Fluid Mechanics Lectures and Tutorials 30: Abs Atm Gage

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Fluid Mechanics lectures and Tutorials 30

Pressure Measurements.

●Pressure measurement reads as follows:

1. Relative to absolute zero (perfect vacuum): called absolute pressure
2. Relative to atmospheric pressure: called gage (gauge) pressure

●If P < Patm , we call it a vacuum (or negative or suction) pressure ,

its gage value = how much below atmospheric
●Absolute pressure values are all positive
●While gage pressures may be either:
– Positive: if above atmospheric, or
– Negative (vacuum, suction): if below atmospheric

 Relationship between absolute, gage and atmospheric pressure

Pabs = Patm + Pgage
Oil with a specific gravity of 0.80 forms a layer
0.90 m deep in an open tank that is otherwise
filled with water. The total depth of water and oil
is 3 m. What is the gage pressure at the bottom
of the tank?
Problem Definition
Situation: Oil and water are contained in a tank.
Find: Pressure (kPa gage) at the bottom of the
1. Oil (10°C), S = 0.8.
2. Water (10°C), Table A.5: γ = 9810 N/m3.
Fluid Mechanics lectures and Tutorials 31

Example 5:
In Fig. the tank contains water and immiscible
oil at 20°C. What is h in cm if the density of
the oil is 898 kg/m3?

at elev 1 P1=P2 at water

Example 6:

Example 7:
Fluid Mechanics lectures and Tutorials 32

Example 8

Example 9

Example 9 H.W

A closed circular tank filled with water and

connected by a U-piezometric tube as shown ᶲ1cm
in figure. At the beginning the pressure ᶲ50cm
above the water table in the tank is
atmospheric, then the gauge that connected h
with tank read an increasing in pressure that 3cm

caused falling in the water level in the tank

by 3 cm. a) calculate the deference in height
that accrued between water levels inside the
tank and in the external tube leg. b)
Determine the final pressure that was
.reading by the gauge
Fluid Mechanics lectures and Tutorials 33

Pressure measurement devices:

Absolute pressure measurement
Barometers: The instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure is called
1. Mercury Barometer: which is illustrated in figure below, which consist of
a one meter length tube filled with mercury and inverted into a pan
that’s filled partially with mercury. The height difference of mercury in
inverted tube respect to outside them reads the atmospheric pressure
value (first was invented by E. Torricelli, 1643).

Values of standard sea-level

pressure=101.325 kPa abs
=1013.25 mbar abs
= 760 mm Hg, Torr
=10.34 m H20

2. Aneroid Barometer: uses elastic diaphragm to measure atmospheric

Fluid Mechanics lectures and Tutorials 34

Gage pressure measurement:

1. Manometry
1.1. Piezometer
For measuring pressure inside a vessel or pipe in
which liquid is there, a tube open at the top to
atmosphere may be attached, tapped, to the walls of
the container (or pipe or vessel) containing liquid at a
pressure (higher than atmospheric) to be measured,
so liquid can rise in the tube. By determining the
height to which liquid rises and using the relation P1 =
ρgh, gauge pressure of the liquid can be determined.
Such a device is known as piezometer. To avoid
capillary effects, a piezometer's tube should be about
12mm or greater.
1.2. Manometers
The using of piezometers for high pressures
measurement become impractical and it is useless
for pressure measurement in gases and negative
pressure. The manometers in its various forms is an
extremely useful type of pressure measuring
instrument for these cases.
 Professor John Foss (Michigan State
University) Procedure for manometers
pressure calculation:

= +

= −

Or for successive manometers we can use the

following formula:

where and hi are the specific weight and

deflection in each leg of the manometer
When liquids and gases are both involved in a manometer problem, it is well
within engineering accuracy to neglect the pressure changes due to the columns
of gas. This is because
Fluid Mechanics lectures and Tutorials 35

Manometers limitations: manometers suffers from a number of limitations.

1. While it can be adapted to measure very small pressure differences, it

cannot be used conveniently for large pressure differences - although
it is possible to connect a number of manometers in series and to use
mercury as the manometric fluid to improve the range. (limitation)
2. A manometer does not have to be calibrated against any standard; the
pressure difference can be calculated from second and third principles
in hydrostatics. ( Advantage)
3. Some liquids are unsuitable for use because they do not form well-
defined interface. Surface tension can also cause errors due to
capillary rise; this can be avoided if the diameters of the tubes are
sufficiently large - preferably not less than 12 mm diameter.
4. A major disadvantage of the manometer is its slow response, which
makes it unsuitable for measuring fluctuating pressures
5. It is essential that the pipes connecting the manometer to the pipe or
vessel containing the liquid under pressure should be filled with this
liquid and there should be no air bubbles in the liquid.(limitation).

2. Bourdon gage
Curved tube of elliptical cross-section changes curvature with changes
in pressure. Moving end of tube rotates a hand on a dial through a
linkage system. Pressure indicated by gage graduated in kPa or kg/cm2
(=98.0665 kPa) or psi or other pressure units.
Fluid Mechanics lectures and Tutorials 36

Example1: (Piezometers)
In figure pressure gage A reads 1.5 kPa. The
fluids are at 20oC. Determine the elevations z,
in meters, of the liquid levels in the open
piezometer tubes B and C.

Example 2: (U-manometers)
Water at 10°C is the fluid in
the pipe of Fig. 3.11, and
mercury is the manometer
fluid. If the deflection Δh is 60
cm and is 180 cm, what is the
gage pressure at the center of
the pipe?
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Example 3: (U-manometers)
In Figure fluid 1 is oil (Sg=0.87) and fluid 2 is
glycerin at 20oC ( =12360 N/m3). If Patm=98 kPa,
determine the absolute pressure at point A

Example 4:
Pressure gage B in figure is to
measure the pressure at
point A in a water flow. If the
pressure at B is 87 kPa
estimate the pressure at A, in
kPa. Assume all fluids at
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Example 5: (Differential-Manometers)
In figure all fluids are at 20oC. Determine the pressure difference (Pa) between
points A and B.
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Example 6: (Successive Differential-Manometers)

Example 7: Inverted-Manometers
,For inverted manometer of figure
,all fluids are at 20oC. If pB - pA = 97 kPa
what must the height H be in cm
Fluid Mechanics lectures and Tutorials 40

Example 8

Example 9

Example 10

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