2018-01-27 Architectural Technical Specs
2018-01-27 Architectural Technical Specs
2018-01-27 Architectural Technical Specs
1.1.The scope of work covered within this Specification shall include labor, materials (unless
otherwise indicated to be supplied by owner), and perform operations necessary to complete the
Proposed Decathlon Dasmarinas Store located at Level 2 , Robinsons Place Dasmarinas,
City of Dasmarinas, Cavite.
1.2.This Section is prepared in a manner that is concise to simplify the elaborateness of the
Specification although this should be coordinated and correlated to each corresponding
elaborated section of the Specification.
1.3.All works and materials shall conform to the Plans and Specifications furnished by the
Architect, with the rules, regulations and restrictions of the Landlord, and with the laws and
regulations of the Local and National Authorities concerned in the place of construction.
1.4.This Specification is intended to cooperate with the Plans and each to form a part thereof. In
case of doubt or discrepancy in the figures or drawings, they shall be brought to the attention of
the Architect for clarification and final decision.
1.5.The contractor shall conduct inspection of the existing job site conditions and accept the site
as is. The contractor shall evaluate the existing work done at the site use as secondary basis for
his estimates.
1.6.The Contractor shall be responsible in checking all items and units as indicated on the Plans
and Specifications and in the supply and installation of all the requirements called for.
1.7.The contractor shall also process the necessary building/renovation, electrical, sanitary, fire,
signage, occupancy, all other necessary permits with the National and Local government
agencies (unless otherwise specified), except business permits and BIR registration.
1.8.Substitution of materials, equipment or makes other than those specified in the Contract
Documents shall be approved by the Architect for the following reasons only:
1.8.1 That the material or equipment proposed for substitution is equal or superior to the
material or equipment specified in construction efficiency and utility;
1.8.2 That the material or equipment specified cannot be delivered to the job site in time to
complete the work of the other Contractors due to conditions beyond the control of the
Contractor; and
1.8.3 In case of a difference in price, the Owner shall receive all benefits of the difference in
cost involved in any substitution and the Contract shall be altered by Change Order to credit
the Owner with any savings so obtained.
1.9.To receive consideration, request for substitution shall be accompanied by documentary proof
of equality or difference in price and delivery, if any, in the form of certified quotations and
guaranteed date of delivery from suppliers of the proposed substituted materials and equipment.
1.10.The Contractor shall strictly follow the standard protocol for the supply and installation of
specified materials:
1.10.1 General
A.Furnish materials and equipment and perform labor to complete the specified.
1.10.2 Submittals
A.Samples – Submit to the Architect samples of the materials to be used. Sample must
be clearly labeled as to brand name and manufacturer’s name to secure approval.
1.10.3 Alternates
No substitution of materials shall be made unless authorized in writing by the Owner prior to
starting the work.
All manufactured articles, materials, equipment, appliances, fixtures and fittings shall be
applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned, in accordance with
manufacturer's printed directions unless herein specified to the contrary. Where reference is
made to manufacturer's directions, the Contractor shall submit a copy of such directions to
the Consultant, Project Inspector and Project Manager.
1.11.The Contractor shall allot suitable spaces for storage of their materials and for erection of
their sheds and tool houses. All cement, lime and other materials affected by moisture shall be
stored on platforms and protected from weather. Materials shall be so stored as to insure the
preservation of their quality and fitness for the work. Stored materials shall be located so as to
facilitate prompt inspection.
1.12 The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials (unless otherwise indicated to be supplied by
owner), equipment and the performance of all operations necessary for the completion of the
work, including accessories, incidentals, fastenings and anchorage not specifically indicated in
the Drawings or Specifications, but are required to complete the work, and of which there are no
detail drawings. The contractor shall provide, install and complete the work in accordance with
the best standard practice of the trade.
2.1.The Contractor shall conduct thorough inspection of the existing job site conditions.
2.2.The scope of work shall include all demolition and additions as stated:
2.2.2.Demolition of site improvements, including paving, curbing, site walls and utility
structures, if any.
2.2.3.Protection of site work and adjacent structures shall include protection of existing trees
and vegetation or its removal.
2.2.4.The General Contractor shall proceed with caution all demolition activities and report
any discrepancies with that occurs in the actual situation for clarifications.
2.2.5.The contractor shall observe the standard safety precautions (hard hat, boots, gloves,
etc.) in accordance with the Construction guidelines of Robinsons Mall during the duration of
the construction period. No minors shall be hired.
2.4. All items which are so shown on the Plans and not mentioned in the Specification shall be
included. The General Contractor shall report any discrepancies with what occurs in the actual
situation for clarifications.
2.5.The Contractor shall construct the Architectural, Civil, Sanitary, and Electrical works in
accordance with the Plans and Specifications.
2.6.Site Preparation
The Contractor shall in his account, maintain temporary perimeter fence at the construction
site for the protection, security and for the proper execution of site upkeep. Such fence shall
be built solid, using roofing sheet or its equivalent, painted, for its full length except for such
openings as may be necessary for the proper execution of the work, in such case, opening
shall be provided with doors which shall be kept closed at all times except in actual use.
In compliance to the Department of Labor and Employment Safety and Health Standard, the
Contractor shall provide Safety Standards and Enclosures; and implement an overall Safety
Program to ensure the continued operation of the establishment. This shall include the
installation of the following structures, a temporary fence, a temporary canopy along the
building side of sidewalks or walkways for the protection of pedestrians and/or along the
property line for the protection of adjacent properties from falling debris and similar incidents.
The protective canopy shall have a clear unobstructed height of 2.40 meters above the
walkway and shall be made of sufficient strength and stability to sustain safely the weight of
materials that may be placed thereon, and to withstand shocks incident to the handling of
such materials or their preparation for use, and accidental jars from trucks passing or
delivering materials. Safety devices, enclosures, and warning signs shall be provided at the
exterior development. Temporary enclosures with proper ventilation and safety warning
devices shall be provided.
2.6.3.Site Office
The Contractor shall provide for a temporary site office and install the necessary office
equipment (i.e., telephone, fax machine, furniture, air conditioning, and etc.) and it will include
the necessary utilities (i.e., electricity, water, communication, and etc.) for use during the
whole construction period. The temporary site office shall have 24 hour security to avoid
vandalism and pilferage.
A.Storage Facilities
The Contractor shall provide for storage facilities for the building material and equipment.
Any Owner supplied materials turned over to the General Contractor shall immediately
become the responsibility of the General Contractor; and shall be liable for any damage
or loss. Owner supplied equipment shall be returned with proper documentation to the
Owner. The storage facilities shall be well lighted, with portable water, and 24 hour
security to avoid vandalism and pilferage.
2.6.4.Access Provision
The Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary access elements such as ramps, stairs,
ladders, walkways and bridges as may be reasonably required within the site. Such elements
shall be constructed and be made of sufficient strength and stability to ensure the safety of
the Owner, Architect and/or Engineer during visits and meetings.
Verify and examine the site of work to familiarize with the character of materials to be
encountered and all other existing conditions affecting the work.
Furnish material and equipment and perform labor required for the demolition of structures
and utilities indicated on the Drawings. See drawings for location and extent of work required,
if any.
Remove all existing utilities as indicated and terminate in a manner conforming to the
nationally recognized code covering the specific utility and satisfactory to the Project
Inspector. Remove related equipment and deliver to a location in accordance with
instructions of the Owner or his authorized representative without additional cost to
the Owner. Dispose of utility lines encountered that are not shown on the drawings
in accordance with the approval of the Landlord or authorized Owner's
All concrete pavement and base course designated for removal, shall be disposed as
directed and approved by the Landlord
In cutting or breaking up street surfacing required for the performance of the work,
the Contractor shall not use equipment that will damage the adjacent pavement. All
concrete pavement surfaces to be removed shall be scored with concrete sawing
The Contractor shall remove the pavement and road surfaces as part of the trench
excavation and the amount remove shall not exceed the maximum width for pipelines
as indicated on the drawings.
The width and length of the pavement area required to be removed for the
installation of waterlines and other structures shall not exceed the maximum linear
dimensions of such structures by more than 0.30 meter on each side.
Except where shown on the drawings or otherwise specified, any pavement, trees or
other property and surface structures which have been damaged, removed or disturbed
by the Contractor whether deliberately or through failure to carry out the requirements of
the Contract Documents or through failure to employ usual and reasonable safeguards
shall be replaced or repaired at the expense of the Contractor.
