can come."

Covid cases up in kids; experts

Monday it only wanted to know The CJI made these remarks The CJI reminded him: "It's
"whetherthis software hasbeen after Mehta reiterated the gov- (filing of affidavit) your prerog-
used by the government, by any ernment stand that the issue ative. We have made it very

say no alarm but caution key

method other than permissible was fraught with questions of clear... We thought that if some-
Not right at under the law".
Chief Justice of India N V
national security, owing to
which it did not want to put
thing comes, we can take a call
on what type of inquiry we have

all: FM on Share of 1-10 age group in active cases up from 2.8% to

Ramana, heading a bench also
comprising Justices Surya Kant
everything in a public affidavit
to be filed in court and make it a
to order."
When Mehta said "my posi-

and Hima Kohli, told Solicitor matterof publicdebate.Thegov- tion is clear", the CJI told him:
7.04% since March; adults less vulnerable is one reason General Tushar Mehta: "We are
again reiterating that we are not
ernment, Mehta said, was will-
ing to have it examined by a
"See Mr Mehta, beating around
the bush is not the issue."
interested in any manner or in
any way to know the issues
committee of domain experts
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 AS THE second wave ebbs, there 7 7.04 TN CLEARS BILL
has been a steady increase since 6 TO EXEMPT STATE
Months after he slammed
5 5.25
FINANCE MINISTER Nirmala March this year in the share of 4 3.59 3.10 3.36 3.28 2.80 3.23 FROM NEET, BJP
Sitharaman Monday said the ar- Covid-positivechildrenbelow10 3 STAGES WALKOUT
system, India’s javelin
ticle published in the RSS-affili- years in the overall active cases, 2 4.07 PAGE 8
ated Panchjanya, which accused according to data available with 1 3.43 3.46 3.33 2.72 3.41 2.95
Infosys of being “anti-national” the Empowered Group-1 (EG-1)

Sterlite firing coach for Tokyo sacked

and working to “destabilise“ the that is tasked with formulating June ’20 March ’21 August ’21
Indian economy, was “not right” the nation’s Covid emergency * As percentage of total active cases
and that the government was strategy.
working with the IT major to re-
solve glitches
The data show that the share
of childrenaged1-10yearsinthe
August (see chart). That is, of
every 100 active Covid cases,
termed "dramatic", experts say
therisingCovid casesin the1-10 is scar on NIHAL KOSHIE Uwe Hohn
in the new
Income Tax e-
total active Covid-19 cases has
increased steadily from 2.80% in
around seven are of children.
Insisting that the "marginal
years age group could be the re-
sult of reduced vulnerability of democracy: NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 was Neeraj
filing portal. March this year to 7.04% in shift" towards children can't be CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 UWE HOHN, the German great coach at
To a spe-
cific query on
Madras HC hiredin2017tocoachjavelinstar
Neeraj Chopra, has been sacked
Asian Games

article, ED summons AAP national secy, ARUN JANARDHANAN
by the Athletics Federation of
India (AFI). Hohn, 59, the only andcoachesatthetwo-dayexec- PAGE 17

Kejriwal links it to coming polls

Sitharaman athlete to throw over 100 me- utive council meeting that Hohn
Nirmala told CNN- tres, was Chopra’s coach when wasbeing"senthome".However ‘We are still
Sitharaman News18 in an THE FIRST Bench of the Madras he won gold medals at the Asian KlausBartonietz,thebiomechan-
interview, High Court Monday directed the Games and Commonwealth ical expert who coached Chopra improving... We
“That wasn’t chief Arvind Kejriwal linked the the IT Department, CBI, Delhi authorities concernedtodropall Games in 2018, and remained in when he won the Olympic gold, will be learning
right...andIthinktheyalsohada EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE summons to the coming Police — but we won 62 seats. As cases registered against protest- charge as the national javelin is set to continue.
statement coming, distancing NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 Assembly polls in Punjab, we grow in Punjab, Goa, ers involved in the anti-Sterlite coach for the Tokyo Olympics. “WearechangingUweHohn. till the end of
themselvesfromwhoeverwrote Uttarakhand, Goa and Gujarat. Uttarakhand, Gujarat — we get agitation, which had ended in On Monday, AFI president His performance is not good. We our careers’
it. I think that was not called for THE ENFORCEMENT Directorate Sources in the ED said Gupta anEDnotice!Thepeopleof India police firing that killed 13 peo- Adille Sumariwalla said after a will bring two (new) coaches.
and rightly, people have with- has summoned Aam Aadmi has been summoned in connec- wanthonestpolitics—thesetac- ple in May 2018. performance review of athletes CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
drawn themselves from associ- Party (AAP) national secretary tionwiththecaseof moneylaun- tics of BJP will never succeed, In oral observations, as re-
ating themselves with it... that Pankaj Gupta for investigation deringregisteredagainstformer they will make us stronger." ported by PTI, the Bench, includ-
(article) wasn’t right at all.” “under provisions of the PunjabAAPleaderSukhpalSingh AAP spokesperson Raghav ing Chief Justice Sanjib Banerjee
The RSS distanced itself from Prevention of Money Khaira, which flowed from a Chadha said the party was un- and Justice T S Sivagnanam, said
Panchjanya's September 5 cover LaunderingAct, 2002”.Accusing 2015 drug haul in Fazilka. aware of which case or investi- the firing was a scar on Indian
story, titled ‘Saakh aur Aghaat the Centre of targeting the party, In a tweet, Kejriwal said, “In gation the summons was linked democracy and should not be
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 Delhi Chief Minister and AAP Delhitheytriedtodefeatuswith CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 forgotten.
Urging the State to ensure
therewasnorepeatof suchanin-

Few takers for J&K domicile offer, govt extends cident, the Bench observed that
been legal or legitimate, citizens

deadline, sends teams to camps to register could not be fired at on behalf of

court asked the government to
year, to May 15, 2022. J&Ksawlarge-scaleexodusof "go the extra mile" and "be seen

ARUN SHARMA The office of the Relief and the migrant Pandit community, to be with the families".
JAMMU, SEPTEMBER 13 Rehabilitation Commissioner Political apart from Sikhs, around the The court was hearing a PIL
has also decided to hold special time militancy began in the late filed by social activist Henry
THERESEEM to befewtakersfor camps to accept applications at ● fallout 1980s. The administration Tiphagne over a report by the
theJammu andKashmir admin- places where a minimum of 50 hopedtheywouldavailtheoffer, National Human Rights
istration's offer of domicile cer- such families are residing. One J&K SAW large-scale exodus which would make it easier for Commission(NHRC)onthepolice
tificatestoformerresidentswho, such camp was held in Delhi of the migrant Pandit com- them to own land, as well as get firing not being made public. At
or their ancestors, moved out of around a fortnight ago. munity, apart from Sikhs, jobs and educational opportuni- the August 9 hearing, the court
the erstwhile state years ago, Announcing the extension, around the time militancy ties in the Union territory. had directed the NHRC to submit
provided they register with the an order by the J&K began in the late 1980s. The However, even at the Delhi itsreport,anditdidsoonMonday.
Relief and Rehabilitation Government’s Department of addition of their numbers as camp, the response was luke- “The matter should be
Commissioner (Migrants) at Disaster Management, Relief, domiciles would have politi- warm. Of the nearly 25,000 un- brought to its logical end, as ex-
Jammu. The administration has Rehabilitation and cal ramifications in the UT, at registered Kashmiri Pandit fam- peditiously as possible, to give a
now extended the scheme, an- Reconstruction, said, "No fur- a time when it is in the midst ilies estimated to have settled in meaningful closure to the mat-
nounced on May 16, 2020, with ther extension will be granted" of a delimitation exercise. Delhi prior to 1989, only 3,000 ter and the circumstances in
a deadline to apply within one thereafter. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

How legal aid bodies built case against Covid

in Himachal: online camps, door-to-door visits
PAGE 1 virus and how to check it since hands till I count up to 80,"
ANCHOR the first Covid-19 wave. Khanalsays."Wehavetolearnto
At the office of the Nari live with the virus. Mere hisab se
Chintpurni gram panchayat in agli garmi tak aise hi chalega
Unadistrict,agroupof peopleare (According to me, things will
RAJESH CHANDER gatheredonSeptember9tohear continue like this till the next
SHARMA Vivek Khanal, secretary of the summer). Till then we should
UNA, SEPTEMBER 13 District Legal Services Authority not lower our guard."
(DLSA), at an online nukkad Sanjay Kalia, a shopkeeper at
BEHIND HIMACHAL Pradesh's camp. Khanal, 44, describes the Nari Chintpurni village, says he
coronavirus vaccination success officialdutiesof theDLSA,thatis likes Khanal's way of explaining
are several unlikely heroes. offeringfreelegaladvicetothose things. "Unka assi wala tarika
Among them are office-bearers who can't afford it, before going bahut achcha hai (His suggestion
of its district- and state-level le- on to congratulate the audience Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacts with healthcare to count up to 80 is very good.)"
gal service authorities, and the ongettingthemselvesvaccinated workers in Himachal Pradesh. PTI file PremPalRanta,membersec-
para-legal volunteers who work and helping Himachal become retary, Himachal Pradesh State
with them. Through YouTube the first state in the country to Legal Services Authority (SLSA),
videos, online camps and door- cover all those eligible with at Coronavirus road, but Khanal "When you wash your hands, it saystheyhavebeenholdingsim-
to-door visits, they have been least the first shot. doesn'tskipthepartunderlining isnotpossibletolookatthetime. ilar camps across the state. Each
raising awareness about the It may be months down the Covid-appropriate behaviour. What I do is I keep washing my CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

New Delhi




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ED summons Sitharaman ing counselling and psychiatric member of the RSS, who led a

No beating around bush, want to know

assistancetothemembersof the delegation to Rajasthan, said the
to. “We have just got a two-page (Reputation and Harm)'. Saying bereaved families, if necessary. Samitihasmembersfromdiffer-
notice,whichsaysthatRajaRam Infosys has made “seminal con- TheStatemustbeseentobewith entorganisationsworkingforthe
Meena, Assistant Director, has tribution in progress of the thefamiliesandnotanadversary, causeofthedisplaced.Hesaidthe
of a PMLA investigation on
September 22. There is no infor-
country”, RSS spokesperson
Sunil Ambekar tweeted last
week, “…the article published
if Govt used Pegasus illegally, says SC despitewhatevermayhavehap-
pened. The State needs to walk
the extra mile for such purpose
Samiti's members were also
Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and
mationaboutwhichcasethisis." by Panchjanya in this context "On the contrary... suppose affected by Pegasus to buttress NSO Group's statement. it will go into technical aspects andlearnedAdvocate-Generalis Delhi.
ED sources said that during a only reflects individual opinion I say we never used Pegasus, this, Mehta said it is a "previ- "Alright, it is their state- and those who suspect that requested to ensure that appro- According to Khajuria, at the
search of Khaira's residence in of the author. Panchjanya is not are they going to withdraw ous statement". He took the ment, but it does say that the theirinstrumentshavebeenin- priate measures are taken to as- Delhicamp,manyof thefamilies
March thisyear,the department mouthpiece of the RSS and the theirpetitions?Answerisclear bench through the statement technologycanbeusedbyany- fected by Pegasus can give it to suage the feelings of the families wereissueddomicilecertificates
had found documents showing said article or opinions ex- no. Someone will have to go of the current IT Minister body," the CJI said, adding the committee. "The technical of the victims,” the order said. on the spot off line. However,
that in the run-up to the 2016 pressedinitshouldnotbelinked intoit.That'sallIamsaying.Let Ashwini Vaishnaw. "Thirdly, the minister says that analysis,thecommitteewillgo Thematterwillnextbeheard theirnumberswereveryless,he
Punjab Assembly elections with the RSS”. us go into it, under Your The CJI said that the court in India, here is a well-estab- intoit.Letthemhavetheinstru- on October 25. admitted.
where AAP emerged as the sec- Sitharamansaidthe“govern- Lordship's supervision." was only on the point of allega- lished procedure through ments,"hesaid,addingthatthe WITHPTIINPUTS Theissuemighthavepolitical
ond-largestparty,ithadreceived ment and Infosys are working Earlier, Justice Surya Kant tions raised by the petitioners. which lawful interception of panel will be "unconnected ramifications as entry of these
USD 1.19 lakh through a fund- together” to ensure that issues told Mehta that the court had "This is a serious allegation. electronic communication is with the government". Domicile offer numbers into domicile and
raising campaign in the US. relatedtotheportalareresolved. pointed out even during hear- Some software was used in the carried out for the purpose of Mehtasaidlawfulintercep- turned up to take application hence, possibly, voter records
Khaira was Leader of the “Strictly speaking, I think the ings in the past that it is not in- phoneanditaffectedtheprivacy national security, particularly tion is permitted to prevent forms, 806 of whom were regis- comes at a time when a delimi-
Opposition in the Punjab government and Infosys are terested in matters related to of the person. The minister also on the occurrence of any pub- terrorist activities etc. teredandissueddomicilecertifi- tation process is on in the UT,
Assembly before he left AAP. He working together. I had, of nationalsecurity."That'savery admittedinParliamentthatthe lic emergency or in the inter- "Whether it's done through cates on the spot, officials said. withpartiesinKashmirexpress-
has since joined the Congress. course, called them twice, also sensitive issue and we are all government has taken note of estof publicsafety,byagencies which software etc can't be a Relief Commissioner ing the apprehension that it is
"There is no clarity on how drew the attention of Nandan concerned about it. The only the use of the software. By attheCentreandStates...These matter of public debate." (Migrants) Ashok Pandita said meant to boost the seats in
thismoneywasreceivedbyAAP, Nilekani. And they are working limited affidavit that we ex- whom,wedon'tknow,"hesaid. are the three issues that we SeniorAdvocateKapilSibal, theapplicationsoftheremaining Hindu-dominated Jammu.
whether in cash or in cheque or together with us. They are also pected you to file was that: Mehta clarified that the had thought that if we got appearing for senior journal- 2,200 families along with sup- Khajuria said, "We have 24
through any other medium. being helped by the Institute of there are citizens who are be- minister had only referred to some sort of affidavit, we ists N Ram and Shashi Kumar portingdocuments,suchasproof seats reserved for PoJK areas in
There has been no declaration Chartered Accountants of India. foreus,allegingtheviolationof the news and that it has no ba- would know where we stand." and the Editors Guild of India, of theirresidenceintheUT,were the J&K’s Legislative Assembly
from AAP on this," a senior ED They have also brought in some the right to privacy under sis. He said the government is Mehta said: "We have said: "The government is now being brought to Jammu for fur- and we can request the govern-
official said. tax experts to work with them.” Article 21, and if you can clar- now stating that it is ready to nothing to hide. But there are saying we will not tell you the ther action. ment to defreeze one-third of
Sources said the ED has al- “And I am hopeful that ify in your affidavit that these examine the matter. issues, there are sensitive is- facts which is their bounden Among the families who set- them as one-third of their popu-
ready questioned Khaira and a Infosys will give us theproduct... rights have not been violated, The CJI said: "There are dif- sues involved where certain duty. All we want to know is if tled elsewhere in India after mi- lation is residing here."
formerAAPnationalsecretaryin yes, it has been delayed, it has andif thosehavebeenviolated, ferentissues.One,accordingto things are not placed in public the State has used Pegasus. grating from areas of J&K occu-
this regard. "During his ques- hurt a lot of assessees. We whetherthereispermissionby your own minister's state- domain by way of an affidavit. That does not reveal any se- pied by Pakistan in 1947, nearly Javelin coach
tioning, Khaira said the brought in a portal with a lot of the requisite agency, or if there ment... without being subject But respecting the privacy of cretsof stateorimpactnational 3,300 had approached the Relief Wearedoingwhatwehavetodo.
fundraiser had been organised expectations but... had glitches. is no permission, has it been to technical analysis, it is not individuals,onitsownthegov- security. They are saying sub- and Rehabilitation Those who think that analysis is
bytheAAPleadershipandhedid Allof thattakenonboard,Ithink done by an outside agency. possibletosayif somespyware ernment is offering that let it mitting it on oath is detrimen- Commissioner for application not happening and action is not
not know anything about it. We we should work together to get That it is your concern also and wasused.Thetechnicianshave be gone into. And the report tal to national security. I am forms to register as migrants. being taken… everything is be-
had also called the former na- that done and I am confident everybody's concern also if to look into it. Two, the minis- will come before your sorry, it is detrimental to the However, only 100 ended up ap- ing done,” Sumariwalla said.
tional secretary to explain the thatInfosyswillworkitout,”she outside agencies are to snoop, ter's statement also reads that Lordships, that ensures credi- processof justiceandnottona- plying. AFI planning commission
source of funds. But he said he said. interfere, spy into private such services are openly avail- bility.The (proposed)commit- tional security." As per official estimates, chief Lalit K Bhanot added that
did not remember anythingand After nearly three months of phones." able to anyone, anywhere, and tee will be answerable to your He said "if they (govern- while nearly 45,000 Kashmiri the javelin throwers -- including
since he was out of AAP, he did glitchesintherevampede-filing When the CJI referred to anytime, and are commonly Lordships. We cannot afford to ment)arenotfilinganaffidavit, Pandit families are registered Tokyo Olympics gold medallist
not have access to financial portal of the Income Tax the statement of former Union used by governmental agen- have a committee which can- this court must hold that it withtheReliefandRehabilitation Chopra, Shivpal Singh and Annu
records of the party. That is why Department, Finance Ministry Information Technology cies as well as by private com- not withstand your Lordship's (Pegasus) was used". He also Commissioner (Migrants), hav- Rani -- didn’t want to train with
we have called the current na- officials held two meetings with Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad panies worldwide." judicial scrutiny." opposed allowing the govern- ing left the Valley after the onset Hohn.“DrKlaus(Bartonietz)will
tional secretary," another ED of- Infosys MD & CEO Salil Parekh in Parliament in 2019 about Intervening, Mehta said it Urging the court to allow it ment to constitute a commit- of militancy (and hence already continue to coach as (bio-me-
ficial said. last month. Sitharaman had some WhatsApp users being was only an extract from the tosetupthecommittee,hesaid tee to go into the allegations. figure as permanent residents of chanical) expert. We want two
In March, the ED had raided summoned Parekh to explain the UT), an equal number who more coaches for javelin. It is not
12 locations across Punjab, the reasons for the continuing migrated much earlier are miss- easy to get good coaches. But we
Chandigarh and Delhi in all, in- glitches. Infosys was in 2019 Assam (5.04%), Karnataka the source said. Ranta says the SLSA has also Covid volunteering, thelegal ex- ing from the records. are trying our best to get at least
cluding the premises of awardedthecontracttodevelop (4.59%),AndhraPradesh(4.53%), Observingthatchildrenhave advertised mobile numbers of pertise of the DLSA members Similarly, 41,119 Hindu and one more good coach,” he said.
Inderveer Johal, the grandson of the new system to reduce pro- Odisha (4.18%), Maharashtra already been exposed to an ex- DLSA secretaries as helpline too came in handy. Ranta says Sikhfamiliesarebelievedtohave When asked about the be-
former Punjab chief minister cessing time for returns from 63 (4.08%), Tripura (3.54%) and tent, the source added, "There is numbers through the media. thatwithpeopleforcedtogether migrated from the J&K areas oc- low-par performance of Shivpal
Darbara Singh. Officials had days to one day and expedite re- Delhi (2.25%). nodoubtthattheseverityof dis- "Peoplewereindoorsandindis- at home, 45 domestic violence cupied by Pakistan in 1947. Of andAnnu,asalsodiscusthrower
linked the raids to convicts in a funds. According to a report of the ease among children is milder tress (during the lockdowns). caseswere reportedfrom across them,31,619,including5,300set- Seema Antil and shot putter
2015 Fazilka drug smuggling InJune,themorningafterthe Technical Group on Population than adults. The situation is not Theyfacedallkindsof problems, the state on the helpline num- tledelsewhereinthecountry,are TajinderSinghToor,theAFIpres-
case, and a fake passport racket launch, Sitharaman tweeted: Projections, children below 10 one where we can say that chil- including financial and medical. bersof DLSAs.Legalaidwaspro- registered with the Provincial ident said: “It is very simple.
probe,forwhichtheDelhiPolice “Themuch-awaitede-filingpor- years are projected to be about dren have been overwhelmed I felt happy to help them out vided in 35 cases, while 10 cases Rehabilitation Officer, who dou- ShivpalandAnnuwerewithUwe
had registered an FIR. A senior tal2.0waslaunched lastnightat 17 per cent of the total popula- and I do not think that situation with whatever I could," says weresettledthroughmediation. bles as Custodian Evacuee Hohn. Uwe Hohn is being sent
ED official said that one of the 20:45hrs. I see in my TL griev- tion by the end of March 2021. will arrive.” Khanal. "One day, I received The SLSA was also instru- Department. Of them, 26,319 home. We are also looking for a
kingpins of the drug syndicate ances and glitches. Hope The Empowered Group data StatingthatCovid-19mortal- more than 200 calls during the mental in helping carry out the families are already counted as foreign coach for Toor.”
was in the UK, and Khaira was @Infosys & @NandanNilekani assumesignificanceassomeex- ity continues to be lower among first wave. Things were not that decongestion of jails during the permanent J&K residents. Ahead of the Tokyo Games,
allegedly in touch with them. will not let down our taxpayers perts have said that a third wave children, the source said, "The bad during the second wave." pandemic. Officials said that around Chopra trained with Bartonietz,
In the Fazilka case, the in the quality of service being of Covid-19 is inevitable -- given proportionof children being ad- Ranta estimates that they Acknowledging the contri- 9,500 families had been denied but he credited Hohn for coach-
Punjab Police had arrested nine provided.Easeincompliancefor thehighlevelsof thevirusin cir- mitted to hospitals has in- were able to reach 1,17,157 peo- bution of the DLSA at Una, registration by the then govern- ing him to two major gold
people for allegedly smuggling the taxpayer should be our pri- culation -- amid apprehensions creasedmarginally.Butthemor- ple during the first wave. "Out of Deputy Commissioner Raghav ment in the late 1950s on the medals. “The time I spent with
drugs across the Indo-Pak bor- ority.” thatthenextwavecouldhitchil- tality, because of preparedness them, we reached out to 84,023 Sharma says, "DLSA secretary grounds that they either did not coach Hohn, I believe, was good
der, and claimed to have seized Citingdifficultiesreportedby dren as well. and lessons learnt from Kerala, people through the 1,357 virtual Khanal is very proactive and has stay at camps set up by it, or did and I respect him. In that year
1.8 kg of heroin, 24 gold biscuits, the taxpayers and other stake- While no specific reason has is stable or lower than before.” camps. During the state curfew covered almost the entire dis- not come to the Indian side be- (2018), I won gold at the
two weapons, 26 live cartridges holders, the Central Board of been given for risingCovid cases When asked about the strat- in the second wave this year, we trict." tween 1947-54, or came to the Commonwealth Games and
and two Pakistani SIM cards. Direct Taxes last Thursday de- among children, a source said egy to deal with Covid cases organised375virtualcampsand Khanal contracted Covid Indian side unaccompanied by Asian Games. I thought that his
Claiming a witch-hunt cided to further extend the due that trend could be because of among children, the source said reached out to around 4,000 during the first wave, but says the head of the family, or the an- (Hohn’s) training style and tech-
against AAP, Chadha said the dates for filing of Income Tax "more exposure (to the virus) vaccine candidates such as people." Besides counselling, that didn't deter him. "Saving nual income of the head of the nique were a bit different. Later,
party had nothing to hide and Returns and various reports of and more testing". Biological E are in the process of Ranta says, they provided food lives is very important -- that's displaced family at the time of when I trained with Klaus, I felt
nothing to be afraid of. “This audit for the Assessment Year "The proportion of children getting required approvals for and transit passes to 2,656 mi- what we are trying to do." migrationwasmorethanRs300. his training plan suited me,”
started even before the party 2021-22. getting admitted is higher than children below 10 years. grants,shelterto224peopleand Officials estimate that the Chopra said after winning the
was formed. In 2012, during the before. It is mainly because of Thesecondwaveof Covid-19 ration to 1,186 people with the Sterlite firing number of such migrants and Olympic gold.
Anna Andolan (the anti-corrup- Covid in kids up two reasons. First, there is more had started in March this year help of district administrations. whichfiringhadtoberesortedto displaced people might now be In June, Hohn, in a broadside
tion protests), the MHA (Home adults to the virus. awareness and alertness; sec- and peaked in the first week of They also made available essen- against unarmed citizens must together more than 50,000 fam- at the Sports Authority of India
Ministry) sent notices to leaders The data was presented at a ond, vulnerability might have May, when the national new tial commodities and travel comeoutinthereport,”thecourt ilies. The administration under- (SAI)andAFI,hadsaiditwas“dif-
but later said in court that there meeting of the EG-1 -- headed also increased proportionately," case count hit 4.14 lakh. Since passes to 1,059 residents of said. stands that permanently settled ficulttoworkwiththesepeople”
were no irregularities. Different by NITI Aayog member V K Paul said another source, pointing to then, the second wave has Himachal Pradesh stranded in Going through the NHRC re- elsewhere, these families might and had criticised Olympic
agencies, such as the IT -- that had officials from differ- sero surveys that suggest high ebbed. On Monday, India re- other states. port,thecourtsaid:“Sincethere- not want to return, and hence preparations.
Department, CBI, ED and Delhi ent ministries in attendance, in- exposure to the virus among ported 27,254 new cases over Health Secretary Amitabh portdidnotseethelightofdayor wants them to get registered for Speaking about his stint in
Police have been unleashed on cluding the Ministry of Health children. "If we look at sero sur- the last 24 hours, with the active Awasthi told The Indian Express, maynothavebeenforwardedto the purposes of "domicile only". India, Hohn had told The Indian
us between 2013 and now, but and Family Welfare. veys, the positivity rate among caseload standing at 3,74,269. "Spreading awareness about the State, the recommendations Theproblemismorecomplex Express: “When I came here, I
no one has found any wrongdo- The data show that before children is 57-58 per cent. This Earlier, the EG-1 had pro- Covid-19 in the state has been a have not been implemented. To whenitcomestothosewhohave thought I could change some-
ing,” Chadha said. March, in the nine months from shows that largely, children are posedthat5percentof ICUbeds team effort. Many agencies and the extent that the recommen- migrated from areas now in thing but it’s probably too diffi-
He also referred to the 2015 June2020toFebruary2021,chil- part of the pandemic and have and 4 per cent of non-ICU oxy- departments have been in- dations remain relevant and it Pakistan Occupied Jammu and cult with these people at SAI or
raid by the CBI on Kejriwal’s of- drenaged1-10wereintherange always been part of the pan- gen beds be earmarked for pe- volved in this." may be possible to implement Kashmir (PoJK). The online op- AFI. I don’t know if it’s lack of
fice, in connection with a cor- of 2.72% to 3.59% of the total ac- demic," the source said. diatriccareinviewof apprehen- Talking about the role of the same, all agencies should tion seeks their original place of knowledge or ignorance. Beside
ruption case lodged against tive cases. The fourth and latest round sions that children could be para-legal volunteers, Khanal carrythematterforward.Equally, residence and for most of them, camps or competitions, even
Rajendra Kumar, the then Out of 18 states and Union of national sero-survey for affected in the next wave of says they acted as a bridge. "We as indicated in the affidavit filed thesearedistrictssuchasMirpur, when we ask via our nutrition-
Principal Secretary. "They went Territories for which data are Covid-19, conducted by the Covid-19. have 19 para-legal volunteers in by the NHRC, the cases against Muzaffarabad, Bhimber, Kotli, ist for supplements for our ath-
into his bedroom. They couldn’t available, in the month of Indian Council of Medical villages in Una district. They, theprotestersshouldbedropped Rawalakot etc. "When we try to letes, we don’t get the right stuff.
find anything. They raided August, Covid-19 cases among Research(ICMR)inJuneandJuly, Legal aid bodies along with former para-legal and the institution of the cases register them online, our com- Not even for TOPS (Target
Manish Sisodiaji’s house twice, children were the highest in shows that sero-prevalence district has a DLSA, and volunteers, helped us commu- shouldnotstandinthewayofthe puters do not accept the names Olympic Podium Scheme) ath-
yetthereisnochargesheet.They Mizoram (16.48% of total active among children in the 6-9 age Himachal has 12 districts, with nicatewithpeople,"saysKhanal. futureprospectsofanyofthepro- of their native places," Relief letes – medal contenders hand-
are being forced to file closure cases) and the lowest in Delhi groupwas57.2%and61.6%inthe the two districts of Lahaul and Para-legalvolunteersaretrained testers (so as) to disqualify them Commissioner Pandita said, picked by the Sports Ministry. If
reports. Our MLAs have been (2.25%). Eight states -- Mizoram 10-17agegroup–lowerthanthe Spiti, and Kullu sharing one au- legalcounsellors,butnotprofes- from any employment or other adding that it wasn't just a soft- we get something, we are very
disqualifiedandthenreinstated; (16.48%), Meghalaya (9.35%), 67.6% for the entire population. thority. sionally trained in the field of opportunities that may be avail- wareissuethattheycouldcorrect happy.”
they have been arrested in dif- Manipur (8.74%), Kerala (8.62%), The rising Covid cases Besides the online camps, law. Paid Rs500 per dayfortheir able." from their end. "We have taken Hohn had also blamed au-
ferent cases and then acquitted. Andaman and Nicobar Islands among children, experts say, andmessagesonWhatsAppand services by the DLSA, they are The court noted that the up the matter with the Home thoritiesforallegedlygoingback
In 2018, the Election (8.2%), Sikkim (8.02%), Dadra could be the result of reduced email, every DLSA runs a appointed for two years. Their NHRChadrecommendedgreater Department." on their word on his contract.
Commission sent us a show- and Nagar Haveli (7.69%) and vulnerability of adults to the YouTube channel that puts up main job is to facilitate access to compensation to families of Now, members of a 'PoJK “I’mnothappywiththenewcon-
cause notice saying we had Arunachal Pradesh (7.38%) -- virus. videos on Covid-19. The Una legal aid and justice. those who died and to the per- Visthapit Seva Samiti', including tract I signed in the beginning of
taken foreign funding and our recorded a higher proportion of "Overall, the proportion of DLSA has an animation series RituKalia,apara-legalvolun- sonsseverelyinjuredorimpaired BJPleaders,havegotintothepic- April.We(heandBartonietz)got
registration could be cancelled... children with Covid-19 than the Covid cases among children called Kaki Ki Karona Klass, teeratNariChintpurni,saysthey forlife.“TheStateshouldconsider ture,andaresendingdelegations blackmailed into signing it, oth-
But this is the power of clean national average of 7.04%. shows an increase because the which talks about the virus and were asked tospread awareness a realistic quantum of compen- under the banner to states and erwisewewouldn’thavegotpaid
politics and integrity. We will The states which recorded a vulnerability of adults has re- vaccination, the whys and about the virus. "We did it risk- sation for either category, apart UTs where families formerly anymore. They said they would
not get scared of ED notices. lower proportion than the na- duced... So, there is a marginal wherefores, the do's and don'ts, ing ourlives, going door-to-door from others who suffered in- fromPoKaresettled,topersuade review our coaching in April and
Several have come in the past, tional average for August were shift but if we see the larger pic- and basic instructions on every- in our village and the surround- juries,” the order said. them to apply for domicile. thenincreaseoursalaries.Likeall
we welcome you,” Chadha said. Puducherry (6.95%), Goa ture, we cannot call it dramatic. thing from wearing a mask to ing areas." “TheStateisrequestedtoplay Ashok Khajuria, Convenor of promisesbefore,thesewereonly
(6.86%), Nagaland (5.48%), We need to keep a watch on it," using an oximeter. Sometimes, along with the real parental role in provid- the J&K BJP’s Refugee Cell and a empty words,” he said.

New Delhi

Satisfactory Satisfactory Moderate Satisfactory
88 76 124 100 Verylight
AQI AQI AQI AQI rain/thundershowers.
PM 10 PM 10 PM 10 PM 10 500
0 500 0 500 0 500 0
MAX: 35 MIN: 27
0-50 Good 51-100 Satisfactory 101-200 Moderate 201-300 Poor 301-400 Very Poor 401-500 Severe 1.2°Cabovenormal 2.0°Cabovenormal

Centre cites diplomatic relations to Man booked for

triple talaq

justify curbs on Markaz Nizamuddin

New Delhi: DelhiPolicehasregis-
allegedly left his wife nine years
ago and gave her triple talaq. The
alleged incident took place on
August 20 in Jamia, with the
other countries, it is necessary that she is residing there as a li- be handed over to that person. It woman alleging that the man,
SOFIAHSAN andincumbentonthepartof the censeeandthereferencetolease cannot be that this property will Riyazuddin,turnedupatherres-
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 Respondent to preserve the said rules was not correct. be kept with the police for all idence and also hit her. ENS
premises for the purpose of AdvocateWajeehShafiq,rep- times to come. Even during the
JUSTIFYING THE continuation of Section310ofCrPC,”theMinistry resenting the Waqf Board, sub- pendency of the trial, it has to go
restrictions at Nizamuddin of Home Affairs said in a reply to mitted that the Centre was at- back,” the court told the Centre,
Markaz, including the mosque the petition filed by Delhi Waqf tempting to create confusion in addingthatthequestionoflessee
where public entry was banned Boardforeasingof restrictionsat the case by bringing in irrelevant was irrelevant at this stage.
in the aftermath of Tablighi the Markaz.Section 310 provides issues. Senior advocate Ramesh Listingthecaseforhearingon
Jamaatmemberstestingpositive forinspectionbyajudgeormag- Gupta, representing the Board, November 16, the court issued
for Covid more than a year ago, istrateof aplacewhereoffenceis The building was sealed submittedthattheissueinvolved notice on the application filed by
the Centre on Monday told the alleged to have been committed. more than a year ago. Archive was related to a property which the management of Masjid
Delhi High Court that cases reg- Thereplyhasbeenfiledbythe hasbeen taken overin a criminal BangleWaliandMadrasaKashif-
istered against foreigners found Centre through Deputy case and that the Centre had ul-Uloomforimpleadmentinthe
stayingtherehavediplomaticim- Commissioner of Police, Crime, erty in question has been leased nothing to do with the matter. case. The court also allowed the
plications and that the curbs on Dr Joy Tirkey. However, advocate out. It also objected to implead- Justice Mukta Gupta said it Waqf Board to file a rejoinder to
the premises do not violate the Rajat Nair, representing the mentofMarkaz’smanagingcom- was not a property in vacuum the reply filed by the Centre.
right to practice religion. Centre,toldthecourtthathedoes mitteeinthecase.TheCentresaid and that there were people who The Centre further said that
“Sinceabout1,300foreigners not represent the Delhi Police in that Tablighi Jamaat chief were possessing it. “Due to the thepremiseshavebeenkept“un-
were found to be residing in the the case. Raising a technical ob- Muhammad Saad Kandhalvi’s pandemic, an FIR was registered der lock and key” in view of the
said premises and cases against jectiontothepetition,theCentre mother Khalida has claimed in andunderthatFIR,youtakepos- fact that the markaz manage-
them have cross-borders impli- said the Waqf Board does not anothercasethatherfamilyisthe session of this property as a case mentisitself underinvestigation
cations and involves nation’s have any locus to maintain the lessee and availed her remedy. property,nowif youtakeposses- in the case registered last year by
diplomatic relationship with casebeforethecourtastheprop- However, the Waqf Board said sionof thecaseproperty,ithasto the Crime Branch.

ADVERTORIAL An initiative by *

Hindi Diwas

Hindi Hai Hum

nual assessment report should also be made avail-
able by June 30. The reports are to be submitted on-
line by logging into www.rajbhasha.gov.in.
12.Ministries/Departments have to ensure consti-
tution/re-constitution of Hindi Advisory Committees
The Govt draws up an annual programme for the promotion and progressive at the earliest and ensure they meet regularly.
13. The use of Hindi may be increased with moti-
use of Hindi as an official language every year at its offices and PSUs vation, encouragement and goodwill. At the same
time, the rules should be strictly complied with.

