Emaco Nanocrete R3 - PDS - ASEAN - 241110

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Lightweight, mid strength, polymer modified, fibre reinforced, structural repair mortar

DESCRIPTION • Good water and chloride impermeability

• Low chromate (Cr[VI] < 2 ppm )
Emaco Nanocrete R3 is a single component,
• Chloride-free.
lightweight, polymer modified, high build structural repair
mortar. Emaco Nanocrete R3 is a ready-to-use PROPERTIES
material that contains portland cement, well graded
sands, specially selected polymer fibres and additives. PROPERTY VALUES
Applied nanotechnology has been used to significantly Appearance Grey powder
reduce shrinkage. Emaco Nanocrete R3 has been
specifically formulated to produce a mortar with the Grain size Max 1.2mm
compressive strength and modulus characteristics Layer thickness Min. 5mm
defined in class R3 of EN 1504 part 3. When mixed with
water, it forms a highly thixotropic mortar that can easily Max. 75mm
be hand, trowel or spray applied in thicknesses up to 75 Density Approx. 2.0 g/cm3
mm in one layer. It is particularly suited to vertical and
Mixing water per 25kg bag Approx. 5.5 – 6litres
overhead work where hand-profiling is required.
Working time 45 – 60 minutes
Temperature for application Between +5 and
Emaco Nanocrete R3 is used for the structural repair of (support and material) +35°C
lower strength concrete elements such as:
• balcony edges, soffits and decks, APPLICATION
• multi-storey car parks,
(a)Surface preparation: Concrete
• window ledges,
• lintels and beams commercial or domestic Concrete must be fully cured with a minimum direct
buildings, tensile strength of 1.0 MPa. All surfaces must be clean
• building facades, and sound to ensure good adhesion. All loose traces of
• precast panels, concrete or mortar, dust, grease oil, etc. must be
• cantilevers or, anywhere where concrete structures removed.
need to be repaired or reprofiled by hand. Damaged or contaminated concrete should be removed
Emaco Nanocrete R3 can be applied inside and to obtain a keyed surface. Aggregate should be clearly
outside, on horizontal, vertical and overhead surfaces, in visible on the surface of the concrete structure after
dry and wet environments. preparation.
Non-impact/vibrating cleaning methods, e.g. grit or high
FEATURES AND BENEFITS water pressure blasting are recommended.
• Formulated with new shrinkage compensation Cut the edges of the repair vertically to a minimum depth
systems and fibre reinforcement to minimise crack of 5 mm.
tendency (b) Surface preparation: Reinforcing steel
• Medium strengths and lower modulus of elasticity Clean all exposed reinforcement to a minimum grade of
allow the repair of medium strength concrete without Sa 2 according to ISO 8501-1 / ISO 12944-4.
problems of differential movement
Only in case of chloride contamination of the concrete,
• Excellent adhesion to concrete or when depth of cover is less than 5 mm or when the
• Highly thixotropic and lightweight allows high build in steel is left exposed before the repair work is completed,
a single layer should the reinforcement be protected by using Emaco
• Outstanding workability - can be applied up to 75 Nanocrete AP (see technical data sheet).
mm in horizontal or vertical applications, or even 50 (c) Priming Concrete
mm overhead
The prepared substrate should be pre-soaked,
• Easy to create profiles and corners without formwork
preferably for 24 hours, but at least 2 hours before
• Very low shrinkage and excellent crack resistance applying Emaco Nanocrete R3. The surface must be
• Durable and weather resistant mat-damp, but without standing water.

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Bonding slurries can improve the adhesion of the CURING
mortar, especially for hand applications:
The following curing methods are advised:
• Mix Emaco Nanocrete R3 to a stiff brushable slurry
consistency, and apply onto the pre-dampened • polyethylene film
surface using brush. • damp cloths
• Alternatively, Emaco Nanocrete AP can also be • Masterkure® curing agents
applied as the bonding slurry.
Apply Emaco Nanocrete R3 on the primed surface wet
on wet. Do not allow the bonding layer to dry out One 25kg bag will yield approximately 13.75 litres of
completely. mortar. Approx. 1.8 kg of mixed product per m and mm
layer thickness (approx. 1.5 kg of dry powder per m and
(d) Mixing
mm layer thickness).
It is strongly recommended that only full bags are mixed.
This consumption is theoretical and depends on the
Damaged or opened bags should not be used.
roughness of the support, for which reason it should be
Mix Emaco Nanocrete R3 with clean water only, in a adjusted in each particular job by means of “in situ”
forced action pan mixer, or with a suitable paddle tests.
attached to a powerful slow speed electric drill for 3
minutes until the required lump-free, plastic consistency PACKAGING
is achieved.
Emaco Nanocrete R3 is available in 25kg bags.
Mixing water needed: 5.5 to 6 litres per 25kg bag
depending upon consistency required. (Use stiffer SHELF LIFE
consistency for overhead hand application)
Allow the mortar to rest for 2 - 3 minutes and then remix Store in cool and dry warehouse conditions. Shelf life in
briefly, adjusting the consistency as required, without these conditions is 12 months in unopened original bags
exceeding the maximum water demand.
(e) Mortar application
• Do not apply at temperature below +5°C not above
Air and substrate temperatures must be a minimum of
+5°C and a maximum of +30°C. The minimum
temperature must be maintained during application and • Do not add cement, sand or other substances that
for at least 24 hours thereafter for optimum curing of the could affect the properties of the material.
• Never add water or fresh mortar to a mortar mix
The surface must be mat-damp, but without standing which has already begun to set.
Emaco Nanocrete R3 can be hand, trowel or spray PRECAUTIOUS
applied. Apply mixed product directly to the prepared
damp substrate, or wet in wet onto the primed surface. Usual preventive measures for the handling of chemical
products should be observed when manipulating this
A thin scrape coat or contact layer before building up to product, for example do not eat, smoke or drink while
the required thickness, wet on wet, will improve the wet working and wash your hands when taking a break or
adhesion and cohesion of the mortar, especially in case when the job is completed. Specific safety information in
of hand application. the handling and transport of this product can be found
Apply to the desired layer thickness of 5 to max. 75 mm in the Material Safety Data Sheet. Avoid contact with
and level using a screeding beam, trowel or wooden eyes and prolonged contact with skin. In case of contact
board. Can be applied in thicker layers in smaller with eyes, immediately flush with plenty of water for at
patches or where additional reinforcement is present. least 15 minutes. Call a physician. In case of contact
with skin, wash skin thoroughly.
Smoothing with a trowel or finishing by float or sponge
can be done as soon as the mortar has begun to stiffen. The disposal of the product and its container should be
carried out according to the legislation in force.
CLEANING OF TOOLS Responsibility for this lies with the final owner of the
While still wet clean with water. Once dry/cured the
material can only be removed mechanically. For detailed Health, Safety and Environmental
recommendations, please consult or follow all
instructions on the product Material Safety Data Sheet.

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Compressive strength EN 12190

- after 1 day ≥12 MPa
- after 7 days ≥ 25 MPa
- after 28 days ≥ 35 MPa2
E-Modulus (28 days) prEN13412 ≥ 15 GPa
Adhesion (28 days) EN 1542 ≥ 1.5 MPa
Adhesion after Freeze/Thaw (50 cycles with salt) EN 13687-1 ≥ 1.5 MPa
Adhesion after Thunder/Shower (50 cycles) EN 13687-2 ≥ 1.5 MPa
Adhesion after dry cycling (50 cycles) EN 13687-4 ≥ 1.5 MPa
Carbonation resistance prEN 13295 ≤ reference concrete
Capillary absorption EN 13057 ≤ 0.5 Kg/m2h0.5
Cracking tendency (I) Coutinho type ring No cracking after 180 days
Cracking tendency (II) DIN type V-channel No cracking after 180 days

Hardening times are measured at 21ºC ± 2°C and 60% ± 10% relative humidity. Higher temperatures will reduce these
times and lower temperatures will extend them. Technical data shown are statistical results and do not correspond to
guaranteed minimal. Tolerances are those described in appropriate performance standards

AN/EmacoNanocrete R3/v4/241110

The technical information and application advice given in this BASF Construction Chemicals publication
are based on the present state of our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is
STATEMENT OF of a general nature, no assumption can be made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or
RESPONSIBILITY application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness either expressed or implied is
given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for checking the suitability of products for
their intended use.
Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by
BASF Construction Chemicals either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the
NOTE owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not BASF Construction Chemicals, are responsible for
carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.

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