Positioning Every 2 Hours: Maintain Adequate Fluid Intake

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Concept Map: Spinal Cord Injury

Match the Medication to its Intended Use For Each Content Area Below, List 1 Intervention
Important for the Nurse to Complete
Medication Intended Use Respiratory
Glucocorticoid d a) Used to treat Bradycardia monitor for the rate and depth of the breathing.
b) Used for severe muscle Provide suction as needed
Vasopressors j spasticity
c) Given for mild pain
Antimuscarinic a d) Decreasing edema of the Tissue Perfusion (Neurogenic Shock)
spinal cord
Muscle relaxants b raise head of the bed and be ready to lower the angle if dizzy
e) Given to treat hypotension
f) Decreases spasticity of the
Cholinergics f
Anticoagulants g g) Prophylaxis for deep-vein
thrombosis Intake and Output
Stool Softeners h h) Prevent constipation

Vasodilators i
i) Treat episodes of
maintain adequate fluid intake
j) Treatment of hypotension
Analgesics c during neurogenic shock Neurological Status/Muscle Strength

monitor LOS and GCS, tone of the muscles

Pick TRUE or FALSE on Teaching Points
Gastrointestinal Function
• Teach/reinforce use of incentive spirometer TRUE

• Teach/reinforce to observe signs of bleeding TRUE

check for bowel movements and sounds
• Teach/reinforce not do to Crede’s method FALSE Skin Integrity

positioning every 2 hours

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Concept Map: Spinal Cord Injury

Match the Medication to its Intended Use For Each Content Area Below, List 1 Intervention
Important for the Nurse to Complete
Medication Intended Use Respiratory
Glucocorticoid d a) Used to treat Bradycardia • Monitor respiratory status. • Assist the client to cough by applying
b) Used for severe muscle • Provide oxygen and suction as needed. abdominal pressure when attempting
Vasopressors j spasticity • Assist with intubation and mechanical to cough
ventilation if necessary.
c) Given for mild pain
Antimuscarinic a d) Decreasing edema of the Tissue Perfusion (Neurogenic Shock)
spinal cord
Muscle relaxants b • When in upright position these clients • Transfer in a reclining wheelchair with
e) Given to treat hypotension
will experience postural hypotension. the back reclined.
f) Decreases spasticity of the • Raise the head of bed and be ready to • Monitor for signs and symptoms of
Cholinergics f
bladder lower the angle if dizziness occurs. thrombophlebitis.
Anticoagulants g g) Prophylaxis for deep-vein
thrombosis Intake and Output
Stool Softeners h h) Prevent constipation
• The client may be NPO for several days
i) Treat episodes of
• Maintain an adequate fluid intake
Vasodilators i hypertension
j) Treatment of hypotension
Analgesics c during neurogenic shock Neurological Status/Muscle Strength
• After determining the baseline, monitor for increased loss

Pick TRUE or FALSE on Teaching Points

Gastrointestinal Function
• Teach/reinforce use of incentive spirometer TRUE
• Monitor bowel sounds
• Teach/reinforce to observe signs of bleeding TRUE

• Teach/reinforce not do to Crede’s method FALSE Skin Integrity

• Change position every two hours

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