Sustainable Innovation Strategies: Exploring The Cases of Danone and Interface

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Torreblanca, 59
08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)
T. (+34) 93 280 61 62
[email protected]

Marc Vilanova
Sustainable Innovation Strategies
Marc is Lecturer and Researcher at the Institute for Social

Sustainable Innovation Strategies. Exploring the cases of Danone and Interface

Innovation at ESADE Business School. He has a back-
ground in economics and more than 10 years experience Exploring the cases of Danone and Interface
as an international consultant for private, non-profit and
public organizations in the fields of strategy, development,
sustainability and CSR. His research revolves around the
area of sustainable and responsible competitiveness,
sustainable innovation, stakeholder engagement, corpo-
rate social responsibility and accountability. He teaches
courses on CSR and sustainable competitiveness at the
undergraduate, MBA and executive education levels. He is
one of the co-founders of RCE Barcelona, founding mem-
ber of the regional centres of expertise on learning for
sustainable development, which is a network of expertise
on sustainability recognized by United Nations University.

Pax Dettoni
Pax works as an independent consultant for social and
human development projects. She has studies in Political
Sciences, Cultural and Social Anthropology and Business.
She has worked in the third sector and international coo-
peration in different countries from Latin America, Asia Institute for Social Innovation
and Europe. Her fields of expertise are in microfinance, The Institute for Social Innovation’s mission is to deve-
microenterprises, ecotourism, professional training and lop the skills of individuals and organisations in the bu-
Public and Private Alliances, as well as CSR. She teaches siness and non-profit sectors to strengthen, through their
international cooperation system and CSR in different ins- With the colaboration of: activities, their contribution to a more just and sustaina-
ISBN: 978-84-88971-42-5
titutions. Her focus of interest is the human responsibility ble world. To this end, the Institute generates and disse-
towards the world situation; within this scope nowadays minates knowledge and provides training in the areas of
she’s experimenting in individual awareness by using in- corporate social responsibility and the relationship with
novative methodologies inspired by disciplines related to stakeholders, NGO leadership and management and so-
drama. Marc Vilanova | Pax Dettoni cial entrepreneurship.

10309_coberta_Sustainable.indd 1 15/03/11 11:24

Av. Torreblanca, 59
08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)
T. (+34) 93 280 61 62
[email protected]

Marc Vilanova
Sustainable Innovation Strategies
Marc is Lecturer and Researcher at the Institute for Social

Sustainable Innovation Strategies. Exploring the cases of Danone and Interface

Innovation at ESADE Business School. He has a back-
ground in economics and more than 10 years experience Exploring the cases of Danone and Interface
as an international consultant for private, non-profit and
public organizations in the fields of strategy, development,
sustainability and CSR. His research revolves around the
area of sustainable and responsible competitiveness,
sustainable innovation, stakeholder engagement, corpo-
rate social responsibility and accountability. He teaches
courses on CSR and sustainable competitiveness at the
undergraduate, MBA and executive education levels. He is
one of the co-founders of RCE Barcelona, founding mem-
ber of the regional centres of expertise on learning for
sustainable development, which is a network of expertise
on sustainability recognized by United Nations University.

Pax Dettoni
Pax works as an independent consultant for social and
human development projects. She has studies in Political
Sciences, Cultural and Social Anthropology and Business.
She has worked in the third sector and international coo-
peration in different countries from Latin America, Asia Institute for Social Innovation
and Europe. Her fields of expertise are in microfinance, The Institute for Social Innovation’s mission is to deve-
microenterprises, ecotourism, professional training and lop the skills of individuals and organisations in the bu-
Public and Private Alliances, as well as CSR. She teaches siness and non-profit sectors to strengthen, through their
international cooperation system and CSR in different ins- With the colaboration of: activities, their contribution to a more just and sustaina-
ISBN: 978-84-88971-42-5
titutions. Her focus of interest is the human responsibility ble world. To this end, the Institute generates and disse-
towards the world situation; within this scope nowadays minates knowledge and provides training in the areas of
she’s experimenting in individual awareness by using in- corporate social responsibility and the relationship with
novative methodologies inspired by disciplines related to stakeholders, NGO leadership and management and so-
drama. Marc Vilanova | Pax Dettoni cial entrepreneurship.

10309_coberta_Sustainable.indd 1 15/03/11 11:24

Sustainable Innovation Strategies
Exploring the cases of Danone and Interface
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ISBN | 978-84-88971-42-5
Sustainable Innovation Strategies
Exploring the cases of Danone and Interface

Marc Vilanova | Pax Dettoni


Foreword: why, what, who and how 11

Chapter 1. Framework, concepts and research design 13

The departing context 13
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility 14
Innovation 15
Sustainable innovation 16
The framework for this research project 17
Research design 18

Chapter 2. Case studies and summary of findings 21

Danone Group 22
Interface Inc. 24
Summary of findings 25

Chapter 3. Inspiring leaders 31

Responsible leaders 31
Embedding sustainability values 34
Engaging senior executives 35

Chapter 4. The sustainable organization 37

Focus on competitiveness, but sustainable competitiveness 37
Generating public good 38
Sustainable innovation vision 40
Long term approach 41
Sustainable reputation and brand equity 42

Chapter 5. Surviving success 43

The nonconformist organization 43
Facing market expectations 44

Chapter 6. Sustainable culture 47

Putting sustainability in the company’s DNA 47
Integrating sustainability in business strategy 48
Linking sustainability and innovation 50
Anticipate market expectations 51
Developing inspiring policies 52
Getting the right people for the job 54
Sustainability departments as internal consultants 54

Chapter 7. Engaged workforce 57

Sustainability as a motivator for workers 57
Establishing an intrapreneurial atmosphere 58
Sustainability helps attract and retain talent 61
Family atmosphere 61

Chapter 8. Sustainable products and services 63

Sustainability across the product catalogue 63
Long term view of products 64
Consider sustainability a part of quality 66
Use sustainability as a decision factor 67

Chapter 9. Innovating Innovation 69

Innovation is about solving problems 69
Thinking outside the box 70
Going beyond radical innovation 71
Learn by doing 72
Don’t discard any ideas initially 72
Innovation can come from anywhere 73
Sustainability fosters innovation 73
Open innovation 75
Setting up the right teams 77
Innovative tools 78
Talking through new platforms 80

Chapter 10. Challenging the organization 81

Setting crazy goals 81
The intrapreneurial spirit 82
Fostering contradictions 84
Successful failures 86
Work with intuition 86

Chapter 11. The optimist organization 89

Sense of purpose 89
Sense of belief 92
Sense of pride 94
Sense of trust 95

Chapter 12. The genuine organization 97

Search for legitimacy 97
Search for authenticity 99
Transparency and communication 100
Honesty and humility 102

Chapter 13. Conclusion, discussion and challenges 105

Levels of analysis 105
The dynamic forces at play 107
Discussion and next steps 109

Bibliography 113
Foreword: why, what, who and how

This book discusses two central concepts: sustainability and innovation. A lot has been written
about these two concepts, focusing on specific instances of sustainable products and services,
and how these are innovative and generate value for the company. However, we were not inter-
ested in that. In fact we believe that any multinational company today can probably come up with
some examples of sustainability projects that have been innovative and successful. That is why
many company annual sustainability reports today seem to be well developed lists of successful
sustainability projects. We are interested in analyzing companies that have sustainability and in-
novation as central pillars of their business models, and that, therefore, consider these two issues
as two of their most important key competitiveness factors.

In this book we explore Danone and Interface, two companies that are market leaders in their
sector, and which have business models that while obviously considering classic performance
indicators such as revenues, sales or productivity, seem to focus on innovation and sustainabil-
ity as two of their central strategic issues at the core of their business model. Our aim is to ana-
lyze first whether and how innovation and sustainability affect each other, and the impact these
strategic issues have on the competitiveness model of these two companies. In that regard, we
do not want to simply study sustainable innovative projects, but rather how sustainability and
innovation are connected to each other and how they affect Danone and Interface. Second, we
want to understand why these two companies have placed sustainability and innovation at the
centre of their business model, and whether there are some common features that these two
companies share that explains that phenomenon. The objective is of course to come up with a
model that explains how companies place sustainability and innovation as core competitiveness
attributes and, most importantly, to help other companies understand how they could potentially
follow similar strategies.

We feel this project is particularly relevant in the current context of global crisis in which one of the
central questions seems to be whether there is a need for deep structural and even systemic
changes in the private sector. In this regard we look at Danone and Interface as companies that
apparently are not only implementing systemic changes, but have been doing so for years. Further-
more, these changes seem to have have strengthened the competitiveness of these two compa-
nies. Our aim is to present some examples of how these companies develop sustainable innova-
tion strategies. Yet, these are just examples, as we accept that there are many other valuable
instances and theories on sustainability and innovation. In this regard, our aim is simply to present
some ideas that hopefully will inspire other companies to look at things differently, and to help
them develop and implement sustainable innovation strategies.

In research through case studies it is always particularly difficult to get companies to agree to
open up and give researchers access. In this regard, we are so very grateful to Danone and Inter-
face for allowing us to scrutinize their organizations, and for not refusing any of our requests for
time, documents and information. Particularly we must acknowledge Monica Kruglianskas at
Danone and Miriam Turner at Interface, first for spending so many hours meeting with us, answer-
ing our phone calls and e-mails, providing documents, and coordinating interviews and visits inter-

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Foreword: why, what, who and how 11

nally and giving us feedback on our analysis. This book is better thanks to them, as they have
contributed significantly to its development, particularly in regards to the case studies of their re-
spective companies.

We must also thank all the other interviewees (Jordi, Franck, Michelle, Nigel, Robert, Ramon, Na-
dine and Barry) for their time and patience, and particularly for answering all our questions so
honestly. Furthermore, we would like to thank Gas Natural Fenosa for believing in this project and
providing the funds to make it happen. We must thank particularly Adenai Perez, the project coor-
dinator for Gas Natural Fenosa, for being so understanding and supportive even at times when the
project seemed to hit a crossroad. Additionally, we should acknowledge the contribution to this
research of two ESADE MBA students, Susan Mikecz and Keely Herron, who helped us in collecting
a lot of the background documents on companies. Susan Mikecz contributed specifically to de-
velop five of the mini-case studies contained in this book, as well as giving us valuable feedback
about many of its chapters. Finally, we would like to thank the Institute for Social Innovation at
ESADE Business School for continuously providing the platform and the resources to further de-
velop research in such a critical area.

As a final note from the authors, we want to say that we have both been surprised by some of the
things we have observed at Danone and Interface. As a whole we found these companies inspir-
ing, particularly in terms of their vision and ambition, and we hope that this book will help others
be inspired as well. Our understanding is that sustainability and innovation make these companies
better businesses, better working environments, and better community actors.

Marc Vilanova
Lecturer and Researcher, Institute for Social Innovation

Pax Dettoni
CSR Consultant, Institute for Social Innovation

12 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Foreword: why, what, who and how

Chapter 1. Framework, concepts and research design

In this book we review two central concepts: innovation and sustainability. These two concepts
have two things in common: first, both concepts are a very important part of the corporate agenda
today; second, these are very vague concepts, difficult to define and even more difficult to meas-
ure. In fact, although the body of literature on these issues has been growing significantly in the
last few years, it ironically seems to have generated more confusion rather than help clarify the
concepts. The reason for this is that vague concepts such as innovation or sustainability are tack-
led from very different fields, such as economics, management, sociology or organizational theory,
to name a few. Furthermore, research tends to focus solely on one of these issues, rather than
understanding the system in which they develop. Finally, the few authors who have tried to look at
the relationship between innovation and sustainability have approached it theoretically and have
provided very little empirical evidence. In this book we try to address this shortcoming by collecting
evidence from case studies on the relationship between innovation and sustainability to help us
explore these two concepts and how they play together into a management system.

The departing context

Today there is a predominant strategy based on competitiveness and sustainability which is shared
by nations, international organisms and companies throughout the world. That is, there is a shared
understanding that today’s society is immersed in a complex globalization process, growing and
uneven, and is therefore facing a time of great challenges and opportunities that need to be tack-
led, at least in part, through placing innovation and sustainability at the centre of the agenda. This
means that competitiveness is no longer the sole driving factor of the world economy. Competition
must be accompanied by being responsible, by pursuing sustainable development and minimizing
potential negative impacts of our actions, through innovating products and services, processes
and models.

The Lisbon Strategy was a clear example of the tendency to focus on what we call sustainable
innovation, as it was the action plan launched in 2000 to convert the EU, by 2010, into “the most
competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic
growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion”. To achieve this goal, the Lisbon
Strategy specifically called for focusing on a competitive EU through innovation and sustainable
development. This past year (2010) the EU presented a declaration on the next strategy that
should drive the EU until 2020, labelling it with the self-explanatory title, “Strategy for smart, sus-
tainable and inclusive growth”. Similar approaches have been advocated by other key international
organisms, such as the OECD, the UN (including key UN agencies such as the ILO or the WTO), and
the World Economic Forum to name just of a few.

Thus, focusing on sustainability and innovation as two central factors to achieve a competitive
advantage in the long run has also become central to private firms throughout the world. For in-
stance, in June of 2010, Accenture presented the results of a survey conducted on over 750 CEOs
worldwide which concluded, among other things, that 93% of CEOs see sustainability as a key

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Framework, concepts and research design 13

competitiveness factor for their firm, that 91% understand that innovation will be a key factor in
developing sustainability in the coming years, and that 96% assume that sustainability in the fu-
ture will be fully integrated into their firm’s operations and strategies. So, we are in a context of
uncertainty that is being faced by nations, regions and companies alike, at least in part, through
sustainable innovation strategies.

Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

Different companies use different terminologies when referring to social and environmental poli-
cies, such as Responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility (or CSR), Sustainability, Compliance,
Accountability, Corporate Citizenship, or Business in the Community to name a few. Furthermore,
some companies use these terms as synonymous, others define their policies under a single terms
and place the others as sub-categories, yet others invent their own terms. In many cases, when
companies talk about sustainability they refer to environmental policies, while when they talk about
CSR, they focus on social issues. We are not interested in entering a debate on these definitions.

As we can see in Figure 1, we understand that there is a central goal, which is sustainable develop-
ment, and that regardless of the terminology, the private sector suggests an approach to contrib-
ute to this common goal. However, there are other important actors, such as governments, non-
profit organizations and civil society, who also proposes a different agenda, where each of these
actors must understand how each proposal adds and conflicts with the others. In this book we use
mainly the term sustainability, and throughout our analysis we use it as synonymous of CSR, cor-
porate citizenship or any other similar terms. When we talk about sustainability, we are referring to
the policies and practices designed to generate value for the company and its stakeholders con-
sidering social, environmental and economic issues.

Figure 1.  The Sustainable Development Organizational Framework

Third sector


Public sector & Sustainable CSR/ Private sector
Legisl. Devolopment Sust

(broad sense)


Source: Marc Vilanova and Josep Maria Lozano (2005).

14 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Framework, concepts and research design

To grasp the concept of sustainability, we must start by understanding that this concept has
evolved from focusing on the responsibilities of managers and corporate officers; to making com-
panies accountable for their impact in social, environmental and economic spheres; to finally plac-
ing sustainability at the core of the company’s identity and business processes. What is interest-
ing about this (overly simplified) evolution process of sustainability as a business concept is that
while it was initially seen as a way to identify and manage undesired or indirect impacts generated
by business activities (often referred to as externalities), today is understood as a transversal is-
sue that affects different key areas of the company. This means that sustainability is a transversal
issue that affects corporate identity and reputation, stakeholder relationships, human resources,
communication, business strategy or marketing. Therefore, it is clear that adopting sustainability
strategies must have some effect on key business competitiveness factors.

Sustainability in a corporate setting is often understood as the voluntary integration of social,

environmental and economic concerns in business operations and stakeholder relations. The
problem with this definition is that no widely accepted integrated framework exists to clarify which
are the social and environmental concerns, how a company can integrate them in its operations
and relationship with its stakeholders and, most importantly, how this can be carried out from a
strategic perspective. Many initiatives have appeared in the last few years to try to solve this
problem by proposing some sort of framework on sustainability. However, as in the case of innova-
tion, these initiatives use different nomenclatures, classifications and definitions, generating con-
fusion rather than helping to clarify the issue. Nevertheless, sustainability seems to focus on
central aspects such as corporate vision, community relations; workplace policies, accountability,
and incorporating sustainability in products and services, particularly in terms of research and
development and innovation.


Joseph Schumpeter can be considered the father of innovation as a key management concept,
from his seminal work of 1934 where he argued that economic development is driven by innova-
tion by a process of “creative destruction”. He argued then that innovations could be considered
“radical” when they generate major disruptive changes, while if these innovations produced small
improvements generating a slow change process they could be considered “incremental”. Finally,
he proposed that there are five types of innovations: (1) introduction of new products; (2) introduc-
tion of new methods of production; (3) opening new markets; (4) development of new sources for
raw materials or other inputs; and (5) creation of new market structures in an industry. Most works
on innovation depart from this framework.

Today the reference work on innovation for companies is the Oslo Manual, developed by the OECD
and the European Commission in 2005, which establishes “The Guidelines for Collecting and In-
terpreting Innovation Data”. The Oslo Manual defines innovation as “…the implementation of a
new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Framework, concepts and research design 15

a new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations”.
Thus, the manual moves away from Shumpeter’s typology and reduces it to four types: (1) product
and services innovations; (2) process innovations; (3) organizational innovation; and (4) marketing
innovations. In 2008, the United States of America tried to develop a similar initiative called “The
Advisory Committee on Measuring Innovation in the 21st Century Economy”, but this initiative has
not produced any output aside from the original mission document published in 2008.

There seems to be a consensus that innovation is central to company competitiveness, particu-

larly to achieve growth and productivity. However, it is also agreed that we do not fully understand
all the factors that affect innovation. The US Advisory Committee on Measuring Innovation, for in-
stance, in its mission document of 2008 specifically states that “measurement of innovation is in
its infancy” and that it “remains extremely rudimentary”. For instance, the annual ranking of the
most innovative companies in the world published by Business Week and The Boston Consulting
Group gives 80% of the overall weighting of the ranking to responses to public opinion surveys, and
the remaining 20% is divided into 10% for stock returns, 5% for three year revenue, and 5% for
margin growth. So, as we can see there seem to be no specific metrics to evaluate what consti-
tutes an innovative company.

Innovation is certainly a key competitiveness factor for firms as it can help to significantly in-
crease performance by improving products and services, processes, business models and mar-
keting strategies. It is, however, unclear how to measure it. This is why it is very important to take
a broad perspective on innovation and not see it solely as a linear process based on an invest-
ment, a R&D activity and an output or return on the original investment. In fact, the Oslo Manual
specifies that “Innovation activities include all scientific, technological, organizational, financial and
commercial steps which actually lead, or are intended to lead, to the implementation of innova-
tions”. Finally, innovation only happens when it develops as a social practice, when it changes
practices and habits.

Sustainable innovation

Currently it is practically impossible to turn on the TV or browse through a magazine without en-
countering advertisements of companies developing some sustainable innovation strategies. If
we look at the list of the top most innovative companies in the world published yearly by Business
Week and The Boston Consulting Group, we find that not only most of the top 50 companies in
the ranking have extensive sustainability policies, but many of them are seen as leaders in the
field of sustainability. These include Microsoft, IBM, Toyota, GE, Nokia, Unilever or Tata to name
a few. Inversely, if we look at a ranking centred on sustainability such as the Global 100 Most
Sustainable Corporations in the World published by Corporate Nights and Innovest, we find that
many of the leading sustainable companies are the same that appear in the rankings of the most
innovative. The conclusion is that there seems to be a connection between innovation and sus-

16 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Framework, concepts and research design

At the centre of the debate on innovation as a linear versus a dynamic, complex and unpredictable
process is the question of what drives innovation. Ultimately, innovation has been generally about
generating profits for the firm, while today there seems to be a tendency to understand innovation
as the effective application of new processes and products designed to benefit the company as
well as its stakeholders. The difference may seem mild, but it takes innovation from a process
designed to generate profits for the firm, to a process focused on generating value for both the
public and the firm. That is, innovation must generate some sort of public value beyond the sole
satisfaction of the customers. The innovation drivers are very important because there is some
evidence that the manner in which the firm innovates determines what the firm innovates. In other
words, a firm that uses exploration throughout its ranks understands that the basic unit of innova-
tion is not a department, but rather a network which aims to generate public and private good. As
Prahalad and Rangaswami proposed in 2009, “we find that smart companies now treat sustain-
ability as innovation’s new frontier”.

The framework for this research project

In this project we first assume that the competitiveness of the firm is not only about financial per-
formance or productivity, but also about other aspects, where innovation and sustainability play a
central role. Second, we suggest that sustainability requires a clear vision and the development of
practices in all facets of the organization, including products and services. Third, we understand
that there seems to be a positive relationship between sustainability and innovation, which, al-
though it is extremely difficult to define and measure, apparently unfolds into key competitiveness
factors. Fourth, innovation seems to be one of the processes of the organization that can help the
firm to integrate sustainability in core business processes and, simultaneously, sustainability
seems to be one of the processes that foster innovation, thus generating a cycle of sustainable
innovation. Fifth, there seem to be some paradoxes, dilemmas and tensions inherent to sustain-
ability where companies appear to face contradictions when simultaneously trying to implement
innovation and sustainability strategies. Our sixth hypothesis is that companies try to manage
these paradoxes inherent to sustainability by fostering them as they seem to generate creativity
and innovation.

A lot of research has been published trying to analyze specific examples of sustainable innovation
projects, for instance, the case of the Toyota Prius, to name a classic example. However, we have
found almost no literature trying to understand how companies are successfully implementing sus-
tainable innovation strategies throughout the organization. In this regard, we want to investigate
whether companies that focus their strategy on being innovative and sustainable have a competitive
advantage, and particularly how they integrate sustainability and innovation into their business
model. Since innovation and sustainability are two academic fields of study in themselves, we
should note that we focus our research on sustainability first, and then analyze the connections with
innovation. Thus, our central concern is to evaluate how companies place sustainability at the cen-
tre of their strategy, and then see how this central concern relates to the development of innovation.

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Framework, concepts and research design 17

Research design

There are two main ways to approach a research project: (1) theory testing and (2) theory building.
Theory testing is the most common way to develop a research project, and consists of analyzing
the theoretical framework of the issue at hand, proposing a set of hypothesis, and then testing
whether evidence confirms the departing theoretical framework. Theory building, on the other
hand, does not depart from a clear theoretical framework that needs to be tested, but rather ana-
lyzes the evidence and tries to suggest potential theoretical frameworks. In this regard, theory
building is usually used in projects where there are no clear departing theoretical frameworks, and
is more exploratory in nature.

Given the complex, dynamic, innovative, and under-researched character of the topic of how sus-
tainability is connected to innovation, we suggest that exploratory research through a qualitative
study using the case study method to be the most appropriate methodology. Thus, we aim to ex-
plore the issue of sustainability and how it affects innovation by developing two case studies of
companies that are competitive in their respective sectors, which are considered leaders in terms
of sustainability and who put innovation at the centre of their strategy. The two companies se-
lected are the Danone Group and Interface. Each case is developed using two sources of data: the
primary data are the transcripts from in-depth interviews with executives from each company, and
the secondary data are documents collected from each company as well as from public sources,
mainly the internet (e.g. websites, blogs, etc.). Aside from these two central case studies, we de-
veloped a number of smaller case studies using solely public information, as well as some exam-
ples of interesting sustainable innovation projects developed at Interface and Danone which we
call Experiences. The goal of these additional brief case studies and Experiences is to illustrate,
discuss and compare the findings of the two central case studies, rather than to bring any addi-
tional data or insight.

We conducted a total of 10 in-depth interviews across the two case studies between November
2009 and March 2010. For each company we interviewed the senior executive in charge of in-
novation and the senior executive in charge of sustainability. Aside from these two central posi-
tions, we also interviewed other senior executives in charge of other key competitiveness units
for each company. The rationale behind this sampling was to compare different perspectives of
employees potentially involved in management of sustainability and innovation from different
levels and angles. Most interviews were face to face, but some were carried out by phone. Each
interview was prepared specifically to address the experience of each interviewee, but all inter-
view protocols had a similar structure and length. The first section included asking the inter-
viewee to describe the organization and his/her job in general terms. The second part centered
on describing his/her responsibilities in particular, and the third and final section involved dis-
cussing his/her specific unit or department in detail as well as personal experiences pertaining
to innovation and sustainability policies, including examples of successes and failures, dilem-
mas, and tensions.

18 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Framework, concepts and research design

As an alternative data collection method we analyzed documentation, collecting as much of it as
possible, particularly regarding all innovation and sustainability activities, as well as management
activities such as strategy, mission, or procedures documents. In our research we primarily ana-
lyzed texts and transcribed interviews and documents while also considering some basic addi-
tional information such as financial performance, organizational charts or history of the organiza-
tion. Using the interview transcripts as a window to the interviewee’s experience and knowledge,
we tried to identify and compare experiences and approaches to innovation and sustainability.

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Framework, concepts and research design 19

Chapter 2. Case studies and summary of findings 1 We name Danone and Inter-
face throughout the book in
strict alphabetical order.

Danone and Interface1, the two companies analyzed in this research

project, have three things in common: first, they are both managed by
visionary and inspiring leaders, respected both inside and outside their
organizations; second, they are both very competitive companies in their
respective sectors, known for their capacity to innovate and stay ahead
of the market; and third, both Interface and Danone are companies well
known as leaders in the sustainability field. However, as organizations
they are very different. Interface is a North American multinational that
designs and produces carpets. Although Interface is the leader in its in-
dustry, it can be considered a medium size multinational, with revenues
around US$ 1 billion, and about 3,000 workers worldwide. Danone, on
the other hand, is a larger French Multinational (although as we will see
later they are not fond of this definition), and is one of the leaders in the
food industry, particularly in dairy products and water where they are
market leaders in many countries. Danone has a turnover of almost €15
billion, over 80.000 workers and about 240 production plants around
the globe servicing all 5 continents.

In terms of their sustainability strategies they are also different compa-

nies, as Interface focuses its strategy on environmental policies while
Danone’s approach is more based on the social side. That is not to say
that both companies don’t have both social and environmental policies,
but rather their vision and strategy is definitely directed differently. How-
ever, Danone and Interface seem to share a similar mission in that their
business model is based on being competitive, innovative and sustain-
able. In this chapter we first present a brief overview of each company
and then we discuss the results of the field work. Our field work con-
sisted, as we explained in Chapter 1, primarily on personal interviews,
although we also collected other materials, such as documents, annual
reports, interviews published on the internet, previous research devel-
oped on these two companies and so forth. The people interviewed for
the project are presented in Table 1:

Table 1.  List of interviewees

Name Company and position Activity

Monica Kruglianskas Danone Contact person
Head of Sustainability for Spain Informal meetings
In person interview
Michelle Boadas Danone In person interview
Packaging Development Manager
Carbon Master Spain

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Case studies and summary of findings 21

Name Company and position Activity
Jordi Constans Danone In person interview
Co-Executive Vice President
Fresh Dairy Products
Franck Aimé Danone In person interview
Vice President Human Resources
Medical Nutrition and Baby Nutrition
Miriam Turner InterfaceFLOR, EMEAI Contact person
European Innovations Director Informal meetings
In person interview
Nigel Stansfield InterfaceFLOR, EMEAI In person interview
Senior Vice President Product &
Robert Boow InterfaceFLOR In person Interview
European Product Assurance Director
Ramon Arratia InterfaceFLOR, EMEAI In person interview
European Sustainability Director
Nadine Gudz InterfaceFLOR, Americas Phone interview
Sustainability Director Canada
Barry Townsend InterfaceFLOR Phone Interview
European Purchasing Director

Danone Group

Today, in volume, Danone is the world #1 company in fresh dairy products, #2 in bottled
waters, #2 in baby nutrition and the European leader in medical nutrition. In 2009, the
group’s turnover reached €14.982 million, and currently the operating margin of the group
is up for the 15th consecutive year. However, to understand Danone we must be familiar
with its origins.