H INDI, AS expressed through the Devanagari

script, is our official language and was ac-
cepted by the Indian Union as Rajbhasha on Sep-
of Hindi as official language is prepared by the
Department of Official Languages every year for
implementation by Central Government offices
ments at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of
Administration, Mussoorie. They should prepare lit-
erature on their subjects in Hindi so that after training,
14. Advertisements in English/regional languages
shall mandatorily be published in Hindi also. Hindi
advertisements should be placed in Hindi newspa-
tember 14, 1949. This is celebrated as Hindi Day and PSUs. the officers/employees are able to carry out their TOLICs can share data and information here. The ob- pers while in English ones, it should be invariably
every year. The following points in the annual pro- work in Hindi easily. jective of forming TOLICs is to provide a joint forum mentioned that the Hindi version of the notifica-
The form of numerals to be used for official gramme need to be paid utmost attention:- 7. All officials should be acquainted with the Offi- for encouraging the use of the official language in tion/advertisement/vacancy related circular is avail-
purposes of the Union is the international form of 1. Presidential orders issued on all the nine cial Language Policy. Central Government offices. Members can exchange able on the website with complete link.
Indian numerals {Article 343 (1) of the Constitu- volumes of the Report of the Committee of Par- 8. Central Government offices should organise information about the best practices adopted for in- 15. Central Government offices should ensure that
tion}. In addition to Hindi, English may also be liament on Official Language must be complied seminars relating to their subjects in Hindi medium. creasing the use of Hindi. The TOLIC which performs all computers have Unicode installed in them so that
used for official purposes. (Section 3 of the Offi- with by Central Government offices. 9. They should conduct periodic Official Language the best is awarded the “Rajbhasha Kirti Puraskar” at official work in Hindi can be done easily and
cial Languages Act). The business in Parliament 2. Necessary steps should be taken to get sci- inspections. the national level and the “Rajbhasha Puraskar” at smoothly.The Department of Official Language seeks
may be transacted in English or in Hindi. How- entific and technical literature prepared in Hindi 10. A joint Town Official Language Implementa- the regional level. whole-hearted support of all Ministries/Departments,
ever, the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha or the by the concerned departments. tion Committees (TOLIC) website has been created 11.The Quarterly Progress Report should be sent to offices, Public Sector Banks and Undertakings in pro-
Speaker of the Lok Sabha may permit any Mem- 3. Hindi language/typing/stenography train- by the Department of Official Language the Department of Official Language within 30 days viding greater impetus to Hindi in their day-to-day
ber to address the House in his/her mother ing may be expedited among all concerned. (http//narakas.rajbhasha.gov.in). This is free, so all from the completion of the quarter. Similarly, an an- work, consistent with Constitutional obligations.
tongue under special circumstances (Article 120 4. Central Government offices should regu-
of the Constitution).The purposes for which larly nominate their employees to the different
Hindi alone is to be used, for which both Hindi training programmes of the Department of Offi-
and English are to be used and for which Eng- cial Language, direct them to be present in the
lish language is to be used have been specified in classes regularly, complete training with sincerity
the OL Act 1963, the OL Rules 1976 and the di- and appear for the examination.
rections issued under them from time to time by 5.The Central Hindi Training Institute must run
the Department of Official Language, Ministry of a six-week training programme for officers of
Home Affairs. It has been the policy of the Gov- Central Secretariat Official Language Service at
ernment to ensure progressive use of Hindi in of- the time of promotion.
ficial work through persuasion, incentive and 6. Central Government offices should make
goodwill. The Official Language Resolution, arrangements for training in Hindi at their insti-
dated January 18, 1968, as adopted by both the tutes for Central services at par with arrange-
Houses of Par-
liament, states:
“This House re- ADVERTORIAL
solves that a PALLAVI SINGH has been teaching Hindi to
more intensive students around the world since 2011. She has
and compre- developed a unique style of proprietary teach-
hensive pro- ing. She breaks down Hindi grammar and nu-
gramme shall ances into small digestible bits that are easily
be prepared understood and imbibed. So students signing up
and imple- for her courses readily take to the language.
mented by the She has found success not only at home but
Government of around the world over the decade that she has
India for accel- started teaching. She has students signing up
erating the from far-flung countries, specially since the pan-
spread and de- demic hit and learning has gone online.
velopment of Pallavi’s remarkable journey started when she
Hindi and its was in college herself and her “side-gig” took
progressive use the shape of a full-blown career soon after she
for various offi- was hired by the US consulate in Mumbai at just
cial purposes of 23. Her students keep in touch with her even
the Union and when they leave India and her charismatic per-
an Annual As- sonality has found goodwill anywhere she goes.
sessment Re- “I have had the fortune of visiting my students in
port giving de- Italy and US where my students-turned-friends
tails of the happily showed me around their town and how
measures taken they lived,”she told us.
and the Pallavi’s teaching also ensures students feel
progress convivial as she regularly organises “Hindi-
achieved shall Hangouts,” where students meet over small
be laid on the lunches and dinners to discover another impor-
Table of both tant aspect of Indian culture --- food.
Houses of Par-
liament and
sent to all State
It is in conso-
nance with this
resolution that
an annual pro-
gramme for the
promotion and
progressive use


New Delhi

Total Vacant
LAST 24 HOURS 14,38,250 ICU BEDS 3,516 3,432

*Total active cases

Cases Recoveries Deaths Tests

Sept 13
IN THE CAPITAL Total 377* 14,12,790 25,083 2,65,30,193

Siblings dead in building collapse Bio-decomposer

works on stubble,
For MCD, a familiar farmers happy: CM
script: Tragedy but EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE

no accountability THE BIO-DECOMPOSER created

Research Institute at Pusa has
happening. Until strict action is been successful in decomposing
ABHINAV RAJPUT taken, this will not be fixed.” paddystubbleataquickrate,and
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 The North MCD said the isaviableoptionforfarmerswho Stubble burning starts
buildingwasaround60yearsold usually set fire to paddy residue, around Oct 10. Archive
A SURVEY of dangerous build- andthestructurehadthreefloors CM Arvind Kejriwal said.
ingswascarriedoutbytheNorth spread over 40-50 square yards. Quoting an audit report,
MCD before the monsoon, in The ground floor, where con- Kejriwalsaid90%of farmerssaid days and land was ready for the
which699buildingswerefound struction was going on, had a paddy stubble had been decom- next crop. While earlier they had
to be dangerous, including 444 sweets shop while the other posedwithin15to20days:“The to plough the field six to seven
in need of repair, it is learnt. floors were residential. Air Quality Commission said a times before sowing the new
In Malka Ganj ward, where North MCD standing com- third-party audit of the decom- crop,afterusingthedecomposer,
The incident took place in Sabzi Mandi, Monday. An elderly man was injured as well. Abhinav Saha the building that collapsed on mitteechairpersonJogiRamJain poser and its results should be thiscamedowntoonceortwice.
Mondayislocated,20properties said, “I have seen several build- conducted. The Centre asked Kejriwal said soil quality also
were identified as dangerous — ings in the area are in a dilapi- WAPCOS, a central agency, to improvedandoverallwheatpro-
building collapsed. They were NDRFwerealsoatthespottoun- daysagoandthedrillinganddig- including9onthesameroad.The dated condition... Police could conduct this audit and they duction increased by 8%.
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE trapped under the debris.” dertake rescue operations. A ca- ging led to cracks onthe wall but building that collapsed, though, have informed us about such spoketo79farmersin15villages He said the decomposer was
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 The victims were identified nine squad was also called in to no complaint was filed. wasnotonthelist.“Nocomplaint constructionhappening.Wewill and four districts. The report has used on close to 2,000 acres of
as Somya Gupta (12) and his search through the rubble. Hemantika Aneja, who runs regardinganyunauthorisedcon- conduct an inquiry to examine come out and it says farmers are landinDelhilastOctoberandwas
TWO SIBLINGS died and an eld- youngerbrother Prashant Gupta CM Arvind Kejriwal said he a nursery school and lived with structioninthesaidbuildingwas the role of our departments as very happy with the results.” paid for by the government.
erly man sustained injuries after (8). Police said their father, Nitin was closely monitoring the situ- her family on the first floor, said: received from any source in the well.” Thedecomposerisessentially “Air quality in Delhi will start
a four-storey building collapsed Gupta (38), works at a shop in ation. “The administration is en- “I was at office when I heard BuildingDepartment,CivilLines Area councillor, AAP’s Guddi afungi-basedliquidsolutionthat deteriorating around October 10
in North Delhi’s Sabzi Mandi Sadar Bazar while their mother gaged in relief and rescue work. about the collapse. The owner of Zone,” said the civic body. Devi, said the fault lies on both cansoftenhardstubbletotheex- and will continue till November
Monday.Policesaidrenovationat is a homemaker. Through the district administra- one of the shops was undertak- The collapse has yet again sides: “Officials should have de- tent that it can be easily mixed end, as this is the period for
ashoponthegroundfloormight The incident took place tion, I am monitoring the situa- ingrenovations…wetoldhimto raised questions on if enough is tectedthisandstoppedit.People withsoilinthefieldtoactascom- stubble burning. We have been
have led to the collapse. North around 11.45 am and locals tion,” he tweeted. take permission from authori- being done by the building de- should also follow guidelines by post. Seven strains of fungi are experiencing clean air and Delhi
MCD officials at the spot said the calledtheDelhiFireServicesand L-G Anil Baijal asked officials ties,buthesaidhe’llmanage.We partmentof MCDs—councillors taking permission for repairs so packed into four capsules, which has managed to control pollu-
construction was illegal. police. Initially, five fire tenders to take necessary steps, includ- have lost the house we had been fromBJP,AAPandCongresshave they are assisted by officials.” cost about Rs 20 per pack of four. tion to a large extent but during
“A case has been registered were sent and a 75-year-old ing planning and engineering living in for 35 years.” often been critical of it during The civic body has ordered a It hasto bemixedinto 25 litres of this period, air quality dips be-
against the shop owner, Mohak man, Ramji Das, was pulled out. solutions, to avoid such inci- Thirteen people lived in the House meetings in the past. survey of the area, to be con- water mixed with 150 grams of cause of stubble burning. Till
Arora, under IPC sections 304 He was sitting inside his pan dents in future. building. Aneja said all of them, Leader of opposition in the ducted in 48 hours, especially of jaggery,50gramsofgramflourto now, there has been a blame
(punishment for culpable homi- shop on the ground floor when The building used to be except her nephew Aryan (18), North MCD, Vikas Goel, said de- buildings identified as danger- create the bio-decomposer. game between state govern-
cide not amounting to murder), the building came down. owned by a businessman, were not at home at the time. spite such tragedies taking place ous. “Buildings found at immi- Kejriwal said the state had ments and Centre... We found a
288 and 34,” said a senior officer. DFS Chief Atul Garg said over Laxman Prasad, who later sold it Aryan was on the second floor inthepast,nothingbeyondanin- nent risk after the survey will writtentotheCentre’sairquality solution last year in the Pusa de-
JCP(Central)NSBundelasaid 50 personnel were deployed: to his relatives. It housed two and managed to escape. quiry happens: “Even if you re- havetobevacated,”saidasenior commissiontoaskotherstatesto composer... We cannot continue
the children were rescued and “Rescueworkstartedat11.50am small shops on the ground floor Kiran Kumar, who lives pairyourbathroom,officialswill official. The North MCD also use the decomposer. to blame and penalise farmers
taken to a hospital, where they andwentontill9-10pm.Narrow while three siblings lived with nearby, said, “Many people here come to know about it... but in sought a report from the build- As per findings shared by the as the government has not pro-
were declared dead on arrival. lanesmadeitdifficultforfireten- theirfamiliesonthefloorsabove. aremakingmorefloorsorabase- caseswhereresponsibilityhasto ing department in seven days CM,90%of thefarmerssaidstub- vided any viable solutions so
“The brothers were passing by dersandcranestoreachthespot.” Residents claimed renova- ment... but these structures are be taken, they say they are not and action against officials if ble decomposed within 15-20 far...,” he said.
with their mother when the Teams from the MCD and tion work began seven-eight weak and can collapse anytime.” aware such construction was needed.

Increase in Bridges, red granite walkways: Sample Gangster death Armour suits to
applicants to at Tihar: HC batons: Forest dept
govt schools, shows what Central Vista will look like seeks report
staff get protection
on security of
say officials ASHNA BUTANI
In a recent response to a re-
quest made by lawyer Aditya
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 Prasad under the RTI Act, the
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 greenery all around, bridges to NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 MUCH LIKE the police, a small (DCF), South division, furnished
cross canals, stone benches at number of forest department of- information on equipment pur-
THEREHASbeenanuptickinthe regular intervals, and ample THE DELHI High Court Monday ficials are now equipped with chased. The response indicates
number of children seeking ad- lighting—asamplestretchof the directed the DG Prisons to en- anti-riot gear in Delhi. After that helmets, shields, batons and
missions in Delhi government Central Vista Avenue offers a sure that eyewitnesses in the protecting parts of the Ridge half-body armour suits were re-
schools this year, according to peek into what the avenue Ankit Gujjar death case are kept turned into a risky affair, with ceived earlier this year.
government officials, with 2.36 would look like once ready. in an area where the CCTV cam- personal safety at stake, Forest The RTI response also shows
lakhapplicationshavingbeenre- The sample stretch — 190 era is fully functional so that the DepartmentofficialsoftheSouth thatinalettertotheDCF,aRange
ceivedfromnurserytoclassXIIso metres long and 45 metres wide ingress and egress to the cell is divisionhaveprocuredprotective Officer had requested protective
far for the 2021-2022 session. — sports red granite stones from properly monitored. The five gear,includingbatonsandarmour gear citing possibility of fights
Admissions to government Rajasthan, replacing the bajri witnesses are inmates at differ- suits, to stave off encroachers. while dealing with encroach-
schools take place in two ways. sand that lined the ground ear- ent prisons of Delhi. The Ridge comprises re- ments and instances of stone
First, there are plan admissions, lier. The stones, both square and Work on a sample stretch, including a bridge over a canal, is done. Photo tweeted by Union Minister Thegangsterwasfounddead served forests, protected by law. pelting against forest officials.
which is mass transfer from rectangle in shape, have been Hardeep Singh Puri inside Tihar last month, with his A forest department official The request was placed for
feeder schools to government placedsymmetrically.Walkways familyalleginghewasmurdered said instances of stone pelting Mehrauli Range I and II.
schools. The second is through andgreenbuffershavealsobeen byjailofficialsforrefusingtopay and violence against staffers in Prasad had written to the L-G
non-plan admission, which is created. The width of the walk- light poles are being refurbished GREEN AREAS: Green stretch itself, some experts are themprotectionmoney.Fourjail the South division had become earlier this year, pointing out the
howotherstudentsapplytogov- way is 4.6 metres along Rajpath. and reinstalled. buffer zones have been created unsureof thechancesof survival. officials,DeputySuperintendent increasingly frequent when at- “lackofequipment,uniformsand
ernment schools. As per a senior In other parts of the avenue, it The stretch will have a total on the sample stretch. The lawn The avenue will have around Narender Meena, Assistant tempts were made to clear en- security”of forestofficials,which
educationdepartmentofficial,in will be 3 metres wide. of 1,058 light poles, aimed at on Rajpath, akin to the lawns 3,900 trees in total, of which 40 Superintendents Deepak Dabas croachments from forest land. hasa“directandproportionalef-
usual years, around 1 lakh chil- Whencontacted,BimalPatel, making it more pedestrian- thatexistedpreviously,is50me- arenearingtheendof theirnatu- and Balraj, and Warder Shiva, “When forest department fectontheprotectionof floraand
dren are admitted through non director, HCP Design, Planning friendly even after dark. These tres wide, while the green buffer ral life cycle and will not be re- were suspended. staff have attempted to remove fauna of Delhi”. “Due to lack of
plan admissions. and Management Pvt. Ltd, the will include the old-refurbished along the canal is around 5 me- placed.Speciesonthestretchalso The court on September 8 encroachments,therehavebeen manpower,equipmentandsecu-
Non-plan admission is ongo- firm designing the Central Vista, ones and new light poles which tres wide. The green zones be- includePrideof IndiaandSafeda. had ordered the CBI to take over instancesof mobsbuildingup.In rity, officers and staff are contin-
ing but officials state that 2.36 toldTheIndianExpress,“Thesam- will have the same design. Of tween the canal and the parking OTHER FEATURES: A few the case, saying it was a very se- the past, we have seen instances uouslyharassed,andtheyfacethe
lakh applications have been re- ple stretch is ready, and we are this, 137 will be installed on area and around the canals will stone benches with engraved rious offence which requires an of stone pelting, besides staff brunt of threatening and violent
ceived. “So far, 1,58,484 students quite pleased with how it has Rajpathwhiletheremainingwill bearound30metreswide,while motifs have been placed on the in-depthinvestigationtounearth having to deal with private acts,” the letter states.
havebeenadmittedinDelhigov- turned out. The work on Central be installed in the canals, park- those between the parking and sample stretch; a total of 400 theallegedextortiontakingplace guards and bouncers at such In response to an RTI request
ernmentschools.Therestarebe- Vista Avenue is progressing at a ing area, India Gate, and other compound walls will be 20 me- such benches will line the av- inthejail.TheCBIhasnowregis- sites. Morale takes a hit in such thatPrasadfiledin2019,theDCF,
ingconsidered.Afternewadmis- good pace. The contractors are parts of the avenue. tres in most places. The green enue.Atleastonebridgeoverthe teredanFIRafterthecourtorder. cases. Anti-riot gear ensures ba- South, also provided three inci-
sions, total enrolment has doing their best to make up for Asforthechainlinks,officials zones comprise grass and a few canal is ready and there will be Justice Mukta Gupta also di- sic protection and boosts their dentreportsfiledthatyearonin-
reached 17.6 lakh for 2021-2022. delays caused by the pandemic, said they have been removed plants that have been planted at 16 such bridges (eight on each rected the DG Prisons to file a morale,” the official said. stancesof violenceagainstrange
It was 16.28 lakh for 2020-2021, andtheAvenueisexpectedtobe and stored securely for now. intervals. side).Workonthepedestrianun- status report indicating the Removing encroachments is officers. In one such report, a
and15.05lakhfor2019-2020.We ready in time for the next BOLLARDS: The old struc- TREES: Most of the jamun derpasses is ongoing and there measures being taken to ensure a regularpartof thejob now, and range officer says that efforts to
do not have precise comparable Republic Day Parade.” tures have been removed and treeswhichhavebeenaroundfor will be four such underpasses — the safety and security of the it’s a continuous process — as remove an encroachment from
data on non-plan admissions for new ones are being installed. a century remain intact. twoattheRajpath-Janpathinter- three witnesses, who are inside older encroachments are re- the Asola Bhatti Wildlife
previous years, the process was
What’s new, what Officials said the bollards were However, 26 out of those 1,180 section and two where the the prison. The court also asked moved, newer attempts at con- Sanctuaryhad resulted in alarge
moredecentralisedandatschool changes earlier made of sandstone and rai-jamun trees are being trans- Rajpath meets the C-Hexagon. about steps which would be struction keep popping up, he crowdgatheringbeforehisoffice
levelbuthasbecomestreamlined FENCE, LIGHTING: Officials replaced with concrete over the planted tomake spaceforpublic Areas around the sample taken regarding security of two said. Crude, tarpaulin covered to protest against him. He also
as it is online during the pan- working on the project said the years. The plan envisages going amenities such as toilets. While stretch are in different stages of other witnesses, who are cur- structures are sometimes raised claims he received threatening
demic,” a senior official stated. heritage chain link fence and back to sandstone bollards. they are being shifted on the completion. rently out on interim bail. overatwo-dayholiday,headded. calls and messages.


As refugee Afghan women try to get back on their feet, some hurdles
other organisation, guide them. whomremainwithouteducation. to pay rent and for three-square and sister are still there. I called teaches the women how to
SONAL GUPTA While they belong to different “We used to have lots of dreams, meals is more than enough.” my brother when I heard the make the products. In the initial
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 ethnicities — Hazaras, Tajiks and to become something and help The women used to make newsandhetoldmehewasrun- phase, for two-three months,
Pashtuns — a sense of commu- others. Since we came here, all handicrafts, jewellery and cro- ning back to the house from his they will buy the sanitary nap-
AMID THE narrow lanes of nityisevidentinsharedlaughter those dreams were destroyed. chet products that they sold in workplace and there was chaos kins. The organisations, in the
Malviya Nagar, nearly 15 Afghan andcomfortingpatsontheback. These days, we are just learning exhibitions.Sincethepandemic, on the streets. I got so worried, I meantime, are working on ways
women refugees throng a tiny Fearing persecution and vio- howto earn somemoneyto fulfil however, this source of income couldn’t get up for four days.” to get these women larger pay-
basement to learn the art of lence back home, many of them ourbasicneeds,”shesays,adding dried up as orders dwindled and That’s when she decided to mentsandaprofitablebusiness.”
stitching sustainable cloth sani- came to India a few years ago in thatwithoutanAadhaarcardand exhibitions stopped. “It’s been come to the centre — to distract However, lack of bank ac-
tary napkins. The centre set up searchofbettereconomicoppor- bank accounts, most organisa- over a year since we had work,” herself and earn some money. counts among the refugees is a
by two NGOs, Peace Building tunities. With the Taliban’s tions deny them work. says the 40-year-old. The Peace Building Project major challenge. Chandok says
Project and People Beyond takeover of Afghanistan, their While some of the women The student adds that while along with People Beyond they’re exploring more grants
Borders, is hard to miss with hopes to return or see their fami- have UNHCR cards which grant they had been earning at least Rs Borders recently earned a grant and funds to help finish the
voices spilling out on the street lieshavebecomeadistantdream. them refugee status, most don't, 5,000amonththroughsales,even from the UNDP for their project project.
above — a mix of Pashto, Dari, A23-year-oldAfghanstudent, says a volunteer. At the workshop in Malviya Nagar. Sonal Gupta that is lost with the pandemic. to secure a livelihood model for The NGO also provides ex-
Farsi, and Hindi, among others. whoispartoftheproject,saysshe Says a 40-year-old mother of Another woman recounts these women. Kashvi Chandok, pressive art workshops to help
At the centre, the women was once an aspiring business- five, “Sapne hamare paas bilkul how the news of the Taliban cri- one of the programme associ- the women improve their com-
huddleoversewingmachinesas womanandwantedtohelpother nahi hain, bilkul chale gaye hain are all lost). How can I dream of or professionals when I have sis back home had rendered her ates, says: “We have a buy-back municationskillsandconfidence,
instructors from Kamakhya, an- women of her country, many of (Wedon’thaveanydreams,they seeing my kids become doctors nothing? Now, earning enough helpless: “My mother, brother model with Kamakhya, which says Navya, a volunteer.

New Delhi




IUML removes its

Shah,Unionministerspresent Rupani’s daughter
student outfit
vice-president who
lashes out: Is
wearing a stern
backed complainants
Patel was sworn in as the 17th expression...only SHAJU PHILIP
Chief Minister of Gujarat on
Monday at an event in Raj
sign of a leader? THIRUVANANTHAPURAM,
Bhavan that barely lasted 10
Among Patel's first executive AHMEDABAD, SEPTEMBER 13 League (IUML), an ally of the
LINES OPEN actions -- taken even before the
swearing-in ceremony -- was to IN A post on Facebook on
Congress in Kerala, on Monday
removed the national vice-pres-
WHILE CONGRESS is yet to take a final call on the induction of direct the Jamnagar district col- Sunday, former Gujarat chief identof itsstudentoutfitMuslim
poll strategist Prashant Kishor into the party, one gets to hear lector to airlift around 35 people minister Vijay Rupani’s daugh- Students Federation (MSF),
thatithasopenedachannelof communicationwithfirebrand stranded after heavy rains led to terRadhika,wholivesinLondon, Fathima Thahiliya, who had Fathima Thahiliya’s removal
CPI leader Kanhaiya Kumar. If sources are to be believed, flooding in three villages. lashed out at all those who held backed the women leaders who from MSF leadership came
Kumar had a meeting with Rahul Gandhi and two Congress Among those who attended Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel withoutgoing Chief her father’s “soft-spoken”image raised sexual harassment days after IUML disbanded
leaders with a JNU connection acting as intermediary. Kumar, Monday's function at Raj Bhavan MInister Vijay Rupani and others at the oath-taking ashisundoingandrecountedin- charges againsttheir male coun- state committee of Haritha
who rose to fame as president of JNU Students Union, is said andsatonthedaisincludedUnion ceremony in Gandhinagar on Monday. Nirmal Harindran stances from his political life to terparts in the outfit.
to be unhappy with the CPI for several reasons. Sources said ministers Amit Shah, Mansukh say how he had wanted to be a Fathima's removal from the
he wants to play an important role in Bihar politics. The big Mandaviya, Prahlad Joshi, “sensitive” politician. MSF leadership came days after Haritha leaders. The issue was
question is what the Congress can offer Kanhaiya apart from Narendra Singh Tomar, bright orange paper. times to come.” She also said that during the the IUML disbanded the state taken up with the IUML leader-
a meaty organisational role. Parshottam Rupala, Mahendra Before the swearing-in cere- Later, in an interaction with terror attack on the Akshardham committee of Haritha, the ship, which, however, moved to
MunjaparaandDarshanaJardosh. mony, CM Patel had visited the media, Rupani said, “ I hope temple in Gandhinagar in Sept women’s wing of the MSF. The take action against the com-
Also in attendance were Central RupaniandNitinPatelattheirres- that [Bhupendra Patel] walks 2002,“Myfatherwasthefirstper- IUML cracked the whip on plainants.
CHANGE IN AIR BJPleadersBLSanthoshandTarun
Chugh, and the Chief Ministers of
Rupani, to a question on
further ahead on the path of de-
velopment laid out by Prime
Haritha leaders after they re-
fused to withdraw their sexual
After the Haritha leaders
moved the state women’s com-
WHEN HOME Minister Amit Shah reached Gujarat to attend Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Goa Opposition allegations of short- Minister Narendra Modi. Under In the post titled “Vijay harassment complaint lodged mission, the IUML wanted them
the swearing-in ceremony of new Chief Minister Bhupendra andKarnataka.GujaratBJPchiefC comings in his government, said, his leadership, we will win the Rupani from the eyes of a withthestatewomen’scommis- to withdraw the complaint as a
Patel, he was accompanied by Haryana Chief Minister R Paatil and Speaker of Gujarat "Therehasbeennoshortcoming. upcoming elections (for Gujarat daughter”, Radhika wrote, “Very sion. settlement formula. The MSF
Manohar Lal Khattar in the flight. Khattar's presence has got Assembly, Rajendra Trivedi, were But I want to say that such a Assembly).” He added that he few people know that during On Monday, IUML general leaders in the dock, on the other
many party leaders amused. The changes in Uttarakhand, alsoonthedais.Thefamilymem- smoothchangeoverisonlypossi- has extended his help and guid- the major threats of Tauktae secretary P M A Salam said hand, were allowed to continue
Karnataka and Gujarat have rekindled hopes in a section of bersofthenewlyappointedChief ble in the BJP. It would not have ance to the new CM. (Cyclone) and Corona, my father Fathima was removed from the inofficeafterofferinganapology
HaryanaBJPforaleadershipchangeinthatstateaswell.Many Ministersatinthefrontrowofthe been possible in the Opposition" When asked about his future was up till 2.30 am making post on charges of indiscipline. on social media. Last week,
party leaders were wondering whether the topic came up for audience. Prime Minister Narendra course of action, Rupani said, “I arrangements via the CM dash- Thefirst woman torisetothe Navas was arrested in the ha-
discussion between Khattar and Shah. Shah led the new Chief Modi congratulated Patel on willdowhateverresponsibilities board and taking calls.” national leadership of the MSF rassment case, but the IUML put
Minister, outgoing chief minister Twitter,saying,"Ihaveknownhim thepartyentrustsmewith.From Quoting a headline that said when she was made the vice- its weight behind him.

VijayRupaniandDeputyCMNitin foryearsandhaveseenhisexem- theverybeginning,Ihavealways Rupani’s “soft spoken image president in 2016, Fathima had As the women leaders re-
Patel onto the stage. plarywork,beitintheBJPorgan- been a worker… I am connected worked against him”, Radhika stood by the women leaders of fused to withdraw their com-
Pankaj Kumar, the newly ap- isation or in civic administration with the people as a party says “Should there not be sen- Haritha, who had taken their plaint, the IUML dissolved the
ENVIRONMENT MINISTER Bhupender Yadav has been a busy pointedChiefSecretaryofGujarat, and community service. He will worker. I am still a CM — a sitivity and grace in politicians? sexual harassment complaint to Harithacommitteeandformeda
man these days, donning several hats. On behalf of his party, managed the proceedings on the certainly enrich Gujarat’s growth 'Common Man' and as a com- Isn’t it a necessary quality we the state women's commission newonewiththoseseenasloyal
Yadav had to rush to Ahmedabad on Sunday to handle the stage as Governor Acharya trajectory.” mon man, I will connect with need in a leader? He (Rupani) after the IUML failed to address to the party leadership.
change of guard. After remaining engaged in political work Devvratadministeredtheoathof In another tweet, PM Modi everyone.” has taken stern steps and deci- thecomplaintagainst threeMSF When the IUML announced
well pastmidnight,Yadav caught an earlymorningflightback officeandsecrecytothenewChief praisedRupani’sfive-yeartenure On Sunday, Bhupendra Patel sions like anti-land grabbing leaders,includingstatepresident the new list of Haritha office-
on Monday to attend his scheduled meeting with John Kerry, Minister in Gujarati. Patel will be andsaid,“Duringhisfiveyearsas – a first-time MLA from law, anti-love jihad, Gujarat P K Navas. bearers, Fathima had expressed
US Special Envoy on Climate, who arrived here late Sunday. thefifthPatidarCMofGujaratand CM, Vijay Rupani Ji has under- Ghatlodia constituency of Control of Terrorism and The women had alleged that her displeasure. “The issue
the third of the BJP. taken many people-friendly Ahmedabad city -- was elected Organised Crime Act during a state committee meet- wouldberaisedwithintheIUML

After he was sworn in, a little measures. He worked tirelessly Gujarat BJP’s legislature party (GujCTOC), CM Dashboard are ing of the MSF in June this year, again. I would continue to sup-
after 2 pm, the new CM was forallsectionsofsociety.Iamcer- leader in a meeting held at the evidence of this. Is wearing a Navas and two other MSF lead- port the Haritha leaders, until
greeted by leaders on the dais tain he will continue to con- party state headquarters, Shree stern facial expression... the ers had allegedly made sexually they get justice in the party,’’ she
UNION MINISTER Shobha Karandlaje gave apleasant surprise withflowerbouquetswrappedin tribute to public service in the Kamalam. only sign of a leader ?” explicit comments against the said.
to fellow passengers on an Air India flight from Bengaluru to
Hyderabad on Sunday, when she refused special treatment.
This happened when, ahead of take-off, the plane had to re-
turn to the parking bay due to a technical problem. The air-
In-person Quad Summit in
line officials requested the minister to get off the flight and
wait in the VIP lounge till further arrangements were made.
However, Karandlaje refused the offer and asked the officials
US on Sept 24, PM to attend
to make necessary arrangements for all passengers. The offi- Hosting the leaders of the Quad
cials had to ensure that every passenger got similar treatment SHUBHAJIT ROY demonstrates the Biden-Harris
and arranged another flight for all to Hyderabad. NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 Administration’s priority of en-
gaging in the Indo-Pacific, in-
PRIME MINISTER Narendra cluding through new multilat-

CBI quizzes Summons for Modi will travel to the United

States to attend the first in-per-
eral configurations to meet the
challenges of the 21st century.”
Bengal minister CBI, ED officers son Quad leaders’ summit on
September 24. He will also ad-
“The Quad Leaders will be
focused on deepening our ties
Kolkata:ACBIteamMondayques- Kolkata: West Bengal Speaker dress the United Nations and advancing practical coop-
tioned West Bengal Commerce Biman Bandyopadhyay on General Assembly in New York eration on areas such as com-
and Industries Minister Partha Monday said he has summoned on September 25. batting Covid-19, addressing
Chatterjee in connection with an senior CBI and Enforcement The White House an- the climate crisis, partnering on
ongoing probe into the I-Core Directorate (ED) officers on nounced on Monday night: “US emerging technologies and cy-
'Ponziscam'.Athree-memberCBI September 22 to explain why no President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. berspace, and promoting a free
teamreachedChatterjee’sofficeat permission had been taken from will host the first-ever Quad and open Indo-Pacific,” it said.
CamacStreetandquestionedhim the Speaker’s office before sub- Leaders Summit at the White As first reported by The
fornearlytwohours. mittingchargesheetsagainstleg- House on September 24. Indian Express, Modi is ex-
Earlier too, the agency had islatorsofthestateinrecenttimes. President Biden is looking for- pected to travel to Washington
summoned him and Chatterjee Bandopadhyay said the ward to welcoming to the DC and New York in the last
claimed that he was “busy with Speaker'sofficewasnotkeptinthe White House Prime Minister week of September.
pre-poll[Assemblybypoll]meet- loopandnopermissionwastaken Scott Morrison of Australia, This will be his first visit to
ings”. He requested the CBI to from it while initiating action Prime Minister Narendra Modi the United States since
question him at his office, point- againsttheelectedrepresentatives. of India, and Prime Minister President Joe Biden assumed
ing out that he is a senior citizen Several legislators of the rul- Yoshihide Suga of Japan.” charge early this year. This
andcitingthepandemic.Theeco- ing Trinamool Congress, includ- It also said, “The Biden- will be Modi's first in-person
nomic offences wing of the CBI ing ministers, had been Harris Administration has meeting with Biden. The
had written to Chatterjee on chargesheeted and have been made elevating the Quad a pri- two have met virtually on at
September 6. summonedinrecenttimesbythe ority, as seen through the first- least three occasions — the
“They wanted to clarify a few two central probe agencies for ever Quad Leaders-level en- Quad summit in March, the
things. I am ready to cooperate theirallegedinvolvementinPonzi gagement in March, which was climate change summit in
with them,” the minister said. scam cases and the Narada sting virtual, and now this Summit, April, and the G-7 summit in
ENS&PTI footage case. PTI which will be in-person. June this year.

Kerry: 450 GW RE target huge economic

opportunity, US will help India achieve it
thetwocountrieswillfurtherdis- ingcapitaland“enhancingtheen-
ESHAROY cuss the CAF. abling environment” to deploy
NEWDELHI,SEPTEMBER13 The United States Special 450 GW of RE capacity and
Presidential Envoy for Climate demonstrateandscaleinnovative
ON THE second day of his three- saidtheUSwillpromotebilateral clean energy technologies and
day visit to India, United States clean energy investment and promotebilateralcleanenergyin-
Special Presidential Envoy for trade for both products and serv- vestment and trade.
Climate,JohnKerry,saidthatthe ices, and that it is urging all coun- The two countries will also
US will assist India in attracting tries to raise climate ambition in collaborate in building capacities
finance and technology to the lead up to the COP26 confer- to“measureandmanageclimate
achieve its 450 GW Renewable John Kerry with Bhupender ence. He said that if India seizes risks’’.TheUSwillalsoworkwith
Energy target for 2030 — an- Yadav in Delhi. Praveen Khanna the clean energy opportunity, it India for the protection of forests.
nounced earlier by Prime could become the world’s largest Yadav, meanwhile, reiterated
Minister Narendra Modi. marketforbatteriesandsolarpan- India’sstanceoninclusiveandre-
Kerry, along with inNovember. “When I visited els,andthetransitiontocleanen- silient economic development
EnvironmentMinisterBhupender India last in April, I was very ergywasahugeeconomicoppor- alongwithclimateactionandsaid
Yadav, launched the Climate pleased to be able to meet with tunity that would lead to many that goals need to be set “taking
Action and Finance Mobilisation and work with PM Modi to de- jobs. into account national circum-
Dialogue (CAFMD) between the veloptheUS-India2030partner- CallingIndia’stargetofachiev- stancesandsustainabledevelop-
twocountries,whichKerrycalled ship, which PM and President ing450GWrenewableenergyby ment priorities’’. “Recognizing
a “powerful avenue for US-India Biden then announced at the 2030 one of the most “powerful that India is already an attractive
collaboration”.HealsometUnion Summit in Washington. The goals set in the world”, Kerry said destinationforglobalcleanenergy
Minister for Renewable Energy R agenda 2030 partnership estab- thattherewerethreepillarstoCAF investments, I hope this dialogue
K Singh and External Affairs lishedclimateandcleanenergyas mobilisation-throughtheclimate will work to mobilise and deliver
Minister S Jaishankar to discuss a core pillar of the US-India rela- action in which US and India will climate finance primarily as
climate action. tionshipandtheCAFisoneof the develop proposals together to grants and concessional finance,
Kerry’s visit comes ahead of two main tracks of the agenda,” curb emissions. as envisaged under Paris
PMModi’svisittotheUS,andthe he said, adding that the US looks Throughfinancemobilisation, Agreementtostrengthenclimate
COP26 conference in Glasgow forward to PM Modi’s visit when the US will collaborate in attract- action,’’ he said.

