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Session-1-Introduction and Coke Making

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Iron and Steel Making (MM303)

Dr. Anup Kumar Keshri

Asst. Professor
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
IIT Patna, Email: anup@iitp.ac.in
Mobile: 9631125268

Courtesy: Prof. Deepak Majumdar, IIT Kanpur, Text book of Ghosh and Chatterjee, Various source from Internet, SAIL, Sahoo and Sahoo, IGIT Sarang
how to determine that in between C and CO which is better reducing agent?
Good coke for metallurgy should possess the following requisites
• (1) Purity: It should have moisture, ash, sulphur and phosphorus contents as low as possible. A low
percentage of moisture helps in keeping down the heating expenses. Excess of ash hinders the heating and
also helps in slag formation, which is not desirable in fuels. According to Dr. Mott, 2% of excess coke is
required for the removal of 1 % ash. Presence of S and P gives on burning, undesirable products like SO2
P203 and P2O5, which adversely affect the quality of the metal being produced. Moreover, presence of
sulphur makes the coke brittle.
 (2) Porosity : Coal should be porous, so that oxygen can easily come in contact with the carbon of coke,
thereby helping in complete combustion at a high rate.
 (3) Strength: The coke should be quite compact, hard, strong to withstand dropping abrasion as well as
the pressure of the over-burden (ore + fuel + flux) in the furnaces. It would be useless to employ weak coke
in blast furnaces, as the weight of ore, etc., would crush the coke to breeze and thus prevent the essential
passage of gases up the furnace.
 (4) Size: The size of metallurgical coke should be neither too big nor too small. In case the size is too big,
the uniformity of heating is never maintained, but on the other hand, if the coke size is too small, choking
will result.

• (5) Cost: Coke should be cheap and easily available near the site of the metallurgical plant, so that the
transportation cost is low.

• (6) Combustibility: Coke should burn easily. The combustibility of coke depends upon the nature of
the coal, carbonization temperature and reaction temperature. Cokes obtained from strongly coking
coals are not as combustible as those derived from weakly caking and non-caking coals. At a given
temperature, cokes obtained by high-temperature carbonization process are less combustible compared
to those obtained by low-temperature carbonization. However, at high combustion temperatures (800° -
900°C), all cokes appears to be equally reactive. At about 1,000°C, it appears that the rate of
combustion depends only on the rate of oxygen/air supply.
• (7) Calorific value: The calorific value of coke should be high.
• (8) Low ash, S and P contents to avoid the incorporation of these in the metal to be extracted.

• (9) Reactivity to steam: Reactivity towards steam increases with the reaction temperature and varies
inversely with carbonizing temperature at which the coke was produces. Moreover, coke derived from
non-caking coals are more reactive to steam than those derived from taking coals.

Coal versus coke in metallurgical processes

• (1) Coal does not possess as much strength and porosity as coke.

• (2) By coking, much of undesirable sulphur is removed.

• (3) Coke burns with short flame, due to expulsion of much of its
• volatile matter during carbonization.

• Because of these reasons, "coke is preferred to coal for metallurgical purposes", particularly in blast
furnaces. On the other hand, coal burns with a long flame, which is suitable only for reverberatory

• Coking quality: The coals which on heating, in the absence of air, becomes soft, plastic and {use
together to large coherent masses, are called caking coals. Consequently, such coals are difficult to be
oxidized. If the residue (i.e.: coke) obtained after heating is porous, hard, strong and usable for
metallurgical purpose, the original coal, is known as coking coal.
Coke ovens

Pro- Lump Coke

1,227,000 Ton To Blast Furnace
duct (63.5%)

Coke Total (74.0%)

Coal COKE Coke Breeze To Sinter plant

203,000 Ton(10.5%)
Che- COG
1,932,000 To Power plant
mi- 618 Mil. N㎥(21.2%)
BTX 23,000 Ton(1.0%) To Processing plant

Tar 81,000 Ton(3.0%) For Sale

Others (0.8%) For Sale

1200 – 1300C
Coal Blends for Coke making
The coal selected to make coke is the most important
variable that controls the coke properties. The rank and
type of coal selected impacts on coke strength while coal
chemistry largely determines coke chemistry. In general,
bituminous coals are selected for blending to make blast
furnace coke of high strength with acceptable reactivity
and at competitive cost. For the conventional recovery
coking process the blend must contract sufficiently for easy
removal from the oven and pressure must be acceptable.
For the heat–recovery process type these
constraints are not valid, which leads to an increase of
usable coal types in this type of process. Table shows the
typical chemical composition of coke that may be
considered to be of good quality.

Process of Carbonization
When coal is charged into a hot coke oven, that portion of the coal, which is directly in contact with the walls, is heated very
rapidly. When its fusing is reached, the thin layer of heated coal softens and fuses. Destructive distillation reactions proceed
rapidly in the plastic layer, with abundant evolution of volatile products. The gas and condensable vapours are entrapped in the
plastic mass and, as they expand, tend to swell it. As the reactions proceed and as the temperature of the fused zone increases,
the plasticity of the charge begins to decrease. With continued heating and evolution of gas the fused layer gradually re-solidifies
to the typical, cellular, coke structure. The characteristics temperatures and stages during coal carbonization is shown in Fig 1,
and the development of the plastic layer and its movement during coal carbonization process is shown in Fig 2.

