Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden: Paul Seligson With Jane Hudson

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Christina Latham-Koenig

Clive Oxenden
Paul Seligson
with Jane Hudson

4 A My name's Hannah, not Anna 43 A At the National Portrait Gallery

6 B All over the world 45 B Chelsea girls
8 C Open your books, please 47 C A night to remember

10 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Arriving in London 49 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Getting lost

11 A A writer's room 50 A A murder story

13 B Stars and stripes 52 B A house with a history
15 C After 300 metres, turn left 54 C A night in a haunted hotel

17 A Things I love about Britain 56 A What I ate yesterday

19 B Work and play 58 B White gold
21 C Love online 60 C Quiz night

23 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Coffee to ta ke away 62 PRACTICAL ENGLISH At a restaurant

24 A Is she his wife or his sister? 63 A The most dangerous road ...
26 B What a life! 65 B CouchSurf round the world!
28 C Live forever 67 C What's going to happen?

30 A Do you have the X Factor? 69 A First impressions

32 B Love your neighbours 71 B What do you want to do?
34 C Sun and the City 73 C Men, women, and the internet
36 PRACTICAL ENGLISH In a clothes shop 75 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Going home

37 A Reading in English 76 A Books and films

39 B Times we love 78 B I've never been there!
41 C Music changes lives 80 C The English File questionnaire

My name's Bond. James Bond.
Ian Fleming, British writer

1 GRAMMAR verb be [Il, subject pronouns 2 VOCABULARY days of the week,

a Complete column 1 w ith the words in the box. T hen numbers 0-20, greetings
write the contractions in column 2. a Put the letters in order to make days of the week.
Remember to start with a CAP [TAL LETTER.
she are they is + are is are
1 ARSAYDUT Saturda)l
1 Full form 2 Contraction
Lam I'm 40DNYMA
you 2
he 4
it 8
we 10 11 b Continue the series.
you 12 13 1 five, six, seven, eight nine ten
are 15 2 six, eight, ten,
3 twenty, nineteen,
b Complete the sentences with be. Use a contraction. 4 five, seven, nine ,

1 I'm four. 2 _ _ _ _ students. 3 _ _ _ _ in room 2. 4 _ _ _ _ Thursday.

5 _ _ _ _ in a taxi. 6 _ _ _ _ tourists . 7 _ _ _ _ in room 317. 8 Hello. _ _ _ _ inmy

How can you govern a country
which has 246 varieties of cheese?

1 GRAMMAR verb be IT! and B 2 VOCABULARY the world, numbers 21-100

a Complete B's sentences. a Complete the sentences with a country or a nationality.

1 A Prague is in Hungary. 1 Ivana is from Russia. She's Russian .

B It isn't in HuntJary. it's in the Czech Republic. 2 Bratwurst is German. It's from Germany
3 Aki is from Japan. He's _ _ _ _ _ __
2 A Lady Gaga is British. 4 My friends are Hungarian. They're from
B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ American.
5 Maria is from Mexico. She's
3 A He's German. 6 Fiat cars are Italian. They're from
B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Swiss. 7 Paella is from Spain. It's
4 A Istanbul and Ankara are in Greece. 8 We're Egyptian. We're from
B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Turkey. 9 She's from the United States. She's
10 They're Brazilian. They're from
5 A We're in room 219.
B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ room 309. b Complete the dialogues with a continent.
6 A Parmesan is from France. 1 A Where's Spain?
B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Italy. B It's in
7 A You're Brazilian. 2 A Where's Japan?
B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Argentinian. B It's in
8 A Enrique Iglesias is Ame rican. 3 A Where's Brazil?
B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Spanish. B It's in
4 A Where's Canada?
b Order the words to make questions. B It's in
your I 's I name I What
5 A Where's Egypt?
~VV~h~a~t'~sy~o~u~r~n~a~m~e~------------- ?
B It's in
2 she I Where I 's I from
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -?
3 America I from I they I South I Are c Complete the compass.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -?
d Write the numbers
4 five I room I we I in I Are
in words.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -?
1 27 twenty-seven
5 holiday I you I Are I on
2 33
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -?
3 40
6 from I he I Poland I Is
4 48
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -?
5 56
c Match these answers to the questions in b . 6 62
a Yes, he is. D 7 74
b No, I'm not. D 8 85
c She's from Italy. D 9 99
d No, we aren't. D 10 100
e Yes, they are. D
a ~ the syllable with /~/ in these words. Listen again and complete the dialogues.
1 A fri ca
1 A Are you _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
2 Chi na
B No, I'm Polish. I'm from Krakow.
3 Germany
4 Ire land 2 A Where are you from?

5 Eu rope B We're _ _ _ _ _ _ _,. We're from

_ __ _ _ _ _ . We're on holiday in Europe.
6 Po land
7 Italy 3 A Where's he from? Is he _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
8 Ja pan B No, he isn't. He's . He's from Cancun.

b Listen and check. Then listen 4 A Mmmm, delici ous. Is it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?

again and repeat the words. B No, it isn't. It's _ _ __ _ __ _

c ~the word with a different sound.

S 1 Polish Egyptian Swiss

Learn these words and phrases.
flag rtxq

tf 2 Czech English French

language 1~(,IJlJ\\ld::;!
Excuse me ... II-- skjll:z mi:
che ss I'm from ... 11m rrnm
All over the world. :d .)0\.) 0;1 \\ :J:ld
S 3 Turkish Russian Chinese I'm not sure. .11111 not J:l:
Where are you from? ,,'e,1(r) U:.Il1 rr!1111

d3 4 Spanish Japanese Argentinian


d Listen and check. Then listen

again and repeat the words.

R ead about three people:
Yin, Moira, and Fadil.
Mark the sentences T (true)
or F (false).
1 Moira is a teacher. L
2 Fadil is a student.
3 Moira is twenty-eight.
4 Yin is a teacher.
This is Yin. He's 19 and This is Moira. She's an This is Fadil. He's Egyptian.
S Yin is from Asia.
he's a student. Yin is English teacher and she's He's from Alexandria, an
6 Fadil is nineteen. Chinese. He's from 28. Moira is Irish . She's important city in the North
7 Yin is twenty-eight. Shanghai, a big city in from Galway, a city in of Egypt. Fadil is 25 and he's
8 Moira is British. the East of China. the West of Ireland . a receptionist in a hotel.

Anyone who stops learning is old,
whether at twenty or eighty.

1 GRAMMAR possessive adjectives: my, 2 INSTRUCTIONS IN YOUR BOOK

your, etc. Match the words to the pictures.
a Complete the chart. a complete QJ f cross D
b underline D g cover the text D
Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives
c match D h number D
I 1
d circle D tick D
your e ask your partner D cross out D
he 2

b Complete the sentences with a possessive adjective.

1 Her name's Teresa.
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ name's Edward .
3 We're students. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ teacher's name is
4 I'm Irish. family are from Dublin.
5 It's a Chinese restaurant. name is
Merry City.
6 A What's phone number?
B My mobile number? It's 07700 900156.
7 They're Scottish. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ surname's MacLeod.
c Order the words to make questions.
1 first / her / What's / name
A What's her tirst name ?
B Sandra. sc.R.IPT
2 teacher / Where / from / your / 's
A ?
B The United States.
3 he / student / Is / a
A ?
B No, he isn't.
4 you / old / How / are
A ?
B I'm 35.
5 surname / spell / do / How / you / your
A ?
3 VOCABULARY classroom language c ~the letter with a different vowel sound.
a Complete the sentences.
. UI7" ,e
1 Clrui:. the door.
2 L_ _ _ _ _ andrepeat.
eI 1~
\ =
train tree boot egg bike
3 0 your books, please.
4 W in pairs. H C Q F E
5 A the question. G S 0 M Y
6 T off your mobile.
7 L at the board. d Listen and check. Then listen again and
8 G to page 94. repeat the letters.
b Order the words to make sentences.
don't I [ I know 5 LISTENING
I don't know.
Listen to the dialogue at a hotel reception
2 do I How I it I you I spell
desk. Complete the form.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -?
3 don't I I I understand
1 Erik
4 you I that I can I please I repeat I Sorry,
? 2
5 in I English I Excuse I what's I me, I 'vacaciones'
6 remember I I I can't 4 Perth

5 Atkinson Road

4 PRONUNCIATION /';m/, lu:/, /a:/; 6

the alphabet
a ~ the word with a different vowel sound.
8 61
gU 9 61
know don't North

t wo South you
Learn these words and phrases.
-Q : Asia France answer
- address Jdres
car age cId;;
postcode 'p;:loSlbou
~1J go close do receptionist I'I'serJJn 1St
pho ne student 'stju:clnt
surname \3:nerm
b Listen and check. Then listen again and
first name 'l':l:st neIm
repeat the words.
mobile phone Il1Jobi:1 'fJon
phone number 'l';Jun n \J11b.'),
How old are you? han 'Jolt! u: ju
I'm 22. aIm I wentl '[ u:

Arriving in London


Complete the words. a Match the hotels to the people. Write the numbers
in the boxes.
1 Antonia and James want to have a relaxing weekend.
2 Mr Edwards wants to have a two-day meeting
with manager from other European offices.
1 the l'ifiji.tL_ _ _ 4 tbe b_ _ _ __
3 The Scott family want to go to London and visit
2 a s'_ _ _ _ _ room 5 r_ _ _ __
the city.
3 ad room 6 tbe gr _ _ _ _ fl _ _ __

Complete the conver ation with phrases in the box.
Can you sign here, please? l-Aave a reservation
Just a second... Thank you That's right
Sheraton Skyline Hotel 350 double rooms
A Good evening, sir. Conference centre
Bath Road
B Hello. l ' I have a reservation . My name's Carl Zimmerman. Restaurants and bar
Hayes UB3 5BP Wi-fi connection
A Can you spell that, please?
B Z-I-M-M-E-R-M-A-N. 2 km from Heathrow Airport
A Thank you. For three nights?
B Yes. 2 _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
A Can I have your passport, please?
B 3 Here you are.
A Thank you. • Thank you.
Here's your key. It's room 403, on the fourth floor. The lift is
over there. Enjoy your stay, Mr Zimmerman.
B 5 _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __

26 suites, 201 luxury rooms

Room service
Golf course
Complete the missing words in the dialogue. Television
29 kIn from Central London
1 A Who is it?
B ThL is David Barnsley.
2 A Where are you from?
B I'm from Boston. What a you?
3 A So rry. 20 Denbigh Road Ealing London W13 80B
B No pr
4 A Hello?
B Is th Tom? • 2 triple rooms, 2 double • Television

5 A Are you on holiday?

rooms, and 1 single room
• Free parking

B No. I'm here on b

Wi-fi connection
• Close to
centra l London
6 A Is 10.30 OK for you?
B That's p
..., A l .. ' ... . . 1...1 ........ la................. ,.. .... L.-. ...... ...& .. : .... L..")
b Underline five words or phrases you don't know.
My favourite things in life
don't cost any money.

Complete the crossword.
Clues across -+ Clues down ~

2 GRAMMAR a / an, plurals; this / that / c Complete the sentences with this, that, these, or those.
these / those
1 Ibm.'s a French newspaper.
a Write It 's + a I an or They 're.
It 's a purse.
2 They 're pens.
3 diary. 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ watch
4 umbrella. is Swiss.
S stamps.
6 keys.
7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ identity card. 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ aremy
8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pencil. headphones!
b Write each word in its plural form in the correct column.

pencil city eein ticket diary watch window 4 _ _ _ __ __ book

adclr-es-s sandwich country class dictionary

-s -es -ies
cams addresses cities S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are
your keys.

d Complete the chart. 4 READING
Singular Plural Read the text and label the pictures.

The top five things
in people's bags
Keys are at the top of the list. They can be house keys,
e Complete the sentences with a word from the chart in d . car keys, or office keys. Next are pens, to write down names,
numbers, and email addresses. Number three on t he list is
Her mother is a very nice pel"son
a packet of tissues. These can be white or different colours,
2 My English teacher is a . His name's like pink or yellow. Next is medicine, for example paracetamol
William. for a bad head. Receipts are number five on the list. These
3 I have two _ _ _ _ . My first _ _ _ _ is six are small pieces of paper from shops.
years old.
4 Many British drink tea. medicine
5 Not those toilets, Mr Davis! They're for
_ _ _ _ , not _ _ __

3 PRONUNCIATION final-s and -es; th

a ~~!Vthe word which ends in /Iz/.
1 coins wallets ceurs~
2 classes files scissors
3 stamps ' books addresses
4 photos watches headphones 4 5
5 tissues pens sandwiches
6 magazines glasses newspapers
b Listen and check. Then listen again and 5 LISTENING
repeat the words. Listen to four people talking about things they have in
c ~irc1.vthe word with a different sound. their bags. Which person ... ?
1 has a book in his I her bag which helps him I her speak
(5 to people
1 that they thanks 2 has something to listen to music
mother 3 changes bags every day
4 has a computer in his I her bag
8 2 thing thirty these
th umb
(5 Learn these words and phrases.
3 three this the
lamp hemp
room ru:m l
8 4 Thursday those thirteen
tidy 'tdldi l
untidy ,\n'tului
thu mb What's this in English? \\ots OIS 111 'IJJglIJ
d Listen and check. Then listen again and
repeat the words.
Not merely a nation, but a nation of nations.
Lyndon B Johnson, American president

1 GRAMMAR adjectives b Complete the crossword. Write the opposite adjectives.

a @ t h e correct words.
1 They're jeans blue I blue jeans. 2p A S T
2 It's a nice day I day nice. 3

3 My sisters are very taU I very taUs. 4 5 6

4 That's a car fast I fast car. [

S These are goods photos I good photos.

6 Those boots are quite cheap I quite cheaps.
- r--- -

7 It's a big house I house big. ,.,- 8 9 f-- - rw-

8 Her children aren't very oIds I very old. r-- 1
r-- - r--
b Order the words to make sentences. 11 f-- 12

1 blue I This I is I a I pen I r-- I

This is a blue pen
2 expensive I an I That's I watch

3 quite I My I long I hair I is -

4 rich I very I is I woman I That I
S boots I really I Your I dirty I are -

Clues across ~ Cluesdown ~

6 city I This I a I dangerous I is 2 slow 12 cold 1 dangerous 7 small
4 cheap 13 weak 3 easy 9 new
7 very I book I good I That I isn't I a 8 rich 14 clean S far 10 right
11 bad 6 fu ll 13 tall

8 near I house I quite I is I His

c Match the pictures to the sentences. Write the letter in the box.

2 VOCABULARY colours,
adjectives, modifiers: quite /
very / really
a Write the colours.
1 blue + yellow Breen
2 black + white
3 red + yellow
4 white + red
S red + green
1 She's thin , with long hair. [ID 4 She's young, with blonde hair. D
2 He's tall, with short hair. D S He's short, with dark hair. D
3 He's quite old , and 6 She's quite fat , and she's
good-looking. D beautiful. D
d Look at the information and write sentences with quite 4 READING
or very.
Read the text and write T (true) or F (false).
Rob Neil Jim
1 The Walk of Fame is in the UK.
Age 15 65 85
2 It's a short street.
Height 2 metres 1 metre 60 1 metre 80 3 Every year there are more stars.
Weight 150 kilos 90 kilos 55 kilos 4 The stars are for famous actors.
5 Michael Jackson has more than one star.
Age (old I young) 6 Only real people can have a star.
1 Rob is quite young
2 Neil is quite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 Jimis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Height (tall! short)
4 Rob ___________________________
5 Neil _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____
Hollywood is a district of Los Angeles in California, USA. The Walk
6 JUn ----------------------- of Fame is in the centre of the district on Hollywood Boulevard
Weight (fat I thin) and Vine Street. It is over two kilometres long, and has more than
7 Rob ___________________________ 2,400 stars. There are more than 20 new stars every year.
8 ei l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ The stars are in five different types: film, TV, music, radio, and
9 Jim ___________________________ theatre. Some famous people have more than one star, for
example Michael Jackson. He has two stars: one as a solo artist,
and one as a member of the Jackson Five. But the Walk of Fame
3 PRONUNCIATION long and short isn't only for real people. Mickey Mouse has a star and more
vowel sounds recently, Shrek.

a Make phrases with an adjective and a noun with the

same vowel sound. Write the phrases in the chart. Use
a I an with singular nouns. 5 LISTENING
Adjectives (oc\rr.i:tl.~ Listen to five speakers describing celebrities
blue clean dark fat good long eig small with Hollywood stars. Which speaker describes ... ?
A a short singer with blonde or brown hair
book effy door car jeans man shoes song
B a quite old American actor with dark eyes
C a tall , good-looking man with brown eyes
D an actor and musician with blue eyes
I 1 g, big city D 5
E a British woman with green eyes
fish clock

. 2
~~ \
1: 6
tree horse
Learn these words and phrases.
U actor ilk I ....
re 3 7
actress .ek tr;"\~
cat bull
eyes .III

.Q : u: hair hel

4 8 musician mju'71Jn
car boot politician rob llJn
sportsman SpY lSIll;ln
b 4ij~~~~ Listen and check. Then listen again and
sportswoman 'sJ1;l:h\\ OIl1;ln
repeat the words.
singer '.,IIP
about (50) ;l hanl
famous fell11;l,
Don't worry, be happy.
Bobby ""cFerrin, American musician

1 GRAMMAR imperatives, let's 2 VOCABULARY feelings

a Complete the sentences with a verb in the box. Write a sentence from the box.
Use a [±] or a B imperative.
Iffi-aAg-Fy; I'm bored. I'm cold . I'm happy.
be close come drink park slow speak turn worry I'm hot. I'm hungry. I'm sad. I'm stressed.
I'm tired . I'm thirsty. I'm worried.
1 The city is dangerous at night. Please ~ careful.
2 It's cold in here . Please the window. 1 My friend is late. J'man8ry.
3 It isn't a problem. Please about it. 2 It's 3°e.
4 This is an English class . Please Spanish. 3 It's my birthday!
5 Their hou se is quite near. Please down. 4 My mother is in hospital.
6 on! We're late! 5 It's time for dinner.
7 This is a bus stop. Please here. 6 I don't know what to do.
8 that water - it's dirty. 1 It's 42°e.
9 This music is terrible. Please it off. 8 It's very late.
9 My boyfriend is very far away.
b Match the sentences to the pictures. 10 I want a drink.
A Let's park here. D Let's cross the road here. 11 I have a lot of work.
B-I:et2s--ge-lgeme; E Let's go to a hotel.
C Let's eat lunch there. F Let's turn on the air conditioning.
3 PRONUNCIATION understanding
connected speech
a Practise saying the sentences.
1 Look at those children.

2 Turn off the TV.

3 Let's ask that man.

4 D on't open the window.


5 Let's eat\..)at home.


6 Sit on this chair.


b Listen and check. Then listen

again and repeat the sentences.

c Complete the chart with the words in the box. 5 LISTENING
aAgIJ'f at happy have hungry matter Monday one Listen to the dialogues and choose
sad ugly worried you ng a , b, or c.
Where are they?
a at an airport
re b athome
c in a restaurant
cat up
2 Where are they?
altBr~ a in a hotel
b ina car
c in a restaurant
3 Where are they?
a in a plane
b in a hotel
c in a car
d Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat 4 Where are they?
the words. a in a restaurant
b at home
c in a car
4 READING 5 Where are they?
a Read the article about tips for a long car journey. Match the a in a hotel
head ings to the paragraphs . b at an airport
c athome
Have fun! Is you r car ready? Ptaft)'0ttf-jetJrfley
Make sure everything is in the car Keep awake!


Learn these wor d s and phras es.
• A Plan~our journey jacket 03,cKlt
Look at a map before you go. Think about the time you need sign sarn
to arrive at your destination, and places whe re pe rhaps skirt ::.b:t.
there is a lot of traffic.
trousers "t rao?.)z!
• B ____________________________________________
uniform ju:nil.:>:m
Accidents somet ime happen because cars are in bad great (opposite terrible) qrcl\
condition . Check the engine, the lights, and the wheels .
left (opposite right) left.
Take the car to the garage if necessary.
• C ____________________________________________ park (verb) PU:K
smoke 'Sl11Jo\..!
Put your bags and everything you want to take with you
stop stop
in the hall the night before. Don't forget essential documents
like passport s or identity cards, and of course your driving with \\ 10
licence. Be quiet! bi: b\ al;lt
• D ___________________________________________ Don't worry. 'O;lunt '\\ Hi
Being ti red is very dangerous fo r drivers. If you are t ired, stop Slow down. sbu 'daun
at a service stati on. Have a coffee, or sleep fo r 15 mi nut es. turn on (opposite turn off) t3:n on!
In the car, open the windows and turn the rad io on.
• E ___________________________________________
Ch il dren are oft en difficult during long jou rn eys. Ta ke games,
fo r example compute r gam es or wo rd games, and iPods t o
list en to music. An d don't f orget t hings t o eat and dri nk.

b Underline five words you don't know. Use your dictionary

to l oolc lln thpi r ITlP ::I ni n a ::I n " n ronll n ri::l t ion i n ::l "irt io n ::l r v
Summer afternoon, summer afternoon - the two
most beautiful words in the English language.