New Delhi

Assam to FTs: Give HC sets aside FT

TN clears Bill to exempt state
opinion, not orders order: Citizenship
on nationality important right
from NEET, BJP stages walkout academics.
ARUN JANARDHANAN The government’s move to
Asoruddin’s advocate, M A CHENNAI, SEPTEMBER 13 enact the law was projected as
September 4, the FT members TORA AGARWALA Sheikh, argued that he could not one to ensure social justice, up-
TORA AGARWALA were passing “consequential or- NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 appearforhishearingbecausehe ON A day the Opposition hold equality and equal oppor-
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 ders/directions”, while giving was “very poor” and could not AIADMK blamed the DMK gov- tunity,protectallvulnerablestu-
opinion. “This may not be a cor- IN A significant judgment, the “readily collect the relevant doc- ernment for student suicides dent communities, and ensure a
THE ASSAM government has di- rect approach," the letter said. Gauhati High Court has set aside uments”.“Healsocouldnotcom- due to the unfulfilled promise of robust public healthcare in the
rectedForeigners’Tribunals(FTs) In ‘consequential orders’, the anex-parteorderbyaForeigners’ municatewiththeengagedcoun- cancelling the National state that caters to the rural ar-
—whichadjudicatecitizenshipin courtscandirectgovernmentde- Tribunal (FT) declaring a selnorhiscounselcommunicated Entrance-cum-Eligibility Test, eas as well.
thestate—tosticktogiving“opin- partmentstotakeaction,whilein Morigaon resident as a foreigner with him the subsequent dates theTamilNaduAssemblypassed The committee findings
ion”onaperson’snationality,and an ‘opinion, the government de- in his absence. fixed by the Tribunal. Further, it a Bill to restore the medical ad- pointed out that NEET had un-
refrain from passing any “conse- cides what action needs to be Passing an order on a petition hasbeensubmittedthatthepeti- missions mechanism that ex- dermineddiversesocietalrepre-
quential orders”. taken. filed by Asoruddin, a resident of tioner had to leave the State of isted in the state before the in- sentation in MBBS and higher
A written communication SpeakingtoTheIndianExpress, Moirabari of Morigaon district, a Assam for Kerala for earning his troduction of NEET. medicaleducation,favouringaf-
from Parijat Bhuyan, deputy sec- anofficialof thestate’shomeand Division Bench of Justice Manish livelihood,” submitted Sheikh. The Bill, which allows for ad- AIADMK MLAs outside Assembly on Monday: while it fluent groups while thwarting
retary of the political (B) depart- political department said the re- ChoudharyandJusticeNKotiswar AsoruddinwasmarkedasaD- missions to undergraduate backed move, party blamed government for the suicides. PTI the dreams of underprivileged
ment of the Assam government, centletterwaspartof anongoing Singhheldthatcitizenshipwasan voter or Doubtful Voter “without courses in medicine, dentistry, sections.
to members of FTs on September process of “educating members “importantrightof aperson”and proper examination of his docu- Indian medicine and ho- The report said NEET is “not
4, said that the state judicial de- of the FTs.” shouldbedecidedonthe“basisof ments”,hesaid,addingthatonre- moeopathy on the basis of class Minister M K Stalinsaidthestate mended that the state govern- an equitable method of admis-
partment had carried out a per- “Some of them are not prop- merit” by considering the mate- ceiving notice from the Tribunal, 12 marks, also provides for 7.5 government is moving this leg- mentshallpass anAct,likeTamil sion” and that the exam “has
formance assessment exercise of erly trained and they end up giv- rial evidences that may be ad- Asoruddin on February 12, 2010, per cent horizontal reservation islationasithasthecompetency, Nadu Admission in Professional shattered the hopes and dreams
“opinions” passed by FTs, and ing ‘consequential orders’, or ex- duced by the person concerned appeared before it “as he had no for the students of government saying that admissions to “med- Educational Institutions Act, of TamilNadustudents”,“partic-
found that members had passed tra opinion. That is not their and “not by way of default” as intention to evade proceedings”. schools in medical admission. ical education courses are trace- 2006 (Tamil Nadu Act 3 of ularly, students from the socially
“consequentialorders”whileren- mandate,” the official said. happened in the present case. The counsel representing the TheBillsaidtheNEET“festersin- able to entry 25 of List III, 2007),” Stalin said in the and economically backward
dering opinion — something the According to Bhuyan’s letter, The judges said that the peti- FT objected to Asoruddin’s peti- equality,asitfavourstherichand ScheduleVIIof theConstitution”. Assembly. “Medical admissions classes.”
state's judicial department “has theJudicialDepartmenthasnoted tioner had pointed out that his tionsayingit“oughtnottobeen- more privileged class of society The Bill was crafted on the based on the qualifying exami- Thecommitteesaidstudents
viewed with seriousness”. that consequential orders for name, along with that of his tertained” as he was absent dur- who are able to afford special basis of recommendations from nation will in no way lower the of government schools, those
Set up by the Ministry of “deletionofnamesfromvoterlist, grandparents, parents, has ap- ing the proceedings. coaching, apart from pursuing a state appointed high-level standard of education, since the withafamilyincomeof lessthan
Home Affairs in 1964, FTs are arrest,detentionanddeportation peared in the voters' lists of 1965, However,thejudgessaidthey class 12”. committee by Justice A K Rajan higher secondary syllabus is of Rs2.5lakhperannum,andthose
quasi-judicialbodiesthatadjudi- of the declared foreigners” had 1970 and 1971, as residing in had taken into account While the opposition to look at various aspects and sufficient standard,” he said. fromMostBackwardClasses,SCs
catecitizenshipinAssam,andare been passed. It requested the FT Sahariapam village in Assam’s Asoruddin’s circumstances and AIADMK supported the move, impact of NEET, including Stalin also asserted that it and STs were affected due to the
now the last recourse for the 19 members to adhere to the views Nagaon district. “Accordingly, it therewere“sufficientreasons”for the BJP staged a walkout to “whether the NEET is an equi- was wrong to say that NEET im- NEET system.
lakh excluded from the con- of the department. has been submitted that other- him not being able to appear be- protestagainstthegovernment’s tablemethodforselectionof stu- proved the standard of medical After consideringtherecom-
tentious National Register of According to Mustafa wise, there are sufficient docu- foretheFT.“Weareinclinedtoaf- decision. BJP’s Nainar dentsandalsotoconsidertheef- examination and pointed out mendations of the committee,
Citizens (NRC). Apart from NRC Khaddam Hussain, advocate, mentsandevidencestoprovethat ford another opportunity to the Nagenthiran insisted NEET had fect of mushrooming NEET that Tamil Nadu had the highest another committee headed by
dropouts, FTs have been adjudi- GauhatiHighCourtandAASU le- heisanIndiancitizen,”ordersaid. petitioner to appear before the its benefits like increased pass coaching centres on the educa- number of medical and dental Chief Secretary V Irai Anbu was
cating cases of ‘doubtful voters’ galadvisor,FTmembers“havethe The judges, however, did not Foreigners’Tribunaltoprovethat percentage. tional system in the state”. institutions even before 2017 formed in July, which also rec-
andotherreferencesmadebythe habit of passing orders that sug- overturn the order but sent the he is an Indian, not a foreigner,” Introducing the Bill, Chief “The committee recom- with remarkable standards in ommended nullifying NEET.
Border Police in Assam. gestdeletionofnamesfromvoters matter back to the FT, observing the order said,
As per the Foreigners lists,referencesagainstotherfam- that there were “factual aspects The order added that
(Tribunals) Order, 1964, FTs were ily members... arrests, detention whichmustbeordinarilyconsid- Asoruddin will remain on bail Power minister
constituted to give an “opinion” and deportation etc.” ered by the Foreigners' Tribunal during the proceedings, and that
onwhetherapersonisaforeigner “Suchordersarebeingpassed and not by this Court”. It directed he should appear before the SP asks why Mamata
(31 of 1946).
FT (2nd), Morigaon, on or before
(Border), Morigaon, within 15
days from September 9 furnish- opposing Bill to
However, as per the letter on he said. November 8. ing a bail bond of Rs 5,000.
de-licence discoms

Maharashtra SEC announces bypolls to ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU


OBC seats in local bodies on October 5 POWER MINISTER RK Singh has

questioned the intention of
West Bengal Chief Minister
Mamata Banerjee in opposing
on completing the remaining cent of the seats for women, but the electricity amendment Bill
VISHWAS WAGHMODE stages of by-elections. theelectionswerenothelddueto NCP, BJP TO FIELD in a letter asking the West
MUMBAI, SEPTEMBER 13 The bypolls will be the first
the Covid situation in the state.
On June 22, the SEC an-
OBC CANDIDATES Bengal CM why she wants to
protect monopolies in power
BY-ELECTIONS WILL be held on ter the Supreme Court order on nouncedthatvotingfor70vacant Mumbai: The NCPand BJPon distribution including one in
October5formorethan200seats March 4 reading down the OBC seats in five Zilla Parishads in Monday said they will field Kolkata.
in six Zilla Parishads and quota.Electionstotheseseatshad Dhule,Nandurbar,Akola,Washim OBC candidates in the by- Banerjee had opposed the
PanchayatSamitisinMaharashtra been held earlier subject to the and Nagpur, and 130 seats in the polls for six Zilla Parishads in Bill, which aims to de-license
that were vacated as per the
Supreme Court’s March 4 order
ing the quota that the Supreme
Court was then considering.
33 Panchayat Samitis in their ju-
risdiction would be held on July
Maharashtra to be held on
October 5. The bypolls will
be held for 85 Zilla Parishad
DIDI’S COMPETITION: PRESENT, PAST power distribution, terming
“anti-people” in a letter to Prime
Minister Narendra Modi.
local bodies until the state had Aside from ruling that there notannouncetheby-electionsfor seats and 144 gram pan- BJP’s Bhabanipur bypoll candidate Priyanka Tibrewal, with senior party leader Suvendu Banerjee has raised concerns
enough empirical data on OBCs. would be no OBC quota in local 15 vacant seats of Palghar Zilla chayat seats, with both state Adhikari, on Monday after filing her nomination from Bhabanipur Assembly constituency. that the entry of private discoms
The State Election bodiesuntilthestategathersem- Parishad and 14 seats of their BJP chief Chandrakant Patil She takes on Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in the September 30 by-election. Express as competition would lead to
Commission on Monday an- pirical data on OBCs, the SC also Panchayat Samitis as the district and NCP spokesperson and these discoms “cherry picking”
nounced the bypolls following a ordered the immediate vacation was in level-3 of the state’s Covid minister Nawab Malik con- high paying industrial and com-
September 9 ruling by the apex of the OBC seats and asked the restrictions. firming that their parties mercial consumers leaving state
not applicable to the by-election
tions for these seats.
State Election Commissioner
ing for the five Zilla Parishad and
would field OBC candidates
from seats that had turned
“open” from “reserved
Didi starts Bhabhanipur campaign, discoms to serve poor and rural
“There must be competition
verted to general category seats.
Panchayat Samitis in its jurisdic-
tion would be held on October 5.
for OBCs”. PTI
BJP says she is unsure of victory in this sector so that people can
choose a distribution company
which gives more efficient serv-
the mosque, she interacted with ice at a lower price”, Singh said
AAP’S TIRANGA YATRA IN AYODHYA TODAY EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE TMC DEFERS TRIPURA imams. After stepping out of the in the letter adding that the pri-

Prayed for establishing Ram Rajya in UP: Sisodia KOLKATA, SEPTEMBER 13

CHIEF MINISTER and Trinamool

Agartala: The Tripura Police
catch a glimpse of her.
vate distribution company in
Kolkata had one of the highest
tariffs in the country and is a
He said he also prayed to lord Congress’s(TMC)Bhabanipurby- Monday denied permission At Ward 73, Banerjee went to monopoly.
PRESSTRUSTOFINDIA Hanumana at the poll candidate Mamata Banerjee to TMC national general sec- aTMCmeetingthatwasbeingad- “Why you want to protect
AYODHYA, SEPTEMBER 13 Hanumangarhi temple to bless made a pit stop in the con- retary Abhishek Banerjee to dressed by senior leaders Partha this private company from com-
theAAPtoformagovernmentin stituencyonMonday,kickstarting hold a rally in Agartala on Chatterjee and Subrata Bakshi. petition is not clear,” Singh said.
AAP LEADERS Manish Sisodia Uttar Pradesh so that the people her campaign in what is consid- September 15, prompting However, the chief minister did Singh also said that cross
and Sanjay Singh offered special of the state get good education, ered to be her party’s bastion. the party to defer it by 24 notparticipateinthemeeting.The subsidy would continue post
prayers at the Ram quality health services, electric- Amongotherthings,Banerjee hours.Thepolicehadrefused TMC chairperson is set to partici- delicensing and that new play-
Janmabhoomi and ity,water and employment ?like visitedamosqueinKhidirpur,and to give the approval stating pate in a meeting with non- ers would compete under a
Hanumangarhi temple here as in Delhi". interacted with local people. that another political party BengalivotersonSeptember16at maximum ceiling tariff set by
they launched the party's cam- The two leaders recited the The BJP claimed that the visit had been given permission UttamUdyaninthePadmapukur the regulator.
paign for the 2022 Assembly verses of 'Hanuman Chalisa' at to the mosque was not im- for political activities in the area of Ward 72.
polls in Uttar Pradesh. the Hanumangarhi temple. promptu and indicated that city on the same day. ENS Taking a dig at Banerjee, BJP
They will also lead the Aam Delhi’s ruling party launch- Banerjee was “sweating” as she national leader Amit Malviya Cong questions
Aadmi Party's Tiranga Yatra ing its Uttar Pradesh campaign was not sure of her chances of tweeted, “If you thought
Tuesday in Faizabad that will Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia at a temple in Ayodhya on from Ayodhya -- the city of the winning the bypoll. around 4 pm, went to Kolkata Bhabanipurwasa‘nocontest’and disinvestment
startfromthe18thcenturymau- Monday. PTI country's most disputed reli- The CM’s visit to the con- MunicipalCorporation’sWard77 Mamata Banerjee was confident
soleum of Nawab gious site -- becomes symboli- stituency came on a day her BJP areatotalktopeopleandherparty ofwinninghandsdown,forgetit.” in CONCOR
Shujauddaulah and end at cally important. Political parties and Left Front rivals submitted workers. She visited the area in He added, “She [Mamata
Gandhi Park in the city. Pradesh affairs, offered their lunch with sadhus. including the BJP, the SP the BSP their nomination papers for the Khidirpur where the 25 Pally Banerjee]issweating.Thisvisitto
Sisodia, the Delhi deputy prayers amid the chants of "IprayedtolordRamaforthe have used Ayodhya to kick start September 30 election. DurgaPujaisheld,andalsovisited SolaAnaMasjidisnot‘sudden’but EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
chief minister, and Singh, the mantras. They also took holy dip establishment of the Ram Rajya their campaigns as momentum Banerjee, on her way back theSolaAnaMasjidaccompanied aplannedvisittoseekvotesfrom NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13
AAP's in-charge for Uttar in the Saryu river and had a in Uttar Pradesh," Sisodia said. builds for the 2022 polls. from state secretariat Nabanna bystateministerFirhadHakim.At ward 77.”
THE CONGRESS Monday ques-
investment in the Container
Corporation of India Ltd (CON-

A 24x7 politician – always approachable, a ‘sensitive minister’

Railways of changing the terms
of leasingitslandtoCONCORina
at a financial disadvantage.
inchargeoffrontalorganisations. AmemberofCongresscentral over as PM. The other two were ministerwhowasthenomineeof dolinghisdeath,stated:“Withhis Congress spokesperson
MANOJ C G The three had been given election committee, Fernandes Arun Singh and Ahmed Patel. INC(Urs)--abreakawayfactionof hard work, pleasant nature and Gourav Vallabh asked the Centre
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 some organisational tasks and hadinthepastbeenageneralsec- On Twitter, Senior Congress Congress (I) led by D Devraj Urs. popularity, he became one of the toexplaintherationalebehindits
Fernandes was waiting to hear retaryofthepartyandheadedthe leaderJairamRameshrecalledthat After Sanjay’s death, he be- tallest leaders of Congress party decision. “Why a Navratna com-
THE YEAR was 1983. After a hard from them till late night. When central election authority. Fernandeshadtoldhimthatwhen cameacloseassociateandloyalist from Karnataka who helped the pany that is of strategic impor-
day’s work, three young general there was no word from them, Party leaders remember him RajivGandhiappointedhimashis of Rajiv Gandhi, who first ap- partyinmakingmanyimportant tance, consistently generating a
secretaries of the Congress’s stu- FernandesreachedtheNSU(I)of- as an affable, soft-spoken and ParliamentarySecretary. pointed him as one of the joint decisions. His popularity among profit and declaring average div-
dents wing — the NSU(I) — took fice, only to learn that the three humble person, who believed Fernandeswastheninhisfirst secretariestoassisthiminorgan- thecommonpeopleofKarnataka idendsof Rs365croreperyearin
off to watch a late-night movie in hadgoneforamovie.Thefolklore that politics was about working term as Lok Sabha MP from isational matters and then made is evident from the fact that the last four years is decided for
Delhi. But they were in for a sur- in Congress circles was that for the “have-nots”, and was an OSCAR FERNANDES Udupi. He was elected to Lok him a parliamentary secretary. Oscarji was elected five times to disinvestment?” asked Vallabh.
prise,ashalfwaythroughthefilm, Fernandes got a senior police of- out and out organisation man. 1941-2021 Sabha five times and was a four- “Heworkedover18hoursaday… Lok Sabha...” “CONCOR has over 60 ICDs,
aslidewiththeirnamesappeared ficer to direct some of the movie Pandey recalled that he later time Rajya Sabha MP. and the dedication impressed Congress president Sonia and24aresituatedontherailway
onscreen,askingthemtocontact halls in the city to insert the slide. complained to Rajiv Gandhi that Havingbegunhiselectoralca- Rajiv,”apartyleadersaid.“Hewas Gandhi said, “A Congressman to land.TheRailwayBoardlastyear
the theatre manager. Pandey,orforthatmattersev- theyshouldbeallowedsomefree young…at least we should be al- reer as a member of the munici- unflappable.Neverlosthiscool… the core, a veteran notified a Land Licensing Fees
Surprised, the trio — Ganesh eral senior Congress leaders, re- timeatleastatnight.“Ithinkitwas lowedtoenjoythenight,”Pandey pal council of Udupi after doing wasalwayssmilingandaffection- Parliamentarian, a sensitive (LLF) regime... The LLF being
Shankar Pandey, Pradyut Guha member Fernandes as a 24×7 Odeon cinema or Plaza. And the said. “Fernandes was so commit- farming for several years, ate towards everyone,” a senior Minister who championed the charged by the transporter now
andSubodhKumar—reachedthe politician in every sense of the movie, if I remember correctly, ted and passionate about work.” Fernandes became an MP for the leader said. cause of labour and underprivi- is6%of landvalueinthefirstyear
manager’s office. Awaiting them term.Itwascommontoseealone wasPremRog... IthinkFernandes- It was Fernandes’s hard work first time in 1980 at the age of 39. Rajiv also appointed him as leged, a dedicated organisation of license; the rate will increase
was a message from Oscar queue of visitors at Fernandes’s ji urged the Commissioner to ask thatpromptedRajivGandhitoap- He was handpicked by Sanjay President of Karnataka Congress builder at all levels and an indi- at a rate of 7% annually to factor
Fernandes,thenanAICCjointsec- residence even after midnight the theatre to run the slide. The point him as parliamentary sec- Gandhi to contest the Lok Sabha in 1986. vidual firmly anchored in the in inflation. Now the Modi gov-
retary attached to party general whenhewastheLabourMinister next day when we met Rajiv- retary attached to him in seat from Udupi, where he de- On Monday, former Prime grassroots--ShriOscarFernandes ernment is considering a change
secretary Rajiv Gandhi, who was inManmohanSinghgovernment. ji…we told him…we are December 1984, when he took feated T A Pai, a former Railway Minister Manmohan Singh, con- was all of this and much more.” in the lease policy...” he said.

New Delhi
Booster ‘not appropriate’ now,
Accused knew
posts on
judges: CBI 561 NEW CASES: 23,988 vaccine works: review in Lancet
victim; ‘money
ACTIVE CASES: 3,58,697
where they would do the most
files 4 more BEGAN TOTAL VACCINATION: 74,38,37,643 EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE good, they could hasten the end

chargesheets 340 4,43,214 0.74% 1.35%

dispute’ led to
ther evolution of variants,” said
EVENFOR the Delta variant,vac- leadauthorDrAna-MariaHenao-
cine efficacy against severe Restrepo, WHO.
Covid-19 is so high that booster A consistent findingfromthe
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE doses for the general population observationalstudiesisthatvac-

horror assault
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 are “not appropriate” at this cines remain highly effective
stage in the pandemic, an expert People wait at the civil againstseveredisease,including
THE CBI Monday filed separate reviewbyaninternationalgroup hospital in Thane, Monday that from all the main viral vari-
TESTS TODAY: 13,62,440 | TOTAL TESTS: 54,43,76,516
chargesheets against four ac- of scientists, including some to get vaccinated. Deepak Joshi ants. Averaging the results re-
cused for allegedly making WEEKLY POSITIVITY: 2.05%| OVERALL POSITIVITY: 6.11% from the World Health ported from the observational
derogatory remarks on social Organisation (WHO) and US studies, vaccination had 95% ef-
media against judges and judici- cident took place,” he said. STATES REPORTING MOST CASES Food and Drug Administration declining protection against se- ficacy against severe disease --
ary. The agency said it had filed SAGAR RAJPUT Both the victim and the ac- STATE NEW ACTIVE WEEKLY TOTAL (FDA), has concluded. veredisease,whichistheprimary both from the Delta and the
thechargesheetsbeforeaspecial & JAYPRAKASH S NAIDU cused are homeless and stay on CASES CASES POSITIVITY VACCINATION The review, published in The goal of vaccination. The limited Alpha variant, and over 80% effi-
courtinGuntur,AndhraPradesh. MUMBAI, SEPTEMBER 13 the same stretch of road in Lancet on Monday, summarises supplyof thesevaccineswillsave cacyatprotectingagainstanyin-
■ Kerala 15,058 2,09,256 16.56% 3,17,18,491
The chargesheets were filed Sakinaka.Theaccusedhailsfrom currently available evidence most lives if made available to fection from these variants.
against Dhani Reddy Konda MUMBAI POLICE Commissioner Jaunpur in UP and worked as a ■ Maharashtra 2,740 49,880 0.99% 6,78,91,408 from randomised controlled tri- people who are at appreciable The authors of the review
Reddy, Pamula Sudheer, Adarsh HemantNagraleonMondaysaid tempo driver. The police said ■ Tamil Nadu 1,580 16,522 1.02% 3,90,92,405 als and observational studies risk of serious disease. Even if noted that even if levels of anti-
Pattapu and Lavanuru Samba theaccusedandthevictiminthe they had not found any criminal published in peer-reviewed some gain can ultimately be ob- bodies wane, this does not nec-
■ Andhra Pradesh 864 14,652 2.31% 3,47,38,611
Siva Reddy. Sakinaka murder case were record against him in journals and preprint servers. tained from boosting, it will not essarilypredictreductionsinthe
CBI had registered a case in knowntoeachotherandafinan- Maharashtra. They are trying to ■ Karnataka 673 16,269 0.65% 4,75,28,846 “Taken as a whole, currently outweigh the benefits of provid- efficacy of vaccines against se-
the matter on November 11 last cialdisputebetweenthemledto findoutif Chouhanhadcommit- available studies do not provide inginitialprotectiontotheunvac- vere disease. FULLREPORTON
year against 16 people and had the sexual assault and murder of ted any crime in UP. STATES REPORTING MOST DEATHS credibleevidenceofsubstantially cinated. If vaccines are deployed www.indianexpress.com
taken over the probe of 12 FIRs the 32-year-old woman. Thewomanhadbeenstaying
from Andhra Pradesh CID fol- Nagrale said the accused had with her mother for eight years STATE TODAY’S TOTAL WEEKLY OVERALL
lowing AP HC's order.
CBI said in a statement: “...It
confessed to his crime, and that
there was nothing so far in the
after her husband left her.
However, after a quarrel, she ■ Haryana
1.27% Rethink exclusion of patient suicides
from Covid death data: SC to Centre
was alleged that the key person- police investigation to indicate walkedoutofhermother’shome, ■ Kerala 99 22,729 0.51% 0.56%
nel occupying posts of promi- thatthecrimewaspremeditated. leaving her three daughters in
■ Maharashtra 27 1,41,716 1.13% 2.19%
nence in Andhra Pradesh by in- The 32-year-old woman was theirgrandmother’scare.Shewas
tentionallytargetingtheJudiciary, sexually assaulted and an un- living on the streets since then. ■ Tamil Nadu 22 35,190 1.42% 1.35% personswho committed suicide by a physician while one is ad-
made derogatory posts on social known object was inserted in Officials said that around ■ Karnataka 13 37,517 1.08% 1.27% EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE while they were suffering from mitted there, will be recognised
media platform against Judges her private parts on Thursday 2.55 am on Friday, there was a Note:DataasonSept13;vaccinationnumbersasofSept12.Deathsincludethosecausedbycomorbidities.
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 corona?” The court said exclu- as Covid deaths. But deaths oc-
and Judiciary following some night. She succumbed to her in- verbal argument between sion of a Covid-infected person curringduetopoisoning,suicide,
court verdicts.... Action was also juries in a hospital on Saturday. Chouhan and the victim, follow- THE SUPREME Court Monday who commits suicide from the homicide, accidents, etc, willnot
tered this case to get objection-
The Mumbai Police arrested the
accused, identified as Mohan
ing which the accused began as-
saulting her. “After she fell un- Govt gives ICMR 3 lakh jabs a day: asked the Centre to reconsider
its decision to not treat death by
purview of the guidelines can-
not be prima facie accepted.
be treated as Covid-19 deaths,
evenif theinfectionisanaccom-
able posts removed from social
Chouhan, on Friday evening and
initially booked him for rape.
conscious, the accused took her
inside the tempo, where he al- conditional nod Telangana plans suicide of a person infected with
Covid-19 as deaths occurring
“You have to re-consider
this,” the bench told Solicitor
panying condition, it said.
The Centre conveyed this in
and a lot of such posts/accounts
were removed from internet.”
After the woman died, murder
was added to the FIR.
legedly sexually assaulted her
and killed her by inserting a
to use drones for drive to boost due to coronavirus.
A bench of Justices M R Shah
General Tushar Mehta, who ap-
peared for the Centre.
an affidavit filed in compliance
of the court’s directions on peti-
Theaccused werearrestedin
July and August this year.
Nagrale said that the victim
and accused were known to
sharp object inside her private
parts,” said an officer.
vaccine delivery vaccination rate andASBopanna,whichperused
guidelines jointly issued by the
The Centre had last week
submitted the guidelines to the
tions filed by advocates Gaurav
Kumar Bansal and Reepak
Last month, the Supreme each other and had met multi- Afewhoursaftercommitting Health Ministry and Indian court. According to the guide- Kansal, seeking Rs 4 lakh ex-gra-
CourthadcriticisedCBIandIBfor ple times earlier. “During the in- the crime, Chouhan went to his PRESS TRUST OF INDIA SREENIVAS JANYALA Councilof MedicalResearchsaid lines, cases that are diagnosed tia for Covid-19 victims.
“not helping the judiciary at all” vestigation we have learnt that sister’shouseinAndheri.Thepo- NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 HYDERABAD, SEPTEMBER 13 the guidelines “seems to be through an RT-PCR/ Molecular The court had asked the
in matters relating to security of they had met four to five times lice said he took a bath and okay”. The bench, however, ex- Test/ Rapid Antigen Test, or have Centretobringsimplifiedguide-
judges. A day after the remarks, in the past. There was some washedhisbloodstainedclothes THE CIVILAviation Ministry said THETELANGANAgovernmentis pressed apprehensions on some been clinically determined in a lines for issuance of documents
CBI arrested two individuals. monetarydisputeandthevictim there, after which he put them onMondayithasgrantedcondi- set to launch a special drive to points and asked, “What about hospital or an in-patient facility to the kin of Covid-19 victims.
wasdemandingsomethingfrom inabagandtoldhissisterthathe tional permission to the Indian vaccinate 3 lakh people every-
him, over which there was a ver- was going to Uttar Pradesh. The Council of Medical Research to day against Covid-19. Officials
PADDY PROCUREMENT balargument,afterwhichthein- police arrested him there. use drones in Andaman and said Chief Minister K

For first time, Nicobar Islands, Manipur and

Nagaland to deliver vaccines be-
Chandrasekhar Rao had issued
instructions to officials for start-

Centre to Afghanistan on agenda, yond the visual line of sight.

ing the drive.
A declining pace of vaccina-

check farmers’ Jaishankar set to visit

to use drones up to a height of tions prompted the move, ac-
3,000metrestodelivervaccines, cording to officials.
the ministry's statement said. Officials of the Medical and
land records
Tajikistan for SCO meet Two days back, Civil Aviation
launched a project in Telangana
Health department said that out
of 2.80 crore people above the
age of 18 and eligible for vacci-
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA Prime Minister Narendra under which drugs and vaccines nation in the state, so far, 1.42
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Modi is scheduled to virtually will be delivered using drones. crore people were administered
NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 13 participate in the annual SCO “Thisexemptionshallbesub- the first dose, 53 lakh people
INAfirst,theCentrehasdecidedto summit on September 17 that is ject to the terms and conditions have received both doses and
cross-check land records before EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Minister S expected to deliberate exten- of the said airspace clearance 1.38 crore people are yet to take
the procurement of paddy from Jaishankar is expected to travel sively on the developments in and shall be valid for a period of the first dose.
next month to ensure MSP to Tajikistan this week to attend Afghanistan as well as the over- one year from the date of ap- Telanganarecorded249new
reaches farmers and not traders, a key meeting of the Shanghai all regional security scenario. proval of the said airspace clear- Covid-19 cases on Monday, tak-
Food Secretary Sudhanshu Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Chinese Foreign Minister ance or until further orders, ing the total number of cases to
Pandey said Monday. on the situation in Afghanistan Wang Yi, Russian Foreign whichever is earlier,” the state- 6,61,551.Thestatehassofarcon-
Mostprocuringstates,barring after its takeover by the Taliban, Minister Sergey Lavrov, Iranian ment said. ducted 2,54,32,302 tests.
Assam and Uttarakhand as well sources said. foreign minister Hossein Amir
asJammuandKashmir,areready Meanwhile, Jaishankar said Abdollahian and Pakistani STRESSEDASSETSRECOVERYBRANCH
and have also integrated digital Monday that India is ready to ForeignMinisterShahMahmood dªf»ff À½ffÀ±¹f E½fa ´fdSX½ffSX IY»¹ff¯f Àfd¸fd°f, 2nd Floor, Patna Main Branch Building, West Gandhi Maidan, Patna- 800 001
Publication of Notice regarding possession of property u/s 13(4) of SARFAESI Act 2002
land records with the Centre's sendhumanitarianaidtoAfghan Qureshi are expected to be in ¨fSX£fe QfQSXe Notice is hereby given under the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of
nodal procurement agency Food people as in the past but it Dushanbe for the SCO meetings.
Corporation of India for this pur- should have unrestricted access On Monday, addressing a
Àfc¨f³ff Security Interest Act, 2002 (54 of 2002) and in exercise of powers conferred under section 13(12) read with
Àfcd¨f°f dI ¹ff ªff°ff W` dI ³fZVf³f»f WZ »±f d¸fVf³f IZ °fW°f A³fb¶fa²f Af²ffS ´fS d½fd·fÖf ´fQûÔ ´fS Af½fZQ³f I e rule 3 of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002, a demand notice was issued on the dates mentioned
pose, he told reporters. andtheaidshouldbedistributed high-level UN meeting against each account and stated hereinafter calling upon them to repay the amount within 60 days from the
Pandey said the crop culti- to all sections of society. Jaishankar said India would Aad°f¸f d°fd±f 09.09.2021 ÀfZ ¶fPÞ f I S 22.09.2021 °fI I e ªff°fe W` Ü BÀfd»fE dQ³ffaI 14.09.2021 E½fa
date of receipt of the said Notice.
vatedbyfarmerswhetherintheir The minister will likely hold stand with the Afghan people 15.09.2021 I û Wû³fZ ½ff»fe d»fd£f°f ´fSeÃff À±fd¦f°f I e ªff°fe W` AüS A¦f»fe d°fd±f I e Àfc¨f³ff A£f¶ffS The Borrower having failed to repay the amount, notice is hereby given to the Borrower and the public in
ownlandorinrentedlandwillbe a series of bilateral meetings at but humanitarian aid should be IZ ¸ff²¹f¸f ÀfZ We Qe ªffE¦feÜ A³¹f ªff³fI fSe IZ d»fE I`Ô dOOZ MÐÀf www.nrhmharyana.gov.in ´fS general that the undersigned has taken possession of the property described herein below in exercise of
procured by the government. Tajik capital city Dushanbe with unfettered. He said only the UN d½fdªfM I S°fZ SWZÔ Ü power conferred on him/her under section 13 (4) of said Act read with rule 8 of the said Act on the dates
“It is not necessary for farm- hiscounterpartsfromRussia,Iran hadthecapacitytomonitorsuch WÀ°ff./- CX´f dÀfd½f»f Àfªfʳf-NHM mentioned against each account.
ers to own the land or not. If and Tajikistan among others. endeavoursandreassuredonors. IYf. dÀfd½f»f Àfªfʳf, ¨fSX£fe QfQSXe The Borrower in particular and the public in general is hereby cautioned not to deal with the property and
QcSX·ff¿f- 01250-221333 any dealings with the property will be subject to the charge of the State Bank of India for an amount and
farmershavecultivatedanyland, 4702/HRY
interests thereon.
that will be procured,” he said. The borrower attention is invited to provisions of sub-section (8) of section 13 of the Act, in respect of time
Theideaistocross-checkhow available to redeem the secured assets.
muchcrophasbeencultivatedin Name of Name of Date of
what area and accordingly pro- Account/ Proprietor/ Demand
Description of the Amount
cure it, he said, adding this is Borrower & Partners/
property mortgaged/charged
Notice &
where digital land records inte- Address Guarantors/Owner Date of
gratedcentrallywithFCIwillhelp of property etc. Possession
duringtheprocurementprocess. 1. M/s G D Oil Mrs. Gita Devi W/o Equitable Mortgage of all that part 15.06.2021 `2,02,15,985.00
Agency Mr. Deepak Kumar and parcel of the land & building in the & as on 15.06.2021
The objective behind this Prop.: Mr. name of Mrs. Gita Devi W/o Mr. Deepak 10.09.2021 + accrued interest,
mechanism is that the govern- Vacancy Advertisement Reference No: 2021/01 Deepak Kumar vide Sale Deed No.-14691 dated charges, other
ment procures crop from farm- Kumar S/o 16.12.2008 located at Mouza-Mirzapur, miscellaneous
ers and not traders, he said. APPLICATIONS are invited for the appointment Late Hiraman Ward No.-27(Old)/8(New) within Thana- expenses etc.
Gond Sasaram, Thana No.139, Anchal & from 16.06.2021
of following positions (contractual): Guarangor: Registration Sub-District-Sasaram, thereon.
India to hold • Deputy Manager (Client Acquisition) Mrs. Gita
Devi W/o
Distt.-Rohtas, Bihar, Khata No.-47/(MS
213), Plot No.-43/(MS 3423), Area-
• Assistant Manager (Commercial & Regulatory Affairs)
biennial defence • Assistant Manager (Customer Relations)
Mr. Deepak
04 Decimal. Boundaries of the land
are:-North-Anil Kumar Singh, South-

dialogue with For more details, kindly visit :

www.maritimecluster.org or
Pinki Singh & Usha Devi, East-Rasta
Proposed 8 Feet, West-Kedar Singh &

African nations www.gnlu.ac.in or www.gmbports.org

2. M/s Bharat Shri Ranvijay
Badri Singh.
I. Equitable Mortgage of all that part 10.06.2021 `3,45,79,186.00
Eicher, Prop.: Singh S/o Shri and parcel of the land & building in & as on 10.06.2021
Singh S/o Shri
Dhananjay Singh the name of Shri Ranvijay Singh S/o 10.09.2021 + accrued interest,
Shri Dhananjay Singh vide Sale Deed charges, other
No.-13273 dated 10.12.2007 located at
Mouza-Diliyan, under Municipal Area
expenses etc.
TWO YEARS after the first India-
Africa Defence Ministers' POSITIONS AVAILABLE 1. Sunita within Thana-Sasaram, Thana No.-138, thereon.
Advt. No. TMC/AD-85/2021 08.09.2021 Singh W/o PO, PS & Registry Office-Sasaram, Distt.-Rohtas, Bihar, Khata No.-55(Old)/MS 212(New),
Conclave, India will hold the Mr. Ranvijay Plot No.-195(Old)/MS 722(New), Area-10 Decimal. Boundaries of the land are:- North-
India-Africa Defence Dialogue THE Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) invites applications for the following posts : Singh Surendra Nath Singh (Rasta), South-Plot No.-203, 204 & 205, Sahtu Singh, East-Plot No.194,
on the sidelines of DefExpo in 2. Shri Ram Prasad Singh, West-Plot No.-197 & 198, Sahtu Singh.
March next year. Dhananjay II. Equitable Mortgage of all that part and parcel of the land & building in the name of Shri
India has proposed to make 1 Professor 'F' (Surgical Oncology) HBCHRC, Vizag & HBCHRC, Punjab Singh S/o Shri Ranvijay Singh S/o Shri Dhananjay Singh vide Sale Deed No.-9171 dated 30.06.2014
it aregular event, to beheld with 2 Professor 'F' (Radiation Oncology) HBCHRC, Vizag & HBCHRC, Punjab Jay Nandan located at Mouza-Diliyan, under Municipal Area Ward No.-6A(Old)/27(New)/34(New) within
Ray Thana-Sasaram, Thana No.-138, PO, PS & Registry Office-Sasaram, Distt.-Rohtas, Bihar,
the biennial DefExpo exhibition. 3 Professor 'F' (Medical Oncology) HBCHRC, Vizag & HBCHRC, Punjab
Khata No.-RS 17/MS 417, Plot No.204/MS 730(Part) & 731(Part), Area-1438.8333 Sq.Ft. or
The dialogue will “help build 4 Professor 'F' (Pathology) HBCHRC, Vizag & HBCHRC, Punjab 3.30310675 Decimal. Boundaries of the land are:- North-Ayodhya Singh & Hari Singh, RS Plot
on existing partnerships be- 5 Assistant Professor 'E' (Medical Oncology) (Pediatric) HBCHRC, Vizag No.-195, South-Smt. Sunita Singh, Hal Baydar, East-Smt. Sandhya Devi & Smt. Kiran Devi
tweenAfrican countries&India” and Smt. Sunita Singh, Hal Baydar, West-Prabha Singh, Raghuvansh Singh, Mahendra Kr.
and will “explore new areas of 6 Assistant Professor 'E', Nuclear Medicine HBCHRC, Vizag Singh & Jang Bahadur Singh, RS Plot No.-195 & 203 and Ab Kreta Ranvijay Singh.
convergence formutual engage- 7 Assistant Professor 'E', Medical Oncology HBCHRC, Punjab 3. Smt. Smt. Poonam Devi Equitable Mortgage of all that part and 21.01.2021 `26,31,728/-
ments”, the Defence Ministry 8 Assistant Professor 'E', Palliative Medicine HBCHRC, Punjab & TMH, MUMBAI Poonam W/o Sri Chhathu parcel of the property in the name of & as on 16.01.2021
said in a statement on Monday . Devi W/o Sri Ram Smt. Poonam Devi W/o Sri Chhathu 10.09.2021 + accrued interest,
9 Assistant Professor 'E' (Medical Oncology) (Adult Haematolymphoid) HBCHRC, Punjab Chhathu Ram Ram vide Sale Deed No.7157 dated charges, other
Defence Minister Rajnath 10 Assistant Professor 'E' (Head & Neck Oncology) HBCHRC, Punjab & Sri Chhathu 28.05.2014 situated at Mauza-Makrain, miscellaneous
Singh will host the Defence Ram S/o Sri Khata No.13, Plot No.837, Ward expenses etc.
11 Assistant Professor 'E' (Gynaec Oncology) HBCHRC, Vizag
Ministersof Africannationsinthe Narayan Ram No.09/11, PS-Dehri (146), Anchal thereon.
nextIndia-AfricaDefenceDialogue 12 Assistant Professor 'E' (Transfusion Medicine) HBCHRC, Vizag Dehri, District-Rohtas, Sub-Registry
inGujarat,inMarch2022,thestate- 13 Assistant Professor 'E' (Preventive Oncology) HBCHRC, Vizag Office-Sasaram, Area-10 Dhur (1.5625
mentsaid.Itsaidthebroadtheme Decimal). Boundary: North-Baiju Ram,
14 Medical Superintendent-I HBCHRC, Punjab
South-Rasta 8' then Ramjanam Mahto,
of the event will be ‘India-Africa: Last date for online application is 24.09.2021 upto 05.30 p.m. (Indian Standard Time) East-Niz, West-Krishna Prasad.
Adopting Strategy for Synergizing For details visit our web site : http://tmc.gov.in Date : 10.09.2021 AUTHORISED OFFICER
and Strengthening Defence and HRD OFFICER Place : Patna STATE BANK OF INDIA, SARB, PATNA

