Lesson 4 Reflection Sem 2

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Lesson 4 Reflection (Renusha Devendran MC201012474)

Methods and approaches to teaching are greatly influenced by the research of Jean Piaget and

Lev Vygotsky. Both have contributed to the sphere of education by offering explanations for
children's cognitive learning styles and talents. While Piaget and Vygotsky may differ on
how they view cognitive development in children, both offer educators good suggestions on
how teach certain material during a developmentally appropriate manner.

Vygotsky believed that the kid may be a social being, and cognitive development is led by
social interactions. Piaget, on the opposite hand, felt that the kid was more
independent which development was guided by self-centred, focused activities.
Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development described and explained the changes
in thinking of kids and adolescents. Piaget proposed that children proceed through four
stages supported maturation and skill.
Piaget's theory is guided by assumptions of how learners interact with their environment and
the way they integrate new knowledge and knowledge into existing knowledge.

Lev Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development, named as his cultural-historical theory,

focused on the role of culture and social interactions. Vygotsky maintained that speech could
be a major psychological tool within the child's development of thinking. As children age and
develop, their basic speech becomes more complex.

Piaget concerned with the cognitive structure, to begin from known to unknown and to seek
out relevant connections between knowledge inside classrooms and its applications
outside the college. Vygotsky has two main domain of the concept, the primary is that
the cognitive constructivism which very closed to Piaget and also the second is that the social
constructivism which investigate the importance of building concepts and acquiring skills in a
very social context that provides the learner proper help within the right time which so-called
scaffolding process and the learner can gain knowledge and skills from the teacher and peers
better than depending only on themselves without hints or guidance. Vygotsky observed one
reaction when student receive proper hint within the right time which called Aha
reaction then he/she can turn on that hint to achieve the targeted goals step by step

For Vygotsky learning could also be a personality's process and begins as social activities by
interacting with people and people internalize these processes and might use them
independently. So, applications of the concept in instructions should involve social
interaction and a guided teacher or expert. Also, Piaget gives importance peer instruction for
learning. Instructional scaffolding, reciprocal teaching, peer collaboration and apprenticeship
are some applications of Vygotsky’s theory which involves social interaction (Schunk, 2008).
Moreover, providing opportunities for sophistication discussion, allowing group work can
help improve learning in an exceedingly very social environment.

For Piaget and Vygotsky learner are active in learning processes. consistent with Piaget,
learner acquires his own style of existing knowledge through their personal construction of
data. For Vygotsky, children learn in a very social interaction in a very social environment,
while for Piaget learning is created by the learner individually. Vygotsky claims that in
learning process learner requires assistance of teacher or more capable peers. The guide of
the others isn't seen the maximum amount as in Piaget’s theory as in Vygotsky’s theory.

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