Danone, as such, was created when a French company from the food and glass container (called
BSN) production sectors, merged with a Spanish company producing yoghurts in 1967. This is
significant because Danone was created by a man named Isaac Carasso who had an obsession
with producing healthy food products, originally just sold in pharmacies and later moving into re-
tail. The BSN company was lead by Antoine Riboud, a man who believed in corporate social re-
sponsibility as a key competitiveness factor. In fact, in 1972, just a few years after the merger,
Antoine Riboud gave a famous speech in which he said that Danone should build on a “double
project” meaning that it should achieve economic as well as social benefits: “Corporate responsi-
bility does not end at the factory gate or at office doors. The jobs a business creates are central to
the lives of employees and the energy and raw materials we consume change the shape of our
planet. Public opinion is there to remind us of our responsibility in the industrial world of today”.
Today, Danone’s CEO is Franck Riboud, son of Antoine, and a person who shares the values and
vision as his father.

22 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Case studies and summary of findings

Understanding the beginning of this company helps explain why Danone today is a company
focusing on “improving health through nutrition.” Today Danone focuses its growth in five key
areas: People, Health, Innovation, Danone for All, and Nature. In other words, Danone’s com-
petitiveness model is built on five pillars. First, focusing on people, including the workers at
Danone but also, as Antoine Riboud said in 1972, understanding that they must consider other
stakeholders, which means suppliers, customers, communities and society at large. Second,
understanding that as a leading food company one of Danone’s central responsibilities is play-
ing a critical role in contributing to health. Third, being an innovative company, staying ahead of
its competition in what is called “blue ocean strategy”, meaning rather than fighting over mar-
ket shares from competitors, growing through innovation. Fourth, reaching as many customers
as possible. In this area of “Danone for All”, Danone today has a monthly penetration of 500
million consumers, and the objective is to double that number in 4 years. Fifth, in the “nature”
pillar, Danone wants to reduce its CO2 emissions by 30% by January 1, 2012, in addition to
making some key products that are CO2 neutral by that same date.

Danone’s sustainability strategy focuses on 6 main fronts: (1) people, (2) water, (3) packag-
ing, (4) agriculture, (5) climate change, and (6) biodiversity. Danone Group establishes some
general objectives or guidelines for each of these 6 fronts, but then each country is respon-
sible for turning them into specific policies and practices. For example, Danone Spain has
the mandate to reduce CO2 emissions by 30%, but complete freedom to decide how to
achieve such reduction, and the same is true of other Danone subsidiaries. Nevertheless,
as we said Danone sees sustainability as a key competitiveness factor to “build consumer
trust in brands backed by steady flow of investment in product safety, respect for environmen-
tal standards and concern for society at large”; “attract talented people looking for a business
with a strong culture and value; consolidate internal cohesion through management practices
favouring individual progress”; and to “forge mutually beneficial ties to strategic customers
and suppliers”.

Some examples of interesting sustainability policies and activities developed at Danone (most
of which we will see described in further detail in later chapters) include the development of a
factory in Bangladesh to develop yoghurt with high nutrition content in a joint venture with
Grameen Bank; the establishment of a new partnership in collaboration with the food bank; the
institutionalization of the figure of the Carbon Master in each country to supervise and meas-
ure the advancements of each subsidiary in achieving CO2 reduction targets; the restructuring
of the company to include a Nature Vice presidency at a global level as one of the strategic
pillars of the company; the development of a sustainability measuring tool called Danone Way
Fundamentals; the project to integrate sustainability measuring, particularly in terms of foot-
print, on their SAP system; accounting sustainability as one third of the bonus evaluation of all
executives; eliminating some packaging and distribution systems; creating the Danone Ecosys-
tems Funds; evaluating suppliers on sustainability issues and making 4 of their top brands
carbon neutral.

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Case studies and summary of findings 23

Interface Inc.2 2 We must note that although
the case was developed with
Interface Inc. in mind, most
Interface is the worldwide leader in design, production and sales of interviewees and materials
analyzed in our field work
modular carpet for the commercial, institutional, and residential mar- came from InterfaceFLOR.
kets, and a leading designer and manufacturer of commercial broad-
loom. Interface currently controls about 35% of the estimated 3 billion
US$ global modular carpet tile market. Carpet tiles are uniform floor
covering modules that are easier to maintain and replace than broad-
loom carpet, and currently represent about 90% of Interface’s reve-
nues, which in 2009 were US$ 859 million, down from about US$ 1,1
billion in 2008 due to the economic downturn which hit the construc-
tion industry particularly hard. Nevertheless, until 2009 Interface had
maintained above industry average yearly growths and remains, today,
the leading company in the sector. Interface sells under the brand
names InterfaceFLOR, FLOR, Bentley Prince Street. The company oper-
ates in Europe, Middle East, Africa and India plus Asia Pacific and the
Americas. It is headquartered in Atlanta and has factories in the US,
UK, Netherlands, Thailand and Australia, and is currently developing a
new factory in China.

As in the Danone case, to understand Interface you must start by learn-

ing about its founder and CEO, Ray Anderson, who in the mid-1990s
shifted the company’s strategy, aiming to redirect its industrial practices
to include a focus on sustainability without sacrificing its business goals.
Anderson wrote a book entitled Mid-Course Correction in which he dis-
cussed his own awakening, what he called his “epiphany”, to environ-
mental concerns and thus presented a model for businesses to achieve
sustainability. That explains why today Interface has as its “To be the first
company that, by its deeds, shows the entire industrial world what sustain-
ability is in all its dimensions: People, process, product, place and profits
— by 2020 — and in doing so we will become restorative through the
power of influence.”

Although Interface is a relatively small company, as multinationals go,

it is considered a particularly innovative company in sustainability. For
instance, they do not say that they sell modular carpet, but rather “en-
vironmentally responsible modular carpet”. As we will see in later chap-
ters, this has translated in the production of carpets using recycled
materials and developing a sustainable carpet. That is why known
publications like Fortune talk about Interface as one of the “Most Ad-
mired Companies in America” and one of the “100 Best Companies to
Work For.” In fact, Interface has recently leveraged its position as a

24 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Case studies and summary of findings

business leader in sustainability by creating a consulting arm called InterfaceRAISE. The objec-
tive is to help other companies develop similar sustainability strategies and products, under-
standing that collaborating will probably make change come about more rapidly and in greater
quantity. In its 2009 report Interface claims that three of its key competitiveness strengths are
its “innovative capabilities”, its “reputation for quality” and its “position as a global sustainability

Interface’s dedication to sustainability has evolved into the company’s Mission Zero commitment
— which is the “promise to eliminate any negative impact Interface has on the environment by
2020”. To achieve their goal they developed a policy based on 7 fronts of action: (1) eliminating
waste, which aims to eliminate all forms of waste in every business area; (2) benign emissions, to
eliminate toxic substances from products, vehicles and emissions; (3) renewable energy, to re-
duce energy demands and simultaneously substitute current sources with renewable ones; (4)
closing the loop, which aims at redesigning processes and products so that all sources used can
be recovered and reused; (5) resource efficient transportation, transporting people and products
efficiently and reducing emissions; (6) sensitizing stakeholders, creating a community around In-
terface that understands the ecosystem; and (7) redesign commerce, to focus on the delivery of
service and value instead of material.

Some examples of interesting policies and projects developed at Interface, and which as in the
case of Danone we will see in further detail in the next chapters, include the FairWorks project
developed in India; the new business line we mentioned earlier called Interface RAISE to help
other companies become more sustainable; the development of the Emission Zero document with
clear goals in terms of timeframes and objectives; the Zelflo project to develop a new cellulose
based material; the institutionalization of the sustainability council; training all Interface employ-
ees in sustainability issues; making some Interface employees sustainability “ambassadors” for
the company; generating products built on bio based materials; verifying and certifying externally
many of their initiatives, such as ISO, green manufacturing, green showrooms, or green products;
focusing a lot of their R&D on sustainability concepts such as biomimicry (how would nature do
something) which led to the pioneering random designs; designing products with high recycled
content and developing systems to separate and recycle their carpet tiles and making all their
factories run on alternative energies.

Summary of findings

Although, as we said, Danone and Interface are two very different companies in many ways, even
in terms of their sustainability strategy, our evidence shows that they have some common fea-
tures. That is, throughout our field work some common patterns started to emerge. As a result, we
have identified 10 characteristics that Danone and Interface share, and we contend that perhaps
these 10 qualities are a big part of the reason why they are simultaneously competitive, innovative
and sustainable.

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Case studies and summary of findings 25

First, as we discussed earlier in this chapter, both companies have inspiring leaders that are again
and again referred to by all interviewees and by different documents, including their websites, and
are also referenced by external organizations. Franck Riboud and Ray Anderson not only helped to
define the culture and the vision of Danone and Interface respectively, they have motivated work-
ers to understand the mission of the company and to focus on the type of thinking that is ex-
pected of them. Moreover, a lot of the policies of both companies are designed to mimic the values
of the CEOs.

Second, both companies have a very clear understanding that they must be competitive, and that
this means making money and being aggressive in the market. In that regard, Danone and Inter-
face understand that being sustainable is not a cost, but rather a key strategic asset where inno-
vation is the central process to be able to stay competitive. In both companies we see that they
aim to generate short term benefits while simultaneously looking for the long term value. Thus,
what is interesting about these companies is their capacity to see the whole picture, where the
primary goal is to maximize benefits in the long run, and they understand that this often means
sacrificing part of the short term results. Furthermore, they are unique in their understanding that
as companies they must acquire value for their firm, and that they must also generate public good.
In this regard, we argue that their sustainable competitiveness vision is innovative in itself, even
if it was generated as far back as the 70’s for Danone and the 90’s for Interface. Today they remain
quite revolutionary companies.

Third, very successful companies often tend to stay immobile because the opportunity cost of try-
ing new things is too great. This is a well documented phenomenon, where successful companies
unwillingly fall into a rut and just concentrate on what they do. Interface and Danone have not
fallen in this trap. In fact, our evidence suggests that they are quite flexible and dynamic, and that
they are open to new ideas. In other words, both companies stay on their toes in regards to innova-
tion. According to our findings, there are three main reasons for this capacity to innovate: (1) being
leaders both in the innovation and the sustainability fields forces them to focus on these two proc-
esses; (2) being well reputed companies, again particularly in areas of sustainability and innova-
tion, makes them a magnet for certain types of people, attracting a pool of talent that by definition
brings a lot of enthusiasm and energy to focus on these two areas; and (3) they have a culture
clearly skewed toward innovation and sustainability in the long term and where, in order to advance
and succeed at Danone and Interface, being innovative and sustainable is a must.

Fourth, as we have mentioned, both companies have developed a culture focused on sustainabil-
ity and innovation. Our evidence shows that all interviewees share innovation, sustainability and
competitiveness as the three most important aspects of the corporate culture, together with a
fourth, quality. However, both companies seem to believe that the way to maintain this culture and
to be successful is to be very flexible about the implementation of the policies. Thus, in these
companies sustainability and innovation are not tasks or policies that workers must implement,
but rather values that they must believe in and that each worker has to translate into a way of
thinking about his or her job. They both have an obsession with sustainability and innovation that

26 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Case studies and summary of findings

emanates from their vision, mission and values. This is why Danone and Interface do not define
their sustainability policies as a list of actions, but as a set of “fronts” or general goals on which
the company must advance. These fronts are understood as clear goals that they must integrate
into their day to day which forces them to be creative and think globally in order to anticipate mar-
ket and societal expectations. In this regard, both companies have sustainability departments that
act more as internal consultants to help departments develop their sustainability activities than
as policy setting units. Nevertheless, both companies have developed some general policies
mainly designed to show the organization the seriousness of their commitment. Some examples
of these policies include the establishment of sustainability committees that incorporate the most
senior managers or tying part of the worker’s bonus to sustainability objectives.

Fifth, both companies seem to use sustainability and innovation as a tool to engage their work-
force not only with sustainability projects, but with the company itself. It is well known in compa-
nies that the motivations or the drivers behind the actions of workers often determine the effi-
ciency in which these actions are executed. For instance, a worker would not be as invested in an
activity that is inspired by fear of the boss or by a monetary reward, in comparison to an activity
where he or she is personally interested and invested even at an emotional level. The latter is what
determines the activities that workers feel passionate and even obsessed about, and thus the
sort of activities where workers tend to be more productive and committed. Interface and Danone
seem to share the idea that sustainability and innovation generate this type of motivation. Thus,
sustainable innovation seems to be an excellent tool for these companies to attract and retain
talent, to increase productivity, and in general to maintain a shared and coherent corporate culture,

Sixth, we find that both companies focus their sustainability and innovation processes on their
entire catalogue of products and services. There are many examples of companies that have been
very innovative in developing a sustainable product or service. In fact, there have been countless
cases written about companies such as Toyota, Wal-Mart, IBM, BP or British Telecom, to name a
few, and how they have been able to develop and market truly competitive sustainable and innova-
tive products. However, in all these cases the products at hand are specific “green” or “social”
products. What is different about Danone and Interface is that they insist on passing all their
products and services through the sustainability filter. In other words, in their view,, being sustain-
able and innovative is a condition that any product, new or old, must fulfil in order to bear their
brand. In the end, both companies believe that sustainability and innovation are two of the most
important values their brand has and they understand that one single instance or scandal could
generate significant damage to their brand equity. Thus, from a purely risk management perspec-
tive, all products and services must also pass their scrutiny.

Seventh, both companies understand that innovation is an evolving concept. That is, our evidence
seems to support the idea that competitive companies focus on innovating the innovation process
itself, not taking it as a classic linear process where there is an investment, then a R&D process,
and finally an output that generates value for the firm. Rather, these companies understand inno-

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Case studies and summary of findings 27

vation as a way of solving problems where the differentiation between incremental and radical in-
novation is not as significant as the understanding that innovation is a way to solve problems and
to face challenges. In this regard, both companies agree that innovation can come from anywhere;
the R&D department is just one small part of it. That explains why both companies are currently
engaging in several open innovation processes with suppliers, customers, universities, other com-
panies and governments. This means to develop innovation in new partnerships and through joint
ventures. Even in the closed innovation processes they are opening up, they are designing innova-
tion teams formed by diverse members from different units and backgrounds to think “outside the
box”. In this regard, both organizations seem to see innovation management as network manage-
ment, and both put stakeholder engagement and dialogue as a central issue for the future devel-
opment of the innovation process.

Eight, our evidence shows that both Interface and Danone believe that a way to keep the company
ahead of its competitors is to constantly challenge the organization and each of its units. This
means establishing on purpose, inspiring and even crazy goals. Goals that clearly can not be
achieved under the given time frame and with the resources at hand, but that are nevertheless
expected to be achieved. Moreover, these companies seem not only to set up big goals, but even
goals that are contradictory with current goals, such as increasing sales by 30% while reducing
CO2 emissions also by 30%. Both companies seem to believe that generating these paradoxes
and dilemmas produces creativity and innovation. It forces people to look at things differently, to
look for alliances in unexpected places and to acquire new competencies. This is why both com-
panies share a culture of experimenting and, therefore, of seeing failures not as a problem but as
a key part of the learning process.

Ninth, all interviewees seem to share a sense of pride in their organization. Many of the interview-
ees believe that they work in a great organization and that they do not work there because they
sell carpets or yoghurts, but because of the values of the organization. There is a shared sense
of achievement, of being able to face the challenge ahead as long as they are in an organization
that gives them a sense of belief and faith. Interviewees trust the organization and its capacity to
overcome problems, giving a lot of credibility to any policy, action or strategy announced by the
company. In the end they seem to be very optimistic about their company and the future that
awaits it, and seem to share an excitement of facing these challenges to come.

Tenth, all interviewees appear to share the idea that most companies today claim to be sustain-
able and responsible when they are actually not. They complain about green washing and cos-
metic sustainability in other organizations and how unfair it is that companies that do not believe
in these concepts or those companies which do half of what their companies do are receiving the
same credit. In this sense there is an apparent search for legitimacy and authenticity. This is the
reason both companies are now focusing part of their efforts on increasing transparency and com-
munication both internally to employees, and externally to customers, suppliers, shareholders and
the society at large. These companies seem to agree that sustainability and innovation must be
built on honesty and humility, not being afraid to admit mistakes and explaining actions.

28 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Case studies and summary of findings

In summary, our evidence shows that Danone and Interface share 10 characteristics:

1. Inspiring leaders
2. Sustainable vision
3. Survive success
4. Sustainable innovation culture
5. Engaged workforce
6. Sustainable products and services
7. Innovate innovation
8. Challenging organization
9. Optimist organization
10. Genuine organization

In the coming chapters we discuss each of these 10 characteristics one by one in detail and we
will provide some data in the form of quotes from interviews or extracts from documents to illus-
trate our claims. Then, in chapter 13 we will discuss whether these 10 qualities identified can be
of any assistance to other organizations or practitioners interested in developing a sustainable
innovation strategy. Finally, we will discuss whether there is a potential to develop a common
model, and what type of additional research is necessary, in our view, to further advance on this

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Case studies and summary of findings 29

Chapter 3. Inspiring leaders1 1 As we explained in chapter
2, chapters 3 through 12 pre­
sent some detailed informa-
tion on each of the 10 central
characteristics identified in
The first thing that called our attention when we started to collect in- this research. In this regard
formation on Danone and Interface was the respect and attention that each of the chapters is full of
quotes from interviews and
both companies pay to their leaders. In fact, if you enter the websites documents in order to show
of Danone and Interface today, you will find references, interviews, the data on which we have
based our findings.
videos, quotes and even books on their CEOs. The same happens
when you talk to their executives. All interviewees seem to agree that
their founding leaders are responsible for the values and character of
the organizations today. In other words, the consensus in these or-
ganizations seems to be that Danone and Interface are the organiza-
tions they are today “because when somebody shows you the light and
says, by the way, would you like to follow me down this path and would
you like to work with me? Of course, that’s fantastic! Then it becomes
part of who you are.” In this regard, a key defining feature of these
companies is that they were both founded and are currently managed
by responsible leaders, who believe in sustainability as a strategic is-
sue and who, therefore, aim to engage senior executives around these

Responsible leaders

The starting point, the initial birth of the sustainable culture both at
Danone and Interface was unanimously identified as an idea, a firm
belief of their founders. At Interface they seem to agree that “we
started the journey in 1994, when Anderson said, I’ve had an epipha-
ny, and we are going to be a sustainable business. And we set off on
that. And we have incrementally improved our product over that 16-
year period with a variety of different things that we’ve done. The proc-
esses around our manufacturing have improved, and our product has

Similarly, at Danone they explain how at the beginning “Daniel Carasso

had Danone, and Antoine Riboud had other companies more or less re-
lated to the food sector, and also glass. These two guys were visionaries,
and we are who we are because these two gentlemen looked to develop
a company focused on healthy food products but also looking at the so-
cial side. And they have been passing on this culture, a culture that in-
cludes many things, things of content and things of form. In the end they
wanted Danone to be something more than a place to make money.” In
Experience 1 we present in further detail the moment that Ray Ander-
son refers to as his epiphany and how this moment generated a turning
point for Interface.

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Inspiring leaders 31

Experience 1: Ray Anderson’s Epiphany
Interface was founded by Ray Anderson in 1973. At that time Interface was a small company
with 15 employees which focused on building flexible floor coverings. Through technological in-
novation and a series of acquisitions, in 1987 Interface become the world leader in modular
floor coverings. Until that point Interface had not developed a sustainability policy or strategy.
Then in 1994, Ray Anderson was asked by an internal task force to prepare a briefing on Inter-
face’s environmental vision. Realizing that he had not developed a vision beyond legal compli-
ance, Ray began to research sustainability literature.
As Ray would declare later on, reading The Ecology of Commerce by Paul Hauwken was the turn-
ing point for both Ray and Interface: “I read it and it changed my life, it was a real epiphany.” He
realized that he was in sector particularly difficult in terms of environmental impacts, and that
the company had an enormous environmental footprint: the company was generating 10,447
tons of solid waste, 605 million gallons of contaminated water, 704 tons of toxic gases, and
62,800 tons of carbon dioxide per year. At that point Ray Anderson made up his mind to turn
things around, and commissioned a task force called the“Eco-dream team”, made up of a mix
of internal employees and external experts, and gave this team the “mission to convert Interface
to a restorative enterprise.”
This project was called “Mission Zero” and had the objective “to eliminate any negative impact
Interface has on the environment by 2020”. It was through this project that Interface developed
their sustainability policies, and that Ray Anderson has become known as an advocate and
activist for sustainability, where for example Time Magazine named him one of the 100 global
heroes for the environment.

The founders of these organizations were visionaries, strange man in their time. For example,
Antoine Riboud, first CEO of Danone after the merger of the two companies “was accused of be-
ing a socialist and a revolutionary, but in reality he was a visionary. He understood that even for
the own good of the company, selfishly thinking about its objectives, it was also important to un-
derstand what happened outside.” Therefore, apparently the main reason why Danone and Inter-
face believe so deeply in sustainability and innovation is because of their founding leaders. In
the case of Danone the current CEO is Franck Riboud, son of Antoine Riboud, who is spoken
about as someone that not only shares the beliefs his father had, but who has even taken these
ideas a step further as he understands that sustainability “is not a fad, it is part of our culture.
Franck Riboud has been talking to us about that for years….Franck always says that we can not
grow in a desert, we have to give back and help grow our environment at the same rhythm we
grow, and we must also return part of the added value we generate, not only the financial value,
but all the value we generate, in order to grow together and in a sustainable way.” Similarly at In-
terface we found, again and again, a similar idea that the company could never be sustainable
without considering the impact it has on the system; particularly focusing on the idea of being
sustainable for returning to the planet some of the resources Interface is taking for the produc-
tion of its products. This idea of taking the environment (social and natural) into account and
returning value is well expressed by the concept of the “double project”, presented by Antoine

32 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Inspiring leaders

Riboud in a famous speech in 1972. In Eperience 2 we present the main points introduced in
this famous speech:

Experience 2: The Double Projet

In 1972, at the national convention of the employers’ association in Marseille, Antoine Riboud,
founder and at the time president of Danone, gave a speech saying that there could be no
growth without quality of life, calling on companies “to reduce excessive inequalities in living and
working conditions.” This speech, which was considered quite revolutionary at the time, has
become known within Danone as the moment in which the company made public its vision and
mission of searching for an economic bottom line, as well as a social bottom line.
The speech from 1972 focused on an understanding that worker demands where shifting to-
ward becoming part of the organization which meant “being in a position to put your personal
creativity to work in what you do and take the initiative in meeting your responsibilities.” In other
words, the “double projet” was built around the concept of empowering people to act, but also
asking them to be accountable for these actions. For the business, he proposed to develop a
“sort of social and human five year plan” and setting up “action programs that call into question
existing methods, habits and structures.” Thus, in 1972 Antoine Riboud was already talking
about sustainable innovation, and about developing CSR strategies. This speech is known, and
referenced by most Danone employees when they are asked about Danone’s values, vision and
In 1974 Danone presented 5 recommendations which tried to translate this “double project”
into specific policies:
1. Attune staff levels to needs, reduce job insecurity and minimize negative consequences
2. Develop wage and compensation policies that provide incentives consitent with the situation
and environment of the business unit.
3. Develop the potential and contributions of executives, supervisors and all staff members in
accordance with their aspirations and the needs of business
4. Simultaneously improve working conditions and business efficiency with the support of em-
5. Extend and improve communication with employees and their representatives.

At times, speaking with people at Danone and Interface it seems that the influence of Ray Ander-
son and Franck Riboud goes well beyond the usual influence of CEOs, becoming almost father
figures. For instance at Interface someone explained to us that since “Ray Anderson is such a
charismatic figure, who everybody loves, it would be impossible to now try to take away some of
these values he has instilled. Moreover, I think that a lot of people do not necessarily believe so
deeply in sustainability, and they perhaps don’t do it at home, but they do it in the job not to disap-
point Ray.” These ideas have apparently also been integrated at Danone, as most people talk
about how “sustainability is a central issue at Danone. So we can discuss a particular sustainabil-
ity policy or project, but not the idea of the double project, of having to deliver economic as well as
social value”.

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Inspiring leaders 33

Embedding sustainability values 2 The Tata mini case was de-
veloped by Susan Mikecz.

Danone and Interface seem to have leaders that fulfill, very well, the role
a leader should have in a company, at least from the expectations of
some of the interviewees who have the idea that the top executive of the
organization should be “a CEO that is a very provocative person, with a
laser focused vision, and a global perspective. Well, he is what a leader
should be, ¿right? That is where all our culture comes from.” In some
cases, executives admit that they joined the company because of the
charisma of the leaders. For example, one interviewee told us that “I
knew Interface especially because of Ray Anderson, and I knew that they
had an advanced sustainability policy, and that was one of the things that
called my attention in wanting to join the company”. Regardless, there
seems to be a consensus that this original vision has now turned into a
corporate culture. Sustainability “it’s something that the guy who founded
the business, who owns the business, and who loves the business has
preached for 15 years, and now we don’t need (him) to preach anymore to
us. Its part of what we do. When I talk to people like you and journalists,
and researchers, the message that I sometimes forget is that we do this
every day and it’s just part of what we do.” In other words, now it is not
about convincing anyone that sustainability is important. ”it is now a
public commitment made by the organization and we have to deliver.”

Different international companies have also made similar commitments

in recent years coming from very visionary leaders. In Box 1, we present
the case of Tata Group2, which as Danone and Interface, has made sus-
tainability a central part of its identity partly because of the inspiring role
of its founders.

Box 1: Tata case

Tata was founded by Jamsetji Tata in 1868, initially as a cotton trading company in Bombay (now
Mumbai). Today, with revenues of approximately $70 billion in 2009 and 350,000 employees
worldwide, Tata is the largest corporate group in India and one of the most respected around
the world. Tata Group operates 114 companies in 85 countries in 7 business sectors: commu-
nications and information technology, consumer products, chemicals, engineering, energy, ma-
terials, and services. The Tata conglomerate has a very unique way of operating. Each individu-
al Tata company, although holding the same brand, operates independently with its own board
of directors and shareholders (27 of its 114 companies are publicly listed). Despite this inde-
pendence, all companies are bound together by an interlocking governance structure and a set
of corporate values passed down over the years by the founder.

34 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Inspiring leaders

Tata Group’s innovations typically have a social benefit component to them. For example, they
aim to provide some of the poorest people in the world with products that can help improve their
lives at affordable prices, but with enough profit margins to enable the Tata companies to re-
main competitive. Furthermore, Tata companies are also conscious about their impact on the
environment. The Tata Quality Management Services, for example, was created to coordinate
and direct climate change efforts for all the companies. Moreover, Tata tracks its carbon foot-
print and strives to be the standard in its industries. They actively engage in climate change
advocacy and in shaping regulations in a variety of sectors.
For over 140 years, the Tata name has been recognized for its business ethics and its empha-
sis on “family” values. They think and act as citizens first and have always made it a priority to
return wealth to the society they serve. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that two-thirds of the
equity of Tata Sons, the Tata promoter company, is held by philanthropic trusts that are actively
involved in its governance. Each Tata company contributes at least 4% of its operating income
to the trusts. These trusts have created national institutions for medical research, science and
technology, and they have provides aide and assistance to NGOs working in the area of health
and education. In 2007, Tata Group was awarded the Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy.

Engaging senior executives

Franck and Ray serve as an inspiration and as a departing point, but apparently they understand
that in order for sustainability to become mainstream in their respective organizations, all execu-
tives must share this vision and culture. This is why when we studied Danone and Interface we
identified many policies and practices designed to get their executives, especially senior execu-
tives, involved in sustainability initiatives. For instance, Interface created a sustainability commit-
tee where the sustainability director is “the secretary, the CEO is the chairman, and we meet every
three months…”. Thus, at Interface they have a sustainability committee at a global level, but then
they also have sustainability leaders by region who work to implement some of the policies defined
at a global level in their particular regions. Similarly, at Danone “a new position has been created
called Nature Vice President” where there is also a “Nature Committee that meets every month”. At
a country level as well “my most important tool is the sustainability committee, which meets every
two months, and is like an executive committee because there is the country general director, the
marketing director, the logistics director, the industrial director, the purchasing director, and human
relations director, plus what I call experts.”

