Overview of The Elf and The Identity

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Overview of the

Self and the

Understanding yourself is one of the
most interesting and yet challenging
tasks an individual should be able to
achieve in their lifetime. Since most
people are pre-occupied with
understanding with so much
complicated issues in their life like
business, technology, science, nature,
politics and a lot more. But little
attention is only given to deciphering
the wonders of the Self.
Understanding the Self goes
beyond knowing your own
identity or of being aware of who
and what you are. It seeks to
unearth several information
about yourself from various
perspectives―time: past, present
and the future Self; dimensional:
physical, emotional, mental,
social and spiritual Self; and the
functional: political, economic
and the digital Self.
Some insists that the Self is
predominantly a product of natural
processes to which people are
inherently predisposed. The natural
basis of the Self is anchored on
biology and explains that humans’
traits are passed from one generation
to the other. These transmitted traits
serves as a blueprint of the Self and
predisposes one to certain expressions
like attitudes, behaviors, tendencies,
and others.
Genetics contribute so
much information about
the descriptions of the Self.
This field of biology
primarily deals with
heredity―transmission of
traits and characteristics
from one generation to
another as a process.
On the other side, the Self
should be principally
viewed as an outcome of
various nurturing factors
in the context of one's life
like heredity, family
background, environment,
among other life factors.
Self and identity are
popular among
psychologists and
authors and even
among social scientists.
Identity (noun) is the quality
and belief that make a
particular person or group
different from others; or the
distinguishing character of an
Self (noun) refers to the
person who they truly are or
the entire person of the
Identity is the feature that
distinguishes one from the other;
While the Self refers to the total
characteristic or qualities of a
Person both known and unknown
to others.
A comprehensive definition that underscores the
distinctions that overlap the Self and the identity was
described by Oyersman, et al. (2012) stating that:

“Identities are the traits and characteristics, social

relations, roles, and social group membership that define
who one is. Identities can be focused on the past―what
used to be true of one; the present―what is true of one
now; and the future―the person one expects or wishes to
become, or the person one fears to become; together,
identities make up one’s self-concept variously describes
as what comes to mind when one thinks of oneself.”
Identity is what makes you
distinguishable from others. Example:
When describing a person whose
name you cannot recall, you will find
yourself thinking of remarkable traits
that will make other people identify
them or even guess who you are
talking about.
Social factors are foundations of
one’s being. The characteristics
acquired through influences from
others are integrated to one’s
identity. Psychologists terms this
character or traits integration as
personality. Personality therefore,
is the patterns of thinking feeling
and behaving. It is said that no two
people have the same personality
because everyone is unique.
Two identical twins raised separately by different parents
from different schools and grew up in different neighborhood
and communities. The twins may share several common
characteristics because they are from a single zygote which
carries their parents’ DNA blueprints.
Despite similarities, the twins may still develop individual
identities that make them distinct from one another. One can
be assertive, while the other can be timid. One can be
sociable, while the other can be aloof.
That is, the characteristics of
significant others can vitally impact
his or her distinctiveness.
A person who grew up in a city
where competitiveness and
resiliency are needed in order to
survive. What personality would
the person be likely to possess?
Another factor that contributes to one’s
being which is present at the time of
conception is heredity. It is a biological
process by which certain traits and
characteristics are passed from one
generation to the other. Heredity can be
considered as a non-negotiable factor.
It is readily fixed and permanent which
dictates the one’s physical attributes
such as height, complexion, hair; and
other cognitive factor like IQ. And other
personal characteristics such as
emotional tendencies inherited upon
Of all the factors of identity, the most
controversial is the person-volition
This factor emanated from within the mentality
of an individual, brought about by aggregated
life experiences. These people are the deviant
and non-conformist type. Being one is not
necessarily negative, but people of this type
turned out to become trend setters,
revolutionaries, discoverers and inventors.
1. How do you characterize yourself?
2. What makes you stand-out from the rest?
3. How has yourself transformed over the years?
4. How is your Self connected to your physical body?
5. In what way can you relate yourself to others?


6. Were you able to answer the question with ease? Why?
7. Which questions do you find easiest to answer? Why?
8. Which questions do you find the hardest? Why?

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