E) Ect of Modular Learning To The Academic Performance of Grade 1 Students in Aclc College of Iriga
E) Ect of Modular Learning To The Academic Performance of Grade 1 Students in Aclc College of Iriga
E) Ect of Modular Learning To The Academic Performance of Grade 1 Students in Aclc College of Iriga
To The Academic
Performance of Grade 1…
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Aug 15, 2021
Original Title
EIect of Modular Learning to the Academic Performance of Grade 12
Students in Aclc College of Iriga
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COVID-19 pandemic has highly affected our society because of its health risks that may
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lead to danger. One of the affected sectors was education and it resulted to the suspension of
classes in order to avoid the spread of the virus. Despite of these challenging situations, the
Department of Education still managed to continue the classes through online conduct setting.
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Education helps people think, show their emotions, feel about things in a way that
benefits to their success, and improves not only their own personal contentment but also their
society and community. Also, education develops the individual’s personality, thoughts, that
deals with other people and prepares anybody for the purpose of the reality and life experiences
(Al- Shuaibi, 2014).
Face-to-face learning usually where the instructor and the student meet in a set place for a
comparable to what happens in school. Face to face learning could be a truly compelling way to
memorize information and abilities since it frequently combines distinctive ways of learning to
count writing, reading, discussion, presentations, projects, group work, film clips, demonstration
nowadays. In the past decade, it has a major effect on postsecondary education and the trend is
only increasing. Online learning is an instruction that takes put over the Internet. It is frequently
referred to as “e-learning” among other terms. However, online learning is fair one sort of
Not useful
“distance learning” - the umbrella term for any learning that takes put over distance and not in a
Modules permit instructors to organize content to assist control the flow of the course.
Modules are utilized to organize course content by weeks, units, or a diverse organizational
structure. Modules basically make a one-directional direct flow of what students ought to do in a
course. Each module can contain records, discussions, assignments, tests, and other learning
materials. Module things can be included in the course from existing content or modern content
shells inside the modules. Course content can be included in different modules or iterated several
This study will research the Effective platform for the learning delivery modality in
Grade 12 students of ACLC College of Iriga. The study will also measure the advantages and
disadvantages of modular learning through the effect of printed modules for the Grade 12
students of ACLC College of Iriga. Different platforms and the effectivity will be also find based
Theoretical Framework
Fosnot (2005) emphasize the active role of learner in building understanding and making sense
of the information. The constructivist teaching is learner centered where students are actively
A major theme in the theoretical framework of Bruner is that learning is an active process
in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current and previous
knowledge. The learner selects and transforms information, constructs hypotheses, makes
decisions, and rely on their own understanding. Cognitive structure (schema) provides meaning
and organization to experiences and allows the individual to go beyond the information given.
In other words, the teacher should try and encourage learner to discover principles by
themselves. With the use of the module the learner will be able to process new ideas that they
read from the module. From there they can depend on their own understanding and develop their
problem-solving skills.
Conceptual Framework
Modular learning will be brought three different variables in order to achieve the result of
the study which is to determine the advantages and disadvantages, academic benefits and factors
Ha = There were significant factors of effectiveness of using printed modules in the learning of
the Grade 12 students of ACLC College of Iriga based on their academic performance.
Ho = There were no significant factors of effectiveness of using printed modules in the learning
of the Grade 12 students of ACLC College of Iriga based on their academic performance.
This research will be focusing on the effects, effectiveness advantages and disadvantages
of printed modular learning. The study will be limited only for the Grade 12 students of ACLC
College of Iriga.
The study is all about the student’s preference on the type of learning they want in
accordance to their capability and interests, and also their benefits and struggles in a printed
modular learning system. The study will be conducted to determine the important factors and
The study will be conducted due to the COVID-19 pandemic that primarily affects the
sector of education in the whole country. this study shall provide more relevant results on the
the Grade 12 students of ACLC College of Iriga that relates other high school students in the
This study will benefit the senior high school students and also the teachers and faculties
of ACLC College of Iriga because their opinions will be heard for the improvement of the quality
education provided by the school. In addition, the results of this study will help the future
researchers on conducting similar study on the academic benefits, effectiveness, advantages and
disadvantages of printed modular learning to provide more focus to the conditions of the students
This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, published journals, generalizations or
conclusions, methodologies and other parts that may help strengthen the study. Those that were
included in this chapter helps in familiarizing and making a strong proof that are relevant and
In this chapter, the review of related literature and studies of the study about the effect of
modular learning to the academic performance of Grade 12 students of ACLC College of Iriga
will be presented on both local and foreign related literature and studies.