The Contractor shall be responsible for all injury to persons and damages to properties
caused by the work or by his men and shall be liable for any claims against the Owner as
a result of this injury and/or damages. The Contractor shall likewise protect the property
of the Owner against theft and weather. Where such exposure to inclemency of the
weather and theft is due to the work or negligence of the Contractor, he then shall be
liable for such damage or loss.
The Contractor shall secure at his expense all demolition or removal permits and other
licenses as required by the approving authorities.
Remove rubbish and debris from the site daily, unless otherwise directed; do not allow
accumulations inside or outside the building. Store materials that cannot be removed
daily in areas specified by the Landlord or authorized Owner's representative.
2.9. Protection
2.10.Dust Control
Take appropriate action to check spread of dust and to avoid the creation of a nuisance in the
surrounding area. Do not use water if it results in hazardous or objectionable conditions, such as
flooding, or pollution. Comply with all dust regulations imposed by local air pollution agencies.
Vacuum and dust the work area at least daily or more frequently as needed or directed.
The precautionary measures on the safety of workers during the demolition works shall be in
accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Standard
3.1.1.Masonry mortar for setting blocks shall be in the proportion of 1 part cement 3 parts
sand or as otherwise approved by the Engineer. Mortar aggregates shall be of quality stated
in ASTM C144. Mortar shall be mixed with water in an amount compatible with workability.
Mixing shall be done immediately before usage. Dry mix method, wherein the materials for
each batch shall be well turned together until the cementitious materials have been
thoroughly distributed throughout the mass after which the water shall be gradually added
until a thoroughly mixed mortar of the required plasticity is obtained. Mortar shall not be
retained for more than 1-1/2 hours and shall be constantly mixed until used. Pointing mortar
shall be pre-hydrated mortar mixed dry and water added while mixing to obtain a damp or
workable mix and it shall be rehydrated after 1-2 hours. Mortar boxes and tools shall be
cleaned before the end of each working day.
3.1.2.Grout for setting railing, frames in walls and where otherwise required shall be done
with mortar of 1 part cement to 1 part sand. The sand shall be of quality stated in ASTM
C144. Grouting shall be tamped into place to fill the entire void. In the event space does not
permit tamping, formworks shall be placed with the grout poured from one
side only. Grouting shall be kept wet for three days after the temporary supports are
Unless otherwise indicated in the plans or revised, the following conditions shall be met in
installation of concrete hollow blocks:
3.2.1.Hollow load bearing units shall conform to PNS 16, Type I, Class A, and shall have a
comprehensive strength at 28 days as follows:
3.2.2.Hollow non-bearing units shall conform to PNS 16, Type I, Class A, and shall have a
comprehensive strength at 28 days as follows:
3.2.3.The vertical and horizontal reinforcements for load-bearing units shall be 12mm dia at
400mm o.c. and for non-loadbearing units shall be 10mm dia at 600mm o.c. Lap splices shall
be 300mm long (minimum).
3.2.4.Steel reinforcements shall conform to ASTM A615, Grade 40/PNS 275. Tie wires shall
be Ga. 16 G.I.
3.2.5.Manner of Installation
A. Lay all masonry plumb, true to line, level and with accurately spaced course.
B. Let the Consultant approve samples of special stone arrangement where required.
C. Keep bond plumb throughout. Keep corners and reveals plumb and true.
E. Bed solidly each course in Portland Cement mortar. Keep all units damp when laid.
F. Wedge units terminating against beam or slab soffit tightly with mortar and
reinforcement properly secured to dowels.
3.2.6.Masonry joints
A.Unless otherwise specified or detailed on plans, make horizontal mortar joint 10mm-
12mm thick depending on the rebar size to be used horizontally while 10mm thick for
vertical mortar joint thick with full mortar coverage of the face shells and on the webs. Fill
surrounding cells.
3.2.7.Tooled joints
A.Use concave joints where tooled mortar joint is called for in the drawings.
3.2.8.Unfinished Work
A.Step back unfinished work for joining with new work. Before new work is started,
remove all loose mortar and wet the exposed joint thoroughly not less than one hour
before laying new work.
3.3.Lintel beams to be used shall be “t x 200mm in section reinforced by 4-12mm dia longitudinal
bars with 10mm dia @ 300mm o.c. stirrups where “t” is the CHB wall thickness. Lintel beams
shall be provided at the top of the CHB wall openings. It shall be extended at least 200mm
beyond the openings.
3.4.For high walls, lintel beams shall be provided at 3000mm o.c. and for long walls, stiffener
columns shall be provided at 3000mm o.c.
3.5.Where the top and sides of CHB wall adjoin a beam or column or adjacent masonry wall,
provide gap to be filled with the specified material and finish with elastic sealant / caulking as
stated in the Structural notes.
3.6.Doors, windows, and louver frames shall be installed using screws and expansion shields. All
frames shall be set tightly against the masonry wall.
3.7.Control joints shall be installed and be raked out to a depth of 20 mm for the full height of the
exterior walls. Control joints may be made out of polyvinyl chloride fittings. The maximum length
between joints shall be 10 meters if not shown on the Drawings, or as directed on the plans.
Joints made at the intersection of block walls with structural concrete and where indicated shall
be filled with mortar grout and pointed.
3.8.Concrete block walls which are to be plastered shall be laid in running bond. Joints are to be
left rough to assist in the bonding of plaster.
3.9.All exposed masonry work shall be thoroughly cleaned. Mortar smears and droppings on
concrete block walls shall be dry before removal with trowel. Masonry work may be cleaned using
a mild muriatic acid solution.
3.10.1. Areas with plain cement topping for the floor finish are to be reinforced with
Polypropylene fiber as main concrete reinforcement and cracking prevention measure.
Contractor to submit sample and verify with supplier for the admixture ratio for designer &
owner's approval. The topping should be able to withstand 800 kg/ m2 weight.
3.10.2. Contractor to submit proposed construction joint layout for designer & owner's
4.1.Steel Frames
4.1.1.General Requirements
A.Please refer to working drawings for details.
B.Conform anchor bolts to the Specification for High Strength Bolts ASTM A 325, Type 1
or 2 unless otherwise specified.
C.Conform common bolts to the Specification for Low Carbon Steel Externally and
Internally Threaded Standard Fasteners, ASTM A-307.
E.Use Red oxide, epoxy primer, zinc-chromate primer or the specified primer for all shop
painting for structural steel.
A.General - The Contractor shall take special care in unloading, handling and erecting
the steel, avoid bending, twisting or otherwise distorting the steel members. The erector
shall handle the materials in such a way as to minimize the damage to the shop coat of
paint. The Contractor shall plan and execute the erection in such a way that the close fit
and neat appearance of the joint and the structure as a whole will not be impaired. If
temporary braces or erection slips are employed, care shall be taken to avoid any
unsightliness upon removal. Tack welds shall be ground smooth and holes shall be filled
with weld metal or body solder and smoothed by grinding or filling.
B.Install pipe columns on concrete footings with grouted baseplates. Position and grout
column baseplates as specified in “Installing Baring and Leveling Plates” Article.
C.Field Welding - Any shop paint on surface adjacent to joints to be field welded shall be
wire brushed, to reduce paint film to a minimum.
4.2.1.General Requirements
A.Stair Railings / Balustrades. Please refer to stair finishes and drawings for details.
B.Please refer to plans for details. Samples must be presented for Architect’s approval
before any fabrication. All dimensions must be coordinated to job site conditions.
C.All surfaces must be applied with two coats of epoxy primer and acrylic paint finish.
Please refer to painting works for painting application.
i.Preassemble railing systems in shop to greatest extent possible to minimize field
splicing and assembly.
ii.Disassemble units only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly
mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation.Use connections that maintain
structural value of joined pieces.
iii.Grind smooth welded joints and buff welds to same appearance as remainder of
railing. Repair galvanizing and cut pipe ends.
v.Cap pipe ends of floor / ground mounted handrails and exterior handrails.
B. Forming Curves
Form curves by bending pipe in jigs to produce uniform curvature for each configuration
required. Maintain cylindrical cross-section of pipe throughout entire bend without
buckling, twisting, cracking, or otherwise deforming exposed surfaces of pipe.
C. Welded Connections
i.Fabricate railing system and handrail connections by welding.
iii.Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and
corrosion resistance of base metals.
iv.At tee and cross intersections, notch ends of intersecting members to fit contour of
pipe to which end is joined and weld all around.
v.At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended
so no roughness shows after finishing and so contours of welded surfaces match
adjacent surfaces.