1 VOCABULARY verb phrases 6 Kim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fast food.

7 Kim jeans.
Complete the verb phrases. 8 Ryan housework.
animals ffiA.AeF economics exercise German c Complete the sentences.
glasses a new car a newspaper sorry an umbrella
1 don't play (not play) tennis.
1 cook dinner 2 They (not go) to the cinema.
2 study 3 She (have) two children.
3 speak 4 Her father _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not work) in an office.
4 read 5 It _ _ __ __ _ (rain) a lot.
5 say 6 We _ _ __ _ __ (live) in a big flat .
6 wear 7 My girlfriend _ _ __ _ _ _ (not speak) English.
7 do 8 My friends _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (study) at York University.
8 like 9 You _ _ _ _ _ __ (not do) your homework.
9 want
10 take 3 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds,
third person -5
2 GRAMMAR present simple [±] and B
a Say the words. Is the vowel sound the same or different?
a @ t h e correct words. Write S (the same) or D (different).
1 A lot of British people 91 drinks tea. 1 say take ~
2 It don't rain 1doesn't rain a lot in my country. 2 do go [Q]
3 You live 1lives in a beautiful house. 3 drink live D
4 The weather change 1changes quickly in Britain. 4 want have D
5 My father don't cook 1doesn't cook. 5 give drive D
6 My boyfriend don't wear 1doesn't wear glasses. 6 call walk D
7 People don't have 1doesn't have 10 cards in Britain. 7 read eat D
8 We need 1needs a new computer. 8 feel wear D
9 My English friend make 1makes good coffee. 9 play watch D
10 I don 't do 1doesn't do exercise. 10 buy like D
b Look at the chart and complete the sentences. b Listen and check. Then listen again and
repeat the words.
Ryan Kim
c @ t h e word which ends in /IZ/.
eat fast food ./ X
wear jeans X ./ I likes works @t~
drink mineral water ./ ./ 2 lives drinks watches
do housework ./ X
play the guitar X X
3 drives finishes plays
4 uses takes speaks
1 Ryan eats fast food . 5 studies listens kisses
2 Ryan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jeans. 6 changes gives wears
3 Ryan and Kim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mineral water. d Listen and check. T hen listen again and
4 Kim housework. repeat the words.
5 Ryan and Kim the guitar.
a Read the text. Match the headings (A-D) to the Listen to the three speakers talking about
paragraphs. Britain. Answer the questions with H (Hannah),
A (Anna), or R (Roberta).
A A nice cheap place to spend a morning
B Have a nice meal and make new friends
C Yes we can!
o Shopping is so easy

Things I love
about the US Hannah, Korea Anna, Poland Roberta , Italy

Who ... ?
Sarah Araf is British but she lives in Ohio, 1 doesn't like the food 0
in the US. Here are some things she loves 2 likes eating food from many different countries 0
about living there. 3 likes the atmosphere at work 0
1 __________________________________ 4 likes the parks 0
In the US, the customer is really important. When you 5 thinks the traffic is terrible 0
walk into a store, the staff greet you with a smile and ask 6 thinks that people are nice to foreigners 0
'How are you?'. The customer is always right too. If you
have a problem with something, you take it back and they
solve the problem quickly. You don't need to complain .
You don't even need to have the receipt. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES
2 _____________________________________ Learn these words and phrases.
I love real American coffee shops. Not chains like Costa love 1\\
and Starbucks, but those old-fashioned places where the rain rell1
waitresses come to your table and call you 'honey'. You
pay a dollar for coffee, and you can drink as much as you
buy (opposite sell) hal
like. You can also stay as long as you like. You can sit there call 1\.):1
all day and read a book for the price of a cup of coffee. change tJe 111 d;i
3 _____________________________________ feel 11:1
need ni:tl
Eating out here isn't as expensive as in the UK, so we
go out quite a lot. People are very friendly here too.
pay pel
When you go to a bar or a restaurant, you often have prefer prJ 1':1:
a conversation with the people at the next table. It's
really nice.
4 ___________________________________
Everyone is so optimistic here! They believe that
everything is possible if you work hard. If you say
'We can't do that', they say, ' Why not?'!

b Guess the meaning of the highlighted verbs. Check in

your dictionary.
I like to work: it fascinates me.
I can sit and look at it for hours.

a Complete the crossword.

b Complete the job descriptions with a verb from the list. c Write -er or -or.
footballer 4 wait__
wefk earn speak drive have work travel wear
2 manag__ 5 doct__
3 administrat__ 6 build__
1 'II workinside and outside during the day or at night.
12 _ __ _ __ a car and sometimes I walk along the street. d Complete the sentences with these word
I don't 3 a lot of money. 14 a uniform:
a an at: for in retired unemployed
2 'I work in an office with a computer, or outside with other people.
1 He studies economics ~ university.
1 French and Spanish and I sometimes
2 My brother is engineer.
_ _ _ _ _ _ to different countries. I don't wear a uniform.
3 We work _ _ _ _ _ _ _ an American
_..:1_7=--- - - for a newspaper:
3 'I wear a uniform and I work with other people. I B _ _ _ __ _ 4 I don't have a job. I'm _ _ _ _ _ __
special qualifications, but I don't 9 a lot of money. 5 Paola is receptionist.
I work during the day or at night, but I don't work outside. 6 My grandparents are 75. They're
1 10 _ _ _ _ _ _ in a hospital:
7 They work _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a factory.
c Match the descriptions to a job.
a journalist D a nurse D a policeman D
e Complete the words.

'', ..
c ~~five more words with /3:/ and write them
in the chart.

: ... doctor ~ engineer far hairdresser nurse
journalist service short sure thirsty tired

, -'--!-' .
. ,
worker worried

jacket 2 sh_ _ __ 3 t _ _ _ __
3: :earn _

bird ,

d Listen and check. Then listen again

and repeat the words.

4 sk_ _ __ 5 t _ _ _ __ 6 tr _ _ _ __
a Listen to a contestant on a quiz show
and <fircl~ his job.
2 GRAMMAR present simple [1J
administrator dentist flight attendant
a Complete the questions with Do or Does. lawyer nurse receptionist vet
1 Do you work in an office?
b Complete the questions with the
2 your parents speak foreign languages? verbs in the box. Then listen again and check.
3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your sister drive?
4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you have special qualifications? earn have make speak travel wear work
5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your mother work?
1 Doyou make things?
6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ James travel a lot?
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ special qualifications?
7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your father earn a lot of money?
3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ foreign languages?
8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ they wear a uniform? 4 _____________ auniform?
9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ann walk to work?
5 for your work?
10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you work at weekends?
6 a lot of money?
b Complete the questions with does, do, is, or are. Then match 7 with other people?
the questions to the answers.
1 What does she do? [£] a He's an actor.
2 What they do? D
b In a restaurant - she's a waitress. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES
3 he a builder? D
c She's a doctor.
Learn these words and phrases.
4 What you do? D
d No, they're lawyers.
jacket 'dJ,eJ..J I
5 they policemen? D
e I'm a hairdresser.
qualifications b\ nil 1'1 ' kelJn7 '
6 Where shework? D
f No, he's an engineer.
skirt ISk.l:t
7 she a student? D
g They're pilots.
trousers t r.WZ;)7
8 What he do? D
h No, she's a teacher.
comfortable "k \l1lrt;!hl l
foreign (languages) ' fnr~m
3 PRONUNCIATION /3:/ earn moneY "3:n 'm \111 1
a Underline the stressed syllable. It depends. It dl 'pendzi
1 ad min i stra tor 6 mo del
2 ar chi tect 7 mu si cian
3 den tist 8 pi lot
4 foot ball er 9 po lice man
5 hair dress er 10 soldier
I' ~ _. _ _ _ _ : _ _ _ ..J
It's relaxing to go out with my ex-wife
because she already knows I'm an idiot.

1 GRAMMAR word order in questions 2 VOCABULARY question words

a Order the words to make questions. Complete the questions with the questions words in
1 heavy ,like' you, metal, Do
the box.
~D~o m~et~a~l___________________
~y~o~uLl~ik~e~h~e~a~vy~ ? Hew How many What What kind When
2 the, do , at , do , What, weekend, you Where Which Who Why
3 kind , What' do , books, read, you, of 1 A How do you go to work?
B By car.
4 drink' want' another, you, Do 2 A car do you drive?
B AMini.
-------------------------------------? do you work?
3 A
5 a' Are' flight, you, attendant
B In a factory.
-------------------------------------? 4 A do you go to the gym?
6 live' Where' do , Bristol, you, in
B On Tuesdays and Thursdays.
-------------------------------------? 5 A do you prefer, the cinema or
7 is, favourite, Who' writer' your the theatre?
-------------------------------------? B The theatre, I think.
8 old, How' you, are 6 A of music do you like?
--------------------------------------? BRock.
9 iPad I have I you I an , Do 7 A CDs do you have?
--------------------------------------? B About a hundred.
10 your, nice, Is I salad S A is your favourite singer?
B Rihanna.
9 A _________ do you like her?
b Martin and Beth are new friends. They go for a drink.
B Because she has a great voice.
Complete the questions.

M So, Beth, 1 where do yOU live ?

B In North London. In a big flat. 3 PRONUNCIATION question words;
M 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with your parents? sentence stress
B No, I live with my sister. 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ any
brothers and sisters? a Match the question words 1-7 to the words with the
M I have a sister. She's 23. same sounds a-g.
B 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a student? 1 why o a you
M No, she works. She's a shop assistant. 2 which o b hot
B What about you? 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ work? 3 who o c there
M In a hotel. 4 what o d my
B 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your job?
5 how o e ten
M Yes, I do. I love it! 6 when o f rich
7 where o g now
b Listen and check. Then listen again and
repeat the words.
c Underline the stressed words. b Read the article again. Match the head ings
A- D to the paragraphs 1-4.
1 A What do you do?
2 B I'm a doctor. A No secrets on Facebook
3 A Where do you work? B Popularity is dangerous
4 B I work in a hospital. C Too mueh infoi mation
D W hat does he really feel?
d Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat
the sentences.
a Max and Jessica meet in a restaurant
4 READING for dinner. Listen to the conversation. Are
a Read the article. Is Facebook good for your love life? _ _ _ __ they a good match? _ _ __

b Listen again and mark the

sentences T (true) or F (false).

Love on Facebook 1 Max and Jessica meet in a Japanese

restaurant. L
Is Facebook good for your Love life? 2 They have the same job.
3 They work for the same airline.
Read on to find the answer. 4 They like the same films.
1[9 5 Jessica lives near the cinema.
You don't want to see your ex-boyfriend when your relationship 6 Max wants to go to the cinema
finishes . And you really don't want to know about his new girlfriend. next Sunday.
But Facebook tells you everything, including how happy he is with
his new girlfriend.
Your boyfriend doesn't write on your 'wall' one day. You 're worried.
Does it mean he doesn 't like you? Another day, he sends you ten Learn these words and phrases.
messages. You feel stressed. Does he like you too much? films fIlmz
30 TV programmes ti:\ i: pr;1oSlr~l'J1l7
Your friends know you have a new boyfriend because you change your Me too . 1111: tu:
status from 'single' to 'in a relationship'. The problem is they know meeta partner Illl:t;l 'ru:tnJ
when it finishes too, because you change it back to 'single' again . Really? 'nJIt
40 Who's your favourite (actor)? ilu:z .IJ: T~I\JrItf
You get a lot of messages from boys but this isn 't good for your How interesting! hJO In t rJ~t II)
relationship. When your boyfriend sees you writing to so many other What about you? \\nt Jhaot '.ill:
boys, he feels worried. And that can mean the beginning of the end.

j'0 FILE 3
Coffee to take away

1 VOCABULARY Telling the time 4 READING

W rite the times . a R ead about some coffee bars in E dinbu rgh . In w hich
bar can yo u . . . ?
1 find a lot of sweet foo d
2 sit in t he same place as a famo us person
3 have a coffee in the evening
It's half
2 3 _ __ 4 4 take your coffee to yo ur office
past two. 5 find somewhere for sm all children to sit

m URBAN ANGEL 121 Hanover Street

Urban Angel is open every day for breakfast and brunch, co ffee
and cake, lunch and dinner. If you don't want to sit down and
eat, you can pay less and take your food out. The food is
healthy and there are tables inside and ou t side .
5 6 7 _ __ 8

m THE ELEPHANT HOUSE 21 George IV Bridge

This coffee bar is popular with tourists because J K Rawl ing
started writing the Harry Potter books here. It serves excellent
2 BUYING A COFFEE coffee, and you can see the collection of big and small elephants
while you are there. There is also a select ion of snacks .
Order the dialogue.

OJ A Can I help you?

D B No thanks . How much is t hat ?
A very friendly family runs th is cafe and the homemade foo d is
D A Anyth ing else?
delicious. It's a very calm and rela xing place, and it's also very
D B Thanks.
pr ivate. Vegetarian food is available, and there are high cha irs
D A £3.65. Than k you . And your change. for ch ildren .
D B Sorry, how much?
D A Regular or large?
rn B Yes. Can I have a latte, please? mCHOCO-LAnE 33-39 South Clerk Street
D A That's £3 .65, please. This is actually a sweet shop with a small area at the back for
D B To take away. customers to drink coffee. They sell amazing sweets and cakes,
D A To have here or take away? and there's chocolate everywhere. It's ideal for birthdays and
everything is quite cheap.
D B Large, please.


This coffee bar serves some of the best cof fee in Ed inburgh. It
Complete the senten ces w ith the word s in the box. opens later than most other cafes, and it's always busy. There's a
comfortable couch and a lot of tables and cha irs. The food is also
a seat first time t o drink t o you we-are fantastic.
1 H ere we are . T his is t he office.
2 Is thi your in the UK?
b G uess the m ean in g of the highlighted foo d word s .
3 \ \'ould you like something ?
C heck the m eaning and pronunciation in your dictionary.
4 Talk later.
- Take _____________
A ceLebrity is a person who works hard aLL his life to become weLL-known,
then wears dark gLasses to avoid being recognized.

1 VOCABULARY family 2 GRAMMAR Whose ... ?, possessive 's

a Complete the chart. a Order the words to make sentences.
in I work I father 's I my I shop I I
I work in myfather's shop
2 German I boyfriend's I My I car I is

3 girlfriend's I is I His I Polish I mum

4 Sandra's I Do I know I you I brother

5 live I wife's I with I parents I my I We

1 wandmother grandfather 6 of I money I earns I friend I son's I a I Their Ilot

7 dangerous I Is I job I Adam's
uncle --------------------------------------------------?
8 uniform I very I Susan's I ugly I is

brother b Add an apostrophe (') in the correct place in these sentences.

daughter 1 Martha is my brother's girlfriend.
2 That is my parents car.
3 I think this is that womans pen.
cousin 4 They drink tea in the Teachers Room.
S Do you know Barbaras sister?
b Complete the sentences. 6 My grandparents house is in Ireland .
1 My father's brother is my uncle 7 Richards wife is Russian.
2 My sister's daughter is my c Look at the 's in these sentences. Write a letter in the box:
3 My mother's sister is my A = possessive, B = is.
4 My father's mother is my Kate's sister is a lawyer. ~ 5 Their uncle's a pilot. 0
5 My aunt's daughter is my 2 His mother's very short. [ID 6 Jim's children wear glasses. 0
6 My brother's son is my 3 My cousin's flat is very big. 0 7 My brother's wife plays the piano. 0
4 Our grandfather's 70 today. 0 8 Her name's Christina. 0
d Complete the sentences with whose or who's.
1 Whose is that bag?
2 Who 's the woman in the red dress?
3 umbrella is this?
4 her boyfriend?
5 the man with the sunglasses?
6 are those keys?
7 your English teacher?
8 headphones are those?

3 PRONUNCIATION the lette r 0; 's 5 LISTENING
a Match the sentences 1-4 to the sounds a-d. Listen to Jessie showing photos to her friend.

How many photos does she show? Then listen again.
Write T (true) or F (false).
1 Th ose mobile phones are old. D a
-- 1 Jessie'S sister has a son. £
up 2 Jessie'S sister is short.
3 Jessie's sister plays basketball.
2 Wh o do you choose? D b :1
4 The beach in the photo is in Germany.
phone 5 Jessie went to a music festival with her sister.
6 Rosie has blonde hair.
3 Their son comes every Monday. D c 11 7 Rosie sees her boyfriend all the time.
clock 8 Pete is Jessie'S boss.

4 That blonde model is a doctor. D d
Learn these w or d s and phrases.
b Listen and check. Then listen again and
repeat the words. boyfriend b:lIfreml.
celebr ity \;:1' Ie b r;:1t i I
c Listen to the sentences. Then listen ex-husband eks 'l1.\zb;md l
again and repeat. girlfriend ~p:lrrend l
1 • S. That's Mark's niece. They're Kate's parents. royalty 1':>1.:1111
be interested in bl ' 1I11re~lId In l
2 ' 1l He's Sandra's husband. She's Andy's cousin.
private life rral\;:1! hur
the other (person) 01 \l);l

3 IIzl I'm Grace's boyfriend. Are you Charles's wife?

a Read the article and complete the sentence.
Liam Neeson is Vanessa Redgrave's _ _ _ _ _ _ __

An acting family IMichael I = 11 I

The Redgrave family is one of the most famous acting families in I (divorced) .---_ _ _--,
the UK. Vanessa Redgrave is probably the most famous of them. IFranco I= ~ - - - -1L:
Vanessa's parents, Michael and Rachel. were both actors and
her grandparents, Roy and Daisy, were actors, too. Vanessa's
first husband was the actor Tony Richardson and they had two
daughters, Natasha and Joely. Vanessa and Tony were divorced, and
later Vanessa married again. Vanessa's second husband was the
Italian actor, Franco Nero, and together they had a son called Carlo.
Vanessa's first daughter, Natasha, married actor Liam Neeson
in 1994. Together they had two sons Micheal and Daniel.
Unfortunately, Natasha died in a skiing accident in 2009. Glossa ry
Vanessa's other daughter, Joely, married film producer Tim Bevan. married = past of marry
Together they have a daughter, Daisy. died = past of die
was = past of is
were = past of are
had = past of have
b Read the article again and complete the names in the family tree.
3 o'clock is always too late or too early
for anything you want to do.
Jean-Paul Sartre, French philosopher

1 GRAMMAR prepositions of time (at, in, 2 VOCABULARY everyday activities

on) and place (at, in, to) a ~the action which you usually do first.
a Write the words in the correct column. 1 getup/~ke~
2 get dressed I have a shower
MafeA 6#t-geeeffiBeF &.38 the winter Monday night
3 have lunch I have breakfast
the afternoon the weekend Saturday evening 1984
Christmas 21st August 4 go to work I start work
S go home I get home
in on at 6 make the dinner I go shopping

March 6th December 6.30 b Complete the text with have, BO, or Bet.

b ~the correct preposition.
1 I have a shower@ I on I at the morning. Many people think that students have a very easy life.
2 They go on holiday in I on I at August. We ask two, Helen and Rupert, about their typical day.
3 My sister studies economics at I in I to university.
4 My brother goes to bed in I on I at midnight.
S Do you work at I in I to a hospital? 80 to university in Bristol, so
6 We have English classes in I on I at Tuesdays and I don't live at home. Every day, I 2_ _ __
Thursdays. up at 7.30 and I 3 a shower.
7 The children have lunch at I in I to schooL. I don't have time for breakfast, but I
8 Tina works in I on I at the weekend. ____ coffee in a cafe before classes
9 Jack goes at I in I to the gym after work. start. I 5 lunch at university
10 It 's very hot in I on I at the summer. and then I 6 to my afternoon classes. 1 7_ _ __

shopping on my way home, so I 8 home late.

c Complete the text with the correct prepositions.
I do some housework and study in the evening and then
'My name is Francesco Mancini and I9 to bed at 11.30. I'm very tired at night!'
I work 1_ _ _ an office in the centre
of Rome. During the week, I get up
2_ _ _ half past six. I go 3_ __
work by train, but 4_ _ _ Fridays I live at home. My mum wakes me up every
drive my car so I can visit my mother morning and we 11_ _ __
5_ _ _ the afternoon . I start work breakfast together. Then, 112_ _ __
6_ _ _ quarter to nine and I have lunch 7_ _ _ work. dressed. 1 to university by bus.
1 14 to classes in the morning and
8_ _ _ the summer I work different hours because
then I 15 home for lunch. My mum is a good cook
9_ _ _ 1Sth June we change to the summer timetable.
and we 16 lunch together. In the afternoon, I study
It's very hot in Rome 10_ _ _ August, so most people
for an hour or two and then I watch TV. 117 a bath
go on holiday. 18
after dinner. I'm quite relaxed when 1 to bed:
c Match the words to make phrases. b Listen again. Number the activities in the
1 have 0 a work order Mark does them.
2 go 0 b emails
ITJ Mark starts work at 7 p.m.
3 check 0 c dressed
o He goes to bed.
4 do 0 d to school
o He goes to the gym.
S get 0 e breakfast
o He goes home.
o He has a hamburger or a pizza.
3 PRONUNCIATION linking and sentence o He watches TV or checks his emails.
stress o He gets up .
a Mark the connected words in each sentence. o He has breakfast.
o He sleeps for eight hours.
You get up late.
v v o He has dinner.
2 I have a shower. o He finishes work.
3 We check emails. o He has a shower.
4 He does exercise.
S She goes home early.
6 They have lunch at work.
Learn these words and phrases.
b Listen and check. Then Listen again and
repeat the sentences. Try to connect words. customers k \SlJm;1Z
everyone 'e\ ri\\ \11
c Listen and underline the stressed words.
everything c\ nOlI)
Copy the rhx,thm.
menu menJu:
1 [wake up at six. busy blZi
2 [have a coffee. ready reol
3 r go to work by bus. a couple of (hours) ;1 'k \pl ;1\
4 [ do the housework. go back q;1o 'ba..'k
S I have a pizza for dinner. prepare food PrJ pe;1 'ru:d
6 I go to bed at midnight. enjoy 100jJI
d Listen again and repeat the sentences.
Copy the rhx,thm.

a Listen to an interview with Mark. Answer
the questions.
1 What does he do?
2 Does he like his job?
3 When does he work? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
The man who works and is not bored is never old.
Pablo Casals, Spanish cellist

1 GRAMMAR position of adverbs and 5 I see my grandparents. (every weekend)

expressions of frequency
6 Ellie drinks coffee. (three times a day)
a Complete the You column in the chart. Then complete
the sentences with a verb and an adverb of frequency. 7 I'm hungry. (always)
always ./././././
usually ././././ 8 We study English. (twice a week)
often ./././
sometimes ././
hardly ever ./
Matt Becky You
2 VOCABULARY adverbs and expressions
of frequency
sleep for eight hours ././././ ././
a Answer the questions.
be relaxed ./././././ ./././

do sport or exercise ././

eat healthy food ./././ ./ THE QUIZ

be ill ./././././ 1 How many minutes in an hour?
2 How many months in a year?
1 Matt usually. sleeps for eight hours.
3 How many days in a week?
2 He relaxed.
4 How many seconds in a minute?
3 He sport or exercise.
4 He healthy food. 5 How many weeks in a month?
5 He ilL 6 How many hours in a day?
7 How many days in June?
6 Becky for eight hours.
8 How many weeks in a year?
7 She relaxed.
8 She sport or exercise.
9 She healthy food. b Complete the sentences with one or two words.
10 She ill. Leo goes to the gym all week and at weekends.
Leo goes to the gym every day.
11 for eight hours.
2 Jon usually has a holiday in the summer and winter.
12 relaxed.
13 sport or exercise. Jon usually has a holiday a year.
3 We usually see one new film a month.
14 healthy food.
15 ill. We go to the cinema a month.
4 Adele doesn't do any homework at all.
b Write the adverb of frequency in the correct place in Adele does homework.
the sentence.
5 They have English classes on Mondays, Wednesdays,
Pilots sleep in hotels. (often) and Fridays.
Pilots often sleep in hotels They have English classes a week.
2 The children walk to school. (every day) 6 My mother goes to the hairdresser once a week, on a Friday.
The children walk to school every day. My mother goes to the hairdresser Friday.
3 Mike rides his motorbike to work. (sometimes) 7 Eve walks to work once a year.
Eve ever walks to work.
4 My girlfriend is late. (never) 8 I always buy a new pair of sunglasses in the summer.