2.2 Foreign Literature
According to Rodeiro & Nadas (2011), The proponents of modular schemes claim that
their benefits are in terms of curriculum versatility (number and timing of modular
examinations), short-term evaluation targets, daily input, re-sit opportunities and increasing
encouragement among students. The modular assessment is criticized for fragmenting learning,
students joining assessments unprepared, over-teaching for the exam, and assessment overload.
Furthermore, people are claiming that GCSEs are becoming less and less demanding due to their
being less difficult, which has caused a decline in confidence in the qualification as a whole.
According to Alelaimat (2012), The most commonly used small teaching unit (modules)
that is a small teaching unit that adopts the principle of self-education strategy and
individualization. Also, the unit involves unique objectives. And activates as it is done in a
logical sequence to allow the learner to achieve the goals and improve the mastery. As it is done
in a logical sequence and sets a limit of adeptness which is reached according to the speed of the
According to Joyce (2020), Modular schooling cuts the time it takes to learn and thereby
allows for bigger immediate improvements in ability and value. Working professionals can learn
new skills in shorter periods of time, even as they work, which pays off in additional skill and
credentialing at the same time, rather than only at the end. It enables you to tailor your education
to the unique needs of your job prospects. You can supplement your education with a specific
certificate or portion of a degree to better prepare yourself for data science jobs, and more easily
combine humanities skills with technology skills, communication skills with coding skills,
Boise State University states that A Modular Learning Environment is a unit, chapter,
subject, or section of instruction. It is a standard unit within your course that is structured to
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encourage student progress. The length of a week is dependent on the lesson content and your
teaching style. An online teaching and learning environment with a facilitated framework is
essential for the presentation and implementation of the online learning process. When students
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are familiar with the class structure, they spend less time trying to guess what is planned, and
learning has wrought difficulties for the quality of education, on the part of school staff. The
DepEd is actively trying to find new ways to address current issues and capacitate its teachers
and school heads for the IT-based distance learning. Instructors along with Program Supervisors
prepared modules beginning in May 2020 in all subjects for all grade/year level across four
are typically pre-tested, discussed and assessed, thus making them learning packages. The
module listings are distributed to all learners with the class schedule. The course will train
students on what topics to study and reinforce with them for the upcoming week.
DepEd uses distance education. To help learning online, such as via the internet or text-based
content, we should create another set of modules. The reason the school has been delayed is
presumably because they had a new printer that needed to be shipped. Having problems with the
modules which are due to be used, this can be a common situation days before the opening of the
According to Magsambol (2020), Under the DepEd's robust, integrated learning system ,
students would have access to self-directed learning materials (SLMs). Teachers will provide
students with a syllabus in every quarter. Students will be having 4 sets of textbooks and lab
manuals in one year. The vocational certificates will be issued to parents before classes begin. In
Barangays where there is no school, there will be designated drop-off points for school supplies.
We intend to distribute the program four times during the school year. Completed assignment
sheets will be issued by parents to teachers. They can send their homework to the teachers in
school or at pick-up points in specified locations. Students' progress on the summative and
evaluation tasks will be observed. The Department of Education confirmed the schools won't be
millions of students, the government adopted an educational distance learning strategy. Distance
learning, also known as correspondence training or self-study, is a mode of education where little
or no face-to-face contact exists between students and their teachers. This form is divided into
three sections. That is the one of the more convenient student resources for most of the average
Filipino students. It was the most common system of study between parents/guardians and was
which allows learners to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in written, digital or electronic copy
whichever is applicable to the learner. Learners with Modular Distance Learning can also use
other tools such as textbooks, activity sheets, study guides, etc. Many teachers would have to
deliver instructional materials that are relevant. Students can now access these materials from
learning approach is getting to be very popular in later times. In this approach the instructor uses
teaching modules arranged for particular purposes instep of traditional reading material. Module
of study. The module will be self-contained in spite of the fact that certain combinations of
modules may represent a progression through the educational programs. This change is due to
the reason that in almost last decade learning speculations have moved from a stimulus-response
concepts. In educational setting, in present the shift has moved from conventional instructing
According to Sadiq, S. (2014), In teaching there are numerous strategies which are being
utilized. A few of them are assignment strategy, discovery strategy, lecture strategy, dialog
strategy, programmed learning, project method, field trip, case study strategy, demonstration
strategy, modularized instruction. Modular teaching is a new approach in classroom settings, for
encounter taking in experiences in instruction moreover it has been getting much consideration.
