Andre Lindenfelser - Sinkhole of The Spider Cult

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Sinkhole of the Spider Cult

by Andre Lindenfelser
The town of Brandybrook has a spider problem. It’s only gotten worse since the sinkhole opened 1.
up near the Speckled Mare Inn, which is about a mile out of town. The inn is a small, one-story 4. 10.
building, with four rooms for rent. Wulder, the owner, is friendly but quiet. Lone travellers are often
gone by morning. At night, skittering can be heard in the basement. “Damned rats,” says Wulder.
He won’t let anyone else down there. 5.
1. The Basement: Noticeable cobwebs in the corners. A crude tunnel is poorly
hidden behind some barrels. At night, d6 Cat and Wolf spiders will be here, waiting for Wulder 9.
to tell them if there are any appropriate victims upstairs. Wulder is secretly a cultist with a Ring 2.
of Spidertongue.
2. The Sinkhole: Its walls are steep and unstable; impossible to climb without ropes or gear.
Two tunnels open into the sinkhole. A Gorog lies in the mud at the bottom of the hole,
slumbering during the day and eating spiders as they crawl out at night. When not moving,
it looks like a boulder. Though ravenous, it will generally ignore people unless disturbed. The 8. 6.
spiders and cultists hate the Gorog, but there isn’t much they can do about it.
3. Webbed Pit: The entire “room” is an enormous pit with no visible bottom. A huge spider- 7.
web covers the pit. Great care must be taken in crossing the web; while it will easily support
the weight of a dozen people, stumbling, sprinting, fighting, or even too much weight will
create vibrations in the webbing that will alert d3 Wolf-sized spiders and a Horse-sized spider
that lurks below. There are several bodies stuck in the webbing; 2 of them are Web Wights. Monsters & Enemies
4. Feeding Room: The room is lined with dozens of dessicated human corpses and animal Gorog: An enormous, bull-sized toad with a snake for its tongue. Thick, leathery hide is resis-
carcasses, all wrapped in webbing. There are d8 Web Wights among the corpses that will tant to magic. Immune to venom.
attack if players get too close.
Demon Spiders: Come in 3 sizes: cat-, wolf-, and horse-sized. Large fangs secrete paralytic
5. Gigantula’s Antechamber: A huge, ornate stone door blocks the Eastern path to Gigantula’s venom. Understand human speech, and speak in their own chittering spider-language.
chamber. The door has a sculpture of a spider on it, with mandibles outstretched expectantly.
The door will only open if the ceremonial dagger Chelicera is placed into the spider’s jaws. Web Wight: Victims of the Demon Spiders. Desiccated undead wrapped in tough, sticky
webbing. They lie still (looking like regular corpses) until they sense intruders. They try to
6. Anarak’s Altar: The main room of worship for the Spider Cult. In the wall behind the altar is entangle living prey for the spiders to eat later.
the opening of a very tight tunnel (too small for humans) that spiders use to access Gigantu-
la’s Chamber. If alerted to the presence of intruders, Gigantula will direct her spawn to attack, Gigantula: Mother of all the Demon Spiders here, daughter of the demonic Spider-Queen
and they will come pouring out of the tunnel. Contains d6 Cultists and d12 Cat Spiders. Aranak. Worshipped by the Spider Cult. Bigger than a full-grown bull.

7. Cultist Barracks: Where cultists sleep and eat. While most cultists have “normal” lives Cult Acolyte: Decent combatants, and will fight to the death. 1 in 6 chance of having a
during the day, the Fanatics now live here full time. A trapdoor opens into the ruins of Ring of Spidertongue, allowing the wearer to understand spiders.
a long-abandoned hovel. Contains d8 Cultists, and a Horse Spider clinging to the ceiling, Cult Fanatic: Their devotion to the cult has earned them a blessing of Anarak (roll a d4):
guarding the trap door. 1) Spider Eyes (with darkvision), 2) Venomous Fangs (spit venom & bite), 3) Spider Legs
8. The Arch-Priest’s Chamber: Contains various treasures of the Spider Cult; notably one pair (wall-climbing), 4) Shoot Webs. Because of these mutations, they can no longer appear in
of boots of Webwalking. Also contains the Arch-Priest of the Spider Cult, wielding Chelicera. public, and live in the tunnels full-time. Dangerous fighters.
9. Gigantula’s Chamber: Contains Gigantula herself, 2 Wolf Spiders, d12 Cat spiders, and Arch-Priest: The founder of the Spider-Cult, and the one who summoned Gigantula. Has
thousands of eggs in sacs of silk. Among the egg sacs are dozens of corpses to feed the young all four blessings of Anarak, and wields the dagger Chelicera, a sacred dagger of Anarak that
when they hatch; d8 of these are Web Wights that guard the eggs. drips venom eternally.

10. Summoning Room: Contains a summoning circle and an ancient tome on summoning
demons, open to the page on Anarak’s spawn. If the circle isn’t destroyed, Gigantula will
respawn from it within a month of being slain. Also contains the Staff of the Spiderkin, which
lets the user cast Web and Venom Spray.

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