The idea seems to be to have the most senior executives engaged. Once senior executives are
invested in sustainability issues they will make sure to impregnate the rest of the organization and
all decision making organs and committees with this concept, not only those focused on sustain-
ability. As one interviewee said “in the end there is a mimetic effect with leaders. For example I just
flew back from Iran last night where we had an executive committee meeting with Franck Riboud and
two vice presidents, and 7 or 8 other people. In that executive committee we discussed matters of
sustainability and CSR.” With that same objective in mind, Interface has created a training system

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Inspiring leaders 35

with the final goal of making workers become “ambassadors whose objective is to influence their
teams in regards to sustainability.” This program at Interface starts with a basic sustainability train-
ing, mandatory for all workers, and then, builds on this basic program. It offers other programs that
go deeper into sustainability issues and how these affect Interface and its different units, finally
training the workers who so choose, to become “sustainability ambassadors” for Interface.

This idea of involving all employees with sustainability as a way to create the type of leaders they
need for the future seems to be shared at both companies, particularly in regards to future senior
executives. For example, at Danone, an interviewee told us how they are considering establishing
a system where “it will be fundamental in the future that all Danone directors who want to become
members of the executive committee will have to have had a previous experience in a social project.”
As we will see in the next chapters, there are countless other tools implemented at Danone and
Interface. The idea is that the leaders of these companies not only inspire the organizations, but
they actually develop specific policies to turn their inspiring ideas into actions.

36 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Inspiring leaders

Chapter 4. The sustainable organization

There is a myth that companies which focus on sustainability are less competitive, less aggres-
sive, less focused on profits than other companies. Our evidence shows that Danone and Inter-
face are very competitive companies in the most traditional sense of aiming for financial returns
and for productivity. However, we find that Danone and Interface understand that to maximize com-
pany benefits in the long term requires them to generate public good, to develop a sustainable
innovation vision, to develop a long term approach and to make sustainability part of the reputa-
tion and brand equity of the company. For Danone and Interface, this means understanding that
the company is an actor that depends on its environment and how it relates to its different groups,
such as workers, communities, investors, suppliers, governments or non-profit organizations to
name a few.

Focus on competitiveness, but sustainable competitiveness

Interface and Danone are both very competitive companies in the most traditional sense of word,
looking for profits, being productive or gaining market share. As one of the interviewees said “we
are not an NGO, we want to sell more than anyone else, we are as aggressive as anyone, and if we
can shut down a competitor and make him close his factories we will.” So the central objective is “to
make money, what else?” In this regard, people at Danone and Interface say clearly that “we are
not ashamed to talk about money, because we must make money. If we don’t make money, we can
not do any sustainability initiative.” For example, Danone has a very specific vision of “bringing
health through food to the largest number of people”, which means that if “today we have a month-
ly penetration of 500 million customers, we want to reach 1 billion a month in 4 or 5 years.” The
bottom line is that both companies are just as profit oriented and aggressive, if not more, than any
other company.

Thus, what is different about these companies is not that they are not competitive, but rather the
approach they have to this competitiveness in that they are “not a charity. We’re a business. And
that’s why we want to be here, because we think it’s much more interesting to be making capitalism
work for sustainability”, because in the end they feel that being responsible and sustainable is a
central part of their success. As an Interviewee from Interface told us, “we are a sustainable com-
pany, and we’re making money on the bottom line”. The understanding of Danone and Interface
seems to be that sustainability “gives us competitiveness, and I don’t mean long-term….it gives us
a competitive advantage”.

In the end both companies make explicit their belief that “sustainability has a positive impact
on the company”. For instance, Interface claims that “nobody could afford to pay with money our
good image, in a sector were sustainability is as critical as the construction sector”, but aside
from that “sustainability policies have saved us USD $ 433 million in the last 16 years”. Thus, the
positive impact of sustainability has multiple sides, including reputation, reducing risks, but
also reducing costs dramatically. Furthermore, it is in this area of cost reduction where a lot of
the most important sustainable innovation projects seem to be focused. In that regard, for

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The sustainable organization 37

Danone and Interface it is a grave mistake to think that sustainability policies may clash with
the interests of shareholders. We found in that several of the interviewees pointed out how the
interests of the shareholders are the same as the interests of the environment or other stake-
holders when it comes to long term sustainability. As one of the interviewees said, in fact
“there is a common interest between shareholders and the environment, because we can not
feed shareholders in an isolated manner from the rest, they are related because this is a busi-
ness.” Again, here we find this idea of dependent relationship between companies and their

In any case, these companies are a bit different in how they see things, as they “grow the busi-
ness in the classical way, but we do it because we have to, but it is not what interests us more
because we believe that the best service we can give our shareholders is to give them the short
term return they expect from their investment, but also to give them something that in 5, 10 or
even 20 years will have significant value”. So for them, sustainability is about generating value
for the firm and for their shareholders. In fact, they truly believe that in the end all companies
will be convinced that this is the right way to go as “these things will have more and more weight
in the future because the way we measure the performance of a company will evolve, and the tools
we use will evolve as well, and this tendency started many years ago, because today’s current
model is simply not sustainable.” Regardless, today apparently the two things that differentiate
Danone and Interface from other companies is “innovation and sustainability”. The underlying
idea seems to be that each of these two companies feels like they are “a very forward-thinking
company, very innovative, but linked to that business sustainability aspect, so it really becomes
second nature”. The underlying idea seems to be that sustainability and long term competitive-
ness go hand in hand, and thus it would be counterproductive not to pursue such a path. As an
interviewee told us “we do what we do because we understand that it has a pay-back, in fact it is
the only sustainable way to grow.”

Generating public good

A sustainability and innovation culture, understanding competitiveness within a sustainable

competitiveness framework, apparently gives Danone and Interface notoriety, visibility and cred-
ibility. These companies seem to enjoy a very special position in the market, where they are
seen as companies pushing boundaries, spreading the idea that “one of our key goals is our
desire to be able to influence the broadest sphere, and we want to be able to prove to the indus-
trial world there is a different way of doing business.” In this regard, one of the unique things
about these companies is that aside from wanting benefits and value for their company, Danone
and Interface also want to generate public good as part of their mission, and of their long term
vision. Said differently, as an interviewee explicitly told us, their goal as organizations is twofold:
“to create things that can be of use for our own company and also can contribute to sustainable
development”, as they feel like the company has to be a sustainable organization with a clear
objective, where the “goal is sustaining the company, sustaining the world, and is sustaining peo-

38 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The sustainable organization

ple’s futures as well. So you want to give, you want to feel, so it’s going to protect me and look after
me in moving forward.” Here, Danone and Interface have found a meeting point with demands
coming from clients and other stakeholder, who request that companies give back to the environ-
ment and generate public good.

There seems to be a shared sense of pride among people at Danone and Interface, where they
feel that “we want to continue to grow as an organisation because we like being profitable, we like
being able to reinvest in the business, but we also want to show to the world that sustainability is a
good way of doing business and not something that costs some money and should be put in a corner
somewhere. It’s an integral part of our business, we can prove that we add a high value to our or-
ganisation and affect a broader sphere of people”. So in this regard, they do a lot of the sustainabil-
ity initiatives because they feel it is the right thing to do because “it’s the right thing to do for the
world”. They look at the project pay-back differently, with different time frames - “at 5, 7 or 10
years”, and where this pay-back has to be financial but also social. In other words “our projects
have to bring some benefit to the community.” The central idea is that they want “people around us
to live well.” Such an interest in generating public good while developing their own business as well
as having a clear and shared vision seems to be common to companies which are leaders in the
sustainability field. In Experience 3 we discuss the triple win concept developed at Danone to
evaluate and measure social projects which illustrates how Danone considers the generation of
public good as a key concept.

Experience 3: The triple win concept

Danone realizad that social innovation projects should not be measured following the same
standards used for other investment projects, both in terms of time, investments and returns.
Thus, Danone developed the triple win concept, which establishes that all social innovation
projects should generate three returns for Danone:
1. Business growth driver
2. Community growth driver
3. People growth driver
The triple win concept is built on the idea that social projects must first show that they generate
a positive contribution for the company (could be on building reputation or creating innovation,
for example), as well as that they are financially sustainable in the long run. Secondly, social
projects must show that they generate a public value for the community in which the project is
developed, including a positive contribution on key stakeholders such as local suppliers and
consumers. Third, social projects should help Danone employees involved in the project acquire
new competencies through creativity and innovation, as well as increase their sense of belong-
ing and pride to the company. Thus, the triple win concept is based on the idea that at Danone
a social project can be deemed successful when it generates value for the company, for the
community and for the people involved in the project. Finally, these returns must be acknowl-
edged through specific indicators that can be measured and monitored.

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The sustainable organization 39

Sustainable innovation vision

The belief that they must be competitive above all, that sustainability helps them to be competitive,
that they must also generate public good, and that being innovative is the only way to achieve these
goals is what seems to define the central vision of Danone and Interface. To be honest, we were
surprised by the amount of similar quotes and ideas we found again and again around this idea in
both organizations. The departing idea is that of competitiveness, where sustainability plays a clear
positive role as their vision is that “you can not bury your head underground like an ostrich, either
you let the company go without direction only thinking about sales, or if you want a guarantee that the
company will be sustainable for the next twenty or thirty years you have to have a clear vision”. For
example, when Danone was considering its strategic repositioning a few years back they “had a
meeting in Amsterdam with the executive committee together with some representatives from country
offices and we spent 3 days together, thinking about what the New Danone should be about. What was
the Danone we wanted for the next 10 years? We ended up deciding that there were four central ar-
eas we wanted to focus on: innovation, people, nature and Danone for All. And from then we have
created the Nature Vice President, the Nature Committee, the Social Innovation Committee, Innovation
Committees in each country and a lot of other things. “

In the end, Danone and Interface seem to have a clear strategic focus on innovation and sus-
tainability, which translates into actions. For instance, at Interface an interviewee told us how
they “know exactly where we want to be in 2020, or what we call our Mission Zero, which is ten
years away.” However, this goal translates into clear and immediate actions as “our carpet tile
lasts typically 6 to 7 years in an environment, so this means that within the next 3 to 4 years we
need to start putting product out in the marketplace that will meet our 2020 Mission Zero.” There-
fore, both Danone and Interface seem to be “trying to invent a new business model where the
central axis is not really sustainability, as this is more a consequence, but rather the model is
based on the company being integrated in its surrounding environment, into its market, with its
employees, with the families of the employees, with the local communities…”.

When Danone and Interface talk about sustainability they talk about it as a journey, as a long term
objective, even as an aspiration to aim for. For instance at Interface they “describe it as a mountain
that we’re climbing, Mt Sustainability, this mountain has seven faces, seven fronts of sustainability,
which we’re climbing up.” In other words, for Danone and Interface sustainability is not a list of
projects, but a long term goal that must be achieved by focusing on certain dimensions. However,
as we discussed before, these dimensions are different for Danone and Interface, as each com-
pany wants to “focus on the areas where we have the largest impact and that clearly is environmen-
tal for Interface”. At Danone, on the other hand, they focus more on social issues, understanding
however that “for us environmental issues are a part of the social issues”. What is clear is that for
both companies today sustainability is an integral part of their business model. For instance, at
Interface they talk about how “it would be impossible for us to suddenly say, sustainability doesn’t
matter any more to us and we’re going to turn away from it. We would lose so much credibility and
our reputation would be shot. It’s so embedded in everything that we do. You couldn’t just extract it,

40 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The sustainable organization

it’s in your heart. You would die. You’d kill the business straight away be- 1 The Ricoh mini-case study
was developed by Susan
cause you wouldn’t function. It’s so integral to what we do. You couldn’t Mikecz.
extract it.” In box 2 we look at the example of Ricoh1, which is a company
that has also defined a clear and ambitious sustainability vision, and is
working hard to make it part of the company’s DNA.

Box 2: Ricoh case

In 1936 Riken Sensitized Paper was founded. Two years later, in 1938, the company changed
its name to Riken Optical and manufactured and sold optical devices. It was not until 1963 that
the company became Ricoh Company. Today, with approximately $20 billion in revenues, Ricoh
manufactures and sells electronic products, primarily cameras and office equipment. Ricoh
operates in three business segments: imaging and solutions, industrial products, and finance
and logistics. The company is based in Tokyo and employs approximately 110,000 people.
Ricoh was founded with two objectives: “to innovate on behalf of the customer” and “to pursue
sustainable business practices on behalf of every life they touch”. These principles are still much
alive today as seen by Ricoh’s commitment to social responsibility and the environment. For
example, in 2004, Ricoh established the Ricoh Group CSR Charter so that common values and
principles can be shared with employees of Ricoh worldwide. In addition, Ricoh engages various
stakeholders in dialogues to evaluate and improve Ricoh’s CSR activities and also discuss CSR
issues in general.
Ricoh is very conscientious of its impact on the environment and therefore has taken significant
measures to reduce or offset the effects caused by the business. In 2002 Ricoh began partici-
pating in the UN Global Compact. It became the first company in the world to establish environ-
mental impact reduction goals for 2050 in three areas: energy conservation, resource conserva-
tion, and pollution prevention. Ricoh’s goals are to reduce energy consumption and pollution by
30% by 2020; and reduce resource consumption by 25%. By 2050, its goal is to reduce energy,
pollution, and resource consumption by 87.5% – an extremely ambitious goal. To achieve this,
Ricoh promotes what they call Environmental Management – which combines environmental
preservation with profit creation. Thus, Richo’s vision assumes a positive and direct relationship
between sustainability and competitiveness, which can only be achieved through innovation.

Long term approach

Danone and Interface seem to have a different vision than most other
companies in their long term approach. As we said, they are very much
focused on short term and they worry like any one else about the next
quarter, but they apparently understand that in order to maximize long
term benefits, they must be sustainable, and this sometimes means sac-
rificing short term results. For instance, an interviewee told us how they
“have reached an understanding about the importance of short term re-

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The sustainable organization 41

sults, but also to create long term projects for the company and for society, and we do it very natu-
rally; so naturally, in fact, that we rarely take any action that gives us a lot in the short run but could
hurt us in the long run”. In this regards, we found very illustrative the idea presented by an inter-
viewee from Danone who told us how in their company it seems as “if we were obsessed with our
children taking over the business when we are done. As if the company was a family business. Seldom
will you see us burn our ships. If we have to have fewer benefits this year but that gives us more in the
future, we will not gamble. Don’t get me wrong, we do a lot of stupid things, but we try to ensure that
these stupidities are never about a forward flight.” To achieve that, they “have a road map that maps
out against each of our seven front activities over the next 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 years, and the nearer you get
to those dates, the more difficult it becomes to be specific.”

In the end, both companies have a very clear idea of what type of business they would like to leave
for their children, where for instance at Interface “we would very much like to be manufacturing in
2050, not to just be advising or talking about it. I think we’ll be manufacturing, but maybe we’ll be
manufacturing in many kinds of doorstep manufacturing, lots of smaller factories. And I think we’ll be
using a lot more renewable and recycled material like what we’re doing with this transfer material. And
I hope that our income will not just be dependent on product sales but will also be dependent on open
innovation and licensing, so we will be sharing and monetising that collective knowledge.”

Sustainable reputation and brand equity

One of the areas in which sustainability seems to generate value for Danone and Interface is
reputation and brand equity, where today “any project that has something to do with sustainability
is not longer questioned, as sustainability gives us a social status.” For instance, “Danone has a an
incredible reputation, we are always in the rankings, always first in class, be it quality, innovation or
sustainability…”, just as Interface, where they have “a reputation that we could have never paid for
with money”, where they feel they “are leaders in the marketplace, and leaders in the marketplace
become leaders by being entrepreneurial, being innovative and stepping out there. You know you’re
a leader in the marketplace when your competition follows you. And our competition follows us.”

Neither company focuses on sustainability issues for corporate image campaigns, but they do put
some weight on their reputation as, for example, Interface makes sure “it’s what’s mentioned in all
the mission statements and the kind the approved description of the company, that’s what we’d say.
We are trying to include that in as many levels as possible when we talk about the company, so it’s
more than just a carpet company.” However, the way of approaching this reputation issue seems to
be more about “doing things well and understanding the rest will come”, where “we don’t communi-
cate as much as other companies do, because we know we have an incredible reputation capital and
we have to be careful how we manage it.” In this regard, there is a perception that there is a de-
mand from customers and other key stakeholder groups also pushing them to be true to their
sustainable reputation by offering sustainable products, services and processes.

42 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The sustainable organization

Chapter 5. Surviving success

There is an old saying about how it is more difficult to stay at the top than to get there. This is a
well documented phenomenon in business. The management principle at play is very simple: when
you are very good at something the opportunity cost of trying something new is just too great, which
ironically means that there is tendency to stick to what you know, reducing risks by not taking as
many chances, or at least by taking smaller ones. From an innovation perspective this means stay-
ing away from disruptive innovations, focusing on small incremental changes centered on existing
products and services. This approach to innovation means that companies that are successful tend
to stick to repeating processes that work and that shy away from risky or disruptive changes. Thus,
there seems to be a very delicate balance in developing a system once it is proven successful.

However, we find that in the case of Danone and Interface they don’t have a big problem in taking
some chances despite being market leaders. In this regard, we realized that Danone and Inter-
face have developed a culture of nonconformity, where people feel they are expected to exceed
expectations, which invariably requires embarking in innovation processes. That is why, as we will
discuss in chapter 7, these companies tend to look for and foster and intrapreneurial spirit. This
means that they prefer to have entrepreneurs internally, precisely because they are aware that
the organization will tend to fall asleep, so that the motivation and initiative to stay alert must
come from internal activists who take the initiative. Furthermore, we found that this culture is, in
part, the consequence of being market leaders and the expectations this generates from all their
different stakeholders.

The nonconformist organization

Danone and Interface, despite being market leaders in their respective sectors, push their or-
ganizations to take risks as “people who don’t take risk don’t innovate.” Behind this idea there is
an understanding that there is a clear and ambitious goal, which is to “forget what’s possible and
what’s happened already. We’re aiming to do the best”: From a management perspective this
means to build on a philosophy where “the ethos of the company will not allow it to sit on its lau-
rels.” For instance, an interview at Interface told us clearly that an important goal for the company
was to innovate “so it will get to its 2020 vision, but as we get closer to that there will be another
vision, another mission of where we want to get.” In other words, it is not only about setting ambi-
tious goals and to achieve them, but also about constantly re-evaluating these goals to keep the
company moving forward, and thus staying ahead. This apparently generates some difficulties for
Danone and Interface as every day “it gets more and more difficult, which is why we have to be
more and more radical in our innovation.” The idea seems to be that for these companies there is
a sense that they have to remain in a place where their competitors are always trying to copy
them. As an interview told us, “our competitors copy us. It flatters me. I like it. The sales guys hate
it. We launch a product. They launch a product that looks very similar. I say to the sales guys, don’t
worry, because the next product we launch will be better still, and better still and we’ll keep pushing
the boundaries and the limitations, and there are lots of examples in our business over the years
where we’ve led the marketplace and the marketplace has followed.”

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Surviving success 43

The bottom line seems to be that competition can apparently become a big motivator for improve-
ment, and thus it is good for their companies, for the market and for society that companies
compete more and more in sustainable innovation. The way to remain nonconformist as organiza-
tions apparently revolves around understanding as companies and embedding in the culture that
innovation must be a never ending process. As an interviewee told us, “once we reach our objec-
tives we will continue to innovate; we will have to, because we want to remain in business.” In other
words, for them remaining innovative, flexible and dynamic is the key to the long term survival of
the organization, and thus one of the most important competitive factors. In Experience 4 we can
see the example of InterfaceRAISE, which is a new service provided by the company in terms of
consulting for sustainability.

Experience 4: InterfaceRAISE
As Interface describes it, “InterfaceRAISE is a peer-to-peer advisory service for businesses that
offer guidance and knowledge on how to drive business value through sustainability.” The central
idea is to provide a formal service to other companies on how to become more sustainable
organizations. The point of departure of this new consulting service is the experience Interface
has accumulated through the years, from which they have learned that in the path toward sus-
tainability companies must:
1. Demonstrate genuine commitment to sustainability from the CEO
2. Give sustainability status (meaning making sustainability “a symbol rather than a chore”)
3. Win over employees one mind at a time using a targeted approach
4. Make people accountable for sustainability goals
5. Invest in employees to let them come up with solutions
6. Engage with a purpose
7. Reinforce sustainability strategy in every communication
8. Preventing cynicism (through backing messages with action, channelling the enthusiasm of
employees, and acknowledging tough challenges)
The idea of Interface RAISE is that they can help companies become more competitive by help-
ing them implement sustainability strategies, and simultaneously contribute to build more sus-
tainable communities.

Facing market expectations

Being known as market leaders and sustainability leaders apparently generates a high degree of
expectations from the stakeholders of Danone and Interface. These expectations from stakeholders
seem to be part of the reason why Danone and Interface develop the culture of nonconformity we
discussed in the previous section of this chapter. In some way, there seems to be almost a feeling
of destiny among the people at Danone and Interface in the sense that they feel they have no choice
but to live up to their reputation. As an interview told us explicitly, “my theory is that when you have a
reputation like ours, each thing you put on the market, even if it is directed to a very specific target,

44 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Surviving success

must pass the test of the leader, which means innovativeness, quality and 1 The Tetra Pak mini-case
study was Developed by Su-
sustainability.” It is for this reason that these companies apparently feel san Mikecz.
that in part “we’re innovative because we’re the leader; you need to be prov-
ing that and kind of reinventing yourself.”

Facing high expectations from stakeholder seems to place these compa-

nies in a dynamic where the people at the company feel they must con-
stantly assume certain risks in order to answer the demands from the
stakeholders. For example, an interviewee at Interface discussed how
they “pioneered renewable energy on our manufacturing side in the 1990s
when it was at a premium price and nobody was using it. …We pioneered
recycled content in our raw materials supply chain with our suppliers…
Now, at the time, they were quite radical. Now, they are normal. It is stand-
ard practice. And we continue to innovate in design and style to innovate
our product.” In this regard, from a sustainability perspective it seems
that being a leader forces both of these companies to live up to very dif-
ficult standards, almost as if they have set themselves up to become
targets for scrutiny from their stakeholders. As an interviewee told us,
“the biggest negative impact of being involved in sustainability is that once
you set your bar so high you have to maintain your standard… you know,
it’s very, very difficult to continue to maintain that standard.”

Thus, once these companies have committed themselves to certain

quality, innovation and sustainability standards, their stakeholders and
the market demand specific quality and ethical standards of them. For
instance, Interface understands that “because of the market, we’re being
forced to be creative and innovative outside the carpet tiles.” In other
words, for these companies sustainability becomes a key stakeholder
issue as “our customers are demanding it, our suppliers are expecting it,
our shareholders are investing in it, and the people who work here are
here not only because of our product. A lot of the people we have in this
business, especially middle and senior management, are here because we
are who we are and we are doing what we are doing, and they stick around
for that reason and that purpose.” It seems that for Danone and Inter-
face, once they have developed and embedded sustainability policies
throughout the organization, these policies take on a life of their own and
force the companies to keep moving forward. In this regard, one particu-
larity of sustainability policies seems to be that once implemented there
is no turning back, as they become expectations from key stakeholders

Tetra Pak1, as we can see in box 3, is another example of a company who

is a market leader but who stays on its toes and takes chances, particu-

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Surviving success 45

larly in terms of looking for new products and new markets. As in the case of Danone and Inter-
face, we can see in Box 3 the case of Tetra Pack, which is a company that seems to work toward
being recognized as a leader in sustainability and innovation, which in turn generates important
expectations from different stakeholders.

Box 3: Tetra Pak

In 1951, Dr. Ruben Rausing and Erik Wallenberg founded AB Tetra Pak. At that time, milk was
still delivered in glass bottles. Tetra Pak came up with a unique innovation, an aseptic packag-
ing system that used minimal materials and became more practical and hygienic than glass
bottles. With the aseptic packaging system, liquid foodstuff can be packaged and stored at
room temperature for up to one year. Today, Tetra Pak – part of the Tetra Laval Group – is a
multinational and one of the largest packaging companies in the world specializing in food
processing and packaging. With net sales of approximately 9 billion Euros in 2009, Tetra Pak
operates in more than 150 markets and employs over 20,000 people.
For decades, CSR has been an integral part of Tetra Pak’s business. Their CSR policies are
based on compliance with the global compact principles, environmental sustainability, and food
for development. Tetra Pak takes a long-term view on the lifecycle of their products and its im-
pact on the environment and communicates with their stakeholders on their environmental
performance. Environmental goals and commitments are part of Tetra Pak’s mission, as they
clearly state that “we believe in responsible industry leadership, creating profitable growth in
harmony with environmental sustainability and good corporate citizenship.” Thus, Tetra Pak uses
renewable materials as main components of their packages, they ensure the forests they
source from are managed in a way that promotes biodiversity, and they develop partnerships
with organizations such as the WWF, and have FSC certified packages sold in multiple countries.
In addition, they set a goal of 10% absolute reduction of CO2 from 2005 to 2010.
For over 40 years, Tetra Pak, in cooperation with governments and communities, has provided
milk for children all around the world. They have especially targeted developing countries where
children lack proper nutrition. In these developing countries, milk used to spoil due to the heat
and the long delivery times, causing children to get sick. With Tetra Pak’s packages, the milk
was able to be delivered unspoiled. By 2007, 45 million school children in over 50 countries
received milk in Tetra Pak’s packages, 22 million of those children living in developing countries.
The “Food for Development” program was designed to focus on health and nutrition, education,
and poverty alleviation. This program not only benefits the children’s health and learning abili-
ties, but also creates a greater demand for local agricultural products which in turn creates
more jobs.
What is interesting about the Tetra Pack case is that they define themselves as a company
which aims to “provide safe, innovative and environmentally sound products that each day meet
the needs of hundreds of millions of people in more than 170 countries around the world.” Thus,
as Danone and Interface, Tetra Pack focuses on sustainable innovation strategies as one of its
key competitiveness factors.

46 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Surviving success

Chapter 6. Sustainable culture

Our evidence shows that Danone and Interface apparently have a sustainable innovation culture.
This means that sustainability and innovation “are part of our company’s DNA”. We find that embed-
ding these concepts in the DNA is done, in part, by successfully linking these two concepts to-
gether. In other words, Danone and Interface have been very successful in linking sustainability
and innovation processes and practices. However, it is not clear whether these links between
sustainability and innovation have been actively sought by Danone and Interface or whether there
is an inherent connection between these two concepts. Said differently, it seems that being sus-
tainable naturally forces the organization to innovate.

Part of the reason for this culture seems to be their tendency to anticipate and answer stake-
holder expectations, by embedding in the organization a sustainable and ethical vision. In this re-
gard, Danone and Interface seem to be convinced that, in the not so distant future, these concepts
of sustainability and sustainability will be mainstreamed into all management practices. Thus,
these companies aim to develop inspiring policies, just as we saw in Chapter 3 when we discussed
their inspiring leaders, in order to motivate and promote a sustainable culture, and to foster in-
novation as a central mean to achieve it. Furthermore, our evidence shows that to be successful
in developing a sustainable culture these companies put a special emphasis on trying to set up
working teams that bring together a diversity of skills and competencies in order to generate this
culture of sustainability and innovation. Perhaps that is why we find that at Danone and Interface
the sustainability departments are used primarily as internal consultants to assist working teams
and departments in their activities.

Putting sustainability in the company’s DNA

Sustainability has become part of the culture of Danone and Interface as they understand “that
our organisation has over the years developed a culture that is more about relationships and peo-
ple than about cold business attributes. Now, that is not to say that we are not as competitive as
anybody else, or we don’t want to succeed or we are not striving for perfection, but that we do it
together, not at the expense of each other. We have very good relationships. It’s very fluid in the
way we operate. Relationships are nurtured over a long period of time.” In other words, “it’s not a
dog-eat-dog environment here.” Thus, a corporate culture is where sustainability and innovation
are an integral part, where “once you’re in here, you become a part of both”, and this culture is
so strong that “sceptics are converted in a week.” Yet this culture is not something explicitly for-
mulated, but rather “something that is in the air, not written anywhere.”

