What Is Environmental Engineering?

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What is Environmental Engineering?

Environmental engineering is the branch of engineering that is concerned with protecting people
from the effects of adverse environmental effects, such as pollution, as well as improving
environmental quality. Environmental engineers work to improve recycling, waste disposal,
public health, and water and air pollution control.

The practice of environmental engineering dates back to the dawn of civilization. Ever since
groups of people began living in semi-permanent settlements, they have had to deal with the
challenges of providing clean water and disposing of solid waste and sewage. With the growth
of cities and the advent of large-scale farming and manufacturing, people have also had to
worry about air quality and soil contamination.

The first environmental engineer is said to have been Joseph Bazalgette. According to an article in
the Postgraduate Medical Journal, Bazalgette oversaw the construction of the first large-scale
municipal sanitary sewer system in London in the mid-19th century. This was prompted by a
series of cholera epidemics, as well as a persistent unbearable stench, that were attributed to
the discharge of raw sewage into the Thames River, which was also the main source of drinking
water for the city. This "great stink," which was so noxious that it caused Parliament to evacuate
Westminster, gave then-Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli grounds to ask for 3.5 million pounds
to improve the city's sewage disposal system.

Some notable names in the field of environmental engineering include:

 Ellen Henrietta Swallow Richards: a pioneer 19th-century industrial and environmental chemist.
She was the first woman admitted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and later, an
instructor in sanitary chemistry there. She worked with many local and national groups dealing with water
supplies and public health problems.
 G.D. Agrawal: a respected environmental engineer in India. He has worked to clean up the
Ganges River and fasted to protest the damming of the Bhagirathi River.
 Marc Edwards: a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University. He is a pioneer in detecting and reducing lead in drinking water.
 Joseph Lstiburek, a leading authority on building science and indoor air quality.
-is a forensic engineer, building investigator, author, speaker and widely known expert on
building moisture control, and retro-fit of existing and historic buildings.
 George F. Pinder, a professor of civil and environmental engineering, mathematics and statistics
at the University of Vermont. He is known for his expert testimony in the legal cases regarding
environmental contamination at Love Canal, New York, and Woburn, Massachusetts.

What do environmental engineers do?

Environmental engineers use the principles of engineering, soil science, biology and chemistry
to develop solutions to environmental problems.
One of the most important responsibilities of environmental engineering is to prevent the release
of harmful chemical and biological contaminants into the air, water and soil. This requires
extensive knowledge of the chemistry and biology of the potential contaminants as well as the
industrial or agricultural processes that might lead to their release. With this knowledge, new
processes can be designed, or existing processes can be modified, to reduce or eliminate the
release of pollutants.

Another important function performed by environmental engineers is detecting the presence of

pollutants and tracking them back to their source. In some cases, this can present a significant
challenge. For instance, the source of contamination in a lake could be anywhere within several
thousands of acres of land surrounding the lake and its tributaries. Contamination of oceans can
present even greater challenges in identifying the source.

Once the environmental engineer identifies a source of contamination, it must be stopped or

significantly reduced. Simply shutting down a business is not always a viable option, because of
the potential for severe economic consequences. Environmental engineers often work with
businesses to determine ways to avoid or reduce the production of pollutants or to separate
them so they can be disposed of in a safe manner.

Critical skills needed by environmental engineers include a working knowledge of chemical

engineering, fluid dynamics, geography, geology and hydrology. Also, because of the
numerous legal issues involved and the prevalence of litigation in environmental issues,
environmental engineers must be familiar with applicable laws, and many of them are also
practicing attorneys.

The Importance of Environmental Engineering to Society

The world today faces many environmental problems, ranging from local problems such as groundwater
depletion to global problems such as climate change. These problems can only be solved when everyone
cares about the environment. Therefore, everyone needs to be informed about the various causes,
consequences and remedies of environmental problems.  It is therefore necessary to preface their
consideration with the statements of the broader characteristic divisions such as-

 It guides us on how our developmental and daily activities affect the environment and how we are
affected by changes in environmental conditions.
 It guides us to create a pollution free environment (which includes clean air, water, land and food)
by adopting various methods of prevention and control of pollution.
 It guides our natural resources such as water, forests, minerals and fossil fuels to be utilized in an
efficient way, with maximum utility and minimum waste by adopting conservation and recycling
 Adopts the above three characteristics, namely, knowing one’s environmental impact, prevention
and control of pollution, and efficiently utilizing resources efficiently in daily activities to lead the
general public in an environmentally friendly way.
 It allows industries to operate in an environmentally friendly mode by adopting clean and
efficient technology and installing pollution control systems.