4.3.Metal Fabrication
A.Please refer to working drawings for details.
B.Submit shop drawings for the Architect’s / Engineer’s approval.
A.Shop Assembly: Preassemble items in the shop to greatest extent possible.
Disassemble units only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Use
connections that maintain structural value of joined pieces. Clearly mark units for
reassembly and coordinated installation.
B.Cut, drill, and punch metals cleanly and accurately. Remove burrs and ease edges to a
radius of approximately 1mm. unless otherwise indicated. Remove sharp or rough areas
on exposed surfaces.
C.Form bent-metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation
or otherwise impairing work.
D.Form exposed work with accurate angles and surfaces and straight edges.
i.Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and
corrosion resistance of base metals.
iv.At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended
so no roughness shows after finishing and contour of welded surface matches that of
adjacent surface.
F. Form exposed connections with hairline, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners
or welds where possible. Where exposed fasteners are required, use Philips flat-head
(countersunk) fasteners unless otherwise indicated. Locate joints where least
G. Fabricate seams and other connections that will be exposed to weather in a manner to
exclude water. Provide weep holes where water may accumulate.
H. Cut, reinforce, drill and tap metal fabrications as indicated to receive finish hardware,
screws, and similar items.
I. Fabricate units from steel shapes, plates, and bars of welded construction unless
otherwise indicated. Fabricate to indicated size, shape, and profile and as necessary to
receive adjacent construction.
i.Where units are indicated to be cast into concrete or built into masonry, equip with
integrally welded steel strap anchor 30mm wide by 60mm thick by 200mm long at
600mm o.c., unless otherwise indicated.
J. Fabricate supports for operable partitions from continuous steel beams of sizes
recommended by partition manufacturer with attached bearing plates, anchors, and
braces as recommended by partition manufacturer. Drill or punch bottom flanges of
beams to receive partition track hanger rods; locate holes where indicated on operable
partition Shop Drawing.
A.Install framing and supports to comply with requirements of items being supported,
including manufacturers’ written instructions and requirements indicated on Shop
B.Anchor supports for operable partitions securely to and rigidly brace from building
C.Cutting, fitting, and Placement: Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for
installing metal fabrications. Set metal fabrications accurately in location, alignment, and
elevation; with edges and surface level, plumb, true, and free of rack; and measured from
established line and levels.
D.Fit exposed connections accurately together to form hairline joints. Weld connections
that are not to be left as exposed joints but cannot be shop welded because of shipping
size limitations. Do not weld, cut, or abrade surfaces of exterior units that have been hot-
dip galvanized after fabrication and are for bolted or screwed field connections.
iv.At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended
so no roughness shows after finishing and contour of welded surface matches that of
adjacent surface.
4.4.Fastening Methods
4.4.1.Welding Technique
A.Conform the technique of welding employed, the appearance and quality of welds
made, the method used in correcting defective work to the requirements of the Standard
Code for Welding in Building Construction of the American Welding Society.
B.Make surfaces to be welded free from loose scale, slag, rust, grease, paint and any
other foregoing material except that mill scale which withstands vigorous wire brushing
may remain.
C.Prepare edges by gas cutting, whenever practicable, cut by a mechanically guided
D.Let gas cut edges which will be subjected to substantial stress or which are to have
weld metal deposited on them be free from gouges. Remove by grinding any gouge that
remain from cutting.
E.Shape all re-entrant corners notch free to a radius of at least 12mm (1/2”).
G.Never exceed the separation between laying surfaces of lap joints and butt joint on a
backing structure by 1.5mm (1/16”).
H.Bring the fit of joints at contact surfaces which are not completely sealed by welds,
close enough to exclude water after painting.
I.Align all abutting parts to be welded carefully. Correct misalignment greater than 3mm
(1/8”) in making the correction, never draw parts into a slope sharper than two (2)
degrees - 11mm in 300mm (7/16” in 12”).
K.In assembling and joining parts of structure or of built-up members, avoid needless
distortion and minimize shrinkage stresses, where it is impossible to avoid high residual
closing welds in compression elements.
L.In the fabrication of cover plated beams and built-up members, make all shop splices in
each component part before such component part is welded to other parts of the
M.Let all complete penetration butt welds made by manual welding except when
produced with the aid of backing material or welded in the flat position from both sides in
square-edge material not more than 7mm (5/16”) thick with opening not less than one-
half the thickness of the thinner part joined, have the root of the initial layer gouged out
on the back side before welding is started on the side. Weld so as to secure sound metal
and complete fusion throughout the entire cross-section. With butt welds made with use
of a backing of the same material as the base metal, have the weld metal thoroughly
fused with the backing material.
N.Backing strips may be removed by gouging or gas cutting after welding is completed,
provided no injury is done to the base metal and weld metal. Weld metal surface is left
flush or slightly convex with full throat thickness.
O.Terminate butt welds at the ends of a joint in a manner that will ensure soundness.
Where possible, do by the use of extension bars or run-off plates. Remove extension
bars or run-off plates upon completion of the welds. Make the ends of the welds smooth
and flushed with abutting parts.
A.Tighten all bolts to a bolt tension not less than the proof load given in the applicable
ASTM specifications for the type of bolt used (A325).
4.5.1.Touch up Painting: Immediately after erection, clean field welds, bolted connections,
and abraded areas.
B.Visit the site of work and examine the premises to fully understand existing conditions
with respect to the work involved. Inquire from the local authorities, the presence of
termites in the vicinity for more information.
C.The Contractor shall submit to the Consultant for approval a copy of the pest control
company’s proposal and chemical application method/procedure including the description
of the equipment to be used before start of work.
ii.Wood Treatment: Untreated lumber to be used for ceiling joists, runners, nailers,
etc., shall be immersed 25 hours in Pentachlorophenol or approved equivalent.
iii.Dried wood, plywood, tanguile, apitong, cabinets, dividers, and paneling shall be
brushed or sprayed with the chemical.
A.Performance Requirements
i.Lumber Grade
•Select pieces for uniformity of grain and color on exposed faces and edges.
ii.Allowable Defects
•Tight knots not exceeding 1/8 inch 3 mm in diameter. No loose knots permitted.
•Patches (dutchmen) not apparent after finishing when viewed beyond 18 inches
450 mm.
•Stains, pitch pockets, streaks, worm holes, and other defects not mentioned are
not permitted.
•Normal grain variations, such as cats eye, bird's eye, burl, curl, and cross grain
are not considered defects.
iii.Use maximum lengths possible, but not required to exceed 10 feet or 3 meters
without joints. No joints shall occur closer than 72 inches or 1.80 m in straight runs
exceeding 18 feet or 3.60 m. Runs between 18 feet or 3.60 m and 10 feet or 3
meters may have no more than one joint. No joints shall occur within 72 inches or
1.80 m of outside corners, nor within 18 inches or 450 mm of inside corners.
i.Fabrication Tolerances:
•No planer marks (KCPI) allowed. Sand wood members and surfaces with 100
grit or finer.
•Plug screw holes. Screw locations not to be visible beyond 18 inches 450 mm.
ii.Fabricate work in accordance with measurements taken on job site.
iii.'Ease' sharp corners and edges of exposed members to promote finishing and
protect users from slivers. Radius of 'easing' shall be uniform throughout Project
and between 1/32 and 1/16th of an inch.
•Use lumber pieces with similar grain pattern when joining end to end.
ii.Protect architectural woodwork from moisture and damage while in transit to job
site. Unload and store in place where it will be protected from moisture and damage
and convenient to use.
i.Install Architectural Woodwork after wall and ceiling painting is completed in areas
where Architectural Woodwork is to be installed.
iii.Items Installed But Not Supplied Under This Section: Install in accordance with
requirements specified in Section supplying item.
A.Performance Requirements
Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards (AWI) Custom Grade is minimum acceptable
standard, except where explicitly specified otherwise, for installation of architectural
ii.Furring, Blocking, Shims, and Hanging Strips: Softwood or hardwood lumber, kiln
dried to less than 15% moisture content.
iii.Tanguile: Kiln-dried, S4S, sound, hard and free from defects lumber. Use one
color or shade for assembly framings that are exposed. Maximum moisture content,
12% for lumber with thickness of 25mm (1”) or less; 16% maximum moisture content
for all others. For use in edgings, trims and baseboards, louver slats of doors, and
other solid wood components.
iv.Anchors: Selected material, type, size, and finish required for each substrate for
secure anchorage. Provide nonferrous-metal or hot-dip galvanized anchors and
inserts on inside face of exterior walls and elsewhere as required for corrosion
resistance. Provide toothed – steel expansion sleeves for drilled-in-place anchors.
vii.Adhesive for Bonding Edges: Hot-melt adhesive or adhesive specified above for
•Use wood glue that has VOC content for 30 g/L or less when calculated
according to 40 CFR 5, Subpart D (EPA Method 24).
