S K Hazra

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It is defined as heating the coal in absence of air to a final solid mass tt..niperaturc of 900
degree Centigrade and above. It is the only method of producing hard coke from coking
coal with better size consistency, hardness and richer in fixed carbon content to cater the
needs of the blast furnace, foundry, and chemical industry.

The process started at the beginning of the 18th century by carbonizing good quality
coking coal in heaps on the ground, which subsequently led to the development of
beehive ovens of different shapes and sizes to meet the increasing demand s of hard coke
for iron smelting. Demand of coke followed by economic consciousness prompted
scientist & technologist to introduce rectangular ovens having horizontal flues with
complete by-product recovery system, which is followed by mechanization of charging
and discharging system. Installation of high capacity blast furnaces compelled to develop
modern high capacity coke ovens capable of producing harder coke of superior quality
using coals of varying coking characteristics. Novel features of the modern ovens are
faster coking rate, electronic control system, stamp charging of coal, dry quenching of
coke, mechanized coal and coke handling system, pollution control devices in all allied
units along with safety devices for men and machines.


When coal is charged into coke ovens after erushing,attalltemperature around 1000 dop-vo
Centigrade, the reactive particles starts fusing and fmally forms a vertical plastic layer
along each heating wall which gradually moves towards the centre of the coal mass
leaving behind a layer of semi-coke which in turn is converted into coke. The
carbonization is said to be complete when these layers meet at the centre raising the coke
mass temperature around 1000 degree Centigrade. The effects of heat on coal are as

330-380 deg C Softening Temperature 500-650 V.M goes out & contraction starts
380-460 „ Plastic Range 650-700 Evolution of hydrogen& contraction
470-500 „ Resolidification 700-800 Major hydrogen& compactness starts
>800 Hydrogen, Carbon Monoxide, low
evolution, compactness and increase in strength

It takes about 16 hrs. in 400 mm wide coke oven to reach the coke mass temperature of -
1000 deg. During the process of carbonization, volatile matters pass through the free
space of the oven and finally goes to the bye product separation plant for collection of
gas, tar, ammonia, benzol etc. Gas after purification is collected in gas holders, 40% of -
which is consumed to maintain the oven temperature and the balance is utilized in other -


All coals right from lignite to anthracite are believed to be genetically related. It is the
extent of metamorphosis and chemical changes which actually describe the rank
evolution, the status and the position of coal in the long march of its coalification. It is -
seen that all kinds of caking coal, known in India, as prime, medium and semi to weakly
caking coal are bounded by two carbon planes, i.e. 83.5 and 91.8 per cent in the
coalification path. Beyond the limits on either sides, all other coals are virtually non-
caking, and are outside the purview of coke making. In the metamorphic path of coal
genesis when decarboxylation and dehydroxylation reactions are largely completed, and
the atomic H/C ratio appears to fall due to commencement of dehydrogenation and
demethylation reactions the caking property begins to develop in coals marked by about
84% carbon, reaches maximum at 90.5% carbon and there after shows a decreasing
tendency. One of the prime requisites of metallurgical grade coal required for high
temperature carbonization is the caking property whichiostructure oriented phenomenon,
confined in limited reserves of coal.

When coal is heated in an inert atmosphere to a temperature of 350-450 degree

Centigrade, certain coals soften and become deformable. Coals exhibiting this property
are called plastic coal. Due to viscous nature of coal particles in their plastic states, they
can coalesce or agglomerate to form a cake. Hence plastic coals are referred to caking
coals. The plastic state is a transient phenomenon and the agglomerated mass eventually ----

solidifies into a semi-coke. Only those caking coals which can produce blast furnace
grade coke are called prime coking coal. Plasticity is exhibited by exinite and vitrinite
macerals only.

At the initial stage of heating during carbonization, kinetic energy of coal substance
increasirs, as a result the aligned molecular coal species loosen themselves and become
mobile. With further rise in temperature bond rupture may take place before general

softening begins, then the free radicals produced would simply polymerize in a random
fashion, even attacking other coal molecules forming bigger molecules and the chance of
plastic deformation will be completely lost. Vence in order to achieve plasticity, the
loosened coal fragments must be solvated as soon as they are formed and also stabilized,
if present in free radical forms, by some low melting hydrogen rich bodies such as
bitumen or exinites. Herein lies the importance of presence of such plastic-aiding
materials in caking coals. Once the coal actually begins to melt, then the free radicals
produced, would be stabilized by the donor hydrogen of the hydro-aromatic structure and
the original bitumen would be of less consequence. Without the initial vehicle there
would be no plasticity, no cake formation. It is the plastic mass which covers the entire
thermally degraded coal substance and then solidifies as hard coke.