Clearly both of these companies feel they have a culture that nurtures innovation and sustainabil-
ity, and they say so. For instance at Interface people feel that “Interface is without a doubt an in-
novative company” and that is why “we say, that we’re global leaders in environmentally-friendly
carpet, because it’s so integral to the company.” Similarly at Danone they “feel that we live at the
rhythm of our products, which have a four to five week life on average, and then the rhythm of the
company is built on that, where our dynamism is similar to that of our products.” In the end, these

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Sustainable culture 47

companies feel that their organizations “have been impregnated with that sense of having to take
chances but to do so thinking about long term sustainability.” This means that for them “there is a
total correlation between sustainability and innovation, simply because sustainability forces you to
open your eyes more. For us the innovation process we follow to reduce our social impact or to
launch a new product is exactly the same.” The bottom line seems to be that these companies fo-
cus on innovation as the key factor to achieve sustainability and make it the culture of the organi-
zation by making these issues part of their identity.

Integrating sustainability in business strategy

In terms of sustainability policies, these companies seem to agree that the key is to “have a coher-
ent strategy to reach our goal, not to simply have a list of projects.” In the case of Interface, they
have a document called Emission Zero that for them “is our sustainability bible”, where they lay out
the seven fronts they must attack in order to reach the overall goal by 2020. In Experience 5 we
look in detail at Interface’s Mission Zero strategy:

Experience 5: Interface Mission Zero Promise

The Mission Zero document was developed in 1994 and is based on the promise that by 2020
Interface will have eliminated any negative impact they have on the environment. In order to
achieve that goal, they approach sustainability as a mountain they must climb, which they name
Mount Sustainability, and they identify the 7 fronts they must face to climb the mountain. They
measure the advance in each front taking 1996 as the base line year:
1. Eliminating waste: waste sent to landfills has been reduced by 77%
2. Benign emissions: greenhouse emissions have been reduced by 44%
3. Renewable energy: all European factories operate on 100% renewable electricity and 30% of
global energy comes from renewable sources. Energy consumption has been reduced by 43%.
4. Closing the loop (recovery and reuse of all resources): 36% of all total materials used to
produce are recycled or bio-based materials.
5. Resource-efficient transportation: Transport people and products efficiently to eliminate
waste and emissions, including commutes from workers. For instance almost 100% of products
sold in Europe are produced in Europe.
6. Sensitizing stakeholders: creating a culture that uses sustainability principles to improve the
lives and livelihoods of all of Interface’s stakeholders.
7. Redesign commerce: redesign commerce to focus on the delivery of service and value in-
stead of material.

At Danone the environmental strategy is one of the three pillars on which they base their sustain-
ability strategy. The other two pillars are the Social Platform and the Economic Platform.

It must be said that when it comes to implementing such strategies, each country business unit
has its own way of doing it. So depending on the context of the country and the industry (water,

48 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Sustainable culture

dairy, baby or medical nutrition, for example) the emphasis will be on a different platform. Gener-
ally speaking though, units that are more advanced on implementing such activities have similar
structure. In this regard, the Environmental Platform is developed through 5 strategic priorities,
and is measured by CO2 footprint. The Social Platform focuses on policies mainly for employees
and local communities, or what at Danone they call “Danoners”, “Danone Supporting Life”, and
“Danone Ecosystems”. The measurement of the Social Platform is based on different aspects of
social impact, although measured through what they call “the labour footprint”, which focuses on
managing responsibly the positive and negative impact Danone has on all people whose job is
directly affected by Danone, regardless of whether they have a direct contractual agreement with
Danone or not. The third pillar in regards to sustainability is the Economic Platform, which fo-
cuses tangible issues such as financial performance or intangible ones of, for instance, reputa-
tion management.

Thus, the general idea behind the sustainability strategy is to manage the organization according
to this triple bottom line, where Danone must reduce the carbon footprint, improve the labour
footprint, and manage the corporate and brand reputations. It is interesting that Danone under-
stands that environmental issues are part of the social issues. The bottom line for Danone is to
manage the impact the company has “in our environment, including all people who receive a sig-
nificant impact from us, regardless of whether we have a contractual relationship with them or not”.
Said differently, Danone understands “the responsibility of our company outside of our legal environ-
ment, of our classic environment, in order to really take into account our ecosystem.” In Experience
6 we look in detail at Danone’s 5 strategic environmental priorities:

Experience 6: Danone’s 5 Strategic Environmental Priorities

Overall, more than 95% of the raw materials used by Danone come from living organisms. For
example, milk is Danone’s principal business activity. More than 20,000 independent breeders
are under direct contract with the group in very different contexts: 16,000 farmers have be-
tween 2 and 150 cows, 3500 farmers have 150 to 500 cows and 500 farmers have more than
500 cows. Danone collects 4 billion liters of milk which is 1% of all milk collected worldwide (in
some countries, Danone accounts for 4% of total collection). Furthermore, the impact of milk
on resources is important, as in order to produce 1 kg of yoghurt, 16 litres of water are required
including 10 litres for agriculture and 3 litres for industrial processes. The impact on green-
house gases is also significant, as 1.8 kg of CO2 is emitted for 1 kg of final product. 53% arises
from agriculture and 6% is emitted by factories.
That is why in 2008, the Danone group identified the 5 five areas where its environmental im-
pact is most significant as (1) climate risk, (2) packaging, (3) the protection of water, (4) agri-
culture and (5) biodiversity, and developed policies and objectives for each of the priorities.
However, Danone chose CO2 as a synthetic indicator which aggregates a large amount of envi-
ronmental indicators. Therefore, each of the strategic priorities has to have a translation in
terms of reducing CO2 emissions.

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Sustainable culture 49

Overall, the goal set up by the Danone Group is to reduce the CO2 footprint by 30% (in kgCO2 /
kg product) by January 1st, 2012 across all direct business activities (industrial sites, packaging
and transport). This objective includes attaining carbon neutrality for five major Danone brands,
including Evian, Activia, Actimel, Volvic and Aptamil by the same date. This means measuring
the CO2 emissions through the entire value chain of each of these products and neutralizing it
through carbon reduction policies.

Despite having a vision and some fronts on how they want to achieve their goals, both companies
try to stay away from rigid action plans as they understand that “things can change, and therefore,
the sustainability strategy has to be a living document because one day an option may seem viable
and the next is not. So, the strategy has to be more of an orientation guideline to make people think.”

Linking sustainability and innovation

As we have seen, Danone and Interface have managed to make sustainability and innovation part
of who they are. However, what is interesting is to see how these two concepts have been linked
together. For instance, most interviewees seem to agree that “sustainability is a source of innova-
tion in everything, which pushes us to think products differently, and factories differently...”, and
these two concepts become so intimately entangled that “everything I do is about innovation and
about sustainability, so they are kind of difficult to separate. It is because of who we are, so we are
not just doing a process for the sake of progress. Everything we do is with the sustainability thing in
mind.” This declarations clearly show that for them sustainability is not a simply another task, but
rather a part of the mission of the organization.

Regardless of the motivations behind them, for Danone and Interface there seems to be an as-
sumption that sustainability is a central part of innovation. As one interviewee told us, “if you’re in
design, you’ve got the beauty thing, you got the functionality, but sustainability is another lens that
you have to put on”. So even in classical product design “we’re not just looking at colour and design
trends in a corporate office. We’re looking at raw material supply. We’re looking at the life cycle
analysis, the impact of the raw materials we’re using; we’re looking at the processes we’re using to
put them together. We’re looking at how we can de-engineer product to lessen the environmental
impact of that product in the marketplace. We’re also looking at how we design products, with things
like end-of-life responsibility in mind.”

To achieve this connection between sustainability and innovation, at Danone they “foster develop-
ing what we call Lab, which are innovation laboratories focused on specific issues such as products,
technologies, social issues, environmental issues or management processes. These labs are every-
where. The other side is what we call Land, which are attempts to turn successful Labs into some-
thing more solid and sustainable and which generate value which, in turn, produces a significant
innovation. In other words the Lands are attempts to industrialize Labs that have proven to have
potential to scale them. So the Lab is more in the air and the Land is grounding the idea”. In other

50 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Sustainable culture

words, what they do at Danone is broaden the scope and the vision of their innovation process to
allow for small, but often radical innovations to be developed around the world. In this regard,
Danone has a formal R&D unit, but also has a lot of projects, many of them with external partners,
which also develop innovation projects.

Thus, the sustainable innovation process doesn’t seem that scientific or linear, where there is a
sense “that you reach a point where you feel there are things you must do. And once you are there,
at the beginning there are some ideas. Always at the beginning it is done by intuition. Someone has
read something in a magazine, another person has traveled somewhere and picked up some ideas,
some competitor has done something that calls your attention, and you guide yourself by your nose.
Then you put in the rational. You crunch the numbers and write the text. But after all the process is
done, for the final decision you always go back to your nose. Then you test it and see how it goes, and
in the end if everything goes well you sell it to the organization and it gets done.”

Despite this apparent sense that a lot of the sustainability projects are built on visions and be-
liefs rather than on empirical estimations, it is important to note that for these organizations
these “are not projects of the CSR department, they are projects of the Danone, and therefore will
have my full backing as well as the company’s and the board of directors, just as any other com-
pany project.” Part of that commitment is based on the perception these companies have that
“sustainability is very connected to quality; where our goal is to launch quality and functional prod-
ucts, and this means that they must be sustainable.” Perhaps that is why in these companies “if
you see how many people are working on these issues now, you can tell that the company is putting
a lot of chips on the table.” Regardless, it is significant that Danone and Interface seem to dedi-
cate so many efforts to these issues when they apparently don’t have a lot of evidence, in terms
of empirical evidence, that these issues are key contributing factors to their competitiveness. In
this sense it is interesting to note that a lot of these efforts and investments seem to be based
on intuitions, perceptions and even beliefs that sustainability is a key competitiveness factor and
closely linked to innovation.

Anticipate market expectations

As we discussed in the previous section, Danone and Interface seem to have developed a culture
where sustainability has become a natural part of the organization, driven by a clear vision and
values. However, Danone and Interface understand that sustainability is also a central issue in the
corporate agenda today, and will become even more strategic in the future, as these issues will
become mainstreamed. In other words, they understand that sustainable innovation also about
anticipating market expectations. In part, this is due to the fact that they have observed a ten-
dency toward sustainable innovation becoming more important in the corporate agenda. In a way,
they feel like “were pushing before the market was ready for this kind of change, and now it feels
like it’s kind of tipped. So now it’s become an expectation and it’s become something that everyone’s
asking for.”

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Sustainable culture 51

What is interesting is that it seems that Danone and Interface have 1 The Aeon case study was
developed by Marc Vilanova
managed to anticipate market expectations, although that was not their and Kanji Tanimoto.
intent. Said differently, by having a clear sustainability vision and pursu-
ing that vision, Danone and Interface have managed to consistently
anticipate market expectation, at least in regards to sustainability. Yet,
this also means that a lot of the innovations and changes undergone by
both companies are often too advanced for the market, which means
that sometimes sustainability pushes the organizations to develop in-
novations for which the market is not ready. For example, people at In-
terface told us how they found the organization to be often “ahead of its
time, which may mean that the market isn’t quite ready, and that you
might not have as much success… so that conceptually, sustainability-
wise we feel it’s brilliant, but it’s not fitting yet with what people really
need. It’s maybe what we’re all going to need in ten years’ time.” In other
words, for these companies being pioneers in sustainability is also a
risk, as they often work with products and processes that are not fit for
the existing market. For instance, an interviewee told us explicitly how a
lot of the time they worked with intuition hoping “that all of this stuff that
we’ve been developing for years and years and years will mean that we’re
ready in the next few years where I think demand will change.” Neverthe-
less, both of these companies seem to want that rtole as pioneers, as
they set themselves up to be taken as examples, defining themselves
as producers of environmentally friendly and healthy products which
“already establishes you as a responsible business simply by the way you
define your product.”

Developing inspiring policies

Our evidence shows that making sustainable innovation a central part of

corporate culture requires more than establishing some central values
and defining a vision, it demands developing clear and inspiring policies.
The idea is that for sustainability to become truly strategic it must go
“from being a cost centre to a profit centre”, which may require, among
other things, that sustainability specialists become “more involved in the
commercialisation side of it as well, because I think having that gap where
you develop something, if the other side your organization hasn’t been set
up to deal with that, you get a wonderful sustainable product, and you got
some innovation there, and that’s great, but you’re not giving it the best
chance that it could have if you’re not aligning the whole structure to get
the most out of it.” In Box 4 we present the case of Aeon1, one of the
leading retailers in Asia, which has made sustainability a key part of its

52 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Sustainable culture

business culture, and has achieved that by developing a “manifesto” with a set of guidelines for
each of its more than 160 companies, which these companies are then responsible to translate
into policies and practices.

Box 4: Aeon case

Aeon is the biggest retail company in Japan, although it also has operations and is aggres-
sively expanding in other Asian countries, especially in China. Aeon’s main business is “shop-
ping mall development and operation”, but also offers a variety of stores, goods and services,
including supermarkets, drugstores, home centres, convenience stores, specialty stores, finan-
cial services, and entertainment or food services, among others. Aeon is known in Japan as the
sector leader in terms of sustainability practices. In fact, in February of 2009 Aeon was in-
cluded in the ranking of the top 100 most sustainable companies of the world, which is a rank-
ing published by Corporate Nights and Innovest Strategy Advisors.
The Aeon sustainability strategy is quite straight forward: they aim to reduce CO2 emissions by
1.85 million tons by 2012, which means more than a 30% reduction taking 2006 as the base
line year. To achieve that goal, the sustainability strategy focuses on four broad policy areas: (1)
reduction by stores, through improvement of store equipments and systems; (2) reduction by
products, through improvement of products, services and distribution; (3) reduction with cos-
tumers, through both tree planting activities as well as programs to reduce the use of plastic
bags; and (4) through carbon credits from other countries.
Thus, Aeon focuses its sustainability policies on its three key strategic factors: stores, products
and customers. It is particularly interesting that Aeon has set up very high sustainability stand-
ards for their private brand, called TOPVALU, including policies of transparency and traceability,
human rights, fair trade, and social and environmental audit of all suppliers to name a few. This
means that their private brand not only offers lower prices, but often higher quality and sustain-
ability standards than many of the better known brands. Perhaps that is the reason why TOP-
VALU has been their highest growing selling brand since 2008.

The idea these companies seem to pursue is to get their sustainability specialists more involved
in all production, marketing and sales processes, which ultimately should lead to all areas of the
organization being aware and involved with these issues. In this regard, Danone is taking this idea
a step further, and has divided the bonuses of all managers into three parts: “one third of the bo-
nus is defined by traditional performance indicators, another third is defined by personal objectives,
and another third is defined by social performance, which as you know includes environmental per-
formance.” They do this because “we want the symbolic message to all our managers that this is the
way we measure performance at Danone, through three equally important performance indicators:
the organization, the individual and society.” At Interface they don’t have such a bonus system for
all managers, but they do have mandatory training in sustainability issues for all employees, they
give incentives to employees that propose solutions to make their job more sustainable, and have
developed a Mission Zero goal with clear measurable objectives in different areas.

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Sustainable culture 53

On the other side, policies in these companies try to change the way success is measured, so that
when an executive looks at a new project not only does he or she study the traditional financial
indicators, but actually looks at “the triple win, which means that the project must generate eco-
nomic value at the short and medium term, it must benefit the environment (or the communities),
and it must be good for our employees.” In other words, this triple win is about generating eco-
nomic value, social and environmental value, and organizational learning. This is what it means to
have “a sustainable project, to give benefits that give an interesting return to the company, the com-
munities and to employees. This third part is about learning, about development, about motivation,
about employees opening their minds and learning new competencies which will ultimately benefit
the organization. In other words, it is sort of a model, the triple win we want to construct, because
this is our definition of sustainability: not a win-win, but a triple win.”

Getting the right people for the job

Apparently, for Danone and Interface a crucial part of the success of these projects is having the
right people, as “it often comes down to people.” This means “you have to have the people around
you who are creative but who are also technical, who are dreamers but also practical...” and not only
that, “but nurturing the right relationship between people, even creating it.” This often requires “set-
ting up a transversal team with people from logistics, people from marketing, people from HR, from
quality, and so forth, and starting to discuss what could we work on. The work on transversal teams
like this works very well.” Looking at the whole organization this way also requires these companies
to divide the work, where “what we try and do, because there are finite results as with any organisa-
tion and there is no point on five different countries working on the same thing, so what we tend to
do is say, right, these people can concentrate on this (product) development here in Europe, these
people can concentrate on this (other) development in America, so it tends to be divided up.” An-
other thing that these companies seem to share is their idea of using virtual and social technolo-
gies to establish sustainable innovation teams and committees through facebook, skype and
other types of technologies, as these teams are formed by members that live and work in different
places, so that the only way to efficiently work together is by using new communication channels.

Sustainability departments as internal consultants

In this scenario, the sustainability departments at these companies have more a role of internal
consultants or facilitators than as policy setters or enforcers. In this regard, sustainability direc-
tors feel that “my experience with sustainability allows me to identify priority areas or adopt some
decisions that multiply the velocity by which we can achieve our objective, which some times are
about product strategy.” Thus, they feel their “role is helping facilitate radical innovation and partici-
pate in it. We don’t do it in isolation, in a corner by ourselves.” This requires to “coordinate the com-
pany leaders within the sustainability spectrum acting a bit as a consultant. Once the meeting is over
I approach each of them and depending on the project I ask how I can assist them.” Their work also

54 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Sustainable culture

requires being transmitters of the knowledge that is being generated in the organization, pointing
out for instance “to some factory workers that there are other people doing exactly the same thing.”
Therefore, sustainability managers work “at two levels, with the Gods from the Olympus, which are
always difficult to reach, but who need their space to understand and to decide how it affects us, and
with the lower teams defined by the top managers and who are in charge of executing specific
projects.” In the end, as the Danone sustainability director pointed out, “I was hired as a change
agent, which was my discussion with my boss when they were recruiting me, to be a change agent
and change consolidation agent, and to keep a long term view of the organization.”

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Sustainable culture 55

Chapter 7. Engaged workforce

Danone and Interface share a clear interest in going beyond communicating, or even dialoguing, in
order to engage their workforce. This effort seems to be based on the belief that a company needs
an engaged workforce in order to be creative and productive. In this regard, Danone and Interface
have realized that sustainability can be a very powerful tool to engage the workforce. The idea
these companies share is that sustainability is a motivator for workers, which can help generate
an intrapreneurial atmosphere where people feel responsible and empowered to integrate sustain-
ability in their daily activities. Furthermore, Danone and Interface seem to share the idea that
sustainability can be a strong factor in attracting and retaining talent, and that it also helps to
generate a good work environment.

Sustainability as a motivator for workers

Danone and Interface learned a long time ago that their vision and culture of sustainability makes
them a different place to work. The idea is built on the understanding that sustainability generates
an additional and significant value to help engage and motivate the workers because “when there
is more meaning to life, the sustainability aspect, it engages people more because there’s a common
goal, there is something different besides the day to day activity… So it gives an added parameter
to it, and it makes you feel warmer.” That is what in the end makes workers say things like, “For me
Interface is not a job, it’s more like a way of life, it’s more like an experience.” To achieve that type of
atmosphere they “must develop different relationships with people, so that they don’t work for us,
but rather with us.” This strategy allows Danone to be “very happy because we are ranked at the top
of the Best Places to Work (an index of companies best valued by employees), and we were first in
Spain, and first in the UK, and so forth...” which in the end allows us to say that “today we are
80.000 Danoners. Because we no longer call ourselves employees, we call ourselves Danoners, and
Danoners must feel good.” In other words, the goal is to “establish a unique style and atmosphere
that is conducive to the sort goals we have as an organization.” This means that sustainability actu-
ally helps Danone and Interface to engage their workers, making them more passionate, invested
and productive. In Experience 7 we see the example of the Sustainable Growth of Associates
program at Interface, design to engage employees around sustainability:

Experience 7: Interface’s Sustainable Growth of Associates

Interface recognizes that sustainability is a great tool to engage employees, which results in
“increased productivity, higher retention rates, healthier work environment, and fostering an in-
novative culture”. In this regard the company surveys all employees annually at all levels of the
organization. Among the central engagement policies, Interface created an internal team called
One World Learning (OWL), which aims to establish and maintain the learning, innovative and
sustainable culture of the company. The overall objective for Interface is to make sure that all
employees are trained on sustainability, but also that they consider sustainability an integral
part of their daily tasks. This objective is achieved through “the three step program” where in

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Engaged workforce 57

the first stage all employees receive training on sustainability, in the second stage a significant
groups of employees receive more specific training, and in the third and last stage, a selected
group of employees are trained to become Sustainability Ambassadors. This means giving
these employees the capacity to speak on behalf of the company on sustainability matters.
Aside from these, there are other programs such as:

The QUEST Program

QUEST stands for Quality Using Employee Suggestions and Teamwork. Interface began its QUEST
program in 1995 to engage their associated in “identifying, measuring and eliminating waste in
the manufacturing processes.” In other words, the program aims to use suggestions from em-
ployees to reduce waste and improve efficiency of equipment and processes. Since then, the
QUEST program has resulted in a 50% reduction in waste cost per unit, resulting in over US$372
million in reduced costs. The quest program is built on three principles: (a) identifying every
possible waste stream; (b) developing methods to eliminate this waste; and (c) measuring the
savings. QUEST works through working teams of 15 to 18 employees throughout the world
working on a shared goal defined by the workers themselves. One of the most innovative as-
pects of QUEST is that waste is defined as “any cost that does not produce value to customers”
which allows for a broad interpretation that can include things such as misdirected shipments
or incorrect invoices. Recently Interface extended the QUEST program to the entire supply

Cool Programs

Interface introduces programs to educate associates (employees) about their carbon footprint
and provide opportunities for associates to offset their impact on climate change. Some exam-
ples of these opportunities are programs such as: (a) Cool Co2mmute, which is an employee-
inspired program that partners Interface with employees to target and reduce greenhouse gas
for their daily commutes. Employees calculate and offset their emissions and Interface pays
half of the cost; or (b) the Cool Fuel program, which calculates and offsets the carbon emis-
sions from company cars.

Establishing an intrapreneurial atmosphere

The first things these companies seem to do are to look for the right type of people when hiring.
The idea is not to look for a particular profile, but rather to search for people who can adapt to the
type of culture they have as organizations. As one of the interviewees from Interface told us, “in
our company we want people who can be activists when they need to be. We want them to be change
agents when they need to be in certain roles. When I’m recruiting for people, these are the certain
values that I’m looking for.” In this regard, the goal at Interface seems to be to establish a working
environment where people feel like “We’re like internal entrepreneurs. Yes. I think we need to be like
that. We need to be very open to change and other people bringing things to you. And the other part

58 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Engaged workforce

of entrepreneurship is that entrepreneurs in general are optimistic people. They believe in what they
can achieve, and they are achievers, they are very competitive, but they’re optimistic.” These ideas
are shared at Danone, where they have put in place a “lean organization” program directed at re-
ducing hierarchy and empowering employees with the objective of increasing productivity, creativity
and engagement. Thus, Danone and Interface seem to share a goal of establishing an atmosphere
of belief, of challenge and of personal investment where “each person has to be committed, open,
doer and empowered, and that is valid for any project and for any person.”

Thus, these companies seem to want to foster an atmosphere conducive to what some people call
“intrapreneurship”. They pursue this objective through different policies designed to empower and
challenge people, one of which is sustainability. Said differently, Danone and Interface seem to
build this intrapreneurial work environment partly on their sustainability policies. As one executive
told us “establishing sustainability goals forces people to be creative and take action, because these
are things for which we do not have solutions”. Employees have to be creative and solve problems,
learn and acquire new competencies. Thus, Danone and Interface put a lot of effort into transmit-
ting the “sustainability idea” across the organization. For example, at Interface “what we do is obli-
gate our top executives to become sustainability ambassadors, and then the rest of the workers want
to become ambassadors because it is a status issue within the company.” Interface also gives sus-
tainability training to all employees. Danone, as we saw in Experience 7, includes sustainability
objectives to all senior executives, and these objectives must be designed by their own subsidiary
or business unit.

Danone and Interface seem to understand that embedding sustainability in the organization is by
definition a slow and laborious process. As one interviewee told us “our sustainability culture has
taken a long time to develop, and has required the involvement of all employees.” Said differently,
for these companies establishing a sustainable innovation culture is a slow process that should
start at, and include, the leadership, but it must be transmitted to all layers of the organization.
The central idea is that all people in the organization must feel like “our role, not just my role, but
everybody within the company, whatever they’re doing, is partly to think about the sustainability

Thus, companies like Danone and Interface have come to see that sustainability is the type of is-
sue that can motivate people, turning good workers into intrapreneurs. Being an intrapreneur
means becoming passionate, even obsessed, with particular activities, as “Sustainability is without
a doubt a source of inspiration”. This is not only true of sustainability managers, or employees who
are aware about these issues, but of any workers that join these companies and after learning and
living the culture come to share the values of the organization. As one interviewee told us very
graphically, “I was actually a closet environmentalist, because I loved what they were doing, and I felt
this is fantastic, and it was so obvious that we are on a finite planet with limited resources, so obvi-
ous. How could I have never thought of it before!” In the end this culture gives people “the motiva-
tion to work in a place where aside from having fun you make money. Listen, to make money having
fun. Also you are doing something that gives you an immense sense of satisfaction, but this satisfac-

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Engaged workforce 59

tion is different for each one of us.”In box 5 we present the case of Tec- 1 The Tecnol mini-case was
developed by Marc Vilanova.
nol1, a small Spanish company that has focused its sustainability poli-
cies on engaging stakeholders, and has been quite successful at it.

Box 5: Tecnol
Tecnol is a small company that was created in 1997 in Reus, a city south of Barcelona. It is a
privately owned company, mainly by its founder and president Xavier Martinez. Tecnol’s main
activities involve producing, selling and installing paints, waterproofing sealants, chemical flu-
ids, surface treatments, raisins and mortars for the construction industry. In that regard, al-
though one could argue that Tecnol is in the chemical industry, they consider themselves part
of the construction industry. In 2008 Tecnol’s revenues exceeded €60 million, with over 700
employees (were 75% of the entire workforce, and 40% of top executives are women). Tecnol
operates throughout Spain with 12 territorial offices and over 50 delegations, and is currently
expanding internationally with new offices in Andorra, Portugal, France and Rumania.
Tecnol’s CSR strategy focuses on engaging workers, mainly through labour practices and rights.
In fact Tecnol’s CSR activities originated more from a business imperative than from a vision
CSR or contribution to sustainable development. Being in a small town and working in the con-
struction area, initially Tecnol had big problems to attract and maintain talent, particularly in its
sales force. In the early years, the turnover of salespeople was very high while the productivity
of the workforce was very low. They were unable to attract people with experience in the sector
and although they spent significant resources in training employees, after they had acquired
experience they left the company. In that context, one day Xavier Martinez attended a confer-
ence on CSR policies, where some executives discussed how such policies had positive effects
human resources, and saw it as an opportunity to differentiate the company and solve some of
the problems it had with workers. One could say that he had sort of an epiphany, such as Ray
Anderson had at Interface.
Since then Tecnol has developed about 30 CSR policies to improve the work-life balance of
employees. Some examples are giving financial assistance for kindergarten expenses to em-
ployees with small children; increasing the maternity leave established by law; giving the op-
tion to parents to take their holidays more flexibly to adapt to their children’s schedule, for in-
stance working two months part-time in the Summer; providing free medical and legal advice
to employees; or financing 90% of the cost of any work related training an employee partici-
pates in, as well as 60% of any other training any employee chooses to undertake, including
things such as music, dance or drawing lessons. All together Tecnol spends over 1% of its
revenues in work-life balance policies. The result has been a dramatic reduction in employee
turnover and a rapid increase in productivity, as well as a strong public image, wining several
prices for their work-life balance programs. Tecnol is also certified in SA8000, which is an in-
ternational standard on labor practices, ISO14001, which is an environmental standard, and
ISO9001, which is a quality standard. Also Tecnol has won many prizes for its work in CSR,
which have given it notoriety and a good reputation which it uses to build strategic alliances
with larger companies.