Role of Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development

So far as contribution of Environmental Engineering for protection of the environment is concerned, it

can be said that role of environmental engineering is commendable. Some of the contributions of
environmental engineering are as follows-

1. To protect soil erosion for safeguard of forest.

2. Using of Environmental Engineering technology degradation of bio social system can be
3. Air pollution can be minimized up to a maximum extent by utilizing Environmental Engineering.
4. Development of agriculture is necessary and the requirement can be fulfilled through
Environmental Engineering.
5. Environmental Engineering is utilized for preservation of social energy.
6. Global crises on environment can be minimized by utilizing Environmental Engineering
7. Facilitate for sustainable development of the society.
8. It helps for social and economical development.

Scope of the Environmental Engineering:

 Management of natural resources,

 Conserving soil and water resources is critical to our future. Expanding

populations, rising temperatures, and increasing needs for food, goods, and
services are placing an ever growing demand upon our precious soil and water
resources. Natural resources and environmental engineers are finding ways to
manage and conserve our resources today so that we can meet the demands of
the future.

 Natural resources and environmental engineers work with all kinds of natural
resources, such as water, soil, plants, and air. For example, they could be
responsible for the design of livestock or wildlife watering stations in a natural
forest or the design of a recycling waste management system on a dairy farm.
These engineers plan and design conservation practices on the landscape to
better manage runoff and soil erosion to protect water quality. Graduates find
challenging and rewarding work with engineering and environmental
consultants, with government agencies such as the Forest Service, and with
companies such as Valmont Irrigation and Creative Habitat.

 Conservation of ecosystem and biodiversity

Climate change has significant implications for biodiversity and ecosystems. With slow
progress towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions, climate engineering (or
‘geoengineering’) is receiving increasing attention for its potential to limit anthropogenic
climate change and its damaging effects. Proposed techniques, such as ocean fertilization for
carbon dioxide removal or stratospheric sulfate injections to reduce incoming solar radiation,
would significantly alter atmospheric, terrestrial and marine environments, yet potential side-
effects of their implementation for ecosystems and biodiversity have received little attention. A
literature review was carried out to identify details of the potential ecological effects of climate
engineering techniques. A group of biodiversity and environmental change researchers then
employed a modified Delphi expert consultation technique to evaluate this evidence and
prioritize the effects based on the relative importance of, and scientific understanding about,
their biodiversity and ecosystem consequences. The key issues and knowledge gaps are
used to shape a discussion of the biodiversity and ecosystem implications of climate
engineering, including novel climatic conditions, alterations to marine systems and substantial
terrestrial habitat change. This review highlights several current research priorities in which
the climate engineering context is crucial to consider, as well as identifying some novel topics
for ecological investigation.
 Prevention and control of pollution.
 Environmental engineers devise solutions for wastewater management, water and air
pollution control, recycling, waste disposal, and public health. They design municipal water
supply and industrial wastewater treatment systems, and design plans to prevent waterborne
diseases and improve sanitation in urban, rural and recreational areas. They evaluate
hazardous-waste management systems to evaluate the severity of such hazards, advise on
treatment and containment, and develop regulations to prevent mishaps. They
implement environmental engineering law, as in assessing the environmental impact of
proposed construction projects.
 Environmental engineers study the effect of technological advances on the environment,
addressing local and worldwide environmental issues such as acid rain, global
warming, ozone depletion, water pollution and air pollution from automobile
exhausts and industrial sources.

Remediation of contaminated sites.

Remediation of contaminated sites is one of the most rapidly developing environmental restoration
subjects. Site contamination results mostly from past and present anthropogenic activities and it
presently constitutes one of the largest environmental liabilities for future generations to bear. The
most significant categories of contaminants that are encountered in contaminated sites, typically as
mixtures, are petroleum hydrocarbons, halogenated organic compounds, metals and metalloids,
radionuclides, and explosives. The process of remediation of contaminated sites is a site-specific
phased approach comprising site characterization, risk assessment and remediation technology
selection and application. The high cost and complexity of the problem renders remediation of
contaminated sites a real challenge for environmental professionals and society altogether, with far
ranging implications on industrial, agricultural and other anthropogenic activities and practices in
terms of pollution prevention, waste management and their overall sustainability. 

Treatment of the dirty effluent.