New Delhi

Teen run over 3 killed as rain pounds 2 Gujarat dists BRIEFLY

in Alwar, family 3 dead, over 3,000

evacuated in Odisha

alleges role of
THREE PEOPLE were killed and
at least five were reported miss-
ing as torrential rain lashed
Rajkot and Jamnagar districts on EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Rizabawa acted in

cow vigilantes
Monday, throwing normal life BHUBANESWAR,SEPTEMBER13 nearly 150 movies
out of gear, forcing authorities to
evacuate thousands of people THREE PEOPLE died while over
from low-lying areas and keep 3,800 people were evacuated KERALA
schools and colleges closed.
In separate incidents in
from various low-lying areas as
heavy rain lashed Odisha on
run over your brother, now you Rajkot, awomanandabusiness- Sunday.Accordingtothegovern- actorRizabawa
know me,” alleged 20-year-old
man were swept away in their
cars. The woman, Manju
At Laludi Vokri area in Rajkot on Monday. Chirag Chotaliya ment, 19.3 lakh people from 11
districts have been affected. The flooded Loknath temple diesat54
ent at the time of the incident. He Gamara, was reported dead “Two people died in in Puri, Monday. PTI
A16-YEAR-OLDboyinRajasthan’s allegedthatafterAnilhitSabirwith while the businessman, Kishan temporarily closed. while trying to cross a sub- Kendraparaafterawallcollapsed Kochi: Malayalam film ac-
Alwar district, who was out jog- hiscar,anothercarwhichwasalso Shah, along with his driver, is The worst-affected area in merged causeway near Samana and one person died in Khordha torRizabawadiedofheart-
gingwithhisfriendsearlySunday beingdrivenbyhisassociatesdrove missing. Twenty-four people Saurashtra was Lodhika taluka in Jamjodhpur taluka. district due to drowning. A de- ing a six-decade record of 163 related ailments on
morning, was run over deliber- overtheboy. wererescuedbyIndianAirForce of Rajkotdistrict,whichrecorded The heavy downpour led to tailedinvestigationisunderway,” mm rainfall in 1958. Monday, family sources
ately by vehicles driven by self- The police said they were in- helicoptersfromJamnagarondi- 23 inches of rain in 34 hours till water-logging in many parts of Special Relief Commissioner A red alert has been issued in said. He was 54. The actor
styled cow vigilantes, his family vestigating the threat claim. “The rections from newly appointed 4 pm on Monday, followed by RajkotandJamnagarcitiesaswell Pradeep Jena said. seven districts until Tuesday becamepopularforhisrole
members have alleged. family members have said in the Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel. Kalavad taluka of Jamaagar dis- asinruralareasofthetwindistricts. State capital Bhubaneswar morning. According to the Met ‘JohnHonai’inthemovieIn
While police said the boy, FIR that the accused had threat- Three others travelling with trict,whichreceived22inchesof Rajkot Municipal and temple town Puri broke department bulletin, the deep Harihar Nagar. He was ad-
identified as Sabir Khan of Sare ened them before. But in prelim- Manju were reported missing, rain during the same period. CommissionerAmitArorasaidthe theirownrecordssinceSaturday depression over the north mittedtoaprivatehospital
Kalan village in Tijara tehsil, died inary investigation we haven’t according to the district flood Rajkot city received 16 inches of civicbodyhasintensifiedevacua- owing to a deep depression over coastal Odisha is moving west- here three days ago. His
after being hit by two vehicles – found anything to corroborate control-room in Rajkot. rain, while Gondal and Dhoraji tionoperation,anticipatingfurther the north coastal Odisha. northwestwards with a speed of deathcameonMondayaf-
one carrying suspected cow this.Itappearstobeacaseofroad The India Meteorological talukas of Rajkot district riseinwaterlevelintheAjiriver. Between Saturday morning and 12 kmph. “It is likely to continue ternoon. Rizabawa ap-
smugglersandanotheragroupof accident but still, we are carrying Department (IMD) has forecast recorded 12 inches each. In Jamnagar district, a total of Monday, Puri recorded 329 mm to move west-northwestwards pearedonthesilverscreen
peoplechasingthem–thefamily out the investigation and more widespreadveryheavyrainfallin In Jamnagar, authorities said 4,200 people were evacuated, rainfall, said tobe highestsingle- across North Odisha, north in 1990 through Doctor
membersallegedthattheboywas willbeclearaftertheprobe,”said Gujarat till September 18. Ramesh Aghara and his wife including around 1,500 from day rain in September, since Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pashupathi. Later, he acted
deliberatelytargetedoveratiffhe Bhiwadi SP Ram Moorty Joshi. State highway No.25, which Manisha, residents of Jamnagar city, as rivers and 1934whenitreceived210.8mm Pradesh during the next 48 inChambakkulamThachan,
hadwithoneofthecowvigilantes Hesaidnolinkhasbeenfound connectsRajkottoJamnagar,and Jamjodhpur town, died after streams were swollen following rainfall. Bhubaneswar on the hours. It is very likely to weaken Kaaboolivala, Aniyan Bava
last week. betweentheaccusedandanyout- National Highway 27, connect- their car was swept away on torrential rain, District Collector other hand recorded 193 mm intoadepressionduringthenext Chettan Bava, Niram and
Theyaccusedthepoliceoftry- fit yet. ing Rajkot to Junagadh, were Monday morning in a rivulet Sourabh Pardhi said. rainfallduringtheperiod,break- 12 hours,” the bulletin said. Nasrani, among others. He
ing to suppress the case, a charge On the basis of the complaint acted in around 150
denied by senior police officers filed by Sabir's family, the police movies. CM Pinarayi
who said the matter was still un-
der investigation.
The incident took place
(murder), 143 (unlawful assem-
Delhi Police lodges Amid fresh violence in Myanmar, Vijayan and Opposition
among those to express
around 5.45 am on Sunday near
Nehar Khedi Road.
bly) and 506 (punishment for
criminal intimidation), naming
seven accused – Anil, Mintu,
rape FIR against refugees cross over to Mizoram condolences over the ac-
tor’sdeath. PTI

said Sabir along with his friends

and 4-5 days ago, they had an ar-
Himansu, Pushkar, Soun, Rahul
and Abu – all from Haryana.
Three people have been ar-
Myanmar village, close to
Thingsai, the nearest border vil-
26 Myanmar HARYANA
gument with one Anil, who is rested so far, who are not among trict in the early hours of Friday. nationals held 84-daygap
fromanearbyvillageinbordering thesenamedaccused,onthebasis MAHENDERSINGHMANRAL A FRESH wave of violence in AccordingtoPTI,thefreshvi- Guwahati: Assam Police on
Haryana,overthelatter’scareless oftheinvestigation,thepolicesaid. NEWDELHI,SEPTEMBER13 Myanmar on Friday, close to the olence was reported when sup- Sundayarrested26suspected betweendosesof
“On that day, Anil had threat-
gests that a vehicle in which cows DELHI POLICE has registered an Prince Raj
Mizoram border, has led to a re-
newed exodus of refugees into
porters of the Myanmar govern-
ment-in-exile, National Unity
Myanmar nationals, includ-
ing10women,inpossession Covishieldrelaxed
ened my nephew and his friends were being transported hit Sabir FIR under IPC provisions relating the northeastern state, authori- Government (NUG), which had of fake Indian documents,
that‘aftertodayifIseeyourunning first. The people in that vehicle to rape, criminal conspiracy, de- ties said on Monday. called for a nationwide uprising fromalodgeinGuwahati. Chandigarh: Haryana on
on this road, I will run you down were cow smugglers. There was struction of evidence at “We filed a complaint with Delhi According to official data, lastweek,clashedinafiercegun- “Upon interrogation, it Mondayannouncedrelax-
withthiscarandyouwon’tbeable another vehicle driven by locals, Connaught Place Police Station Police in May and moved an ap- 1,546 refugees have entered fight with the military junta's was found that the appre- ationof themandatory84-
todoanythingtome...',”Sabir’sun- whichwaschasingthecowsmug- againstPrinceRaj,theLJPMPfrom plication before a Delhi court in Mizoram districts of Hnahthial forcesinaMyanmarvillageclose hendedpeoplewerecitizens day time period between
cleJuberstatedintheFIR.Anilhad glers.ThisvehicletoohitSabir,”said Samastipur in Bihar, on the basis July.Thecourtdirectedthepolice and Champhai between Friday to the border with Mizoram. of Chin state of Myanmar thefirstandseconddoseof
flaunted his ties with Gauraksha HariRamKumawat,DSP,Bhiwadi of a complaint filed by a woman to lodge an FIR against MP Prince and Monday. As on September 1, 9,450 and were on way to Delhi to Covishield vaccine against
DalandBajrangDal,healleged. policecircle.“AnFIRhasalsobeen three months ago. The FIR also RajandhiscousinChiragPaswan.” An official from the state’s refugees, including about 20 study Bible (theology),” the Covid-19 for certain cate-
After running over Sabir, the registeredatTauruSadarpolicesta- namedLJPleaderChiragPaswan, In her complaint, the woman, home department said that Myanmarese legislators, were policesaidinarelease.Acase gories of people who are
accusedalsoremindedhisfriends tion in Nuh district of Haryana who, the complaint alleged, con- aformerLJPoffice-bearer,claimed “new influx” has been reported taking refuge across 10 districts hasbeenfiledatPaltanBazar required to travel abroad.
of the threat, he alleged. againstthecowsmugglersand15 spired to delay the action against shemetPrinceforthefirsttimeat in the last two days after a mili- of Mizoram. The number is now police station. ENS In a letter, the Mission
“Eachday,severalofourfriends cowswerefoundintheirvehicle.” his cousin Prince. thepartyofficelastyear.“Imethim tary camp was attacked in a 11,065 after Friday’s incident. Director (National Health
would go jogging on that road. The police denied the allega- The police lodged the FIR on several times and in one such Mission), wrote that while
Some time back, we had an argu- tions of police inaction. “An FIR September9ondirectionsfroma meeting... He gave me a glass of earlier, a relaxation of the
ment with Anil when we asked hasbeenregisteredinHaryanare- Delhicourt,afterthecomplainant waterandafterconsumingit,Ifell KARNATAKA timeperiodbetweendoses
himnottooverspeedsincewerun lated to cow smuggling and we approached it. unconscious,” she alleged. “I re- was given to people who
on that road. Anil had threatened
us at that time. He works with
have registered an FIR regarding
thedeathof thekid.Itiswrongto
Chirag and Prince did not re-
spond to calls from The Indian
gained consciousness and found
my head on his shoulder. He told 1 year after Dalit woman stripped and had to travel abroad for
“education, employment

assaulted, 4 held after video emerges

Bajrang Dal. On Sunday morning, say that police are trying to sup- Express seeking their version. me I was unwell and then I re- or official purposes, and
afterrunningoverSabir,heslowed press the matter,” said SP Ram Prince is one of the five LJP MPs turned home. I questioned him participationinOlympics”,
down the car and told me, I have Moorty Joshi. whorebelledagainstChirag'slead- again...hethenshowedmeavideo these relaxations have
ershipinthepartyinJunethisyear. recordedbyhim,”shealleged.“He Theincidenttookplaceayear trace the accused and the victim now been extended for
On February 10, Prince had was making physical relations EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE agobutthepoliceactioncameaf- from the video, police said. people “in any circum-
lodged an FIR of extortion against with me and he ensured that his BENGALURU,SEPTEMBER13 ter it emerged recently on social YadgirSPCBVedamurthysaid, stances in which foreign
the complainant. “It has come to face is not visible in the video. He media. “It(incident)cametolightonlyaf- travel may be unavoid-
myknowledgethatawomanhas proposed marriage to me and FOUR PEOPLE, including a home Those arrested were identified terthevideowentviralasnocom- able”. ENS
levelled some allegations against threatened me that he would put guardwhoalsoworkedasadriver as autorickshaw driver Ningaraju plaint had been filed earlier,”
me. We had filed a complaint on it [the video] online.” She alleged at a police station, have been ar- (24),Ayyappa(23),Bheemashankar Vedamurthysaid. UTTARPRADESH
February 10 itself and submitted
Prince then started visiting her
rested for their alleged role in an
of Shahapura. While Ayyappa
However, a senior police offi-
cer said on condition of Aideofgangster
Advocate Sudesh Kumari
Jethwa, who is representing the
relationship”. She claimed on
January 15 she informed party
trict in which a woman from the
Dalit community was stripped
works at a petrol pump,
anonymity, “the woman had ap-
proached the police previously
woman in court along with two chief Chirag, who allegedly pres- and assaulted by five men, police andSharanuisastreetvendor. and had filed a complaint. Later STF‘encounter’
others, told The Indian Express, suredhernottofilethecase. said on Monday. Thedistrictpolicewereableto they arrived at a compromise.”
Lucknow: Deceased gang-
OFFICE OF THE CHIEF sterMunnaBajrangi’sclose
CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER Former East associate,whocarriedare-
ward of Rs 1 lakh in ex-
Bengal footballer
change for information on
(E-Mail: [email protected], Tel/Fax:- 0680-2404287) him, was gunned down by
No. E-Tender // 3381 //RWC//BAM//Dated. 08.09.2021
joins Goa Cong
the UP Special Task Force
2nd Corrigendum to Bid identification No. Online (STF) in a purported en-
Tender/13-2021-22/BPR counter under the
Due to unavoidable circumstances, the tender for Chaubeypur police station
the above Bid Identification is hereby cancelled. EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE limits in Varanasi on
PANAJI, SEPTEMBER 13 Mondayafternoon.Deepak
Chief Construction Engineer Verma had been abscond-
R.W. Circle, Berhampur FORMER FOOTBALLER Alvito D’Cunha ing since 2015 and booked
OIPR- 25071/11/0015/2122 wasMondayinductedintotheCongress’s in at least 26 cases, mostly
Goaunitaheadof theAssemblypollsnext in Varanasi, of murder, at-
year. D’Cunha, who played for domestic tempt to murder, loot and
football giants East Bengal, joined the extortion. After Bajrangi’s
party in Panaji in the presence of senior murder in a Baghpat jail in
CAD-1166 state leaders. 2018,Vermahadreportedly
Bureaucrat- started his own gang. ENS
Elvis Gomes, who BIHAR
the Govtaimsfor
Congress, intro-
duced D’Cunha as
a ‘Made in Goa’ onPMbirthday
footballer who
Alvito D’Cunha shot to fame in Patna: Bihar Chief Minister
Kolkata. Nitish Kumar on Monday
The former saidhisgovernmentwould
winger was welcomed run a special campaign so
NATIONAL HYDROLOGY PROJECT with a Congress jersey that a record number of
bearing the number people get vaccinated
nine. “You are now the against Covid-19 on
STATE PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT (SPMU), ODISHA official player of the September 17, the birthday
A-447 Invitation for Bids for Goods under Shopping Indian National ofPrimeMinisterNarendra
NHP PIP Code : A1.7.01 NHP PIP Pkg No. NHP-2021-2022-OD-854492 Congress,” Gomes told Modi.Thedriveforvaccinat-
Bid Ref No.: NHP/OD-GW/MON/2021-22/12 Date:09.09.2021 D’Cunhaattheinduction ing6crorepeoplestartedon
1. The SE, GWD & Procurement Officer GW), SPMU (NHP_Odisha), Bhubaneswar invites Bids which shall be submitted in the
e-Procurement Portal for the following Goods:
ceremony in the July 1 and is scheduled to
Sn Item Description & Qty Delivery Location Delivery Period Congress House in continuetillDecember,but
1 GW Monitoring equipment (Geological Field Kit comprising of TEN Directorate of GWD, HP Administrative Building, Unit-8, 60 days Panaji. D’Cunha said that the administration will try
different items ) - 18 Nos as per the Technical Specification of the Bid. Delta Square, Bhubaneswar,- 751012 Odisha
2. Detailed Invitation for Bid is available on www.tendersodisha.gov.in.The Bidding Document is also available online from
he had joined the party to achieve the target before
dt. 14.09.21, 1100 Hrs to dt. 04.10.21 upto 1400 Hrs and can be downloaded free of cost by logging on to the website tobeits“sportsicon”and the set time frame, he said.
"www.tendersodisha.gov.in". would support any can- “We will run a special cam-
3. The deadline for on-line submission of Bids is 04.10.21 at 1400 hours. Bids will be opened on-line on dt.04.10.21, 1500hours.
4. Bidders are advised to note the minimum qualification criteria specified in the bidding documents. Interested Bidders may
didates the party paignonthebirthdayofPM
participate in the bidding process as per instructions given in the Bidding Documents. chooses to contest the Modi on September 17 to
Name & Address of Purchaser: Assembly polls. help maximum people get
Name:B K Pathi, D’Cunha said that he inoculatedagainstCovid-19
I/C SE, GWD & Procurement Office(GW)
SPMU (NHP_Odisha), Bhubaneswar. was a fan of West Bengal in the state,” Kumar said.
Address: HP Admin Building, Unit-8, Delta Square, Bhubaneswar-751012 CMMamataBanerjeeand Kumar applauded the ef-
Telephone - 0674-2561038 E-mail: [email protected] hadcampaignedforherin forts of the health depart-
SE, GWD & Procurement Office(GW)
West Bengal ahead of the ment in tackling the Covid-
SPMU (NHP_Odisha), Bhubaneswar.
OIPR- 32002/11/0009/2122
Assemblypollsearlierthis 19 crisis so far. PTI

New Delhi

If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to [email protected]

TOTAL VACCINATED IN INDIA (at least one dose)
Political binaries that came
to inform Indian politics
56,48,34,748 ■ Firstdose ■ Seconddose


60,00,000 ThebinarychoicefromPresidentGeorgeWBush—‘withusoragainstus’—cametoinformseveralsubtexts
19,16,362 18,97,482
dozen organisations in the country, including
Sep 3
LAST 10 DAYS (daily) Sept 12 SIMI. “I was deeply disappointed over the
Congress party’s proclivity to view POTA
through the prism of vote-bank politics,”
TOTAL DOSES COVISHIELD COVAXIN lies,ithadconductedacontemptiblecampaign

74,38,37,643 88.2% 11.7% to project POTA as ‘anti-Muslim’. But what


(Sputnik V’s 8,42,819 doses Ravish Tiwari led UPA government repealed POTA in
tant legislative disarming of India’s battle
not representedin pie) ONEHUNDREDandseventeenIndiannation- against terrorism to be one of its proud
als or persons of Indian origin were killed in achievements.”
DOSES ON SEPT 12: 56,30,265 the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. In Hewentontocaution“allpatrioticIndians
theyearsthatfollowed,thelongshadowofthe tothinkaboutthegravesecurityimplications
SEPT 11: 76,17,690 (1ST DOSE: 45,60,538; 2ND: 30,57,152) attacks touched the lives of a very large num- of such short-sighted and expedient policies,
berof peopleinthiscountry,andleftapromi- L K Advani's ‘Mazboot Neta, Nirnayak Sarkar’ pitch did not succeed in 2009. Five which have made India ‘a soft state’.”
nent signature on its domestic politics. years later, Narendra Modi leveraged the image of a strong, decisive leader to UnliketheRamTemple,whichtappedinto
INDIA ACTIVE CASES 3,74,269 The 9/11 attacks lent global credibility to spectacular effect. Express Archive Hindureligioussentimentsforapoliticalpur-
the concerns long expressed by India about pose,thesubtextofterrorismsoughttousena-
cross-border(transnational)terror.Theattacks tionalsecuritytoburnish theBJP’s ideological
4,50,000 made it easier for the Indian state to jettison in the Assembly in 2003, the Union Home Ministry politics.Advani’scampaignsloganforhis2009
the remnants of its Cold War mindset, and to drawing from POTA and the had filed an affidavit in the prime ministerial bid was “Mazboot Neta,
beunapologeticaboutmovingclosertotheUS. Maharashtra Control of GujaratHighCourtjustifying Nirnayak Sarkar”. It did not bring Advani the

4,05,681 3,74,269 Internally, the political fault lines that Organised Crime Act the refusal to grant consent electoral success he had hoped for — but five
2,25,000 emerged as part of the complex social conse- (MCOCA), 1999. But to the GUJCOC Bill. years later, his political protégé Modi would
quencesoftheattackshavecontinuedtoshape PresidentAPJAbdulKalam Thecurrentgovernment successfully tap into the yearning for a
Indian politics in direct and indirect ways. withheldhisassent,andhis has used the laws enacted strong/hardgovernmenttounseattheflailing
Some of the most commonly articulated successors Pratibha Patil by the UPA after the repeal UPA with a historic majority.
0 binariesofthelasttwodecades—secularism/ andPranabMukherjeesent of POTA to prosecute 16 ac-
Sep 3
LAST 10 DAYS Sept 12
pseudo-secularism (alleged vote-bank poli- the Bill back to the Gujarat 20 YEARS cused in the Bhima ■■■
anti-national — have been informed by as-
LATER Koregaon case. The judicial
deferencetowardstheexec- Thesimplisticbinarychoiceformulatedby
Note: The Sept 12 figures in these graphs are based on the government updates on Sept 13
sumptions born out of global Islamophobia, Ram Nath Kovind, the BJP’s utive that is built into these PresidentGeorgeWBush—“withusoragainst


andtheclamouraroundtheworldfor‘strong’ own man, in Rashtrapati PART 3 lawshasmeantthereislittle us” — came to inform several subtexts in do-
or ‘tough’ government policy post-9/11. Bhavan, that the law — with reprievetotheaccusedirre- mesticpoliticsintheyearsafter9/11.Theseem-
Source: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, updated at 11 pm on September 13 The insecurity and anxieties triggered by some key changes — came NEXT: spectiveoftheirage,gender, ing preference for a decisive, centralised gov-
Islamistterrorismfedintoareactionaryjingo- into force. Amit Shah, who India's national or medical condition. ernment that would hand out instant justice
isticnationalism,andmadetheHindutvarhet- hadpilotedtheBillinGujarat security response without wasting time in deliberation has en-
oricoftheBJPmoreappealingtomorepeople. asjuniorhomeministerafter ■■■ tered the popular psyche.
Masks do not increase body TheyhelpedboostpoliticianssuchasNarendra
Modi and Amit Shah, who would use this
it was rejected by the
Presidentin2009,isnowUnionHomeMinister. The Hindutva politics of the Ram Temple
ArvindKejriwal caughtthe nation’s imag-

temperature during exercise launchpad to spectacular effect, and eventu-

ally reshape domestic politics.
Throughthisperiod,theBJPunderlinedthe and the political counter to the alleged ap-
seemingbinaryof itsownmuscularnational- peasementofminorities,whichpropelledthe
ismandpatriotism,versustheallegedpolitical BJPunderVajpayeeandLKAdvani,haditslim-
allegedly corrupt people through his Lokpal
choice he offered came wrapped in national-

in the heat, study shows ■■■ appeasement of Muslims by the Congress, itations — these were exposed in 2004 Lok
which,itwassuggested,extendedtoasoftness Sabhaelectionsthatfollowedthepoliticalpo-
expandthefootprintof theAamAadmiParty,
The most overt imprint of 9/11 was seen of approach towards Islamist terror. larisation after the 2002 Gujarat riots. The se- heisseekingtofollowtheHindunationalistic
A NEW PAPER published in Sports pants’ faces. in the enactment and use of anti-terror laws So,whenCongresspresidentSoniaGandhi riesofterrorattacksacrossthecountryduring arch of the BJP.
Health has demonstratedthatexercis- They found the sport mask and such as the Prevention of Terrorism Act referred to “maut ke saudagar” during the the Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh govern- PrimeMinisterModi’sdemonetisationde-
ing in the heat with a face mask on gaiter became significantly more hu- (POTA), Gujarat Control of Organised Crime Gujarat election campaign of 2007, Modi hit mentsaddedtothenationalanxiety.Theglobal cisionof2016,takenwithlimitedconsultation,
does not significantly increase body mid as the materials absorbed more Act (GUJCOCA), and National Investigation back with barbs on the delay in hanging Afzal post-9/11IslamophobiahadanIndiachapter; can be framed within the paradigm of the
temperatureorheartrateduringexer- sweatandwatervapourfromexhaled Agency (NIA) Act, and amendments in the Guru, who had been covicted under POTA for there was also a feeling that governments strong, decisive leader. The surgical strikes
cise. Ayami Yoshihara, director of air. While participants did report a Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) his role in the 2001 Parliament attack case. needed to be tougher on terror. across the LoC were intended to be a decisive
Sport Safety at the greater degree of breath- over the last two decades. “Soniaben,if youcannothangAfzal,handhim In his autobiography My Country, My Life, repudiationoftheimageofthe‘softstate’that
University of ing discomfort during ex- POTA, India’s version of the USA PATRIOT over to Gujarat. We will hang him,” Modi releasedaheadoftheelectionsof2008,Advani Advanilamented.WhetherIndiaissoftorhard
Connecticut’s Korey ercise with a facemask Act of 2001, was passed in March 2002, in the tauntedher,turninghisprovincialelectioncam- wrote: “No faith condones the killing of inno- in its response to the Chinese on the LAC in
Stringer Institute, tested because of the changes in aftermath of the attacks in the US and on paignintovirtuallyanationalideologicalbattle. cent persons and therefore, terrorists have no Ladakh, however, remains an open question
four kinds of face mask: humidity and tempera- Parliament on December 13, 2001. The Battered politically by a string of corrup- religion. Nevertheless, it is also an irrefutable —onethattheoppositionhasnotbeenableto
a surgical mask; an N95; ture inside of the face Congressanditsallies,whowerecriticalofthe tion scandals, the UPA government did hang factthatoneof themostvirulentformsof ter- spin enough to corner the government.
neck and goes over the PAPER mask, there was no rela-
tionship between re-
harsh provisions of the Bill, ensured its defeat
in Rajya Sabha where they were in a majority
Afzal Guru less than a year before the 2014 rorism in our times seeks the cover of Islam...
elections—buttheBJPhadbythenseizedthe The ideological basis of terrorism in India has
nose and mouth); and a
sport mask. None of CLIP ported discomfort and
measures of body tem-
Vajpayeethentooktherarestepof gettingthe
initiative on the ‘national security’ issue. been unmistakably anti-national in its intent
Earlier, worried about the political fallout and pan-Islamic in its appeal.”
slaughter, and the laws against inter-religious
marriages, have all been presented by the BJP
them significantly in- perature and heart rate. Bill passed in a joint sitting of Parliament. The from the attacks on Mumbai in November AdvanipaintedtherepealofPOTAasemas- andgovernmentintermsofnational/anti-na-
creased body tempera- NEW RESEARCH According to the re- law was repealed within months of the 2008,theUPAgovernmenthadamendedthe culationofIndia’sfightagainstterrorism,done tional binaries.
ture or heart rate com- lease, Yoshihara hopes Congress-led UPA coming to power in 2004. UAPA and constituted the NIA, drawing from for the alleged political appeasement of
pared to the group without a face this research can help shape guide- Meanwhile,thegovernmentof thenChief thesamePOTAprovisionsthatithadrepealed Muslims.Ashomeminister,Advanihadlever- (Ravish Tiwari is political editor and
mask, UConn said in a press release. lines for athletes who are exercising MinisterModihadintroducedtheGUJCOCBill in2004.Onlymonthsbeforethe26/11attacks, aged the provisions of POTA to ban over two chief of political bureau)
Participants walked or jogged for and competing during the summer

Govt moves on edible oil prices: why now

60 minutes in a 90°F (32°C) environ- and into the fall while ambient tem-
ment at low to moderate exercise in- peratures are still high. “It’s feasible
tensities. Yoshihara and her team also and safe to use masks during low to
measured the humidity and temper- moderate intensity exercise in the
ature inside and outside of the face heat,” the release quoted Yoshihara as
mask.They placed asensorinsideand saying. leged hoarding of it by the stock holders,” oil, from Rs 104.27 to Rs 151.43 for soya oil, vived over the last few days, the uneven
outside of the facemasks on partici- Source: University of Connecticut PARTHASARATHIBISWAS Sensarma wrote. The government has asked from Rs 126.17 to Rs 172.55 for mustard oil, spread has already taken its toll on crops. A
PUNE, SEPTEMBER 13 for declaration of stocks held by traders, and from Rs 94.18 to Rs 132.46 for palm oil. long dry spell from July until the end of
millers,stockistsetcwhichwouldbeverified The price of even Vanaspati, which is sold as August has put crops under moisture stress.
WITHMONTHSleftforelectionsinfivestates by the state government. The latter have an economical substitute for ghee or butter, In a recent crop status and health report,
includingUP,theCentrehas beentakingvar- beenaskedtomonitorpricesof edibleoiland has risen from Rs 94.18 to Rs 132.46 per litre. the Indore-based Soyabean Processors
ious measures to control prices of edible oils. oilseeds on a weekly basis. Association of India (SOPA) has indicated
Thisisthe Centre’ssecondsuchinterven- Why interventions now crops over 12.83% of the total 115.513 lakh
Interventions so far tion since August, when it reduced import Two main reasons can be attributed to hectare (lh) sown area is in poor condition.
On Thursday, Manisha Sensarma, duty on soyabean oil and sunflower oil, from the decision so close to the start of the kharif Bimal Kothari, vice chairman of India
Economic Adviser of the Ministry of Public 38.50%to 30.25% (crude) and from 49.50% to harvest,expectedtostartnextmonth.Ahead Pulses and Grains Association (IPGA), re-
Distribution, Food and Consumer Affairs, 41.25% (refined). of Assembly polls, food inflation is the last ferred to the lull in the monsoon in August.
wrotetotheChief Secretariesof allstatesand thing any government would want to face. “Although the kharif crop has been sown a
Union Territories directing their attention to The price rise The other reason is uncertainty over the little more than last year, the actual output
the spurt in price of edible oil and oilseeds. Edible oil prices have risen 20-30 % year- harvestduetoanunevenspreadof monsoon will be known only during the harvest time.
“Recently despite reduction in import duty, on-year,fuelledbyglobal trends.Averagere- rains. As of Friday, the country has received If the crops face heavy rainfall activity dur-
a sudden spurt in prices Edible oils/oilseeds tail prices have risen from Rs 150.50/litre a 720.7mmrainfallasagainstthenormal777.3, ingharvestperiod,wemayseesomedamage
has been observed which may be due to al- year ago to Rs 177.91 now for of groundnut anshortfallof 7%.Whilethemonsoonhasre- to urad and moong crop,” he said.

T+1 settlement system: how it works, and how it will help investors
month’s advance notice to the market. Any atrade.Further,thecapitalblockedinthesys- the money only after three days. hedgetheirnetIndiaexposureindollarterms riskandlowermarginrequirementsaswellas
GEORGEMATHEW subsequent switch (from T+1 to T+2 or vice temtocovertheriskoftradeswillgetpropor- InT+1,settlementofthetradetakesplace at the end of the day under the T+1 system. thefirm’splansforgalvanisingthenecessary
MUMBAI,SEPTEMBER13 versa)willbesubjecttoaminimumperiod.A tionately reduced with the number of out- in one working day and the investor will get In 2020, SEBI had deferred the plan to supportfortheprojectacrossawiderangeof
stock exchange may choose to offer the T+1 standingunsettledtradesatanypointoftime. themoneyonthefollowingday.Themoveto halve the trade settlement cycle to one day market participants. In order to move to T+1,
IFSTOCKMarkusexchangesagreetothepro- settlementcycleonanyofthescrips,aftergiv- Systemicriskdependsonthenumberofout- T+1willnotrequirelargeoperationalortech- (T+1) following opposition from foreign in- industryparticipantsmustalignandagreeto
posalfortheT+1settlementsystemmadeby ingatleastonemonth’sadvancenoticetoall standing trades and concentration of risk at nicalchangesbymarketparticipants,norwill vestors.Accordingtoanearlierschedule,the shorten the settlement cycle by implement-
the Securities and Exchange Board of India stakeholders, including the public at large. critical institutions such as clearing corpora- it cause fragmentation and risk to the core Sebi board was to decide on the issue at one ing the necessary operational and business
(SEBI), investors will get money for shares tions,andbecomescriticalwhenthemagni- clearance and settlement ecosystem. of its board meetings in 2020. changes, and regulators must be engaged,
they sold or bought in their accounts faster, WhyT+1settlement? tude of outstanding transactions increases. In April 2002, stock exchanges had intro- DTCC said.
and in a safer and risk-free environment. AccordingtoaSEBIpaper,ashortenedcy- Thus, a shortened settlement cycle will help ducedaT+3rollingsettlementcycle.Thiswas What’stheglobalscenario? Based on extensive industry engage-
clenotonlyreducessettlementtimebutalso in reducing systemic risk, SEBI says. shortened to T+2 from April 1, 2003. InFebruary2021,theUSDepositoryTrust mentconductedbyDTCCthroughout2020,
WhathasSEBIallowed? reduces and frees up the capital required to & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), the premier early indications suggest market partici-
On September 7, SEBI allowed stock ex- collateralise that risk. T+1 also reduces the HowdoesT+2work? Whyareforeigninvestorsopposingit? marketinfrastructurefortheglobalfinancial pants favour the move to T+1, especially
changes to start the T+1 system as an option number of outstanding unsettled trades at If aninvestorsellssharesonTuesday,set- ForeigninvestorshavewrittentoSEBIand servicesindustry,releasedatwo-yearindus- during times of high volatility and stressed
inplaceofT+2.IfitoptsfortheT+1settlement anyinstant,andthusdecreasestheunsettled tlementofthetradetakesplaceintwowork- theFinanceMinistryaboutoperationalissues try roadmap for shortening the settlement markets. “Based on simulations detailed in
cycleforascrip,thestockexchangewillhave exposuretoClearingCorporationby50%.The ing days (T+2). The broker who handles the theywouldfacewhileoperatingfromdiffer- cycle for US equities to one business day af- the paper, DTCC estimates that a move to
to mandatorily continue with it for a mini- narrowerthesettlementcycle,thenarrower tradewillgetthemoneyonThursday,butwill ent geographies — time zones, information ter the trade is executed (T+1). DTCC high- T+1 could bring a 41 per cent reduction in
mum 6 months. Thereafter, if it intends to the time window for a counterparty insol- credit the amount in the investor’s account flowprocess,andforeignexchangeproblems. lighted the immediate benefits of moving to thevolatilitycomponentof NSCC’smargin,”
switchbacktoT+2,itwilldosobygivingone vency/bankruptcytoimpactthesettlementof only by Friday. In effect, the investor will get Foreign investors will also find it difficult to T+1, including cost savings, reduced market DTCC said.

New Delhi



It is time we recognised the huge contribution
that migration has made to the economic
growth of this country. — JEREMY CORBYN

War and terror



KeralaCatholicChurch’sclaimof a‘narcoticsjihad’isunwiseand
9/11SETTHEstageforAmerica’s“globalwaron based on scriptural injunctions, cultural aver- well as energy interests in Iran.
disquieting,canunsettlecommunalpeace terror”.TheattacksbyalQaedaonSeptember sion and a deep sense of revenge for humilia- The gap between the objectives of

11, 2001 against the military and economic tions inflicted by the West. An upsurge in ter- America’s war on terror and actual achieve-
N INFLUENTIAL CATHOLIC bishop in Kerala has triggered a controversy by al- symbols of the foremost global power were rorism, civil conflict, refugee flows and mentisclearinourregion.Theterroristshave
leging that a “narcotics jihad” is being waged by Islamist groups to endanger bound to trigger a global American response. unprincipledlocalcompromiseswithextrem- neitherbeendefeatednortheirorganisations
youthbelongingtootherreligionsinthestate.Christiangirlswerefallingprey Theattackselicitedoutpouringsofsympa- ism discredited the war on terror. President destroyed, either in Pakistan or Afghanistan.
to“lovejihad”,healsosaid,anallegationthechurchfirstmadesomeyearsago, thyandsolidarityworldwide,evenfromcoun- BarackObama,in2013,loweredhissights,dis- DespitePakistan’sstatesponsorshipofterror-
which has then been weaponised by the Sangh Parivar. Christian and Muslim groups have trieshostiletotheUS.Theshockedrealisation cardedthewaronterrorphraseology,narrow- ism, not only against India but also against US
that well-organised terrorism could cause ing down the “boundless war on terror” to “a forces in Afghanistan, the US has looked to
grand-scale mayhem anywhere must have seriesofpersistent,targetedeffortstodisman- Pakistan to facilitate its withdrawal from
for a central law to deal with “love and narcotics jihad”. The Catholic Church and the Kerala sunkin.PresidentVladimirPutinwasthefirst tlespecificnetworksofviolentextremiststhat Afghanistan through its Taliban links, allow-
Congress (M), part of the Left government in the state, as well as the Nair Service Society, an foreignleadertospeaktoPresidentGeorgeW threaten America”. This signified already that ing it in the process to obtain its longed for
influentialcommunityoutfit,havebackedthebishopwhereasChiefMinisterPinarayiVijayan Bush. China sent condolences. Cuba, Libya, America’s anti-terrorism crusade would be “strategicdepth”inAfghanistanagainstIndia.
and the Leader of Opposition in the Assembly and Congress MLA, V D Satheesan, and a host NorthKoreaaswellasSyria’sAssadandIranian limited primarily to protecting its own secu- The US has failed to “abolish terrorist sanctu-
ofcivilsocietyactors,includingfromtheCatholiccommunity,havecriticisedtheChurch.This leaders Khamenei and Khatami condemned rity, a view expressed more clearly by Trump. aries andhavens”inPakistan,or tocompelan
the attacks. TheunilateralretreatfromAfghanistanbroadly unwilling Pakistan to act against the Haqqani
Afghanistan was the first target of the war represents this reality. group, which now controls Afghanistan’s in-
of threemajorreligionscoexistingwithminimumconflictorconfrontationfordecades. on terror, whose grandiose objectives as Measured by its stated objectives and in- teriorministry.Ironically,whereastheUSacted
Government must crack down on the production and supply of narcotics. But to paint spelled out by the Bush administration were ternational consequences, the global war on todestroytheIslamicStateinWestAsia,ithas
the business in religious colours, to make it a communal dog whistle, is an act of irresponsi- to defeat terrorists such as Osama bin Laden terror has failed strikingly. Bin Laden’s elimi- handed over a state to the Taliban, with the
bilitythatmustbeguardedagainst.Inthenameofspeakingupforthelaity,theKeralabishop and destroy their organisations, end state The US war on terror has nation might have provided a trophy to dis- new Afghanistan government liberally com-
and his supporters may be contributing to the promotion of Islamophobia. This has the po- sponsorship of terrorism, strengthen the in- been selective, marred by play, but Islamist terrorism and religious ex- posed of UN-designated terrorists. Ironically,
ternational effort to combat terrorism, and double standards, tremismgotatremendousboostwiththerise Islamist extremists and terrorists have taken
tential to build a discourse that scapegoats the Muslim community for the gathering social
abolish terrorist sanctuaries and havens. The of the Islamic State in parts of Iraq and Syria, overacountrywithoutanydemocraticprocess
andeconomicworries,whichofcoursehavenocommunalbasis,confrontingpeopleacross Talibanregime,whichharbouredOsama,was equivocations and and after its elimination, the pronounced withtheconsentof anAmericacommittedto
denominationaldividesinthestate.Thecrisisinagriculture,andthegeneraleconomicslow- ousted militarily. geopolitical motives. The spreadinAfricaofextremistmovementsaffil- democratic values.
down,especiallyafterCovid,havepushedthemiddleandlowermiddleclassesintoaprecar- In the heady phase of US unilateralism, it stated goal was not to make iated with the al Qaeda and the Islamic State. As against all these negative realities,
ioussituation.Publicpolicies,suchasgreaterweightagegiventoMuslimsinscholarships— wasusedasatooltoachievelargerforeignpol- Islamist terrorism has viciously struck India-US counter-terrorism cooperation has
only America safe, but
anoutcomeoftheSacharCommitteerecommendations—havebeenprojectedasevidence icy goals in West Asia by eliminating leaders Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, and has targeted productively expanded in important areas.
opposed to or no longer serving America’s eliminate the terrorist threat Southeast Asia. Europe has suffered dramatic The US recognition of the LeT, JeM, HuM as
of appeasement and as a sign of the disproportionate influence of Muslims in politics.
geopolitical interests in the region, beginning globally as part of America’s terroristattacksandaninfluxofrefugees,with terrorist groups, and its references to “cross-
International political developments — from the attacks on Christians in Africa to Sri Lanka,
withSaddamHussein.Militaryactionagainst leadership role. The way it political and social consequences marked by border terrorism” have been diplomatically
to the presence of Christian converts among recruits to ISIS, and the conversion of Hagia Iraqin2003wasalsolabelledaspartofthewar the rise of anti-Islamic sentiment and right- helpful, but this has not balanced the far
SophiainTurkeytoamosque—tooseemtohavecontributedtotheCatholicChurch’ssense on terror. The Arab Spring phenomenon of
has withdrawn from wing nationalist forces. larger unpunished space given to Pakistan
of insecurity and anxiety. That the non-Catholic churches have so far refused to back the 2011 got US backing in the hope that the urge Afghanistan has created America’spost-9/11waronterrorimpacted despite its terrorist affiliations.
Catholic clergy’s allegations is also revealing. fordemocracyintheArabworldwouldprove doubts on whether it will India’s interests unfavourably. The removal of The US war on terror has been selective,
In the larger interest of Kerala, the Catholic Church needs to halt this campaign that anantidotetoreligiousextremismandterror- honour its commitments autocraticbutsecularregimesinWestAsiaal- marred by double standards, equivocations
isminArabsociety.TheregimechangeinLibya lowedextremistIslamistmovementsthatwere and geopolitical motives. The stated goal was
can stoke the fault-lines between communities. Economic worries and political con-
elsewhere, leading countries consciouslysuppressedtorise,leadingtoseri- not to make only America safe, but eliminate
cerns must not become grist for the politics of religious polarisation. The Catholic on mixed grounds of terrorism and human to hedge. Europe sees the ous concerns in India, a victim of jihadi terror- theterroristthreatgloballyaspartofAmerica’s
Church has an illustrious history of public service and contribution to the making of a rights were products of this belief deriving withdrawal as a foreign ism,aboutthefalloutinthesubcontinent. leadershiprole.Thewayithaswithdrawnfrom
secular Kerala. Hopefully, the current “jihad” campaign is a temporary aberration, from the mood and policies that 9/11 gener- policy disaster for the Ironically, though, the emergence of the Afghanistanhascreateddoubtsonwhetherit
which the clergy will step back from immediately. ated in the US. Islamic State and a reinvigorated Muslim willhonouritscommitmentselsewhere,lead-
However, the signal failure in Iraq and western alliance. India is less Brotherhood has had the collateral effect of ing countries to hedge. Europe sees the with-
Afghanistantodo“nationbuilding”ondemo- safe with the Taliban- drawing the Gulf states such as the UAE and drawalasaforeignpolicydisasterforthewest-
cratic foundations, the chaos in Libya and the Pakistan takeover of Saudi Arabia, concerned about the danger ern alliance. India is less safe with the


havoc in Syria exposed the political and mili- Afghanistan under the posed to their polities by these ideologies, Taliban-Pakistan takeover of Afghanistan un-
tary limitations of the war on terror as an in- closertoIndia.America’sdraconiansanctions der the accommodating umbrella of the US.
strument of state power in eliminating non- accommodating umbrella of onIran,includingforitsallegedterroristactiv-
stateactorsinspiredbyapan-nationalideology the US. ities, have adversely affected our strategic as The writer is a formerforeignsecretary
Haryana’s narrow definition of Aravallis ignores range’s
ecological role. State government needs to rethink its plan