60 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Engaged workforce

Sustainability helps attract and retain talent

Apparently having a sustainable innovation culture and reputation also allows companies like
Danone and Interface to attract and retain talent. Part of it is seems to be simply because they are
leading companies in their sectors, where “being market leaders means that, for example, many
sales men automatically want to work for you.” However, their sustainability policies seem to add a
significant value to their capacity to attract talent not with salaries or benefits, but because of their
reputation as a sustainable company. In fact we found several instances where interviewees told
us that “sustainability was what attracted me to the company in the first place, really”. In some other
cases sustainability was not the decisive factor, but was a factor nonetheless as “I would not take
a job if it wasn’t sustainable.” In fact in some instances we felt that sustainability was not only the
decisive factor for interviewees to join the company, but actually to enter the private sector as they
had originally planed to go into either the non-profit or the public sectors. This means that people
that would traditionally feel uncomfortable in the private sector, can join companies like Danone
and Interface, thus opening the door to new types of talent not available to other companies.

The end result is that there is a sense at Danone and Interface that “we often get a better quality
person, because it’s not just the role, it’s the vision that they are seeing as well.” Thus, it is not only
because of their reputation, but actually because of the way they do things, where “we also attract
a lot of good people into the organisation from a recruiting point of view. And we also find, particu-
larly with positions where people tend to move around more such as sales, where they might get
caught by the competitors with bigger salaries and better benefits, that they tend to come back to us
because they find that the grass is really not greener on the other side of the fence.” Thus, from a
recruiting point of view these companies don’t necessarily look for people who know about sus-
tainability, but rather “we try to hire people with a spirit that we know will fit in our organization, be-
cause then people who get in quickly get into our way of doing things.”

Family atmosphere

Regardless, it is clear that companies like Danone and Interface are comparatively good environ-
ments to work in. When we look at how they are evaluated by their workers it is easy to understand
that their sustainable innovation culture is a big part of that. For instance, at Interface we under-
stood that “people feel alright working here. Not because they want to get involved in carpet tiles,
but because they want to get involved in Interface, the sustainability issue.” The sustainability issue
seems to generate an environment where “it feels good to be in an organisation where everyone is
the same in terms of aiming for something, there’s a purpose to the work that we’re doing that is over
and above being transactional.” Said differently, sustainability gives a sense of purpose and motiva-
tion to workers, it aligns them with a mission and it gets them invested personally.

This translates into sort of a family atmosphere that attracts people, where “there is something
really nice here, everyone is very nice, everyone understands what we believe in, it isn’t weird, so,

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Engaged workforce 61

yes, it was a surprise to me.” In other words, there seems to be a sense in these companies that
“we are like a big family”, where there is “like a fraternity, let’s say, where we are like relatives and
people are not afraid to ask. Then there is a lot of horizontality in this regard.” The bottom line is that
a big competitive factor for these companies is their people, and sustainability seems to be a big
part of their recruiting and engagement strategy. In fact, when you interview people in these com-
panies it is surprising “that a lot of people here say they have the best job in the company.” This
shows that they feel not only challenged and engaged, but also fulfilled. Experience 8 shows the
example of Danone Communities as an initiative aimed at involving Danone with the communities
in which it operates. The goal is to engage employees, business partners, local communities and
shareholders in projects around Danone’s core values and objectives.

Experience 9: Danone Communities

Danone Communities is a risk-free investment fund, where Danone employees, shareholders,
business partners and consumers can invest to support local projects. The Danone Communi-
ties fund was originally set up by Danone with an intial investment of €100 million, and grows
every year through donations and investments. All projects developed from the fund must be
local and must be linked with Danone’s mission of providing “Danone for all” and “health credi-
bility” which are pillars of Danone’s corporate strategy.
For instance, under the heading of “Danone for all”, the fund develops projects focusing on al-
lowing underpriviledged populations to buy affordable products they need, contributing to local
development through “social business”. One example of the type of projects developed here
would be the “1001 fountains” which is a project that aims at providing drinking water to iso-
lated villages in Cambodia, lowering the cost of water to under €1 cent per litre to stop some of
these villages from using contaminated ponds, which is one of the major causes of infant mor-
tality. Under this project water is treated with ultraviolet rays and brought to them using solar
Under the heading of “health credibility” Danone has developed partnerships with medical
and scientific institutions to ensure that health benefits and claims are validated and well
measured. In this area Danone funds over 800 research programs. For example, the program
funds nutrition programs or receive nutrition training, as well as research on the causes of

62 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Engaged workforce

Chapter 8. Sustainable products and services

There are many documented cases of companies that have developed sustainable products and
services. For example, most retailers sell some ecological and fair trade products, most energy
companies offer some alternative energies, most car companies offer hybrid or electric models,
and so forth. The majority of these companies have some “green products” and some traditional
products, and they use different criteria to develop, measure and implement these different prod-
ucts. However, there are some companies that consider sustainability as a central attribute of
their entire product offering rather than a characteristic of a specific line. This means that they use
the same standards and measurements for all of their products, which include sustainability crite-
ria. Danone and Interface are among this later group of companies. That is not to say that all their
products have the same sustainability criteria, but rather that they all fulfill a minimum set of
standards defined by the company. Most importantly, this also means that sustainability factors
are a key part of all new product development and a strategic factor for the long term survival of
the company.

Sustainability across the product catalogue

We find that at Danone and Interface they understand that “we sell because of design, because our
products are cool, because of price, because of service, but also because of sustainability.” In other
words, sustainability is an integral part of the product attributes which increase the value of the
products and services offered. For example, at Interface, they explained to us that “when designing
a product or a series of products, you must take different things into account: you must consider the
cost of raw materials, you must consider colors, you have to consider the cultural preferences in each
country, and you must consider sustainability,” which means “that we want to keep at the absolute
minimum the impact of our products from a life cycle perspective.” At Danone they have a similar
approach, where they consider the impact their production has on what they call “our ecosystem”,
which for Danone means the social and environmental impacts. For example, Danone is currently
working on “making five of our most popular products CO2 neutral by 2012”. This process at
Danone also means taking risks, for example “eliminating the cardboard packaging of our yoghurts,
which we have started to do already in some places in France and we will continue to do despite the
fact that our estimates show that we will lose money, but we’ll do it anyway because it is time and it
is right.” Danone carried out a pilot project in some French supermarkets, and the response from
consumers was quite negative, as they did not perceive it as a sustainability policy, but rather felt
that “that Danone is reducing the quality of the product”. Despite these negative estimates, Danone
has decided to proceed with the progressive elimination of this packaging. What is interesting, is
that they do not feel that in the end this policy will have a negative impact. As one of the interview-
ees told us “I don’t know how, perhaps through a better marketing campaign, or raising awareness,
or in other ways, but I am sure that in the end we will not only loose sales and customer satisfaction
because of this project.”

At Interface they also have many programs designed to ensure that each of their products and
services integrates sustainability as a central design issue. One example is the efforts at Inter-

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Sustainable products and services 63

face to find alternatives to oil-based products, focusing on bio-based materials. For instance,
Interface has developed research and products to use in their carpets “fibers made from polylac-
tic acid (PLA), flax, hemp and wool”. Interface introduced modular carpet using PLA already in
2004, which are derived from corn and other starch containing agricultural plant materials and
waste products. These are similar to polyester synthetic fibers and can be used in commercial
fabrics, but have the benefits of “decreased dependence on oil-based raw materials; do not use
heavy metals in their production; production requires 20 to 50% less fossil fuel resources; produc-
tion requires less water; and products can be recycled into lactic acid or composted.” Danone is
doing a similar thing by developing new materials made from sugar cane and other food prod-
ucts and waste to package key products such as Actimel. Another example of how Interface is
trying to integrate sustainability in products is through the concept of Biomimicry, as we can see
in Experience 10.

Experience 10: Biomimicry at Interface

Biomimicry is a concept that stands for the practices of using natura as a model to design
sustainable designs and processes. In this regard, “nature materials are important both as
models and as resources for Interface as a company that strives fro sustainability”. The basic
principles of biomimicry are:
• Nature runs on sunlight
• Nature uses only the energy it needs
• Nature fits form to function
• Nature recycles everything
• Nature rewards cooperation
• Nature banks on diversity
• Nature demands local expertise
• Nature curbs excesses from within
• Nature taps the power of limits
From this concept of biomimicry, Interface has developed several product lines, such as: Sprin-
gLeaf, which is a carpet inspired by the organizational chaos of the forest floor, and can be in-
stalled much faster with less waste; or the TacTile, which are carpet installation systems in-
spired by examples of adhesion without glue in nature, thus eliminating the need for glue and
allowing installation on hard surfaces without damaging the substrate.

Long term view of products

The bottom line is that these companies seem to understand “that we must consider long term
sustainability in the product area, which means not only asking how we make the product, but how we
will make its successor.” Moreover, this concept forces the company to look outside its own organiza-
tion, as they have “realized that 70% of the impact of our products comes from raw materials and
other suppliers, not from our factories”, which means working up and down the supply chain. This

64 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Sustainable products and services

includes working with the customers as “when it’s with the customer, I 1 The Patagonia mini-case
was developed by Susan
think there’s lots of room for innovation and services, and redesigning, go- Mikecz.
ing in and taking the product back, maintenance…” In the end, the idea is
that the people in charge of products at the organizations “have to have
some idea of what products will look like in 20 years, and we all know that
sustainability will be a big part of that.” So, product sustainability is one of
the areas where “the innovation side of it is really product-related, because
we want to make sure our products are different in the market place, and
then come back to the sustainability and link to that, so that’s where the
innovation fits.”

Product development is one of the most strategic areas of any organiza-

tion, so that “new product development is pretty much aligned with where
we want to go with our product direction, which is clearly very aligned to
where we want to be in terms of sustainability.” In the end, this means that
companies like Interface and Danone have to already be thinking about
the way their products will evolve, even if it means radically changing not
only the product, but even what the company does. For example at Inter-
face they have identified how “every time you put your foot on the floor
there is a certain amount of energy that you create, that you transfer into
the floor. In the future we’re going to capture that energy and turn it into
electricity. We have started to do that.” Patagonia1, as we can see in box 6,
is another example of a company which is making sustainability a central
part of its entire catalogue of products and services, even turning sustain-
ability into a differentiating strategic attribute and therefore a competitive

Box 6: Patagonia case

Yvon Chouinard, Patagonia’s founder, started climbing at the age of 14. The only pitons availa-
ble to climbers back then were made of soft iron for a one-time use and left in the rocks by the
climbers. Because these pitons damaged the rocks over time, Chouinard decided to make his
own. Soon, word was out and he found himself in business, first supplying pitons and then
climbing hardware. Today Patagonia is a privately-owned outdoor clothing company based in
Ventura, California with annual revenues of $316 million.
Patagonia’s mission statement – “Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use
business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis” – is based on its
founder’s values and beliefs. As a result, the company is very active in the area of Corporate
Social Responsibility with two main areas of focus: fair labor and environmental protection.

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Sustainable products and services 65

Since the apparel industry has been frequently linked to human rights violations in factories,
fair labor is at the core of Patagonia’s CSR efforts. For Patagonia, its relationship with the peo-
ple who work in their factories is very important, so are the conditions in which they work. When
Patagonia was still small, this was not an issue as they worked with a small number of factories
and were able to maintain a close relationship with each one. However, as the company grew,
they encountered some obstacles. In response they developed what Patagonia calls the “con-
tractor relationship assessment” – a scorecard that Patagonia keeps for each factory. In 1994
Patagonia started contracting 3rd party auditors to help assess new factories. In 2002, a Social
Responsibility Manager was brought on-board to monitor the supply chain. To bring everyone on
board, Patagonia started to educate employees about factory workplace issues and how their
actions can impact fellow factory workers.
In terms of the environment, since 1985 Patagonia has donated 1% of total sales or 10% of
profits (whichever is greater) to environmental groups. They also co-founded Alliance 1% for the
Planet – an alliance of businesses that will commit at least 1% of total sales to the environ-
ment. Furthermore, Patagonia has developed other environmental campaigns such as “Ocean
as a Wilderness” and “Don’t Dam Patagonia.” Patagonia also developed “The Footprint Chroni-
cles” – an interactive site for the public to trace development and environmental impact of their
products from the design stage until they arrive at their warehouses.

Consider sustainability a part of quality

Danone and Interface seem to consider sustainability more a part of quality than anything else,
where controlling the environmental and social impact of products and services is a big part of
what they are about. For instance at Interface “we’ve got our own independent policeman, as we
may refer to them, and they’ll go out and on the specific basis and check material from the line, bring
it into the laboratory and then they’ll actually check that it’s meeting the requirements that they’re
supposed to meet. All of that information is then pumped from the line and from the quality testing
and it’s put into a database and it will produce weekly management information to make sure that
the quality is at the right level.” At Danone, as well, “we are obsessed, and I mean obsessed with
quality and with traceability, where all products and components must be checked and double
checked to make sure they comply with our quality standards.” The final objective of these two com-
panies is to “sell more and to increase our quality” where “often our sustainability attributes help us
to differentiate from our competitors.” In Experience 11, we present the example of the ReEntry 2.0
pro at Interface, where they found a way to increase the percentage of materials reused and recy-
cled, and how this has become a quality attribute.

Experience 11: ReEntry 2.0

The carpet industry estimates that 5 billion pounds of its products ends up in landfills each
year. The commercial carpet industry has long struggled to develop economically and techno-

66 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Sustainable products and services

logically viable methods to recycle carpet at the end of its useful life, especially the most carbon
intensive component of the product: Nylon 6,6 fiber. In 2007, Interface became the first carpet
manufacturer to implement a process for the “clean separation” of carpet from backing, allowing
for a maximum amount of post-consumer material to be recycled into new products with mini-
mal contamination.
This process is called ReEntry 2.0, and allows to obtain clean, post-consumer Nylon 6,6 and
return it to Interface’s fiber supplier where it is combined with some raw materials and recycled
into new Nylon 6,6 for use in new carpet fiber. At the same time the post consumer vinyl carpet
backing is recycled into new backing using another process developed by Interface called Cool
Blue. Finally, plastics that can not be used for Interface processes or products are distributed
to other industry suppliers for re-use in their material streams.
ReEntry and Cool Blue are interesting processes because aside from better re-use of materials,
they have lower embodied energy use than other recycling systems in use in the carpet industry
today. Furthermore, since the quality of the recycled product is high, through the process Inter-
face is generating value from something that previously was a waste product.

Use sustainability as a decision factor

Launching a new product is not an easy thing to do. For example, at Danone they explain how they
“are one of the companies in our sector that launches more new products. However, when we launch
a new product we must retire an old one, because we have a limited line to work with. Therefore
launching a new product is always about betting, where you believe you know which way the market
is going to go.” In this regard these companies use sustainability as one of the central criteria when
considering new products and services, where “we have changed some decisions in the past that
we thought could have been a successful product that we were going to launch, but the LCA and
other factors told us it wasn’t the right thing to do, so we didn’t launch it.” At Interface this translates
into a clear understanding that “a couple of products we’ve decided not to launch, and in not launch-
ing those products we will have lost square metres, therefore it will have hit us economically,” and
the same is true about the example we saw of Danone and their packaging. In other words, these
companies use different measures to evaluate products and services. They are making some in-
vestments where “the economic payback is in like 20 years, so never, never would a normal com-
pany invest a large amount of money that is going to pay for itself in such a time frame, but that is
what we do with sustainability, and we do it because is the right thing.”

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Sustainable products and services 67

Chapter 9. Innovating Innovation 1 The DKV mini-case study
was developed by Marc Vilano-

Authors like Henry Chesbrough have been saying for a long time that in-
novation is an evolving concept and therefore that a big part of the in-
novation process is innovating innovation itself. This means that to be
an innovative company it is required to question and change even the
ways in which the company has successfully been creative and innova-
tive in the past. In other words, to be truly innovative, a company must
foster thinking outside of the box. The problem is that thinking outside
the box is easier said than done. As many people at Danone and Inter-
face have told us in our interviews, it is extremely difficult for someone
who is working all day in a certain department, which has a particular
culture and approach, to suddenly look at things differently. That is why
we found that at Danone and Interface they try to shake the innovation
process by accepting that innovation can come from anywhere; by trying
to set up teams differently; by not discarding any ideas initially, regard-
less of how crazy they sound; by experimenting and learning by doing; by
opening up the innovation process; and by developing tools to help them
along the way when they realize that there are no tools available. Most
importantly we found that sustainability is a very powerful tool to shake
things up, and that it requires people to ask different questions and to
look from different angles. In summary, we found that sustainability gen-
erates innovation.

Innovation is about solving problems

We found that at Danone and Interface innovation as a concept was not

seen as a process to generate a particular value, but rather as a way to
solve problems and to face challenges. That is, people in these compa-
nies understand innovation as “the ability to solve a problem differently to
the way you currently created the problem. And that’s how I do innovation.”
In other words, at Danone and Interface there seems to be a tendency
to see innovation as a way of looking at things differently and using dif-
ferent tools to solve them, as “people are expecting to find solutions to
things rather than necessarily innovating.” This means that for these com-
panies innovation is about “thinking and doing things in different ways
and then translating that into something that actually works.” Thus, inno-
vation is about developing ideas that solve problems, and also about
transforming the processes and the products. Innovation for this com-
pany must include generating some tangible value for the company. As
one of the interviewees told us:”you can do things differently in a labora-
tory but if you’re not taking it to the market and it’s working, you might as
well not have done it, really.” In Box 71 we present the case of DKV Spain,

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Innovating Innovation 69

as an example of a company which sees sustainable innovation as a central strategic business
process to face challenges, solve problems and take advantage of opportunities.

Box 7: DKV Spain

DKV Spain is the Spanish affiliate of Munich Health, the leading European company in Health
Insurances, which is part of the German group ERGO Insurance Group, insurance division of
Munich Re. The Spanish subsidiary of DKV has been in operations 10 years. In 2009 DKV
Spain managed a volume of premiums in excess of 530 million euros, representing a 23%
growth from 2008. In terms of CSR, DKV presents an interesting case as the CSR activities of
DKV Spain are not the result of a world-wide corporate strategy, or implementing policies de-
signed by headquarters. Rather, CSR at DKV Spain is the initiative of the Spanish subsidiary,
which in some instances is influencing the corporate headquarters and the company interna-
tionally. The main reason behind the advanced CSR practices at DKV Spain seems to be the
vision and leadership of its CEO, Josep Santacreu, who has put CSR in the agenda since becom-
ing CEO ten years ago, perhaps because before joining DKV Insurance he was for years a mem-
ber of the international non-profit Doctors Without Boarders.
Currently DKV Spain is at end of its strategic plan for the period 2007-2010, named “Commit-
ment Plan”, which established the company’s four strategic pillars for growth: (1) innovation, (2)
excellence, (3) CSR, and (4) internationalization. According to DKV Spain’s sustainable report,
“the goal is the integration of CSR into the company’s strategy and daily operations, by taking into
account the sustainability of management in relation to both society and the environment whilst
maintaining ethical behaviour with the company’s stakeholders”. In specific terms, DKV Spain’s
CSR strategy focuses on 5 areas: (1) clients, (2) employees, (3) dialogue with stakeholders, (4)
community involvement, and (5) environmental protection. Some examples include establishing
collaborations with consumer groups to improve the understanding of the language used in in-
surance contracts, guaranteeing insurance for old age, giving insurance health care for adopted
children with the same rights as natural children through their parent’s policy, or hiring only
disabled workers for their call centre.
However, this CSR approach is seen by DKV Spain as one the sources of competitiveness, and
that is why their current business strategic plan for the period 2007-2010, defines the overall
objective to “double the business size” through: (1) organic growth of the existing business; (2)
mergers and acquisitions of other insurance companies; and (3) to achieve these objectives
through “the differentiation based on innovation within a framework of a responsible and sustain-
able company”.

Thinking outside the box

A big part of the innovation process for these companies seems to be thinking outside the box. The
problem, as we mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, is that thinking outside the box is not easy
to do because “when somebody is very much focused on what they’re doing, like I make this, and I
make it flat, and we’re experts at making this product, it’s very difficult and kind of unfair to tell them to

70 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Innovating Innovation

come out of this. To say, do this perfectly and then go and think about something totally crazy, it’s very
difficult.” Therefore, to think outside the box these companies seem to focus on mixing up the working
teams and on adopting an open innovation spirit. In other words, at these companies they under-
stand that to force people to look at things differently they need to put people together who actually
look at things differently, and force them to work side by side to solve problems. In this regard, in
these companies they look for an “open innovation framework and moving away from having this R&D
functions that are very closed, to having more kind of floating people who are managing these kind of
networks across countries and business units.” The goal is to generate working teams that almost
organically become creative and innovative, “to radically change the way we look at the problem, or the
situation, or the challenge; however you want to call it. We had a situation and we had to sit down, talk,
argue, commit to some things and we finally created a way of working that today is really innovative. It
is a change that has been implemented and that has substituted an active way of working.”

Going beyond radical innovation

When one thinks of innovation there is the tendency to think of big changes, big leaps that trans-
form an entire market. We found that at Danone and Interface they understand that they need
both radical as well as incremental innovation in equal quantities. Moreover, we found that they
sometimes believe that incremental innovation can be just as disruptive, on occasion even more
so, than radical innovation. In fact we found that the difference between radical and incremental
innovations for these companies is based more on how they look at the problems than on the
size of the transformation generated. If the innovation is based on an existing process, it builds
on things they already know, and then it is incremental. On the other hand, if the innovation re-
quires looking at things from an entirely different point of view, then it is radical. Regardless,
Danone and Interface seem to understand that incremental and radical innovation are two sides
of the same coin, and should therefore be equally considered but approached differently.

Thus, innovation is both incremental and radical, where often “a more radical approach can then
be integrated into the incremental stuff, and that’s actually really interesting.” Because these com-
panies seem to understand that “what you find is a bit like an escalator. The easiest thing in it is
to get the low hanging fruit, so the high hanging fruit we won’t touch because it’s more difficult and
it costs a bit more money to do. But it won’t go away, because you do the easy things first and then
you do the more difficult things next, so these ideas, unless a time span or a reason for them makes
them go away, they sit there and when this idea you pick from the basket is a success, you take
another one.” In this regard, these companies apparently understand that incremental innovation
does not mean that these changes are not important, because most the time “it is incremental
change that we’re looking for, it’s small little changes but when you look at all the small little chang-
es it makes a difference.” However, at Danone and Interface, they understand that accepting the
importance of incremental innovation should not be in detriment of radical innovation because
they realize that if you focus on doing “very well on the incremental stage and on the medium-term
range, you start to lose a little bit on the innovations horizon and vision.”

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Innovating Innovation 71

As we said before, they see incremental and radical innovation as two concepts that are intimate-
ly linked. First, they understand that the company will naturally focus on “some of the low-hanging
fruit that we can do without much investment, and its day-to-day activity”, but that is not bad in itself.
Quite the opposite, these companies seem to appreciate “that innovation for us can often come
from many small projects, with small people, from anywhere in the world”. Secondly, however, these
companies understand that these incremental innovations slowly transform the organizations, and
that while so doing, they must foster a working culture where people in the company “also need to
be able to question everything, and I mean everything, and to seriously consider all the apparently
crazy ideas.”

Learn by doing

Understanding innovation as an evolving and dynamic process also means that these companies
learn by doing, where “someone in the company will pioneer. They will break the ground, they will
come up with where the problems are, so they have a learning curve and we must learn from that.”
Thus, there seems to be a mix of the corporate culture pushing in a certain direction, but also
experience showing that this direction is correct, as “there was a learning curve, but there were
certain aspects that were built into our nature anyway.” The point is that innovation often seems to
generate unexpected results, and the company must be ready to absorb the most it can out of
them, as “this process has been a huge laboratory to turn this idea into a success, but it is also in-
fluencing a lot the way in which we act in other areas as well.” So, there seems to be a sort of trial
and error going on that is not only accepted and embraced, where “we have a lot of initiatives here,
some champions, others not so much, but what is certain is that we learn a lot while we do them all,
we learn by doing.” For example, at Danone they realize that a lot of what they do generates great
unexpected opportunities and also transforms the organization and the way it looks at things. For
example, “the Bangladesh project allows us to learn a lot about our capacity and our skills to build
a factory under different conditions. Then if we had never done this project today we would have a
different vision about the way to manage an industrial tool of this type. So this sort of innovation
comes from what we learn from unexpected places, both within and outside the company, for exam-
ple from small veterinaries or people from a village.”

Don’t discard any ideas initially

In order to reap the benefits of innovation, these companies seem to agree that they need to be
open to all ideas, or said differently, to not initially discard any ideas because they are too “out
there”. All ideas deserve to be discussed and considered, so that “always at the beginning we
study the ideas, as crazy as they may seem.” This does not mean to accept all ideas, but simply to
consider them properly and then to “have regular stop-go meetings in the project plan to say, okay,
once we have the costing, does this look doable or not? If it doesn’t, then it’s dropped.” But at the
beginning “we share all of these ideas, and then the good ideas we move to the top and those are

72 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Innovating Innovation

the ones that we’ll take forward.” This process is not necessarily about discarding ideas, but about
transforming them into viable projects, because it seems that when different ideas are discussed
they “find that there is a convergence of ideas. There is a merger of ideas, there’s an overlap with
innovation projects. So we often see an opportunity to merge them together and start doing one or
two things that are actually two or three projects, into one project.” The point is that these compa-
nies don’t like to “dismiss any of them initially. Some of them will fester on and vegetate and debate
and think about for a longer period of time than others, that’s all.” Nevertheless, there is a certain
degree of selection process going on, but these processes, at least initially, are based more on
experience than on data, as they often “analyse them and make a judgment based on my experi-
ence and talking to the close people around me on what we think are the most likely successes.”

Innovation can come from anywhere

At companies like Danone and Interface innovation is driven by a culture in which it is understood
that no idea must be discarded, and that ideas can come from anywhere in the organization. In
other words, innovation is about openness, flexibility and dynamism where “anyone can have an
idea within the organisation and put that forward.” So, the innovation is a process focused on pro-
moting the growth of creativity and innovation, understanding that “some of this stuff that we’ve
come up with have been Eureka moments lying in the bath for individuals, others have been conver-
sations that have been held over a period of time, evolving to a new idea, and then other ideas have
come from talking to external people about what’s available in the marketplace.” Also, it is under-
stood that looking at different ideas is done to stay open, but also to spread the risk, “because we
never know which projects will make it and which will not. Then you can not put all your chips in one
hand, you have to diversify.” This means that the company must be proactive to “know the network,
to keep your ears open, and listen very much to your external partners, such as suppliers and cus-
tomers, being open and hearing what people want, that is where ideas are coming from.” In the end,
as we mentioned before, these companies understand that “we are innovative because we make
tangible things, so that most of the work is focused in innovating in most aspects of the organization.”
Said differently, innovation can come from anywhere, but also go everywhere.

Sustainability fosters innovation

Sustainability seems to be a common source of innovation for Danone and Interface, as sustain-
ability forces you to look at things differently “because if you think about sustainability all the time
in what you do, you’re not just going down the straight, cheapest line. It becomes like a constant
challenge, which is a lot more interesting than being kind of straightforward.” This is something we
found again and again in our interviews: the conviction that sustainability almost naturally fosters
innovation. Part of the reason seems to be that companies often lack the skills and the knowledge
to confront certain situations that they must face in sustainability practices. As one interviewee
told us, “what do people in operations know about dealing with non-profits? What do people in mar-

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Innovating Innovation 73

keting know about customers in emerging markets? These things we know very little about.” Thus, it
appears that simply by asking people to look at issues related to their daily jobs of which they
know very little about, Danone and Interface find a way to force people outside the box, or at least
to look for people outside the box to help them figure out the problems.

At Interface they very graphically refer to sustainability as Mount Sustainability, and they describe
with this metaphor how they approach innovation through sustainability: “half our time we are look-
ing at our existing product portfolio and we’re pushing it up the mountain incrementally, bit by bit, to
improve the impact, to take our existing product and make it achieve mission zero. The other half of
my time, we stand at the top of the mountain and we’re thinking clearly about innovation in terms of
how it should be, about the long term.” In other words, in a company like Interface they tell them-
selves “to forget what we already know about flooring, forget about what we know about what we
make, forget what capital investment and equipment we’ve got in the business, if we were going to
start again from scratch, how we would do it? How would we make that product?” In summary,
Danone and Interface seem to understand and accept that sustainability facilitates innovation,
and that in some instances it can even multiply its effects. We can see in Experience 12 the ex-
ample of how Danone developed a factory in Bangladesh together with Grameen Bank, and how
this process generated significant innovation at Danone.