(i) Non-Recovery Ovens

(ii) By-Product Ovens

Non-Recovery Ovens : They are normally known as bee-hive ovens. These ovens are
suitable for operations to meet the sudden fluctuations in demand of hard coke. These
ovens need less capital investment compared to by-product ovens. The coal bed is heated
directly by the heat generated by burning the volatile matters inside the ovens on the bed
top. Starting up and closing down of the ovens are much easier than that of by-product
ovens. By-products of carbonization are burnt inside the oven there by causing less
pollution. Now a days developed countries are preferring modern non-recovery coke
ovens with the aim of generating less pollutants and more economy. There are mainly
two types of bee-hive ovens i.e. circular base bee-hive ovens and rectangular base bee-
hive ovens. Circular base ovens do not permit mechanical devices for quick discharging
of coke from the ovens thereby increasing the coking times. On the other hand The
rectangular base ovens can be mechanized to a considerable extent and can quickly
discharge the product thereby reducing the coking time. Technologies are being
developed for improving the performance of rectangular type non-recovery coke ovens to
the extent possible.

By- Product Ovens : In this type of ovens the coal is heated indirectly in absence of air
and the constituents of volatile matters evolved, are separated by cooling at different -
stages and further processed as per requirement of the end products. The fuel gas -
generated is cleaned and reused partially for heating the ovens from both the sides. The -
process yields very high quality coke suitable for blast furnace use. The process is highly
capital intensive. This type of oven has mainly five important sections i.e. coking
chamber, heating system, by-products and gas collecting systems, charging and
discharging of ovens, coke quenching and handling. Various technologies for these -
sections have been developed . Some of these technologies are shown below.


The physical and chemical properties of coke produced by high temperature

carbonization of coal is primarily(about 70%tOriihe constituents of coal and
remaining(about 30%) on the other factors i.e. operating conditions/technology etc. Some
of the technologies are shown below :

(A) Pre-Carbonization Technology

(i) Coal beneficiation

(ii) Coal crushing
(iii) Coal blending
(iv) Methods of charging
(v) Inclusion of additives
(vi) Partial briquette blending
(vii)Pre heating of coal charge

(B) Carbonization Technology

(i) Control of flue temperature

(ii) Changing the thickness of the wall
(iii) Changing the dimension of the oven
(iv) Adjustment of the pressure

(C) Post-Carbonization technology

(i) Changing the method of quenching

(ii) Stabilization of coke through sizing



Basis : One million ton of coke per year

Sl.No. Particulars Non-Recovery Ovens By-product ovens

Imp.BH Old BH
(i) No. of Ovens 30 50-60 35

(ii) Capital Rs./t/yr. 800-1000 500-700 4000-10000

(iii) Operational Rs./t 300-400 300-450 750-900

(iv) Cost of Production (coal sensitive) 2200-2800 2100-2700 2600-3200

(v) Thermal Efficiency % 65-80 40-60 80-87

(vi) Specific Energy MJ/kg 6-10 12-20 2.3-2.5

(vii) Coke Yield % 70-80 55-65 72-76

(viii) Coking Time (hr.) 24-40 48-72 14-18


SI.No. Particulars BH:BP

(i) Capital Cost 1:4

(ii) Operational Cost 1 : 2.5-3.0

(iii) Maintenance Cost 1 : 5-6

(iv) Construction Period 1: 3-4

(v) Interest on Capital 1 : 5-6

(vi) Return ( DCF Rate ) 1.5 : 1


Attempts have been made by the designers to utilize the heat being wasted by the flues in
various ways i.e. by heating the primary and/or secondary air ,drying the coal,making -
steam and generating power. It has been reported that the factors of uncontrolled
generation of waste gases and small capacities may make the operation inefficient. The
approximate estimates of power generation and the capital cost of such facility may be
recorded as below :

(i) Plant Capacity (t/a) 38000 67000 115000 230000

(ii) Power Generation (MW) 0.75 1.5 2.5 5.0 -

(iii) Cost of Facility (Rs Million) 30 60 90 180'-


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