•Use adhesive that has a VOC content of 50g/L or less when calculated
according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24).
•Use adhesive that has a VOC content of 70g/L or less when calculated
according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24).
•Corners of cabinet and edges of solid wood (lumber) members 19mm thk or
less: 1.5mm
•Edge of rails and similar members more than 19mm thk: 3mm
•Corners of cabinets and edges of solid wood (lumber) member and rails: 1.5
iv.Notify Project Inspector seven days in advance of the dates and times woodwork
fabrication will be complete.
C.Shop Finishing
iii.Shop Priming: Shop apply the prime coat including back-priming, if any, for items
specified to be field finished.
iv.Preparation for Finishing: Comply with referenced quality standard for sanding,
filing countersunk fasteners, sealing concealed surfaces, and similar preparations for
finishing architectural woodwork, as applicable to each unit of work.
v. Back-priming: Apply one coat of sealer or primer, compatible with finish coats, to
concealed surfaces of woodwork. Apply two coats to back of paneling and to end-
grain surfaces. Concealed surfaces of plastic-laminate-clad woodwork do not require
back-priming when surfaced with plastic laminate.
D. Delivery, Storage, and Handling: Do not deliver woodwork until painting and similar
operations that could damage the woodwork have been completed in installation areas. If
woodwork must be stored in other than installation areas, store only in areas where
environmental conditions comply with requirements specified in “Project Conditions”
E.Project Conditions
•Examine substrates, with installer present, for compliance with requirements for
installation tolerances and other condition affecting performance.
•Examine materials before installation. Reject materials that are wet, moisture
damaged, and mold damaged.
•Clean substrates of projections and substances detrimental to application.
Install interior finish carpentry level, plumb, true, and aligned with adjacent
materials.Use concealed shim where necessary for alignment.
•Scribe and cut interior finish carpentry, to fit adjoining work. Refinish and reseal
cuts as recommended by the manufacturer.
•Countersink fasteners, fill surface flush, and sand where face fastening is
•Install of tolerances of 3mm in 2400mm for level and plumb. Install adjoining
interior finish carpentry with 0.8mm maximum offset for flush installation and
1.5mm maximum offset for reveal installation.
•Standing and Running Trim: Install with minimum number of joints possible,
using full-length pieces (from maximum length of lumber available) to greatest
extent possible. Do not use pieces less than 900mm long, except where shorter
single-length pieces are necessary.
a.Fill gaps, if any, between top of base and wall with plastic wood filler, sand
smooth, and finish same as wood base if finished.
c.Install standing and running trim with no more variation from a straight line
than 3mm in 2400mm.
a.Install without distortion so doors and drawers fit openings properly and are
accurately aligned. Adjust hardware to center doors and drawers in openings
and to provide unencumbered operation. Complete installation of hardware
and accessory items as indicated.
b.Install cabinets with no more than 3mm in 2400mm sag, bow, or other
variation from a straight line.
b.Install countertops against walls with gap of no more than 3mm and finish
with adhesive.
•Protect installed products from damage from weather and other causes during
remainder of the construction period.
•Remove and replace finish carpentry materials that are wet, moisture damaged,
and mold damaged.
•Indications that materials are wet or moisture damaged include, but are not
limited to, discoloration, sagging or irregular shape.
•Indications that materials are mold damage include, but are not limited to, fuzzy
or splotchy surface contamination and discoloration.
6.1. All surface preparation and application of materials shall strictly follow the manufacturer’s
6.2. All waterproofing works shall have a minimum guarantee of five (5) years and a certificate
must be issued to client upon completion.
6.3. Scope. This specification covers the requirements relating to waterproofing treatment of
concrete & masonry structures, both above and below grade; vertical and horizontal as specified
6.4. Materials. Specified type of waterproofing to be used is listed below. Submit product
technical specifications, required equipment, application & methodology, testing procedures, and
samples for Architect’s approval. Refer to designer's waterproofing plan for the applicable
A.Performance Requirements
i.Frames and panel members shall be the fabricated from extruded aluminum
sections true to the details with clean, straight, defined profiles and free from defects
impairing strength, durability and appearance.
iii.Screws, nuts, washers, bolts, rivets and other miscellaneous fastening devices
shall be made of non-corrosive materials such as aluminum and stainless steel.
iv.Hardware for fixing and locking devices shall be closely matched to the extruded
aluminum section and adaptable to the type and method of opening.
v.Vinyl weather strip shall be first class quality flexible vinyl forming an effective seal
and without adverse deformation when installed.
vi.Pile weather strip shall be silicon treated and free from residual wetting agents and
made of soft fine hair as on wool, fur, etc.
vii.Glazing shall conform to the requirement specified in Item - Glass and Glazing
i.For all assembly and fabrication works, the cut ends shall be true to line and
accurately jointed, free of burrs and rough edges.
iii.Main frame shall consist of head, sill and jamb stiles specifically designed and
machined to inter-fit and be joined at comers with self-threading screws.
iv.Frame sill shall be stepped and sloped with offset weep holes for efficient drainage
to the exterior.
v.Door panel shall be accurately joined at comers assembled and fixed rigidly to
ensure weather tightness.
vi.Aluminum glass door and main frame shall be installed in a prepared opening to
be set plumb, square, level and true to details.
vii.All joints between metal surface and masonry shall be fully caulked to ensure
weather tightness.
viii.Sliding type door panel shall be equipped with concealed roller overhead tracks
with bottom guide.
ix.Double action type door panel shall be equipped with heavy duty hinges that will
control the door leaf in a close or open position.
xi.Where aluminum is to be in contact with steel, concrete, cinder, block, tile, plaster
or other similar masonry construction, the aluminum surface shall be back painted
with bituminous paint before erection.
i.All aluminum parts shall be protected adequately to ensure against damaged during
transit and construction operations.
ii.Aluminum parts in contact with steel members shall be properly insulated by a coat
of zinc chromate primer applied to the steel or by application of bituminous paint.
D.Cleaning: The Contractor shall protect all entrance units during construction and shall
be responsible for removal of protective materials and cleaning of all aluminum surfaces.
E.Hardware: Ball bearing hinges for side hung doors and overhead pocket hardware for
track and roller types, and, door seals, door stoppers, door closers, barrel bolts, cane
bolts, foot bolts, handle bars, screens, latches, hooks, locksets shall be suitable for the
service required and subject to the approval of the supervising Architect.
All door cladding plates or panels shall be formed from Ga.18 / 1.20mm cold-rolled, quality
steel. Frames shall be formed from Ga.16 / 1.50mm cold-rolled steel. The materials used
shall conform to the specification requirements of ASTM- A505.
A.Performance Requirements
•Hollow steel doors shall be custom-built; size and details shall be as indicated
on the plans and or shop drawings.
•Flush doors shall be constructed from two outer steel sheets not less than
gauge 18, with edges welded and finished flush.
•The outer face sheets shall be reinforced with gauge 24 vertical channel or
interlocking zee members.
•Insulation fillers of cord fiberboard and/or mineral wool board shall be placed full
height in spaces between reinforcing channels.
•Doors shall have smooth flush surfaces without any visible joints or scams on
exposed faces or stile edges except around glazed or louvered pane inserts.
•The top and bottom frame of doors shall have continuous reinforcing channels
welded to face sheets.
•The channel for exterior doors shall be inverted type, not less than gauge 16,
constructed to form a weather seal.
ii.Steel Louvers
•Louvers shall be machine pressed conforming to the size and design indicated
on the plans with removable louver pane formed to fit the metal sub-frame of
•The steel sheets shall meet the requirements of ASTM 505, rivets of ASTM B-
316 screws, bolts, nuts and washers of ASTM B-211.
•Anchors shall be zinc coated steel or painted with rust inhibitive paint, of sizes
and design according to manufacturer's standard.