Experience 12: Grameen Danone Foods

In 2006, Danone created with Grammen Bank (the micro-finance organization founded my Mu-
hammad Yunus), a social business enterprise in Bangladesh called Grameen Danone Foods. The
central objective of the social company is to bring daily healthy nutrition to low income nutrition-
ally deprived populations in Bangladesh and alleviate poverty through the implementation of a
unique community based business model that includes working with local communities in central
issues such as buying milk and agricultural products, or selling and distributing the products.
To that end, Grameen Danone Foods aims to protect the environment of its communities not only
through providing nutritious food products, but also by other means such as developing solar and
bio gas energies, or developing environmentally friendly packaging for its products. The central
product is an easily affordable dairy product that fulfils the nutritional needs of children including
micronutrients that they lack, such as vitamins and minerals, Iron, Zinc, and Calcium. Initially the
project developed one plant, but the goal is to develop another 50 plants over the next years.
What is interesting about this project is that Danone industrialists, who are probably among the
world’s top experts in developing factories for dairy products, were not prepared to set up a
factory in the conditions initially encountered in Bogra, with uncertain energy flow, poor infra-
structures, and difficulties to control quality, transportation problems, water, veterinaries, and
so forth. To that end, industrialists at Danone “had to come up with a whole new way to develop
a yoghurt factory that resulted in our industrialists developing innovations that later on have re-
sulted in improvements in the production process in other Group factories.” In this regard, people
at Danone told us that the project, regardless of the social benefits for the people in Bangla-
desh, generated a great value for Danone in terms of innovation.

74 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Innovating Innovation

Open innovation

Danone and Interface seem to be approaching some of the problems associated with innovating
innovation itself by adopting a more open innovation process, where “some time ago, we used to
do all of the innovation work within the operations area, but now it comes from the strangest places.”
In part, the change has been brought on by the recognition that traditional innovation processes
would not be able to take the organizations to their goals, particularly in the field of sustainability
where, as we have discussed, companies understand that they lack the necessary skills to achieve
most of the goals defined by the company. For instance, at Interface “we recognized that to get to
2020, we weren’t going to get there with the step-by-step stuff, and we needed bigger thinking and
some external people.” So, a first step in opening innovation is to admit that you simply don’t have
the skills, the competencies or the resources to do what needs to be done “so yes, we will work
with other people to come up with a solution.” Since these companies have very limited experience
with open innovation, often times it becomes simply about “throwing a problem out onto the
sphere, the web, and wait for people to come back and offer us solutions for it.”

Today we find that open innovation is becoming a central part of the innovation process at Danone
and Interface, where “the pipeline was the first stage, then it was the openness to listening to ideas
from the outside and evaluating them, then finding the funding and building the team, and always
with a very strong external presence. Today pretty much my day-to-day is speaking and managing
relationships with external people.” In other words, the companies are now investing proactively in
open innovation, “exploring, looking at how we can make innovation processes more open. What
we’ve been doing since about 2004 when we really started to put some effort into this is to invest
into time and people, into relationship building, and finding the right people to partner with and to
work with, to help us do more radical innovation.” Part of the reason is self interest, as these com-
panies are “looking for new sources of inspiration, because our expertise has a limit, and from the
point of view of a change agent this process is extremely important. We get ideas and new inspira-
tions from experts, universities, researchers, scientists, and etcetera. In a manner of speaking we try
to catch, along the way, anything that seems interesting.” For example, at Danone they regularly in-
vite inspiring speakers to come to their sustainability committee meetings to present innovative

Thus, apparently open innovation in these companies so far “has been an organic process, very
much connected to who approaches us and what the connection is to the market.” In this regard,
sustainability seems to have played a big role in building open innovation processes, as “our sus-
tainability position is kind of a magnet for new projects and new ideas from organizations”. When
you talk to Danone and Interface you realize that their reputation as being sustainable “is the rea-
son they come to us in the first place, it’s quite interesting, it is because we are a magnet. So, if we
were not this company, they would have gone to a competitor with this material. And the competitor
would probably have said, go away, it’s too difficult. But we said okay. “So there seems to be a se-
quence where everything fits: the companies have a reputation for being sustainable, they attract
organizations that have innovative ideas in the sustainability field, these organizations present

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Innovating Innovation 75

these ideas to Danone and Interface, and they embrace these ideas to turn them into tangible
transformations, where “It’s all about partnering and collaboration because like I say, sustainability
is the mother of all collaboration. So we have to collaborate otherwise nothing is going to happen.”
In Experience 13 we can see the example of a project developed by Interface, in which the com-
pany invested a lot of hours and resources in an open innovation process which has produced an
interesting product and more importantly has rendered great opportunities for the future of Inter-

Experience 13: Zelflo

In 1996 there was an organisation who filed the patent for this new sustainable cellulose com-
plex based material, which had a lot of potential applications but could not be developed at an
industrial scale. The problem was that the fabrication of the material was just impossible, be-
cause it required too much water and energy. Later on, a German organization bought that pat-
ent, and in 2003 they approached Interface to see whether we would be interested in funding
some research on potential applications of this cellulose based material and the industrializa-
tion process. In practical terms (as the people at Interface describe it), the situation was a guy
going to Interface with a bucket of liquid telling them that this material had all this potential, but
that they didn’t have the resources to develop it. Interface saw the potential of this new product,
but they also did not have the resources for the necessary research, so they went to look for
external funding. Interface, together with the partners for this project, was able to get one mil-
lion pounds from the UK government and some other sources to carry out the research.
Thus, the project was officially launched in 2007, initially working with two laboratories in the
UK, the German organization and later another laboratory in France. The project team included
the technical team from Interface, cellulose experts, architects, technical people, finance peo-
ple, the paper industry, and so forth. The team was able to solve a lot of the production prob-
lems, and even develop some new products or by-products. That is why Interface, together with
the other project partners, created a new company called Zalthrone, and filed some additional
patents for the new products and processes.
What is interesting about this process is that a lot of the applications of this new product have
nothing to do with Interface’s core business. However, Interface was able to identify a very in-
novative product that provided significant sustainability solutions and chose to embark on the
project. Right now there are over a 100 different companies interested in using or purchasing
some of the Zalthrone solutions and their potential applications to other industries, so that this
may become an interesting joint venture for Interface. It is also interesting that Interface has
decided to manage this project through a new company developed through a joint venture.

The idea seems to be that openness is a key strategic factor, particularly in generating more dis-
ruptive or radical changes, as “we could not have done it without external people. If we had just had
the idea externally and then tried to deliver internally, it would have been impossible. So our radical
innovation is as much about relationship.” This means that innovating innovation is also about new
ways of working through partnerships, joint ventures, collaborations, stakeholder engagement and
dialogue. For instance, as we saw at Danone in Experience 12 “when we had to start a small new

76 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Innovating Innovation

factory in Bangladesh we asked ourselves: who are our stakeholders?, not the big companies that
sell us the machinery. Then, who should we talk to? We must talk to veterinarians, people from the
village, local suppliers, and so forth. And once you accept this it changes everything. Then your stake-
holders and the resources you need to mobilize or to start the Project are different.” It also means
looking for other resources, such as public funding or simply finding synergies with business part-
ners or clients.

Setting up the right teams

The problem with innovating the innovation process itself is that it becomes even more compli-
cated to manage, as it requires a certain type of people or certain type of skills that, as we dis-
cussed before, often are not available in the company. As someone told us, “it is stupid to think
that one day you could arrange a meeting, take all your technical people internally, put them in the
room and say, think out of the box. These guys are living permanently in this box for 365 days a year,
as soon as they walk out of that meeting they are going to go back into this box. They’ll never get out.
Now it’s not to say they can’t innovate and they can’t think. However, for the innovation process if they
even think they’re in the box, they’ve already had a bad start.” Thus, for Danone and Interface the
innovation process becomes, in part, about putting together people within the organization that
bring in different ideas, and also forcing people from the company to look outside for other com-
panies, organizations and individuals that can contribute to create the kinds of solutions neces-
sary. However, we found that for these companies the process “for us it becomes more about fos-
tering a certain behaviour than about managing activities, more about getting the system boiling.
Managing represents a process, teams fully dedicated to that, and we think innovation comes from
everywhere, and we simply can not get everywhere.” Ironically, these companies seem to under-
stand that the more they open the system internally as well as externally the less they can for-
mally manage it as a linear innovation process and more as open innovation.

For Danone and Interface, innovating the innovation process requires the establishment, manage-
ment and maintenance of what “could be referred to as our open innovation team, and what this
group of people is, is an ever-changing eclectic mix of people who want to be associated with us, who
have certain skill sets that we’re interested in, and all of them have a deep-rooted, personal belief in
environmental sustainability and social sustainability.” In other words, for them, open innovation is
about finding people and organizations that share their culture of sustainability and innovation.
Often this process means “fostering local innovation, thinking that innovation is really on the field,
in people’s heads, in employees, in suppliers, and in clients.” That is also part of the reason why
sustainability plays such an important role in innovation in this company, “as responsibility is
partly about giving back to our environment part of the value we generate, but this also means that
we must build together with our environment. Then it is not about giving back, but to build together
a common project, where responsibility works both ways, because there is a point where you give, a
point where you return, and a point where you receive, so that this is a common effort that involves
a lot of people in and outside the company.”

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Innovating Innovation 77

Innovative tools

The problem with being a pioneer in any field is that there are usually no tools available to evalu-
ate, measure and manage the activities being developed. This is why Danone and Interface have
to be innovative as well in developing technical tools to manage their sustainability activities, or to
change their existing ones. For instance, to measure basic sustainability performance Danone
developed a tool called Danone Fundamentals which is a measurement tool that evaluates how
each country’s subsidiary of Danone is doing in terms of the minimum requirements defined by the
group. In this regard, “the Danone Fundamentals is very basic, it does not give us a best practices
benchmark, but rather it defines our minimum compliance requirements. So the company wants that
a minimum is fulfilled, because it is a risk management tool. Then the measurements are audited by
KPMG to make sure that we do it well.” Similarly, Interface has developed “what we call our sustain-
ability index tools. So a lot of products go into that as well, and we look at not just individual products
getting better, but it’s a whole range of our products and not just some of them that get better as
well, but it’s mainly a life cycle analysis tool that we use to evaluate whether we are doing the right
thing.” These two tools are to measure impacts and avoid risks. Experience 14 presents the
Danone Fundamentals tool in further detail.

Experience 14: Danone Way Fundamentals

In 2001 Danone developed a tool called “The Danone Way”, which was designed to evaluate
the degree of integration of sustainability issues along operations, business units and subsidi-
aries. Today the company has what they call “Danone Way fundamentals”, which establish
specific objectives in five areas:
• Human rights: the goal is to ensure trust wherever Danone operates through controlling basic
issues such as forced labour, diversity and safety.
• Human relations: the goal is to build a solid base to achieve business success and social
project (the double projet) through issues such as social dialogue, working time, benefits and
personal development).
•Environment: the goal is to reduce the footprint in operations, including the supply chain,
through issues such as environmental risk management, raw materials, or packaging.
• Customers: the goal is to be in tune with consumer’s needs, through issues such as quality
control, nutrition or health.
• Governance & relations with external partners: the goal is to provide a clear reference system
that established a framework on how Danone conducts business, through issues such as busi-
ness conduct policies, suppliers and local communities.
The Danone Way Fundamentals are not goals, but rather minimum standards. Thus, for each of
the issues there are different levels of fulfilment, from level 1, which is the minimum, required,
to level 4, which is the most advanced. In the system, points are assigned for each level (0 for
level 1, 10 for level 2, 20 for level 3, and 40 for level 40). Each subsidiary of the Group is rated
according to a start system (similar to hotels) and then given an overall rating benchmarked
against other subsidiaries of the group of similar characteristics. The entire process is audited
externally by KPMG.

78 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Innovating Innovation

Both Danone and Interface invest a lot of time and resources into developing specific tools in order
to measure, evaluate and verify sustainability activities. For instance, at Danone “we have meas-
ured everything, we spent the better part of 2008 measuring, and now we can tell you how much
CO2, water and other impacts we have for each gram of yoghurt or other products we produce.” At
Interface they have also “developed a tool to measure environmental impact for each product. Be-
cause we sell visions of products that are environmentally friendly. Then we developed a tool that
measures the life cycle for each product that we put in the market, and we assign it a number, and
that number is in relation to the standard set up at the starting point. For example, if we say a prod-
uct has impact 75 it means that the impact is 25 points lower that the initial point (which is defined
as 100) but still 75 points away from our goal, which is 0.” In this regard, in terms of products both
Danone and Interface “use tools based on the LCA (life cycle analysis) and the footprint.” Experience
15 shows Interface’s EcoMetrics, which is a system created by Interface to track their progress
toward their Mission Zero goal.

Experience 15: EcoMetrics by Interface

EcoMetrics is a measurement system Interface created in 1994 to track their progress in
achieving their sustainability goals. The tool measures how much all the inputs (energy and
materials) and outputs (products and waste). Key metrics are:
• Waste elimination in terms of cumulative avoided cost
• Waste elimination in terms of waste sent to landfills
• Waste elimination through the ReEntry program
• Energy use
• Energy consumption profile
• Renewable energy
• Recycled and biobased materials
• Greenhouse gas emissions
• Water intake – broadloom
• Water intake – modular carpet
• Safety
The EcoMetrics system is designed to quantify Interface’s “metabolism”, or “the mass and
energy flow through the company’s operations. Furthermore, these EcoMetrics are designed to
measure the advance of Interface as a global organization, and thus consider the aggregate of
all company operations. However, there are also specific EcoMetrics per facility, which measure
the inputs and outputs particular to each office or factory.

At Interface, for example, they “have a very scientific way of our impact on product, the life cycle
analysis methodology. And we have this as an external process, the software is external, it’s not third-
party certified but it’s certainly not our own invention. And we measure impact of our products using
that methodology, internally when we are doing product development. “ However, these measure-
ments are not solely developed for verification purposes, rather they are a fundamental part of
their understanding of sustainability as a truly strategic issue. For example, at Danone they have

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Innovating Innovation 79

been trying to integrate impact measurements into their SAP system, with the idea that impact will
be automatically measured throughout Danone. The reason for this is that “we understand that
just as now all food products must include ingredients and nutrition in the labelling, we believe that
very soon they will also have to include footprint, and we want to be ready for that.”

Talking through new platforms

A final thing that called our attention in terms of ways in which these companies try to innovate
the innovation process itself is in how they are open to use different ways to meet and talk, par-
ticularly in terms of using virtual technologies. In this regard, we identified countless instances in
which people discussed how they tend to discuss these sustainability issues through unconven-
tional platforms in their everyday business, such as skype, audio links, blogs and social platforms
such as Facebook, among others. Part of the reason for using these alternative technologies
seems to be that since sustainability requires establishing teams, both within and outside the
organizations, different than those used in the units, people tend to look for alternative ways to
connect. For example, at Danone they explained to us how “we manage a network, blogs and a
global Facebook to give people around us the opportunity to grow at the same rhythm as us, because
if they don’t grow we are limiting our own growth potential.” In the end, the overall objective of the
tools being used to measure and manage sustainable innovation is to “check that we are being
innovative, and also check from a sustainability perspective. We have to make sure we are going the
right way.”

80 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Innovating Innovation

Chapter 10. Challenging the organization

When you interview people at companies like Danone and Interface, it sometimes seems that the
organization is going out of its way to make the life of workers harder rather than easier. We under-
stand that any company needs to grow and improve, and that in order to do that, companies tend
to be ambitious and to demand performance, but in the case of Danone and Interface we felt the
organizations went beyond that. They actually looked for ways to challenge the organization, to
generate contradictions, to foster tensions and to look for conflicts. On the other hand, we also
found that these companies give their people the freedom, flexibility and resources to face these
conflicts. The main idea seems to be that that innovation and sustainability thrive in an environ-
ment of challenge and empowerment.

Setting crazy goals

One of the main ways companies like Danone and Interface seem to challenge the organization is
by defining big goals. The rationale seems to be that they need to establish goals which inspire
people in order to generate innovation, “because compliance is not conducive to innovation”. The
idea is to “put ourselves in situations that force us to think about everything upside down, for instance
the factory in Bangladesh. We said that we could not get cold milk. That forced us to think what are
we going to do? Then we thought we will first pasteurize and then work the milk differently than we
usually do. Then we said, we could not have consistent energy. That forced us to think again what we
were going to do? Then we thought we will produce biogas with the cows and see how we can use
that, etc. All these became a laboratory where we were inventing something that worked more or less,
that wasn’t perfect, but which motivated us. Because of this experience we learned a lot of things that
will help us in building other factories. Because our people who are experts on building factories real-
ize that they don’t know a lot, and that they have to be creative when conditions are not perfect.” This
Danone example illustrates this central idea that we found again and again; these companies force
extreme situations to induce innovation as “these types of crazy projects force us to forget everything
we know, and to start from scratch, and that is an enormous source of innovation.”

Therefore, these companies share the idea that “we must give people big challenges”, and that
sustainability is one of the greatest challenges they can provide because “if you don’t aim for al-
most impossible levels of excellence of sustainability then you’re only going to be making small im-
provements and you’ll never get to where you want to be.” Then, these companies purposely “aim
for impossible levels of sustainability”, but also try to send the message that despite not knowing
how, there is complete confidence that the workers of the organization will succeed in achieving
those impossible levels. In other words, Danone and Interface share the idea that “you have to
start telling your team that you’re going there. Because otherwise, what’s the point.” One of the rea-
sons for establishing crazy goals seems to be to produce a shared vision, a final goal, because
these companies realize that “you have to start with this impossible dream of what you need and
then you start to see, you start to understand.” The general idea seems to be to force the people
to “always be thinking what it could look like? How could it be the best that it could possibly be? And
if it seems impossible then we have to find a way to make it possible, because that is where we need

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Challenging the organization 81

to go. I think this may be the connection between sustainability and the innovation: in having the big,
audacious goals.” Thus, it seems that companies like Danone and Interface foster the establish-
ment of “big hairy audacious goals…because your brain has to think in a different way, and you don’t
immediately see how to get there, which forces you to be more creative.” The final goal is that “if you
aim for something really high, you can fail but at least you’re aiming in the right direction.”

In the end these companies seem to share the idea that the company must have different levels
of objectives, where some of these objectives have to be clear and obtainable while others must
be crazy, and even then some must be crazier than others. For example, at Danone one executive
discussed how “if you establish easy objectives you will not get anywhere. That is, the objective al-
ways has to be an ambition, and for me an ambition is more than an objective. An objective is some-
thing that you can calculate in your excel and know more or less a possible way to get there. For me
an ambition means that there is a part of this objective that you have no clue how to get. For exam-
ple, you could ask me: do you know how to achieve the 30% reduction in CO2? My answer would be
no. I know some part, but there is a part that still today I don’t know how to get. But we have a list of
projects, some crazier than others, which I am confident will get us there. For example, we have a
project to make all Actimel bottles from sugar cane, and if we make it, it will reduce our CO2 emis-
sions significantly.” In this regard, sustainability seems to be one of the areas with more uncer-
tainty in terms of how to achieve the goals, perhaps in part because Danone and Interface are
leaders in the field and therefore are some of the first companies facing these challenges. As they
say at Interface, advancing in sustainability is like climbing a mountain, and “it is a very high moun-
tain that we’ve set for ourselves.”

Accepting that these companies purposely define very ambitious and even crazy goals, we still
wonder why they set these goals and not others. For example, why does Danone want to reduce
CO2 emissions by 30% by January 1, 2012? Why not 40%? Why not December 31, 2011? Here, we
find that these objectives are often defined based on intuition and logic. The same would be true
for goals set up by Interface such as Emissions 0 or 2020. As they say in Danone, “if you peeped
at us from a hole, you would see that we do this things like a family decision or a small shop. Why
30%, because we talked and decided that 20% was too little and that 50% was too much.” Neverthe-
less, they also need to establish objectives that give people the sense that they will require a lot of
creativity to achieve, but that they can achieve them. In other words, the purpose is clearly to chal-
lenge, not to discourage, where “you agree on your targets, but you couldn’t simply say to do some-
thing totally impossible. We need to give them a stretch target, but a stretch target they agree that they
can do and they will strive to attain.” It is, therefore, key to empower workers and to give them the
freedom, flexibility, environment and resources to be able to advance on those impossible goals.

The intrapreneurial spirit

As we discussed in the previous section on crazy goals, Danone and Interface seem to find a way
to be innovative, to grow and to generate value while simultaneously defining inspiring goals and

82 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Challenging the organization

empowering their people to find solutions to achieve those inspiring goals. In other words, these
companies want their workers to have a sort of entrepreneurial spirit, or what we like to call intra-
preneurial spirit, meaning for people to feel that they can and should take initiative and be crea-
tive, to think of themselves as entrepreneurs within the organizations. Furthermore, sustainability
issues seem to be particularly conducive to fostering this intrapreneurial spirit. On the one hand,
Danone and Interface admittedly don’t have the knowledge, expertise or competencies to achieve
sustainability goals. On the other hand, as we discussed in chapter 9, sustainability is often an
area that tends to engage workers at a very personal level. In this regard, people at Danone and
Interface tell us that “we’re given a lot of freedom to be entrepreneurial within those boundaries, so
it fits the entrepreneurial concept. Even if we are not developing it like that, that’s where a lot of the
innovation comes from, from internal entrepreneurs looking to confront a particular problem. That’s
where the sustainability kind of culture breeds, I think.”

To foster an intrapreneurial spirit Danone and Interface seem to focus on giving workers both re-
sponsibility as well as resources, trying not to constrain or kill their initiative. As an interviewee
told us, “my boss tells me this is an idea, this is another, and so forth, but he never tells me you have
to do this.” This is even truer in sustainability issues, where units or departments understand that
they simply don’t have the know-how. This is why at Interface people tell you that “what I was told
is that we want to get to our Emission 0 goal, after that do whatever the hell you want”, or why at
Danone people say that “at Danone there is an idea that is launched, and then each business unit,
each factory, each department, has to implement that idea in its own way, according to its possibili-
ties, however we can. So we all go in a similar direction but each of us follows our own path. There is
no implementation manual.” Furthermore, these companies apparently find that the bigger the chal-
lenge the more necessary is to foster intrapreneurship, as “in the more radical projects, I think the
key has been giving a lot of independence.” The conclusion for Danone and Interface is that as or-
ganizations they need to develop a vision that acts as a long term target, which serves to set the
direction, but that then “each factory has to have a plan, each product manager needs a plan, each
department needs a plan…and we have to help them design and implement these plans.” In Experi-
ence 16 we look at the example of Danone Spain and the Foodbank, and how a local initiative built
by local executives has become an important success story that will potentially spread to other
group companies.

Experience 16: Danone Spain and the Foodbank

In October of 2009, Danone Spain signed an agreement with the Spanish Foodbank to go from
being a punctual donor of products, as most food producers are, to being a continuous donor.
In practical terms this means that aside from giving to the Foodbank excess production and
unsold products, as it was doing until now, Danone Spain will also deal with the Foodbank “as
if they were just another client.” This means including the products earmarked for the Foodbank
in the production planning and involving the 8 logistical centers Danone has in Spain. This not
only will increase the products donated, but will allow the Foodbank to better plan, manage and

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Challenging the organization 83

distribute the donation, which is currently its main problem as it is very difficult to estimate
when a company will give donations. In terms of the amount of food given by Danone Spain, the
agreement calls for an increase from 5 to 10 million units per year, or from 600 to 1,200 tons
per year approximately.
Aside from the food donations, the agreement also calls for efforts to raise social awareness.
To that end Danone has developed a program through which the donation can be increased by
1 million units per year. The program is called “Together we help twice as much” and consists of
a simple scheme where consumers of Danone Spain can enter a website and input a numerical
code attached to the product, and then Danone Spain includes that product in the annual dona-
tion and doubles it.
What is interesting about this initiative is that Danone Spain has developed this program with-
out intervention from headquarters. In fact, currently the rest of the Danone Group is evaluating
as a pilot project for potential implementation in other subsidiaries.

Fostering contradictions 1 The Toyota mini-case study

was developed by Susan Mike-
cz and Marc Vilanova.
One of the principal ways in which Danone and Interface aim to challenge
the organization is by fostering contradictions, embracing paradoxes, and
not running away from conflict. The underlying idea is that tensions and
contradictions can be great sources of innovation. For example, setting
crazy goals and empowering people to face such goals generates ten-
sions and contradictions, where for example “here at Danone there is a
great truth: we love contradictions. For instance, I can tell an executive to
reduce CO2 emissions by 30% and at the same time to increase sales by
30%. He will probably say that he or she can not do both at the same time,
but I will say: tough! That is life.” In this regard at Danone and Interface they
seem to embrace the idea that “contradiction is a source of creativity and
of creation. And here, the bosses never tell me what to do. They tell me to
do it, you know? And then I am the one responsible to get it done, and more
importantly to find the way to do it. If there is a problem as well, they will tell
me to be clever and find a solution.” In this sense a small part of the proc-
ess for these companies, as we discussed in the previous section on the
intrapreneurial spirit, seems to be to empower people in the organization,
to give them the responsibility to feel they must face the contradiction,
where “here we depart from an assumption, which is that if I tell you to do
something, and you do it and it doesn’t work, it is not my fault, it is yours.
Because you are responsible for all your actions and if it was wrong it was
because you were unable to convince me that I was wrong. I know it is
tough, but that is how we do it.” In Box 8 we present the case of Toyota1,
which is a company that has achieved success, in large part, because of
their policy of fostering and pushing contradictions and paradoxes.

84 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Challenging the organization

Box 8: Toyota case
Founded in 1937 by Kiichiro Toyoda as a spin-off of his father’s company – Toyota Industries -
Toyota has expanded its operation from Japan to the U.S. and then to Europe and China in the
last 70 years. As of 2008, it is the largest automotive company in the world in terms of car
sales figures. According to Fortune Global 500, Toyota is the 5th largest company in the world.
Toyota manufactures automobiles with 4 sub-brands (Toyota, Lexus, Daihatsu and Hino), pro-
vides financial services and housing, and even builds robots. However, the majority of its busi-
ness comes primarily from its Toyota & Lexus automotive business.
What is particularly interesting about the Toyota Company, is that it is an organization powered
by creative contradictions. At least that is what a Osono, Shimizu and Takeuchi, a team of re-
searchers from Hitotsubashi University, found after 6 years of research and more than 220 in-
terviews throughout the world. Their findings, presented in an excellent book titled Extreme
Toyota, argue that there are six central contradictions embedded within the culture of the or-
ganization, which are: (1) moving gradually and also taking big leaps; (2) cultivating frugality
while spending huge sums; (3) operating efficiently as well as redundantly; (4) cultivating stabil-
ity and a paranoid mindset; (5) respecting bureaucratic hierarchy and allowing freedom to dis-
sent; and (6) maintaining simplified and complex communication. Furthermore, they find that
sustainability and innovation play a big role in cultivating and fostering these contradictions
within the organization, for example in the development of the Prius.
Perhaps that explains why Toyota is at the forefront of leading the Corporate Social Responsibil-
ity movement in the automobile industry. Based on the original Toyota philosophy “be of service
to society” and “contribute to society through the manufacture of automobiles,” Toyota’s goal is
to accelerate the development of the automobile industry by engaging in social contribution
activities. Toyota’s CSR policy sets out the fundamental principles under which Toyota conducts
its activities. The Toyota Earth Charter (formulated in 1992) describes Toyota’s integrated ap-
proach to tackle environmental challenges. These two key documents are then divided into the
Toyota’s Vision and Environmental Policy. The CSR policies are then developed through six
stakeholder categories, each of which has been detailed with formulated commitments and
measured against 37 KPIs that are linked to the business.

Sustainability seems to play a key role in fostering contradictions and paradoxes, as “by default
anything or any role related to sustainability is kind of intellectually more complex than a stroke line
solution for the cheapest or best whatever solution.” Said differently, sustainability seems to be in-
herently more complex and conducive to generating dilemmas within the organization. In addition,
sustainability becomes a magnet and multiplier for innovation. Perhaps that is why in these com-
panies they “drive people mad, where we’re always saying, no, we can’t use that, we can’t use that,
what else we can use? What else is out there? It is really irritating but it works.” Part of the problem
is that companies like Danone and Interface seem to follow into a cycle where, because of their
culture and reputation, they are expected to act a certain way by internal and external stakeholders
alike. This becomes a sort of self fulfilling prophecy where “having responsibility generates more
responsibility. It is good for our image and reputation, but it gives us a lot more stress to do things in
the right way.”