These are two types of carbonization of coal:
• (1) Low-temperature carbonization: In this process, the heating of coal is carried our at 500 - 700°C. The yield of
coke is about 75-80% and it contains about 5-15% volatile matter. It is not mechanically strong, so it cannot be
used as a metallurgical coke. However, it burns easily giving practically a smokeless, hot and radiant fire. Hence, it
is suitable for domestic purposes. The by-product gas produced (about 130-150 m3/tonne) by this process is richer
in heating value (about 6,500-9,500 kcal/m3) and is, therefore, a more valuable gaseous fuel.
• (2) High-temperature carbonization is carried out at 900 - 1,200°C with the object of producing coke of the right
porosity, hardness, purity, strength, etc., so that it can be used in metallurgy. Nearly all the volatile matter of coal is
driven off and the yield of coke is about 65-75%, containing only 1-3% volatile matter. The by-product gas
produced is high in volume (about 300-390 m3/tonne), but its calorific value is low (about 5,400-6,000 kcal/m3).
In order to: (1) increase the thermal efficiency of the carbonization process, and (ii) recover valuable by-product
(like coal gas, ammonia, benzol oil, tar, etc.), Otto Hoffman developed modern by-product coke oven which,
unlike beehive oven, is heated externally by a portion of coal gas produced during the process itself or by
producer gas or by blast furnace gas. Moreover, the heating is done on the basis of "regenerative system of heat
economy", i.e., utilizing the waste flue gases for heating the checker-work of bricks.
• The by-product coke oven consists of number of narrow silica chambers (each about 10 to 12 m long, 3 to 4 m
high and 0.40 to 0.45 m wide) erected side-by-side with vertical flues in-between them to form a sort of battery.
Each chamber is provided with a charging hole at the top, a gas off-take and a refractory-lined cast iron door at
each ends for discharging coke.
• A charge consisting of finely crushed coal is introduced through the charging holes at the top of
chambers, which are then closed tightly at both ends to prevent any access of air. The coke ovens are
heated to 1,200°C by burning gaseous fuel (like producer gas) and usually employing a regenerative
principle to achieve as economical heating as possible. The flue gases produced during combustion,
before escaping to chimney, pass on their sensible heat to one of the two sets of checker brick-work,
until this brick-work has been raised to a temperature of about 1,000°C. The flow of heating gases
is then reversed and the inlet gases are passed through the heated checker brick-work, which thus
serves to preheat the inlet gases. The flue gases are then allowed to pass through the second set of
checker bricks to heat it. This checker-work then serves to preheat the inlet gases. Thus, this cycle goes
on. The heating is actually continued, till the evolution of volatile matter ceases completely.
Carbonization of a charge of coal takes about between 11 to 18 hours.

• When carbonization is completed, a massive ram pushes the red hot coke into a truck. It is
subsequently quenched by a water spray ('wet quenching'). In place of wet quenching, "dry
quenching" offers advantages, because the coke produced is more strong, dense, graphitized and
non-reactive. In this method, the red hot coke is placed in a chamber and cooled by passing inert
gases from boilers (like nitrogen). The heated inert gases are then circulated to boilers, where they
generate steam. The coke produced by 'dry quenching' is cheaper, drier and contains lesser dust than
'wet-quenched' coke.

Function of Coke
The function of coke in the blast furnace is five-fold, namely,

(i) it acts as a fuel by providing for the thermal requirements in the furnace, the reaction being,

2C + O2 = 2CO: ▲H0 = - 2300 kcal/kg.C

On complete combustion to CQ2 the heat evolved is 8150 kcallkg.C. Thus only about 28 percent of the obtainable

heat is supplied by coke;

(ii) it provides CO for the reduction of iron oxides;

(iii) it reduces the oxides of metalloids, such as, Mn, Si, P and others if present;

(iv) it carburizes the iron and lowers its melting point;

(v) it provides permeability (in the dry as well as the wet zones) and also mechanical support to the large charge

column, permitting the gases to ascend through the voids.

Function of Coke

• Coke is the universal fuel used in the blast furnace. It acts both as a reductant as well as a supplier of

heat. It also comprises the major portion of iron production cost. Now-a-days other fuels are also being

used as part replacement of coke. These fuels cannot be charged from the top and as such they are

injected into the furnace through the tuyeres along with the blast. In some countries, especially in Brazil,

charcoal is used as a blast furnace fuel.