NEW PLAN to draw the boundaries of the Aravallis in Haryana could deprive


by the state government has asked officials to identify areas under Aravallis
Gurgaon district — currently Gurugram and Nuh districts. That means more than 9,000 How financial service providers can enable women entrepreneurs
hectares in Faridabad will not come under the National Conservation Zone (NCZ), exposing
the area to real estate activities and jeopardising the mountain range’s ecological functions.
Extendingfornearly700kmfromeasternGujarattosouthHaryana,throughRajasthanand Chetna Gala-Sinha
Delhi,theAravallisarethegreenlungsforlargepartsof thesubcontinent.Theymoderatethe
velocityof hotwindsthatblowtowardsnorthIndiaandresisttheadvanceof theTharDesert PARVATISELLSvegetablesintheweeklymar- notonlyaboutmakingproductsavailableand Parvati’s case became an inspiration for the
towards the Indo-Gangetic plains. Their forests are crucial to recharging groundwater. The ket of Mhaswad in Satara, Maharashtra. She accessible, but also about making them rele- Mann Deshi Bank to design and launch a
NCR regional plan 2021, framed in 2005, slotted the Aravalli ecosystem in the area under the has a savings account with the Mann Deshi vant, applicable, and acceptable. cash credit product for women. Since its
Sahakari Bank. But whenever she needs The first challenge in making products launch, hundreds of women vendors in the
money, she takes a loan from the local mon- broadlyavailableisbridgingthegapbetween area have benefited from the product.
vigorousstonewallingbysuccessivegovernmentsinHaryana,whichinsistedthattherewas eylender.Oneday,whilebuyingvegetablesat supply and demand of capital. In a financially Inthetraditionalfinancialsystem,thede-
nocleardefinitionoftheAravallis.In2017,thestateadministrationtoldtheUnionMinistryof theweeklymarket,Istruckupaconversation integrated world, capital is agile. Yet owing to sign and distribution cost on financial prod-
UrbanDevelopmentthattherewerenoAravallisinHaryana,exceptinpartsofGurugramand and asked her why. She responded, “Yes, I alimitedriskappetite,loworthin-filedataon ucts at sachet size is high. Expensive tech-
eventhere,theNCZstricturesonconstructionactivityshouldnotapply.Lastyear,itwaspulled know I am paying Rs 10 interest per day on customers and challenging regulatory over- nology development and brick-and-mortar
upbythePunjabandHaryanaHighCourtfordelayingthenotificationof NCZ. everyRs100Iborrowfromthemoneylender, sight, capital remains a constraint in design- infrastructure all contribute to an impracti-
Since 2002, a number of Supreme Court orders have placed strictures on mining in the which is exorbitant. But I do not want to take ing bespoke products. For India to overcome cal model. Financial service providers are
aloanfromyourbankbecauseIrequirealoan Bankers and private these challenges, the existing infrastructure consequently dissuaded from attempting to
in the morning and want to repay it in the mustbeadaptedtoournewpurpose,provid- reach rural, financially excluded groups, and
hillsandappropriateland.In2018,theapexcourtnotedthattherangehadlostaquarterofits eveningormaybenextweek.Ialsowouldlike
financial institutions ingeasy-to-use,customer-centricexperiences. the availability of financial services, there-
hills. In recent times, the apex court has come down heavily on illegal construction in the to take the second loan immediately. And all erroneously believe that a Bankersandprivatefinancialinstitutions fore,remainsanurbanprivilege.Byusingthe
Aravallis—attimesmakingnodistinctionbetweenfarmhousesoftherichandthedwellings this flexibility is given to me by the money- poor person takes a erroneously believethata poorperson takes power of machine learning and cloud infra-
of thepoor.Itwould,however,besalutarytounderstandthatsuchtransgressionsarearesult lender and not by your bank.” microcredit loan because she a microcredit loan because she cannot save. structure, we can significantly lower oper-
ofacomplexinterplayofsocioeconomicfactorsandadministrativefailures.InHaryana,much Parvati’s situation is not unique. Her busi- Inreality,if yougotoanyremoteareainIndia ating costs while offering customers afford-
nessisoneofthe63.4millionMSMEsinIndia, cannot save. In reality, if you and ask any woman how much she has able, bespoke financial products that help
oftheadministrativefailurestemsfrompoorappreciationoftheecologicalservicesprovided go to any remote area in
99 per cent of which are micro enterprises saved in the post office, you will find huge them reach their goals.
bytheAravallis.Thestategovernmentwoulddowelltokeepinmindtheincreasingpollution withlessthanRs10lakhininvestment.These India and ask any woman numbers. They are able to save because of Whiletheabovearesupplysideissues,the
levelinHaryana’scities,mostof whicharealsogroundwaterstressed.Anarrowdefinitionof tiny businesses are run by nano-entrepre- village postal agents who collect their sav- demand side has its own set of challenges.
how much she has saved in
theAravalliswillnotbeintheinterestsof thewell-beingof thestate’sresidents. neurs,aburgeoningsegmentthatisabsolutely ings from their doorstep. Greater accessibil- Financialliteracyandtechnologyreadinessare
critical to the growth of our rural economy. the post office, you will find ity has major benefits for not only the cus- twocriticalissues.Financialeducationassists
What is being done to bring these busi- huge numbers. They are able tomer but also the supplier. people in making sound financial decisions.
nessesintotheformaleconomy?If weassess to save because of village It is also critical we recognise that the ThesearenotjustchallengesoftheIndianmar-

ourprogressagainstthedefinitionof“financial conventional method of one-size-fits-all is ket, but other economies too.
postal agents who collect
inclusion”, which refers to the accessibility of no longer viable. Products must be designed Despite constraints, rural women entre-
bankingandavailabilityofcredit,wecancon- their savings from the and delivered intelligently to meet the cus- preneurs follow the motto “my courage, my
gratulate ourselves on significant progress. doorstep. Greater tomer where they are, and by keeping in capital”.Itisourresponsibilityasfinancialserv-
Raducanu’s Grand Slam win told the story of a prodigy. However,ifwequestiontheadequacyofthefi- accessibility has major mind that they use products to reach their iceproviderstocreateanecosystemforthem
nancial products that they find access to, we goals. This involves tailoring the products to to deploy this capital of courage.
It also had a backstory of the immigrant’s enterprise fall short. Parvati might be financially “in-
benefits not only for the the needs and income profile of the cus-

cluded”butsheisnotfinancially“integrated”. customer but also the tomer,includingbeingcognisant of theiren- The writer is the founder of Mann Deshi
RUNCHINGDOWN-THE-LINEBACKHANDSandsmackingdeepforehandscross- The journey from inclusion to integration is supplier. vironment, geography, and demography. Mahila Sahakari Bank
ferent players have become Slam champs in the last 10 years, the all-teen final
speak of dewey spring in the autumn tournament. Raducanu, with her backstory of immi-
grant upbringing in the United Kingdom, while being born in Canada to Romanian and
REPORT ON RIOTS of 108 lives. Releasing the report, Bihar Chief
Minister Jagannath Mishra said he would
Bhindranwale’s nephew Swaran Singh, and
another accused, Dalbir Singh, have also
pion—BritishVirginiaWadelastwonaSlamin1977—isexpectedtoedgeoutTomDaleyof THE REPORT OF the three-member judicial invite the attention of the Union govern- been issued.
August Tokyo Olympic vintage for the BBC Sports Personality of the Year honours. commission headed by Jitendra Narain, for- ment to the findings of the commission on
Raducanu’sstoryisdifferentfromsomanyotherteenageprodigies.Callittheimmigrant’s mer judge of the Patna High Court, which
probed the April 1979 communal riots in
the activities of the RSS, Jana Sangh (now
BJP) and its labour wing, the Bharatiya
enterprise or the genius of the young woman, Emma aces academics with straight-A’s and
Jamshedpur bristles with strident strictures Mazdoor Sangh. FloodwatersoftheRaptienteredDomariaganj
could’vetakenherpickfromamongswimming,golfortabletennis.Talescontinuetotrickle against the RSS, top district officials and the town, in UP’s Basti district, when the river
out about her unwavering focus in training through the pandemic, on streets outside her
home and at the neighbourhood tennis club.
Bihar Military Police (BMP). Set up on May
15, 979, when the Janata Party was in power,
WARRANTS IN PUNJAB breachedtheMali-Mannaiyabund.Theirriga-
tion authorities were making efforts to plug
Women’stennisdoesn’trecreatetheBigFourauraofthemen’sgame.Withnoonedom- the commission submitted its report to the THE POLICE HAVE been alerted all over the breach. The Rapti was flowing above the
inating, it tends to lean back and observe how many waves the likes of Angelique Kerber, government on August 31. The two others Punjab to arrest Sant Jarnail Singh dangermarkby30cmatBalrampur,by43cm
who served on it are K Ghosh, former chair- Bhindranwale whose arrest warrant was at Bansi and 20 cm at Gorakhpur. The floods
SimonaHalep, GarbineMuguruza,andmostrecentlyNaomiOsakaandAshleighBarty,can
man of the Tripura Public Service obtained by the Ludhiana police from a lo- have brought misery to people in over 1,000
ride. Time will tell if Raducanu can hold aloft a few, or many, trophies and string together Commission and S Q Rizvi, former IG of po- cal court under Section 134 of the IPC for his villages in UP, particularly the state’s eastern
consistentseasons.There’stheadditionalchallengetoliveuptoBritishexpectations,which lice, Bihar. The riot which rocked alleged abetment in the murder of Lala Jagat part. The season’s fatalities in the state have
are never tempered, nor proportional, and Sweet Caroline is a fluttering hope away. Jamshedpur on April 11 and 12 took a toll Narain. Warrants for the arrest of gone up to 329.

New Delhi




“A wide-ranging crackdown and leftist rhetoric have stirred fears of a return to
the apogee of Maoism .” —THE GUARDIAN

Don’t bank on Shanghai group Challenge matters,

While India must contribute to collective effort at this week’s SCO summit to hold
Taliban and Pakistan to their promises, it will be hard to bet on success
not challenger
muchas itneedstoconveyfallibilityof rulingparty

handling of UPA II that the BJP succeeded in

creating the “oust Manmohan Singh” feel-
ing amongst the majority of voters. The ex-
ception, however, could be the subsequent
RAJA MANDALA election fought on a nationalist agenda,
By C Raja Mohan thanks to Pulwama and the following air
strikes on Pakistan.
So the question that arises is: What
ONTHEFACEof it,thesummitmeetingof the Girish Kuber makes the incumbent lose?
ShanghaiCooperationOrganisationthisweek The answers are many and are applica-
in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, is well placed to lead SHARAD PAWAR’S RECENT “zamindar” dig ble more or less to all dethroned PMs. The
the stabilisation of Afghanistan after the at the Congress expectedly set a cat hubris that invariably sets in during the sec-
American retreat and the resurgence of the amongst the opposition’s pigeons, who ond term has been the primary cause in
Taliban. Don’t hold your breath, though. were chanting a mantra of unity against many a PM’s loss. Add to it the compla-
For all the political hype, the SCO has not the BJP. The reactions that the old Maratha cency and the air of invincibility created by
deepened regionalism in Central Asia. It does warhorse’s statement triggered can be di- over-enthusiastic cronies. The third reason
not shine in comparison with its peers in East vided into two categories. could be the free import of leaders from
AsiaandEurope.Twodecadesafteritsforma- On the one hand is the secular camp, other parties which voters experience
tion—itwassetupjustweeksbeforethe9/11 some of whose members are perennially ahead of every election. Though most of
attacks on New York and Washington — the waryabouteverymoveandstatementofthe these leaders get defeated, that has hardly
institutional promise of the SCO remains just Marathastrongman,forwhichhehimself is proved to be a deterrent to the ruling par-
that — a promise. to be blamed. This group comprises mainly ties’ poaching of the opposition.
Seen from the subcontinent, the SCO cer- of Congressmenwholiketodisplaytheiral- In India, it is strange to note that though
tainly looks better than the South Asian legiance to the party’s First Family and, as theeconomyalsoplaysacrucialroleinstok-
Associationof RegionalCooperation(SAARC). C R Sasikumar such, try to discredit any leader who can ing the fire against the ruling party of the
That India and Pakistan, whose differences emergeasachallengertoGandhis.Pawarun- day, it doesn’t get due importance in the
have prevented even regular meetings of The SCO was preceded by the creation tential weak link in the defence against the failinglykeepsprovidingammunitiontothis election agenda. To become an election is-
SAARC, are actively participating in the SCO, of a “Shanghai Five” — Russia, China, Taliban’s potential threats to the region. group at regular intervals. sue, the economy needs to be tagged with
would point to its attractiveness. But then Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The Uzbekistanseemsopentoacautiousengage- On the other hand are the BJP and RSS inflation and/or joblessness. Election cam-
SAARC is such a low bar. three former Soviet republics shared a long ment with the Taliban. sympathisers. This group, having success- paigning gets spiced up if these issues are
To be sure, the crisis in Afghanistan pres- frontier with China. The purpose of the But Tajikistan, given its kinship with the fully sowed one thought in the politically- coupledwithlarge-scalecorruptionallega-
entsamajoropportunityfortheSCOtorealise Shanghai Five was to stabilise this frontier Afghan Tajiks and direct links to the Panjshir naive middle class’s mind, keeps posing the tions. Indians love to defeat so-called cor-
its regional ambitions. The SCO’s importance as well as build on the shared Sino-Russian valley across the border, has been sharply question: Where is an alternative to rupt leaders. In a land full of the dispos-
forAfghanistanseemsself-evidentwhenyou interest in preventing American meddling critical of Kabul’s evolution under the NarendraModi?Helpedunknowingly—but sessed, anyone, especially from the ruling
lookatitssponsorsandmembers.Itsfounding in their Central Asian backyard. Taliban. Iran, which has ethnic and linguis- mostlyknowingly—bythemedia,thisques- elite, seen amassing substantial wealth is a
leadersarethetwogreatpowersof theeast— Moscow and Beijing were also ill at ease tic links with the Persian-speaking Tajiks, tion appears to have become a virtual polit- strict no-no for the common man.
Russia and China. Its other initial members with the American military presence in appears equally worried about the Taliban’s ical reality. The impression that there is no Remember the BJP’s smartness in linking
were Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and AfghanistananditsimpactonCentralAsia.The policies towards minorities. alternative to the BJP in general and to Modi thecorruptionallegationsagainsthordesof
Kazakhstan to the north and northeast of US military retreat from Afghanistan has Like Moscow and Beijing, Tehran was inparticularisthenarrativesuccessfullycre- UPAministersin2014torisingprices?Along
Afghanistan.IndiaandPakistanwereinducted broughtcheertobothMoscowandBeijing,al- happy to see the Americans leave in humilia- ated and even more successfully marketed with these come caste, religious equations
as full members in 2017. though publicly they criticise President Joe tion and appeared hopeful of a positive en- by the saffron camp. The situation on the and an ability to form alliances.
Besides Afghanistan, Iran, Belarus and Biden’s hasty retreat. gagement with the Taliban. Those hopes may groundunfortunatelystrengthensthis,mak- Everypointstatedabove,exceptone,ap-
Mongolia are observers. Iran is said to be on WouldtheUSretreatweakenthegluethat havebeensuspendedfornow,ifnotdiscarded. ingtheopposition’schallengeeventougher. plies to the BJP. History proves that the win-
track for full membership. The SCO has a binds Moscow and Beijing in Central Asia or India and Pakistan, needless to say, are poles Before we deal with this “saamne hai kaun” dowfortheoppositionopensupeverytime
number of “dialogue partners”. They include tighten it? Although Russia and China are apart on the Taliban. (who can emerge as a challenger to Modi) therulingcombineappearsunconquerable.
Armenia and Azerbaijan from the neigh- closer to each other than ever before, their in- Giventhisdivergence,itisunlikelythatthe question, some myths need to be busted. However, this is not to suggest that the op-
bouring Caucasus region and Turkey a step terestsarenotentirelythesameinCentralAsia. SCOcancomeupwitha“regionalsolution”for Thefirstandforemostmythisabouthow positionshouldwaittilltherulingpartystarts
further to the West. While military confidence building theAfghancrisis.TheonlyrealAfghanconver- electionsarewonandlostinIndia.Itneedsto digging its own grave. The opposition’s suc-
NepalandSriLankafromthesubcontinent measures have grown under the SCO ban- Like Moscow and Beijing, gence today is between Pakistan and China. be said that in our “first-past-the-post” sys- cessdependsonhowskilfullyitconveysthe
andCambodiafromsoutheastAsiaarealsodi- ner, Russia had its own security organisation ExpectthemtotryandnudgetheSCOtowards tem, the opposition never wins. It is the rul- fallibility of the ruler.
aloguepartners.Foranorganisationthatbears for the region, called the Central Security
Tehran was happy to see the apositiveengagementwiththeTaliban.Most ing party that loses. And by virtue of the Thisbringsustothekeyquestion:Where
thenameofShanghai,butisfocusedonCentral Treaty Organisation (CSTO). Three of the SCO Americans leave in others have serious concerns. rulers’ loss, the opposition gets a chance to is Modi’s challenger? This question was
Asia, its associates look disparate. members — Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and humiliation and appeared While the SCO is not an impressive re- lead. Our electoral history since 1951-52, posed to a few national leaders from differ-
The SCO is expected to add Egypt, Qatar, Tajikistan — along with Armenia and Belarus hopeful of a positive gional institution, it remains an important when the first elections took place in inde- entparties.Theanswersareinteresting.“The
andSaudiArabiaasdialoguepartners.Thatdi- are members of the CSTO. diplomatic forum. Delhi has sought to make pendent India, will prove this often-over- tidewillstartturningthemomenttheoppo-
versity affects coherence is a major feature of Russia sees itself as the sole protector of engagement with the Taliban. full use of the SCO’s diplomatic possibilities lookedfact.Thereishardlyanelectionwhich sitioncombine,especiallyCongress,issuesa
regionalinstitutions.Asitbroadeneditsmem- the former Soviet Republics and may not be Those hopes may have been without any illusions about its effectiveness. the opposition “won”. simple,two-linestatement,”aveteranleader
bership,theSCOhas,unsurprisingly,struggled ready to share that role with China — “yes” suspended for now, if not At the SCO summit this week, Prime This negates the need to present a chal- said. Another spelt out what that “ideal”
to deepen institutional cooperation. to coordination, but “no” to a Sino-Russian discarded. India and MinisterNarendraModishouldremindother lenger to the ruler even before elections are statement could be. It reads like this: None
Thereisalsooneimportantcountrymiss- security dyarchy. leadersof the“threeevils”thattheSCOsetout held. It is always the electoral outcome that fromtheGandhifamilyshallrunforthePM’s
inginthemix.ItisTurkmenistan,whichshares Moscow also appears reluctant to back Pakistan, needless to say, are to defeat — terrorism, extremism and sepa- throws up the alternative. There was “no al- postand,shouldthesituationarise,theywill
an800kmborderwithAfghanistananda1,150 Chinese proposals to promote trade integra- poles apart on the Taliban. ratism. Few would disagree that the Taliban ternative” to Indira Gandhi in the post- unitedly bring in a reputed technocrat, like
kmborderwithIran.Theorganisingprinciple tion under the SCO banner; it prefers the Given this divergence, it is embodied all the three sins in the past. Today, Emergencyelections,therewas“noalterna- Raghuram Rajan, under whom the govern-
of Turkmenistan rulers is absolute “neutral- Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) under its theTalibananditsmentorPakistansaythesin- tive” to Rajiv Gandhi after the historic ment shall be formed.
unlikely that the SCO can
ity” — think of it as an extreme form of “non- own leadership. China is not a member of ei- ner wants to become a saint. mandateof 1984andtherewas“noalterna- “ThesurgethattheBJPwitnessedin2019
alignment”. It refuses to join any regional in- ther CSTO or EAEU. This is one reason for the come up with a ‘regional While India must contribute to the col- tive” to Atal Bihari Vajpayee in the 2004 is due to its success in bringing non-BJP vot-
stitution, political or military. weakness of SCO regionalism. solution’ for the Afghan lective effort at SCO to hold the Taliban and “India Shining” elections. It was after their ers into its fold. No party can be propelled to
Russia’s effort to build a regional institu- The Central Asian members of the SCO crisis. The only real Afghan Pakistan to their promises, it will be hard to losses that Morarji Desai, VP Singh and power only on its dedicated vote bank. It’s
tion in its Central Asian periphery ran parallel have quarrels of their own, and have strug- bet on success. Delhi must focus on finding Manmohan Singh emerged. The situation the outsiders’ votes that give it a surge. This
toitsplansfortheso-called“strategictriangle” gled to develop collective approaches to
convergence today is between common ground with those members of was similar in the much-touted “positive caneasilybereversediftheoppositionplays
with China and India. their common regional security challenges. Pakistan and China. Expect the SCO who do share India’s concerns vote-for-change-election” held in 2014 its own masterstroke like this one,” he says.
The Russia-India-China strategic forum, It is no surprise then that they are at vari- them to try and nudge the about Afghanistan. whichcatapultedModitothenationalstage.
which evolved into the BRICS, was about ance on the Taliban. SCO towards a positive In 2014, it was due to the Congress’s inept The writer is editor, Loksatta
blunting, at the global level, the American Turkmenistan, which is not part of SCO, The writer is director, Institute of South Asian
“unipolar”momentthatfollowedthecollapse has been quite open to engaging the Taliban
engagement with the Taliban. Studies, National University of Singapore and
oftheSovietUnionin1991.TheSCOwasabout in sync with its principles of neutrality. Some Most others have serious contributing editor on international affairs for
limiting American reach into Central Asia. Russian analysts see Turkmenistan as the po- concerns. The Indian Express

The engaged scholar

THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘Chandan the state.
The Pioneer’ (IE, September 6). Bal Govind, Noida
Chandan Bhan Prasad says The
Washington Post’s South Asia Bureau
chief Kenneth J Cooper sought my
Sheila Bhalla combined rigour of research with support for peasant movements help to find a Delhi journalist. I am THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘Stones of
surprised that Prasad has swallowed Sabarmati’ (IE, September 13). Historic
this untruth from the Internet. I have sites such as the Sabarmati Ashram
Pritam Singh never met, known or spoken with and events bind us together as a peo-
Cooper and he never asked me to do ple. Attempts to redevelop these sites
SHEILA BHALLA (1933-2021), professor erly mother who could only speak and un- Association (PUTA) from an organisation of Subsequently and especially after their what Prasad says he did. The article of must not destroy the essence and
emeritus at Jawaharlal Nehru University, an derstand Punjabi and developed a loving virtually no importance to one that had crit- move to JNU, a division of intellectual labour mine to which Prasad refers, though originality of these symbols of our
internationally renowned agricultural econ- relationship with her. ical significance to the governance of PU. seemed to develop between them — Sheila published 25 years ago, continues to heritage.
omist with special expertise on Haryana The Bhallas spent their entire lives com- When Professor Bhalla successfully chal- specialised in Haryana and other regions of be discussed and cited. Any piece of Hemant Contractor, Pune
agriculture and a scholar deeply engaged bining their superb academic work with lenged a heavy-weight pro-Congress fac- IndiasuchasAndhraPradesh,whileGSBhalla writing that attracts so much atten-
with progressive and democratic move-
ments in India passed away on September
multiple forms of support for workers’ and
peasants’ movements and for democratic
ulty member (V N Tewari) for the office of
president of PUTA, Sheila played a key role
specialised in Punjab and Gujarat, among
other regions. Sheila pioneered the study of
tion on the net is bound to gather a lot
of dross. Some have even claimed that
5, 2021. She and her husband, G S Bhalla, rights in India. I have so many memories of in organising and strategising their group’s agrarian relations in Haryana and published Cooper was the first to research the THIS REFERS TO the editorial ‘IIT-Plus’,
were my teachers at the Department of them, but will share just one today. When election campaign. Many left-wing teachers outstanding papers on the subject. subject of Dalit presence in Indian me- (IE, September 13). It’s heartening that
Economics, Panjab University (PU), they joined PU in 1969, I had just entered such as D N Jauhar, Manjit Singh and Ronki The tribute paid to Professor Sheila dia and that I merely picked the idea the old IITs are trying to make their cur-
Chandigarh, and were the kind of teachers the second year of my undergraduate stud- Ram (not to mention myself) later became Bhalla by the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) from him. Let me clarify that there ricula more holistic and contemporary.
with whom you kept lifelong contact. G S ies. On September 2, 1969, the Vietnamese presidents of PUTA, but the influence of left- recognises the convergence between her never was any foreign journalist who They are giving students the option of
Bhalla passed away in 2013. leader Ho Chi Minh passed away and some wing ideology on the organisation was first intellectual and political work: asked me that question. If at all, he choosing non-technical courses. This
Sheila, as she was affectionately known, of us organised a meeting in the university created by the Bhallas and Vir. Whenever “AIKS expresses deep grief at the passing was a figment of my imagination, just liberalapproachfitsinwiththeempha-
was Canadian by background. She met to pay homage to his revolutionary leader- the history of PUTA is written, their names away of Professor Sheila Bhalla, a life-long a peg created to hang my story on. I sis on interdisciplinary studies as advo-
Gurdarshan (G S Bhalla) when both were ship. Many students turned up but only two will feature as guiding stars. fighter for the cause of peasants and work- must also tell my friend, Mr. Prasad, cated by the New Education Policy
carrying out their postgraduate studies at faculty members from the whole univer- During their time at PU, the major op- ers. Her vast array of work helps us to un- that I am very much “a civilisational adopted last year.
the London School of Economics. Both were sity joined the meeting — the Bhallas. It was portunity and breakthrough in the research derstand the impact of capitalist develop- Indian and a Hindu” and yet fairly ca- Sudip Kumar Dey, Barasat
attracted to the socialist vision of reorgan- a great boost to our morale and the begin- career of the Bhallas came with the award ment on Indian agriculture, the plight of the pable of pricking a mud-caked con-
ising economies and societies; in Sheila’s
case, she was influenced by her father, J C
ning of a lifelong relationship.
The management of PU was, for a very
of a substantial research project grant by
the Haryana government to study the de-
poor, agricultural labourers, tenant farmers
and other peasant groups. An agricultural
science, Hindu or whatever. This
should not be mistaken as my inabil-
W Scott, a Canadian physicist and a radar long time, controlled by pro-Arya Samaj velopment of the Green Revolution in the economist of great renown, after her retire- ity to appreciate Mr. Prasad’s well in- THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘The aat-
specialist who was also a committed com- right-wing groups supported by the state. Their first major publication, ment she continued to live an active life tended sarcasm. Only he could have manirbharta challenge’ (IE, September
munist. This shared intellectual and politi- Congress Party and the Jan Sangh, and later Changing Agrarian Structure in India: A dedicated to studying the changing face of turned out a phrase so incisive, yet so 13). The author suggests that a focus on
cal vision led to Gurdarshan and Sheila get- by the Bharatiya Janata Party. Together with Study of the Impact of Green Revolution in agriculture and the impact of neoliberal free of any malice. oil palm at the cost of wheat, rice and
ting married and deciding to move to India. her husband, Sheila played an understated Haryana (1974), resulted from this project. economic policies.” B N Uniyal, via email sugarcanecouldreduceIndia’sdepend-
Bhalla came from a large family origi- but critical role in challenging the domi- One important finding of the study was the Bhalla is survived by her daughter ence on edible oil imports. Our policy-
nating from the village of Badhni Kalan near
Moga. To engage meaningfully with her
nance of these parties. They were assisted in
this by their friends Dharam Vir of the
inverse relationship between farm size and
productivity, that is, when farm size in-
Sharan Rastogi, and her sons Upinder Singh
Bhalla and Ravinder Singh Bhalla (all three
CHANGE IN GUJARAT makers would, however, be well ad-
vised to learn the lessons from the
new Punjabi family, she acquired an excel- Chemical Engineering department (a man creases, farm output per acre decreases. The have doctorates in their respective fields in THIS REFERS TO the editorial ‘Shrinking counterparts in Indonesia, where the
lent understanding of the Punjabi language of remarkable intellect and moral stature study’s finding that small farmers are more India), and Yoginder Singh Bhalla, together theCM’(IE,September13).It’sclearallis environmental consequences of oil
and reasonable proficiency in spoken who was a life-long friend of the Bhallas) productive resonates today with the farm- with eight grandchildren. not well in Gujarat BJP. That is why Vijay palm have been well documented.
Punjabi. For a considerable period during and Gurbaksh Singh Soch of the English de- ers’ movement in India, which aims to de- Rupani was asked to go. The BJP leader- Bandana Pradhan, Lucknow
their academic careers in Chandigarh and partment (who died young). They devel- fend small and marginal farmers against the The writer is Professor Emeritus, Oxford
Delhi, Sheila looked after her husband’s eld- oped the Panjab University Teachers onslaught of big agro-business firms. Brookes Business School

New Delhi

I,Kripal Datt Bhardwaj,S/o-Fakir I, Jaswinder Kaur W/o Tajbir

PUBLIC NOTICE ''IMPORTANT'' ´fdV¨f¸ffa¨fÕX dUôb°f dU°fSX¯f d³f¦f¸f dÕXq,
Dev Bhardwaj R/o-K- Singh R/o 1/40, Block-1, Roop
397,Gali.No.8,Rangpuri Nagar, Delhi- 110007,have
Road,Mahipalpur,New Delhi- changed my name to Jasvinder
110037,have declare that,the Kaur. PUBLIC NOTICE Whilst care is taken prior to A»´fIYf»fe³f BÊX-d³fd½fQf Àfc¨f³ff 1: BÊ-d³fd½fQf Àfa. 18/2021-22- 33/11 IZ .½fe. d½fôb°f C´fIZ ³Qi MûOf ´fS
À±ffd´f°f 02 ³fa. 33 IZ .½fe. ½fe.Àfe. ¶fe. E½fa I ³MÑ û»f ´f`³f»f I e ¸fS¸¸f°f Àfa¶fad²f°f I f¹fÊÜ ²fSXûWXSX SXfdVf ÷Y.2000 Wû¦ffÜ
PERSONAL both name Kripal Datt 0040584350-4 Be it known to all concerned that my clients
Sh. Rajesh Kumar, S/o. Sh. Rameshwar
acceptance of advertising 2: BÊ-d³fd½fQf Àfa. 19/2021-22- 33/11 IZ .½fe. d½fôb°f C´fIZ ³Qi MûOf ´fS À±ffd´f°f 04 ³fa. 11 IZ .½fe. ½fe.Àfe.
Bhardwaj and Kripal Dutt
I Virendra Kumar S/o
Dass Sharma and Mrs. Sudesh Kumari W/o.
Sh. Rajesh Kumar both R/o.551, Harsukh copy,itisnotpossibletoverify ¶fe. I e ¸fS¸¸f°f Àfa¶fad²f°f I f¹fÊÜ ²fSXûWXSX SXfdVf ÷Y. 2000 Wû¦ffÜ 3: BÊ-d³fd½fQf Àfa. 01,11,12 E½fa 13/2021-
I,hitherto known as Rohit,S/o Bhardwaj is mine and same 22 I û dSM` ¯OS dI ¹ff ªff°ff W` Ü BÊ . d³fd½fQf IZ ´fi±f¸f E½fa dõ°fe¹f ·ff¦f ´fS www.etender.up.nic.in ´fS
its contents. The Indian
Panna, V.P.O. Pooth Khurd, Delhi have
Rameshwar Dayal D-11/6 severed all their relations with their Son Kunal
shri.vinay ,R/o-1/6685,2nd- person.In future I,will be d³f²ffÊdS°f d°fd±f 28.09.2021 I û 12.00 ¶fªfZ °fI ·fSf ªff ÀfI °ff W` E½fa BÊ .d³fd½fQf °fQdQ³ffaI I û We 14.00 ¶fªfZ
Model Town-II Delhi 110009 due to his bad company and habits. They
floor Gali.No.3,East Rohtash- known-as Kripal Datt Bhardwaj
have lost my document
have disowned & debarred him from all of
their movable and immovable properties.
Express (P) Limited cannot be IZ C´fSf³°f BÊ .´fûMÊ »f ´fS £fû»fe ªff¹fZ¦feÜ ´fid°f BÊ .d³fd½fQf Vfb»I ÷ . 1180.00 Wû¦ffÜ d³fd½fQf d½fdVfáeI S¯f E½fa A³¹f
for all purposes.
Nagar,Shahdara,North East Virendra Kumar proprietor and
They and their other family members have no
concern, whatsoever, with him and shall not held responsible for such d³f¹f¸f Vf°fZË BÊ : d³fd½fQf ´fûMÊ »f ´fS QZ£ûaÜ A²fûWÀ°ffÃfSe I û d¶f³ff I fS¯f ¶f°ff¹fZ BÊ d³fd½fQf d³fSÀ°f I S³fZ I f ´fc¯fÊ
Delhi,Delhi-110032,have 0040584355-5 Ad²fI fSe Wû¦ff E½fa À½f¹fa I û A´fOZ M S£f³fZ IZ d»f¹fZ C´fSû¢°f ½fZ¶fÀffBÊ M I û d³f¹fd¸f°f A½f»fûI ³f I SmÔ Ü
all DDA file M/S Rameshwar contents, nor for any loss or
be responsible for any of his acts, deeds and
changed my name,from Rohit Dayal Ghasi Ram at Y-12 WHS Sd/- WXÀ°ff/- A²feÃf¯f Ad·f¹f³°ff d½fôb°f d½f°fS¯f ¸f¯O»f dõ°fe¹f ¸fbªfµR S³f¦fSÜ
to Rohit Gupta and shall I,Madhu Chaudhary W/O Sanju damage incurred as a result of
Naraina, Loha Mandi, New CHARNJEET ´fÂffaI 1162/d½f.d½f.¸f.dõ./¸fb.³f¦fS/I` ¸´f dQ³ffaI 13.09.21
hereafter be known as Rohit Chaudhry R/O-B-6/101- Advocate

102,2nd-floor sector-3 Rohini Delhi-110028 Enl. No. D/1545/2000 transactions with companies,
Gupta. 0040584289-6
Delhi-110085 have changed my LAWYERS’ CHAMBERS,
LOST & FOUND associations or individuals
0040584350-5 name to Madhu Chaudhry. I Surjeet Yadav S/o Late Sh. ROHINI, DELHI-85
It is publicly informed that my client. GYAN WATI advertising in its newspapers
I,Vatsala Saxena,w/o Jatinder 0040584342-4 Braham Parkash R/o H.No.56, W/O VISHWA NATH R/O 3855, GALI NO.104, B-

Kumar R/o-9213,LIG-Flats, Noorpur Jharsa, Badshahpur

or Publications. We therefore
I,Kumari Anuradha,D/O-Shri CHANGE OF NAME owner of property No. 3856, GALI NO.104, B-

Masoodpur,Vasant-Kunj,New Tethar(222), Gurgaon,

I, Anjali Majhi daughter of
had purchased the same from SMT. RAM RATI recommend that readers
Delhi-110070,have changed my Sushil Kumar,R/O-Village- Haryana-122101 have changed W/O RAM PRASAD on dated 04/06/2014, she had

name to Vatsala Narawali,Near Shiv the name of my minor son from

Khokan Mandal, holder of executed G.P.A. S.P.A. Sale Agreement,
Affidavits, Receipt, etc. etc. in favour of my client
make necessary inquiries
Indian Passport No K6368829,
Bishambhu,permanently. Mandir,Raja-Ka- Urvang Yadav to Urvansh issued at Delhi on 16-04-2013,
and above said all original documents
misplaced/lost in the area of Main Market, Sant before sending any monies or
Tajpur,Bijnor,Uttar pradesh- Nagar, Burari, Delhi on dated 09/09/2021 and has