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Challenging the organization 85

Successful failures

The problem with wanting a challenging organization constantly looking for conflict and expecting
people to be engaged and to take initiative in facing the challenges is that it requires the organiza-
tion to accept or even promote failure, to take risks and to work with intuition. At Danone and In-
terface they tell you that “it has been worthwhile to fail 10 projects in order to get the two success-
ful ones that will give you the growth you need.” This requires embracing a culture where “we believe
in having ideas, in innovation, and that is here at Interface, but I have not seen it in many other com-
panies where there is a make no mistakes policy. When you don’t fail you don’t innovate. That is what
here we call successful failures, where we embrace the idea of having a culture where we let risky
projects run their course.” This culture is accepted in both organizations, understanding that “if it
fails it fails”. As one interviewee told us “we were trained to be able to make a mistake and not
worry about it. We tried, and oh, that didn’t work, and then we said let’s try this, and oh, that didn’t
work as well…So the idea of not being frightened of failing has been put into our heads. They say:
look, don’t worry guys if you fail.”

At Danone, for instance, they are convinced that in the near future all retailers will have to include
in their labels, just as now they include ingredients or nutritional factors, some footprint measure-
ments, both environmental and social. With that in mind some years ago Danone decided to start
a pilot project to integrate sustainability factors in their SAP system. However, the project run into
many problems and was unable to meet deadlines or expectations. Regardless, Danone decided
to continue investing time and resources until the project became operational as of October 2010.
So, it all seems to be part of the same innovation process run by trial and error, and by learning
by doing, where Danone and Interface “have learned a lot from our mistakes. This is a classic proc-
ess of experimentation more than of innovation, you know? We want to invent, to experiment, to learn
from our mistakes, to mobilize people that have different skills than the ones we are used to working
with, and we also want to increase our knowledge, we want to learn.” A big part of the process
seems to be admitting the limitations of the organization, and all the skills, competencies and
knowledge that you lack and where you need help. “We often see people in our company say: look,
we get until where we can get, and from there we don’t know how or we simply can not do it so we
need ideas.” Thus, an important piece of the puzzle seems to be to not be afraid to admit your
limitations, but also not to run away from challenges the company does not quite know how to
face. To the contrary, try to face these problems with innovation.

Work with intuition

A final part of the process to challenge the organization seems to be to accept that, by definition,
these projects will have to be initiated and evaluated, at least at the beginning, using different
standards than the ones the company normally uses for other projects. This doesn’t mean forget-
ting all your project management standards, but simply understanding that “at the beginning there
is intuition, but then that has to be ironed out to make sure you have a correct intuition before you

86 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Challenging the organization

move forward.” The idea these companies seem to share is that a lot of the sustainable innovation
projects are not usual innovation projects, but rather investments, so that “when you pitch a
budget in an organisation, you don’t put a return on investment. It’s not like a capital investment,
where you have to show a payback. This is just an investment. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. It’s
like when you employ somebody, if they turn out to be not as good as you expected you try to put
them someplace else and you move on, but you understand that you will always hire some people
that will not turn out as expected, and the same is true for these type of projects.” In this regard, they
understand that “90% of the sustainability ideas will be simply stupid. Then we must keep our vision
on the projects that can flourish, and all of those are strategic.” Often this also means accepting
that sometimes a project can be valuable in the long term, but generate loses in the short and
even middle term. For instance, at Danone they realized that in the project to eliminate packaging
on their 4 pack yoghurts “right now the nose, the intuition tells us that we have to do it for sure,
because if we don’t do it we will start to face external criticism, and one day some governments will
start passing some tougher regulations on packaging and waste, and we are leaders so we have to
do it first. Then we say, let’s do it, and if we lose money then we lose money.”

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Challenging the organization 87

Chapter 11. The optimist organization

One of the things that called our attention was the overwhelming feeling of confidence and opti-
mism people working in Danone and Interface have in the capacity of their organization to grow
and solve problems. There is a shared sense that these companies can do almost anything if they
set their mind to it, and that they can face most challenges that come their way, however difficult
they may be. Moreover, there seems to be a shared feeling that part of the reason people at
Danone and Interface have such trust in their capacity is precisely because of the fact that they
have innovation and sustainability as their two most important competitiveness assets. In other
words, people in these companies seem to share feelings of purpose, trust, belief and pride, all of
which are closely linked to their sustainable innovation culture.

Sense of purpose

At Danone and Interface there is a shared sense that the company has a mission, a purpose. In
this regard, there seems to be a sense that their reputation as being competitive, sustainable and
innovative helps to generate the right kind of internal and external pressure pushing them to do
better, as they think that “the best thing for a company is competition, because if you have good
competitors you have to be better than them, so it makes us work harder. So competition is excellent,
but we also need a little bit of cooperation, because some of the investments that require the collec-
tion of material and so on, maybe one company cannot do; so it may be, as we move forward, there
has to be cooperatives as well as competition. But competition is good.” In other words, these com-
panies find that competition can push them to improve and also to look at things differently, even
to generate healthy internal pressure from the organization where “you also want to get that pres-
sure internally as well from people saying: what’s happening with 2020? How are we doing?” The
general idea behind this strategy for Danone and Interface seems to be the sense that in order to
be competitive and sustainable in the long run, they need to remain innovative. In Experience 17
we present the example of how Danone is focusing a lot of its strategy into efforts that revolve
around these two axis of sustainability and innovation.

Experience 17: Sustainable innovation at Danone’s business processes

Danone develops sustainable innovation programs in most central business processes, such
as for example:


(a) increasing the recycled content of packages, such as recycling PET bottles; (b) reducing the
amount of materials used in packaging; and (c) developing new packaging solutions, such as
bio-based materials (for instance Actimel bottles made from sugar cane).

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The optimist organization 89

Product development:

(a) Research to confirm and validate health claims of all products and services; and (b) re-
search to develop new healthy products (particularly through the Numico unit).


Providing tools and solutions to help suppliers achieve the sustainability commitments ex-
pected by Danone (such as CO2 emissions or ILO conventions), as well as confirm compliance.


Rationalize truck transportation; (b) increase use of train transport (under what Danone calls
the Marco Polo program); and (c) rationalize the use of logistics platforms through collabora-
tions with business partners and distributors (for instance Zeebrugge in Belgium).


Since 2000 Danone has a program in place to audit production plants to increase sustainabil-
ity and develop corrective measures and action plans. Since 2007 all audits are confirmed by
an external auditor.

Human resources:

Danone develops several programs to foster employee empowerment and engagement through
sustainability issues such as diversity, equal opportunity, mobility, training, personal develop-
ment, safety and work-life balance.

At Danone they have specifically defined that “the group wants to promote the idea of staying in blue
waters, or in other words, always moving in the field of innovation and therefore staying ahead of the
classic hard competitiveness arena, which would be what is called red waters. So for us is the blue
option, which means navigating in new markets, new things and with no cannibals around us. Red
option would be for us when you fight and there is blood. We don’t want that. We want to stay ahead
of our competitors so that we don’t have to fight with them.” Similarly at Interface they recognize that
“we have to keep evolving and coming up with new things, because our competitors, not that they can
copy us exactly, but will come up with a similar product or service. So we have to keep that one step
ahead all the time. And I think that is probably what makes our products look different, with the sus-
tainability banner with it as well.” Thus, both companies share a sense of mission in terms of being
innovative and sustainable where these two concepts feed and reinforce each other.

At Danone and Interface there seems to be a feeling that there is a cycle where the better and
more credible their reputation is as being sustainable and innovative, the more they want to be-

90 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The optimist organization

come sustainable and innovative, thus the better their reputation be- 1 This mini-case study was
developed by Marc Vilanova.
comes, and so forth. This obviously is not without risk, as people in
these companies understand that having such a reputation exposes
them even more to scrutiny and pressure. This, however, seems to im-
prove their sense of focus and purpose even more. There appears to be
an understanding that once these companies set their mind on some-
thing, it will get done, as for example “now the Danone Group has decided
for a path, and what will happen is that we will use our action and reaction
capacities to quickly align the day to day of the company with the strategic
vision of the group.” In the end, there seams to be a sense in these com-
panies that they tend to do things differently, as “we don’t necessarily do
things that other companies would do, or we might choose to do things
that other companies wouldn’t do.” Nevertheless, there is a sense that
these sustainability and innovation activities are not carried out solely
because of their reputation, but mainly because of their vision and con-
viction. Even though they are not sure how things will evolve, there is a
sense that some things will never change: “we will never stop thinking
about CO2 and water, because these are basic resources and we have to
take care of them. What we can not tell, however, is if in the future we will
talk about them in terms of percentages X or Y, or in other terms.” In Box
9 we present the case of Acciona1, which as we can see, is a company
that has a strong sense of purpose, and where sustainability plays a key
role. In fact, Acciona shifted completely its business model and there-
fore transformed the entire organization by defining a vision focused on
sustainability and innovation.

Box 9: Acciona
Acciona is one of the largest Spanish companies, leader in the development and management
of infrastructure, renewable energy, water and services. Listed on the selective Ibex-35 stock
exchange index, it is a benchmark for the market. The company was born as the result of the
merger in 1997 between two old Spanish companies: Entrecanales & Tevora and Cubiertas and
MZOV. In 2009 Acciona had revenues in excess of 6,5 billion euros, was present in more than
30 countries in five continents, and had over 35,000 employees.
In 2004, José Manuel Entrecanales became chairman of Acciona after his father retired from
that same position. His first decision as new chairman was not only to diversify, as many con-
struction companies were doing, but to shift the business model of the company and to start
moving from the very profitable real state and construction sector, into the incipient renewable
energy and infrastructure industries. The decision was at the time quite surprising and risky. In
fact, from the late 1990’s until 2008, Spain experienced a big construction boom, where the
traditional construction sector securing high revenues and profits. Thus, what now we know was

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The optimist organization 91

a construction bubble, after its collapse in 2009, at the time the change in strategy was defined
in 2004 was considered a strong and solid industry with high margins from growth. At the time
Acciona even changed its corporate mission to “contribute actively to social wellbeing, sustain-
able development and the creation of value for its stakeholders.”
In practical terms, this shift in strategy has meant that while in 2003 the construction business
represented 74% of Acciona’s total income and 50% of its profits, in 2009, the same industry
accounted for 52% of revenues and 30% of profits. By contrast the alternative energy business
grew from representing 4% of the total revenues and 3% of the profits in 2004, to representing
24% of the total revenues and 55% of profits by 2009. As a result in September of 2008 Stand-
ard and Poors reclassified Acciona as an Electrical Utility, and in 2009 Acciona became the third
largest wind energy producer in the world.
This shift in strategy was materialized through acquisitions of companies, such as EHN, a lead-
ing manufacturer of wind generators in Spain, the North American company ecoEnergy, or the
purchase of Endesa together with the Italian group Enel. Furthermore, Acciona identified innova-
tion as the key strategic factor to develop and implement the new strategic focus, and increased
investments in R&D by more than 80%. In 2008 one third of net profits was invested in R&D.
Today, Acciona has become the leader in European electricity and construction industries in
terms of innovation intensity. Moreover, the strategic plan for 2013 estimates doubling the cur-
rent investment in R&D. Thus, Acciona is a company that has shifted its business model by
focusing on sustainability and innovation.

Finally, this sense of purpose we talk about translates into the way these companies act on a
daily basis, and more importantly on the way they think strategically. For instance at Interface “we
spend a lot of our money in buying new machinery so that we stay ahead of the competition, but
again all of that is engineered, besides meeting the marketplace requirements, it’s engineered to-
wards our 2020 vision, and one of the things that we will do on a regular basis is that we will look at
our 2020 vision, so we’re where we want to be, and we actually back cast from there to see where
we need to alter some manufacturing routes.” For companies like Danone and Interface, having a
shared sense of purpose based on concepts like innovation and sustainability seems to mean
constantly re-evaluating policies and practices while also believing that the company has the ca-
pacity to overcome the challenges generated through this process.

Sense of belief

Talking to people at Danone and Interface you get the feeling that in these companies there is a
firm belief in the capacity of the organization, as “there is an integral element of optimism within
the organisation. There is science and knowledge and enthusiasm, and aside from that there is the
will to persevere and solve the problems in the long run.” Even when you discuss projects with peo-
ple that are not quite working, there is a sense that “coming quite soon there will be a moment
where things start coming together”, or that even if the initial goals of the project are not fully ac-
complished “I have to say yes, yes, we’ll get there, it might be 98%, but we will be there.” In this re-

92 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The optimist organization

gard, there is a sense in these companies that optimism is almost a key competence to work at
Danone and Interface, because “people who are successful in this business tend to be the optimis-
tic people who embrace the values of the organisation and run with them, and not the pessimistic
people who are sceptical about the values of the organisation and stall them.”

Thus, optimism is a central quality to the organization itself and to the people working in the or-
ganization, both as a prerequisite but mainly as a quality that develops as you work in these com-
panies. In part, this seems to be generated because, as we discussed in chapter 11, these com-
panies appear to go out of their way to make the working environments particularly challenging and
dynamic, so that perhaps the only way to survive is to believe in yourself and in the organization:
“The impression that you are given is because the people you are talking to are particularly optimis-
tic people. It takes an extreme effort. And we have extremely difficult decisions to make. As all busi-
nesses do. And you do it with a smile on your face. So you have to be optimistic to work here.”
However, in part, this shared belief in the organization seems to come from experience, from the
evidence that in the past these companies have been successful “and that history of our company
where things are always done well gives us a lot of guarantee that the new things we do will work
out as well. Because we already know many things, we have learned, and also in this organization
you can always ask around if you don’t know something.”

This idea of things getting done was one particularly interesting concept to explore, as we were
eager to understand how these companies committed resources and processes to innovation, and
we realized that it doesn’t work at all like that. Of course both Danone and Interface have R&D
departments and some resources, but we found that when we asked people to explain to us how
innovations were developed, in most instances, they did not start from a set investment on R&D
and the projects did not have initial budgets. In fact, it seems that it works quite the opposite,
where people feel that “if you’ve got justification for why you need it, and you can show the numbers
and you can show why you think it’s valuable and why it will create longer term value for the com-
pany, then I think that door is always open to listen to that, and in the end you will get the resources,
which is good.” Said differently, people at Danone and Interface share the idea that if there is a
project with potential, regardless of how insane it may seem at first, there is always the option to
discuss it and sell it internally “because we feel that the budget is never a restriction as long as the
project is interesting and agreed. In other words, the work here is to gain people over to the project,
because the money always appears in the end.”

Thus, the process to generate innovative projects at Danone and Interface, seems to be based on
gaining internal consensus and building alliances, both internally and externally. We saw this ex-
ample in a previous chapter, where and interviewee explained how at the beginning “the company
knew it was interesting, but we didn’t have half a million pounds to throw at it when it was not tested.
And it was basically me with a bucket of water with some fibre at the bottom. That’s not going to give
you half a million. So we looked for some funding, we got it and we got things started working with
two laboratories and developing the project. After two years we showed the product has potential
and next we said: this is how much money we need to build a factory for this product, which is ex-

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The optimist organization 93

actly what we’re doing now.” This sense of belief and optimism appears in most of our interviews,
where most of the time people seem to understand that this is just the way things work in the
company, as they “feel that is going to work out, so more than anything you have to look for the le-
vers. Because when one doesn’t see, and is drowning in other things, it becomes quite difficult. But
one that is used to constantly discussing and managing new projects can handle it, you know what
is coming and how it works.” Finally, we found that this belief and optimism is partly based on the
sense that even if things don’t work out, the company will do whatever is necessary to correct the
situation. In other words, there is a sense among people that the company will respond to threats
and problems, and this gives them a sense of faith: “now what I want is to do it and that becomes
a success, not to be tested and to be told it will not work out. Let’s do it, and if it doesn’t work out as
we hoped and we have to do more advertising, more television, more radio, more press, we’ll do it,
because in the end it will happen, so then we will have to make sure it becomes a success.” In con-
clusion, it seems that Danone and Interface try to instil this optimism and belief in the way their
people think and operate.

Sense of pride

We found it particularly interesting how people at Danone and Interface seem to share a sense
of pride belonging to these organizations, where this sense also seems to work as a tool to force
people to do things a certain way. People at these companies feel that “we are a cult company,
particularly in terms of sustainability, an icon. If we lose the opinion leaders, the NGOs, the activists,
society… we will lose our brand”. In other words, being sustainable and innovative works both as
a magnet to attract people, as a system to build a corporate culture based on innovation and
sustainability, as well as a tool to get people aligned with the strategy. ”As an organisation it does
bring people to that, and it means it’s something you can say and be proud of, that the company is
aiming for this, but it also means that you have to consider all these things, it’s a pressure you get,
where you have to ask yourself alright what are we doing? How long away is 2020? Not very far. So
what is actually happening? How can we do it?” Thus, ironically, these companies, in part, seem
to be sustainable and innovative precisely because they say they are sustainable and innovative,
as people immediately understand “sustainability is synonymous of Interface”. “Most of what I do,
our competitors wouldn’t know what to do with. I knew from day one that we are a very innovative

This shared sense of pride is not limited to the companies, but to the actual daily work of the
employees. In this sense, sustainability seems to play a key role in engaging people and making
them feel invested in the company and in their work, as they feel that “I’ve done the job, but I’ve
done better for the environment as well, so there’s a better sense of wellbeing within yourself. So
instead of thinking that you’ve just accomplished something, you feel better because you’ve ac-
complished something and you’ve also moved things in the right direction.” So, there is a sense
of personal purpose, of pride in being part of a project that is not only about making carpets or

94 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The optimist organization

Thus, people understand that “the company has to be profitable, that the company has to be suc-
cessful, the products that we sell have to sell to make it so, but the good feeling that we get from our
sustainability helps a lot. Because being successful and selling gives you the confidence feeling, but
the good feeling that comes with it comes from understanding that your product is more sustaina-
ble.” Ironically, the sustainability sense of pride also helps with being aggressive with sales and
being competitive, as they “know that the more I sell the better, because we have a product that is
good, that is sustainable, and on top of that we do additional things to help people and the environ-
ment.” In this regard, Danone and Interface try to make these central concepts of sustainability
and innovation as key competitiveness factors explicit in their policies. For instance, in Experience
18 we see the example of the bonus system Danone devised for the most senior executives in
order to integrate sustainability in their responsibilities:

Experience 18: The bonus system at Danone

Like most companies, Danone compensate its employees based on a mix of indicators that
blend overall objectives and individual objectives that will result on the payment of a fix and
variable compensation pack. However, in 2008, Danone changed the way the bonus system
was measured for their top 650 managers worldwide, to include social and environmental crite-
ria. In 2010, over 1000 top executives had their bonus determined through this system, and it
is expected that in the near future the system will be applied across the entire organization.
The innovative aspect of this bonus system is that it splits the appraisal across three equally
important indicators: (1) organizational objectives, which are mainly economic goals shared by
the company or unit; (2) business drivers, which are the individual objectives that each em-
ployee must achieve based on the particularities of his or her responsibilities; and (3) sustain-
ability indicators, which are the goals defined for the company or unit in issues such as carbon
footprint, social innovation or social programs.
Social and environmental objectives are defined by the subsidiaries through a tool developed by
Danone called Danone Way Ahead, and afterward they are ratified by the Group. Once the objec-
tive has been ratified for the group it then becomes an objective for the affected executives of
the subsidiary. One example of an objective developed by a subsidiary is “the implementation
of a carbon impact calculator for all stages of the value chain.”

Sense of trust

Trust and credibility in their sustainability initiatives seems to be a central part of the reputation
and competitiveness of Danone and Interface. Thus, these companies appear to understand the
“we will lose a lot of credibility if we don’t achieve our goals, yes.” In this regard, both companies
understand clearly that their reputation and brand equity is a key strategic asset, and that they
have to manage this asset, where “we always have to be careful, because credibility is a very rare
attribute these days in general. The lack of credibility is commonplace out there. Any company that
is doing well is dubbed as inhuman and selfish.” In the end, there is no debate about the motives

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The optimist organization 95

behind the sustainability initiatives, as in these companies people understand that “we don’t want
to change the world; we want to change our world. We do this first and foremost out of conviction,
but we also know it serves our self interest. Because there are no traditional indicators to measure
performance in these sort of initiatives, but we have many experiences and examples of pay-backs
and returns from sustainability projects, but we don’t need these performance indicators because
we believe. We know that sustainability affects the loyalty of our employees, affects the motivation
even of employees that work for other companies that work with us, for example distributors, it im-
pacts how we are perceived in the market. All of this has an enormous impact and we can see it,
because the credibility we have when we face a crisis, when we must open a new factory or we must
launch a new product, the credibility with communities, business partners, non profits and other
stakeholders, all this is truly strategic.”

Finally, at a very personal level there seems to be a sense of trust in the organization in that “each
of us feels that we can make a difference.” As a result, people at Danone and Interface feel that
their actions directly contribute to the innovation and sustainability goal, as “innovation for us also
comes from very small projects from very local offices from anywhere in the world.” The idea is that
the sum of all these small projects is what guarantees that these companies are “successful at
what we do, and we can demonstrate that we can stay successful over the long run.” In summary,
Danone and Interface seem to promote the idea that sustainability is a common long term or-
ganizational goal that must be pursued through innovation and that can only be achieved through
the contribution of all the people in the organization. For instance, in Experience 19 we show the
example of an Interface employee who understands that his daily activities have a direct impact
on some of the central goals of the organization:

Experience 19: The Interface Forklift Driver

At Interface most people know by hart the story of a head of engineering from another company
who visited the Interface factory in LaGrange, Georgia (U.S.A) to hear about Interface’s ap-
proach on sustainability. According to the story, the head of engineering was highly skeptical
during Interface’s presentation and she couldn’t understand why she’d been sent to a carpet
mill in Georgia to learn about sustainability.
During a break, she walked onto the factory floor and met a forklift truck driver named James
Wiesner. When she asked him what he did at Interface, James replied, “I come to work every day
to save the earth” and then he added “I don’t want to be rude, but if I don’t get this roll of carpet
to that machine in the next minute, our emissions are going to go out of control. I’ve got to go.”
The guest was stunned and returned to the seminar room with a whole new agenda. How could
she get her own team that engaged in sustainability?

96 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The optimist organization

Chapter 12. The genuine organization

As William Barnett, professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business often says, the currency of
sustainability is legitimacy. Said differently, companies must understand and explain why they do
things, what their motivations are, what they expect to accomplish and how they plan to do that.
They need to communicate, dialogue and be transparent, and hope that their stakeholders will
understand their motives, their strategies and their actions. In terms of sustainability, this also
means being authentic, or what many people in the sustainability field term “walking the talk”. This
means actually doing things, and avoiding green washing and cosmetic policies, exaggerating
claims or even claiming things that can not be proven. So, it is not only about not lying, but it is
also about not promising things companies have no evidence for. Clearly this is something that is
not really done by most companies. However, in the case of Danone and Interface we did find a
commitment, even an obsession, to be authentic in their claims in regards to sustainability. This,
we found, requires that they focus a lot of their efforts on measuring and evaluating their sustain-
ability policies, but also that they show some humility in terms of not only showing their achieve-
ments and successes, but also discussing their limitations and shortcomings.

Search for legitimacy

Being leaders in terms of sustainability seems to have made things difficult for Danone and Inter-
face in some ways, such as developing new tools, but easier in some other ways in the sense that
they did not have any competition as sustainability leaders. In fact, until not many years ago they
could get away with simply defining long term goals and explaining how they where planning to get
there. For instance, at Interface they explaine how “we were able to generate enough attention and
cover our stakeholder expectations by setting these very complicated objectives, because the objec-
tives themselves where so ambitious that they were sufficiently sexy, such as the Emission 0 objec-
tive. But we now have to show how we are advancing year by year toward that objective, and show
the actual advances.” In this regard it appears that many competitors of Danone and Interface have
realized that sustainability and innovation can be strong strategic assets to give a competitive
advantage and they are developing their own, some simply green washing, others copying what
Danone and Interface do, and others out of true commitment. Regardless, nowadays it is very
complicated to find a top company which does not claim to have sustainability as a core value.
This apparently complicates the search for legitimacy a lot. So, now not only Danone and Interface
must present evidence, but they have to be aggressive with their competitors, “so it’s an interesting
time, a challenging time at the moment, having this reputation as a pioneer in sustainability and
pushing customers and pushing the market and pushing sustainability, to now be in a position where
there are other companies in that role, and so we need to be a bit aggressive about how we position
our story.”

Thus, Danone and Interface are looking at this competition in the sustainability field in terms of
searching for legitimacy, where the key, in their view is to gather evidence, prove that the company
is doing what it says is doing, explain why this is the right way to go and to finally hope that custom-
ers, clients, business partners, communities and other stakeholder recognize the difference. In

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The genuine organization 97

this regard, Danone and Interface search for this legitimacy “being more 1 The Mango mini-case study
was developed by Marc Vila­
transparent. If you can not fight with them using the same tools they use, nova.
and you don’t want to become like them claiming things that are not true,
or at least not sufficiently demonstrated, then you have to take a step back
and tell your clients: these are our numbers, this is our data, judge for
yourself. So in the long run we have an advantage because we can show
that we are doing what we say we are doing, and we wil show that we are
going where we say we are going.”

Nevertheless, legitimacy and authenticity in regards to sustainability

seem to be very important issues for companies like Danone and Inter-
face, as it seems to be more difficult to stay at the top than to get there:
“you set yourself up on a pillar and you say to the world, this is what we’re
going to do, and you set very ambitious targets in the future, you know, it’s
hard to maintain that. But we have to do it. And we do it.” In this regard,
these companies appear to have some confidence that sometime in the
near future the search for legitimacy will generate a different way to
evaluate and measure a company’s performance, a system not so fo-
cused on financial results, but looking more at long term sustainability.
They believe “that the day that the way to measure a company’s perform-
ance changes, the next day decisions will be made differently, but we will
already be more than half way there.” In the end, they understand that
they must have a story that gives legitimacy to their sustainability claim
which includes explaining their motivations and how these activities are
aligned with their core activities. In Box 10 we see the example of Man-
go1, which has developed a system to audit and evaluate all their suppli-
ers, in part, to search for legitimacy as one of the top international textile

Box 10: Mango case

Mango is a 100% Spanish owned multinational company dedicated to the design, manufacture
and marketing of clothing garments and accessories, traditionally for women, but since 2007
also for man. It is a Barcelona-based company founded in 1984, with revenues approaching
€1.5 billion in 2009, operating over 1.300 stores in about 100 countries. Currently Mango is
continuing its international expansion at an average of two new stores per week. Today more
than 80% of Manog’s revenues come from international sales. The company is privately owned,
with a majority stake for the company founders and top executives, the Andic brothers, who as
we have seen in other cases in this book, also seem to share the idea that their company must
have sustainability as a central value not only out of responsibility, but also in order to be a
competitive firm.

98 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The genuine organization

Given the particularities of the company in terms of the importance and relevance of its supply
chain, Mango’s CSR policies are divided into two different spheres: one internal which encom-
passes all CSR issues where Mango can take action directly, and another external which
mainly involves pushing other organizations in the supply chain to comply with Mango guide-
lines. In that regard, the internal sphere revolves mainly around four areas: (1) labour practices
and rights; (2) integrating CSR in corporate identity; (3) CSR issues in Mango’s products; and
finally (4) commitment with society.
The external sphere revolves mainly around the issue of pushing all suppliers to comply with
Mango’s social and environmental codes. Mango currently has more than 150 suppliers,
over 70% of which are in China and Morocco, although they also have suppliers in many
other countries such as India, Vietnam, Pakistan, Turkey or Bangladesh. In this area the CSR
Department has the responsibility to audit all suppliers, as well as all new products from
production lines, and certify compliance with Mango’s social and environmental policies.
Non-compliance is ground for interrupting the collaboration with Mango. 100% of Mango’s
suppliers have undergone social and environmental audits, and all new products from the
production line are tested and approved before reaching the stores. In this regard, Mango
has a partnership with Greenpeace to test all products for harmful chemicals in the produc-
tion line and to be certified before these reach the stores. What is interesting is that Mango
has found that there seems to be a direct and positive relationship between the degree of
social and environmental practices and the level of quality and reliability of suppliers. There-
fore, demanding better social and environmental practices from suppliers has meant better
knowledge of the supply chain, closer partnerships with suppliers and an overall improve-
ment of quality of suppliers.