I buy a new pair of sunglasses summer.
3 PRONUNCIATION the letter h b R ead the interv iew again. Write T (tr ue) or F (false).

a Match th e words to their pronunciation . In which word

1 Esther thinks her day is normal. £
is the h not pronounced? _ _ _ _ _ __ 2 She doesn't like her job.
3 She sometimes starts work at 10 o'clock.
] half [£] a hI;) 1
4 She th inks her job is difficult.
2 high D b aUJ!
S She often sees friends after work.
3 how D c hal
6 She li ves with one of her children.
4 hour D d 'h,ui
7 She never does housework.
S hardly D 8 She has two children.
6 here D f " ha~ pi ,
7 hurry D g hll:dli l c Underline five words you don 't know. Use your
dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation.
8 happy D h hao '
b Listen and check. T hen listen again and
repeat the words. 5 LISTENING
a Listen to a radio program me about being
4 READING healthy. W h o does the doctor say is healthy: Marge,
Robbie, or Marge and R obbie?
a R ead the interview.
W hat is surprisin g
about Esther Armstrong? b Listen again . Wr ite T (true) or F (false).
1 Robbie doesn't think he's healthy. £
2 Marge hardly ever eats fas t food .
Interview with 3 Marge always has breakfast.
sther rmstr 4 4 Marge often goes to the gym,
S Marge goes to bed late.
Interviewer How do you spend your day, Esther?
6 Robbie sometimes has breakfast.
Esther My day is very normal, really. I get up, I get
dressed, I have breakfast. Then I go to work.
7 Robbie plays football three times a week.
Interviewer What do you do? 8 Robbie sleeps for six hours every night.
Esther I'm an accountant.
Interviewer Why do you still work, Esther?
Esther To have an interest. Also, my job is quite USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES
Learn these words and phrases.
Interviewer What time do you start work?
hours 'ao;)z,
Esther I start between 9 and 10 every day and I finish
at 4 o'clock. It isn't very stressful, really. minutes i' mInIls,
Interviewer What do you usually do after work, Esther? seconds ''sebndz
Esther I go out for dinner with friends two or three teenager 'ti:ncId3d.
times a week, and we go to the cinema or the healthy (opposite unhealthy) 'hdOi l
theatre, or to the ballet.
normally 'n:J:m;:l1I
Interviewer Do you live alone?
relax n'ILek.s,
Esther Yes, I do. I have quite a big apartment and
be in a hurry bi: Il1 ;) 'h,ui!
someone helps me with the housework for four
hours a week. I do everything else myself. social life 's;:loJI hurl
Interviewer Do you have children, Esther? spend time '~pend 'talIn !
Esther Yes , I do. Both of my daughters live here in
New York. One daughter works very near, and
she comes and has lunch with me. And I work FILE 4
with the other daughter, so we eat together
two or three times a week, too. I'm very, very
happy with my life.

..._ - an accountant = a person whose job it is to make lists of
all the money that people or businesses receive and pay
In the future everyone will be famous
for fifteen minutes.

1 GRAMMAR can / can't c Match sentences 1-6 to a-f.

1 Can you help me with my homework? I [£]
a Write a sentence for each picture w ith can I can't.
2 Can you give me my glasses? I D
3 Can you call my mum? I D
4 Can you speak more slowly? I D
5 Can you make dinner for 8.30? I D
6 Can you tell me your name again ? r D
a can't come before then.
They can't sing
b can't see.
c can't do it.
d can't find my mobile.
e can't und erstand you.
f can't remember it.
d Write a sentence with can or can't for each picture.

1 You can cross now. 2 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ now.

b Write a question with you for each picture. Then

write your answer: Yes, I can. or No, I can't.
Your answer
Can you sing ?
2 you ?
3 you ? 3 Dr Atkins _ _ _ _ __ 4 VVe _______
4 you ? you now. here!
5 you ?
2 VOCABULARY verb phrases b Write the words in the chart.

a Complete the crossword with the correct verb. baE! Batfi can can't class dance fat
have stamp start
Clues across -+
re bad

Q~ bath

c Listen and check. Then listen again

and repeat the words.

Listen to the dialogues and choose
a, b, or c.
When can they go to the swimming pool?
a On Saturday morning.
b On Saturday afternoon.
c On Sunday afternoon.
2 Where can the man park?
a Outside the hospital.
b Outside the restaurant.
c Outside the cinema.
3 When can she help her brother?
a This morning.
b This afternoon.
c This evening.
b Complete the sentences. 4 Why can't they send the postcard?
a They don't have a pen.
buy fif\e hear help look for play run talk
b They don't have tbe address.
1 He can't find any parking spaces. There are a lot of cars. c They don't have a stamp.
2 I often _ _ _ _ _ _ _ chess with my nephew. He's very good. S Why can't they go in?
3 Please _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me. I can't open the door. a She can't open the door.
4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ most of my clothes from Zara. b She can hear ber parents.
S I want to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the London Marathon this year. c She can't find her keys.
6 Hi, this is Paul. Can you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me?
7 [don't understand this. I need to _ _ _ ____ to the teacher. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES
S Where are my keys? Can you them?
L earn these w o r d s and p hrase s.
audience "):ul,'n~
3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
concerts knnsJIS
a Listen and repeat the sentences. Stress the bold words. entrance 'cnlrJn~
1 A Can you sp eak G erman ? judges d") \U")II
B Yes, I can . late (opposite early) 11:11
2 I can't f ind the k eys. nervous 'n3:\·Js.
3 She can sing. a hit record ;'I hll 'rcL1:d
4 W h ere can I buy a n ewspap er? car park kll: pu:k
S A Can your father cook? Good luck! ljUU" \k
B No, he can't . It's your turn now. Ih j:'l: lJ:n n:tu
6 My sister can 't swim .
Hell is other people.
Jean-Paul Sartre, French philosopher

1 VOCABULARY verb phrases 2 GRAMMAR present continuous

Complete the text with these verbs in the a Order the words to make sentences.
present simple.
sister's' My , exams' for, tudying, her.
argue soottl: bark cry talk have
My sister's studyingfor her exams
have play play 2 with, staying, week, her, friends, this, are' Sarah's

3 tonight , party, We' a' aren't' having

4 I'm' cup' coffee, drinking' a' the, of, kitchen' in

5 for 'looking' job' is , a , George, Why

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -?
6 because' aren't' They' jogging' today, cold, it's' too

7 computer, Are' using' you, the

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -?
8 football, Is , park, Adam, playing' in , the
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -?
b Complete the dialogue.
A What 1 are you doi11g ,(you / do) Andy?
B 2 (I / make) the coffee. Why?
A I can hear a noise. It's people's voices.
B I know. That's the couple upstairs.
My neighbours are very noisy. A young couple A 3 (they / argue)?
with a baby and a dog live upstairs. They aren't B No, 4 (they / not shout). It's the TV. They're very
happy together so they 1 shout all the time. Their old, so they can't hear it. 5 (they / wat ch) a film.
A Oh. What's that music? Is it a party?
dog 2 when they aren't at home, and
B It's the boy next door. 6 (he / not have) a party!
their baby 3 when they are. An old _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (he / listen) to music. He likes heavy metal.
couple live downstairs. They can't hear so they A Your flat is very noisy, Andy.
always 4 _ _ _ _ the TV on very loud. They B I know. 8 (I / look for) a new one!

____ loudly because the TV is loud, and

c Look at the picture on page 33. What are the people doing?
they 6 a lot about which programmes
Complete 1-9 with a verb or verb phrase in the present continuous.
to watch. Some students live next door. They all
1 The woman's talking on her mobile.
____ musical instruments and they aren't 2 Thecouple _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
very good! Every night, they 8 noisy 3 The children _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
parties and 9 _ _ _ _ very loud music. I want 4 Thewoman _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
a new flat or some new neighbours! 5 Thebaby __________________________________
6 Thedog ___________________________________
7 Theboy ___________________________________
8 The girl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
a Listen and repeat the words. Listen to four speakers talking about problems
with their neighbours. Match the speakers to the
problems. There are two problems you don't need to use.
arguing barking crying having
playing shouting studying talking Speaker 1 D A They argue a lot.
singer Speaker 2 D B Their dogs bark.
Speaker 3 D C They have noisy parties.
b ~the word with lUi in each pair. Speaker 4 D 0 They have the TV on very loud.
E Their baby cries.
1 @ dance
F They play musical instruments.
2 pink brown

3 thin long
4 aunt uncle
Learn these words and phrases.
5 drink find
furniture "f3:l1ItS;)/
6 France Hungary neighbours 'nclb;;,zl
7 young blonde
noise n:lIZ
noisy 'nJlzi
8 think want strict stflkt
upstairs (opposite downstairs) \p'ste;;,z
c Listen and check. Then listen again
now naul
and repeat the words.
complain bm'plem
block of flats ' blok;)v 'filets,
washing machine "WOJIlJ ITI;)j'i:n l
I'm leaving because the weather is too good.
I hate London when it's not raining.
Groucho fVlarx, American actor

1 GRAMMAR present simple or present 2 VOCABULARY the weather and seasons

continuous? a Write the seasons in the correct order.
a ~irc"0the correct form. winter , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

1 A What are you doing here? b Complete the sentences with words in the box. What's
B I'm on holiday. I sightsee /~sightse~ . the weather like?

2 A Can you talk? cloudy cold foggy Am raining snowing sunny windy
B No. I have dinner I I'm having dinner at t he moment.

3 A Where do they usually go I are they usually going

on holiday?
B To Ibiza.

4 A How often does your boyfriend go abroad ?

B He travels I He's travelling to Asia four times a year.

S A What does your girlfriend do I is your girlfriend doing?

B She's a travel guide.
1 It's hot . 2 It's _ _ _ _ _ __
6 A Do you work I Are you working this week?
B No. I'm on holiday.

7 A What time does the museum close?

B It closes l it's closing at 6 p.m., I th ink.

S A Does it rain l is it raining t oday?

B No. It's hot and sunny.

b Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or

present continuous. 3 It 's _ _ _ _ _ __ 4 It 's _ _ _ _ _ __

1 My parents don't like (not like) their hotel.

2 T hey (argue) about money all the time.
3 I'm 18 now so I (learn) to drive. My fat her
_ _ _ (teach) me.
4 W hen ____ you usu ally ____ (go) to the
5 My brother ____ (go out) nearly every night.
6 The sun (not shine) today. It's quite cold.
7 you (use) your computer at the 51t's _ _ _ _ _ __ 6 It's _ _ _ _ _ __
moment? I (want) to check something on
the internet.
8 My sister (love) ice skating but she _ _ __
(not do) it very often.

71t's _ _ _ _ _ __ 8 It's _ _ _ _ _ __
3 PRONUNCIATION places in London
a Underline the stressed syllable.
1 Buck ing ham Pa lace
2 West min ster Abbey
3 Ox ford Street
4 St Paul's Ca the dral Edinburgh Castle is a very old building, high
5 Pi cca di lly Cir cus on a hill in the centre of Edinburgh. You can
take a tour of the castle or walk around on
6 Lei cester Square
your own. You can see many interesting
7 Hou ses of Par lia ment
exhibitions, including the Scottish Kings
8 Trafalgar Square and Queens of the past, and the National War
Museum. If the sun comes out, you have a
b Listen and check. Then listen again and
fantastic view of the shops and buildings on
repeat the words.
Edinburgh's famous street, the Royal Mile.


Arthur's Seat is a high hill in the centre of
Read the guidebook extract about things to do in
Edinburgh with excellent views of the city.
Edinburgh. Write T (true) or F (false).
You can choose an easy walk or a difficult
1 Edinburgh Castle is outside the city. ..E walk to the top, depending on how fit
2 You can see some important things from you are. From the top you can see all of
Scotland's past in the castle. Edinburgh 's famous monuments including
the Castle, the Royal Mile, and Holyrood
3 You can't see the city from the castle.
Palace. It's the perfect place to take some
4 Arthur's Seat is outside Edinburgh. great photos of the city.
5 You don't need to be fit to walk to the top
of Arthur's Seat. 3 WHEN IT'S COLD
6 You can see the city very well from the top.
New Year has a different name in Scotland:
7 Scottish people have a special name for New Year.
Hogmanay - and the Hogmanay Party in
8 You can't buy things to eat at the street party. Princes Street - is famous all over the world.
9 Every year, people sing a different song Over four days, thousands of people join in
at New Year. the fun in the street, and you can buy hot food
and drinks all night. At midnight, everyone
sings a traditional New Year's song called
5 LISTENING Auld Lang Syne, and then they watch some
fantastic fireworks from Edinburgh Castle.
Listen to the audio guide on a tour bus in
Dublin and write the number of the stop.
At which bus stop do you need to get off i f you want to ... ?
A see some famo us paintings D USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES
B learn about a famous drink D
C read a letter from a famous writer D Learn these words and phrases.
o see a lot of books OJ building bildllJ
E relax and listen to music D guidebook g<lld hoI;:
F visit an important historical building D monu ment 111 Dnj u m~lJl t
G learn about life in a prison D parks pa:k~
H see some animals D statue st<etSu:
enormous 111.):m~~
fascinating 'fa~Sll1Cll11J I
wonderful 'w \noJrI
including 111 klu:dlll
open-air swimming pool ~up~n C~ 'S\\,llTIJIJ pu:i

In a clothes shop
Write the words. a Read the article. Match the questions A-D to paragraphs 1-4.
1 ajacket 5 A What can you do there? OJ
2 6 B How do you get there? D
3 7 C Where can you eat? D
4 8 o What time does it open? D

Complete the missing words in the dialogue .
A Can I ih_ you?
B Yes. What 2S is this T-shirt? Shopping in the UK
A It's a medium. What size do you need? One of the best places to shop in the UK these days is at the
B I need a 31 Westfield Stratford City shopping centre in London - the biggest
A Here you 4a and newest of its kind in Europe.
Thanks. Where can Itry it on?
The se rooms are over there.
o Customers at Westfield can buy fashion, food, home, and beauty
products from more than 300 different stores. There are two huge
B 6Th you. department stores and a large supermarket. It has a 14-screen cinema
A How is it? and a bowling alley, and there are also two hotels and a casino.
B It's fine. How 7 m is it?
A It's 15.99.
II Inside the shopping centre, there are 72 different restaurants
and food bars. There are takeaways and sit-down restaurants,
including Ralal and vegetarian cake shops and salad bars. Many
3 SOCIAL ENGLISH of the bars and restaurants stay open after the shops close.

Match the words to make Social English phrases. II Most of the stores in the shopping centre open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
during the week, and from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m . on Saturday. The opening
1 It's so [I] a way!
hours on Sunday are from 11 a.m. to 5 p .m . The restaurants close at
2 Right D b wrong? around midnight and the cinema closes at 1 a.m ., except on Saturday~
3 Don't D c be silly! when it closes at 2 a.m.
4 Wait D d rooH
mWestfield has 5,000 parking spaces and it is very easy to get to
5 I have to D e fun! on public transport. Two underground lines connect the shopping
6 Have D f now. centre to Central London, and there are many buses. Westfield is
7 What 's D g go. only eight minutes from Liverpool Street station by train.
8 No D h a minute.
b Guess the meaning of the highlighted words. Check the
meaning and pronunciation in your dictionary.
Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life.
Joseph Addison, British writer and politician

1 GRAMMAR object pronouns 2 VOCABULARY phone language

a Complete the chart. Complete the dialogues with these words.

Subject pronouns Object pronouns answer It's message

I lme Press t.fteFe this wrong

you 1 A Hello. Is Millie there ?
he 3 B No, I'm sorry. She isn't.

she 4 2 A What number is that?

B 07723 9832.
6 3 A The phone's ringing.
B Can you _ _ _ _ _ _ it, please?
4 A Hello, is that Sophie?
they B No, I'm sorry, _ _ _ _ _ _ is Grace.

5 A How do I finish this call?

b Complete the sentences with object pronouns.
B the red button.
My sister has a new boyfriend. She's on holiday
with him at the moment. 6 A This is 0454 93822.
2 Can you hear ,or do I need to shout? B I'm very sorry. It's the number.

3 This book is very exciting. I'm really enjoying _ _ __ 7 A I'm sorry, the manager is in a meeting.
4 He works near his wife's office. He has lunch with B Oh. Can you give him a ?
____ every day.
S Are you at home? Can I call later?
6 Harry doesn't live with his parents, but he speaks 3 PRONUNCIATION Iml, /II, and li:1
to once a week. a Listen and repeat the sentences. Stress the
7 Excuse me, we have a problem. Can you help ? bold words.
8 I can't find my bag. Can you see ? 1 Call me tonight.
9 These shoes are new. Do you like ? 2 Can you help us?
10 Where's Charlie? I want to talk to _ _ __ 3 Don't listen to her.
c CQmplete the text with these words. 4 See you later.
S I don't like them.
he her her Atm him she them they
6 Don't think about it.
7 Give it to him.
Lily is worried about her boyfriend, Jamie . She calls
him every day, but he doesn't call 2 _ __

When she wants to talk to Jamie 3 always says

he's busy. She waits for 4 after work, but he's
often with some friends . Jamie's friends don't like Lily,
and she doesn't like 5 • Lily says hello, but
_ _ _ don't look at her. Now she knows that Jamie
doesn't love 7 _ __ • But she's happy because she
- - ·~at s _ _ _ can find a new boyfriend.

b ~ird~the word with a different sound. 5 LISTENING
(:, Listen to the phone conversation.
1 him live nice I,
4 these his ring Choose a or b.
fish fish Who does Holly want to talk to?
1: 2 she this meet
\. .
1: 5 we leave it 2
a Beth
Where is Emily?
b Emily

tree tree a athome bout

3 Where is Holly's bag?
aI 3 me I my at 6 smile niece buy a in Emily's car b in Emily's house
bike bike 4 What is Holly's phone number?
a 60674923 b 60674823
c Listen and check. Then listen and repeat
the words. 5 What does Beth give Emily?
a the message b the phone
6 Which keys are in Holly's bag?
4 READING a her car keys b her flat keys
Read some more of Sally's Phone and answer the questions. 7 Who is Holly with?
1 Who's Katharine? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ a a neighbour b a friend
2 What does Louise suggest to Sally? 8 Where do Holly and Emily meet?
a at Holly's house b in a cafe
3 Why doesn't Paul know his phone number?

4 Who tells him what his number is? _ _ _ _ _ _ __ USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES
Learn t h ese word s and phrases.
Sally's Phone voice \;)IS.
fall r,:1
Sally talks to Claire and Louise. happening h,cp~nIIJ
'I've got a message for Paul- but who's Pau!? Do you ring I'll]
know a Paul, Claire?' she asks. smile smail
'No. What's the message?' Claire asks.
'It's his sister Katharine's birthday, and she's having a give a message (to somebodY) ~JI\ ~ IllcsIJ3
party tonight. Do you think it's a wrong number?' pick up plk \p
'Yes, I think it is,' Claire says. press the button pres ()~ 'b.\tn l
'Hey, Sally!' Louise says. 'Put on your red skirt and go to put down 'pot ddun
the party. Forget Andrew!' It's the wrong number. Its 0;') rDlJ '11 \l11b~(r),
Paul talks to a friend at work.
'This is Sally's phone - and Sally's got my phone.'
'But who is Sally?'
'I don't know,' says Paul.
'Why don't you phone her?'
'What's my number?' Paul asks. 'I don't know my number.'
'Why not?'
'Because I never call my number!'
Paul phones his mother.
'Mum, what's the number of my phone?'
'Why do you want your phone number, Pau!?'
'Because Sally's got my phone.'
'Who's Sally?' his mother asks.
'I don't know, but she's got my phone, and I've got her phone.' I
'I don't understand.'
'I know,' says Paul. 'It doesn't matter. Have you got my
number?' Extract from Oxford Bookworms Library Starter:
'Here it is. 0781 644834.' Sally's Phon e by Christine Lindop © Oxford Universit y Press 2008.
'Thanks, Mum.' I've got =I have Reproduced by Permission.
She's got = She has ISBN 978-0-19-423426-9
If we had no winter, the spring
would not be so pleasant.

1 GRAMMAR like (+ verb + -ing) 2 VOCABULARY the date; ordinal numbers

a Write the verb + -in8 form of the verbs in the box in the a Continue the series.
correct column. 1 September, October, November , December
2 May, June,
btty come draw find get have give run stop
swim take wait 3 January, February,
4 spring, summer,
double consonant S first, second,
verb +-ing e +-ing
+-ing 6 sixth, seventh,
7 eighteenth, nineteenth,
buy in8
b Complete the chart.