The framework of taking in modules has turned into a bit of all level of instructions. Teaching
through module may be a self - taking in bundle overseeing one specific topic/ unit. It may be
utilized within any setting accommodating to the learner and may be finished at the learner's own
specific pace. Sufficient hypotheses assist more practices are available for the valuable demand
of separated teaching in our classrooms. Thus, this study was coordinated so as to check the
separating the content into smaller, non-sequential units so the material can be easily taught. A
student's credits are accrued in order to apply for a certain amount of credit points. Module is a
unit of work that is self-contained and a method of teaching that is focused on acquisition of skill
sets and skills in discrete units. A module is a course that can be combined with other similar
courses to form a specialization in the field. Each unit or module is a part of an extended learning
experience that leads to a specified certification and a prescribed number of units or modules is
According to Mazkeraj & Witte (2019), the modular education is a method that separates
the lessons into smaller pieces. Each module is designed to allow students to obtain a partial
certificate. The study evaluates the impact of modular education on reducing school dropouts,
and whether it is an effective solution. To inform on the education policy transition, this study
design, the findings indicate that modular education can reduce drop out by 2.5 percent. The
greatest effects on foreign-born students were observed. Therefore, schools that are modular will
prove to be a successful policy for increasing enrollment and reducing ethnic disparity. With
regard to job rates, students who are enrolled in modular education are more likely to be working
According to Abbasi et al. (2013), Studies have shown that any nurse should undergo
continuing education. They are strictly required to do so for the field of oncology. Depending on
the role of the instructor in the curriculum, there are usually two styles of teaching: Student-
teaching methods and student-centered (module) instruction upon the experience and practice of
developed module was well planned in terms of material, relevance and mechanics. Also, the
module was evaluated by the students as highly effective, useful and efficient. Third-year
undergraduate students in the School of Education were surveyed as participants for the report.
The students were put into experimental and control classes. The classes were graded according
to their grades in the previous semester. The control group didn't use the established module,
whereas the experimental group did. The tests were performed based on the different exercises
and the questions asked at the end of each subject. Based on the tests, the students in the
experimental group performed at a high level, while those in the control group showed changes
in their results. In related ways, the approach should be useful for studying mythology and
relatively recent creation, and is now being used as a method to complement classroom
instruction. This learning kit offers self-instructional modules that permit self-paced learning.
Since a module is a single instructional kit dealing with a single idea, it also offers a variety of
type to the instructional process. Modules differentiate between different learning styles, adapt to
meet a range of differing learning needs, and place the greatest burden on the learner. Modules
also encourage constructive engagement by the learner. The modular approach to education is
based in the fact that learning is best when it requires involvement in and control of the learning
According to Yazon (2016), Teaching and learning through the use of modular method
has been implemented in the United States by educators. In order to provide better
comprehension, the would-be writer monitors the writing subject as a course, which may provide
better attention to the relevant information. Each module of the system is intended for a specific
type of person, as they should respond frequently to each course of action at the pace of the
efficient use of learning modules. These advanced elementary and secondary standardized tests
were developed for self-study. Furthermore, Alternative Learning Framework promotes the use
of supplementary learning resources such as those developed by the facilitator and those that
match the student's needs. It is important to contextualize learning because it teaches us how to
think. The approved and validated Alternative Learning System (ALS) will improve the
academic output of learners and provide lifelong learning skills to these learners.