•Floor anchors shall not be less than gauge 18 with exception to jamb anchor for
installing door frames in metal latch and plaster assemblies which shall be
minimum of gauge 16 and shall not extend no more than 20 mm out of the back
of the jamb.
ii.All contact edges shall be closed tight. Welds on exposed surface shall be grinded
smooth and neat in appearance.
iii.Joints for knock down type frame corners shall be designed for simple field
assembly of header to jamb members by concealing tenon, splice plates, and other
parts in an interlocking joint that will produce square rigid corners.
iv.Joints shall be securely locked in place during erection and the alignment of
adjoining members shall be maintained.
•Flush type: flush type doors shall be 44mm (1-3/4”) thick. Reinforcement of
doors from steel sections extending full height of doors and spaced not over
200mm (8”) on center vertically.
•Tops and bottoms of doors shall have continuous stiffener channels welded to
side plates.
•Louvers shall be of the fixed type, of shapes and sizes as indicated in the
Architectural Drawings. Blades shall be accurately fitted and firmly secured to
the frames or mullions by welded construction. Unless indicated, blades shall be
positioned at 45 deg angle with return bends at lower and upper edges. Edges
of louver blades shall be folded or bended. Joints or connections shall be
C.Shop Finish
All steel doors, frames and louvers shall be cleaned thoroughly by hot or cold phosphate
treatment to assure maximum paint adherence and prime finish in accordance with the
following operations:
i.After fabrication, grease and dirt shall be removed by a hot alkali solution then
rinsed with hot water.
ii.After cleaning, all parts shall be immersed in hot or cold phosphate solution and
rinsed with a diluted solution of chronic acid.
iii.After drying under controlled temperature, one coat of shop primer, especially
developed for materials treated with phosphates, shall be applied by dipping method.
iv.The cleaning, phosphating, dipping, or spraying of shop primer and even drying
shall be done in a continuous operation in the factory.
D. Installation
i.Steel door frames and louvers shall be set plumb and true to line in prepared
plastered concrete openings. The joint between frame and masonry shall be properly
caulked. Contacts between door frame and adjacent steel shall be sealed with
mastic. All steel parts shall be protected adequately to ensure against damage during
transit and construction operations. The Contractor shall protect all entrance units
during construction and shall be responsible for removal of protective materials and
cleaning of all steel surfaces. Anchor screws shall be the type and size standard with
the manufacturer and approved by the Architect. Anchors shall be spaced in a
manner to insure rigidity and strength to support the units.
E. Wall Anchors
i.A minimum of three anchors shall be provided for each jamb. Anchors shall be
located opposite the top and bottom hinges and midway between top and bottom
iii.Anchors for fastening frames to metal or wood stud partitions shall be welded to
metal or nailed to wood studs respectively.
iv.Floor anchors shall be provided at the bottom of each jamb member. Anchors shall
be fixed/adjustable and drilled for 10 mm diameter anchor bolts.
v.Where floor fill occurs, the bottom of frames shall terminate at the indicated finished
floor levels and shall be supported by adjustable extension clips resting on and
anchored to the structural slab.
F. Hardware
Side loose pin or ball bearing hinges for side hung doors and overhead pocket hardware
for track and roller types, door seals, door stoppers, door closers, barrel bolts, cane bolts,
foot bolts, handle bars, screens, latches, hooks, and locksets shall be suitable for the
service required and subject to the approval of the supervising Architect or Engineer.
7.1.3.Roll-up Doors
Use motorized Roll-up door max of 3 panels with minimum G.A. 18 Galvalume shutters with
view slots. Refer to Door Schedule. Hangers and other mounting consumables included in
supplier's deliverables.
Submit for the approval of the Architect, shop drawings of fabricated items showing sizes of
all members, details of connection, fabrication and installation and motor power. Secure
approval of all shop drawings prior to start of fabrication.
7.2.Wooden Doors
A.Performance Requirements
ii.Solid Wood Panel Doors. Lumber shall be kiln-dried, S4S, sound, hard and free of
defects. Use one color or shade for assembly framings that are exposed. Maximum
moisture content, 12% for lumber with thickness of 25mm (1”) or less; 16% moisture
content for all others
i.Do not have doors delivered to building site until after plaster, cement, and taping
compound are dry. If doors are to be stored at job-site for more than one week, seal
top and bottom edges if not factory sealed.
ii.Store flat on a level surface in a dry, well ventilated building. Cover to keep clean
but allow air circulation.
iii.Handle with clean gloves and do not drag doors across one another or across
other surfaces.
iv.Do not subject doors to abnormal heat, dryness, or humidity or sudden changes
therein. Condition doors to average prevailing humidity of locality before hanging.
Fire rated doors and devices shall be tested according to BS, EN or UL standard as specified in
the plans or determined by the Architect. Fire rated door assemblies shall be fire-tested and
certified by DOST.
7.4.1.Aluminum Windows
A.Performance Requirements
ii.Accessories: Provide for neat fixation to one another using concealed hardware
connectors and stiffeners at mullions.
v.Casement and Projected Type handles: Zinc alloy high pressure die-cast with solid
ii.Cut, join and fit rails and stiles to hairline joints securely reinforced and jointed by
means of concealed fastening wherever possible.
iii.Protective Coating: Clean all surfaces and apply a protective coating of clear,
water-white methacrylate-type lacquer, resistant to alkaline, mortar and plaster
immediately after fabrication and may not be removed even after completion of
ii.Set frames plumb and square and brace where necessary to prevent distortion.
Windows shall not be forced and shall be securely anchored into the supporting
iii.Wedge clear of masonry all frames set in prepared openings 4.5mm (3/16”) to
6mm (1/4”) to allow for caulking.
iv.Install hardware to fit details as shown in the drawings and as per manufacturer’s
specification. Supply all necessary templates and instructions required.
ii.Secure all windows to be watertight and all hardware operating free & easy.
iii.Surfaces, stains and discoloration shall be cleaned and restored or the window
shall be replaced.
A.Performance Requirements
i.Finishes for steel, brass, or bronze hardware items shall be US26D, Chromium
plated, satin, except flat goods which may be US32D, stainless steel, satin.
Materials other than steel, brass, or bronze shall be finished to match the
appearance of US26D / 32D.
iii.For doors that will strike an object, provide rubber bumper or door stop. Type and
location of installation shall be approved by the Consultant.
iv.For heavy frequently-used doors with closer and mortise locks provide stainless
steel plates.
v.For double leaf wooden door provide 2 flush bolts 450mm (18”) long.
B.Delivery, Storage, and Handling
Neatly and securely package hardware items by hardware group and identify for
individual door with specified group number and set number used on Supplier's hardware
schedule. Include fasteners and accessories necessary for installation and operation of
finish hardware in same package.
i.Install hardware to fit details as shown in the drawings and as per manufacturer’s
specifications. Supply all necessary templates and instructions required.
•Center of top hinge not more than 20cm below top of door; Center of bottom
hinge not more than 20cm above finished floor; Intermediate hinges shall be
equidistant between top and bottom hinges.
iii.Door closers: unless otherwise indicated, install door closers on the interior side
(room side) of doors opening to a hallway or corridor.
iv.After installation, protect hardware from paint, stains and discoloration until
acceptance of work. All hardware shall be checked and adjusted such that they
operate properly or else shall be replaced by Contractor. Keys shall be identified and
labeled and submitted to the Owner.
A.Performance Requirements
ii.Provide parallel arms on closers unless door position in relation to adjacent wall
requires otherwise. Provide covers.
iii.Closers shall allow for 180 degree opening and not be used as a stop.
vi.Non-handed, non-sized.
A.Performance Requirements
B.Installation: Interface with other work: When using overhead stops, coordinate
installation with door closer and other door hardware.
8.1.1.Performance Requirements
B.Caulking and Weather Stripping: Rubberized vinyl for all aluminum windows
C.Glass Putty: Imported, good grade, to be tested prior to installation for steel windows.
A.Safety precautions and procedures shall be observed in determining the sizes and in
providing the required clearances by measuring the actual opening to receive the glass.
B.All glass shall be accurately cut to fit openings and set with equal bearing on the entire
width of plane.
C.Movable items or parts shall be kept in a closed and locked position until after the
glazing compound has thoroughly set.
D.All glass sheets shall be bedded, back puttied, secured in place and face puttied.
Secure glass in aluminum frame with non-corrosive clips except where glazing beads are
E.Place spring wire or angle glazing clips and run face putty. Remove excess putty from
other side flush with edge of rebate.