III 14/2 417 31/10 ~

b Look at the chart and complete the sentences. Day Date You say...
Christmas Day 25.1 12 the twenty-jjjJh
©© = love
of December
©=like or-

© = don't mind Halloween

® = don't like
®® = hate
New Year's Day

dance at parties ®® ©© US Independence Day

do housework © ®®
Valentine's Day
drive at night © ®
sit in cafes © ©
swim in the sea ©© ® 3 PRONUNCIATION consonant clusters;
watch football ® ©©
saying the date
1 William hates dancin8 at parties. a Underline the stressed syllable in the multisyllable words.
Amanda at parties.
1 Jmuary 7 July
2 William housework.
2 February 8 August
Amanda housework.
3 March 9 September
3 William at night.
4 April 10 October
Amanda at night.
S May 11 November
4 William in cafes.
6 June 12 December
Amanda in cafes.
S William in the sea. b Listen and check. Then listen and repeat
Amanda in the sea. the words.
6 William football.
Am anda football.
c Listen and repeat the dates. 5 LISTENING
3/4 6 14/6 a . Listen to four speakers talk about their
2 26/12 7 1/2 favo urite times of year. Match the speakers to
3 11/5 8 7/11 the seasons.
4 5/1 9 22/10 Speaker 1 spring
5 18/3 10 12 f7 Speaker 2 autumn
Speaker 3 winter
4 READING Speaker 4 summer
b Listen again. Match the speakers to the
Read the article about important dates in the UK and find
activities they enjoy doing at that time of year.
the answers to the questions. Write A , B , C , or D.
On which day or days ... ?
Speaker 1 0
1 do some people watch football on TV [Q Speaker2 0
2 do people remember a moment in history o Speaker 3 0
3 do people celebrate a change in the weather o Speaker 4 0
4 do people go to work 00 a walking
5 do people hear stories which aren't true o b planning
6 do some people wear special clothes o c taking photos
d travelling


to remember Learn these words and phrases.
Easter 'i:st;l
asleep ;:l'sli:p
A April Fool's Day is on 1st April. It isn't a public holiday, depressing ci! preslIJ
but it's a day when people play jokes on friends and family. outside (opposite inside) aot'salu
Some good jokes are in the newspapers or on TV - for example, hate hell
one year on the SSC there was a programme about spaghetti in a good mood III d god ' IllU:U
trees in Switzerland. Many people believed it was true! When's your birthday? wenz j:l: 'o:l:Odcl

B In most countries, May Day is on 1st May, but in the UK

the holiday is always the first Monday of May. A trad itional
May Day activity is maypole dancing, when people in colourful
clothes dance around a tree or a pole to celebrate the end
of winter and the start of sunny weather.

C Boxing Day is a holiday on 26th December. If this is

a weekend, then the holiday is the following Monday. The
name comes from the custom of giving servants a small box
with a present or money on this day. Some families meet to
watch sport, while others prefer to go shopping on the first
day of the sales .

D Bonfire Night isn't a holiday but it is a national

celebration . On 5th November, people remember Guy Fawkes'
plan to destroy the English Parliament in 1605. The plan was
not a success, and every year since then towns and villages
have huge bonfires and fantastic firework displays. They also
burn a model of the man responsible for the plan: Guy Fawkes.
Ah, music. A magic beyond all we do here!
J K Rowling, British author

1 GRAMMAR revision: be or do? 2 VOCABULARY musIc

a Complete the sentences with the correct form a Complete the words .
of be or do.
1 What are you Listening to?
2 Which instrument _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you play?
3 The singer Spanish. She's
4 I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ buy CDs. All my music is
on my iPod .
S We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ watching a film. We're
watching the news.
6 your boyfriend like reggae?
7 Which song _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your brother
8 He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sing in a group. He's a
solo artist.
9 They go to concerts
because it's too expensive.
10 you a member of a fan club?
b Rewrite the sentences as questions.
1 They listen to music online.
Do the;}'. listen to music online ?
2 Adam sings karaoke.
3 She's singing in the shower.
4 That guitar'S expensive.
S They go to a lot of musicals.
6 I'm waiting in the right place.
? 1 Rihanna is an R&B singer from Barbados.
7 Kathy likes reggae. 2 Kings of Leon are an American r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ band.
? 3 Black Eyed Peas are a famous h _ _ _ _ _ __
8 You go dancing at the weekend. h group.
? 4 Iron Maiden are an English h _ _ _ _ _ __
9 He listens to classical music when he's stressed. m band.
? S John Lee Hooker is famo us for b music.
10 They're in an orchestra. 6 Bach and Beethoven are two German composers of
? C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 01_ _ _ _ _ __

7 Jennifer Lopez is a popular singer ofL music.

8 Many r musicians are from Jamaica.

9 Jamie Cullum plays modern j _______
b Complete the sentences with the words in 4 LISTENING
the box.
Listen to the dialogues and choose a, b, or c.
concert ge-daFtciAg download fan club Oliver thinks reggae is ...
karaoke lyrics music channels online
a loud.
My friends and I often go dancing on a b slow.
Saturday night. c great.
2 My sister loves Green Day and she's a member 2 The people who sing on the woman's favourite CD are ...
of their _ _ _ _ _ __
a a classical choir.
3 new music aura my b a rock band.
MP3 player nearly every day.
c actors.
4 My children love watching _ _ _ _ _ __
3 Wendy usually listens to music ...
especially MTV
a online.
S When she's using her laptop, she often listens
to music _ _ _ _ _ __ b on CDs.
c on the radio.
6 I like the song, but I don't understand the
4 The second man really likes ...
7 Many Japanese people love singing a Rihanna.
b Beyonce.
8 Would you like to come to a _ _ _ _ _ __ c Justin Bieber.
tonight? I have two tickets for Leonard Cohen. S John ... the ong.
a likes
3 PRONUNCIATION /ji b doesn't mind
c hates
a ~the word which doesn't have /j/.


yacht Learn these words and phrases.
1 use beautiful umbrella a band " ha~nd
2 young journalist yellow conductor "-JIl'J \"-1;1
3 nurse new music karaoke "-a?ri';1ok i
4 musician lunch usually orchestra l:k''-oII"J
5 January student summer soundtrack 'sauIlJlra~k
awful "l.n
b Listen and check. Then listen and fantastic l~cn'l,cstJk
repeat the words. be a fan (of...) h, J I:cn (11\)
Be a member (of. .. ) hi J mcmb;l
download music d,lunl;lud mju:7Jk
go dancing qJO dll:nslIl


My life is a simple thing that would interest nobody.
It is a known fact that I was born, and that is all that is necessary.

1 GRAMMAR past simple of be: was / were

a Complete the sentences with was were, wasn't, or weren't. 7 Bono I born I Ireland? ./

A Who's that? -----------------------------------------?

B It's Jane Austen.
A Why 1 was she famous? 8 Amy Winehouse I singer? ./
B She 2 ____________ a writer. -----------------------------------------?
A 3 she Scottish?
B No, she 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 9 J R R Tolkien and C S Lewis I painters? X
She 5 English. She 6 ______ born -----------------------------------------?
in a small village in the South of England.
A And 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ she married? 10 M ichael Jackson I born I Britain? X
B No, she 8 ____________ '
b W rite question s and an swers.
c Complete the dialogues w ith present or past fo rms o f be.
Alexa nder Graham Bell I sportsman? X
__~~a~.sLAllI~ex~a~lilld~e~r~G~l~·awh~a~m~B~e~I~I~a~sp~o~l~·ts~m~an~________? 1 A What day ~ it today?
No, he wasn't . B Monday. Yesterday was Sunday.
2 Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor I actors?./ 2 A Hi. ____________ your sister at home?
rt"'o"'n'_"a=n.."d'_'E="l=iz""a""b'_"e=th.....Y,. .,a""D',-"l"o,-
,,-r =ac""t""o-'-'r5'----__? B No, she . She ____________
Yes, they were . here this morning, but now she ___________
3 C harles Dickens I novelist? ./ at work.
-----------------------------------------? 3 A I can't find my keys. Where _ _ _ _ _ _ they?
B I don't know. They on your desk
4 The Bearles I fro m the USA? X this morning.
4 A Where your new boyfriend from?
B He born in England, but his
5 Lord Byron I politician? X
parents born in Singapore.
5 A Why your boss angry yesterday?
6 Isaac Newton I composer? X B Because I very late for work.

2 VOCABULARY word f ormat ion 4 LISTENING
a Make professions from these words. Use a or an. a Listen to a radio programme about the greatest Britons
1 invent an inventor of all time. Number the people in the order they come on the list.
2 write
3 police
4 compose
5 music
6 paint
7 business
8 act
9 science
10 sail
b Underline the stressed syllables, e.g. an inventor.

c Practise saying the words in a.

d Complete the sentences with was I were and a

noun from a.
1 Francis Drake was a sailor .
2 Beethoven and Mozart were composers
3 James Dean _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __
4 Galileo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 Fredd ie Mercury _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 The Wright brothers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7 Agatha Christie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
8 Howard Hughes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
9 Degas and Toulouse-Lautrec _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3 PRONUNCIATION sent ence st ress

~mf~·!) Listen and repeat the conversation.

A Who was Benjamin Britten? b Listen again. Write T (true) or F (false).

B He was a composer. 1 We don't know when Shakespeare was born. .L
A Was he American? 2 Charles Darwin was born on 20th February, 1809.
B No, he wasn't. He was English. 3 He was 63 when he died.
A When was he born? 4 Diana was born on 1st July, 1961.
B He was born in 1913.
5 She wasn't married when she died.
A Were his pa rents English?
6 Isambard Kingdom BruneI was a writer.
B Yes, they we re.
7 He was 53 when he died.
8 The greatest Briton of all time was a painter.


Learn these words and phrases.
the (16th) century l);) 'sentJ~rt
divorced III \ J:st
between (1816 and 1820) bl ' t\\ i:n
be against (something) hi ~'SJelllst l
be in love (with someone) hi 111 '1\\ /
I kissed my first woman and smoked my first cigarette
on the same day. I never had time for tobacco after that.

1 GRAMMAR past simple: regular verbs 8 time , work, did, What, arrive' Sandra, yesterday, at
A ?
a Complete the sentences with a regular verb in the past B At ten o'clock.
simple, first in the positive and then in the negative.
c Complete the questions and answers.
book download listen miss play study watch work
1990 1-994 1997 2001 2004 2007 2009
1 Yesterday I missed my bus, but I didn't miss my
2 We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the news , but we
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the weather.
3 My parents _____________ French at school, but
they Spanish or Italian.
When did
4 My sister
5 The secretary
the film with me, but
the football match.
a table for lunch, but
it happen?
she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a taxi. 1 when I the Channel Tunnel l open
6 I some music onto my laptop, but
r any films. It opened in 1994 .
7 The shop assistant last Saturday, 2 when I Michael Jackson / die
but she on Sunday. 7
8 My boyfriend rugby at school, but He died in
he basketball.
3 when / Facebook / start
b Order the words to make questions.
1 you , did, night, TV , What, on , last, watch? It started in
A What did you watch on TV last night ?
B I watched the news. 4 when / Princess Diana I die
2 did , match, the, time, finish, What 7
She died in
A ?
B At six o'clock. 5 when / the first tourist / travel into space
3 your, presents, birthday ,like, you, Did 7
A ? The first tourist travelled into space in
B Yes, I did. They were great!
6 when I iPhones I first appear
4 did , university' your, at , brother, What, study
A ?
They appeared in
B Modern Languages.
5 parents, your , arrive , late ' Did 7 when I Tim Berners-Lee / create the World Wide Web
A ? 7
B No, they didn't. They were early. He created it in
6 Germany' your, in , friends, did, Where 'live
A ?
B Hamburg.
7 of, you, Did , at , the , cry' film' end, the
A ?
B Yes, I did. It was very sad.
2 VOCABULARY past time expressions 5 LISTENING
~~the correct answer. a Listen to four speakers describing bad
1 I chatted to my friends for an hour~t ni~1 journeys. How did they travel (e.g. by car, etc.)?
yesterday night. 1 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2 My girlfriend finished university ago two years I 2 4 _________________
two years ago.
b Listen again and match the speakers 1-4
3 They travelled abroad last month I the last month. to the sentences a-d.
4 Did you call me last morning I yesterday morning?
5 It stopped raining two hours ago I two ago hours.
Speaker 1 D
6 My brother worked in Greece last July I the last July.
Speaker 2 D
7 We watched that film before two weeks I
Speaker3 D
two weeks ago.
Speaker 4 D
8 David booked the tickets yesterday afternoon I A A stranger helped me.
last afternoon . B Someone in my family helped me.
9 Steve was born in 1990 I on 1990. C I started my journey twice.
10 I played golf the day yesterday before I o I didn't arrive at my destination.
the day before yesterday.


a ([!Ji:r~.!l~ Listen to the words. Underline the word Learn these words and phrases.
where -ed is pronounced lid/. satnav sa:[I1<l?\
booked checked wanted walked surprised ~,:l'pralzd
2 painted arrived finished travelled arrive ':lraIVI
3 asked waited looked stopped cry krill
4 called played chatted listened miss mls!
5 missed watched cooked started text [ei--st
6 followed decided lived relaxed travel 1r'e\ I
b Listen again and repeat the words. country house i-- \l1lri 'haus 1

a Read the article and choose the best title.
erbian tennis player Bojana Jovanovski

1 The wrong match
2 The wrong destination was onLy 19 when she pLayed in the
3 The wrong player San Diego Open. However, she very
nearLy missed the tournament. Her first match
b Read the article again and answer
was in CarLsbad, California, so her agent
the questions.
booked a seat for her and gave her the ticket
How old was Bojana when the to CarLsbad. It was a Long journey because
incident happened? Bojana needed to take three different pLanes.
2 Where was the tennis tournament? When she finaLLy arrived in CarLsbad, she was surprised
3 How did she travel to Carlsbad? to find that the airport was empty. She waited for 15 minutes
4 Where did Bojana travel to first? and then caLLed Tournament Transport. The probLem was that Bojana was
5 When did she arrive at the tournament? in CarLsbad, New Mexico and the transport service was in CarLsbad,
6 Who did she play in her first match? CaLifornia where the tournament was. So, Bojana stayed in New Mexico for
7 Did she win? the night and then traveLLed to CarLsbad, California the next morning. She
arrived onLy 30 minutes before the start of her match with the Italian pLayer
Roberta Vinci. UnfortunateLy, the day finished badLy for Bojana because
she Lost the match 3-6, 6-4, 6-1. After that, she just wanted to go home!
Never be the first to arrive at a party or the
last to go home, and never, ever be both.

1 GRAMMAR past simple: irregular verbs 2 VOCABULARY go, have, get

a Change the sentences from the present to the past. a Cross Otlt the incorrect expression.
We meet in a cafe. (last night) 1 GO to the beach out to a restaurant a-bns
We met in a caft last niBht. 2 HAVE lunch a sandwich for a walk a drink
2 Max sees his friends after work. (last night) 3 GET dressed a good time up an email
4 GO to bed a car away on holiday
3 Emily loses her keys. (yesterday) 5 HAVE breakfast a bike a shower 18 years
6 GET shopping home a newspaper a taxi
4 We don't have dinner at home. (last night) b Complete the text with went, had, or Bot.

5 They leave work at 5.30. (yesterday)

6 Alex doesn't get up early. (yesterday morning)

7 My girlfriend feels ill. (yesterday)

8 Helen doesn't go out during the week. (last week)

9 I don't wear glasses. (yesterday)

10 Lucy can't come to my party. (last year)

b Complete the questions in the dialogue .

t was my girlfriend's birthday last Saturday,
A Where 1 did you BO last night?
B I went to that new sushi bar in town.
A 2
B Yes, it was great.
good? I so we 1 went away for the weekend.
I booked a hotel on the internet, and on
Friday we 2 the train to the coast. It
A Wh o 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ w ith? was quite late when we arrived, so we just
B I went with my girlfriend. ____ a sandwich and 4 to bed.
A What 4 _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _?
The next day, we 5 up early and
B I wore jeans and my new black shirt.
____ breakfast in the hotel. It was a
A What time 5 home?
B We got home at about midnight. beautiful day, so we 7 to the beach.
A 6 a taxi home? We 8 a swim in the morning, and in
B Yes. We didn't want to drive. the afternoon we 9 for a walk. In the
A Did 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a good time? evening, we 10 dinner in an expensive
B Yes, we had a great time. The food was delicious! French restaurant. The food was delicious! The
A 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it expensive?
next day was Sunday, so we 11 back
B Yes, a bit.
home again. The weekend was very short, but
we 12 a great time.

3 PRONUNCIATION irregular verbs, b Listen again and answer the questions.
sentence stress When was it?

a Look at the pairs of irregular verbs. Do they have the

2 Who was Helen with?
same vowel sound? Write S (the same) or D (different).
1 came had [Q] 3 Where were they?
2 did felt D
3 taught wore D 4 When did she arrive in the city?
4 could spoke D
5 met went D 5 Where did they have a drink?
6 knew saw D
7 heard left D 6 Did they have a good time? Why (not)?
8 got lost D
b Listen and check. Then listen and repeat 7 What did they have for dinner?
the irregular verbs.
8 What time did they get home?
c Listen and repeat the sentences. Copy the
rhxthm .
A What did you do last night?
B I went to the cinema. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES
A Who did you go with?
B I went with a friend .
Learn these words and phrases.
A Where did you go after the film? goa l ~F'()l
B We went to a restaurant. moon l11u:n
We didn't have an expensive meat. scarf sku:!'
We didn't get home late. screen sk.ri:n
embarrassed Im ' ha~rJst /
memorable 'memJfJhl
4 LISTENING decide '01 s<.uo
a Listen to an interview about a memorable have a swim ha~\ J S\\ 1111
night. What did Helen do? know (somebody) a little IlJO J 'I III


Getting lost
Complete the words. a Read the information about getting around the UK.
1 turn lfit
2 go str 0 _ _ __
3 turnr __________
4 go p _______ the station
S onthec_________
6 0,_________ Getting around the UK
7 ab _ _ _ __ By bus and coach
8 at the tr__________ In the UK, long-distance express buses are called coaches. These are
always economicaL but they can be very slow. The biggest company is
National Express, which has frequent services between big cities. They're
2 ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS usually cheaper if you buy your ticket early and travel at quiet times.
In many towns, there are separate bus and coach stations, so passengers
Complete the dialogue with these words. need to make sure they go to the right place to get their coach.

exactly exetlse miss near say Sorry tell way Where's By car
Car travel in the UK is expensive, and there is often a lot of traffic.
A 1 Excuse me, please. 2 _ _ _ _ _ __ the station? However, travelling by car means that you can be independent and
flexible, and a car carrying three or more passengers can be cheaper
B 3 , I don't live here.
than public transport. Motorways take drivers quickly from one city to
A Excuse me. Is the station 4 here? the next but small roads are often more scenic and fun. Parking in the
C The station? It's near here, but I don't know centre of big cities can be difficult and very expensive, so an alternative
_ __ _ __ _ where. Sorry. is to use a Park & Ride. This is a system where drivers pay less to park
A Excuse me. Can you 6 me the their cars outside the city and take a bus to the centre.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the station, please? By train
o Yes, of course. Go past the hotel, then turn left at the Trains are generally faster and more comfortable than coaches for long-
traffic lights. It's at the end of the street. distance travel, but they can be a lot more expensive. About 20 different
companies operate train services in the UK, so the system can be quite
A Sorry, could you 8 that again, please?
confusing. However, passengers can get information on timetables and
o Yes. Go past the hotel, then turn left at the traffic lights
fares from the National Rail Enquiries website, which also has a way to
and it's at the end of the street. You can't buy tickets. There are two types of ticket: first and standard, and tickets
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ it! are much cheaper if you buy them early.
A Thank you.
b Read the information again. Write T (true) or F (false).

3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 1 Taking a coach is a slow way to travel. L

2 The best time to travel by coach is at quiet times.
Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 3 There isn't much traffic in the UK.
could course meet nice Maybe there Wfiat would 4 In a Park & Ride system you take a train.
S You can buy tickets from National Rail Enquiries.
1 What a view!
2 What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you like to visit? c Match the highlighted adjectives to their meanings.
3 Whatis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tosee? 1 beautiful
4 We go to the Houses of Parliament. 2 difficult to understand
- Would you like to for lunch? 3 quite cheap
6 That's really of you . 4 normal
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ another time. S easy to change something

Yes, of _ _ _ _ _ __ 6 happening often
Elementary, my dear Watson.
Attributed to Sherlock Holmes (but he never said it)

1 GRAMMAR past simple: regular b Complete the questions with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.
and irregular
a Read this police report. Complete the sentences
with the past simple form of the verbs brackets.

Bank robbery

We 1 arrived (arrive) at the bank at

9.36 in the evening, and we 2 _ _ _ __

(park) our police car outside. The bank

_ _ _ _ _ _ (be) closed and all the
lights 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) off, but we INSPECTOR Where 1 were you at about 9.30 yesterday
evening? (be)
_ _ _ _ _ _ (look) through the
STEVEN POTTER I was at the cinema. The film 2 started
window. We 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (see) a
at 9.00. (start)
person inside the bank. At first we
I What film 3 ? (see)
_______ (not can) see who it
SP I can't remember. It wasn't very good.
was, but then he 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (open) Hmm. Very interesting. And who 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the
the door and came out - it was Steven cinema with? (go)
Potter. He 9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not run) SP With my girlfriend.
away - he just walked slowly to his car, I the film? (like)
and then drove away. The next morning, SP Yes, she thought it was very good.

we 10 (go) to his house I What time 6 the film _ _ _ _ _ _ _?

at 6.00 a.m. We 11 (find)
SP At about 10.30.
him in bed. He 12 (not
And what 7_ _ _ _ _ _ _ after you left the cinema? (do)
want) to speak to us, but we 13_ _ _ __
SP We went to a restaurant - La Dolce Vita on the High Street.
(take) him to the police station.
La Dolce Vita? I know it. Very good spaghetti. What time
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ the restaurant? (leave)
SP At about 12.00.
That's very late. 9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ home after that? (go)
SP No, we went to a nightclub - Flanagan's. Then we went home.
I How? 10 a taxi? (get)
SP No, we got a bus.
And what time 11 to bed? (go)
SP At about 4.00 a.m. Can I go home now? I'm tired.
No, I'd like to ask you some more questions ...
2 VOCABULARY irregular verbs 4 LISTENING
a Complete the infinitive and past forms of these irregular a Listen to a radio interview with a
verbs with a, e, i, 0, or u. detective. What does he like most about his job?

Infinitive Past
1 begi n beg...fLn
2 c- me c me b Listen again and choose a, b, or c.
3 dr- nk dr- nk 1 Jeremy Downs decided he
4 dr- ve dr- ve wanted to be a detective ...
5 g- ve g- ve a when he was a child .
6 kn - w kn w b when he left school.
7 p_ t p- t c when he finished
8 s_ t s- t university.
9 sw- m sw - m
2 His first job in the police
10 w_ ke [up] w_ ke [up]
was as ...
11 w- n w_ n
a an inspector.
12 wr_ te wr_ te
b a police officer.
b Complete the sentences with the past simple form of t he c a detective.
verbs in the box. 3 Jeremy took the ... Exam
buy find break ReeF make take can lose meet think to become a detective.
a National Inspectors
1 Last night we heard a noise downstairs.
b National Detectives
2 They _ _ _ __ __ the man's daughter was the murderer.
c National Investigators
3 The policeman the money in an old bag.
4 Jeremy usually works ...
4 They their friends outside the restaurant.
a outside.
S I a detective story in the bookshop.
b in an office.
6 My girlfriend her mobile phone last night. c at the police station.
7 The man a window and went into the house.
S He sometimes feels ... when he
8 Somebody my laptop when I was out of is at work.
the room.
a bored
9 We were worried because we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ see a police
b stressed
car outside our house.
c worried
10 I was thirsty so I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a cup of tea.


a Match the verbs with the same vowel sound. AND PHRASES
drove could maee said learnt bought had lost
Learn these words and phrases.
library lalbn
1 came made
murder '1l13:d;),
2 left
nobody n~()b;'\dl
3 got
secretary sekr;ltri
4 ran
believe bl li:\
5 saw
ki II k II
6 spoke
marry 1l1i!~rI
business partner 'hllt1;lS pu:tn;l
8 heard
b Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.

If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen.
Allison Pearson, British writer

1 GRAMMAR there is / there are, some / 2 VOCABULARY the house

any + plural nouns a Complete the crossword.
a Complete the dialogue with the correct form of
there is / there are and , if necessary, a, some, or any. Clues across ~

A Hello. I'm interested in the flat to rent.

B Oh, OK Let me tell you about it. 1 There's a large
living room and 2 small kitchen.
A 3 _ _ _ __ _ _ table in the kitchen?
B NO,4 . But 5 _ _ _ _ _ __
very nice dining room with a table and some chairs.
A That's fine. What about the bedrooms. How many
bedrooms 6 ?
B 7 _ __ _ _ _ _ three bedrooms and a bathroom.
A 8 shower in the bathroom?
BYes, 9_ _ __ __ _
A Good. 10 bookshelves in the
living room?
B No, I'm sorry. But 11 cupboards.
A That's OK. I think it's perfect for us. How much is it?

b Write the sentences in the plural using some or any.

There's an armchair in the living room.
There are some armchairs in the living room 10

2 Is there a carpet downstairs?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---?
3 There's a CD on the shelf.
4 Is there a glass in the cupboard?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -?
5 There isn't a file in the study.

c ~ the correct form .

l@/ There's a nice flat and 2it isn't / there isn't very
expensive. There are I They are two rooms but there
3 4

aren't I they aren't very big. There's I It is a small


kitchen and a bathroom. There isn't I It isn't a bath in


the bathroom, but 7 it's / there's a new shower. The flat

is on the 10th floor, so 8 there's / it is a fantastic view
of the city. And 9 there's / it's a very large balcony with
a lot of flowers. 10 They are / There are beauti ful in
the summer!
b Write the room. 4 LISTENING
1 You usually take off your coat in the h~.
a Listen to Mrs Goodings show her house
2 You usually have a shower in the b to Bradley and Joanna, a couple who are interested
3 You usually have dinner in the d in renting it. Tick .I the three rooms Mrs Goodings
r shows them?
4 You usually use a computer in the st 1 bathroom D
S You usually park your car in the g 2 bedroom D
6 You usually make lunch in the k 3 dining room D
7 You usually watch television in the I 4 garage D
r Shall D
8 You usually sleep in the b 6 kitchen D
9 You usually sit outside in the g 7 living room D
8 study D
3 PRONUNCIATION fIg/ and /eg/; word stress b Listen again and write T (true) or F (false).
a @ the word with a different sound. 1 Mrs Goodings always eats in the kitchen. L
2 Joanna doesn't like the living room.
e~ 3 There isn't a washing machine in the kitchen. _
lr""" 1 they're there dear 4 There's a hole in the ceiling of the kitchen.
chair S Joanna likes the windows in the living room . _
~ 6 There isn't a TV in the living room.
~l ) 2 beer stairs near 7 There are three bedrooms upstairs.
8 Bradley forgets about the hole in the
bathroom ceiling.
3 where wear we're



L.°I~ ) 4 here hair hear
Learn these w o rds and phrases.
IC5- advertisement /~d ' v3:usm~nt
ear barman " ba:m~n
b "I.Io.:l~~~ Listen and repeat the words. dishwasher 'dIS\\ OS~I
lovely l·w Ii
c Underline the stressed syllable. rent rent
1 carpet a bottle of champagne 'J bot! 0\ Srem 'pCII1
2 mi rror a long time ago !~ (01) laltn ~'g~o
3 culpboard (local) pub p.\b
4 balcoJny Wow! iwao
5 cooker How horrible! hao 'horJbl
6 sofa
7 armlchair
8 ga rage
9 ceiJling

d Listen and check. Then listen and repeat

the words.
I'm not frightened of death.
I just don't want to be there when it happens.
Woody Allen, American film director

1 GRAMMAR there was / there were 2 VOCABULARY prepositions: place and

a Complete the text . Use was, were, wasn't, or weren't. movement
Complete the sentences with these words.

behind from iA in front of next to opposite

out of over under up

I went on holiday to Brazil last summer, and I stayed

in an amazing hotel. My room was great. There
was a large bed, and there 2 some big
cupboards to put my clothes in. There 3 _ _ __
a kitchen, but there 4 _ _ _ _ a minibar full of
drinks and snacks. There 5 three different
restaurants to choose from. There 6 a
beautiful swimming pool in the hoteL and there
____ a long beach very near. There 8 _ _ __
any tourists on the beach but there 9 some
baby turtles. They were really beautiful!

b Complete the dialogue with a form of there was I there were.

A Did you have a good holiday?
B Not really. 1 There was a problem with my hotel.
A Oh dear. What happened?
B Well, we couldn't swim because 2 _ _ _ _ _ __
1 There's a family ~ the dining room.
a swimming pool. And 3 _ _ __ _ _ _ any
2 The boy is sitting the girl.
restaurants near the hotel.
A 4 _______ a minibar in your room?
3 The woman is the man .
B No, 5 a minibar and 4 There's a ghost standing the woman.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ a television. The only thing 5 There's a bag the table.
in my room was the bed! 6 A waiter is coming the kitchen .
A Oh. 7 a bathroom? 7 There's a ghost the waiter.
B Yes, but B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ any clean towels. 8 The waiter is carrying the plates the
Everything was very dirty. kitchen the tables .
A 9 _______ any nice people in the hotel? 9 There's a clock _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the kitchen door.
BYes, 10 some great people, but they 10 A ghost is going the stairs.
all felt the same as me - very angry!
To eat well in England, have breakfast
three times a day.

1 GRAMMAR countable / uncountable nouns; 2 VOCABULARY food

a/ an, some / any a Complete the crossword.
a What did Sarah and Martin buy when they went shopping
yesterday? Write a, an, or some in the gaps.
1 som~ sausages 6 orange
2 lettuce 7 pineapple
3 eggs 8 crisps
4 carrots 9 biscuits
5 jam 10 milk
b Write the sentences in the positive El or negative 8 form.
There's some ham in the fridge.
8 There isn't an,)' ham in thefridfJe
2 There are some strawberries in our garden.
8 There _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ K
3 I didn't have an egg for breakfast.
ElI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ 10

4 There isn't any sugar in my tea .

El There _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 I didn't eat any snacks yesterday. Cluesdown+
ElI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 There weren't any sandwiches in the kitchen.
m ~

ElThere _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7 1 bought a pineapple at the supermarket.
81 ________________
8 There was some bread in the cupboard.
8 There _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
c Complete the dialogue with a, an, some, or any.

A What do we need to buy for our dinner party? Let's make a list.
B Well, I want to make 1 _a_ lasagne, so we need 2 _ _ __
b Write the words in the correct column .
pasta and 3 _ _ _ _ mea t.
A Pasta ... and meat. What about tomatoes? Are there at=>t=>les bananas biscuits carrots chocolate crisps
____ tomatoes in the fridge? mushrooms onions oranges peas pineapple
B Let's have a look. There's 5 onion, but there aren't potatoes sandwiches strawberries sweets
____ tomatoes. Put those on the list, too.
A Right ...tomatoes. Is there 7 cheese? Vegetables Snacks Fruit
B Yes, there's B mozzarella cheese, so that's perfect. apples
A Let's have 9 salad with the lasagne.
B OK. Then we need to buy 10 _ _ _ _ lettuce.
A What about dessert? Is there 11 fruit?
B No, there isn't. Let's get 12 strawberries.
Human beings are 70% water.
With some people, the rest is collagen.

1 GRAMMAR quantifiers: how much / how many, a lot of, etc.

a Complete the questions. Then complete the sentences.

~CUits do you eat?

( = How much salt do ~~ sugar
~ have with your meals? ~ you put in your tea?

Notmu~ Alot2 Notma~

He doesn't have much salt with his meals. 2 He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3 She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

~~ cups
Q:eets do you buy? ~c offee do you drink?

4 He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 5 He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6 She _____________________

b Read the information and write questions.

How much sU£jar is there in an o1"all£je ?
Answer: 23g.
There is 23g of sugar in an orange. Answer: About 125.
3 ?
There are about 125 calories in a banana. Answer: About 18.
There are about 18 oranges in a carton of orange juice. 4 ?
Answer: 1.2g.
There is 1.2g of salt in a bowl of cereal.
5 ?
There are six eggs in a box. Answer: six.
6 ?
There is 454g of jam in a jar. ___________
Answer: 454g.

2 VOCABULARY f ood cont ainers 4 LISTENING
a Unscramble the words to make food containers. a Listen to the radio show about food groups.
1 rja !ar
Complete the examples of the groups.

2 bxo
3 rncoat
4 nit
S cpeatk
6 nca
7 totble
b Complete the sentences with a container from a.
1 She was thirsty, so she bought a can of fizzy drink.
2 Do you need the scissors to open the _ _ _ _ _ __
of juice?
3 He took the of strawberry jam out
of the cupboard.
4 There is a small _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of crisps in that big
S We always take a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of water when we
go for a walk.
6 They made some sandwiches with a _ _ _ _ _ __
of tuna. 1 carbohydrates: bread, pasta, , potatoes
7 I gave her a of chocolates to say 2 fruits and vegetables: apples, oranges,
thank you. carrots
3 protein: meat,
3 PRONUNCIATION lSI and lsi 4 milk and dairy: , yoghurt
S fats and sugars: cakes, , sweets, crisps
a ~the word with a different sound.

b Listen again. Complete the gaps with

S. 1 sugar salad cereal one word.
snake 1 Carbohydrates give us

J 2 sure fre sh salt

2 Fruits and vegetables comain important
3 Protein helps our bodies to and repair.
shower 4 Milk and dairy are important for our bones
S. 3 ri ce shopping science
S You should eat fats and sugars or
a week.

J. 4 short informati on ce ntre USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES

Learn these w o r d s and phrases.
b Listen and check. Then listen and repeat gold q~okl
the words. spoon spu:n
vitamins '\'1 (~rllln7 1
c Listen and repeat the sentences.
fresh freJ
1 She saw Susan standing outside the cinema.
spoonful \pu:n rolt
2 Shawn said sorry for singing in the shower.
instead of 1n'sted J\ I
3 Steve puts six spoons of sugar on his cereal.
4 Sylvia spends Saturdays in tbe shopping centre.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Albert Einstein, German scientist

1 GRAMMAR comparative adjectives 2 VOCABULARY high numbers

a Write the comparative forms of these adjectives in the a Listen and~the correct numbers.
correct circle. 1 104 304
2 586 596
e-oo beautiful cheap dry sad difficult dirty
co ld far wet high hungry comfortab le thin good 3 2,670 2,660
4 8 ,905 9,905
5 11,750 12,750
6 543 , 830 553,830
7 1,315,000 1,350,000
8 25,460,000 35 ,460,000
b u.=.~~.=.r Listen and write the numbers in words.
1 125
2 895
3 4,500
4 12,470
5 33,930
6 575,600
7 6,250,000
8 34,800,265

3 PRONUNCIATION l'd/, sentence stress

b Write sentences using the opposite adjective. a Write the words in the chart.
A bike is slower than a car.
A car isfaster than a bik e affief cheaper colder dirtier drier easier
healthier higher shorter slower taller worse
2 Lions are sma ller than tigers.
Tigers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 Ireland is wetter than Italy. . e GU
~~ 3: ar
Italy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 January is longer than February.
tree horse bird
egg phone bike
February _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 A laptop is more expensive than an iPod. --- --- better --- ---
AniPod _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ --- --- --- ---
6 Fridays are better than Mondays.
Mondays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ b Listen and repeat.
7 A cooker is botter than a fridge.
A fridge _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
8 Italian is easier than Russian.
Russian _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

At a restaurant


a Look at the menu and a nswer the questions. Complete the dialogue w ith one word in
Which is the best starter for somebody on a diet? each gap.
2 What main course can a vegetarian have? A Good evening. Do you have a 1 reservation ?
3 Can you have fruit for dessert? B Yes, a 2 for two. My name's
4 How many types of coffee are there? Miriam Kieslowski.
5 Do children pay the same as adults? A Come this 3 , please.

A Are you ready to 4 ?

B Yes. The grilled vegetables and the mushroom
Taste of Heaven Restaurant risotto, please.
C 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ like the prawn cocktail and
then the roast beef, please.
A What would you 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to drink?
C 7 water for me.
Starters B A bottle of mineral water, please.
Chicken soup £3.50
A B or sparkling?
Prawn cocktail £4.25
B Is sparkling OK?
Grilled vegetables with low-fat cheese (V) £4.75
C Yes, sparkling.
Salads A Thank you, madam.
Mixed salad (V) £5.50 B Thank you.
Seafood salad £7.25

Main courses 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH

Roast beef served with roast potatoes and vegetables £12.25
Mushroom risotto with Parmesan cheese (V) £9.50
Match the sentences 1- 6 to the correct
Fried salmon served with chips and peas £10.75 responses a-f.
1 What do you do on your birthday? [£J
Desserts 2 Would you like a dessert? D
Fresh fruit salad £3.95
Chocolate brownie with cream £4.50
3 A decaf espresso. D
New York cheesecake £4.25 4 Can I use your phone? D
5 Good news? D
Beverages 6 Could we have the bill, please? D
Glass of wine (red or white) £2.95
Bottle of wine (red or white) £10.50
a Not for me, thanks.
Beer £3.50
Soft drinks £2.75 b Yes. I got the job!
Coffee (espresso or latte) £2 .25 c Nothing special.
d Yes, of course, sir.
Set menu e The same for me, please.
£14.95 (see the board for today's choice)
f Yes, go ahead.
25% discount on children's portions
(V) Suitable for vegetarians

b Underline the words or phrases you don't know. Use your

dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation.
As soon as there is life there is danger.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, American writer

1 GRAMMAR superlative adjectives 3 a Canada

b China
a Complete the chart. c Russia
Adjective Comparative Superlative 4 a Mumbai
b Shanghai
1 cold colder the co ldest
c Buenos Aires
2 high
5 a India
3 expensive
b Ireland
4 dry c Brazil
5 dangerous 6 a The Sahara Desert (Africa)
6 hot b The Arizona Desert (The USA)
c The Atacama Desert (South America)
7 beautiful
7 a Mandarin Chinese
8 interesting
b English
9 good
c Hindi
10 bad 8 a The Arctic
Write the questions. b Alaska
c The Antarctic
What' small continent' world
__wn~~a~t~~t~h~e~sm~al~le~s~tc~o~n~t£~·n~e~nt~i~n~tl~te~w=o~r~ld~________ ?
2 What' big ocean' world 2 VOCABULARY places and buildings
---------------------------------------? a Complete the sentences with a word in each box.
3 What , large country' world
? art car department police post railway sftef3j3iAg town
4 What' populated city' world
eeAtFe gallery hall office park station station store
- What' wet place, world 1 Where can you visit different shops?
---------------------------------------? At a shopping centre .
6 What, dry desert, world 2 Where can you see paintings?
Inan ____________________________
- What' common native language I world 3 Where can you get a train from?
From a _____________________
What, cold place, world 4 Where can you buy a stamp?
--------- ---------- -- -------------------?
At a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

~ @ the correct answer to the questions in b . 5 Where can you talk to a policeman?
Ata _____________________
1 a Qfistra]y
6 Where can you buy clothes for all the family?
b Europe Ina _____________________
c South America
7 Where can you leave your car?
_ a The Atlantic At a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
b The Pacific 8 Where can you speak to a local politician?
c The Indian Ocean Inthe _____________________

b Complete the puzzle. Ca n you find the hidden word? 5 READING

a R ead the text and w rite T (true) or F (false).
3 1 Ulm M unster is the world 's biggest church.
2 You ca n sometimes see the mountains fro m
the top of the church.
3 U lm M unster was the city's first church.
4 Construction of the church took over 500 years. _
5 The church opens every day at 8 o'clock.
6 It's very expensive to visi t U lm Munster.

10 b G uess the mea n ing of th e highlighted words.

C h eck in your d ictionary.

Ulm Munster in Germany is the tallest chu rch in the world .
The tallest part of the church is the steeple, which is
161.5 metres high and contains 768 steps. From the top
of the church there is a view of the city, and on a clear day
you can see the Alps.
Before the MOnster was built Ulm already had a church
outside the city walls. However, the inhabitants of the
city decided that they wanted a new church in the town
3 PRONUNCIATION consonant groups centre and they agreed to pay for the bu ilding.

m~[!·~ Listen and rep eat the sentences .

Construction of the church began in 1377 but the build ing
wasn't completed until 31st May, 1890. At first the work
It's the cheapest place to live. was difficult because the heaviest parts fell down and
2 It 's the highest mountain in the world. the builders had to repair them . Then construction
3 He's the healthiest person in the fam ily. stopped from 1543 to 1817 for political reasons.
4 It's the prettiest village in the country. Today, tourists can visit the church every day of
5 It's the most difficult language to learn . the year. Winter opening hours are from 9 a.m. to
6 It's the most polluted ci ty in th e area. 4.45 p.m. and the church is open in the summer
7 T hey're the most attractive couple I know. months from 8 a.m. to 7.45 p.m. Admission to
the church is free, but the price of climbing the
8 She's the most intelligent person in the class.
steeple is €3 for adults and €2 for children .

a Listen to a radio in ter view w ith a travel writer.
W h at is h is b ook called? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES
b Listen again. Complete the sentences. Learn these words and phrases.
U luru is the _ _ _ _ _ rock in the world . accidents ,cl..sllbnh
2 It's kilometres long. f un r\ll
3 T he world's highest waterfall is in _ _ _ __ region 'n:d:1;1n
4 The tallest building in the world is _ _ _ _ _ metres high. nearly '1l1dli
5 The world 's oldest ci ty began in Be. popular pllpjJb
6 T he wo rld 's longest railway goes from _ _ _ __ w ide (opposite narrow) \\<lld
to Vladivostok. below (opposite above) h,'j;)o
7 The shortest runway in the world is _ _ _ _ _ metres long.
To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive.
Robert Louis Stevenson, Scottish writer

1 GRAMMAR be going to (plans), 2 VOCABULARY holidays

future time expressions a Write the expressions in the correct column.
a Order the words to make sentences.
l:7aelffierne by train a good time on holiday
I are ' there, you, get, to , How' going the sights in a hotel nice meals
~H ~ ow~a~re4y~0~u~B~0~in~B~t~0~Be~t~tl~le~r~
e ________________ ? somebody around your town with a friend
2 to, isn't' He , a , going' stay' in , hotel
GO back home
3 show' to , They're' city , going' the, me HAVE
4 good' going' time, have' We're' to , a

5 is, home, to , she' going' When, go STAY

b Complete the text with the verbs from a.
6 not' sights, going I I'm , see' the I to

b Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of BoinB to.

I Are they BoinB to leave by train? (they ,leave)
2 We our friends the city. (show)
3 They nice meals in expensive
restaurants. (have)
4 with a friend? (you, stay)
5 They _____________ the museum. (not visit)
6 the sights? (they, see)
7 He a lot of people. (meet)
8 She on holiday this year. (not go)
Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of BoinB to.

A So, where 1 are you [Joill8 to BO (go) on holiday?

B I2 (travel) round Europe for a few weeks.
Maria is really happy because she's going to 1 80 on
A Really? Where 3 (stay)? holiday tomorrow. She's gOing to 2_ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ __
B Well, this year I • (not/sleep) in hotels. with her cousins in London. They're going to
Instead, I'm going to CouchSurf. _______________ her around the city and she's
A CouchSurf? What a great idea! 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (travel) gOing to • all the sights. They're
gOing to 5 lots of nice meals
B Yes, I am. My girlfriend 6 ___________ (drive) to Marbella
with some friends. They 7 (spend) all day
together She's going to 6 by plane,
on the beach and they 8 (dance) all night. and she's going to 7 in London for
I don't like that kind of holiday. 19 (meet) a week. The second week, Maria and her cousins are going
lots of new people and see lots of new places. to travel to the coast. They're going to 8_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
A Which countries 10 ? (visit) in a hotel, and they're gOing to 9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
B Italy first, and then Croatia, Greece, and Turkey. My
a great time. Maria's gOing to 10_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
CouchSurfing hosts 11 (show) me the
sights. 112 (have) a great time!
baCk to London before she goes home.
3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
Listen and underline the stressed words.
How are you going to get there?
Travelling by InterRaii
2 Where are you going to stay? Since 1972, backpackers have enjoyed the freedom to
explore 30 European countries, thanks to the InterRail pass.
3 We're going to stay for a week.
Here, InterRail travellers say why they love InterRail so much.
4 I'm going to see the sights.
5 We aren't going to go by car. Hannah Kopper (23, EngLand)
6 I'm not going to stay in a hotel.
b Listen again and repeat the sentences. Amsterdam - Hamburg - Berlin - Warsaw - Kra kow - Prague
Copy the ~thm . - Vienna - Budapest - Zag reb - Split - Mostar - Sa rajevo -

4 LISTENING I love InterRail because you can go where you want, when
you want! When we started our journey, we had an idea of
a Listen to four speakers talking about where we wanted to go, but as we travelled we got new ideas.
their first experience of CouchSurfing. How many Changing our plans was easy - you can stay an extra night
people did not enjoy the experience? _ _ _ __ or two if you like a place, and if you don't like it you can go
somewhere else. The InterRail pass gives you real freedom.
b Listen again and match the speakers to
the sentences A-D. Arno VaLentjin (29, The Netherlands)
Speaker 1 D Speaker 3 D
Speaker 2 D Speaker4 D Amsterdam - Bonn - Stuttgart - Sa lzburg - Ljubljana - Split -
A CouchSurfing gave me the chance to make friends. Pescara - Ba ri - Corfu - Igoumen itsa - Patras - Athens
B CouchSurfing helped me with my work. One of the best things about InterRail is that you get cheaper,
C My host was also my tourist guide to the city. or even free travel on ferries as well as trains. I travelled to Split
o My second experience of CouchSurfing was better in Croatia and then took the ferry to Pescara in Italy. Then I
than the first. travelled by InterRail to the south of Italy, and then took the
ferry to the Greek island of Corfu. It was fantastic! You also get
discounts on hotels, tourist attractions, and lots more.
a Read the text. Answer the questions with H (Hannah),
Virginie Gauguet (26, France)
A (Arno), V (Virginie), or R (Rory).
1 Which person made new friends while travelling? D Pa ris - Versa illes - Epernay - Blois - Angers - Lyons -
2 Who spent very little on accommodation? D Chamon ix - Nice - Monaco - Venti miglia - Pisa - Florence -
Perug ia - Assi si - Rome - Naples
3 Who used their InterRail pass on another form
of transport? D In six weeks I met so many new interesting people and
4 Who was travelling abroad for the first time? D made friends from all over the world. It's a cheap way to
5 Which person found it easy to make new plans travel too, especially if you take the night trains - I saved
while travelling? D a lot of money on accommodation this way. I really want
to go InterRailing again!

Rory Mitchell (21, ScotLand)

Learn these wor d s and phrases. Innsbruck - Venice - Sienna - Lucca - Pisa - Florence -
couch kaotJ Cannes - Monaco - Nice - Figueras - Rosas - Barcelona -
flatmate fhctmelt Paris - Antwerp
a host '~'h~OSI This was the first time I'd left the UK, and I loved it.
tap (,cp InterRail is safe and easy for first-time travellers. I got an
create a profile knelt ~ 'pr.'lufaIl InterRail Global Pass so I could take as many trains as I
recommend (things to do) reb'mend wanted. I saw many amazing places, and learnt a lot about
Europe's culture and history. I visited over 15 cities in less
Have a good trip! .'1\.'1 ~I()d 'trIP
than a month. I'm definitely going to do it again next year!
It's free. Its 'fri:
Love cannot save you from your own fate.
Jim f\.1orrison, singer with The Doors

1 GRAMMAR be going to (predictions)

a Look at the pictures. Write sentences using these verbs and be Boing to.

buy change eat have listen lose read take

1 They're going to eat a pizza. 2 VOCABULARY verb phrases

2 some money.
3 a newspaper. Complete the phrases with verbs from the box.
4 a coffee. he become fall get (x3) have meet move travel
5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to music.
1 ~ lucky
6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a book.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a photo. 2 somebody new
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ his passport. 3 to a differe nt country
4 married
\ rite a letter in the box: A = plan, B = prediction.
5 have a lot of money
I'm going to buy some stamps. ~ 6 in love
_ It's going to be cold tomorrow. D 7 famous
3 Jim's going to study tonight. D 8 a new job
4 Our team is going to lose this match. D 9 a surprise
- There's going to be a storm later. D 10 house
6 I think that restaurant's going to close. D
- They're going to buy a new TV. D
I'm going to book a flight online. D

3 PRONUNCIATION the letters 00 /h,e n~~e peh,in
th,e f)'tet
a Look at the pairs of words. Tick .I the pairs with the
same sound and cross X the pairs that are different.

1 choose school ./
2 book soon )(
In tasseography, the fortune-teller uses tea leaves to
3 food moon predict the future. You drink a cup of tea and leave
4 good cook a small amount in the bottom of the cup. Then you
move the tea round the cup three times, cover it with
5 took spoon
a saucer, and turn it upside down. The fortune-teller
6 look too looks at the shape the tea leaves make. For example,
a bird means that you're going to have good news.
b Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.
In crystallomancy, the fortune-teller uses a glass
4 READING ball. She places the ball on the table between you and
a Read the text. Match the headings to the paragraphs. her, and looks into it for a long period of time. At
first, the ball looks dull and cloudy, but then it clears
1 Give me your hand 3 How do you like your tea?
and images start to appear. The fortune-teller uses
2 Let's play cards 4 What's inside the ball?
these pictures to predict your future. For example,
b Read the text again and write T (true) or F (false). a nurse means that you're going to be ill.
1 The easiest way to read Tarot cards is to use C
four cards. In Tarot reading, the fortune-teller uses a special pack
2 An image of a nurse means bad health. of Tarot cards to predict the future. There are 78 cards
3 A strong Heart line means you're going to find love. in the pack, and there are different ways of using
4 A shape of a bird means bad luck. them. The quickest is to lay three cards on the table
c Guess the meaning of the highlighted words. Check in from left to right. The cards represent the past, the
your dictionary. present, and the future. The fortune-teller turns over
the cards and says what they mean. For example, the
Sun means that you're going to become famous.
a Listen to Pete and Amy's conversation Chiromancy is aLso called paLmistry and it's when
about the psychic Uri Geller. Was his trick
the fortune-teller studies the lines on the palm of
with the spoons real?
your hand to predict your future. There are four
major lines on the hand: the Life line, the Head line,
the Heart line, and the Health line. For example,
a strong Heart line means that you're going to find
the right partner and be happy in your life.

b Listen again and write T (true) or F (false). USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES
1 A lot of people watched Uri Geller in the past. Learn these words and phrases.
2 Pete and A my see a video of the trick. soon Isu:n
3 Amy doesn't believe the trick at first. be lucky bl '1,\ k I '
4 Uri doesn't use a normal spoon. Come in! k \m 111
S Uri doesn't speak during the trick. get married get 111lrrid
6 Today, Uri doesn't appear in public. move to another country mu:\ tu ;)11 \ ('\) k \I1tri l


You can fall in love at first sight with a place as with a person.
Alec Waugh, British writer

1 GRAMMAR adverbs (manners and modifiers)

a Complete the sentences with an adverb.
1 The French cook perfect meals.
They cook perfectly .
2 The Germans are careful drivers.
They drive _ _ _ _ _ __
3 The British are very polite.
They speak very _ _ _ _ _ _ _'
4 The Brazilians are good at football.
They play football _ _ _ _ __
5 The Japanese are very hard workers.
They work very _ _ _ _ _ __
6 The Canadians eat healthy food.
They eat _ _ _ _ _ __
7 The Swedish speak beauti ful English. 2 VOCABULARY common adverbs
They speak English _ _ _ _ _ __ Make adverbs from the adjectives and complete the sentences.
@ t h e correct word.
eatefttl good easy hard healthy incredible perfect quiet
1 My brother dresses casual/€ual:!p.
In the ideal city...
2 Frank cooks real I really well.
1 ... car drivers drive carefully .
3 It's easy I easily to ride a bi ke.
2 , .. workers work _ _ _ _ _ __
-! They walked quick I quickly to the
railway station. 3 ... families eat _ _ _ _ _ __
S He's very quiet I quietly. He never says 4 ... people speak foreign languages _ _ _ _ _ __
anything! 5 .. .you can travel around _ _ _ _ _ __
6 Elena's pizzas are incredible I 6 ... people talk _ _ _ _ _ __
incredibly. 7 ...everybody treats tourists _ _ _ _ _ __
My French is very bad I bad ly. 8 ... everything is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cheap.
Can you speak more slow I slowly?
9 Mark speaks English good I well. 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress
10 She eats unhealthily I unhealthy.
a Underline the stressed syllable in the adverbs. Which three adverbs
11 They have real I really stressful jobs,
are not stressed on the first syllable?

1 beautifu lly 6 incredi bly

2 carefu lly 7 perfectly
3 ca sua lly 8 po lite ly
4 dan gelrous ly 9 un heal thi ly
5 fash ion ably

b Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the adverbs.

4 READING b Complete the sentences with words in the box.

a Read the text. Match the headings A-D to the atmosphere culture socializing fascinating hospitality
paragraphs. impressions architecture expect

A The Polish way oflife 1 Da\my's first of Warsaw are very memorable.
B Feeling at home abroad 2 Before he got to Poland , Danny didn't know much about
C My first impressions Polish _ _ _ _ _ __
D Not what I expected 3 He didn't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the city to be so beautiful.
4 He was very impressed by the in Warsaw.
5 He also liked the energy and of the city.
First impressions 6 The of the Polish people is well known .

of Warsaw 7
Polish people like with their family and friends.
Danny finds the Polish culture _ _ _ _ _ __

Danny MacIntyre, from Scotland, came to Poland

for the first time seven years ago. He now lives in 5 LISTENING
Warsaw where he runs a small media company. Listen to two people talking about where they live.
1 _ _ _ _ _ __ Answer the questions .
You always remember your first impressions of Speaker 1 Brno, Czech Republic
a new country. When I first came to Warsaw, I 1 Why is the city so quiet and
didn't know much about Poland at all. I didn't empty at the weekend?
know anything about the culture. I didn't think 2 Where are there lots of shops?
the food was going to be very exciting, and I 3 How are they different from the
expected the weather to be similar to Scotland ones in the main shopping areas?
- maybe even a bit colder! But when I got there,
I discovered how wrong I was.
2 _ _ _ _ __
Speaker 2 Reykjavik, Iceland
It was summer, and it was hot! In fact. the 4 When do people go to
temperature was over 30 degrees! My first swimming pools and hot tubs?
impression was that Warsaw was more 5 What are there very few of in
beautiful than I expected. I spent a lot of time
the Icelandic countryside?
just walking around looking at the incredible
6 How many people are there ... ?
architecture. I felt that the city had wonderful
in Reykjavik
atmosphere and lots of energy.
in the second-biggest city
3 _ _ _ _ __ 7 What kind of things do
Polish people are very friendly. Most people can Icelandic people make?
speak a bit of English and many speak it very
well. I am trying to learn Polish, but it is very
difficult. Fortunately, people don't mind when I USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES
make mistakes! Polish people are very hospitable,
and they love to socialize - get together, eat Learn these words and phrases.
drink, and talk. Parties often don't finish until a foreigner ;1 I'nr;1l1;l
early the next morning. I am now married to a myth mJ{)
Polish woman. At our wedding, our guests didn't subtitles s\bta I t 17
leave until 5.00 a.m. the next morning! incredible Inkret.l;lbl
4 _ _ _ _ _ __ incredibly l11 ' kr~d;1hll
Poland is a great place to live. It has everything - dress (well) t.Ir~:>
friendly people; cheap travel; delicious food; the a strong accent J ~trnl.l · ~ek ~~l1t
summers are hot; and there's great skiing in the first impressions h:~l 111l ' rr~.rn/
winter. There are mountains, lakes, and beaches; get dark q~l ul1:k
beautiful cities and fascinating culture. I still love
Scotland, but Poland feels like home now.
in general II'u")cn rJI
lock (your) doors 10k 'd:u
I'd love to live like a poor man, but with lots of money.
Pablo Picasso, Spanish painter

1 GRAMMAR verbs + to + infinitive 2 VOCABULARY verbs that take the infinitive

a Complete the sentences with to and a verb in Match the sentences 1-8 with the sentences a-h.
the box. ] I'm having some lessons. IT]
become cook download gel ride spend
2 Our washing machine is broken. D
stop visit 3 I have a lot of dresses. D
1 I'd like to go on a safari.
4 I'm playing tennis tomorrow. D
2 My brother's learning _ _ _ _ _ __
5 That girl is Brazilian so I can't speak to her. D
a motorbike.
6 We are looking at hotels in the South of France. D
3 Oo youneed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lesstimeon
7 I don't have time to do my homework now. D
your computer? 8 I'm in love with my boyfriend. D
4 She wants biting her nails.
5 Would you like ew York? a I'd like to learn Portuguese.
6 We know all their songs, so we don't need b I prom ise to do it later.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ the lyrics. c I hope to win the match.
7 I'm leaving horne next month so I need to learn d We want to get married.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ a meal. e We're planning to go there on holiday.
8 Do you want _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a singer? f 1'[11 lear ning to drive .

g We need to buy a new one.

b Write sentences or questions with would like.
Use contractions. h r decided to wear the red one.
he I have very long hair B
He wouldn't like to have very long hair 3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
_ you I climb a mountain [1] a Underline the stressed words.

1 A Would you like to drive a sports car?

-----------------? B Yes, I'd love to.
3 we I get up earlier [±]
A Why?
B Because I love cars and I love driving.
2 A Would you like to ride a horse?
-1 I learn to fly a plane [±] B No, I wouldn't.
A Why not?
B Because I don't like horses.
- he I make a short film B 3 A Do you want to learn to cook?
B Yes, I need to.
A Why?
they I get married [1] B Because I want to live on my own.

b " Listen and check. Then listen and repeat

th e dialogues.

a Listen to a T V presenter interviewing three a R ead the text. Answer the questions with J (Jacques),
people about things they want to do with their lives. K (Kimberley), Y (Yusuke), or G (Giulio) .
What are their ambition s?

Things I want to do
1 D ave
Jacques, 25, France
I'd love to be in Times Square in New York at
midnight on New Year's Eve! And I'd like it to be
snowing too - that's more romantic. People say that
the atmosphere there is amazing. I think it would be
a great experience.

Kimberley, 31, Canada

2 Sandy
I want to visit the Amazon rainforest . It's such
a unique and fascinating place and I'm really
interested in the wildlife that lives there . I'd like to
do a trek and go camping there for three weeks or
so. I've seen a lot of films about explorers and now
I'd like to do something really exciting myself.

Yusuke, 26, Japan

3 Eddie
What I want to do is go on a road trip across Europe
with my two best friends. I've been to the US and
Canada, but I've never been to Europe. I want to see
all the famous tourist sites like the Eiffel Tower,
Big Ben, and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I read about
them in books when I was a child - it would be a
b Listen again and write T (true) or F (false) . dream come true for me to see them in real life.
1 Dave had a Triumph motorbike when he was younger. _ Giulio, 34, Italy
2 Dave has a girlfriend .
It's not very original, but I'd like to drive a really
3 Sandy is planning to visit Canada with her boyfriend. _ expensive, classic sports car through the Alps with
4 Sandy enjoys flying. my girlfriend next to me in the passenger seat.
S Eddie has tickets to see his favourite band in concert. However, at the moment I own a Fiat Punto, so I
6 Kings of Leon aren't touring this year. may have to wait a few years before I can ach ieve
my dream!

USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES W hich person became interested in their drea m
Learn these words and phrases. when they were very young? D
ambition s :eITI'blJnL
2 W ho wants to be part of a traditional celebration? D
3 W ho needs to buy something before they can
recipes res~pizf
preferably 'prcrr~bl if
achieve their dream? D
se rio u s 'sl;)ri~ /
4 Which person would like a bit of adventu re? D
translate tra~n7'leltl b Gu ess the meaning of the highlighted wo rds. C heck
be yourself bi j.:l:'sclt/' the meaning and pronunciatio n in your dictiona ry.
bite your nails bell! j;): 'neIlzf
(see a band ) live lal\
stay awake slcl ;)'wClk l

I had a life once I have a computer.

GRAMMAR articles 2 VOCABULARY The internet

a Correct the mistake in each answer (B). Unscramble the words to complete the sentences .
1 A Where are the children? B They're at the school. 1 All our hotel rooms have Wiji (IW-IF) access.
2 A What do you do? B I'm engineer. 2 It's cheaper to (PKSEY) than to
3 A Where's the juice? B In a fridge. make a phone call.
4 A What's that? B A identity card . 3 Do you ever shop _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (NONELI)?
S A How often do you go? B Twice the week. 4 You only need your user name and your password to
6 A What animals do you like? B I like the dogs. _ _ _ _ _ (GOL NI).
7 A How did you travel? B By a train.
S Do you want to _ _ _ _ _ _ (DLWODNAO)
8 A Where did you book? B On internet.
this file?
b Complete the text with the, a I an, or-. 6 I sometimes forget to include the _ _ _ _ _ __
(TATHCANEMT) in my emails.
7 I need to (RASHEC ROF) some
information before I write my report.
8 You can (OGLEGO) the name of
the restaurant to find out the address.
9 They're going to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (POLUDA) their
holiday photos tonight.

3 PRONUNCIATION word stress

a Underline the stressed syllable in these words.
1 email network website
2 address online results
Ost people think that 1 the internet is a

M good thing. At 2 work, employees

can use it to search for 3 _ _ __
information and to send and receive 4 _ _ __
Listen and check. Then listen and repeat
the words.
emails.At 5 _ _ _ _ home, 6 _ _ _ _ people
can use it for entertainment. You can watch
____ music videos, listen to B music
or, play 9 latest computer games online.
It is also useful for 10 shopping, and you
don't have to go to 11 _ _ _ _ bank if you have
12 _ _ _ _ online banking service. However,
there are some dangers because there is 13 _ _ __
problem with security. 14 computer virus
can break your computer and 15 computer
hackers can steal your identity.
a Read the article. When did the World Wide Web begin? ~~

b Read the article again and number the events in the order
they happened.
D Tim Berners-Lee developed a new computer language.
D The Americans opened an agency to develop new technology.
D They put the new language on the internet.
IT] The Russians sent a satellite into space .
D The World Wide Web made the internet available to all
comp uter users.
D The network changed its name to the internet.
D The agency developed a network to connect computers.
D Berners-Lee and a colleague used the new language to write
a new program.

5 LISTENING T o find out when the World Wide Web began,

we first need to look at the internet. The
origins of the internet go back to the Space Race
a . . Listen to four speakers talking about how they
use the internet. Match speakers 1-4 to the thing they of the 1950s. After the Russians sent the satellite
do most often. Sputnik into space, the Americans wanted to
Speaker D uses a social network. develop their own technology further, so they
set up ARPA - the Advanced Research Projects
Speaker D plays games.
Agency. This agency found a way of connecting
Speaker D does a job.
computers, which they called ARPANET. In 1974,
Speaker D talks to family and friends.
they changed its name to 'the internetwork' or
b Listen again and match the speakers to the 'internet' for short.
sentences A-D.
In 1980, a scientist at CERN, the European
Speaker 1 D Speaker 3 D Organization for Nuclear Research, wrote a
Speaker 2 D Speaker4 D computer program so that he and his colleagues
could share their research. The scientist's name
A This person often puts photos on the internet.
was Tim Berners- Lee, and his software was called
B This person likes his I her job.
ENQUIRE. At first, only scientists at CERN could
C This person uses the internet to re lax.
use the program, which contained a new computer
D This person saves money because of the internet.
language called hypertext. Then, in 1991, he and
a colleague wrote a more advanced vers ion of the
program which made hypertext available over the
USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES internet. This was the beginning of the World Wide
Learn these words and phrases. Web, as we know it. The first website and web
server was .ch. Today, there are more
advice "J \ als
than 227 million websites containing over
both h;l()()
65 billion web pages.
password pu:s\\ 3:d
username IU:Z;lI1t!ll11 Over two billion people now use the internet,
which is nearly a third of the world 's population .
book (tickets I hotels) hul-.
lose weight lu:; \\l:lt
make tran fers mClk ' tra~l1sl3:1
online shopping 011 lall1 TOPl!)
pay bills pl:lnIiz


Going home


Complete the paragraphs. Match the words to make phrases.
1 You can get a taxi or a 1 cab at a taxi 1 I can't 0 a to accept.
2r . People usually give 2 Thank you 0 b good journey.
the driver a 3 t_ _ _ _ __
3 I'd love 0 c in London.
2 Before you get a plane, you have to 4 I'm so o d so much .
4 ch in online or at the airport.
5 Have a o e believe it!
Then you go through security to the
5 d lounge. Finally you
6 See you o f happy.
go to your 6 &g_ _ _ _ __
3 You get a train at a railway 7 st_ _ _ _ __ 4 READING
First you get a 8 t_ _ _ _ _ _ and then
a Read the text about Gatwick Airport.
you find the right 9 pl_ _ _ _ __
4 You get a bus or a 10 c
bus station. You can also get a bus at a bus
11 st
at a

. You can buy a ticket

in advance or sometimes you can pay the
Gatwick Airport
I I Gatwick Airport is London's second,largest international airport
and 31.3 million passengers pass through it every year. Below
you can find different ways of getting to the airport.
12 dr _ _ _ _ __
If you're planning to drive to Gatwick Airport, you need to take the M23 motorway
and turn off at Junction 9. The airport is 45 km from London and five minutes from
2 GETTING TO THE AIRPORT the nearest town, Crawley.
Complete the conversations with a sentence in BY BIKE
the box. The National Cycle Network Route will take you to the airport, where you can
leave your bike in a special cycle parking area. Take National Route 21 to the
Can I pay by credit card? South TerminaL and then take the lift into the terminal building.
Could you call me-a-~easef BY TRAIN
Cou ld I have a ticket to Luton Airport, please?
The Gatwick Express runs every fifteen minutes and takes only half an hour from
How much is it? And could I have a receipt?
Victoria Station in Central London. A single ticket bought on the day costs £17.95,
Now, please. Single, please. but tickets are cheaper if you buy them online.
Standard, please. To St Pancras station.

1 A 1 Could you call me a taxi. please? EasyBus operates a service to the airport from Earl's Court in the centre of London
which runs all day and all night. The buses run every 15 minutes, and drop you off
B Yes, of course. Where to?
in front of the terminal buildings. The price for a single ticket can be as low as £2,
A 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
but you need to book early.
B And when would you like it for?
A 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Phone Airport Cars 24 hours a day for a taxi to take you to Gatwick Airport. The
2 A 4 _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ cost of a taxi from Central London to the airport is £95, and the journey takes
C That's £18.50, please. about an hour.
A Make it £20. 5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
C Thank you very much, sir. b How did the following people get to Gatwick Airport?
3 A 6_ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 Chris made a phone caU. By _ t""a"x"",-i_ _ __
o Single or return? 2 Emma paid £2. By _ _ _ _ __
A 7_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3 Debbie went from Victoria Station. By _ _ _ _ __
o Standard or first class? 4 Pete went on the motorway. By _ _ _ _ __
A 8_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 Harry did some exercise. By _ _ _ _ __
o That's £18.50.
A 9_ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ c Underline five words or phrases you don't know. Use your dictionary

o Yes, of course. to look up their meaning and pronunciation.
Films should have a beginning, a middle, and an end
- but not necessarily in that order.

1 GRAMMAR present perfect B No, but my boyfriend 6 _______ (see) it. He

loves John le Carre.
a Write the sentences with contractions.
A 7 _ _ _ _ __ _ (he/read) Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy?
1 I have not read The Pilla1"s of the Earth. B Yes, and we 8 (see) the film .
I haven't read The Pillars of the Earth.
2 James has not seen this film before.
2 VOCABULARY irregular past participles
3 They have gone to the cinema tonight.
a Write the past simple forms and past participles of
these irregular verbs in the chart.
4 She has cried in a lot of films.
Infinitive Past simple Past participle
5 I have bought all the Harry Potter films.
1 be was I were been
6 They have not taken any photos. 2 break
3 do
7 He has interviewed a famous actor. 4 eat
5 fall
8 We have not appeared in a film.
6 forget

b Write sentences with the present perfect. 7 go

1 she I read I Jane Eyre 8 leave

She's read Jane Eyre 9 speak

2 we I not see I this programme 10 sing
We haven't seen this programme
11 take
3 my parents I fall asleep
12 wear
4 Adam I appear I in a film
b Use past participles from the chart in a to complete the
5 I I not speak to an actor
1 Have you ever sung karaoke?
6 you I break I the camera 2 We've never the cinema before the
end of a film.
7 Dawn I not cry I in a film 3 My girlfriend has never octopus
4 Has your boyfriend ever your
8 we I not forget I the tickets
5 Have you ever glasses?
c Complete the dialogue. 6 I've never my leg.
A I Haveyou heard (you / hear) of John le Carre? 7 My friend hasn't the homework.
B Yes, 12_ _ __ __ _ (read) some of his books.
A Really? Which books 3 (you / read)
B I4 (read) The Constant Gardener
recently. It was great!
A 5 (you / see) the film?
3 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress b Read the article again and choose a, b, or c.
1 Jodi Picoult is ...
a Listen and underline the stressed words.
a a lawyer.
A Have you read The {V1illennium Trilogy? b a writer.
B No, I haven't. c a doctor.
A Have you seen the films? 2 Anna's parents h ad Anna because ...
B Yes, I have. I've seen all of them .
a they wanted another ch ild.
b they wanted to save their daughter.
b Lis ten again and repeat the sentences.
Copy the m thm. c they wanted another girl.
3 ... dies at the end of the book.
a The healthy sister
4 READING b T he sister who was ill
a R ead the article about a film adaptation of a book. c The brother
Did fans prefer the endin g in the book or th e film? 4 ... dies at the end of the film.
a The healthy sister
b T he sister who was ill
My Sister'S c T he brother
5 ... of the people who voted did n't think the ending was important.

Keeper a 77%
b 13%
Fans of American author Jodi c 10%
Picou It who have read her novel
My Sister's Keeper get a big surprise
when they see the film. This is 5 LISTENING
because the film has a completely
different ending from the book. a Listen to a radio programme . W ho wrote the
two books? _________________________________
The novel tells the story of 13-year-old
Anna Fitzgerald who was born to save
b Listen again . Write T (true) or F (false) .
the life of her older sister, Kate, who
is very ill. Kate has cancer and Anna goes to hospital 1 Great Expectatio ns was made in 1956 . E.
many times to give her sister blood and other things to 2 T he film critic is going to ta lk about two films.
keep Ka t e alive. However, when Anna is 13, she finds out
3 Great Expectations is a black and white fil m.
that Kate needs one of her kidneys and she decides that
she doesn't want to give it to her. Anna goes to find a 4 T he main character in Great Expectations is a girl.
lawyer to help her fight her case in court. 5 T he film is more frightening than the book.
At the end of the book, Anna wins her case so that in 6 T he presenter has read the book The En8lishPatient.
the future she can make her own decisions about her 7 T he author of T he En8lish Patient isn't British.
body. Unfortunately, the same day as she wins the
8 T he main character in The En8lish Patient had a car crash.
case, she is in her lawyer's car when they have a serious
accident. Anna is brain-dead after the crash, and the 9 The critic says that the best thing about the film is the
lawyer gives the doctors perm ission to use Anna's love story.
kidney. So in the end, Anna dies and Kate lives. 10 Both the book and the fi lm have won important prizes.
At the end of the film , before they know the r esult of
the cou rt case, Kate and Anna's brother, Jesse, tells
t he fam ily that Kate doesn't want to have any mo re
operations. Kate dies and then Anna's lawyer vis it s
t he house to tell Anna she has won the case . So, in Learn these words and phrases.
t he film Kate dies and Anna lives.
blood bl\J
A websi t e asked the people who
appear ;l'Pl;l
have read the book and seen the film
t o vote on the two different endings. a bit (tired) 'd bIt
77% said that they hated the new at least ';It 'I i:st l
ending while 13% said they preferred fa ll asleep f;1:I ;1sl i:p
it to the ending in the book. Ten percent
How about ... ? 'hao ;lbaotl
said that they enjoyed both the boo k
an d the fi lm and that the ending made order pizza I';,:d;} 'pi:ts;l/

no difference to them .
I want to go somewhere I have never been, and I'd like to go there with you .
From The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Doug/as Adams, British writer

1 GRAMMAR present perfect or past simple? 3 VOCABULARY more irregular

a Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. past participles
1 A Have YOU (you I be) on holiday recently?
a Write the past simple forms and past
B Yes, we have. We _ _ _ _ _ _ (go) to the beach in July. participles of these irregular verbs in
the chart.
2 A When (your brother I buy) his motorbike?
B Last week. My parents (pay) for it. Infinitive Past simple Past participle

3 A (you I meet) your sister's new boyfriend? 1 buy bou8 ht bou8 ht

B Yes, I (meet) him at a party last month. 2 drink
4 A (you I be) to New York? 3 find
B Yes, I (go) there last year.
4 give
5 A (your parents I ever I give) you an expensive present? 5 have
B Yes, I (have) a car for my last birthday.
6 hear
6 A Why (he I send) his wife some flowers yesterday?
7 know
B Because he (forget) their anniversary.
8 lose
b Complete the sentences with Bone or been. 9 make
1 Has Clare &Jane home? She isn't at her desk. 10 meet
2 Have you ever to Disneyland? 11 pay
3 My sister isn't here because she's ____ for a walk.
12 send
4 My neighbours are away because they've on holiday.
S You look brown. Have you to the beach? 13 spend
6 It's late so the children have to bed. 14 think
7 The cupboards are full because we've shopping. 15 win
8 Have yo u ever to an Indian restaurant?
9 My girlfriend has never abroad. b Complete the sentences with past
10 Jane's parents are out. They've ____ to the supermarket. participles from the chart in a.
I'm going to be late. I've lost the car
2 PRONUNCIATION irregular past participles
2 Have you ever long hair?
a ~ the word with a different vowel sound. 3 Debbie and Fernando have a
new house.
1 2 3 4 5 6
eI au-
A 4 Jamie can't go out because he's _ _ __
I ~: all his money.
fish horse egg up train phone S My parents have never ofU2 .
6 You've a lot of mistakes.
given f ound left come taken broken
written thought heard done made known
7 She's some money in the street.
seen caught said drunk read lost 8 He's a lot of water today
driven worn sent got paid spoken because it's so hot.

b ~. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat the words.

4 READING b Read the email again and complete the sentences with
the words from the box.
a Read the email. What is the relationship between
Becky and Joanne? __________________________ a ballet the beach the BrandenetlFg-Ga-te
Italy or Greece the Schbnbrunn Palace a spa

1 Joanne has seen the. Brandenbt1rg Gate in Berlin.

2 She's watched in Prague.
3 She's visited in Vienna.
4 She's been to in Budapest.
5 She's been to in Split.
6 She hasn't been to

a Listen to four speakers talking about
different places they have been to. Where did
they go? When?
Where? When?
Schonbrunn Palace, Vienna Speaker 1
Speaker 2
From: Joanne Speaker 3
To: Becky Speaker 4
C 'b' Cl. Hi from Europe!
b Listen again. Who ... ?
Dear Becky,
Thanks for your email telling me all the news from home.
1 did an extreme sport Speaker D
I'm glad everyone is well and that you're not missing me 2 was in a dangerous situation Speaker D
too much! 3 took part in a local celebration Speaker D
We're about half way through our trip around Europe and 4 wasn't on holiday Speaker D
we're having a great time. We've stayed in four countries
so far and now we're in Croatia. We've been to Germany,
the Czech Republic, Austria, and Hungary. We spent
three days in Berlin where we went on the free New Berlin
walking tour which took us to the Brandenburg Gate. From Learn these words and phrases.
Berlin we went to Prague where we spent another three
days seeing the sights. We even watched a ballet one recently rl:slllit
evening in one of Prague's many theatres. Our next stop romantic r;lU ma:nllK
was Vienna which we found quite expensive. The best part Let's forget it. lets t:1'gel II
of our visit was the Schbnbrunn Palace. From Vienna we TV series II: '\ I: 'i(;lr\:Z
went to Budapest, where we decided to relax and enjoy
win (a cup or medal) \\ In
a spa. The weather was beautiful in Budapest, and there is
a lot to see. We wanted to stay longer, but it was time for
us to go to Croatia. And here we are now in Split. Split is
a lovely place with lots of historic buildings. We've been to
he beach today, but unfortunately it rained - just our luck!
We have one more day in Croatia and then we're going to
get the train to Venice. We haven't been to Italy or Greece
yet, so we're looking forward to the last part of our trip.
I'll write again when we get to Athens. Until then , take care
and give my love to Mum and Dad.
ots of love
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
From The Fellowship of the Ring by J R R Tolkien , British author

1 GRAMMAR revision 9 you ever a famous person? (meet)

10 Last night my husband dinner. (cook)
a Correct the mistakes in the second sentence. 11 I think it tonight. (rain)
Those are her children. They is very young. 12 What time you usually _____ to bed
TheJ' are very young at the weekend? (go)
2 Jim lives in the city centre. Your flat is very big. 13 My boyfriend _ _ _ _ football at the moment. (play)
14 We to work yesterday. (not walk)
3 I went shopping yesterday. I bought a shirt new. 15 What _ _ _ _ your daughter today? (do)
16 I never that book, but I'd like to.
4 That's Sophie. She's the girlfriend of Ryan. (read)

5 We love the summer. We go on holiday on August. 2 VOCABULARY revision: word groups

6 Tanya is going to lose her job. She always is late. a ~irc"@ the word that is different.
1 Hungary <::EpaneSV Turkey China
7 I don't like karaoke. I can't to sing. 2 Egypt Switzerland Asia Mexico
3 tall expensive dark slim
8 My boyfriend is late. I'm waiting for he.
4 builder hairdresser cooker waiter
9 We're doing the housework. We don't mind clean. 5 aunt daughter niece brother
6 spring cloudy snowy windy
10 Our garden is small. There aren't some plants. 7 fireplace cupboard sofa kitchen
8 mushroom strawberries onion peas
11 The hotel was fu II. There was a lot of guests. 9 chemist's department store bridge shopping mali

12 They're quite healthy. They don't eat many sugar.

b Continue the series.
1 one, two, three, four
13 T'm 21. I'm more older than you. 2 ten, twenty,
3 Monday, Tuesday,
14 I don't like crocodiles. They're the more dangerous animals. 4 first, second ,
5 morning, afternoon,
15 Hannah likes languages. She speaks German good.
6 once, twice,
7 summer, autumn,
16 My sister has a good job. She's engineer.
8 June, July,
9 second, minute, _ _ _ _ _ __
b Look at the time expressions and complete the sentences
10 day, week, _ _ _ _ _ __
with the correct form of the verbs. Use the present simple,
present continuous, past simple, present perfect, or c Complete the phrases with verbs.
be BoinB to. 1 Ii-He11 to music 6 photos
1 We never have pizza for dinner. (have) 2 d exercise 7 h a noise
2 Caitlin _ _ _ _ the dog for a walk twice a day. (take) 3 s hello 8 g dressed
3 ____ you _ _ _ _ your friends last weekend? (see) 4 h a shower 9 h two children
4 They tomorrow because Jack is ill. (not come) 5 g shopping 10 u a computer
5 you ever to South America? (be)
6 your son drive next year? (learn)
7 We _____ meat every day. (not eat)
8 We a fUm next Saturday. (see)
sounds Read the article and answer the questions.
a ~the word with a different sound .

I 1 rich dirty big

I •

\- 1: 2 bread peas meat


HE FILMS in The Lord of the Rings trilogy have had a big impact on
re 3 safe black f at
New Zealand. The country has become 'Middle Earth' to many of the
people who have seen the films. This comes as no surprise to the
cat film director Peter Jackson, who is in fact a New Zealander. He chose his
home country because he knew that the variety of different landscapes
4 dark day far made New Zealand the best place to shoot the films.

I car Jackson and his team looked over the whole country for the most beautiful
and most appropriate areas. The rolling hills of Matamata became Hobbiton,
the village where Bilbo Baggins lives, and the volcanic region of Mount
0 5 money model doctor Ruapehu transformed into the fiery Mount Doom, where Sauron first
clock made the Ring. In total, the team used 150 different locations all over
New Zealand and they spent 274 days filming .
~~ 6 fou nd short bought Thirty of the locations Jackson used are National Parks or conservation
sites so he needed to get special permission to film here. In some cases,
a special team dug up the protected plants, and took them to special
U nurseries, where they lived until filming finished . Then the team took them
7 coo k food good back to the park and replanted them again. In Queenstown, Jackson used
bull enormous red carpets to protect the plants in the battle scenes because
there were up to 1,100 people on set every day.
, j
8 who do go The Lord of the Rings films have been so popular that the tourist industry
in New Zealand has grown dramatically. Today, tour companies offer
a wide range of tours to different locations of the film,
a: 9 tired thirsty nurse
including Hobbiton, Mount Doom, and Edoras.

1 Who directed The Lord of the Rings films?
e 2 Where is the director from?
10 eat healthy breakfast
3 Why did he choose New Zealand?
egg 4 Which area did they use to create Mount Doom?
5 How many different locations did they use in total?
eI 11 paid steak said
6 What was the problem with some of the locations?
train 7 How did they solve the problem?

aT 12 buy nice ring

8 Which locations from the films can tourists visit today?

Listen and check. Listen to an advert for a day trip and complete the notes.
Lnderline the stressed syllable.
ho pi tal 7 I tal ian Lord of the t<in95 6doras Tour
_ expensive 8 August D~partur~ tim~: Christchurch I 9 a.m. Lunch: luxury 7_ __
magazine 9 diffijcuIt fZ~turn tim~: Chnstchurch l _ __ Pric~:

~ head phones 10 mu si cian Transport: by 3_ _ Adults: ~ $_ _

- ad min is tra tor 11 ga rage D~stination: Mount 4_ _ _ _ (6doras) Childrm 1 $_ _
engineer 12 bananas