Research Design
research method. The data will be gathered through the use of survey-gathering materials in
order to provide a clearer representation of problem to the respondents. The data will include
survey questionnaire and other things than can record documentation in the conduct of this study.
As instruments, the researchers will use of the qualitative approach, since the study is
more than just knowing the effects of modular learning to the students as well as the
effectiveness that takes to their advantages in coping with the modular learning system.
The study will be conducted within the vicinity of Iriga, Camarines Sur specifically in
ACLC College of Iriga wherein the respondents reside and are referred to the researchers. The
said locale will also be considered as highly populated provinces in the country which can be a
good basis for Grade 12 students of ACLC College of Iriga but not a representative of a whole
Grade 12 students.
The researchers will choose some of the Grade 12 students of ACLC College of Iriga that
will be considered in the study which is the effect of modular learning in their academic
In order to determine the samples for this study, the researcher will choose and ask
permission for the enrolled Grade 12 students of ACLC College of Iriga. The researcher will also
be considering the referrals of other people who are more appropriate to provide opinions about
In order to gather more relevant data about the study, the researcher will use survey
questionnaires to gather the data and the respondent’s opinion about the topic. Under which, the
researchers will conduct virtual interview amidst the COVID-19 pandemic to collect data from
the respondents regarding the study. The virtual interview will be conducted because that will be
the only way allowed to gather data through interview in order to prevent the harm of the virus.
The virtual interview will obtain the necessary data coming from the respondents they will be
related and have a valid and relevant data align with the topic.
The first step before going to the testing proper is to make a request letter. Upon
approval, the researcher retrieves the request letter. The parents, as well as respondent itself
members will be selected in the administration. In administering the questionnaire, the researcher
was using the time allotted for vacant to avoid distractions of class discussions. The Grade 12
student responses were given enough time to answer the questions. After data gathering, the
researcher now collected it for tallying the scores and to apply the statistical treatment to be used
Data Analysis
The finding will be organized by the researcher by reviewing the survey transcripts
multiple times, reading through them and making initial notes. The data that will be gather in the
survey was tallied and analyzed. Likert scaling will be used to determine how the modular
learning affects Grade 12 students of ACLC College of Iriga. This will be also elaborate the
College of Iriga. The researcher will be going to use five-point scale; each point corresponding
Likert scale.
To be able for the researchers to generate a result, statistical tools must be used to
evaluate the gathered data. Conducting a statistical analysis helps the researchers to conduct a
meaningful result which will give to all the gathered data. The researchers used the statistical
tools is the z-test which is used to analyze two different population which variables are unknown.
´x −µ o
σ / √n
wherein: ´=
x mean of the sample
µ o = mean of population
n= no . of observations
Not useful
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module versus lecture teaching methods on the knowledge and practice of oncology
nurses about safety standards with cytotoxic drugs in Shiraz University of Medical
Aleilamat, A. (2012). The Effect of Educational Modules Strategy on the Direct and Postponed
Bagood, J. (2020). Teaching-Learning modality under the new normal . Retrieved from
Chin, M. (2020). Students’ New Normal : Modular Distance Learning . Retrieved from Unique
Philippines: https://www.uniquephilippines.com/students-new-normal-modular-distance-
Dejene, W., & Chen, D. (2019). The practice of modularized curriculum in higher education
institution: Active learning and continuous assessment in focus . Retrieved from Taylor
Jones, J. (2017). face to face vs. online learning . Retrieved from HeadSpace:
Joyce, L. (2020). Stackable, Modular Learning: Education Built for the Future of Work .
Magsambol, B. (2020). Briones says modular learning 'expensive,' has 'big effect' on
Magsambol, B. (2020). FAST FACTS: DepEd's modular learning. Retrieved from Rappler:
Malaya, B. (2020). Modular Distance Learning: Here’s what you need to know . Retrieved from
WhataLife: https://www.whatalife.ph/modular-distance-learning-heres-what-you-need-to-
Mazkeraj, D., & Witte, K. (2019). The effect of modular education on school dropout. BERA
Journal, 1.
Stern, J. (2016). Introduction to Online Teaching and Learning . Retrieved from WLAC:
Using a Modular Approach to Course Design . (2020). Retrieved from Boise State University: