Manifesting 102 - Q and A's

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Welcome to Manifesting 102 -Q and A’s

So many questions about manifesting! Let’s break it down by
topic with some video links so that you can hear it from Queen
Sammy herself

Manifesting and affirmations:

1. Can I manifest whatever I want (SP, job, money, career,

house…you name it)?
Yes, you can manifest whatever the fuck you want. If you
have a desire. It belongs to you. It is spiritual law. Please
watch Sammy’s video where she explains this. Your
Godself given right for your desires:

2. How come this bitch got her shit quicker than me?
I don’t know. Everyone’s journey is different. The only
journey you need to be concerned with is yours. Periodt.
Time is irrelevant. It’s all about when you convince
yourself that it’s yours or at least have your manifestation
be your dominant thoughts.

3. Why don’t I see any movement? It has been two whole

weeks and nothing is happening!! Am I doing it wrong?
Well, you need to fully examine yourself here. Are you
persisting in the OLD story? Are you whining to your
friends all damn day? Are you calling your SP/situation an
asshole all day? When you think about your situation, are
you assuming that it isn’t going to be different? Is your
mental diet on point? Are you giving people free will?
Chances are, if you truly think about this for a minute, you
will see where you are letting your old story to seep in.
Sammy has a video on this:

4. How do I manifest?
Your thoughts become assumptions and assumptions
harden into fact into the 3D.
5. Does it matter how I affirm: past, present, questions, I am
You affirm however you want. Along as it is with
authority, feeling, as if you mean it. Don’t mumble or
passively with a yawn say, “Why is my SP so in love with
me?” Oh hell no! Affirm: “Why is my SP so in love with
ME?....(because I am the prize. That’s right!)
Sammy just posted yet another video on affirming:
And another one:

6. Do I have to believe my affirmations?

Um. No. You don’t have to believe what you are saying.
Keep affirming and keep your mental diet clean.

7. Will I get a headache from affirming?

Usually not. But having said that, it is not necessarily
uncommon to feel a little tired when you start affirming
and being strict on your mental diet. When you start
actually being aware of what you think instead of being on
autopilot, it does take mental energy. Equate it to going to
the gym. When you start working out, you feel sore. After
a few days or a week, you start to feel great.
8. How come I can’t manifest anything?
First of all, you are manifesting. All. The. Time. Period.
Now if you are affirming and assuming that you cannot
purposefully manifest your shit, then your reality has no
choice but to show up as you assume. Put an end to that
shit immediately. Affirm: I manifest my desires easily.

9. Do I affirm out loud or in my head?

Either. The choice is yours. They both work. Personally, I
like to go on rampages while I’m in my car driving to
work. Perfect time for me to get feisty with my fave

10. How many times do I have to affirm?

Until you get your shit. You don’t have to affirm every
second of the day. But you should affirm: in the morning,
when you go to bed, anytime what you are affirming for
crosses your mind. When your brain is idle, affirm if you
feel inspired. Keep your mental diet clean.

11. What happened? I have been affirming for (insert your

shit here) but I got the opposite?
This can occur for multiple reasons. Often times it is the
transition. It can also be that you are still assuming the old
story or it could be your fears manifesting (if they are your
dominant thoughts).

12. What is a mental diet?

Mental diet is being aware of your thoughts and “flipping”
or changing the thoughts that are not in line with your

13. Will I get my shit right away?

I don’t know. You tell me. Are you going to stay on top of
your mental diet? Affirm? Ignore the 3D? If you are doing
those things, then you will typically see movement in a
couple of weeks.

14. Do I have to feel it real? Can I just affirm once and be

done with it?
No to both….that doesn’t mean that you won’t get
something that you only say once. But, for manifestations
that you already have opposite assumptions you must
make the new assumption your dominant thoughts.

15. What about 1008? Subliminals?

The 1008 craze is basically affirming 1008 times. It is
great that it encourages you to affirm and you are counting
to keep track. Basically, it is affirming. Here are Sammy’s
thoughts on subliminals:

1. My circumstances are outrageous. Is that going to affect
my manifestation?
No. Circumstances do not matter. Whether it is 1,000 or 5,
000 miles….one 3P or 50 3Ps, circumstances do not
matter. Period. Whether 1,000 people, 10,000 people, or 1
million people have to move to get your manifestation,
you will get your manifestation. Sammy’s video on this

2. How do I deal with 3D circumstances?

Ignore it. Handle your business, but do not mentally react.
You cannot fix anything from the 3D. You need to do it
from the 4D. Revise on the spot as situations occur. Use
EFT to release the emotion, while tapping out a positive

3. How do I revise?
There are several ways. This video explains it the best:

4. What do I do when I am triggered? How do I deal with my

human emotions? How do I do EFT?
Use EFT to help get your emotions under control. If you
are feeling sad or anxious, this can help you to purge the
human emotions. You can use EFT when affirming
anything triggering. Not only will the emotion leave you,
but I believe it helps to cement the affirmations into your
a. Here are links to three of Sammy’s videos that
discuss EFT

​SP issues
1. We saw each other, but they said that they don’t want to be
with me anymore.
OR He blocked me. OR He told me he fucking hates my
ass. What can I do?
First of all, stop giving him/her free will to reject you. Let
go of the old story. Start affirming and persisting in the
reality that you want.

​Acronyms explained
1. SP = Specific Person -someone you are trying to
manifest or change
2. EIYPO = Everyone Is You Pushed Out -concept that
everyone is literally a reflection of you and shows up
however you assume that they will.

3. EIMPO = Every Is Me Pushed Out -see above

4. 3P = Third Party -this can be any person or circumstance

that you see as in the way of getting your manifestation.
Examples: SP’s girlfriend, bank, loan officer.

5. SATS = State Akin To Sleep – a state of being either

meditating or right before falling asleep when people
choose to do visualization, affirming, telephone technique
as it imprints more into the subconscious during those

6. 3D = Third Dimension. This illusion/dead reality that we

currently live in.

7. 4D = Fourth Dimension. The place where we create our

The breakdown: affirm, affirm, affirm. Persist no matter what the
circumstances appear to be, as circumstances do not matter. So put
on your crown and give some orders!

Some of Sammy’s videos that cover these topics:

You create your own reality….What is manifestation:
Think from the version of you that has what you want:
Not believing your affirmations:
Revising on the spot:
Time lag:
Free will:
Change someone’s state:
Your Godself given right for your desires:
Circumstances don’t matter:
Stop being a victim in your own reality:
Why your affirmations are not working and how to fix it:

Subscribe to Sammy’s channel to get updates when she releases new


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