F.Apply a thin layer of putty to rebate and set glass. Apply putty by pressing into an even
bed secured.
G.Apply putty in uniformly straight lines, parallel with inside of glazing rebate, with
accurately formed bevels and clean cut corners then remove excess putty from glass and
H.Set glass in hollow metal doors and in metal frames of interior partitions in felt channel
insets or bedded in putty to prevent any rattle.
i.Secure glass in wood doors and wooden frames with glazing stops.
I.Corners shall be carefully made. All excess putty shall be removed and surfaces left
J.Glass breakage caused in executing the work or by faulty installation shall be replaced
by the Contractor without extra cost.
K.Improperly installed glass which does not fully meet the requirements of its grade, will
not be accepted and shall be replaced without extra cost.
L.The Contractor shall provide and install complete set, ready-to-use mirrors in all
comfort rooms and elsewhere shown on the plans. The sizes and location for each mirror
shall be as indicated on the plans or as directed by the Architect.
A.Coordinate delivery schedule with the General Contractor and project schedule to
minimize on site storage.
B.Store products in manufacturer's unopened packaging until ready for installation. Store
materials in a dry area, protected from water damage, staining, contamination or physical
8.1.4.Project Conditions
8.1.5. Execution
A. Examination
i.Verification of Conditions:
•Confirm work by others is installed per the project requirements. Do not cover
work by others prior to inspection or acceptance.
•Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared.
ii.Furring Channel: Gauge 24 galvanized steel with Channel clips. Dimension as per
Manufacturer's standard
•Angle to concrete Wall: Drive pins for use of power driven tools
•Board to Framing: Type S Bugle Head for use with power driven tools
ii.When factory painting is required all components shall be properly cleaned and
degreased, and be free of blemishes prior to applying the coating system.
D.Ceiling Installation
•All panels are joined together using one piece steel H-Joiner, removable two-
piece H-Joiner, or T-Joiner as specified on the drawings.
•Pre-engineered base channel, wall cap channel, corner angles and finishing
trims shall be included and supplied in manufacturer’s standard lengths and shall
be a minimum of gauge 18 EG steel.
•Lay out tile symmetrically about center lines of room unless shown otherwise on
Drawings. Lay out so tiles at room perimeters are at least 1/2 full tile size.
Leave tile in true plane with straight, even joints. Tile joints shall be straight and
in alignment, and exposed surface flush and level. Furnish and install specified
molding wherever tile abuts walls, columns, and other vertical surfaces, except at
curves of 3 inch 75 mm radius or smaller. Cut around penetrations that are not
to receive moldings cleanly with sharp knife and at a slight angle away from
•See details of the drawings for the installation of fiber cement board where it is
applied as finishes.
•Suspend main beams from overhead construction with hanger (Ga.#10) spaced
at 1200mm on center along the length of main runner. Install hanger wire plumb
and straight.
A. General
i.Stud framing: minimum of 0.60mm BMT (Base Metal Thickness) galvanized steel.
Dimension as per Manufacturer's standard
iv.Use 10mm thick fiber cement board for walls on L25 x 25 x 4.5 mm thick vertical
angle bar and 25 x 10 mm thick for downspout cladding.
B.Fixings: Shall be rust proof, galvanized screws or nails; or proprietary fixings from
approved ceiling manufacturer.
i.Include joint tape, and embedding and finished types of joint compound,
concealment treatment materials shall be the product of single manufacturer.
D.Wall Installation
i.Metal frame installations require self-tapping screws and metal caps or a self-
tapping wafer head screw. Have a spacer available to keep the studs in position.
Studs will be used for leverage as the material is pulled into position.
ii.Take a measurement from the starting corner of first obstacle; window door or
adjacent wall. If a single piece would be unmanageable; due to the weight, cut the
material into manageable sizes. All seams must be located in the center of the stud
or joist for proper sealing.
iii.Unroll the first few feet of the roll and square the end of the material with T-square
and score with a razor knife and tear it off. Starting with a square edge provides for
tight seams and helps maintain a level installation. Roll back the cut piece in the
opposite way it came off the roll to minimize curling of the material as you install it.
iv.Install across (horizontally) the studs, not parallel (vertical) to them. This will
minimize the number of seams that will require sealing and also increase labor
efficiency. Run a chalk line across the studs for visual reference helping to maintain a
level run. It is recommended to install the lower piece first, becoming familiar with the
installation process.
v.Start the installation in a corner, securing it with 5 fasteners. Install the top fastener
first and work down, keeping fasteners and material flat against the stud. Unroll the
material across the studs and place the roll in the following stud cavity for ease of
handling. Use the studs for leverage to help pull the material into position. Do not
pull the acoustic panels too tight; leave it somewhat “limp” ceiling assemblies
between the studs. Maintain a small gap (1/8”-3/8”) between all adjoining surfaces
(floor, ceiling, walls), to be sealed later with tape and acoustical sound sealant.
vi.The attempt is to create an airtight assembly. Sealing is a critical step for a proper
installation. Using tape and acoustical sound sealant, begin to seal all perimeter
edges, joints, cut out boxes, access points and the exposed edges at window and
door openings. Use pads to seal the backs of any boxes and any thru wall
vii.Do one final inspection of the entire job and verify that each stage of the
installation is complete. Installation is now ready for drywall. To prevent dimples in
the drywall, keep material and fasteners as flush as possible and use 5/8” or thicker
9.2.1.Homogenous Tiling
A.Performance Requirements
i.Standard grade tile, solid throughout, graded in accordance with ANSI A137.1-
ii.Coefficient of Friction when tested in accordance with ASTM C1028: 0.6 (wet)
minimum and 0.8 (wet) at ramps.
•Glazed tiles and trims shall have an impervious face of ceramic materials fused
on to the body of the tiles and trims.
•The glazed surface may be clear white or colored depending on the color
scheme approved by the Architect.
•Standard glaze may be bright (glossy) semi-matte (less glossy) matte (dull) or
crystalline (mottled and textured), good resistance to abrasion.
•Glazed tiles shall be used for walls. Crystalline glazed tiles may be used for
floors provided that these are used as light duty floors.
iv.Unglazed Tile
•Unglazed tiles shall be hard dense tile of homogeneous composition. Its color
and characteristics are determined by the materials used in the body, the method
of manufacture and the thermal treatment. Unless otherwise specified, used
unglazed tiles for all floors as indicated on the Plan.
•Trims are manufactured to match wall tile color, texture and to coordinate with it
in dimension.
•These are shaped in various ceramic trim units such as caps, bases, coves,
bull-nose, corners, angles, etc. that are necessary for edging or making a
transition between intersecting surfaces.
B. Surface Preparation
i.Mortar mix for scratch coat and setting bed shall consist of one part Portland
cement, ¼ part lime and 3 parts sand by volume.
ii.Surface to receive tile must be level, true to elevation, dry, free from dirt, oil and
other kinds of ointments.
iii.Allow at least seven days curing of scratch coat and setting bed. Installation work
shall not be allowed to proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected.
v.On masonry surface apply first a thin coat with pressure then bring it out sufficiently
to compensate for the major irregularities of the surface to a thickness not less than
10 mm at any point.
vi.Evenly rake the scratch coat to provide good mechanical key before the mortar
mix has fully hardened.
•Tiles shall be soaked in clean water prior to installation for a minimum of hour.
•Determine and mark layout of tiles as to joint location, position of trims and
fixtures so as to minimize cutting less than one half size of the tile.
•Apply a bond coat mix with consistency of cream paste 1.5 mm thick to the wall
surface or to the back of the tile to be laid.
•Lay the tiles true to profile then exert pressure and tamp tile surface before the
bond coat mix has initially set.
•Continue with the next full tile to be laid and pressed firmly upon the setting bed
tamped until flush and in place of the other tiles.
•Intersections and returns shall be formed accurately using the appropriate trim.
•All lines shall be kept straight and true to profiles, plumbed and internal comers
rounded using the appropriate trims.
•Before tile is laid to the floor, surface shall be tested for levelness or uniformity
of slope by flooding it with water. Area where water ponds are filled and leveled,
shall be tested again before the setting bed is applied.
•Establish the lines of borders and center of the walls at the field work in both
directions to permit the pattern to be laid with a minimum cutting of tiles.
•Clean concrete sub-floor then moisten but do not soak. Then, sprinkle dry
cement over the surface and spread the mortar on the setting bed.
•Apply and spread mortar mix for setting bed and tamp to assure good bond over
the entire area to be laid with tile.
•Allow the setting bed to set sufficiently, then spread a bond coat over the
surface and lay the tile.
i.Before grouting of joints, tiles shall have been laid in place for at least 24 hours.
Grouting mortar shall be of pigment similar tcolor to the tile.
ii.Grouting mortar shall be applied over the tile by float or squeegee stroked
diagonally across the joints.
iii.Remove excess mortar with a wet sponge stroked diagonally or in a circular motion
after 12-15 minutes.
iv.Follow with a barely damp or dry sponge to remove remaining haze while
smoothing all grouted joints.
ii.Remove all grout haze, observing tile manufacturer's instructions as to the use of
acid or chemical cleaners.
iii.Rinse tile thoroughly with clean water before and after using chemical cleaners.
i.Prohibit foot and wheeled traffic from floors for a minimum of 3 days. Where traffic is
unavoidable, provide large flat boards in walkways and wheelways for a minimum of
7 days after installation
ii.Apply a protective coat of neutral cleanser solution diluted with water in the
proportion of 1:4 or one liter cleanser concentrate to one gallon of water.
iii.In addition, cover tile flooring with heavy duty non-staining construction paper,
taped in place.
A.Performance Requirements
ii.Adhesive: Adhesive shall be best suited for tropical application and compatible with
the vinyl or carpet tiles to be installed.
iii.Seal Polish: Seal polish shall be plastic emulsion suited for the particular type of
floor as recommended by the tile manufacturer.
•Installation of the tiles shall not commence until the work of other trade,
including painting has been completed.
•The Contractor shall carefully examine all surfaces over which the tiles are to be
•Floor surfaces that are to receive vinyl tile shall be clean; thoroughly dry;
smooth; firm and sound; free from oil, paint, wax, dirt, and any other damaging
•The tile laying design shall be indicated on Plans and in the colors selected and
approved by the Architect for each area.
•All joints shall be parallel to wall lines except otherwise indicated on plan.
•Where line patterns of tile run perpendicular to lines of other tiles, they shall be
laid truly at right angles.
iii.Adhesive Application
•Smoking, the use of open flames, and other sources of ignitions are strictly
prohibited in the area where solvent containing adhesives are being used or laid.
•Start in the center of the room or work area and work from the center towards
the edges.
•Keep tile lines and joints square, symmetrical, tight and even and keep each
floor in a true, level plane, except where indicated as sloped.
•Vary edge width as necessary to maintain full size tiles in the field but no edge
tile shall be less than one half the field tile size except where irregular shaped
rooms make it impossible.
•Cut vinyl or carpet floor tile to and fit around all permanent fixtures, pipes and
•Cut edges, fit and scribe to walls and partition after flooring has been applied.
vi.Edge Strips
•Edge strip shall be extruded aluminum butt type and beveled at exposed edges.
•The top surface of the metal strips shall be finished flush with the tiles.
•Secure strips at the end and between at about 20 cm apart with screws.
•Submit samples of metal strips for approval before application and installation.
After the tiles and accessories are laid and set, it shall be cleaned with a cleaner as
recommended by the manufacturer and, for vinyl tiles, a coat of approved seal polish.
After the floor has been waxed, they shall be carefully protected against damage,
either with heavy building paper or by keeping traffic off the floors until the area is
ready for use.
A.Performance Requirements
i.Use tile adhesives, tile grout, and grout sealer by ABC, MORTABOND or BETONIT
or other approved equivalent supplier.
ii.Adhesives, grouting, and grout sealer shall be best suited for the type of
application, vertical or horizontal, and compatible with the type of tiles to be used
B. Execution
•Place a quantity of colored grout sufficient to cover five (5) square meters of
tiled area at a time.
a.Gradually add water and mix with a spatula until a uniform thick pasty
consistency is attained. On average, 0.40 x 0.40m, 0.30 x 0.30m, 0.20 x
0.20m with about 3mm joint width requires ½ kilo per square meter of Mortar
Grout. For every 2 ½ kilos of mortar grout, slightly less than a liter of clean
tap water should be added.
a.Joints may be filled after tiles have set overnight. Areas laid with non-
vitrified or unglazed tiles must be damped with water prior to grouting to
avoid staining and premature drying.
b.Use rubber faced float; spread the prepared paste diagonally across the
tile joints, pressing deeply to ensure that the joints are thoroughly filled. With
a second stroke, remove any excess deposited on the tile faces.
c.After about 5 minutes, when the filled is still moist, but sufficiently set, and
the residue on the tile faces begins to form into a haze, apply a very wet
sponge to even out the filled joints, employing repeated light diagonal
strokes, until the filled is flush with the tiles. Wash the sponge, wring out as
much water as possible, then tool the filled joints by lightly running the
sponge along the lines of the joints.
•Cleaning : Wipe any remaining residue with a soft dry cloth to restore the tiles
true gloss and texture.
9.3.1.Performance Requirements
A.This section includes technical specifications for general flooring finishes with floor
sealer, polyurethane or epoxy coatings.Refer to Supplier’s technical specifications for
description. Submit sample for Architect’s approval.
i.Do not begin installation until substrates have been properly prepared.
v.Confirm that concrete surface is clean, dry, structurally sound, and free from dirt,
dust, oil, grease, solvents, paint, wax, asphalt, concrete curing compounds, sealing
compounds, surface hardeners, bond breakers, adhesive residue, and other surface
i.Bare Concrete: Apply water base stripper to substrate and let stand for 2 to 3
minutes. Work into surface with brooms, brushes or floor scrubbing machines. Do not
allow stripper to dry on floor. Rinse with clean water and repeat stripping operation
until surface is free of wax contaminants. Substrate shall be allowed to dry
thoroughly prior to re-coating application.
i.Existing Coatings/Sealers: Apply water base stripper to substrate and let stand for 2
to 3 minutes. Do not allow cleaner to dry on floor. Rinse with clean water and repeat
cleaning operation until substrate is free of contaminants. Substrate shall be allowed
to dry thoroughly prior to coating application. Stripping of acrylic sealers may result
from stripping operation. Test compatibility with existing sealers if scheduled to
ii.Existing Coatings/Sealers: Apply water base cleaner to substrate and let stand for 5
to 10 minutes. Do not allow cleaner to dry on floor. Rinse with clean water and repeat
cleaning operation until substrate is free of contaminants. Substrate shall be allowed
to dry thoroughly prior to coating application. Stripping of acrylic sealers may result
from cleaning operation. Test compatibility with existing sealers if scheduled to
•Remove dirt, dust, oil, grease, and other surface contaminants before abrasive
surface preparation, acid etching, and water washing.
•Ensure surfaces are cured, dry, and free from alkali stain and laitance.
iii.Existing Coatings: Remove dirt, dust, oil, grease, chalk, loose coatings, and other
deleterious matter in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Spot prime
surfaces as required.
vi.Environment: Apply between 60 degrees F (16 degree C) and 100 degrees F (38
degree C) and 5 degrees above dew point.
ix.Apply polyurethane coating to be free of film characteristics and defects that would
adversely affect performance or appearance.
•All visible oil, grease, sludge, and any other contaminants shall be removed
prior to any abrasive surface preparation and water washing.
•Surface shall be cured, dry and free from alkali stain and laitance.
•Prepare surfaces in accordance with SSPC-SP7 Brush-Off Blast Cleaning, Blas-
Trac or other approved mechanical method to achieve a 60-80 grit profile for long
term adhesion and non-slip surface on floors.
ii.Existing Coatings Surface Preparation: Remove dirt, dust, oil, grease, chalk, loose
coatings, and other deleterious matter in accordance with manufacturer's
instructions. Spot prime surfaces as required.
iii.Environment: Apply between 60 degrees F (16 degree C) and 100 degrees F (38
degree C) and 5 degrees above dew point.
iv.Wall and Surface Wetting: In advance of the coating application to help allow for
absorption of the applied material, spray water onto the surface to slightly dampen
using a Hudson type sprayer.
viii.Uniformly apply epoxy coating at spreading rate required to achieve specified dry
film thickness.
ix.Apply epoxy coating to be free of film characteristics and defects that would
adversely affect performance or appearance.
ii.Protect concrete surfaces from foot traffic for a minimum of 24 hours. Avoid
washing concrete surfaces for a minimum of 48 hours.
Subfloor concrete slab preparation by General Contractor ready to receive turf material.
Depress slab by 5mm.