0040584350-2 246735,have changed my name

Yadav for all purposes. permanent resident of D -111 intimated this fact to P.S. Crime Branch, Delhi, on
12/09/2021, vide LR No. 687512/2021. Any person
entering into any agreements
I,Umme Kulsum D/o Mohammad to Anuradha Rajput. 0040584289-3 j.j colony Madanpur Khadar, who founds the same or any person who claim to
be the owner of the said property in part of full then with advertisers or otherwise
Dehli, India, presently residing he/she/they shall contact either my client at the
Irfan R/o-256/1, Hauz Rani, 0040584355-4 I Shipra Sharma W/O, Sunil at Flat no 707 Oriental haouse said property address or Mob. No.9205300179 or
me at my Mob. No. 9818259093, within seven
acting on an advertisement in
Malviya Nagar, Delhi have Sharma R/o 74/9 Kishangarh
changed my name to Umme I,Jasneet Kaur Mann,D/o Vasant Kunj have changed my
1, khalid bin waleed road, Bur days from this notice.
DINESH KUMAR (Advocate) any manner whatsoever.
Dubai, Dubai UAE hereby EnrIl. No.D/5096/2017.
Kulsum Saifi. Shri.Kamal Jit Singh Mann,R/o- name to Shipra Walter Sharma change my name from Anjali
783, South-Delhi for all purposes Majhi to Fatima Anjali Mandal
0040584350-3 Apartment,Plot.No.8,Sector-
0040584331-1 with immediate effect.
I,Tanisha Chaudhary D/O-Sanju 4,Dwarka, New-Delhi-
Chaudhry R/O-B-6/101-
102,2nd-floor sector-3 Rohini
110078,have changed my name
to Jasneet Mann,for all,future
I Sanjay Kumar Yadav S/o Sh.
Balbir Singh Yadav R/o 92/1,
Delhi-110085,have changed my purposes. Fakarpur, Mokalwas (132),
name to Tanisha Chaudhry. Gurgaon, Mokalwas, Haryana-
This is to certify that my client Smt. In everlasting memory of these brave sons of "Bahadur 12" who
0040584336-5 Sheela wife of Late Sh. Suraj resident
122413 have changed the name of Jhuggi No. C-7/9, Sadar Thana made the supreme sacrifice of their lives to preserve the integrity of
0040584342-2 I,DALJIT KAUR/DALJEET KAUR Road, Near DDA Flats, Motia Khan, the motherland while serving with battalion in various operations.
of my minor son from Bhavya Pahar Ganj, New Delhi-110055 has
I,Sonali D/o-Satyender Kumar, W/O PARAMJEET SINGH R/O J- to Bhavya Yadav for all disowned her two son namely Heera
H.No.A-59/A-2, Hari Singh-Park 845,GALINO.2,KUSHAK purposes. Lal and Ram Kumar both son of Late Maj Sudesh Kumar, Nb Sub Prem Kumar, Nb Sub SD Tiwari, LHav
(Multan-Nagar)Paschim-Vihar ROAD,SWAROOP- 0040584289-4
Sh. Suraj from her immoveable and
Bodhu Ram, Nk Kartar Singh, LNk Amar Chand, LNk Girdahari Lal,
moveable properties with immediate
New Delhi-110056,,have NAGAR,DELHI- effect. Her both sons are beyond LNk Kapur Singh, Sep Sardara Singh, Sep Bhagmal, Sep Sandoor
changed my name to Sonali 110042.CHANGED MY NAME TO I Sanjay Kumar Yadav S/o Sh. control and disobedient. That my client Singh, Sep Makhan Singh, Sep Jai Narain, Sep Pit Ram, Sep/Ck
Nandal,for all purposes. POOJA. Balbir Singh Yadav R/o 92/1, Smt. Sheela will not responsible for
their any kind of dealing and activities. Ram Singh, Sep Nihal Singh and Sep Ram Chander.
Fakarpur, Mokalwas (132),
0040584342-8 0040584342-6 Gurgaon, Mokalwas, Haryana-
Sd/- Deo Raj Singh (Advocate) "OP PAWAN" 1988-90 (Sri Lanka)
Chamber No. B-108, Baba Guru
122413 have changed the name Maj Michael Lewis, Capt Pramod Jolly, Hav Dalip Singh, Hav
I,Shubham Choudhary S/o- I,Charanjeet Singh S/O Shingara Charan Singh Block,
of my minor daughter from Tis Hazari Court, Delhi-110054. Prabhu Dayal, Nk Babu Singh, Nk Mohinder Singh, Nk Bhoop
Parveen Kumar R/o-618A/3 Singh R/O D-167 Lajpat-Nagar
part-1 New Delhi-110024,have Anushka to Anushka Yadav for Singh, Nk RN Mishra, LNk Phool Singh, Sep Babu Lal, Sep Sube
Shankar Gali,Pandav
changed my name to Charanjit all purposes. Singh, Sep Satyawan, Sep Daljit Singh, Sep Ramesh Kumar, Sep
Nagar,Shahdara Delhi-32,have Singh,permanently. PUBLIC NOTICE Ram Singh, Sep Kapoor Singh and Sep Netra Singh.
My client Israr Alam S/o Mohd Islam "OP RAKSHAK" 1992-2011 (J&K)
changed my name to Shubham
Chaudhary,for all purposes
0040584342-5 I Samina Begum W/o Zafar
Qureshi,R/o 36/62,63, Trilok
Qamar R/o E-403, second Floor,
Jaitpur Extension Part-2, Umar
Maj Manoj Kumar Pandey, Maj Sobhit Tiwari, Sub Nathu Ram
Karwasra, Hav Ghan Shyam, CHM Mohan Chander Joshi, LNk
bZ & izksD;ksjesUV lsy
I,Bhavneet Singh Khurana S/o-
0040584342-9 Charan Bir Singh Khurana R/o- Puri, East Delhi, Delhi-
Masjid Road, Badarpur, New Delhi-
110044 has severed all relation with Banshi Dhar, SM, Sep Dharmender Prasad Bharati, LNk Raj Kumar eq[; vfHk;ark dk dk;kZy;]
I,Shirsh Kumar,S/o Shri.Sudhir J-159,Rajouri-Garden,New- 110091,have changed my name Mahto, Sep Sultan Singh, SM, Sep Man Singh and Nk Parvin
dEckbZUM vkWfQl fcfYMax
his son Amir Shoeib and his wife
Sharma Delhi-110027,have changed my to Samima Begum. Sony and disowned them from his Kumar.
all movable and immovable
minor son name,from Mehar "OP MEGHDOOT/OP VIJAY" 1999 (J&K)
3,Pushp-Vihar,New-Delhi- Singh Khurana to Mehar Singh.
0040584336-8 properties due to their disobedience.
My client shall not be responsible for Nb Sub Rajbir Singh, LNk Vijaya Kumar Shukla, LNk Khadag Singh, Hkou fuekZ.k foHkkx] >kj[k.M] jkaph
I Saman Reyaz W/O Mohammad
110017,That the name of my 0040584342-1 any of their acts/ deeds. SM, Sub Gardari Lal, Nb Sub Gulzar Singh and Sep Pawan Kumar.
Parvez Khan R/O.Flat-371,
mother has been wrongly-
mentioned as Monica Sharma I, Tasneem W/o Vikas Kaime R/o L.I.G.-Flats Sanjay Enclave Sajid Ali Choudhary (Advocate)
Sd/- "OP PARAKRAM" 2001-2002 bZ&izksD;ksjesUV uksfVl
Sub Mam Chand, CHM Siya Ram Gurjar, Hav Shishu Pal, Nk Sis
Jahangirpuri Delhi-110033,have Ch. No. 118, Saket Courts
instead of Monika Sharma in 749 Ambedakar Nagar Malyana
Meerut U.P. have changed my changed my name to Saman New Delhi-17 Ram, Nk Dinesh Chandra, Nk Ram Sahay Mishra, Nk Rajender VsUMj jsQjsUl ua0&BCD/CE/55/Ramgarh/2021-22
my education certificate which
may be amended accordingly. name to Tasneem Quizar for all Parvez. 0040584336-2 Singh, LNk Chandan Singh, Sep Mukesh Kumar, Sep Vinod Kumar,
Sep Virendra Prasad, Sep Satish Kumar, Sep Parvender Kumar, Sep
fnukad& 13-09-2021
future purposes.
0040584336-4 I Ajay Rai and Ajay Kumar Rai PUBLIC NOTICE Savinder Kumar, Sep Sunil, Sep Mukesh, Sep Atar Singh, and Sep dk;Z dk uke Proposed Construction of EVM
0070753725-1 both names are mine. In future, 1
I,Shikha Kumari,W/o Hemraj
General public is hereby notified that my client
Shri Anil Sharma S/o Late Shri R.C. Sharma
Ganesh Kumar. warehouse at Ramgarh.
I shall be known as Ajay Kumar On our 'Martyr's Day' we, once again, pledge to follow your :0 3]66]97]000-00 ¼#i;s rhu djksM+
I, Sunita Dhawan W/o Ashok R/o V-18/8, DLF Phase-III, Gurgaon-122002,
izkDdfyr jkf”k ¼:0½
Beytiya,R/o G-1/94-95,Sector- Rai S/o Late Indras Rai R/o E- has severed/ denounced all his relations with
personal example of dedication towards duty. You are no 2 fN;klB yk[k lurkuos gtkj ½ ek= A
16,Rohini,Delhi-110089, have Dhawan R/o B-3/80 Phase-II his brother Shri Sunil Sharma S/o Shri R.C.
153, Gamma-1, Greater Noida, Sharma R/o: 617, Sirgodha Apartments,
longer with us but your memories will be with us forever.
changed my minor daughter’s Ashok Vihar Delhi-
Gautam Budh Nagar. Sector-7, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 and his 3 dk;Z iw.kZ djus dh vof/k 11 eghus
name,from Tanishka to 110052,changed my name to family members. That said Sunil Sharma has ALL RANKS 12 JAT osclkbV ij fufonk izdk”ku dh
Tanishka Beytiya. Sunita Kumari Dhawan. 0070753746-1
been misusing my client's name in taking
financial helps and credits from various 4 frfFk 28-09-2021
common friend's and relatives and thus has

0040584350-8 0040584336-6 I, Vedna Yadav,w/o Mukesh

made my client's life tough. Anybody dealing
with Mr. Sunil Sharma or his family shall do so
LfU³fe ´fdSX¿fQÐ IYf¹ffÊÕX¹f, Qf³ff´fbSX LfU³fe 5
osclkbV ij fcM izkfIr ds fy,
05-10-2021 ds 11.00 AM rd
I,Sanju Chaudhary S/O-Chaman I, Simarpreet Kaur D/o Shri Yadav,H.NO: 306 SECTOR-9 at his/her/their own risk and responsibilities
and my client shall not be responsible for any
Email: [email protected] vfUre frfFk@le;
Jasvinder Singh, R/o N-48, Gali GURGAON HARYANA-122001, act, deed or dealing done by them. Anybody ÜÜ ÀffUÊþd³fIY Àfc¨f³ffÜÜ bZ & izksD;ksjesUV lsy
Lal Chaudhary R/O-B-6/101-
No.4, Vijay Vihar, Uttam Nagar, Changed my name to Vedan
deals with his brother of my client shall do the
fufonk izdkf”kr djus okys eq[; vfHk;ark dk dk;kZy; ]
102,2nd-floor sector-3 Rohini same at his his/her/their risk, cost,
6 dk;kZy; dk uke ,oa irk dEckbZUM vkWfQl fcfYMax]
Delhi-110085 have changed my New Delhi - 110059 and Yadav. 0040584342-7 consequence and peril.
Sd/- Sunita Sharma (Advocate)
Qf³ff´fbS LfU³fe ÃfZ{ IZ Àf·fe ³ff¦fdSI ûa EUa QbI f³fQfSûa I û Àfcd¨f°f dI ¹ff þf°ff W` dI Af´f A´f³fZ ¦fÈW
name to Sanju Chaudhry. Simarpreet Kaur Anand is the I Ravinder Yadav S/o Sh. Baljeet Enrol. No. D331/96
I S, þÕQS EUa A³¹f ¶fI f¹ff I S ¹fdQ ¶fI f¹ff W` °fû dQ³ffaI 30 dÀf°f¸¶fS, 2021 °fI þ¸ff I S³ff Hkou fuekZ.k foHkkx] ykbZu VSad jksM] jkaphA
same person. Singh R/o B-76, Unitech
/ I SUf³ff Àfbd³fd›°f I SZaÜ ³ff¦fdSI ûa, QbI f³fQfSûa I f ¶fI f¹ff I S A´fifd~ I e dÀ±fd°f ¸fZa d³f²ffÊdS°f izksD;ksjesaV inkf/kdkjh dk lEidZ
0040584342-3 7 9973708817
Uniworld Resorts, Sector-33, la[;k
Yaduvanshi School, Gurgaon, PUBLIC NOTICE dQ³ffaI IZ C´fSfa°f LfU³fe Ad²fd³f¹f¸f, 2006 I e ²ffSf 100(2) IZ °fW°f dO¸ff¯O ³fûdMÀf ¨ffþÊ ÷ . bZ&izksD;ksjesaV lsy dk gsYiykbZu
I, Shahanawaj S/o Babu R/o Haryana-120001 have changed
Notice is hereby given to all
100/- EUa LfU³fe Ad²fd³f¹f¸f, 2006 I e ²ffSf 102(1) IZ °fW°f U°fʸff³f dUØfe¹f U¿fÊ ¶fI f¹fZ SfdVf 8 9905899979
of,SMQ 1E/2,NEW concerned that my client Sh. Suresh la[;k
WELLINGDON-CAMP, RACE H.No 904, Rataul Baghpat, UP the name of my minor Kumar and Smt. Kamlesh R/O Plot ´fS ¸ffdÀfI 01 R eÀfQe Ad°fdSö Vfb»I IZ Àff±f ÀUeI fS Wû¦ffÜ Àf·fe °fSW IZ I Sûa EUa SfdVf¹fûa I f
have changed my name to daughter from Kanika alias No. 336/2, Block-B, Begum Vihar, · fdlh Hkh izdkj dk cnyko http://jharkhandtenders.gov.in ij ns[kk tk
COURSE-ROAD,NEW DELHI- Begumpur, Delhi-86, have ·fb¦f°ff³f ¶fZ¶fÀffBÊM danapur.cantt.gov.in ¹ff echhawani.gov.in/citizen/user/login ldrk gSA
110003,have changed my Shahnawaj. Kanishka to Kanika Yadav for disowned/ debarred/ discarded their
daughter’s Name,from S all purposes. real son Mr. Jitender and their IZ ¸ff²¹f¸fûa ÀfZ ·fe dI ¹ff þf ÀfI °ff W`Ü · vU; fdlh Hkh izdkj dh lwpuk http://jharkhandtenders.gov.in ij ns[kk tk
SADHANA to SADHANA 0040584289-1
daughter in law Sonia, due to their
misbehavior, disobedience, illegal
Qf³ff´fbS LfU³fe ÃfZ{f³°f¦fÊ°f Àf·fe QbI f³fQfSûa EUa ½¹fUÀff¹fI °ffÊAûa I û Àfcd¨f°f dI ¹ff þf°ff W` dI U`ÀfZ ldrk gSA
I, Santosh Jain S/o Rattan Lal
SAMPATH vide-Affidavit dated- activities/ assets, also ceased all Àf·fe QbI f³fQfS þû A·fe °fI MÑZO ÕfBÊÀfZaÀf IZ dÕE Afg³fÕfBʳf A´ÕfBÊ ³fWea dI ¹fZ W`a UZ 30 dÀf°f¸¶fS, Note: UCAN Registration is mandatory for the Bidders
12-09-2021. Jain R/o H.No.30 Block-LU I Anita alias Anita Yadav D/o Sh. their relations with them, any person
Pitampura Delhi-110034,have Ram Mehar Singh W/o Sh. whosoever deal with them shall do at 2021 °fI C´fSûö Ud¯fÊ°f ¶fZ¶fÀffBÊM ûa ¸ff²¹f¸fûa ÀfZ A´ÕfBÊ I S³ff, I SUf³ff Àfbd³fd›°f I SZa A³¹f±ff uksMy inkf/kdkjh
0040584350-7 changed my name to Santosh Ravinder Yadav R/o B-76,
his/her their own risks/costs/
d¶f³ff A³fbÄfd~²ffdS¹fûa QbI f³fQfSûa ¹ff ½¹fUÀff¹fI °fÊfAûa ´fS ¸ff³fI d³f¹f¸ff³fbÀffS I fSUÊfBÊ dI ¹ff þfE¦ffÜ bZ & izksD;ksjesUV lsy]
I,Reetu Kumari,D/o Sh.Ramchij Kumar. Unitech Uniworld Resorts, Sd/- VIMAL TRIPATHI (ADVOCATE) Àff±f We Àff±f ´fZVffI S þ¸ff I S³ff, I SUf³ff ·fe Àfbd³fd›°f I SZaÜ ´fcUÊ ¸fZa ·fe Àf·fe QbI f³fQfSûa I û eq[; vfHk;ark dk dk;kZy;]
373, Ground Floor, Pocket-4,
Singh Yadav,R/o-Raipur 0040584336-7 Sector-33, Yaduvanshi School,
Sector-22, Rohini, Delhi-86 ¸füdJI ø ´f ÀfZ EUa ÀfûVfÕ ¸fedO¹ff IZ þdS¹fZ Àfc¨f³ff Qe þf ¨fbI e W`Ü dEckbZUM vkWfQl fcfYMax]
Baghpur-Mathiya, Raipur- Gurgaon, Haryana-122001 have Hkou fuekZ.k foHkkx]
I, Sakshi Arora W/o Viresh changed my name to Anita ¸fb£¹f Ad²fVffÀfe Ad²fIYfSXe
Gazipur Kelhi,Uttar-Pradesh-
Madan, R/o H.No-A 9 B, first LfU³fe ´fdSX¿fQÐ IYf¹ffÊÕX¹f, Qf³ff´fbSX LfU³fe PR 253193 Building(21-22).D ykbZu VSad jksM] jkaph
233226,have changed my name Yadav for all purposes.
to Ritu Yadav,for all future floor, single story vijay nagar, PUBLIC NOTICE
purposes. g.t.b nagar, delhi- 110009. Have My Client [1] SHRI YOGESH KUMAR
Changed my name to Sakshi I,SAMPATHHARI T R,resident SMT. NEELAM RANI WIFE OF SHRI
0040584336-3 Arora Madan of,SMQ 1E/2,NEW YOGESH KUMAR BOTH R/O A-41,
I,Ranjan Sharma,S/o-Rajesh 0070753697-1 WELLINGDON CAMP, RACE GALI NO.1, NEAR GANGAS MANDIR,
Sharma,R/o-6, Punjabi-Bagh, COURSE-ROAD,NEW DELHI- hereby declare that disowned and
Phase-2,Jalandhar, Punjab- I, Rani Mittal W/o Sh.Kuldeep 110003,have changed my son’s debarred their Son KAMAL KUMAR

144022.have changed my Kumar R/o-H.No.18,Ground- Name,from S. VAITHESH to SON OF SHRI YOGESH KUMAR, HIS
minor’daughter’s name,from Floor,Block-16, Spring Colony VAITHEESH SAMPATH vide- KUMAR AND THEIR FUTURE
Rohini to Rania Sharma. Her Sector-31/32 Amar-Nagar Affidavit dated-12-09-2021. OFFSPRING, from their all moveable
Faridabad, have changed my and immoveable properties forever, as
date-of-birth is,19.02.2006 0040584350-6 He is not sincere obedient. Any person
name to Poonam Jindal to Rani deal with him shall be their own risk
0040584355-1 Mittal after marrige,for all I, Zainab Bai W/o Quizar Husain and costs/consequences. My Client
shall be not responsible for all activities
I,Rahul Kumar Singh,S/o Vijay purpose R/o H.No.34 Choudhran Colony
of their son and their family.
Narayin Singh,R/o.A3/229, New 0040584300-1 Opp. Dr. A.P. Agrawal Guna Sd/- MOHIT KUMAR (Advocate)
Kondli,Mayur-Vihar Phase- Madhya Pradesh have changed Chamber No. F-703, Lawyer’s
I, POONAM KHANDELWAL W/O Chamber, 7th Floor,
3,Delhi-110096,have changed my name to Zainab for all Karkardooma Court, Delhi-32
my name to Rahul Singh,S/o RUPESH KHANDELWAL, R/O C- future purposes.
Vijay Narayan Singh 443/B, STREET NO-10, MAJLISH
110033, HAVE CHANGE MY I, Umesh Sahai Jasra S/o D S
0040584350-1 NAME TO PRIYA KHANDELWAL Jasra, R/o- A-3/254, sector-8,
I,Priyanka Jha W/o,Late Rajeev FOR ALL PURPOSES rohini, raja pur kalan, delhi-
Kumar Jha,No.14427423F HAV 0040584304-1 110085, inform that Umesh
R/o,Baldhari Sahai Jasra and Umesh Sahay
Colony,Bakhtawarpur,Delhi- I, Naeem Haider, S/o Nawab Jasra both are same and one
36,have changed my minor Haidar, R/o 35/107, Trilok Puri, person
Son’s name from Amandip to Delhi 110091, have changed my
Amandeep all,purposes. name to Naeem Haidar.
0070753694-1 I, Sanjay Kumar S/O Ishwar
0040584355-2 Chander Garg, R/o J 1703,
I,Mohammad Parwaiz Khan,S/O I, Madhu Singh, spouse of Pioneer Park, Golf Course Extn,
Jalis Ahmed Khan,R/O Flat-371, Nishant Singh resident of Sector 61, Gurgaon, Haryana-
L.I.G.-Flats Sanjay-Enclave House number ED-194, 122001, have changed my name
Jahangirpuri Delhi-110033,have Avantika Extension, and shall hereafter be Known
changed my name to Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh have as Sanjay Kumar Garg.
Mohammad Parvez Khan. changed my name from Madhu
Singh to Madhu Chauhan vide
0040584336-1 Affidavit dated 27/07/2021 I, KM. FARHANAZ, W/O.MEHTAB
I,Parveen Gupta,S/O-Late Shri before notary Ashok Kumar ALAM ANSARI H.NO.4,UGF
Mangat,Ram-R/O-A-2/52- Chauhan Ghaziabad. STREET.NO-9, PARWANA-ROAD
53,Second Floor,Sector- 0050184096-1 BRIJ PURI,EAST DELHI-
11,Rohini,Delhi-110085,have 110051,changed my name to
changed my name has been I, Kuldeep Sharma S/o Jag Dutt FARHA MEHTAB ANSARI,
wrongly written in my son’s Sharma R/o 363,Pandit permanently.
matric paas certificate Mohalla,Aya Nagar,Delhi-47
Parveen Singhal instead of have changed my name to
Parveen Gupta. Kuldeep Bhardwaj. I, Ashok Shridhara Mahabala
0040584355-7 Shetty, S/O Shridhara
0040584355-3 Mahabala Shetty, R/O A-3/107,
I,No-12954927P, RFN- I, Kiran Rani W/o-Devendra TOWER NO-9, PURVANCHAL
Mohammad Irfan Sheikh, S/O Singh R/o I-1/5, Phase-I, Budh HEIGHTS, ZETA-1, GREATER
Vihar, Delhi-110086 have
Mohammad Yousuf Sheikh,
R/O - Qazirpora changed my name to Kiran
NAGAR, UTTAR PRADESH - ljnkj iVsy eseksfj;y dkWyts
Bandipora,Tehsil/ District- Bala 201306, have changed my name mnUriqjh] fcgkj 'kjhiQ] ukyUnk&803101
to Ashok Shridhara Shetty
Bandipora . In my service
records the (D o B) of my
0040584355-6 fufonk vkea=k.k lwpuk
I, KASHISH S/O RAMAKANT 0070753726-1
Brother namely Anzar Yousuf lHkh fucaf/r vkiwfrZdÙkkZvksa dks lwfpr
KHANDELWAL, R/O C-443/B, I Savitri Kumari Pathak D/o
Sheikh has been wrongly
fd;k tkrk gS fd egkfo|ky; esa fofHkÂ
Madan Pandey and W/o
mentioned as 12-02-2002
NAGAR, DELHI-110033, HAVE Mritunjay Kumar Pathak R/o
rjg ds [email protected] dh vkiwfrZ
instead of 05-12-2002. It needs lqfuf'pr dh tkuh gSA vr% lHkh
CHANGE MY NAME TO TANMAY Flat No-C-1, Second Floor, RZ B-
correction. Objections be filed vkiwfrZdrkZ viuh fufonk nj ,oa esd ds
KHANDELWAL FOR ALL 67, Shri Ram Apartment,
within seven days.
PURPOSES Mahavir Enclave, Dabri, Delhi- lkFk eqgjcan fyiQkiQs esa ,d lIrkg ds
0040584305-1 110045, have changed my name vUnj iathÑr Mkd }kjk miyC/ djk,¡A
0020426780-1 to Savi Pathak fufonk ds lkFk vk;dj izek.k i=k] th-
I,Nisha Grover D/o Subhash
ASHABHAI S/O Ashabhai 0070753710-1 ,l-Vh- izek.k i=k] iSu dkMZ] vads{k.k
Grover W/o Vinod Bajaj R/o-U-
Ishwarbhai Dalwadi, R/o D- I Aakash Singh Alias Aakash
izfrosnu ,oa vU; fdlh Hkh egkfo|ky;@
650 Rishi Nagar,Rani vU; foHkkxksa esa vkiwfrZ vkns'k dh Nk;kizfr
398/3, Gali No.14A/6, Sadh Kumar Singh S/o Arun Kumar
Bagh,North Delhi-110034,have layXu djuk vfuok;Z gksxkA fo'ks"k tkudkjh
Nagar, Palam Colony, Palam Singh R/o House No-501,
changed my name to Nishu
Bajaj for all purposes.Nisha
Village, New Delhi-45, have Duplex Sector-12, Vasundhra, (lwph) izkIr djus gsrq egkfo|ky;
Grover & Nishu Bajaj is one &
changed my name to Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh- dk;kZy; ls laidZ fd;k tk ldrk gSA
BHUPENDRA ASHABHAI 201012, have changed my name fdlh Hkh fufonk dks fcuk dkj.k crk;s
the same person.
DALWADI for all purposes to Aakash Chauhan fujLr djus dk vf/dkj v/ksgLrk{kjh
0040584306-1 0070753714-1 ds ikl lqjf{kr gksxkA iz/kukpk;Z

New Delhi



`45,952 `73.68 $71.25 `61,907
Crude oil (Indian basket) as of September 10

SENSEX: 58,177.76 ▼ 127.31 (0.22%) NIFTY: 17,355.30 ▼ 13.95 (0.08%) NIKKEI: 30,447.37 ▲ 65.53 HANG SENG: 25,813.81 ▼ 392.10 FTSE: 7,084.83▲ 55.63 DAX: 15,775.25 ▲ 165.44
International market data till 1900 IST

Invesco calls Zee
Ola to set up ‘world’s Telcoplayersobjecttorevised EGM for removal
largest women-only
plant’ for e-scooters;
locallysourcedproductpolicy qualify as local products even if comequipmentmakersaid.
of MD, directors
GEORGEMATHEW& Two directors quit
AASHISHARYAN THE CHANGES they used imported components Industry executives have also SANDEEPSINGH and Zee’s largest
employ over 10,000 NEWDELHI,SEPTEMBER13

issuedalistof 25
questioned the rationale behind
the decision, asking how the DoT
decided that the domestic capac-

IN A key development at Zee

shareholders have
nominated six directors
unications(DoT)hasreceivedsev- telecomproducts, tification, says some of the prod- ityandcapabilityoftheseproducts Entertainment Enterprises Ltd
ENSECONOMICBUREAU 5,000ROBOTS eralobjectionsfromdomestictele- whichitsaidwillqualify ucts, even if brought to India in disappearedsince2018,whenthe (ZEEL), Invesco Developing
NEWDELHI,SEPTEMBER13 com equipment manufacturers aslocalproductsevenif completely knocked down stage initialnotificationwasissued. Markets Fund (formerly Invesco sive differentiated movie library
■Thecompanyhas and trade bodies over the past 10 theyusedimported wouldbeconsideredlocalandbe “There were 63 products OppenheimerDevelopingMarkets expansion strategy and entered
THE1-CROREunitsayearelec- plansto deploy more daysforchangingthedefinitionof partsfordomestic eligibletobeusedinworksofpub- which were brought in the list af- Fund)anditssubsidiaryOFIGlobal intostrategiccontentpartnerships
trictwo-wheelermanufactur- than5,000robots locally sourced products, which manufacturing. lic sector companies. The DoT’s terdueconsultationfromalltrade China Fund LLC, holding 17.88 per ... Accordingly, the company had
ing plant being set up by Ola acrossfunctions qualify for public procurement, move,executivessaid,wouldhurt bodies,domesticandforeigncom- cent stake in ZEEL have called an entered into certain output deals
willbeentirelyrunbywomen, sourcessaid. local companies which had been panies. Thistime thelist has been extra-ordinarygeneralmeetingof for future rights and given ad-
the company’s co-founder 5,000 robots across various In separate letters to Telecom tertoVaishnaw,wouldpermit100 “aggressivelyplanningexpansion” brought down to 25, without any shareholders for the removal of vancesofaggregatevalueofRs420
Bhavish Aggarwal said functions. Ola had stated ear- Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, the per cent import from China and owing to Make in India and pref- consultationfromus,”anotherin- PunitGoenka,currentlyMDofthe crore. During the year, the com-
Mondayinablogpost,adding lierthatitwouldmanufacture DoT, and the Department for othercountriesandmakethemel- erenceplannedfordomesticfirms. dustryexecutivesaid. company, and two Independent pany received inventories aggre-
atfullscale,thefactorywillem- these vehicles on Industry 4.0 PromotionofIndustryandInternal igibleforpublicprocurementpref- “These products and services The Telecom Equipment and Directorsfromtheboard. gating Rs 156 crore and advances
ployover10,000women. principles.Forthesame,ithas Trade (DPIIT) Secretary, the erence “by simply assembling are now not required to comply ServicesExportPromotionCouncil However,twoindependentdi- aggregating Rs 264 crore is out-
“We welcomed the first tiedupwithSiemensandABB Telecom Equipment Manufac- without even having 0.1 per cent with the Telecommunication (Tepc),whichalsohasgovernment rectors,AshokKurienandManish standingasof March2021.”
batch this week and at full ca- to leverage their tech. As part turersAssociationofIndia(Tema) of local components and without EngineeringCenter(TEC)’sgeneral nominated members, has also Chokhani,resignedfromtheboard The fate of directors nomi-
pacity, Futurefactory will em- of the agreement with hassaidtheDoT’smovetoclassify any emphasis on R&D, design de- andinterfacerequirements.Itpits writtentotheDoTSecretary,argu- on Monday ahead of the EGM, nated by the Subhash Chandra
ploy over 10,000 women, Siemens, Olahasaccesstothe even imported telecom products velopmentorIPR”. the likes of Nokia, Cisco, and ing the policy would encourage whichisscheduledforTuesday. family—promoters—isaforegone
making it the world’s largest company’s integrated ‘Digital as local for public procurement OnAugust31,theDoTissueda Ericsson against small domestic “multi-nationalcompanies”to“in- Invesco and OFI Global — the conclusion as they hold only 3.99
women-only factory and the Twin’designandmanufactur- purposes was “retrograde” and listof25telecomproducts,suchas companies, who have spent so flate the prices of the imported largest shareholders of ZEEL — percentinthecompany.Thepro-
only all-women automotive ing solutions to digitalise and would hurt the government’s satellite phones, optical fibre and much time and energy for R&D parts, components to achieve the have proposed the appointment moterswereforcedtosellofftheir
manufacturing facility glob- validate product and produc- ‘MakeinIndia’policy. cables,ethernetswitches,andop- and design so that their products requisitelevelof‘localcontents’of of six of its own nominees on the stake to repay debt of around Rs
ally,”Aggarwalwrote. tionaheadofactualoperations. Themove,Temasaidinitslet- tical fibre, which it said would meetIndianTECstandards,”atele- theirtelecomproducts”. boardof Zee.Theproposeddirec- 13,000crore.Meanwhile,Invesco
Last month, Ola unveiled Also, Ola has deployed tors are: Surendra Singh Sirohi, said the company is required to
its S1 electric scooter, which ABB’s automation solutions in Naina Krishna Murthy, Rohan seekanapprovalfromtheMinistry
was expected to go on sale itsfactory’skeymanufacturing ‘Credible steps Dhamija,ArunaSharma,Srinivasa of Information and Broadcasting
starting September 8 but was
subsequently delayed to
process lines, including its
painting and welding lines, ‘NBFC AUM shrinks in Q1 needed to return
The exit of the directors and
in connection with the appoint-
ment of the proposed independ-

on lower disbursements’
September 15, on account of whiletheABBrobotsarebeing removalof theMDhavecomeaf- ent directors. “For the purpose of
“technicaldifficulties”withthe deployed extensively for the to fiscal rectitude’ ter proxy advisory firm such application, we hereby en-
company’swebsite. battery and motor assembly Institutional Investors Advisory closetherelevantdeclarationsand
At the Tamil Nadu facility, lines. Aggarwal said the com- The asset under management (AUM) of non-banking financial Services(IiAS)raisedseriouscor- informationrequiredfromeachof
which Ola claims will be the panyhasinvestedsignificantly company segment fell in Q1FY22 due to lower disbursements porate governance concerns in the proposed Independent
world’s largest scooter manu- to train and upskill women and portfolio rundown, said an Icra Ratings report the company by asking share- Directors.Accordingly,werequest
facturing plant, the company workersincoremanufacturing holdersnottovoteforre-appoint- that the company submit an ap-
willinitiallystartproductionat skills and they will be respon- AFTER WITNESSING an housing finance companies THE SECOND wave has ingthetwodirectorsonthecom- plicationwiththeMISseekingap-
a capacity of 10 lakh units a sible for the entire production uptick in Q3 and Q4 FY2021, (HFCs) declined again temporarily pushed back pany’s board at the AGM. provalfortheappointmentof the
year, later expanding it to 20 of every vehicle at Ola disbursements for NBFCs and in Q1 FY22 revival Source: Icra/PTI The CEO of a leading mutual proposed Independent Directors
lakh units annually, as part of Futurefactory, towards which fund said there were concerns attheearliest,”Zeesaidinthefiling.
the first phase. The company the company has announced Asset quality for the non-bank entities weakened quite sharply in Q1 FY2022 because of the 15th Finance Commission amonginvestorsabouthandlingof IIAShadaskedshareholdersto
hasplanstodeploymorethan investmentof Rs2,400crore. localised lockdowns imposed by various states on account of the second wave of Covid Chairman N K Singh. File fundsbythecurrentmanagement voteagainsttheproposaltore-ap-
andthatledthetwofundsowning pointKurien,sayingthatnorequi-
17.88 per cent in the company to site regulatory filing or share-
New Delhi: The country should make this move. “While the com- holder approval was sought for
NFRA: ICAI Resolution before NCLT can’t be modified: SC takecrediblestepstoreturntothe
path of fiscal rectitude once the
panypaidhugesumsof moneyin
advance for movie rights over the
classifying him as non-promoter

understanding theplanissubmittedtoit. AppellateTribunal(NCLAT)tostick

Covid pandemic is over, 15th
concerns if the money was being
moter. IiAS said Chokhani was on
of our role way
A Bench of Justices D Y tothisshouldtherefore,whilede- KSinghsaidonMonday. spentforgenuinereasonsandthat isaccountableforthelossesonac-
NEWDELHI,SEPTEMBER13 NewDelhi:TheSupremeCourt ChandrachudandMRShahruled ciding IBC matters, respect the Speaking at the CSEP-World has raised concerns among insti- countofrelatedpartytransactions,
thatthetimelimitcanbeextended deadlinekeepinginmindthe“ef- Bank Seminar on fiscal gover- tutionalinvestors,”hesaid. whichledtosignificanterosionin
off the mark THE SUPREME Court on Monday
ruled that Corporate Insolvency
has allowed the plea of the
Centre by holding that goods onlyinexceptionalcircumstances
as otherwise, the “open-ended
fect of such delays on the insol-
nance, Singh said, “If you look at
total fiscal stimulus of the... gov-
The annual report of Zee
Chandra’s brother Jawahar
and services under the CGST
New Delhi: TheNationalFinancial Resolution Process (CIRP) carried law and Rules cannot be processforfurthernegotiationsor “Judicial delay”, it said, “was ernmentwhich is upwards of 12- 2021states,"Duringanearlieryear, Goel’sDishTValsocameunderfire
Reporting Authority (NFRA) has out under the Insolvency and treatedatparforthepurposes a withdrawal, would have a dele- one of the major reasons for the 13percent,whensomepeoplead- considering the increasing com- recentlywithYESBankproposing
brushed aside concerns raised by Bankruptcy Code (IBC) must be of refund of unutilised input terious impact on the Corporate failure of the insolvency regime vocate greater fiscal stimulus, I petitionandcontentcostinflation, tooustthecompany’sentireboard
The Institute of Chartered completedwithin330daysaslaid taxcredit(ITC). PTI Debtor,itscreditors,andtheecon- that was in effect prior to the IBC” thinkweneedtobecareful.” ENS the company adopted an aggres- of directorsincludingGoel.
Accountantsof India (ICAI)about downbytheCode. omy at large as the liquidation andaddedthat“wecannotletthe

Jet to take off in Q1 next year

overreachbytheformer,callingits The Supreme Court held that valuedepleteswiththepassageof present insolvency regime meet
understandingofNFRA’srole“way theadjudicatingauthoritycannot proved by the Committee of time.” It asked the National the same fate”. The judgment
off the mark”. The ICAI had also allow modifications or with- Creditorsatthebehestof thesuc- Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) came on an appeal against an or-
disagreedwithconclusionsbythe drawals of Resolution Plans ap- cessfulResolutionApplicant,once and the National Company Law derof theNCLAT.
NFRA in a report published in haveareadyfleet.Inthestatement, eesandislookingtoonboardover
March that auditing was facing a PRANAVMUKUL the consortium has noted that it 1,000staffinthecurrentfiscal.The
“crisisof confidence”.
The ICAI also raised the issue
that the regulator was not con-
New trade credit cover to free up India Inc capital NEWDELHI,SEPTEMBER13

JET AIRWAYS 2.0, backed by busi-

plans to have over 50
aircraft in three years,
while it aims to restart
employees of the erst-
while airline have filed
sulted when the NFRA issued the ance policy will enable them to ingwasRs6,14,336croreasofJune revised guidelines on trade credit nessman Murari Lal Jalan and the domesticoperationsby CompanyLawAppellate
form‘NFRA2’,tobefiledbystatu- GEORGEMATHEW monetisetheaccountreceivables, 2021, growth of 11.1 per cent on a willhelpthesuppliersaswellasli- UK-based Kalrock Capital, an- Q12022,andshorthaul Tribunal against the re-
tory auditors. The regulator also MUMBAI,SEPTEMBER13 expertssaid. year-on-yearbasis,asperRBIdata. censed banks and other financial nounced Monday that the airline international opera- vivalplan.PunjabNatio-
said it was not part of the NFRA’s Thenewtradecreditinsurance Tradecreditinsuranceusually institutions to get insurance pro- will resume operations in first tions by Q3/Q4 2022. nal Bank has also ap-
role to form consultative and ad- THE INSURANCE Regulatory and cover which protects businesses coversaportfolioofbuyersandin- tection, which will help them to quarter of next year, with the first However, it is yet to fi- proached the appellate
visory groups for which it had DevelopmentAuthorityof India’s against the risk of non-payment demnifiesanagreedpercentageof manage country political risk, flight to operate between New nalise even on the aircraft that it tribunal,seekingtoquashtheplan.
soughtpubliccommentsandthat (Irdai’s) decision to unveil a new for goods and services by buyers aninvoiceorinvoicesthatremain open up access to new markets Delhi and Mumbai. Its shares on willoperate. Jetwillrequiresomeprimeslotsit
this was the domain of the ICAI. trade risk cover is expected to aid comesatatimewhenasustained unpaidasaresultofprotractedde- andtomanagenon-paymentrisk Monday gained 4.97 per cent to held in its first avatar, which have
The ICAI added the NFRA had corporates, suppliers, banks and recovery in global trade and de- fault, insolvency/ bankruptcy. “It associated with trade financing closeatRs83.50. JetAirways2.0is So,willtheairlinetakeoff? beenreallocatedtootherairlines.
taken key decision while keeping financialinstitutionsinopeningup mand from key external markets contributes to the economic portfolio.Traderiskinsurancecan the revived avatar of Naresh The airline said it has already Full report on
its own board, which has three access to new markets and man- like the US and the European growthofacountrybyfacilitating be issued to seller or supplier of Goyal’s Jet Airways that has been hired over 150 full-time employ- www.indianexpress.com
member nominated by ICAI, “in aging country political risk and Union in product categories such tradeandhelpsinimprovingeco- goods or services, factoring com- groundedforovertwoyears.
thedark.” non-payment risks, associated as textiles and garments have nomic stability by addressing the pany as defined in the Factoring
The Corporate Affairs withthetradefinancingportfolio. helped boost India’s exports, tradelossesduetopaymentrisks,” RegulationAct2011andbanksand Whatarethebiggest
MinistryandtheICAIdidnotim- Moreover,corporateswillnow which recorded the sixth consec- Irdai said. According to Sanjay financialinstitutions,itsaid. impedimentstothe
mediately respond to requests beabletofreeupcapitalandinvest utivemonthof growthinAugust. Kedia, country head and CEO, Full report on resumption?
for comment. ENS inbusinessesastradecreditinsur- Thetotaltradecreditoutstand- MarshIndiaInsuranceBrokers,the www.indianexpress.com Firstly,theairlinestilldoesn’t


FMtoIndiaInc At 5.3%, retail inflation (ÀF`d³FIY ÀIcYÕX ÀFûÀFF¹FMXe, SXÃFF ¸FaÂFFÕX¹F, ·FFSX°F ÀFSXIYFSX õFSXF ÀFa¨FFdÕX°F)
softens to 4-mth low
Monday said that the trust Ad²FIÈY°F d½FIiZY°FFAûÔ ÀFZ d³Fd½FQFEa d³F²FFÊdSX°F ´FiFøY´F ´FSX AF¸FadÂF°F IYe ªFF°Fe W`X:-
between government and IiY. d³Fd½FQF d³Fd½FQF RYF¸FÊ ²FSXûWXSX SXFd¾F A³Fb¸FFd³F°F
industry is critical for lever- ENSECONOMICBUREAU IYe IYe¸F°F (EMD) ½FFÍ¿FIY
aging the opportunities NEWDELHI,SEPTEMBER13 (A´Fid°FQZ¹F) JSXeQe
thrownupbytheCOVID-19 1 A³FFªF (Cereal) IYe AF´Fcd°FÊ Rs. 100.00 Rs. 1,00,000.00 Rs. 20 ÕXFJ
pandemic. She also held an RETAIL INFLATION based on 2 dIYSXF³FZ (Grocery item) IZY ÀFF¸FF³F IYe AF´Fbd°FÊ Rs. 100.00 Rs. 1,00,000.00 Rs. 20 ÕXFJ
interactivesessionwithFicci. Consumer Price Index 3 ¶FiZOX ½F A³¹F ¶F`IYSXe (Bread & Bakery items) ÀFF¸FF³FûÔ Rs. 100.00 Rs. 20,000.00 Rs. 04 ÕXFJ
(Combined) eased to a four- IYe AF´Fcd°FÊ
NCLATChairperson month low of 5.3 per cent in
4 IYF¹FFÊÕX¹F ÀFF¸F¦Fie (Office Stationary) IYe AF´Fcd°FÊ
5 ´F¾Fb AFWXFSX (Horse Feed) IYe AF´Fcd°FÊ
Rs. 100.00 Rs. 5,000.00 Rs. 02 ÕXFJ
Rs. 100.00 Rs. 15,000.00 Rs. 03 ÕXFJ
New Delhi: Justice M Venu- prices along with a high base ef- 6 MZXÕXeRYû³F E½Fa BaMXSX³FZMX (Telephone and Internet) IYe ÀFZ½FFAûÔ Rs. 100.00 Rs. 10,000.00 Rs. 04 ÕXFJ
gopalhasbeenappointedas fect,datareleasedbytheNational Food inflation eased to 3.11% 7 ²FbÕXFBÊ ½F BÀÂFe (Washing &) IYF¹FÊ IYe ÀFZ½FFAûÔ Rs. 100.00 Rs. 1,00,000.00 Rs. 20 ÕXFJ
the Acting Chairperson of Statistical Office (NSO) on in August from 3.96% in the
8 ³FFBÊ (Barber) IYF¹FÊ IYe ÀFZ½FFAûÔ Rs. 100.00 Rs. 5,000.00 Rs. 02 ÕXFJ
the National Company Law Monday showed. Supply-side previous month. File
9 ¸Fbýi¯F IYF¹FÊ ( Printing Work ) Rs. 100.00 Rs. 30,000.00 Rs. 06 ÕXFJ
AppellateTribunal(NCLAT). improvementsaidedalowercore
Thisisthethirdtimeinarow inflation print while lower cere- GeM availability ID: GEM/GARPTS/13092021/CUHG55C13FA7
that an Acting Chairperson alsandpoultrypriceshelpedease being above the RBI’s target of 4 d³Fd½FQF ´Fi´FÂF IYF ¸Fc»¹F ÷Y´F¹FZ 100/- W`XÜ ªF¸FF IYe ¦FBÊ d³Fd½FQF ´Fi´FÂF IYe dIY¸F°F ½FF´FÀF ³FWXe WXû¦FeÜ d³Fd½FQF RYF¸FÊ AWXÀ°FFa°FSX¯Fe¹F WXûÔ¦FZÜ d³Fd½FQF
is at the helm of the NCLAT. food inflation to 3.11 per cent in per cent. Economists said the RBI ´Fi´FÂF dQ³FFaIY 14 dÀF°F¸¶FSX 2021 ÀFZ 04 A¢McX¶FSX 2021 IZY ¸F²¹F ÀF·Fe IYF¹FFÊÕX¹Fe³F dQ½FÀFûÔ ´FSX ÀF`d³FIY ÀIcYÕX Ad¸¶FIYF´FcSX, ¸FZ¯OÑXFIYÕXFa,
August from 3.96 per cent in the will maintain its pause mode for dªFÕXF- ÀFSX¦FbªFF (LXØFeÀF¦FPX) d´F³F IYûOX- 497001 ÀFZ d³Fd½FQF ´Fi´FÂF ¾Fb»IY ªF¸FF IYSXIZY ´FiF´°F dIY¹FF ªFF ÀFIY°FF W`XÜ d³Fd½FQF ´Fi´FÂF IZY³ýie¹F
EPFO,Aadhaar previous month.
CPI inflation rate was
this fiscal though it may revise
down its inflation forecast.
ÀFF½FʪFd³FIY JSXeQ ´FûMÊXÕX (CPP) https://eprocure.gov.in/epublish/app E½Fa ÀF`d³FIY ÀIcYÕX Ad¸¶FIYF´FcSX IYe ½FZ¶FÀFFBMX
www.sainikschoolambikapur.org.in ÀFZ ·Fe OXFCX³FÕXûOX dIY¹FF ªFF ÀFIY°FF W`XÜ ´Fc¯FÊ øY´F ÀFZ ·FSmX WbXE d³F²FFÊdSX°F d³Fd½FQF RYF¸FÊ IYû
NewDelhi:TheEPFOhasde- recorded at 6.69 per cent in “... Inflation is expected to fall dÀFÕX¶Fa²F dÕXRYFRZY ¸FZÔ Aad°F¸F d°Fd±F 04 A¢McX¶FSX 2021 IYû ÀFb¶FWX 11.00 ¶FªFZ ¹FF CXÀFÀFZ ´FWXÕZX WXF±FûÔ-WXF±F ¹FF OXFIY IZY ¸FF²¹F¸F ÀFZ ÀF`d³FIY
ferredimplementationofits August 2020 and at5.59 per cent atleasttillNovember2021dueto ÀIcYÕX Ad¸¶FIYF´FcSX ¸FZÔ ªF¸FF dIY¹FF ªFF ÀFIY°FF W`XÜ d³Fd½FQF ´FZMXe ÀF`d³FIY ÀIcYÕX Ad¸¶FIYF´FcSX, ¸FZ¯OÑXFIYÕXFa ¸FZÔ dQ³FFaIY 04 A¢McX¶FSX 2021 IYû
ordermandatingfilingofPF in July this year. baseeffectandin3QFY22,itisex- ÀFb¶FWX 11.30 ¶FªFZ JûÕXe ªFFE¦FeÜ
returns with Aadhaar-veri- The August inflation print is pectedtodeclinetoclosertoRBI’s ÀF`d³FIY ÀIcYÕX Ad¸¶FIYF´FcSX IYe ½FZ¶FÀFFBMX ¹FF IZY³ýie¹F ÀFF½FʪFd³FIY JSXeQ ´FûMÊXÕX (CPP Portal) ÀFZ OXFCX³FÕXûOX dIY¹FZ ¦F¹FZ d³Fd½FQF RYF¸FÊ IZY
fieduniversalaccountnum- within the targeted range of 2±4 targeted4percentlevel.However, ÀFF±F d³Fd½FQF ´Fi´FÂF ¾Fb»IY ÷Y´F¹FZ 100/- (A´Fid°FQZ¹F) IYF dOX¸FFaOX OÑXFµMX ªFû kk´FiF¨FF¹FÊ ÀF`d³FIY ÀIcYÕX Ad¸¶FIYF´FcSXll IZY ³FF¸F ÀFZ QZ¹F WXû IYû
bers(UAN)tillDecember31, per cent of the Reserve Bank of in 4QFY22, it is expected to rise ÀFaÕX¦³F IYSX³FF Ad³F½FF¹FÊ W`XÜ A³¹F±FF d³Fd½FQF ´Fi´FÂF À½FeIYFSX ³FWXeÔ dIY¹FF ªFF¹FZ¦FF E½Fa d³FSXÀ°F ¸FF³FF ªFF¹FZ¦FFÜ OXFIY d½F·FF¦F õFSXF dIYÀFe ·Fe ´FiIYFSX
2021, for all seven states in India (RBI) though this is the sev- again.Ind-RabelievesRBIwillre- IYe QZSXe IZY dÕXE ÀF`d³FIY ÀIcYÕX Ad¸¶FIYF´FcSX ´Fi¾FFÀF³F dªF¸¸FZQFSX ³FWXea WXû¦FFÜ ´FiF¨FF¹FÊ, ÀF`d³FIY ÀIcYÕX Ad¸¶FIYF´FcSX IZY ´FFÀF dIYÀFe ·Fe d³Fd½FQF IYû
thenortheastandforcertain enthconsecutivemonthof anin- maininpausemodefortherestof dIYÀFe ·Fe À°FSX ´FSX À±Fd¦F°F/SXï IYSX³FZ IYF Ad²FIYFSX ÀFbSXdÃF°F W`XÜ
class of industries. PTI flationprinthigherthan5percent FY22,” said Sunil Kumar Sinha, 0633 ´FiF¨FF¹FÊ, ÀF`d³FIY ÀIcYÕX Ad¸¶FIYF´FbSX
and23rdconsecutivemonthof it principaleconomist,IndiaRatings.

New Delhi

A large granite monument honouring 9-11 victims was defaced by vandals who
spray-painted ‘Taliban’ on it in two places, authorities in South Carolina said. The
damage was cleaned up later that day, and the police are investigating the incident.

WORLD Donors pledge $1.1 bn for Afghanistan
UN rights chief accuses Taliban of breaking promises, including on women Afghan pilots who
sought safety in
GENEVA, NEW YORK, SEPT 13 transfer to US base
DONORS HAVE pledged more Washington: An initial group of
Thesemi-autonomous than $1.1 billion to help Afghan pilots who flew them-
four-wheel-drive‘REX Afghanistan, where poverty and selves and theirfamily members
MKII’. AP hunger have spiralled since the to safety in Uzbekistan aboard Long-range cruise missile tests in North Korea. Reuters
Islamist Taliban took power, and Afghan Air Force aircraft were

North Korea says

foreign aid has dried up, raising transferred to a US military base
ISRAEL the spectre of a mass exodus. in the United Arab Emirates on
Firmunveils UN Secretary-General
Antonio Guterres, speaking
Representative August Pfluger,
halfway through a UN confer-
ence seeking $606 million to
meet Afghanistan's most press-
which has been in contact with
it test fired new
long-range missiles
AN ISRAELI defence con- ing needs, said it was too early to their relatives are expected to fly
tractor on Monday un- say how much had been prom- outinthenextdayorsounderan

veiled a remote-con- ised in response to the appeal. arrangement the United States
trolledarmedrobotitsays After decades of war and suf- negotiated with Uzbekistan to
can patrol battle zones, fering,Afghansarefacing“perhaps UNSecretary-GeneralAntonioGuterresatanaidconferenceforAfghanistaninGeneva. Reuters move more than 450 Afghans.

track infiltrators and open theirmostperiloushour”,hesaid. Taliban leaders have been pres- KIM TONG-HYUNG Posing a
fire. The unmanned vehi- “The people of Afghanistan suring the Uzbek government to SEOUL, SEPTEMBER 13 renewed
cle is the latest addition to
the world of drone tech-
are facing the collapse of an en-
tire country — all at once.”
But UN human rights chief
Michelle Bachelet, also in Afghanistan blame game turn over the pilots, who fear for
thesafetyofthemselvesandtheir NORTH KOREA says it success- ● threat

shifts to US Congress
nology, which is rapidly Hesaidfoodcouldrunoutby Geneva,underlinedtheWestern families. NYT fully test fired newly developed
reshaping the modern the end of this month, and the misgivings. She accused the long-range cruise missiles over NORTHKOREA’Sballisticmis-
battlefield. Proponents World Food Programme said 14 Talibanof breakingrecentprom- the weekend, its first known siletestsusuallygarnermore
PIA runs its first
say such semi-au-
tonomous machines al-
of starvation.
The Taliban ruled
ises by once more ordering
women to stay at home rather
as Blinken testifies flight to Kabul since
testing activity in months, un-
derscoring how it continues to
expand its military capabilities
soldiers, while critics fear
this marks another dan-
Afghanistan according to their
strict interpretation of Islamic
girls out of school, and persecut-
ing former opponents. PATRICIA ZENGERLE US Secretary
Taliban takeover amid a stalemate in nuclear ne-
gerous step toward robots law from 1996-2001 and were Beijing last week promised & HUMEYRA PAMUK of State Islamabad: Pakistan’s national The Korean Central News newcruisemissilesas“strate-
making life-or-death de- toppled in an invasion led by the $31 million worth of food and WASHINGTON, SEPTEMBER 13 Antony flag-carrieronMondayranitsfirst Agency said Monday the cruise gicweapons”,whichmeansit
cisions. The four-wheel- United States, which accused health supplies, and on Friday Blinken commercial flight to Kabul since missiles, which had been under islikelytobeanuclearcapable
drive robot presented them of sheltering militants be- said it would send a first batch of SECRETARY OF State Antony the Taliban takeover of development for two years, system.Expertssaythesemis-
Monday was developed hind the Sept. 11 attacks. 3 million coronavirus vaccines. Blinken will testify twice to Afghanistan in mid-August. The demonstratedanabilitytohittar- silesarelikelytobeeasierto
by the state-owned Israel They swept back to power CongressthisweekabouttheUS Committee and on Tuesday be- Pakistan International Airline gets 1,500 km away during flight maneuverandmoredifficult
Aerospace Industries’ last month in a lightning ad- Pak sends aid withdrawalfromAfghanistan,as foretheSenateForeignRelations (PIA)flight—PK6429—tookfor- testsonSaturdayandSunday. forotherstotrack,makingthe
“REX MKII.” AP vance as the last US-led NATO Pakistan sent food and med- lawmakers kick off what could Committee, the first Biden ad- eign journalists to Kabul and re- The North hailed its new mis- possibilityof thembeingnu-
troops pulled out and the forces icine, and it called for Afghan as- be a long series of high-intensity ministrationofficialtotestifypub- turned with a team of World silesasa“strategicweaponofgreat clearcapableaworryingdevel-
of the Western-backed govern- setsfrozenabroadtobereleased. hearings about the chaotic end licly to lawmakers since the Bankandinternationalmediaor- significance” that meets leader opmentfortheregion,espe-
ment melted away. Iran said it had dispatched an air to America's longest war. Islamistmilitantgroup’stakeover. ganisations, Radio Pakistan re- Kim Jong Un’s call to strengthen ciallySouthKoreaandJapan.
NIGERIA With billions of dollars of aid cargo of aid. Members of Congress — Fireworksareexpected,given ported.Thiswasthefirstinterna- the country’s military might, im-
75abducted flows abruptly ending due to
Western antipathy and distrust
“Past mistakes must not be
repeated. The Afghan people
President Joe Biden’s fellow
Democrats as well as opposition
the amount of finger-pointing
over how the two-decade-long
tional passenger flight since the
oped with an intent to arm them launches. The US Indo-Pacific
childrenreleased towards the Taliban, donors had must not be abandoned,” said Republicans — have planned US presence in the country ital last month and announced a with nuclear warheads. North Command said it was monitor-

amidcrackdown a “moral obligation” to keep

helping Afghans after a 20-year
Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah
Mehmood Qureshi, whose
controlof thecountrylastmonth
ended. Some Republicans have
called on Biden, Vice President
hardline interim government. In
a statement, PIA Chief Executive
Korean state media published
photos of a projectile being fired
ing the situation with allies and
SEVENTY-FIVE CHILDREN engagement,severalspeakers in country has close relations with after a rapid advance. Kamala Harris and Blinken all to OfficerAirMarshalArshadMalik from a launcher truck and an ap- flects a continuing focus on “de-
who were kidnapped from Geneva said. the Taliban and would most Blinken will appear on resign. “We expect a confronta- said the objective of the flight is parentmissilewithwingsandtail veloping its military program
their school in Nigeria’s Neighbours China and likely bear the brunt of an exo- Monday before the House of tional hearing,” a Senate aide to promote goodwill between finstravelingintheair. and the threats that poses to its
northwesternZamfaraState Pakistanhadalreadyofferedhelp. dus of refugees. REUTERS Representatives Foreign Affairs said. REUTERS Pakistan and Afghanistan. PTI South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of neighbors and the international
have been released after Staff said the military was community.” Japan said it was
theirabductorscameunder analysing the North Korean “extremely concerned.” AP
pressure from a military

New York schools fully reopen

crackdown, a state official
said on Monday. Gunmen
took the students from the Myanmar’s Suu Kyi Japan warns
citizens of
UN: Economic
emergency in
dizzy and drowsy,
nappings from schools possible attack in after 18 months of Covid curbs Lanka may expand
military role in
skips court appearance Southeast Asia
1,100 children have been covery from the pandemic. But
seized since December last ELIZA SHAPIRO
the spread of the highly conta-
gious Delta variant has compli-
civilian functions
year. Authorities say they
were abducted by heavily ASSOCIATED PRESS cated the city’s push to fully re-
armed gangs of bandits REUTERS TOKYO, SEPTEMBER 13 NEWYORK City’sclassroomsre- open schools and left many PRESS TRUST OF INDIA
seekingransoms. REUTERS SEPTEMBER 13 opened on Monday to roughly a families and educators anxious COLOMBO, SEPTEMBER 13
JAPAN’S FOREIGN Ministry million children, most of whom about what the next few
RUSSIA DEPOSED MYANMAR leader urged its citizens on Monday to were returning for the first time About 600,000 families kept months will hold. THE UN rights body on Monday
4killedasplane Aung San Suu Kyi was unable to
appear at a court hearing on
stay away from religious facili-
ties and crowds in six Southeast
since the US’ largest school sys-
tem closed in March 2020.
their children learning from
home last year. NYT
At a news conference on
Monday morning, de Blasio
expressed concern on the state
of economic emergency de-
makesemergency Monday for health reasons, a
member of her legal team said,
Asian nations, warning of a pos-
sible attack.
While the city reopened
schools last fall for part-time
asked parents to put aside their
worries and focus on reorient-
ing recession and noted that it
landinginSiberia describingherconditionasdizzi- Aung San Suu Kyi The ministry said it had ob- learning, the vast majority of stu- first time in a year and a half. ing their children to in-person may “further expand the role of
FOUR PEOPLE were killed ness caused by motion sickness. tained information that “there dents chose to keep learning re- For months, Mayor Bill de learning. “I‘m appealing to all themilitaryincivilianfunctions”
when a small Russian SuuKyi,76,whohasbeende- are increased risks such as sui- motely.Butwithnoremoteoption Blasio had forecast the first day parents right now,” he said. in the island nation.
passenger plane with 14 tained on various charges since She is due to appear in court cide bombings.” now available to almost all par- of school to be a triumphant “Work past the fear, help your Sri Lankan President
passengers and two crew heroverthrowinaFeb.1military on Tuesday. Contacted again on The warning applies to ents,classroomswillbefullforthe coda in New York City’s long re- kids move forward.” NYT GotabayaRajapaksaonAugust31
on board made an emer- coup, did not have the coron- Monday evening, Min Min Soe JapanesecitizensinIndonesia,the declaredaneconomicemergency
avirus but felt ill having not trav- saidthelegalteamhadnoaccess Philippines,Singapore,Malaysia, to contain soaring inflation.

Uber drivers are employees, not

gency landing in a forest
in southeastern Siberia on eled in a vehicle for a long time, to determine Suu Kyi’s latest Thailand and Myanmar. The action is aimed at pre-
Sunday, the emergency lawyer Min Min Soe said. condition but reiterated that her The advisory was met with venting hoarding of essential
ministry said. The L-410 The popular Nobel Peace sickness was only minor. puzzlement in several of those items. The government has ap-
aircraft flying from the
city of Irkutsk came down
4 km from its destination,
Prize winner has spent about
half of the past three decades in
various forms of detention over
A spokesman for the ruling
military did not respond to calls
seeking comment.
nations, which said they had no
knowledge of such a threat, or
details from Japan as to the
contractors, says Dutch court pointed a former Sri Lankan
Army general as commissioner
of essential services, who will
Kazachinkoye village, the her non-violent struggle against She is on trial in the capital source of its information. unionsfightingforbetterpayand against the decision and “has no have the power to seize food
Investigative Committee dictatorship and her health is Naypyitaw over charges that in- Tanee Sangrat, spokesman ANTHONY DEUTSCH benefitsforthoseemployedinthe plans to employ drivers in the stocks held by traders and retail-
law enforcement agency closely watched. clude illegal importation and for Thailand’s Foreign Ministry, & TOBY STERLING gig economy and followed a sim- Netherlands”. ers and regulate their prices.
said. According to prelim- “It is not serious sickness ... possession of walkie-talkie ra- said Japan had not revealed the AMSTERDAM, SEPTEMBER 13 ilardecisionaboutUberinUK. “We are disappointed with Giving an update on Sri
inary reports by local She suffered car sickness. She dios and violating coronavirus origin of the warning and that The Amsterdam District this decision because we know Lanka, the United Nations High
emergency services, cannot stand that feeling and protocols. the Japanese Embassy had no UBER DRIVERS are employees, Court sided with the Federation that the overwhelming majority Commissioner for Human
there was an equipment toldusshewantedtotakearest,” She has been accused of ac- further details other than to say not contractors, and so entitled of Dutch Trade Unions (FNV), of drivers wish to remain inde- Rights Michelle Bachelet said, “A
failure, which the crew Min Min Soe told Reuters. cepting big bribes, and has been it was “not specific to Thailand.” to greater workers’ rights under which had argued that Uber’s pendent,” said Maurits new state of emergency was de-
reported before making SuuKyi’sonlycommunication charged with unspecified Thai security agencies have local labour laws, a Dutch court roughly4,000driversin thecap- Schönfeld, Uber’s general man- claredinSriLankaonAugust30...
the hard landing, Interfax with the outside world has been breaches of the Official Secrets no information of their own ruled on Monday, handing a set- ital are employees of a taxi com- ager for northern Europe. The emergency regulations are
news agency reported. through her legal team, which Act in a separate and more seri- about a possible threat, said back to the US company’s panyandshouldbegrantedben- “Drivers don’t want to give up very broad and may further ex-
REUTERS saysitsaccesstoherislimitedand ous case, which is punishable by deputy police spokesman European business model. efits in line with the taxi sector. their freedom to choose if, when pand the role of the military in
monitored by authorities. up to 14 years in jail. Kissana Pathanacharoen. Itwasanothercourtvictoryfor Uber said it would appeal and where to work.” REUTERS civilian functions.”


Pentagon reliance on contractors
hurt US in post-9/11 wars: study
US grapples with legacy of brutal interrogations ELLEN KNICKMEYER
equipping Afghan security forces
— security forces that collapsed
that Americans examine what
role the reliance on private con-
MohamedouOuld people, not me.” asidelegalandmoralconstraints SEPTEMBER 13 last month as the Taliban swept tractors played in the post-9/11
CAROL ROSENBERG Slahi,whounderwent Today,Slahi,50,isafreemanin in the name of national security. the country. wars. In Afghanistan, that in-
NOUAKCHOTT, SEPTEMBER 13 brutalinterrogations Mauritania,hishomelandinWest TheUShaslongsincestopped UP TO half of the $14 trillion Withinweeks,andbeforethe cludedcontractorsallegedlypay-
whilehewasheldat Africa,afternearly15yearsasade- employingtheso-calledenhanced spentbythePentagonsince9/11 US military had even completed ingprotectionmoneytowarlords
MOHAMEDOU OULD Slahi is al- GuantánamoBay,isa tainee,anearlyportionofthattime interrogation techniques used in went to for-profit defense con- itswithdrawalfromAfghanistan, and the Taliban, and the Defence
mostclinicalasherecallsdetailsof free maninMauritania withthethreatofadeath-penalty whatstudieshaveconcludedwas tractors, a study released the Taliban easily routed an Department insisting on equip-
thetortureheenduredinthesum- afternearly15years asa trialhangingoverhim. afruitlessorcounterproductiveef- Monday found. While much of Afghangovernmentandmilitary ping the Afghan air force with
merof 2003atGuantánamoBay. detainee. NYT Intheend,hewas releasedin fort to extract lifesaving informa- this money went to weapons that Americans had spent 20 Blackhawk helicopters and other
There were the guards who 2016 without ever being tion from detainees in secret CIA suppliers, the research is the lat- years and billions of dollars to aircraft that few but US contrac-
menaced him with attack dogs charged, the confessions he prisonsandatGuantánamoBay. esttopointtothedependenceon stand up. President Joe Biden tors knew how to maintain.
and beat him so badly that they himsexuallyinanefforttounder- by Slahi’s account. made under duress recanted, a But the choice to turn to gov- contractors for war-zone duties placed blame squarely on the “Ifitwereonlythemoney,that
broke his ribs. The troops who mine his adherence to Islam. “I remember telling them: proposed case against him ernment-sanctioned torture re- as contributing to mission fail- Afghans themselves. “We gave would be outrageous enough,”
shackled him, blasted him with ButwhatleftSlahiinutterde- ‘This is unfair. This is not fair,’” deemed by the prosecutor to be mainsastainonthecountry’srep- uresinAfghanistaninparticular. them every chance,” he said last Hartung, the director of the arms
heavy metal music and strobe spair, he said, was the interroga- Slahi recalled. The interrogator, worthlessincourtbecauseof the utation,undercuttingitsauthority In the post-9/11 wars, US cor- month.“Whatwecouldnotpro- and security programme at the
lights,ordrenchedhiminicewa- torwhotriedtothreatenhiminto he said, responded: “I’m not brutality of the interrogation. toconfrontrepressionelsewhere. porations contracted by the vide them was the will to fight.” CenterforInternationalPolicy,said
ter to deny him sleep for months acknowledgingthathewascom- looking forjustice. I’m looking to For the US, as for Slahi, the Eventoday,someformerBushad- Defence Department not only But William Hartung, the au- ofinstanceswherethePentagon’s
onend.Themind-numbingisola- plicitinplottingaterroristattack. stop planes from hitting build- legacy of the torture remains ministration officials risk ques- handled war-zone logistics like thorofMonday’sstudybyBrown reliance on contractors backfired.
tioninadarkenedcellwithouthis “If you don’t admit to it, we ings in my country.” complex and multifaceted two tioningwhentravellingtoEurope runningfuelconvoysandstaffing University’s Costs of War project “But the fact it undermined the
Quran.Thefemaleguardswhoex- aregoingtokidnapyourmother, To which Slahi said he decadesafter9/11ledtheGeorge by investigators invoking the UN chow lines but performed mis- and the Center for International mission and put troops at risk is
posed themselves and touched rape her,” the interrogator said, replied, “You need to get those W. Bush administration to set Convention Against Torture. NYT sion-crucialworkliketrainingand Policy,andotherssayit’sessential evenmoreoutrageous.” AP

New Delhi



You’ve reached such heights
at the beginning of your Whenwe display aggression
career. How do you continue whileplaying cricket, people
the momentum? How do you thinkwe are fighting with
deal with controversies that ouropponents.Offthe
surround our sports stars? groundwe shareourlife
Neeraj: Many people used storiesand befriend them.
my name and spread a lot of Bajrang,you play a contact
lies. They didn’t know the rules. sport, you comeoffas a lot
But I was sure about the truth, more aggressive.What’s
and the rules, so I spoke about yourmessage forthe people
it. As for early fame,I have a whoare watching you?
long way to go in my career Punia: Recently this issue
with my team. I have many Neeraj Chopra and Bajrang Punia (right) were in conversation with The Indian Express National Sports Editor Sandeep Dwivedi (left) and Assistant Editor Mihir Vasavda of Neeraj and this Pakistani
other competitions to take part player came up. Let’s assume
in and do much more such as that when we are competing

‘We are still improving... We will be

getting back to my fitness and on the field, we are enemies.
give results. Yes, we have to defeat them.
But when we come off the
ground, we are friendly, we
don’t discriminate. As a
wrestler, we have to deal with

learning till the end of our careers’

close contact. When you are
off the mat, those feelings are
different. We talk, we sit
together and joke as friends.
Chopra: This time, there
was this quote in the Olympics,
‘Stronger together’. I believe
At the e.Adda last week, Olympic gold medallist Neeraj Chopra and bronze medal-winning wrestler that everyone comes to
compete and win. We have to
FORMER COMPTROLLER AND Bajrang Punia spoke on preparing in the time of the pandemic, on life after their medals and what needs give our 100 per cent,
AUDITOR GENERAL OF INDIA irrespective of the fact that our
Neeraj, when you held the to be done to support emerging athletes own brother is competing
javelin, what was going on in against us. We live together in
your mind? Bajrang, you had On the excitement over the ter.... An Olympic medal comes first. the games village, eat together.
an injury in your right knee. Olympics and the challenge of Chopra: In Haryana, we have a saying, Ke It’s a feeling of a village, just
How did you face that the pandemic karegitayarijabladegijiddaari,meaningsome- like my own village, where
challenge? timesourpreparationmaynotbeasgood, but everyone lives together. But in
Chopra: When we are Bajrang Punia: We have been receiving it’s about winning on the final day with one’s the stadium, we compete.
standing for the run-up, alotof loveandrespectafterwinningmedals will power. We did it without any fear.
everything is blank. The only for the country. It has continued for over a Punia: We had been preparing. Even if
thing on our mind is to give it our month now, but that also means we have we could not train in the last 15-20 days, it
100 per cent. I would have done more responsibility,andweneedtodomore didn’t matter.
thousands and lakhs of throws for the country. People came to the airport
But at the run-up we just think (to greet us) because they love us and sup-
On making sacrifices and never
of giving our maximum. port us. When we saw Sushil bhai (wrestler having seen a film in a theatre
Punia: In wrestling, many Sushil Kumar) being honoured at the airport Punia: I have never been inside a cinema
players play with injuries. The in 2008, we had hoped that one day, people hall,butIhaven’tleftanyfilmonTV.Iwanted
game teaches us a lot. Neeraj would do the same for us. That also moti- to win an Olympic medal and then do other
also came back after an injury. vated us to get an Olympic medal for the things. To win something, we have to lose
My injury was bad. During the country. It was difficult for everyone to go to KATRINA KAIF JOHANNES VETTER something.Evennow,Ihaven’tgonetoathe-
Olympics, every athlete wants the Olympics this year. The rules and regu- ACTOR GERMAN JAVELIN THROWER atre to watch a movie. During those three ZARINE KHAN
to win a medal for the country. I lations were new for everyone. We thought Neeraj, your performance at the Mr Chopra, how does it feel to be an hours, we can rest, do training, so we think CO-FOUNDER, THE HINDU ZONE
thought that after this if I need the extra one year that we got because the Olympics and what you have Olympic champion? I look forward about the time. Howhastheattitudeofthe
surgery, it is not a big deal. Olympics were postponed would help us achieved, is an inspiration not just to competing with you and against family,people,andsociety
When we are on the mat we prepare better and we kept a positive atti- for the whole country, but also a you in the next season. On learning javelin in a place changedtowardsyou?Also,
need to forget those things, tude. We had to keep ourselves safe from in- personal inspiration for someone Chopra: This has got to be the best that has no culture of the sport asanathlete,howeasyor
otherwise we can’t perform. fection and prepare. like me, who invests a lot of time in message for me. I had wished to speak Chopra: There is a network problem in difficultisitforsomeone
Your support staff matters, how Neeraj Chopra: Players (who did not fitness. To see how you have with Vetter after the Olympics. I had our village, so YouTube wouldn’t work but I withonlytheirtalenttotake
they motivate you matters. We win), too, had put in a lot of hard work. They pushed yourself, trained, and what seen him, but then I couldn’t make my- savedvideos on my phone. I trainedwith my themforward,tobecomean
thought the injury can go to hell, should have also been thanked because you have achieved, it’s really self go and speak with him. He is a world heart. It was a new sport and I didn’t know internationalstar?
we have to perform. they too played for the country. I think this inspiring. Bajrang, I saw your class athlete who had worked his way to what lay ahead. I understood what javelin is. Neeraj: A lot oftalentgoes to
year we got maximum medals in the training videos and felt very such a level, but for him to not even I’mstilllearningandperfectingit.Iwantedto waste due tothelackofequip-
Olympics and Paralympics. (In javelin) We emotional seeing them. I have not score in the top eight was quite dis- train welland give itmy 100 percent. The re- ment,stadiumsandcoaching.If
have two gold medals, one silver, one bronze seen physical training like that in heartening. He was close to setting a sult might come later because it is a physical we havethesethingsunder
— a total of four medals. Javelin has also be- India. One can see the amount of world record and didn’t even get into a and technical sport and we reach that level control,thelevel of sportswill go
come popular in India. Our flag is reaching effort and hard work you’ve put into best eight-slot, so I didn’t feel that it gradually… We are still not perfect. We are upin thiscountry.
world level in javelin throw. It feels it. You both have inspired the was the right time to speak to him. It still improving. I think till the end of our ca- Punia: Well,theloveandaf-
really nice. whole country. was not his day. He is a great athlete, I reers we will be learning. fectionthat we have received
Chopra: It feels nice when wanted to hug him and make him be- Punia: Coaches, too, are learning. There after comingback, we have
On how their life has changed someone of her stature acknowledges lieve that he is the best. I hope he makes is no age to learn. It takes a lifetime. neverseen it before inour lives.
after the Olympics our hard work. a world record soon... When we Chopra: Coaches also learn from each Even smallkidscometousand
Chopra:Earlierwecouldgoanywhere,sit Punia: When people see how hard went to Finland, we had gone in the athlete they work with. gettheirpicturesclickedwith
on the roadside and eat something… that is we work, and they share their blessings same car. He was number one at that us, orwhen they tell usthat they
ANIRUDH CHAUDHRY less now. Nowadays, due to COVID-19 we with us, it motivates us to work harder time. We talked a lot, about our On what can be done for watchedmy wrestling orthat
FORMER BCCI TREASURER have to wear masks, but one day, people and foray ahead. It’s good to see people families, our countries, I learned a lot emerging athletes theysaw Neeraj’s throw, it’s
With your medal, there is an recognised me at Mumbai airport even pushing and rooting for us. about Germany. Chopra: I’m lucky because when I first quiteanicefeeling.
interest among young thoughIhadamaskon.Itwasgoodforusthat went there (JSW’s Inspire Institute of Sport),
children in javelin. How do so many people followed the Olympics this I got help. Most athletes don’t. They go to the
we hone their talent so that time.Now,peoplerecogniseus.Ourperform- We have to do our best. On performing despite stadium, no one knows what the facilities
we can hope for medals in ance was seen by everyone and the youth Chopra: Just two days before the bout an injury are, so even talented people find it hard to
2025? Also, will easy who wantto join sports willalso beinspired. Bajrang bhai and I were at the gym. Bajrang continue due to lack of facilities and guid-
access to sports psychology bhai was wearing a sauna suit and running Punia: The doctor had said you are re- ance. Many people are from middle-class
in terms of nutrition impact On going in for the win to reduce weight. He got a knee injury while sponsible if you play because your injury can families or poor homes. Most come from vil-
the growth of developing Punia: When we go for a bout, we don’t wrestling in Russia but he kept saying, ‘ become worse and you might need surgery. lages,sotheyshouldgetfacilitiesof thislevel.
athletes? think we will win by 8-0 or 10-0. When we this is the Olympics, I am not even thinking Withthetapethatwasputon,mymovement We need good coaches and supporting staff
Chopra: In rural India we startthebout,wejustthinkwehavetodoour of the injury’. He had a plaster on his was restricted. In the last bout, I told the doc- who can guide us.
have a lot of natural talent. best.Thescoredoesn’tmatter,wehavetofo- knee and wanted to give his best. When we tor I don’t want to put the tape on so he said
Many kids have what is called cus on winning the bout, which will get us talk to each other and see that spirit, it is put the kneecap instead. I said if I don’t win a For longer version, go to
a ‘fast arm’. We throw stones themedal—whetheritisby8-0,4-4or10-0. very motivating. medal now, even if it breaks, it doesn’t mat- www.indianexpress.com
with natural ease. Similarly, in SANJIVNAVANGUL
javelin, we have to throw MANAGING DIRECTOR AND CEO,
things, mixed with technique Eminent guests who participated in the e.Adda include Mridu Dalmia, Trustee, Dalmia Group Holdings; Vivek Jain, MD, DCW; Sandip Sen, Lead Director, Litmus BHARAT SERUMS & VACCINES
and body strength. We have World; Harsh Goenka, Chairman, RPG Enterprises; Yoginder Alagh, Vice Chairperson, Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social Research; Meher Pudumjee, MyfriendAbhinavBindra
that talent in India which can Chairperson, Thermax; Arvind Paranjpye, Director, Nehru Planetarium; Paroma Roy Chowdhury, Chief Communications and Public Affairs Officer, Dream Sports; speaksalotaboutmental
be used in javelin, cricket, and fitnessalongwiththephysical
even baseball, which is still not Ajit Shriram, Joint Managing Director, DCM Shriram; Atul Choksey, Chairman, Apcotex Industries; Rajendra Kasliwal, Board Member, Jai Vakeel Foundation; Sriram one.Youbothwerelookingso
very prevalent in India. We Narayanan, Managing Director, Meghraj Capital; Veena Sikri, Founding Trustee and Convener, South Asia Women’s Network (SWAN); Uttara Singh, Director, The relaxedwhenyouenteredyour
have academies that train Shriram Millennium School; Ayaz Memon, Columnist; Anu Malik, Indian Music Composer respectivematch-winning
youngsters in cricket, but sadly bouts.
we don’t have any for javelin. Chopra: Great training
We are trying and looking for contributes to our confidence.
senior athletes who can train in Our body needs to be in control.
javelin and start something. Sometimes because of
It’s quite technical, so they overtraining in the off-season,
need guidance. I am just happy we feel the body is tight. I was
that people now recognise listening to music the previous
javelin, and I would like to be night and was just playing the
able to guide people who want scenario in my head. I kept
a future in javelin. thinking that this is the day
that I have worked so hard for.

JAYESH RANJAN Chopra: There are many empty NIKITA RAWAT a lot of problems when we travel abroad to
PRINCIPAL SECRETARY, INDUSTRIES AND grounds all over, we need coaches over HEAD, MARKETING AND COMMUNICATION, play. We don’t get food which we like or are
COMMERCE (I&C) AND INFORMATION there. We need more competitions.We STEADFAST NUTRITION familiar with, we largely get boiled food. We
TECHNOLOGY (IT), TELANGANA GOVERNMENT need opportunities to perform. We, at Whatistheimportanceofnutritionandwhatis end up adding ketchup in rice to make it
You must have dealt with various sports times, are not able to show our range, as themessagethatyouhavefortheyouthofthe palatable. An athlete’s body needs specific
associations, like the one in your state, there are fewer opportunities. You can countryintermsofsportsnutrition? nutrition, and when we get swayed by taste,
and then international ones.We have keep increasing our facilities — from Chopra: Nutrition plays a key role in sports. we compromise on nutrition and our
them in our country too but what more can stadiums to equipment, to javelins — and Imagine, if we train properly and then go eat performance. Young athletes need to
be done? many kids in our country will join in. tikki-chholey, then what’s the point. We face embrace nutrition to play better.