Most of the water that is used in homes and businesses is put into either municipal sewers or
home septic systems. Most of that water is polluted to some extent, because it comes from
clothes washing, bathing, and toilets. In earlier times, sewage was put directly into the ground,
into rivers, or into the ocean, without any treatment. As population has grown, however, the
need for wastewater treatment has increased as well.

Home septic systems consist of a large underground tank, where anaerobic bacteria (those
that do not need oxygen) gradually break down most of the solids. The remaining liquid waste
flows out into what is called a leach field, where the water flows out from porous underground
pipes into the ground. This water still contains pollutants and harmful microorganisms. Some of
these are removed as the water flows through soil and rock, but in many places they reach
groundwater supplies and add to problems of water pollution.

Municipal sewage is treated in special wastewater treatment plants. There are several
common methods of treatment. Also, the level of treatment varies greatly.
 In primary treatment, all that is done is to put the water in large tanks or ponds to let the
solid material, called sludge, either float to the surface or settle to the bottom. The water is then
usually chlorinated, and the sludge is treated and disposed of in various ways.
 Most wastewater undergoes secondary treatment as well as primary treatment. The
most common method is to sprinkle or trickle the water over a bed of sand or gravel. As the
water filters downward, it is put into contact with oxygen and microorganisms, which work
together to break down the organic matter in the water. The water is then usually chlorinated
before it is released into the environment.
 In a few places, the water undergoes tertiary treatment, which involves a variety of
processes to purify the water even further. After tertiary treatment, the water can be pure
enough to drink!

Major career options related to the subject can be described as follows:

Industries: Industries need to comply with a number of environmental regulations. Thus, environmental
experts are needed to guide industries in adopting clean technology, pollution control, waste disposal and
environmental audit management.

Consultancy: Environmental consultations are employed by governments, industries and NGOs to

conduct a variety of laboratory-based analysis or field-based studies, often required in Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) and other compliance processes.

Research and Development: These opportunities in this area include studying different types of
pollution and their many causes and effects. It is also includes development of clean and efficient
technologies for future purpose. Scientists, researchers, and analysts are many of the common career

Academics: Environmental Engineering study is educated at almost every level of education, which is
from school to university level. A large number of teachers or academicians are required to fulfill this

Green marketing: Skilled manpower is required to promote eco friendly products in local market.
Environmental quality certifications like ISO-14000 are also being included in marketing strategy—this
creates further career opportunities.

Green media: There is an urgent need for skilled manpower in print and electronic media to create
environmental awareness. Some lot of magazines and newspapers regularly publish articles paper on
environmental themes. For example, Down to Earth is a magazine published by the Center for Science
and the Environment.

Green advocacy: Environmental lawyers are emerging as major players in ensuring proper enforcement
of environmental regulations, laws, and programmers. Public Interest Litigation (PIL) empowers of
ordinary people to fight against any anti-environment activity.

Government jobs: Many numbers of conventional and current common jobs are available in government
bodies such as environmental ministry, pollution control boards, national parks, and biosphere reserves.

International agencies: Eligible human resources are required to implement environmental projects of
various international organizations such as UNEP, IUCN, TSBF, and World Bank.

In a concluding remark, the career & job prospects of structural engineers are very bright in the coming
future days. If you are focused and passionate, you can lead a bright career.
Like many other fields of engineering, environmental engineering includes a variety of specializations,

which are described in detail below. Anyone interested in a career in environmental engineering will

benefit from exploring the full range of options available in this dynamic field:

Coastal Engineering

Coastal engineering involves aspects of civil engineering and focuses on risks and demands posed by

any development along a coastline. A coastal engineer may work for a public or federal agency or a

private organization and may be responsible for monitoring the effects of wave activity, any detriment to

coastal flora and fauna, and anything else related to the shore.

Geophysical Engineering

This specialty of environmental engineering generally examines the methods involved in extracting

various resources from the earth, including minerals, gases, and oil. A geophysical engineer may find

employment with a private oil company or mine and may help develop safer and/or more efficient

methods of extraction.

Water Resources Engineering

Water resources engineering focuses on the creation of new equipment for managing water resources. A

water resources engineer may work on projects related to wells, natural springs, and water treatment

plants or related facilities.

Ocean Engineering

Although related to coastal engineering, ocean engineering more specifically focuses on the ocean

environment and acts as a connecting piece between various other sciences, including marine biology

and oceanography, among others.

Ecological Engineering

A relatively new field of engineering, ecological engineering emphasizes the construction, design, and

monitoring of various ecosystems. One of the main goals of ecological engineering is to help the human

population better integrate with its surrounding ecosystems.