Properties of coke
Coke size: Coke comprises about 50-60 percent of the volume of the charge material. The coke size is
important as it provides permeability in the dry as well as in the wet bosh zone The coke size is always
3-4 times larger than the ore size, since coke is partially burnt as it descends. It also has a lower
density, and hence a greater tendency for fluidisation. Of course, in the lower bosh region of a blast
furnace, coke is the only solid that remains, and which helps to support the burden. The optimum size
range for lump ore is 10-30 mm and for coke is 40-80 mm. Since the coke size becomes smaller as it
descends through the blast furnace due to mechanical breakdown, gasification, attrition, etc., the factor
of prime importance is the strength of coke.
Properties of coke

Coke strength: Mechanically considered, it is the quality cohesion that prevents the coke from collapsing

and tends to avoid the formation of small particles. High cohesion or strength is related to several

coke making properties. On the basis of breakage by impact, compression or abrasion, the coke

strength should be assessed both at ambient as well as high temperatures. Studies of the structure of

different coke samples show that the best varieties have a regular distribution of pores: with adequate

thickness and hardness of the walls between the pores and are free from cracks generated internally.

Such a structure ensures withstanding of high compressive forces and high temperatures in the all-

important lower furnace.

Properties of coke

The strength of coke produced in the coke-ovens is influenced by:

• blending ratio of coals of varying caking components and proportion of the

fibrous portion;

• particle size and distribution of charging coal;

• coke-oven temperature and combustion conditions;

• moisture and addition of oil;

• soaking time;

• width, height and method of heating.

Reactivity of Coke

• It is defined as the ability of coke to react with O2, CO2 or steam (H2O).

• More reactive cokes have higher thermal values of their volatile matter. Coke of high reactivity ignites easily and

gives rapid pick up of fuel bed temperature. However, low reactivity coke gives a higher fuel bed temperature than a

highly reactive coke

• Reactivity is inversely proportional to the absolute density. It is affected by the presence of easily reducible iron

compounds in ash.

• Coke of high reactivity is obtained from weakly caking coals or blends. Strongly coking, high rank coals produce

coke with low reactivity.

Reactivity of Coke

• For blast furnace coke, size and hardness are more important than reactivity. Satisfactory hearth

temperature is obtained with unreactive coke containing little breeze.

• Reactivity of coke is measured by Critical Air Blast method and is reported as Critical air blast (CAB)

value of coke. The CAB value of coke is the minimum rate of flow of air in ft3/minute necessary to

maintain combustion in a column of closely graded material (14 to 25 B.S.) which is 25 mm deep and 40

mm in diameter. The typical CAB value for oven coke is 0.065 ft3/minute. More reactive coke has got

lower CAB value.

Reactivity of Coke

Another modern and current method of expressing the reactivity and strength of coke is Coke Reactivity
Index (CRI) and Coke Strength After Reaction (CSR) which is being followed in Indian steel plants.

Coke Reactivity Index (CRI).

To determine CRI, 200 gm of coke sample (size + 20 - 25 mm) is taken in a stainless steel tube and
heated in electric furnace to 1100°C. CO2 gas at 5 kg/cm2 pressure is passed through the coke bed for
two hours. CO formed (by reaction C + CO2 = 2CO) is burnt in a burner and is exhausted out. Carbon of
coke reacts with CO2 (depending upon the reactivity level of the coke) and there is a loss of weight of
coke depending upon its reactivity. More is the loss in weight of the coke, reactivity is more. % loss in
weight of coke is reported as coke reactivity index (CRl). Ideal CRI value of a good blast furnace coke
should be about 20%. Typically CRI of Indian blast furnace coke is about 25%.
Coke Strength after Reaction

Coke Strength after Reaction (CSR). The left out coke from the CRI determination test is rotated for 60
rotation in a micum drum. And the % of coke retained on a 10 mm size screen is reported as coke strength
after reaction (CSR). Stronger the coke, more is its CSR value. Ideal value of CSR for blast furnace coke is
a minimum of about 55%. Typically CSR of Indian blast furnace coke is about 60-65.
Function of Coke in Blast Furnace
For blast furnace ironmaking the most important functions of coke are:
– To provide the structure through which gas can ascend and be
distributed through the burden. Coke is a solid and permeable material
up to very high temperatures (> 2000 °C), which is of particular
importance in the hearth and melting and softening zone. Below the
melting zone coke is the only solid material, so the total weight of the
blast furnace content is supported by the coke structure. The coke bed
has to be permeable, so that slag and iron can flow downward to
accumulate in the hearth and flow to the tap hole.
– To generate heat to melt the burden
– To generate reducing gases
– To provide the carbon for carburization of the hot metal
– To act as a filter for soot and dust.

Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, FTI-ITS (49)

Function of Coke in Blast Furnace

Coke in Blast Furnace
Coke is the most important raw material fed into the
blast furnace in terms of its effect on blast furnace
operation and hot metal quality. A high quality coke
should be able to support a smooth descent of the
blast furnace burden with as little degradation as
possible while providing the lowest amount of
impurities, highest thermal energy, highest metal
reduction, and optimum permeability for the flow of
gaseous and molten products. Introduction of high
quality coke to a blast furnace will result in lower coke
rate, higher productivity and lower hot metal cost.


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