Search for authenticity

The other side of the coin of legitimacy seems to be authenticity. In other words, Danone and In-
terface apparently recognize that only through being honest and true about what they do can they
gain legitimacy. In terms of sustainability this means understanding that “many companies have
sustainability to have sustainability, but we have sustainability and innovation for a specific purpose:
to achieve zero emissions.” This is why for these companies “everything has to be based on data.
We don’t like single claims: 100% recycled, 100% natural. It has to be something more based on the
global impact of a product.” Their bet is that more and more people are saying “yeah, cut the crap
and give me the numbers. There are many companies that are claiming they are 100% recyclable,
100% natural or 100% whatever. But people say give me the numbers, tell me how you contemplate
these products’ life cycle.” Yet being authentic and rigorous about the numbers is not only because
of a search of authenticity, but also to manage risks, because these companies understand that
“you always have to be careful with how you communicate or market sustainability, where you really
have to be honest. If you over promise, it generates a boomerang effect. That is why I am telling you
this. You have to be humble, you have to feel ashamed to say some things, and you have to be care-
ful. If you don’t, people may think that you are taking advantage of them or advantage of really dra-
matic situations or desperate people.”

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The genuine organization 99

Humility seems to be a way to effectively communicate sustainability issues, the theory being
that “if for instance you say: believe me because I am sustainable, people may not buy that. On the
other hand, if you say, this product has 68,5% of recycled material, then people are more suscepti-
ble to believe that. We believe that companies that say how wonderful they are, do not have as
much credibility as the companies that give a lot of cold data and let you evaluate for yourself, or
let other external organizations be the judges.” In the end, Danone and Interface understand that
they are exposed to a higher risk. On the one hand, they are now facing more competition on the
sustainability field, and on the other hand they are more scrutinized and looked at than other
companies. That is why they understand that “we must be very coherent; very, very coherent. If you
are very proactive in these fields of sustainability and CSR and doing things for society, and you are
more active than most, and one day you have a problem related to this, you will pay a higher price
than another company would. For example if we say that we want to take care of our people, that
we want them to feel good and to grow, I am referring to our employees, and also we say that we
want people around Danone to improve their quality of life. And we are very proactive and develop
projects to do just that. However, the day that we have a problem in our house with an employee or
with a community around us, however small the problem may be, we will be hit. Companies that
don’t say anything go unnoticed.”

Transparency and communication

In this context, one of the most sensible and complicated areas for Danone and Interface is trans-
parency and communication which “…is something we’re learning every day. How much do you say
internally, how much do you say externally, and there are no rules? Each project has a very different
life cycle.” What makes communication strategy so complex seems to be, in part, the fact that
before being transparent you must have the information to communicate. Said differently, “you
have to give the information to your clients, you have to commit and be transparent, but often you
don’t have the data.” This means that “often there are very specific problems such as simply publish-
ing the recycled content of the products, which is simply a nightmare for operations, because if you
want to be rigorous and talk specific numbers, it is not easy to come up with the exact percentages.”
However, despite the difficulty of measuring, Danone and Interface understand that they must do
it because their stakeholders demand it. So, “although this may be a nightmare for operations
people, and it may be crazy to try to calculate some things, our clients ask us to do it, and from our
point of view we have to do it. But we have thousands of such nightmares.” In Experience 19 we see
the example of Interface’s verification system, which includes several diverse and independently
verified labels and schemes designed to present the authenticity while at the same time being
transparent about their activities.

100 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The genuine organization

Experience 19: The Interface verification system
At Interface they say “that if we are to create a model for sustainability, our progress and results
must have integrity. Third party verification and certification of the claims we make is critical”. With
this objective in mind, Interface embarks in a variety of different verification schemes, some of
which are international while others are local:
ISO14001: this is an international standard for environmental management systems. All Inter-
face factories are certified
ECOLOGO: this is a Canadian label designed to help customers make informed choices. Inter-
faceFLOR Canada has earned this label for its products.
Good Environmental Choice: this is an Australian labelling program which indicates the environ-
mental performance of a product from a life-cycle analysis perspective. Interface FLOR Aus-
tralia is certified.
CRI Green Label: the CRI Indoor Air Quality Green Label program is the industry’s widest recog-
nized test protocol for evaluating total volatile organic compound (TVOC) emissions. All Inter-
faceFLOR and Bentley Prince Street products meet the requirements.
LEED: the U.S. Green Building Council developed this LEED rating system (Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design) to certify green buildings. Three Interface factories are LEED certi-
Sustainable Carpet Assessment Standard: this is the only standard in North America that evalu-
ates the environmental impacts of the product over the entire life cycle. Several InterfaceFLOR
and Bentley Prince Street products are certified.
GUT: Gemeinschaft Umweltfreundlicher Teppichboden is an association of environmentally
friendly carpet manufacturers in Germany. InterfaceFLOR Europe is a founding member of GUT.

In the end, Danone and Interface feel that they must be transparent and clearly communicate all
sustainability policies because it is a legitimacy issue, because it is something that they have
openly and publicly made a commitment to. For instance, “Group Danone has committed publicly,
we have boasted about it, and we have defined it as a central company objective, and our president
has said that we would do that. The president doesn’t want to look bad.” Furthermore, they need to
inform about sustainability because these policies have direct effects on products and services,
and clients need to understand where these are coming from. For instance, sustainability policies
can affect the packaging, the design and even the composition of a certain product where if cus-
tomers are unaware of the motives behind the changes, it could have a negative effect. In this
regard, Danone and Interface have come to realize that as long as they explain that the changes
are carried out as a result of sustainability motives, clients tend to be more willing to accept them.

For example, as we saw in previous chapters, at Danone they are now eliminating the cardboard
packaging on their 4 yoghurt sets. Consumers are finding it difficult to adapt to or accept the
change as the product is more difficult to identify in the lining and also more difficult to handle in

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The genuine organization 101

supermarkets. In this regard at Danone “what we want is to communicate it, that we are doing that,
and why we are doing that, and the thousands of tons of cardboard we will reduce, and what that
means in terms of CO2 and water and other environmental impacts. We have to say all that, because
if we don’t, the client will think that now they are having more problems finding our yoghurts, and
they will think we are simply trying to reduce costs. So we have to find the equilibrium between what
we do and how we explain it.” This is why a big part of the responsibility of sustainability people at
Danone and Interface is “to help other departments, especially marketing, to tell the story. To help
them write the communication material, even the advertisements, to help define how we should talk
to clients, to set up courses to train sales people. If we don’t communicate what we do in sustainabil-
ity, how we do it and why, we’re throwing away important tools and we are also taking unnecessary
risks.” In this regard, sustainability people at these companies also try to improve the communica-
tion outside the company, where for instance the sustainability director at Interface is “responsible
for communicating our sustainability strategy, externally. I give more than 50 presentations and in-
terviews a year to make sure our message gets through.”

Finally, since sustainability seems to be such a strategic issue at Danone and Interface there al-
ways appears to be a debate about where the line lies between being transparent and simply giv-
ing away too much information, particularly in regards to innovation. Moreover, these companies
recognize that as leaders they also have a responsibility to share information with other compa-
nies which may wish to become sustainable, in projects such as this book, but they don’t want to
hurt themselves by giving too much. In summary, for these companies there seems to be a fine
line between being transparent and simply being stupid, and they don’t want to cross that line,
where “we will give examples of things that we’ve done and things that we’ll move forward, because
we want people to move forward and learn from that. But obviously if it is a brand new development
that we were in the middle of the innovation, we wouldn’t be sharing that. But other actions that
we’ve put into place, you’ll see that we do make them public.” For example, at Interface they clearly
recognize that “we are quite good at sharing, in conferences, sustainability circuits, sharing learning,
and so forth.” The central idea is that they must be transparent enough to gain credibility and le-
gitimacy with stakeholders, but not so much as to hurt the competitive advantage they have be-
cause of their sustainability and innovation policies.

Honesty and humility

As we mentioned before, there is a common understanding among Danone and Interface that “a
lot of companies use sustainability only as a greenwashing strategy, without a serious commitment.”
In this regard, they seem to play around with the idea that “the equilibrium between image and
honesty is complicated.” Said differently, Danone and Interface apparently think that it is quite easy
for companies that are leaders in the sustainability field to fall into the trap of always wanting to
be the top in all sustainability related issues, to have an answer for everything. Thus, these com-
panies “must feel that we are not bad, but also that we could do a lot more.” In part, this humility
emanates from the search for authenticity and legitimacy, but also as a tool to keep the organiza-

102 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The genuine organization

tion on its toes as “whenever we have the humility to admit that we don’t know something, we au-
tomatically open ourselves to something new.” Moreover, quite interestingly for these companies,
admitting a limitation spurs curiosity and creativity to overcome such limitation.

Humility is shown by these companies, always in regards to sustainability, with different stakehold-
ers, in part because they understand that showing limitations builds up their credibility as legiti-
mate sustainable organizations. For instance “we’ve been quite open with clients about what is
hard and what is easy, and we discussed errors that were made along the way. In the end we explain
how all these made us stronger, and helped us build our knowledge on the sustainability journey.”
Thus, as we discussed in the previous section on transparency and communication, Danone and
Interface have “as a top priority helping other companies and the ones who want to come on board
will be welcome, and we are totally open. But most of all we want to help our people, our environ-
ment, our ecosystem. That is our priority. That is why in all these sustainability issues we must be very
humble; we must say plainly that we know very little, that we have learned a lot, but that the more
we learn the more we realize how little we know about these issues.”

Finally, there seems to be a shared understanding among Danone and Interface that admitting
their own shortcomings and not overemphasizing their successes is also a way, a tool, for them to
instil this culture of constantly looking for new ideas, of keeping creativity alive and of integrating
sustainability into core business processes. As people at Danone told us: “Danone internally is
very humble, in the sense of not believing our success. I have seen initiatives here that have been
extremely important, and which have never been treated as great successes. There are disruptive,
breakthrough projects, very interesting and innovative products, that are never treated as such. This
is the personality of the company, the identity of the company.” In summary, these companies aim
to be authentic by searching for legitimacy, being authentic, being transparent and being humble.

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | The genuine organization 103

Chapter 13. Conclusion, discussion and challenges

As we discussed in Chapter II, our evidence shows that companies such as Danone and Interface
share ten particular qualities that explain, at least in part, their sustainable innovation practices:
(1) inspiring leaders; (2) a sustainability vision; (3) they aim to survive success; (4) a sustainable
innovation culture; (5) sustainable products and services; (6) engaged workforce; (7) they aim to
innovate innovation; (8) they challenge the organization; (9) they are optimists; and (10) they are

We believe that the significance of our findings is not so much in the what, as it is in the how and
the why. First, we find that these companies are not driven by risk management, compliance, or
the need to gain legitimacy to operate, but rather by a deep understanding that sustainability and
innovation are two sides of the same coin, and that one can not exist without the other. In this
regard, their motivation is not to adhere to a common minimum denominator, but rather to be
truly competitive in the only way they know how: through sustainability, quality and innovation. In
this regard, they have not faced major scandals nor do they belong to particularly problematic
sectors. So, they are driven by sustainable innovation not as a fad, but as a strategic conscious
choice that will make them more competitive. Second, perhaps none of the 10 qualities identified
are unique in themselves, but what is unique is that all ten qualities coexist together in a system.
Thus, each of the 10 qualities plays a part in a common system where each component is de-
pendent on the others. These qualities seem to be closely interconnected, so that what gives the
companies the competitive advantage is not a sum of the 10 qualities but the system they cre-
ate, generating a multiplying effect.

Levels of analysis

When we look closely at the 10 identified qualities, we realize that they apply at different levels of
the organizations. Some of the characteristics are more strategic assets, competencies or quali-
ties. Others are more conscious strategies to move the organization in a certain direction. Yet
other characteristics seem to be more core attributes of the firms, or, said differently, values or
ideas that define who they are as organizations. As we can see in Figure 2, we suggest that looking
at the 10 qualities by levels helps to understand how the system works.

We believe that one of the most important conclusions of our research is that these companies
have three central attributes which define their identity as organizations. First, they aim to be
authentic in whatever they do, which means no false claims and no cosmetic solutions. Second,
they believe in themselves and in the world. They truly think that things will work out and that their
organization, as well as society, will be able to manage (and solve) any challenge ahead. Third,
these companies understand that being sustainable is not only about ethics or about social ex-
pectations; it is about competitiveness. As Franck Riboud says, “we can not grow in the desert”.
The idea seems to be that these different concepts go hand in hand and can not be separated
from each other. A company must be ethical, respond to social expectations, think about sustain-
ability and simultaneously stay competitive. Behind this vision there seems to be an understand-

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Conclusion, discussion and challenges 105

Figure 2.  Sustainable organization analytical model

Strategic assets

Inspiring Engaged
leaders workforce
Challenging Attributes Innovate
organization innovation

Sustainable Survive Sustainable

innovation success products &
culture services

Source: the authors.

ing that Danone and Interface are part of an organic and natural system that requires all of its
different pieces to survive, and that includes different stakeholders, society at large and the en-

These three attributes define the character of the organization, how Danone and Interface confront
problems and respond to them and how they look at the present and the future. These three cen-
tral attributes define the strategy of the organization. Building on these three central characteris-
tics, Danone and Interface establish a strategic focus on activities that can help the organizations
translate the three central attributes into practices. In order to do that, they focus first on challeng-
ing the organization. This means generating paradoxes, tensions and contradictions to foster
creativity and innovation. They foster these paradoxes by setting crazy goals, and by accepting
failure as a key part of the learning process. The bottom line seems to be to foster an intrapre-
neurial spirit to help the transition between attributes and practices. Secondly, Danone and Inter-
face seem to focus on innovating even the innovation process itself. That is, they seem to be
aware that in order to transform the attributes into actions current innovation processes are not
sufficient. They do this by focusing on innovation not as a linear process but as a way to find solu-
tions to specific problems, which means thinking outside the box, experimenting and learning by
doing. This leads them to open innovation to other internal and external stakeholders, and to lis-
ten to different voices and ideas. Through this process Danone and Interface apparently find that
sustainability is a key factor in innovating innovation as it forces people to think about things dif-
ferently and to manage paradoxes and contradictions. A third strategic focus seems to be on not
resting on their laurels. Danone and Interface are industry leaders and that often translates into
losing flexibility and becoming risk prevention oriented.

106 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Conclusion, discussion and challenges

These three strategic concepts help to translate the three central attributes into actions, but to do
so they need to develop particular assets in the organization necessary to carry out these strategies.
As a result of this, Danone and Interface seem to work on building four central strategic assets. First,
they need inspiring leaders to carry on the central attributes of the organizations. As we have seen
Danone and Interface were founded and are currently managed by inspiring leaders, but they appar-
ently need to generate or attract other such leaders. Second, both companies require a sustainable
culture, where people accept sustainability as a central attribute and innovation a central process to
achieve it. Third, Danone and Interface seem to place a lot of effort on engaging the workforce, as a
central strategic asset. Fourth, both companies appear to share an understanding that sustainabil-
ity can only be credible as a central attribute if it translates into having sustainable products and
services. In summary, as we saw in Figure 2, we contend that the 10 identified characteristics act at
three different levels, some are attributes, others are strategies and others are strategic assets.
However, although there are three different levels, they appear to be somehow interconnected.

The dynamic forces at play

Another important conclusion of our research is that there seems to be a connection between the
characteristics at each level of analysis, generating what we could consider to be sort of virtuous
cycles, where the different characteristics identified affect and reinforce each other. In the case
of the three central attributes identified, we observe that there is a connection where Danone and
Interface believe in sustainability as a long term competitiveness factor. Although it is a complex
and risky issue, since they are authentic and optimistic, they have no choice but to take it seri-
ously and take the lead in facing the challenges that come with sustainability. Moreover, the fact
that they believe in sustainability leads them to be authentic, which forces them to be optimistic,
which leads them to believe, even more, in sustainability. Thus, the first virtuous cycle is gener-
ated at the level of the core attributes of the organization.

At the level of strategy, since sustainability is largely unexplored territory as a management

concept for companies, the only way these companies seem to find to embed sustainability in
the organization is through being very dynamic, creative and flexible. For Danone and Interface,
this translates into not letting the success of the company immobilize the organization, but
rather the opposite: to constantly challenge the organization to look at things differently, to
open up to new ideas, and to innovate the innovation process itself. In other words, these
companies generate a second virtuous cycle where they consciously choose to not let success
get to their heads, to take risks, to make mistakes and to look for challenges, contradictions
and paradoxes. Thus, they appear to use success as a key factor to achieve their sustainabil-
ity goals.

Nonetheless, at the levels of attributes and strategies these cycles need to be embedded in the
organization by transforming them into actions. In order to do so, Danone and Interface seem to
focus on 4 strategic assets that also generate their own virtuous cycle. First, inspiring leaders are

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Conclusion, discussion and challenges 107

directly responsible for the organizational values that generate a sustainable innovative culture.
Second, the sustainable culture, in turn, seems to act as a breeding ground to develop and imple-
ment creative solutions. Third, the sustainable culture of these companies apparently translates
into sustainable and innovative products, services, processes and even business models. Thus,
the sustainable innovation culture is integrated into all products and services of the firm, and not
just on one or two lines. In other words, all products and services are seen through the sustainabil-
ity lens, and any new R&D project must consider both innovation as well as sustainability aspects.
Finally, Danone and Interface find that the only way to foster such sustainable innovation culture
and to integrate these concepts in all areas of the organization is through an extremely engaged
workforce. Having inspiring leaders generates a sustainable innovation culture which transforms all
products, services and processes and engages the workforce. In turn, this finally helps create more
inspiring leaders, as having an engaged workforce in such a sustainable innovation culture seems
to naturally attract and produce workers with a sustainability and entrepreneurial vision.

As we can see in Figure 3, there seems to be three systems at play, one of central attributes, one
of strategic choices, and a third one of strategic assets. In conclusion, there appears to be a dy-
namic process going on at Danone and Interface where virtuous cycles are generated at each
level of analysis.

Figure 3.  Sustainable organization dynamic model of virtuous cycles

Strategic assets

Inspiring Engaged
leaders workforce
Challenging Attributes Innovate
organization innovation

Sustainable Survive Sustainable

innovation success products &
culture services

Source: the authors.

Clearly we are not suggesting that this model presented in Figure 3 entirely explains who Interface
and Danone are and how they work. There are many other aspects and factors that would probably
be relevant in any description of these companies such as performance, productivity, or quality, to
name a few. We suggest, however, that this model explains what makes these companies different

108 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Conclusion, discussion and challenges

from others in many ways, and particularly why they are so deeply obsessed with issues of sustain-
ability and innovation.

Discussion and next steps

We are left with two central questions: (1) would this model be validated if we were to look at
other cases of companies that place sustainability and innovation at the heart of their business
model?; and (2) is this model potentially applicable to other companies?

It should be clear that we are not suggesting Interface and Danone are perfect examples of what
a company should be, or that the rest of companies should follow their example. As we explained
in Chapter I, this research is exploratory in nature, and therefore our goal is not to validate a the-
ory or to propose a model, but simply to point out that, from what we have seen, we strongly feel
that there are a number of characteristics shared by organizations such as Danone and Interface.
The purpose here is to set up the ground work so that in the future more solid research can be
developed. For now, though, we propose that sustainable and innovative companies share 10
particular characteristics which play a role in a dynamic system of cycles. These, in turn, explain
how these companies think and feel, and ultimately generate a sustainable innovation virtuous
cycle. When we started this project, in one of the first interviews we conducted, we asked an inter-
viewee: “we want to know what they put in your water to make your organization so different”. We
hope that this research has at least provided an answer to that question.

Nevertheless, we believe that more research is necessary on this topic. First there are some char-
acteristics that although shared by Danone and Interface may not be shared by other organizations
that are also competitive and focus their strategy on innovation and sustainability. Said differently,
we suggest that more case studies should be developed on sustainable, innovative and competi-
tive companies to see whether these 10 characteristics keep appearing. For example intuitively we
have some doubts that all sustainable and innovative companies have “Inspiring Leaders”. In fact,
when we informally discussed the results of this research with other similar companies, they told
us that in their view it is central that a company like this has leaders who are able to accept and
embrace new ideas, but that the inspiration can often come from unexpected places, and that
many times these sort of policies come from intrapreneurs. Furthermore, we suggest that once
this model has been further studied through more case study research, a survey should be con-
ducted to validate or invalidate the resulting model. The problem will be designing an appropriate
survey questionnaire, as well as defining the survey sample. It seems particularly difficult to ask
closed questions that can give relevant information on shared characteristics between companies,
and even more difficult to link the results to the degree of innovativeness and sustainability at the
company. In this regard, perhaps the survey will have to be based not so much on shared charac-
teristics of existing companies, but rather on necessary or expected characteristics of a company
if we want to pursue sustainable innovation strategies. In this scenario, the sample would be sus-
tainability professionals.

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Conclusion, discussion and challenges 109

Additionally, we think another important question that needs to be answered is what is the
nature of the relationship between these three levels that we have identified of (a) strategic
assets, (b) strategy and (c) attributes. In other words, we wonder whether sustainability and
innovation are not necessarily the product or consequence of these 10 characteristics acting
at three levels of analysis, but also the cause. Sustainability and innovation seem to play a key
role in fostering and facilitating the appearance and consolidation of the 10 identified charac-
teristics. However, are sustainability and innovation practices directly responsible for generat-
ing a virtuous cycle where the three identified central attributes define the company’s attributes
of sustainability, genuine and optimism? Do these central attributes generate or contribute to
the production of a strategic focus on challenging the organization, being innovative and surviv-
ing success? In turn, does this strategic focus force the company to concentrate on the four
strategic assets? In the end, as seen in Figure 4, we ask ourselves whether innovation and
sustainability act as two sides of the cycle. On the one side they perhaps connect attributes to
strategic assets, and therefore to practices, through sustainability. On the other side, perhaps
they link strategic assets with the strategies and the central attributes through innovation given
that the four strategic assets foster innovation and dynamism. These, in turn, possibly trans-
form or change the strategies of the organizations, and finally contribute to reinforce and con-
solidate the core attributes of authenticity, optimism and sustainability. In sum, as we see in
Figure 4, we think it is important to explore further not only in scope, but also in depth, meaning
whether there are other systemic relationships that we have not yet identified and which can
help us understand the sorts of cycles that are generated in companies such as Danone and
Interface. In Figure 4 we look at a possible sustainable innovation cycle that we feel is worth

Figure 4.  Sustainable innovation cycle



Gen ist Cor tes


Sust uine r

t t

aina a




Sur allengi ies
Inno vive suc ng teg
vate c Stra
inno ess
Insp n
Sust iring le ts
aina ader sse
Sust Engage ble prod s eg ic a
aina d
ble i workfo cts
nnov r
ation ce

Source: the authors.

110 Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Conclusion, discussion and challenges

Thus, the question is whether these three levels or sub-systems are connected and even depend-
ent on each other? And if so how? We feel that the nature of the central attributes would logically
demand certain strategies, which in turn would require the development of specific strategic as-
sets, which in the end would naturally foster a strategic focus on innovation and sustainability. This
strategic focus would then consolidate and further reinforce the central attributes, and so we con-
ceive a possible broader virtuous cycle developing. The logic would be that as long as these com-
panies have the virtuous cycles in place at the three levels of strategic assets, strategies and core
attributes, the companies will naturally or organically (as some of the interviewees insistently told
us), develop into a larger virtuous cycle where innovation and sustainability are the natural drivers
of the company from a broader point of view, almost as guidelines or directives that determine, or
at least influence significantly, the long-term mission and vision of the company.

Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Conclusion, discussion and challenges 111


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Sustainable Innovation Strategies | Bibliography 121

Av. Torreblanca, 59
08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)
T. (+34) 93 280 61 62
[email protected]

Marc Vilanova
Sustainable Innovation Strategies
Marc is Lecturer and Researcher at the Institute for Social

Sustainable Innovation Strategies. Exploring the cases of Danone and Interface

Innovation at ESADE Business School. He has a back-
ground in economics and more than 10 years experience Exploring the cases of Danone and Interface
as an international consultant for private, non-profit and
public organizations in the fields of strategy, development,
sustainability and CSR. His research revolves around the
area of sustainable and responsible competitiveness,
sustainable innovation, stakeholder engagement, corpo-
rate social responsibility and accountability. He teaches
courses on CSR and sustainable competitiveness at the
undergraduate, MBA and executive education levels. He is
one of the co-founders of RCE Barcelona, founding mem-
ber of the regional centres of expertise on learning for
sustainable development, which is a network of expertise
on sustainability recognized by United Nations University.

Pax Dettoni
Pax works as an independent consultant for social and
human development projects. She has studies in Political
Sciences, Cultural and Social Anthropology and Business.
She has worked in the third sector and international coo-
peration in different countries from Latin America, Asia Institute for Social Innovation
and Europe. Her fields of expertise are in microfinance, The Institute for Social Innovation’s mission is to deve-
microenterprises, ecotourism, professional training and lop the skills of individuals and organisations in the bu-
Public and Private Alliances, as well as CSR. She teaches siness and non-profit sectors to strengthen, through their
international cooperation system and CSR in different ins- With the colaboration of: activities, their contribution to a more just and sustaina-
ISBN: 978-84-88971-42-5
titutions. Her focus of interest is the human responsibility ble world. To this end, the Institute generates and disse-
towards the world situation; within this scope nowadays minates knowledge and provides training in the areas of
she’s experimenting in individual awareness by using in- corporate social responsibility and the relationship with
novative methodologies inspired by disciplines related to stakeholders, NGO leadership and management and so-
drama. Marc Vilanova | Pax Dettoni cial entrepreneurship.

10309_coberta_Sustainable.indd 1 15/03/11 11:24

Av. Torreblanca, 59
08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona)
T. (+34) 93 280 61 62
[email protected]

Marc Vilanova
Sustainable Innovation Strategies
Marc is Lecturer and Researcher at the Institute for Social

Sustainable Innovation Strategies. Exploring the cases of Danone and Interface

Innovation at ESADE Business School. He has a back-
ground in economics and more than 10 years experience Exploring the cases of Danone and Interface
as an international consultant for private, non-profit and
public organizations in the fields of strategy, development,
sustainability and CSR. His research revolves around the
area of sustainable and responsible competitiveness,
sustainable innovation, stakeholder engagement, corpo-
rate social responsibility and accountability. He teaches
courses on CSR and sustainable competitiveness at the
undergraduate, MBA and executive education levels. He is
one of the co-founders of RCE Barcelona, founding mem-
ber of the regional centres of expertise on learning for
sustainable development, which is a network of expertise
on sustainability recognized by United Nations University.

Pax Dettoni
Pax works as an independent consultant for social and
human development projects. She has studies in Political
Sciences, Cultural and Social Anthropology and Business.
She has worked in the third sector and international coo-
peration in different countries from Latin America, Asia Institute for Social Innovation
and Europe. Her fields of expertise are in microfinance, The Institute for Social Innovation’s mission is to deve-
microenterprises, ecotourism, professional training and lop the skills of individuals and organisations in the bu-
Public and Private Alliances, as well as CSR. She teaches siness and non-profit sectors to strengthen, through their
international cooperation system and CSR in different ins- With the colaboration of: activities, their contribution to a more just and sustaina-
ISBN: 978-84-88971-42-5
titutions. Her focus of interest is the human responsibility ble world. To this end, the Institute generates and disse-
towards the world situation; within this scope nowadays minates knowledge and provides training in the areas of
she’s experimenting in individual awareness by using in- corporate social responsibility and the relationship with
novative methodologies inspired by disciplines related to stakeholders, NGO leadership and management and so-
drama. Marc Vilanova | Pax Dettoni cial entrepreneurship.

10309_coberta_Sustainable.indd 1 15/03/11 11:24

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