Environmental engineers may find employment with various public and private organizations. According

to the BLS (2021), federal, state, and local governments, as well as utility companies are in need of

environmental engineers to help comply with environmental regulations. For instance, environmental

engineers may find themselves working for municipal governments, assisting in projects aimed at

improving a specific system or method within a town or city.

Private companies constructing alongside the coast or extracting oil or other natural resources from the

ground might also employ environmental engineers as consultants. In addition, engineers may also find

employment within federal agencies looking to improve existing technology to monitor air or water quality.

Furthermore, environmental engineers may work either independently or on a team alongside other

engineers within an organization. Often, those who obtain a master’s degree, or who are licensed

or Board Certified Environmental Engineers, might serve as consultants or in managerial roles.


The day-to-day tasks of an environmental engineer depend entirely on the type of work and industry in

which the individual is employed. For example, an engineer monitoring a system aimed at treating water

or processing waste or recycling may spend a large portion of time at the specific site alongside other

professionals who maintain the system.

At other times, an environmental engineer who is responsible for the development of a coastline may

spend time in a planning office with other members of the team who are working on the project. Engineers

who have completed a study on the efficiency of a new method of resource extraction may make

presentations to others in the industry at seminars.


At some point in their careers, environmental engineers may work in an office alongside other team

members. In addition, many environmental engineers are required to travel to specific locations, including

water treatment facilities or waste disposal plants, where they may monitor the systems and create

reports or make recommendations. Those engineers who have completed studies related to their industry

may present this information to various groups or organizations.

For instance, the role of a coastal engineer of a state government may be to work on a project to help

protect nearby structures from destruction and/or erosion. This engineer may spend time in an office or

laboratory setting, designing and planning a model to implement, such as a dike or seawall.

Upon completion of the design, the environmental engineer may oversee its successful implementation

on the shoreline. Subsequently, the engineer would likely be required to monitor the implemented

structure, which may involve improving the existing structure, or replacing it altogether.

Those interested in a career in environmental engineering will most likely have the opportunity to work in

an office and/or at on-site locations. Ultimately, environmental engineers may find themselves in positions

to help change the world by ensuring a sustainable global community and planet.


Sustainability addresses the ability of societies to maintain and improve quality of life while preserving
both the quality and availability of its natural resources. As the world’s population increases, engineers
face ever-evolving challenges with regard to issues of sustainability and the health of our natural
In addition to the exposure to some form of environmental education, engineers and, in particular
environmental engineers of today, are pressured and encouraged to think and practice along this path
of sustainable development, cleaner production, greener technology, ecological design, waste
prevention and recycling, energy efficiency, resource conservation and environmental protection. All of
these are key topics in the future of engineering development and fall into this new study area of
environmental engineering. Environmental engineering, undoubtedly, is an important area, and will
expand in the future as environmental problems worsen. If this is the likely scenario facing the planet,
there will be a higher demand for more environmental specialists, namely, environmental engineers, to
find solutions to environmental problems. Such achievements can come about only with proper
education and training, and through a well-structured and designed curriculum for environmental
engineering. Specialists working in the field of environmental engineering can

Materials balance approach

A materials (or mass) balance approach for contaminants of public health and/or

environmental concern is used to determine the presence, fate and transport of
contaminants in the environment . The materials balance approach, a fundamental
principle of science, engineering, and industrial research and risk analysis , is
familiar to professionals trained in the physical or life sciences and engineering. The
use of a materials balance approach provides a technique to describe the
environment as it is today and as it might be under conditions resulting from
remedial actions or from changes in the way society produces, uses, and disposes
of chemicals of environmental concern. It also provides a rational and fundamental
basis for asking specific questions and for obtaining specific information, which is
necessary for determining fate and transport of contaminants, selecting and
evaluating remedial treatment options, and monitoring treatment effectiveness.

The determination or construction of a materials balance is dependent

on conservation of materials. Material is not created nor is it destroyed by ordinary
processes, but it is transformed. When applied to chemicals of environmental
concern, conservation of materials requires that a chemical entering a specific
environment must be transformed, held in, or transported out of the environment.
The amount of a chemical that leaves any process, environmental compartment, or
area must be exactly balanced by the amount that enters minus net accumulation
within the process or compartment boundaries. This materials balance can be stated
as a simple equation:

Change in mass in a volume = Mass entering a volume - Mass leaving a volume

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