9.4.3 Submittals
Supplier to submit sample and shop drawings (as necessary) for Architect's approval prior to
9.5.1.Performance Requirements
All paint materials shall be delivered on the job-site in their original containers with labels and
seals unbroken. Manufacturer or brand of painting materials to be used shall either be
Davies, Boysen, or an approved equal. All schedule/mixing shall strictly follow the
manufacturer’s instructions and specifications.
A.Paint Applications
i.White and Tinted Ready-Mix Paint: Finished coat on wood, metal, and concrete
ii.Enamel (alkyd) paint, White and Tinted: For interior wood walls and ceiling
iii.Latex-based / Acrylic Emulsion Paint, Flat, White, and Tinted: For exterior &
interior concrete and masonry surfaces and properly primed wood and metals.
B.Tinting Color
Tinting colors shall be first grade pigments ground in alkyd resin, which disperse and mix
easily with paint to produce the colors desired.
C.Patching Compound
Patching compound shall be fine powder material that can be mixed into putty
consistency with oil base primers and paints to fill minor surface dents and imperfections.
Lacquer shall be clear gloss, solid nitrocellulose base specifically formulated for use in
the tropics. It shall exhibits fast solvent release and dries to a hard but flexible film with
high gloss effect
C.Sanding Sealer
Sanding sealer shall be quality for wood surfaces hat provides a non-absorbent base for
color treatment which are applied on it. It shall exhibit hold out and sealing properties,
fast drying and easy to smooth by sandpaper.
A..Surface Preparation
i.Surface Examination
No exterior paint or interior finishing shall be done under conditions which may
jeopardize the quality or appearance of the painting or finishing.
•All surface to receive paint should be cleaned and in proper condition. Wood
work shall be sandpapered and dusted clean. All knot holes, pitch pockets, or
sappy portions shall be shellacked or sealed with knot-sealer.
•Nail holes, cracks or defects shall be carefully puttied after the first coat with
putty matching color of the stain or paint.
iii.Plaster or Masonry
•After the primer sealer coat is dried, all visible suction spots shall be toughed up
before the succeeding coats are applied.
•Work shall not be continued until after all spots have been sealed. In the
presence of high alkali conditions, surfaces shall be washed to neutralize the
•Metal shall be clean, dry and free from mill scale, oil, grease and rust.
•Unprimed galvanized metal shall be washed with metal etching solution and
allowed to dry before applying primer.
•Cleaned metal shall be primed with quality epoxy metal primer paint, red oxide
primer or zinc-chromate primer.
The surface shall be wire brushed clean. Glazed surface and those with traces of
patching compound shall be sandpapered or acid etched before applying a primer.
vi.Cleaning Methods
c.Wet Sandblasting – This method reduces the hazard of dust and may be
required by legal restrictions. The wet sand and paint residues accumulate
on ledges and other flat areas where rinsing operation is necessary.
•Wire Brushing and Scraping: Power and hand wire brushing shall be used
on small jobs in cleaning areas after sandblasting and on surfaces where
sandblasting is not feasible.
•Power Tools: Power tools such as rotary wire and disc tools, rotary impact
chippers, and needle scalers shall be used if sandblasting is not feasible.
•Water Blasting: Water blasting shall be used in cleaning and removing old
paint from large masonry surfaces. It is generally used and acceptable for
health and environmental requirements.
•Paint Remover: Both the conventional solvent based and the water
rinseable type of paint remover may be used to remove old paint. Most paint
removers contain wax, and this wax shall be removed completely before
painting, for it could destroy adhesion and inhibit the drying of paint.
•Alkali Cleaning
vii.Surface Conditioning
•All surfaces shall be in proper condition to receive the paint finish. Woodwork
shall be hand-sanded smooth and dusted clean, with knotholes pitch pockets or
sappy portions scaled with natural wood filler.
•Nail holes, cracks or defects shall be carefully puttied after the first coat
matching the color of paint.
•Interior woodworks shall be sand-papered between coats. Cracks holes or
imperfections in plaster shall be filled with patching plaster and smoothed off to
match adjoining surfaces
•Concrete and masonry surfaces shall be coated with concrete neutralizer and
allowed to dry before any painting primer is applied.
•When surface is dried, apply first coating. Hairline cracks and unevenness shall
be patched and sealed with approved putty or patching compound. After all
defects are corrected, apply the finish coats as specified on the Plan in
accordance with the approved color scheme.
•Metals shall be clean, dry and free from mill scale and rust. Remove all grease
and oil from surfaces. Wash, unprimed galvanized metal with etching solution
and allow it to dry.
•Metal surfaces shall be primed with red oxide, red lead or epoxy primer as
specified before final coat is applied.
•Voids, cracks, and all other kinds of defects, shall be repaired with proper
patching materials and finished flush with the surrounding surfaces.
•Marred or damaged shop coats on metal shall be spot primed with appropriate
metal primer.
•No painting and varnishing works shall be done during rainy or damp weather.
•Varnish should not be applied when the temperature is too hot or cold. Allow
appropriate ventilation during application and drying period.
i.Paints when applied by brush shall be non-fluid, and thick enough to lay down an
adequate film of wet paint. Brush marks shall be flawed out after the application of
ii.Paints prepared for application by roller must be similar to brushing paint. It must be
non-sticky when thinned to spraying viscosity to break up easily into droplets.
iii.Paint is atomized by high pressure pumping rather than broken up by the large
volume of air mixed with it. This procedure changes the required properties of the
i.At the time of application, paint shall show no sign of deterioration. Paint shall be
thoroughly stirred, strained and kept at a uniform consistency during application.
iii.Kerosene shall not be used as paint thinner. Paints of different manufacturer shall
not be mixed together.
i.All materials to be used under this Item shall be stored in a single place to be
designated by the Architect and such place shall be kept neat and clean at all time.
i.All cloths and cotton waste which are fire hazards shall be placed in metal container
or destroyed at the end of daily works.
ii.Upon completion of work, all staging, scaffolding, and paint containers shall be
removed and disposed.
iii.Paint drips, oil, or stains on adjacent surfaces shall be removed and the entire job
left clean and acceptable to the supervising Architect or Engineer.
9.6.1.Performance Requirements
i.Aluminum faced composite panels with mounting system. Panel mounting system
including anchorages, shims, furring, fasteners, gaskets and sealants, related
flashing adapters, and masking (as required) for a complete watertight installation.
ii.Parapet coping, column covers, soffits, sills, border, and filler items indicated as
integral components of the panel system or as designed.
B.Maximum deviation from vertical and horizontal alignment of erected panels: 1/4
inch in 20 feet (6 mm in 6 m) non-accumulative.
C.Material compliance with ASTM D-3363 for hardness, ASTM D-4145 for flexibility,
ASTM D-2247-87 for Humidity, ASTM E8 for tensile strength & elongation, ASTM
C393 for flexural elasticity.
i.Panel thickness shall be minimum 3mm for interior use and 4mm for exterior
cladding use.
•Coil Coated Finishes: Coil coated in conformance with the following general
requirements of AAMA 2605 and AAMA 620.
i.Extrusions, formed members, sheet, and plate shall conform to ASTM B 209 and
the recommendations of the manufacturer.
iii.Sealants and gaskets within the panel system shall be as per manufacturer's
standards to meet performance requirements.
iv.Fabricate flashing materials from 0.030 inch (0.76 mm) minimum thickness
aluminum sheet painted to match the adjacent curtain wall / panel system where
exposed. Provide a lap strap under the flashing at abutted conditions and seal lapped
surfaces with a full bed of non-hardening sealant.
F. Submittals
Prior to ordering any materials, submit the samples of all materials and finishes and
fixings together with supporting technical data. Prepare sample panel showing method of
joining and corners.
iii.method of assembly
Handle, store, and deliver all materials with methods that protect all items from damage
and deterioration including temperature variations and excess wetting.Remove and do
not use any material with any damage or defect.
H. Project Conditions
fabrication may be allowed to ensure proper fit. Field fabrication shall be kept to an
absolute minimum with the majority of the fabrication being done under controlled
shop conditions.
10.1. Fire-Rated Sealants. Sleeves and through-wall openings due to utilities shall be
provided with minimum 1.5-hr fire-resistive sealant. Submit sample to designer & owner for
10.2. Contractor to provide concise, clear and water-resistant labels on all switches / control
devices, diffusers, and other equipment indicating unit number and circuit breaker
designation for store operation staff reference.