New Delhi

Not impossible to leave Jaspal to travel to Jr Worlds Online Chess

Olympiad: India
Ronaldo out: Solskjaer
despite unresolved issues edge Ukraine in
tie-breaker to
Labelled as ‘negative influence’ in the lead-up to Tokyo Olympics, Rana will reach semis
serve as the chief coach for junior national pistol team in Peru this month
MUMBAI,SEPTEMBER13 INDIA HELD off a fighting Ukraine via the tie-
breaker to enter the semi-finals of the FIDE
SHOOTING COACH Jaspal Rana, who was la- Online Chess Olympiad on Monday with B
belled as a ‘negative influence’ on the Indian Adhiban,DHarikaandNihalSarinplayingkey
team in the lead-up to the Tokyo Olympics roles.Indiatooktheblitztie-break5-1thanks
by the National Rifle Association of India to wins for Adhiban, Harika, Sarin and R
(NRAI) president Raninder Singh, will be ac- Vaishali storm into the last four. India's top
companying the junior national pistol team womanplayerKoneruHumpydrewhergame
as the chief coach during the Junior World againstIulijaOsmakwhileViditGujrathi,play-
Championship later this month. ing on top board instead of the rested former
CristianoRonaldo markedhiscomebackatOldTraffordwithtwogoalsinSaturday's Headlined by Olympian Manu Bhaker, a worldchampionViswanathanAnand,shared
4-1 PremierLeaguewinoverNewcastle United. Reuters teamof36pistolshooters–18boysand18girls honours with veteran Vasyl Ivanchuk.
– will compete in eight events at the junior In the blitz tie-break, Adhiban defeated
worldsthatwillbeheldinLima,Peru,starting Kirill Shevchenko in 36 moves in a Larsen
London: MANCHESTERUNITEDmanagerOle minutesandIhavetomanagea36-year-old's September 27. Raninder had also mentioned Indianvariationgame.TheUkraineplayerhad
Gunnar Solskjaer said he will carefully man- minutes as well. The other thing with ariftbetweenBhakerandRana,whichhesaid in the two regular games held his own, draw-
age Cristiano Ronaldo's playing time but has Cristiano is that he looks after himself so couldhaveimpactedtheteenageshooter’sper- ing against P Harikrishna and beating Vidit
to balance that with getting the 36-year-old much so I know he will recover quickly and formance in her maiden Olympics. Gujrathi. Ukraine bounced back after losing
Portugal forward settled into the side. he has had a pre-season. Of course, it's im- RonakPanditandSamreshJunghadtrav- the first round 2-4 by trumping India 3.5-2.5
Ronaldo, who has rejoined United after portantthatwegeteveryoneupandrunning elled as pistol coaches to Tokyo after a string in the second to force the blitz tie-breaks.
12 years away, marked his comeback at Old and to get him up and running and to give of eventshadincreasedtherancourandbro- NRAI chief Raninder Singh hadearliersaid thatariftbetweenJaspal RanaandManu In the second round, R Praggnanandhaa,
Trafford with two goals in Saturday's 4-1 him 90 minutes." ken down communication between Bhaker Bhaker could haveimpactedthe teenageshooter’sperformanceinTokyo. File playinginplaceof NihalSarin,postedthefirst
Premier League win over Newcastle United. Jesse Lingard put himself in contention and Rana. While announcing the team on win for India, beating Platon Galperin with
United return to action in Tuesday's opening for a start against Young Boys after coming August27,theNRAIdidnotreleasethenames white pieces. The young GM underlined his
Champions League group stage match
against Swiss club Young Boys and Solskjaer
off the bench to score the fourth against
of coaches who would travel with the team.
Tougher trials for athletes to ensure form superiority, securing victory in just 20 moves
in a Sicilian variation game.
said he would not rule out resting Ronaldo. Unitedarejointtopof thePremierLeague that Rana will continue in his role as the jun- NewDelhi:Toensurethatthetrackandfield executive council meeting on Monday. HarikaextendedIndia'sleadbygettingthe
"It's not impossible to leave him out," on 10 points after four matches. They travel ior pistol team’s chief coach despite the alle- players competing at major events are in Before the Olympics, trials were con- better of Natalia Zhukova in 32 moves with
Solskjaersaid."Heis36.Mason(Greenwood) toWestHamUnitedonSundayfortheirnext gationsmadeagainsthimuntilthereviewof peak form when it matters, the Athletics ductedforlongjumperMSreeshankarand white pieces. She had in the first game of the
is 19 so it's the same, I have to manage his league match. REUTERS the Tokyo Games performance is complete. Federationof India(AFI)issettoconducta walkerKTIrfan.Sreeshankarfinished13th quarter-final beaten her opponent. While
Thepreparatorycampforthechampionship competition which will serveas a trial, es- inthequalificationroundandIrfanfinished Anand drew a second straight game against
will begin in New Delhi on Wednesday. pecially for those who qualified early. 52ndin the20 kmrace walkin Tokyo. The long-time rival Ivanchuk, Vidit Gujrathi who
Mohun Bagan great Roy dead Pak appoint Hayden, Philander Rana said his ‘interest will be the per- “We have also seen that the qualifica- AFI had said that ‘action’ would be taken came in for P Harikrishna lost to Kirill
New Delhi: FORMER INDIA international as coaches for T20 World Cup formance of the national team’. “I am going tion period for the Olympic Games or the against athletes who don’t perform at the Shevchenko. However, the defeat of Humpy
and Mohun Bagan legend Bhabani Roy, Lahore: FORMER AUSTRALIA Test opener as a national coach. I am not going as any- World Championships is a very, very long Olympic Games. atthehandsof IMIulijaOsmakinamarathon
who excelled as the country's first 'over- Matthew Hayden and ex-South Africa pacer body’s personal coach. If any player needs one.Andthereareinstanceswhenathletes “Thefederation’sstandisclear.Wewere 114-move game secured a win for Ukraine.
lapping full-back' under the tutelage of Vernon Philander have been appointed as me, I am there,” he said. A record number of have qualified, sometimes even a year be- nothappywithSreeshankar’strainingpro- In the first set of matches, Anand and
the great Amal Dutta, died in Kolkata on coaches of the Pakistan team for the upcom- Indian shooters had qualified for the Tokyo fore.BeforetheGameswhenwewantafit- gramme, which is not professional or sci- Ivanchuck played out a draw while
Monday following a prolonged illness. He ing ICC T20 World Cup in the UAE, the board Olympics and they were expected to win a nesstrial,everybodyisupinarms.Wehave entific,andthecoach(hisfather).Hiscoach Harikrishna, Humpy and Vaishali also shared
was 75. Roy was admitted in a city hospi- announced on Monday. The appointments few medals. However, the team returned seen exactly what has happened at the hadgiveninwritingthatifhedoesnotcross honours. Harika and Sarin scored important
tal for the last few days. Dutta was the first were announced by the newly-elected empty-handed for the second consecutive Olympic Games. All the suspects did not 8metres,wewillstopcoachingandhewill wins over Natalia Buksa and Platon Galperin.
to use Roy as overlapping fullback in his 4- Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chairman Games. Last month, it was reported that a perform. Now we have made a decision listen to us. So the first action has already India awaits the winner of the USA-
2-4 formation in the 1960s. Roy who Ramiz Raja. The appointments of Hayden three-part review – in which the roles of the thattherewillbeonefinaltrialwherethey been taken, we have changed his coach,” Kazakhstan quarter-final to be played later
made his international debut in the and Philander come a week after head coach athletes, coaches and executives of the na- have to perform. Only those who perform Sumariwalla added. The AFI is also on the tonight in Tuesday's semi-finals.
Merdeka Cup in 1969 represented India in Misbah-ul-Haq and bowling coach Waqar tional federation would be examined – was inthetrials...wewillhaveachampionship lookout for foreign coaches for juniors in RESULTS: Quarter-finals Round 1: India bt
three matches. At the domestic level, he Younis resigned after two years in the job. underway. actually... will be selected,” AFI president 400m, javelin throw, race walk, long jump Ukraine 4-2 (Anand drew with Ivanchuk,
was part of West Bengal's Santosh Trophy "The Pakistan team needs a new direction. The NRAI said in a statement that the re- Adille Sumariwalla said after a review of and triple jump, events which have been Harikrishna drew with Shevchenko, Humpy
squad in 1968 and the triumphant team of We have appointed Hayden and Philander viewprocess will restartonlyafterthe feder- performanceofathletesandcoachesatthe identifiedas‘medalpotential’. ENS drew Osmak, Harika beat Buksa, Sarin beat
1971. He played his club football for for the World Cup," Raja said. "Going for- ation’s election concludes on September 18. Galperin,VaishalibeatMariiaBerdnyk);Round
Mohun Bagan from 1968 onwards ward, we will have to carry out an extensive “The review process as you know is still on 2: India lost to Ukraine 2.5-3.5 (Anand drew
wherein he captained the green and ma- exercise in this regard in order to look for and many sittings and sessions are yet to be and without giving proper representation to ative factor in the whole thing (wrangling Ivanchuk, Vidit Gujrathi lost to Shevchenko,
roons in 1972 which was his last year in people who fit our model. Our objective is to completed.Oncetheelectionnoticeisissued, all athletes, coaches, support staff and offi- within the team).” He added that Rana and Humpy lost to Osmak, Harika beat Natalia
the club as a player. But he started his ca- give this team the best possible options so the President is in a caretaker capacity as cials. Therefore, the review process is still on Bhaker,thejuniorteam’sstarshooter,didnot Zhukova, Pragganandhaa beat Galperin,
reer with Mohun Bagan's arch-rivals, East that it leads to improvement in perform- well,” the statement read. andwillhavetobetakenforwardbythenew share a cordial working relationship and al- VaishalilosttoBerdnyk);Tie-breaker:Indiabt
Bengal, in 1964. He scored five goals in the ances," he added. The PCB had roped in for- The federation added: “In such a situa- dispensation post September 18. Till then though Raninder insisted that India’s deba- Ukraine 5-1 (Vidit Gujrathi drew Ivanchuk, B
process, and helped the club win the CFL mer Test spinner Saqlain Mushtaq and all- tionitwouldbeextremelyprejudicialaswell status quo naturally remains.” cle at the Games was not ‘Jaspal’s fault’, the Adhiban beat Shevchenko, Humpy drew
in 1969. Bagan also won the IFA Shield rounder Abdul Razzaq as interim coaches for asunfaironeveryoneinvolvedif this dispen- During the Olympics, Raninder had said: incident between the two ‘might have had Osmak,HarikabeatBuksa,SarinbeatGalperin,
that year. PTI the home series against New Zealand. PTI sation were to take any decision in a hurry “Therewasjustonepersonwhowastheneg- an impact on Manu to some extent’. VaishalibeatBerdnyk)

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sept 24 - Oct 23)
ProfessionalAriens You're still in a
stillseemtohave phase of
moregoingforthem preparation rather
thanthosewho are than action, which
travelling,onholidayor means that you can afford to
temporarily resting. If youshould put off the big day for a little
befeelingleftout,take the lead while longer, if you wish.
andacceptresponsibilityina Above all, avoid financial
communityenterprise. Andif complacency for, the moment
youdon'treceivetheright offers, you let down your guard,
tryto createtheopportunities someone may try to over-
foryourself. charge you.
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 22)
Faraway places There'll be a
seem to be very remarkable series of
much more enticing planetary aspects
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson than anything near within a few days,
at hand. You may even have and the consequences could be
been dreaming of life abroad. far-reaching. If you wish to stay
However, there seem to be out of the firing-line, keep your
more important personal head down, and if you wish to
matters to deal with, and you preserve your position, you must
should do your best to be flexible. That's the least that
complete everything in the partners expect.
1 Replying on one’s inclination 1 It stands to reason
right order.
(7) (5) SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 22)
4 Householder in no hurry to 2 Fireproof third party GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) Keep material
move (5) (8) It's time to reflect on affairs in order, and
7 At end of evening, general 3 Where food is prepared on the many changes concentrate on
merriment (4) board an old Greek warship that have taken anything which
8 Rousing game in Dutch city (8) (6) place recently, and guarantees your day-to-day
10 Many members naturally 4 City’s teams organised which have left you feeling survival. You will have enough
support them (10) according to plan (10) older, and much, much wiser. on your plate coping with
This is a moment to make sure questions of principle later in
12 They keep sharp eyes on 5 These days it follows an
that you are able to grapple the week. What that means is
German and American opening of mine (4)
with practical questions, rather minor matters might have to
arms (6) 6 Tugboats? (7) than being obsessed by purely be postponed until you have
13 Saucy antics? (6) 9 It’s owner will be self-assured
15 The odd sliced loaf may be dug (4,6) MARVIN by Tom Armstrong imaginary fears. more time.

out (10) 11 Extensively used troops CANCER (June 22 - July 23) CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
18 The actors have to press hard (8) You must now You're still in the
(4-4) 12 Waits for word used by Nelson devote more driving-seat, but if
19 The king to work as a key in a signal (7) attention to other people expect
operative (4) 14 Old man cracks a nut (6)
emotional ties and you to do the
make others see sense, fetching and carrying, you'd
20 Doubtful being kept somewhat 16 Skinhead drove off with a lively
although you shouldn't expect better oblige. However, you are
in the dark? (5) horse (5)
them to view things exactly not without influence, and there
21 Determined men out to catch 17 Every atlas I approve includes the way you do. You shouldn't is much you can do to shape
criminals in action? (7) it (4) be embarrassed about wanting partners' desires and wishes,
change: the need for diversity even without them knowing.
is a very human one.
Solutions Crossword 4533: Across: 1 Drop the case, 9 Cursory, 10 Aesop, AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19)
11 Nile, 12 Sack race, 14 Wither, 16 Ironer, 18 Epilogue, 19 Icon, 22 Groom, LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) The major message
23 Timbale, 24 Astronomers. Down: 2 Rural, 3 Pooh, 4 Heyday, 5 Crackers, Pay whatever coming from today's
6 Sustain, 7 Acknowledge, 8 Appearances, 13 Reformer, 15 Tripods, 17 Sultan, attention is needed stars is that it is your
20 Chair, 21 Imam
to chronic inner perceptions
complaints, and and preconceptions which
spare no effort in getting shape your point of view.
yourself into shape, Material pressures are less
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel5s
emotionally, intellectually and important than you might

physically. The simple reason is imagine. In other words, focus

Instructions that you'll need all your powers on what you want to happen
Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, of persuasion and rather than worrying about
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 concentration later in the week. what other people might do.

theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe
____repeatsitself,firstastragedy,secondasfarce.-KarlMarx(7) VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sept. 23) PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
nineverticalcolumns,in Now that Venus is One of the many
eachoftheninehorizontal charging through fascinating things
BMOOR AERRTY rowsandineachofthe your chart you about your life at the
nineboxes. should begin to feel moment is the
more hopeful, especially in the extent to which you are
romantic department. Yet, operating according to your
SSYIS ABELRH DifficultyLevel
please do be careful that your own inner wishes rather than
expectations are not too high in line with what other people
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; to be satisfied. A little realism want, partners included. You
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; now will sow the seeds for need to keep family members
5s=VeryHard;6s= success later on. happy, but it should be easy.
Answer: History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. - Karl Marx Genius

New Delhi

Uncapped Australian fast bowler Ben Dwarshuis was on Monday named as
Chris Woakes' replacement in the Delhi Capitals squad for the second half of the
Indian Premier League. Dwarshuis, 27, a left-arm pacer, has picked up 12 and 100
wickets from seven and 82 List A and T20 matches so far. He represents New
South Wales in List A while plays for Sydney Sixers in the Big Bash League.

DANIIL MEDVEDEV, after beating Novak Djokovic in the US Open final and denying the Serbian a career slam
change as long as
team performing:
BCCI secy Jay Shah
No Hollywood ending
MUMBAI,SEPTEMBER13 NovakDjokovicisdeniedhis21stGrandSlamtitlefornowasMedvedevtakesdowntheSerb6-4,6-4,6-4inNewYork
AMONTH beforetheT20WorldCup,BCCIsec-
retaryJayShahhasthrownhisweightbehind GAURAVBHATT
captain Virat Kohli. SEPTEMBER13
“As long as a team is performing while on
thecrease,thequestionofchangeincaptaincy BRAD PITT was galvanising Novak Djokovic
doesn’t arise,” Shah told The Indian Express. when everyone in the Serb's box was sitting
Hiscommentcomesinthewakeof mediare- shell-shocked. Leonardo DiCaprio was mim-
ports predicting split captaincy in the days to ing a forehand, explaining to a companion af-
come. It has been suggested that Kohli will be ter a straightforward miss from Djokovic. But
making way for his deputy at the T20 World thetwostarscouldn'tscriptawinfortheWorld
Cup, Rohit Sharma, in the game’s shorter ver- No. 1. This wasn’t Once Upon a Time in
sions to focus exclusively on Test cricket as far Hollywood, there was no revisionist, happy
as captaincy is concerned. ending.Rewritingallscriptswasa25-year-old
Shah’slinkingof“captaincy”and“perform- from Russia.
ance” alludes to India’s 2-1 advantage in the In the Australian Open final at the start of
unfinished Test series against England and its theyear,DaniilMedvedevwasdismantledby
fineruninT20cricket.UnderKohli,Indiahas- Djokovic, who then consoled: “It’s a matter of
n’t lost a series in the game’s shortest format. timewhenyou’regoingtoholdaGrandSlam...
They have got the better of England (3-2), if you don’t mind waiting a few more years.”
Australia (2-1), Sri Lanka (2-0) and New The wait lasted seven months. Medvedev
Zealand(4-0).However,Kohli’srecordascap- won his maiden Grand Slam title, thwarting
tain in major ICC tournaments has not been Djokovic’s bid to clinch all four Majors in the
greatasIndiahasn’twonthebig-ticketwhite- calendar year. But it was his under-the-radar
ballevents-ChampionsTrophy,WorldT20or run to the final that projected Medvedev as a
the 50-over World Cup since he took over. non-entity.
Last week, the BCCI strengthened India’s The fortnight saw storylines aplenty.
T20WorldCupsupportstaff,bringinginIndia’s Djokovichimselfwasthesubjectofanarrative
mostdecoratedwhite-ballcaptainMSDhoni other than the calendar Grand Slam. He had
as the team’s mentor. Those in the know said lost four opening sets in the tournament. So
that the decision was made keeping in mind when he lost the fifth on Sunday, the odds ac-
the team’s unimpressive white-ball record in tually leaned even more in his favour.
ICCeventsunderKohliandcoachRaviShastri. ButwhoknewthatwhenDjokovicsaidhe
While Kohli is yet to win an Indian Premier was going to treat Sunday’s final as the “last
League title, Dhoni has led Chennai Super match of his career”, he would actually play DaniilMedvedevwonhismaidenGrandSlamtitle,thwartingNovakDjokovic’sbidtoclinchallfourMajorsinthecalendaryear. AP
Kings to three titles. likethat.Overwroughtandoutplayed.Theul-
At the media briefing, Shah had said that timatebaselinerwasbeatenathisowngame.

How Djokovic was beaten at his own game

he had approached Dhoni for the mentoring Early on in the contest, he pummelled his his serves as spectators refused to pipe down.
role and the latter had agreed. “He was okay quads — “my legs were not there” — desper- Shakenandunderthespotlight,Medvedev
with my decision and agreed to be the men- ately trying to locate the ‘On’ button. couldhaveletlooseagain.Unlike2019,hecar-
torforTeamIndiafortheT20WorldCuponly. The emotions weren’t in check either. He ried on unwavering.
I am glad that MS (Dhoni) has accepted the almost launched a ball into the stands, a ball The Russian was standing between on your service games." Overall, Medvedev to the net at an average of 7.9 times per set.
BCCI’sofferandiskeentocontributetothena- girl nearly caught in the crossfire, left cower- DjokovicandtheGrandSlam.Betweentheau- GAURAVBHATT fired 16 aces and 22 unreturned serves. AgainstZverev,hecamein8.6times,winning
tional team once again. MS will work closely ing, perhaps replaying the moment from last dienceandseveralthousand‘I-was-there’mo- SEPTEMBER13 In his previous six matches, Djokovic was 35 of those 43 points. Against Medvedev, he
withRaviShastriaswellasothersupportstaff year when a wayward ball off Djokovic’s rac- ments. For a moment, Djokovic spurred into abletobreakhisopponentwithinthefirsttwo trieditnearly16timesperset,winning31out
to provide support and direction to Team quet hit an umpire in the throat. The Serb life. He flashed his first genuine smile of the DANIIL MEDVEDEV played the spoiler for games of the second set, setting the tone for of47netpoints.Healsoserve-and-volleyedto
India,” the BCCI secretary said. stopped just in time. Moments later, he de- match, then buried his face in the towel and NovakDjokovic'sGrandSlamdreams,beating theremainderof thecontest.Hehadasimilar disrupt Medvedev's rhythm. But the bread-
HeaddedthatbothKohliandShastriwere stroyed his racquet hammering the floor. bawled. Tears in his eyes, the crowd chanting theworldNo.1instraightsets,6-4,6-4,6-4,in chancewithMedvedevdown0-40inthesec- and-butter groundstrokes from the baseline
kept in the loop. “I spoke to the captain and his name, ‘Nole’ the veteran gunslinger stood the US Open men's singles final. The 25-year- ondgameofthesecondset.TheRussianserved werelargelyineffective.Whilehisstrokeswere
vice-captain, as well as Ravi Shastri. They all Cool customer up to the quick-drawing youngster one last old Russian won his maiden Major title with himself out of trouble with two aces and er- a lot crisper in the third set, Djokovic couldn't
are on the same page, so that’s why this mat- Still under the radar, watching tennis’ time. And failed. his overwhelming brand of ten- rors from Djokovic. stay in the points.
ter has reached this conclusion.” marathon man crumble and combust across nis,droppingjustonesetoverall. TheworldNo.1-whocalledthe
the net, was Medvedev, whose life has been Solace in failure InhisfirstdefeatattheGrand missedbreakthe"turningpoint"in Bodyandmind
‘Standalone’ Test should be about revelling in Dostoevsky-esque ironies. By his own admission, there was relief af- Slamsthisyear,Djokovicwasout- the press conference - could con- With four four-setters in his first five
treated as 5th test, says Ganguly The first Russian man to win a Grand Slam ti- ter defeat. Apart from his dominance and im- served and beaten at his own vert 1 of 6 breakpoints, the lone matches and a five-setter semifinal against
PTIADDS: tlewouldhavebeenborninFranceasplanned, perious game, a facet of the 34-year-old’s ca- game. Here is how Medvedev break coming late in the third set. world No. 4 Zverev, Djokovic came into the fi-
The proposed “standalone” Test between ifnotforpretermbirth.Theminorhealthcom- reer has been the need to be loved. He would wonthebattleswithinthebattle. Djokovicmeanwhilehadater- nal having spent 17 hours and 26 minutes on
IndiaandEnglandshouldbetreatedasthese- plications meant he is deemed unsuitable for hand out candy in the press room and devise rible day with his service. Over the the court. Medvedev's on-court time before
ries-deciding fifth match that was cancelled compulsorymilitaryservice,eventhoughthe corny signature celebrations. He is quick to Serviceandreturn five sets against Alexander Zverev Sunday was 11 hours and 51 minutes.
lastweekowingtoaCOVID-19outbreakinthe 6’6 lanky player is one of the fitter, faster men point out that he is not as loved as Roger Itwasa game of tenniswhen in the semifinal, he landed 66 per "Could be, could be," Djokovic replied
Indian camp, BCCI President Sourav Ganguly on tour. Federer and Rafael Nadal. Djokovic served and shooting practice when centofhisfirstserves.OnSunday,thepercent- when asked if the long run had any effect on
saidonMondayandruledoutthepossibilityof Hesworeoff videogamesattournaments New York has been especially unkind. His Medvedev did. The Russian fired kryptonite age was 54. It was never going to be enough him."Ihadmorehoursonthecourtspentfrom
it being considered a one-off game. The afterone8pm-to-7amrompledtoaheavyde- threeUSOpentitlesandsixrunner-upfinishes bullets at the Superman of returners, hitting against Medvedev, whose first-serve return Daniil, that's for sure… I was just below par
England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) has feat. Yet, his first celebration on Sunday saw havebeensettothechorusofunrelenting,ob- the mark consistently. ratewas81percentthisfortnight,thetourna- withmygame.Mylegswerenotthere.Justen-
writtentotheICCseekingaDisputeResolution him flop to the blue concrete, an ode to the noxious boos. Clubbed with the previews for Alotabouthisplayingstyleisunorthodox, ment's highest. ergy-wise I felt slow."
Committee(DRC)verdictonthefateofthecan- ‘dead fish celebration’ from the FIFA video Sunday’s final were features dissecting why but Medvedev is old school with his service ButDjokovichintedthatthementaltollof
celled match that was to be played at Old game series. “Only legends will understand... NewYorkhascheeredagainsthimandwould- motionandefficiency.Ratherthangoinglateral Baselineandthenet playing at the highest leveland the mounting
Trafford, Manchester. L2 + left,” he said. n’t embrace his quest for a Grand Slam. acrosstheball,theracquet'sfollow-throughis The reason behind Medvedev's returning expectations of, first the Golden, and then
“Wewanttheseriestobecompletedasthis “I talked to the guys in the locker (room)... Butwhetheritwasthedesiretoseehistory forwardthroughtheball.Theflattenedserveis success is his deep returning position. He sta- Grand Slam caught up to him.
will be our first series win (in England) since Theywerelike,‘That’slegendary’”,Medvedev beingmade,orseeingachampionoutofsorts, furtheraccentuatedbyhis6'6frameandhigh tions himself way behind the baseline to give "…also emotionally, very demanding pe-
2007,” Ganguly told PTI. “The BCCI maintains said. New York was all Djokovic on Sunday. toss, the limited knee-bend and the upper himself more time. For a tall (but lean and riod for me in the last five, six months. Slams
thatTestcricketistheultimateformatandwe The biggest irony is that his coronation “You guys touched my soul. I have never body leaning forward, resulting in an average without excess weight) player, his lateral and Olympics and playing at home in
won’t compromise it for anything.” came at the US Open. It was his breakout run feltlikethisisNewYorkeventhoughIhavenot first-serve speed of 196 kmph. movementissuperb.Together,themovement Belgrade,"hesaid."Everythingwascomingto-
Indiawereleadingtheseries2-1whenthe tothefinaltwoyearsagothatmadehimpub- wonthematch,myheartisfilledwithjoyand The placement, too, was clockwork on and the time to set up a stroke makes him a getherformehereandkindofaccumulatingall
match was called off after the visiting players licenemyNo.1.Booedvociferouslyforhisan- Iamthehappiestmanalivebecauseyouguys Sunday. When in doubt or under pressure, brutal counterpuncher. At the US Open, the emotions that I've been through."
refused to take the field following positive tics, Medvedev soaked it in, taunted and made me feel very special on the court,” frombothdeuceandad-court,hewentdown Medvedev won the most points from defen- Hisemotionsconsistentlygotthebetterof
COVID-19 cases among its support staff, in- showedthemiddlefinger,playingtheperfect Djokovic fought tears at the ceremony. theT.Hewon22suchpoints,including9aces. sive situations, at 39 per cent. him on Sunday. In the fourth game of the sec-
cluding head coach Ravi Shastri. A forfeiture villain. The cherry on the sundae was securing And when he was feeling it, he would serve it OnSunday,Medvedevplayedalmostone- ond set, with mishits, unforced errors and
will allow the ECB to get insurance payout of New York — the longest-reigning cham- Medvedev’s vote in the GOAT debate. “I want big,outwidefromad-court.Healsointermit- third of his shots beyond 2m of the baseline wasted break points mounting, a frustrated
40 million pounds that, it claims, would help pionofembarrassingtenniscrowds—tookan tosaysorrytothefansandNovak...Forme,you tentlyfollowedhisfirstserveswith200+kmph and won 62 per cent of baseline battles. Djokovic almost swatted the ball into the
offset losses because of the cancellation. active part in the match on Sunday. And with are the greatest tennis player in history,” second serves. Djokovicscoredasolitarypassingwinner. stands before stopping himself. A couple of
If theICCdeemsthatthematchwasaban- Medvedevfinallymisfiringinthethirdset,the Medvedev said. "He was hitting his spots very well," said Infact,8ofhiswinnerscamefromvolleys.The points later he smashed his racquet and re-
donedduetoCOVID-19,Indiawillofficiallywin crowdbegancheeringfordoublefaults,jeering, The once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has Djokovic after the match. "If you're playing ultimate baseliner had to switch up his game. ceivedacodeviolation.Healsobrokedownin
the series 2-1 as such a cancellation is consid- whistling and booing during his service. He gone. But Djokovic can find solace in the someonelikeMedvedevwhohitshisspotsso He slowed down his second serve to bring tears towards the end of the match.
ered “acceptable non-compliance” under squandered a championship point and con- bittersweet defeat. Which came from well, just aces, gets a lot of free points on his Medvedev forward. And he rushed to the net Across the net, Medvedev was calm and
World Test Championship rules. ceded a break while trying to hustle through Russia, with love. first serve, you're constantly feeling pressure often. In his first five matches, Djokovic came uncharacteristically understated.

How the titanium halo saved Hamilton’s life after crash with Verstappen
and Verstappen’s car bounced off Hamilton’s outofturn3sawtheFrenchmancrashintothe
SHASHANKNAIR wheel,thenoffthecurbandthenlaunchedit- ThewheelalsohitHamilton’s barriers. His car split in two and caught fire.
NEWDELHI,SEPTEMBER13 self at the 6-time World Champion. The im- headbutbecausetheforceof Grosjean managed to escape the fatal crash
pact of the kerb on Verstappen’s car forced it with only second-degree burns on his hands.
AN ACCIDENT between Lewis Hamilton and toclimbontopofHamilton’sMercedes,where impacthadalreadybeen Later an investigation showed that
Max Verstappen at the Monza GP once again the halo took the impact of the Red Bull. reduced,theblowtothe Grosjean had hit the barrier at 140 miles an
brought to light what an important invention hourwhilehiscar’sforceofimpactwas53G’s,
thehalocockpitprotectiondevicehasbeenfor WasHamiltonhurt? splitting it in two. The investigation also
the sport of motor racing, especially Formula Afterbothcarsenteredthegravel,theright- notsevere. showed that the halo took the brunt of the
One. sided wheel of Verstappen crashed onto the crash and protected Grosjean from lasting
Whenintroducedin2018,thereceptionto halo – which took the majority of the brute damage to the head or his body.
the halo was lukewarm to say the force of the accident. The wheel my head is quite far forward. I have been rac- At the 2018 Belgian Grand Prix, Charles
least.Drivershadmanyissueswith also hit Hamilton’s head but be- ing for a long, long time and I am so, so grate- LeClerc was handed a reprieve as well.
the protective device, including cause the force of impact had al- ful I am still here and feel incredibly blessed Fernando Alonso’s McLaren was hit from be-
reasonssuchasthedeviceimpair- ready been reduced, the blow to that someone was watching over me today.” hindandlaunchedintotheair.Thecarlanded
ingvisibilityandtakingawayfrom the defending champion’s head Hamilton also said that after the crash, onLeClerc’sSauber–wherethehaloprotected
theallureof opencockpitsinanF1 was not severe. Afterwards, Verstappen simply walked away from the the now-Ferrari driver.
car. But its usefulness has been Hamiltonsaidthathewouldhave wreckage without enquiring on his health.
highlighted repeatedly and none tomeetaspecialistsinceblowsto Usuallyafteracrash,driverstendtomakesure Whatisthehalomadeof?
more so than now. the head require a customary that the other driver is safe as well, according The halo is made of titanium and is joined
check-upforthemedicalall-clear. to Hamilton. tothecockpitofthecaratthreedifferentplaces.
Whathappened? It initially weighed 7 kilos but that was in-
TheincidenttookplaceintheRettifilochi- WhatdidHamiltonsay? HaloprovedusefulagaininF1 creasedto9in2017.Itismanufacturedbythree
cane between Hamilton and Verstappen. After his race ended, the Brit said, “I feel In2017,FrenchdriverRomainGrosjeanwas approvedexternalcompaniesthatallprovide
Hamilton had just made a pitstop and was very, very fortunate today.” He then added, the president of the Grand Prix Drivers’ the same cockpit safety specifications.
openinguphisMercedesontheoppositeside “ThankGodforthehalo.Thatultimatelysaved Association. He called the introduction of the Research by the FIA showed that the halo
oftheracingline.Onthatend,Verstappenwas me. And saved my neck. I don’t think I have halo as a ‘sad day for Formula One’. Lewis Hamilton suffered from a blow to the head, but was largely protected increased the survival rate of a driver by 17%.
quickly attempting to overtake Hamilton. ever been hit on the head by a car before and In 2020, Grosjean was competing at the because of the halo taking brunt of the impact. AP Thetestswereconductedusingsimulationsof
The pair entered the two corners together it is quite a shock for me. If you see the image, BahrainGrandPrix.AcollisionwithDaniiKvyat 40 real life incidents.

Vol LXXXIX No. 263 Regd.No. DL-21046/03-05

R.N.I. No.506/57. Printed and Published by R.C.Malhotra on behalf of The Indian Express (P) Limited and Printed at The Indian Express (P) Limited Press, A-8, Sector-7, Noida -201301 and D B Corp Ltd, Dainik Bhaskar Village Unan Tola, Near Danapur Cantt, Shivylya Road, Post
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New Delhi


india’s bravehearts
@ tokyo ParalymPiCs 2020
The abiliTy To
India at 2020 Tokyo Paralympics
Gold Avani Lekhara Shooting Women's 10m Air Rifle SH1
Gold Sumit Antil Athletics Men's Javelin Throw F64

scripT vicTory
Gold Manish Narwal Shooting Mixed 50m Pistol SH1
Gold Pramod Bhagat Badminton Men's Singles SL3
Gold Krishna Nagar Badminton Men's Singles SH6
Indian athletes created history at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Silver Bhavina Patel Table Tennis Women's Singles C4
Games with 19 medals, their highest medal tally ever. It’s time Silver Nishad Kumar Athletics Men's High Jump T47

for every Indian to join in the celebrations of what is truly Silver Yogesh Kathuniya Athletics Men's Discus Throw F56

a special moment in sports, says Ivor Vaz Silver Devendra Jhajharia Athletics Men's Javelin Throw F46

OLLOWING A best-ever Silver Mariyappan Thangavelu Athletics Men's High Jump T63
perfOrmANce at the tokyo
Olympic Games, our athletes
Silver Praveen Kumar Athletics Men's High Jump T64
gave the nation plenty more to cheer Silver Singhraj Adhana Shooting Men's 50m Pistol SH1
about at the summer paralympics,
with a number of record-breaking, Silver Suhas Lalinakere Yathiraj Badminton Men's Singles SL4
truly inspiring and heart-winning
achievements. With a total of Bronze Sundar Singh Gurjar Athletics Men's Javelin Throw F46
19 medals, our differently abled
champions not only scripted history Bronze Singhraj Adhana Shooting Men's 10m Air Pistol SH1
but proved that they had a rare
ability to jump over the toughest of Bronze Sharad Kumar Athletics Men's High Jump T63
the 16th edition of the Bronze Avani Lekhara Shooting Women's 50m Rifle 3 Positions SH1
paralympic Games, a major
international multi-sport Bronze Harvinder Singh Archery Men's Individual Recurve Open
parasports event governed by Sumit Antil wins India’s 2nd gold at the Paralympics with
the International paralympic a world record throw of 68.55 m Bronze Manoj Sarkar Badminton Men's Singles SL3
committee, was held in tokyo
between August 24 and september was held entirely behind closed Games, and the third to be held everyone expected the whopping could well have been even higher the Us and the russian paralympic
5. Like the 2020 summer Olympics, doors with no physical audience in Japan (it also hosted the 1998 54-member contingent (40 men, 14 but for some fine margins. Now that committee finished in second, third
this event too was postponed to 2021 permitted. for the record, this was Winter paralympics). tokyo is now women across nine sports) from our paralympians get almost the and fourth place respectively.
due to the covid-19 pandemic. Given the second summer paralympics the only city to host the summer India to have a successful run, but same kind of sports infrastructure India finished 24th, marking its
the state of emergency in tokyo, it hosted by tokyo since the 1964 paralympics more than once. nobody had envisaged a record backup and a more organized talent best performance in the paralympic
harvest like this. India ended up conversion mechanism, they are Games (among 162 nations; including
Tokyo 2020 – Paralympics Medal Count winning more medals in one edition just as good, if not better, than able- refugee paralympic team and
WorDs oF than in the country’s entire history. bodied performers. russian paralympic committee).
# COUNTRY GOLD SILVER BRONZE TOTAL Also, given the number of fourth- china topped the medal table for the the 2020 Games saw India’s best-ever
eNcoUraGeMeNT 1 China 96 60 51 207 place finishes (six) and one medal fifth consecutive games, with 96 gold medal haul with a total of 19 medals
that was taken away, that number and 207 total medals. Great britain, (5 gold, 8 silver, and 6 bronze).
“A true sportsperson 2 Great Britain 41 38 45 124
does not get bogged 3 United States 37 36 31 104
down by defeat 4 RPC 36 33 49 118
or victory, and 5 Netherlands 25 17 17 59
keeps on moving 6 Ukraine 24 47 27 98
forward. You all 7 Brazil 22 20 30 72
are ambassadors 8 Australia 21 29 30 80
of the country, and
9 Italy 14 29 26 69
you have increased
10 Azerbaijan 14 1 4 19
the prestige of
24 India 5 8 6 19
the nation on the
world stage through ADVERTORIAL
your remarkable
performance. Your Para-Athletes Supported by Cairn Oil & Gas,
achievement will Vedanta Limited Shine Bright At Tokyo 2020

significantly boost AIrN OIL & GAs, specially-abled athletes.
the morale of the vedANtA LImIted, the project supports para-
India’s largest private athletes through dedicated
entire sporting oil and gas exploration training and coaching,
community in the and production company, diet and nutrition, and
extends heartiest physiotherapy and injury
country, and budding congratulations to management. the goal is to
sportspersons will devendra Jhajharia and induce equality, transform
sundar singh Gurjar, the Devendra Jhajharia attitudes and amplify
feel encouraged to winners of the silver and inclusion by undoing
come forward to bronze medals, respectively, existing social barriers and
take up sports. This in the f46 javelin throw discrimination towards
event at tokyo paralympics specially-abled people. seven
performance has 2020. Interestingly, years since its initiation,
led to awareness Jhajharia created history the programme is reaping
by winning his third rich dividends as these two
about sports that is paralympic medal for beneficiary athletes enabled
increasing by leaps India. At the age of 40, he Sundar Singh Gurjar by it have overcome a slew
and bounds in the is already India’s greatest of challenges to emerge as
paralympian ever – he medal winners in tokyo.
country.” previously won gold medals the company has been
at Athens in 2004 and rio in supporting promising para-
– Narendra Modi 2016. In tokyo, he achieved athletes from rajasthan
Prime Minister a new personal best throw since february 2017
of India of 64.35 m, bagging the silver medal. through the paralympic committee
twenty-five-year-old Gurjar also won of India (pcI) – the only recognised
a bronze in the same event with a best authority working for the promotion
effort of 64.01 m. and development of parasports in the
“Delighted to see these athletes have been nurtured and country. moving ahead, the company
our Paralympians enabled by project divyang, an initiative remains committed to its initiatives in
by cairn Oil & Gas, vedanta Limited improving social capital and supporting
bring more glory to create an enabling environment for those at the margins of society.
to the nation.
Congratulations! “We are extremely delighted with the achievements of our para-
athletes Devendra Jhajharia and Sundar Singh Gurjar at the
India is elated Tokyo Paralympics, and proud to have been a part of their journey.
by your stellar Credit to their hard work and persistence. At Vedanta, this motivates
performance. Our us further to build a platform for such amazing talents and enable
them to give wings to their dreams.”
tricolour flies high – Annanya Agarwal, President, Vedanta Sports
at the podium due
to your phenomenal “We extend our heartiest congratulations to Devendra Jhajharia
and Sundar Singh Gurjar for their victories in the Tokyo
feats. Every Indian Paralympics 2020. Under Project Divyang, we have endeavoured
is celebrating your to adopt a forward-looking vision and provide support to para-
athletes through specialized training along with supervision of diet,
success.” physiotherapy, and injury management. Moving forward, we are
– ram Nath Kovind hopeful that Project Divyang will enable many more athletes and
create a conducive sporting environment while striving for social equality in India.”
President of India
– Prachur Sah, Deputy CEO, Cairn Oil & Gas

New Delhi

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