Li ten and check. FILE 12
1 A»)) EYes , thar's right. And my mobile number is 61 3 A ['m hot.
491 570156. B Turn on the air conditionjng, then.
Nick Hello. R 61491570 L56. Right, thanks. MrTaylor. A It's already on.
Sophie Hi ick. Here's your keycard. You're in room 305 on the B I it? OK , then let' open the window.
Nick Hi Sophie. th i rd floor. Enjoy you r stay. A Are we nearly there?
Sophie ick , what's Sarah's phone number? E Thank you very much . B Yes, we are. Don't worry. It' only another
Nick Erm . .. lt's 161496542. 20 kilometres.
Sophie Thank you'
2 A»)) 4 B I'm not hungry.
2 Speaker 1 My bag is very importam to me A Why not?
Receptionist OK ...your class on Tuesday is because I have my laptop in it! I also have B I'm stressed. [ have a lot of prob lems at work.
with Paul , and it's in room tWO. Your class on some files and a pen. Um, I have my mobile, A Relax! It' the weekend. Let ' go for a long
Thursday is with Kate, and it 's in room five. my wa llet, and my keys in my pocket, but I walk and you can tell me all about it.
Student OK , so Thursday is in room three, sometimes have a newspaper in my bag. BRight.
al1d Tuesday in room five? Speaker 2 Well, in my bag I have. er. my books A Finish your salad and we can go .
Receptionist No - it's Tuesday in room tWO, for the day, um, some pens and pencils to write B OK. Let's pay the bill.
and Thursday in room five. with. and a file with lots of paper. Oh, and I 5 A I'm tired .
3 have my iPod and my headphones too, so I can B [know. It 's quite late.
Liz A ham sandw ich and a coffee, please. listen to music. A What time is our plane?
Barista That's five dollars [wenry, please. Thank Speaker 3 What 's in my bag? Well, yea h, I B At 23. I 5. That's another hour to wait.
you. have my sunglasses and my camera. And I A An bour!
Liz Thank you. have a guidebook with a map. Oh, and I have B Yes. Come on. Let 's have a coffee. It might
Barista Have a nice day! a Spanish-English dictionary, toO, to help me wake us up.
understand the people.
1 B»)) Speaker 4 [have a differenr bag every day. 3 A»))
A Are you Russian? sometimes it's red , sometimes it 's white. it Hannah Llike tbe parks in Britain, especia lly
B No, I'm Poli h. ['m from Krakow. depends. But I always have the same thing: some Hyde Park in London. The parks are clean and
2 A Where are you from? tissues, urn, the keys to my desk , er, my purse of some are really big, and it's great to go for a
B We 're American. We 're from California . course, and, er, sometimes a magazine to read. walk and see so man)' trees and plants in the
We're on holiday in Europe. middle of a cit)'. There is always something
3 A Where's he from? I he Spanish?
2 B»)) interesting to ee or do, too. Sometimes there
B No, he isn 't. He's from Mexico. He's from He' a Hollywood star but he isn't American. are festival where you can hear music or
Cancun. He' very tall and slim. He's about 54 or 55 [ watch a film. But I can also relax, and read a
4 A Mmmm, delicious. Is it French? think, but he's still very atrractive. He has hort newspaper on a Sunday morning.
B No, it isn't. It 's Italian. brown hair and brown eyes. He' an actor. But, I don 't like the food here - it' very
2 She's quite young and she isn't very tall. She's expensive, and Lca n't find good Korean food!
1 C»)) usually quite lim but it depends. Her hair Anna Ln Britain, [ think that people are ver),
R = Receptionist, E = Erik is really brown, but it 's blonde in her music fr iendl), and polite, more than in Poland where
R Good morning. Can [help you? videos . She' American and she's a inger. I am from. At work, it's quite relaxed, and m)'
E Oh , yes. Hello. [ have a reservation. 3 This actor isn't very tall, but he's very strong. colleagues always help me when I have a question
R OK. What's your name? He has short dark hair and dark eyes. He's or a problem.L also really like the buildings in
E Er ik. American and I think he's nearly 70 years old . Britain; the old buildings are ve ry beautiful.
R Is that Eric with a C? 4 She's about 54 or 55 now and he 's quite tall What don't Ilike about Britain? There are a
E No, it's with a K. E-R-[-K. and lim. She has blonde hair, ometimes long lot of people and a lot of traffic, especially in
R Right. And how do you spell your surname? and sometime short, and green eyes. She's a London. It 's difficult to relax .
E T-A-Y-L-O-R British actress and she's in some of the Harry Roberta What I really like about Britain is that
R Can you repeat that please? Potter film. it's really easy to meet people from all over the
E Yes, of course. Sorry. T-A-Y-L-O-R. 5 He's a British singer and musician. He's about 62 world. It's very international. and I think that
R Thanks. ow just a few questions, MrTaylor. or 63 now. I think. He's quite slim. He has short most people are fr iendly to people from other
Where are you from? blonde hair, and blue eyes. He is a lso an actor. countries. I a lso really like eating food from
E I'm from Australia. different parts of rhe world - in Britain you can
R Where in Australia?
2 C»)) try food from ever), country!
E Perth. A I'm bored. I think it' difficult to make friends in Britain.
R Perth . OK. And what' your address? B Me, too. People like to help and are very polite, but it ca n
E It's 15 Atkinson Road . A I know! Let's watch a DVD. take a long time to become friends with British
R What's your postcode? B Good idea. people.
E Sorry? A Vve can watch the new Batman film.
R The postcode. You know, a number? B OK. 3 B»))
E Ah yes. It 's WA 6008. A Turn on the TV, then. Now .. where's the fdm? P = Presenter, J= James , H = Helen, F= Frank
R 6008 . Great. What's your email address? 2 A I'm hungry. P Good evening and welcome to What's your job?
E It' [email protected]. B Areyou? And ourteam tonight are Helen, who's a lawyer
R And what's your phone number? A Yes, [ am. Ls the restauranr open? H Good evening.
E My phone number in Perth is 61 - that's the B No, it isn't. It's only five o'clock. P .. . and Frank, who's an actor.
code for Australia - 087010 5692. A Oh. F Good evening.
R 610870[05692. B Let's caLi reception. We can ask for some P A nd our first guest tonight is ...
sandwiche . J James.
A Great idea! Give me the phone.
P H ello Ja mes. OK tea m, you have one minu te to A A re those girl s in your fa mily? P Wh at about brea kfas t? How often do you have
ask Ja mes ques tio ns about his job, starting now. J No, they aren't. They're friends fro m universiry. brea kfast?
Let's have your first ques ti on. A W ho's tb e bl o nde one? R I do n't have time because [ always ge t up late,
H Ja mes, do yo u make thin gs? J T hat's Ros ie. We li ve in th e sa me fl at. so ... 1 hardly ever have brea kfas t.
J o. No, l don't. A Wh o's tb e boy? P O K, a nd how often do you do exe rcise?
F James , do you have special qu alif ications? J He's Rosi e's boyfriend . I don't like him ve ry R Oh, I do a lot of exercise. [play foo tball fo ur
J Yes, I do. Q ualifica tio ns from uni ve rsity. much, but she doesn't often see him . times a week.
H Do you speak any fo reign la nguages? A Are there any mo re? P Good. Th at's better. And how ma ny hours do
J 0, 1 do n't need a ny foreign languages. J Yes. Have a look at thi s o ne. you usually sleep?
F Doyou wea r a unifo rm ? A You look great! And who's that sitting next to you? R I'm no t sure. I go to bed quite late beca use I'm on
J Well , it 's nor rea lly a un ifo rm , but [ wear a J He's my boyfri end , Pete. It 's the offi ce party my computer, so [ guess I sleep for about six hours.
white coat, yes. fro m last yea r. P Right. Thank you, Robbie. A nd now it 's [ime to
H Do you travel? A He's attrac ti ve. Does he work with you? see whar [he doc[Q r thjnks. Dr Atkins, Who's
J Er, I don 't go to di ffe rent countries, but [drive J Well , so rt of... He's the manager! healtby? Marge? Robbie? Or both of them?
to peopl e's ho uses sometimes. o Well , Marge always has brea kfast and she never
F Do yo u ea rn a lor of money? 4 B»)) eats fast food. She often does exe rcise a nd
T Do I earn a lot of money? Well , I thin k the I = Interviewer, M = Ma rk she gets a lot of slee p. So, Marge, you're ri ght.
money is quite good, yes. I Wb at do you do, Mark? You're very hea lthy!
P You only have time fo r one more question, tea m. M I'm a tax i dri ve r. P And wh at about Robbie?
H Do you work w ith orber people? I Do you work at night or during the day? o Well . Ro bbi e does exercise four tim es a week,
1 Well , I work with o ne o ther per on , but my jo b M I work at ni ght. but he often eats fast food a nd he never has
isn't really abo ut peo ple ... I W bat time do you star t work? brea kfast. He does n't slee p enough either. So
P T hat's tim e. O K, tea m. So, what's Ja mes's job? M At about seven o'clock in th e eve ning. I Sto p Rob bie, you're wro ng. You are n't ve ry hea l[hy.
fo r a brea k at about t wo o'clock a nd I have P So, th ere yo u have it everyo ne. A hea lthy mum
3 C»)) so methin g to ea t. and an unhea lthy son! And th at's all we have
= Jessica, M = Max What do you have? tim e for tod ay. Join us aga in to morrow at the
• Hi. Are you Max ? M A hamburger or a pi zza and a co ke. I'm very sa me tim e for W ho's hea l[hy?
J Yes. Are you jess ica? hungry at tha t time.
Yes, I a m. I What time do you fini sh work, Ma rk ? 5 A »))
I ice to mee t yo u. Well , let's go in and sit dow n . M I go home at a bout six o'clock in the mornin g A Let's go to the swimmjng pool a[ the weekend .
Do yo u like sushi ? and I go to bed immediately. [ sleep fo r about B O K. Ca n we go o n Saturd ay? I'm bu sy o n
Yes. I love Japanese food. It's my favourite. eight hours a nd then I get up and have brea kfast. Sunday.
Good. So, jess ica, what do you do? I W hat do you do in the afternoon? A Yes, bu t I always pl ay tenni s ill the morning.
I'm a flight attendant. M I go to the gy m for an hour o r so, and tb en I Le['s go in th e afternoo n.
I Really? T hat's incredible? have a shower. A fte r that, I watch TV or check B O K. See you th ere.
W hy? my email s umill have dinn er. 2 A I want [Q have lunch in this restaura nt. Can I
I Because I'm a pil ot! I W hat time is that? park bere?
Oh! You're r ight. Th at is incredible! Whi ch M At six o'clock. Then I get into my ca r a nd sta rt B No, sir, you ca n't.
airline do yo u wo rk fo r? wo rk aga in. A Wh at about o utside the cin ema?
I KLM . And yo u? I Do you like your job? B No parkin g spaces th ere. A lot of people
British Airways . I love my job. M Yes. I love it. leave their ca rs o utside the hospital. You ca n
I Me too. What do you do at the weekend , Jessica? I T hank you for your time, Mark . pa rk rhere.
I mee t my fri end s. We go to the cin ema or to a M You're welcome. A T hank s.
restaura nt. How abo ut yo u? 3 A Ca n you help me wit h my homework?
1 I Like the ci nema, too. What kind offilm s do 4 C»)) B Not now, sorry.
you like? P = Presenter, M = Marge , A Ca n you help me aft er lunch?
[li ke comed ies mo re tha n a nythin g. R = Robbie, D = Dr Atkin s B No. I'm bu sy.
Me too. W ho's your favo urite ac tor? P Hello and we lco me to Who's hea lthy? Today we A Wh en can you help me?
Johnny Depp. [love him ! have Ma rge Wilso n and her son, Robbie, with B After dinner. I do n't have any pl ans toni ght .
Yes, he's good, isn't he? Do you live near the us. Marge , do you think you're hea lthy? 4 A Let's write a pos tca rd [Q Chri s. Do you have
ci nema? M Um , yes. I thi n k so. a pen?
Ye , there's a ci nema nea r my house. P And what about you, Robbie? Are you hea lthy? B Yes. Here you are.
W hen do you go there? R Of co urse! A Wh at about a sta mp?
[go o n Sat urd ay evenings. P Well , I'm go in g to ask you some questions a nd B We can buy a sta mp in the sho p.
Let's go together nex t Satu rday. we're go in g to find out who's hea lthy. First of A Ri ght. Do you know her address?
OK. What do you wa nt to see? all, Marge. Howa ld are yo u, Marge? B No. And you?
M ['m48. A No, [d o n't!
4 A »)) P Right. So, how often do you eat fas t food, Marge? 5 A R ight. Le['s go in.
0\. = ngie, J = Jessie M Neve r. [don't like it. B So rry. We ca n't.
-\ W ho's that? P Ri ght. And how often do you have brea kfas t? A Why no t? Are your pa renrs ho me?
That's my nephew. M I always have breakfas t. [have a cup of tea a nd B No.l ca n't hea r them. But ir isn't th ar. I['s the
-\ Is that your sister's son o r your bro ther 's son? some cere a I. door!
My broth er's. P Good. And how often do yo u do exercise? A O h, now I und ersta nd . You ca n't open it.
0\. Howald is your nephew? He looks quite young. M [ go to the gy m three times a week. B No! I don't know where my keys are!
He's 13. Tb e pboto is from bis birthday last week. P O K, and how many hours do you usually slee p?
-\. Let's see t he next one. Is tbat your fa mily, too? M Well , [ get up ea rly, but I always go to bed ea rly, 5 B»))
Yes, it is. Th at 's my sister. too. I usually slee p fo r about eight ho urs. Speaker 1 Th ey borh work , so it starts when
\ Wow! She's rea lly tall. P That's grea t, Ma rge. And now it's Robbi e's th ey leave home in the mo rning. [don't knO\\
Yes, she pl ays bas ketball. She's quite good . [urn . Robbie, how old are you? how many t bey have - three , four, fh'e- bm
\ T hat's a bea utiful beach. Where is it? R Twenry. tb ey ma ke a terrible noise. They rake chern out
, It's a beach in Menorca - I can't rememb er the P And how often do you ea t fast food? fo r a wa lk in th e evenin g, so it' nice and qnie'
name. I love it there! R Well , I love pizza a nd ha mburge rs, a nd I then, bur rh ey sometimes go our a[ nigbt an
-\ Is this Menorca , too? sometimes have chips, so yea h, I ea t fas t food [he no ise sta rts aga in . l don't kno\\ "'h~ pen
0, it isn't. It 's a mu sic festiva l i~l Germany. about f ive times a week. have anim als when th ey're never arhome.
Speaker 2 It's rea lly bad. T hey do it every Fr iday H I do n't know. 3 A How do you usually li sten to music, Wendy?
and Sat urday night. T he music stares at abo ut B OK. Wait a m inu te. I need a pen. Right. W hat's B Well , I don't listen to the radio, that's one
eight o'cl oc k and th en we heat the ca rs. T hey your num ber? thin g fo r sure. I want to hear mu sic, nor th e
park outside my house and soon the street HI t's 60674 923. voices of the presente r .
is full of ca rs. T he pro blem is t hat th ey do n't B T hat's 60674 923 . A W hat about CDs?
tay in the house - they go out in th e garden to H Yes, t bat 's right. B We ll , 1 have quite a lo t of those, but they're
dance, too. T hey don't leave until about ix in B Wait a mi nute Holly. Don't go, I thi nk Emily i in a box in the ga rage somewhere. 1usually
the mo rnin g, so we do n't sleep all ni ght. o pening the door. Emily? ft 's for you. li sren to mu sic on my laptop. I have a good
Speaker 3 T hey're rea lly n ice peopl e, actu ally. E W hat? O h, the pbone. Hello? in terner connection at home and at work ,
He's a lawye r and she's a doctor. T be problem H Hi , Emily. It's Holly. and 1ca n listen to whar I wan t.
is whar th ey do in their free time. T hey bot h E O h, hi , Holly. H ow are you? 4 A Do you wa nt to come to a concert next month?
finish work ea rly, so they're ho me by fi ve o'clock. H I'm fine. Listen. My bag's in your ca r. B OK. W ho's pl ay in g? I hope it is n't justin
We ca n't wa tch TVor listen to our own music E I it? Bieber. You know I do n'r li ke him .
because we ca n't hear it. They play t he pi ano H Ye .A ndmykeysa re inthe bag, andl ca n't A No, don't worry. T his singer is nothing like
and violin all eveni ng. It's so no isy! open the doo r of my f1 ar. My mob ile's in my bag him. Anyway, ir's a woman.
Speaker 4 I'm so tired at th e moment. Every time too, so I'm ca lling fro m the fl at next door. Ca n B Rihann a! G rea t! I'd love to come.
I go to slee p, he starts ... I know my neighbour you give me my bag? A No, sorry, it isn't Rihanna. It's Beyonce.
love their son, and he's only tnree months old , but E O h right. Yes. Yes , of course. T hey 're quite imilar, rea lly.
1 wish he wou ldn't wake up all tne time. ! thought H Let's meet in the ca fe near my house. B O h. Right. Beyo nce. OK. How mu ch are the
babies sleep and eat all the time. He's changed my E Ri ght. O K. tickets?
neighbo urs' li ves, and he's changed mine too! H T ha nks , Emily. 5 A W hat do you th ink of this song, john ?
E No problem. See yo u in a minute. B I do n't know. It 's very di ffe rent fro m her
5 C»)) H Bye. o ther so ngs.
Stop 1: Trinity College Dublin A I love it! It 's rea lly new and o riginal.
T he un iver ity and lib ra ry were buil t in 1592. 6 B»)) B Yes, but it 's qu ite slow, and it isn'r easy to
Fa mou students inclu de writers and politicians. Speaker 1 My favo urite day of the yea r is New da nce to.
T he most important book in the library is over a Yea r's Day. I always feel positi ve when I wake A So you don't like it?
tho usand years old. up a nd I love staying in bed fo r an bour or so, B No. ir's O K. Bur I prefe r her o rh er songs.
Stop 2: The National Gallery thinkin g about my plans fo r th e nex t yea r. I li ke
T he ga llery has more t han 7,000 pa intings and know ing that I ca n fo rget t he disasters of the 7 A »))
draw ings by Ir ish and Europea n arti sts. Some yea r befo re and just start aga in . P = Presenter, M = Mike
of the most famo us works are by pa inters like Speaker 2 I love wak in g up o n the fi rst day p Hello and we lco me to what is a ve ry specia l
Picasso, Goya, and Velazquez. of my sum mer holiday. It's wonderfu l going show, because we're going to fin d out th e
Stop 3: St Stephen's Green somewhere new and you do n't know anyt hin g result of o ur poll. M ike Sa ndhursr from the
T he square is the biggest in Europe. It's a very quiet abo ut it. I don't like pac king, tho ugh, so [ always BBC is here to tell us who is the greatest Bri to n
place with no ca rs. lr has a lake where visitors ca n get my bags ready the night before. T hen I ca n of all time. Hello Mike.
walk, and a place where you ca n listen to bands play enjoy eve ry seco nd of my rrip . M Hi there.
ma ny di ffe rent rypes of music. Speaker 3 My birthday is in autumn , which is P So, let's look at the top five , Mi ke.
Stop 4: Dublin Castle probably why I love tbis eason. 1try to go out M All right. Well , number five on the list is, in
T he casrle you see now is nor the ori ginal fro m in the country at least once a week in autumn to fac t, Willi am Shakes pea re.
1204, but it is very imporeant in the hi story of see the beautiful colours of the trees. But I hate it p Rea lly? I'm surprised.
Ireland . T he castl e has some bea utiful ga rdens. when it rains and t he leaves get wet and slippery! M Me, too. Did you know th at nobody knows his
Stop 5: Guinness Storehouse Speaker 4 I hate being in side in the winter, date of birth? Or rhat no ne of h is pl ays we re
T he build ing is the home of the famo us Irish beer, especia lly when it gets dark at fo ur o'clock, so ever published when he was alive?
and the mu seum is part of the ori gin al facto ry. T he I'm alway wa itin g fo r spring to co me. I love P No, I didn't know th at! Very interes tin g and
ex h ibitio n show how rhe workers make beer. eei ng the new spring flowe rs on one of those surpr ising! Bu t who is number fo ur?
Stop 6: Kilmainham Gaol typ ica l sprin g days, when it 's cold but sunny. I M Well , number four is the scientist, C harles Darwi n.
T llis is a very famous prison from the past, but it has love photography, and I often go out and take P Ah yes ... Darw in. Tell us something about him.
no prisoners now. T he tour teaches visitors about the pictures of tree and flowe rs. M Well , he was born in Shrewsbu ry o n 12th
li fe of a prisoner in this cold , dark building. February, 1809. He was very interested in nature
Stop 7: Dublin Zoo 6 C»)) and animals and was respon ible for the rheory
T he zoo i in a very big park in the ceor re of the A W hat kind of music do you li ke, Oliver? of evolutio n. He died in 1882 at rhe age of73.
city. It' the third oldest zoo in the wo rld , and B I do n't know. llike all kinds, rea lly. P OK. Who's next?
the park is the largest park in any city in Europe. A We ll , do you like heavy metal? M Number three on rh e list is D ia na, Princess
T he most popular thin gs to see ar rh e zoo are rh e B O h no! T hat 's a bit lo ud for me. of Wales.
gorill as and chimpanzees. A W hat about reggae? P Yes, she was popul ar with a lot of peo ple.
Stop 8: Writer's museum B No. Reggae's a bit slow. M T hat's ri ght. So ler me tell you abo ut her. She
Dublin is rhe ho me of ve ry fa mous w rirers like A We ll , what do you like? was born o n 1st july, 196 1 in a village ca ll ed
Oscar Wilde and jame Joyce. T he ex hibition B [usua lly listen to rock, so that 's probably my Sandringham. She was fa mous because she was
shows rheir boo ks and letters in a beautiful big favo urite. mar ried to Prince C harles, but they weren'r happy
ho use that is 300 years old . 2 A Do you have a favo urite CD ? togerher and so rhey divorced. She d ied in a ca r
B Yes. Yes, I do. I always listen to it in t he car. crash in Paris in 1997. She was o nly 36 years old.
6 A»)) A Which group is it by? P Yes, that was a tragic accident. So, number two?
H = Holly, B = Berh , E = Emily B Well , it's not really by a group. It's su ng by M Number two is the engineer Isa mbard
H Hello, Emily. It's H olly. actors. Kingdom BruneI.
B It is n't Emily. It 's Beth . I'm Emily's sister. A O h. ls it fro m a film ? P Rea lly? Tell us abo ut him .
H Oh. Hello. Urn , is Emily there? B Yes. It's the soundtrack fro m Mamma Mia! I M Well , he was bo rn o n the 9 th April , 1806 in
B No, I'm sor ry. She 's tak in g the dog for a wa lk. love it! Portsmouth . He was res po nsib le fo r the first
H O h. Well. Can you give her a message? A Isn't th at about ABBA? Bri ti h rai lway, so me big shi ps, and many
B Yes, of course. B Yes and no ... lt's a mu sica l, with the songs of important br id ges and tunnels in Britain . He
H Can you tell her my bag is in her ca r and I need it? A BB A, but the actors in th e film sing them . wasn'r very old when he died, only 53 .
B O h. Your bag. Right. Does he have your A l see ... P OK ... and now fo r the moment we've been
nu mber, Holly? waiting for. Who is the greatest Bri ton of all
ti me? Who i at tb e top of th e list?
~t Well, I'll give you a clue. It 's a man ... he was and we had a curry. It was delicious! After that, M No, there isn't. My husband and I don't watch
born on the 30th November, 1874, and died in we got a taxi home. TV. We prefer listening to music. Now ... Iet's go
1965, He was a politician . .. and he was Prime What time did you get horne? up tairs.
Mini ter- not once, but twice. H We didn't get home that late. [twas two o'clock J There are four bedrooms upstairs, i that right?
p [knew it! It 's Winston Churchill! in the morning, more or less. Bur we had a great M Yes. Four bedrooms and a bathroom.
I That's right. Win ton Churchill is the greatest time. That was the importam thing. B Is this the bathroom?
Briton of all time. M Yes , it is. Be careful with the . ..
p Mike Sandburst, thank you so much for joining us. B A))) B Aargh!!!
I My pleasure. p = Presenter, 0 = Detective J Bradley? Bradley? Where is he?
p Hello and welcome to What Next?, the M Don't worry. He's in the kitchen.
7 B ))) programme that looks at today's career J What?
peaker 1 I had a bad journey one Christmas opportunities. In the studio with us is M Do you remember the hole in the ceiling?
when I wanted to visir my family back home in Chief InspectOr Jeremy Downs from the J Oh no! Bradley? Bradley? Are you all right?
the UK. About twenty minutes after leaving rhe Metropolitan Police. He's here to tell us a bit
airport, there was a problem with our plane. We about his joh and how he got it. Hello, Jeremy. 8 C )))
returned to the airport again and waited five o Good morning, Peter. Speaker 1 When I was in Costa Rica, [ tayed in
hours for another plane. Finally, [arrived in the P So, tell us, why did you decide to join the police? a bed and breakfast hotel with a difference. It
UK eight hours later than I planned. o Well , it runs in my family, really. My dad was a was in the middle of the jungle and we could see
-peaker 2 We tried to go on holiday to Portugal detective, and so was his father. I always knew monkeys and birds from our window. As well
o ne year, but it was a di aster. We started that this was what I wanted to do. as an air-conditioned bedroom, there wa a full
our journey a bit late and stopped for lunch P What pecial qualifications did you need to bathroom with a warm-water shower. We had a
in a village on the way. When we were on the hecome a detective? fridge and a coffee-maker, too.
motorway after lunch , our car started making a o First. I had to get experience as a normal Speaker 2 [spent the night in an ice hotel when
rrange noise and finally, it stopped alrogether. policeman. So I worked as a policeman for twO I was in the North of Sweden. The temperature
The car ended up in a garage and we called a year, and then I took a test called the National in the room was minu five degrees and the only
taxi to take us home again. Investigators Exam . After that I did a course furniture wa a bed made of ice and snow. I lept
: peaker 3 My bad journey happened when [ which was six weeks long, and then I hegan to in a special sleeping bag with all my clothes on
was at university. I wanted to go home for the work as a trainee investigator. -I even wore a hat! It wasn't very comfortable,
weekend so [was on a train. The journey was very P Jeremy, what do you like most about your job? really, because there wasn't even a bathroom!
long - about seven hours - and r was nearly home. o Well , you feel great when you solve a mystery Speaker 3 [once stayed in a very arty hotel when
We stopped at the last station before mine, but and find a murderer. That 's the best thing about I was in Berlin. All of the rooms in the hotel
then we didn't start again . The train was broken. it. And also, I'm u ually outside or talking to were completely different. In the middle of my
In the end , my dad picked me up in his car. people, so I don't spend much time in an office. room there was a diamond·shaped bed and
- eaker 4 [had a bad experience with a bus I'm never bored when I'm working. when I lay down , I could see hundreds of people
-ompany once. I booked a ticket from Victoria P And what don 't you like about it? who looked JUSt like me. There weren 't any
Bu Station to Stansted Airport but there o It 's a very stressful job. I'm usually working on cupboards, so I put my bags under the bed.
'ere a lot of people at the bus station when more than one case at a time, and sometimes Speaker 4 I went to Fiji with my husband after
I arrived, and it was impo sible to get on the it's difficult to know what to do firsr. And going we got married and we stayed in a really special
hus. ln the end , I travelled to the airport with a to the scene of a murder can be terrible. But hotel. A special lift took us down to our room,
businessman in a taxi. He didn't ask me for any apart from that, I love my job and I recommend which was surrounded by fi h and other sea
money, which was nice. it to anyone who likes finding answers and animals. There was a large, comfortable bed in
solving problems. the bedroom and a library and personal office
C))) P Chieflnspector Downs, thank you for joining us. in the living room. We loved it there!
=.merviewer, H = Helen
e myou tell us about a memorable night, Helen? 8 B ))) 9 A )))
' -ell, let me see. There are quire a lot of them , M = Mrs Goodings, J =Joanna, B = Bradley Speaker 1 My favourite meal is roast beef. It
ctually. But yes, there was one particular night M Hello. Good morning. I'm Mrs Goodings . sounds quite boring really - just a piece of
thi year that was memorable. J HLI'm Joanna , and this is Bradley. meat, but you need to cook it for the right
\ hen was it? B Hi. amount ofrime. My mum cooks it perfectly and
t was the 14th February. M Hello. Please come in. So . .. Iet's start, shall we? she always serves it with roast potatoes and lots
;t1entine's Day? This is the kitchen, a you can see. of other vegetables - peas, carrots, broccoli,
'e . That 's why I remember the date. [t was B It's very big. and beans. Then she pours a sauce called gravy
alentine's Day, but I didn't have a boyfriend at M Yes. There isn't a dining room, 0 we eat in here. all over it. D elicious!
the time. In fact, I was with two friends. J Oh look! The walls are big windows! You can Speaker 2 Indian food is really popular in Britain
I -here were you? see the garden - it 's beautiful! these days, and I absolutely love it! We're lucky
'as in Manchester. There was a concert that B Can I ask you a question, Mrs Goodings? Why becau e we have a great Indian restaurant down
- ' ht by my favourite band , Vampire Weekend, did we come in the back door? the road. My favourite dish is chicken rikka
I travelled to Manchester to see it. M We always use the back door. There isn 't masala , which is chicken in a sauce made with
I -hen did you arrive in Manchester? a carpet in the kitchen so there aren't any tomatoes, cream, and spices. I always order
The night before the concert. problems with dirty shoes. special Indian bread to eat with it.
_0, what did you do before the concert? B Oh. Right. Speaker 3 You probably think I'm mad, but one of
e had a drink in a very old pub in the city centre. J Where's the washing machine? my favourite meals is fish and chips. Ye ,I know
Then we tried to find the concert. We didn't know M It's in the corner over there . it' not very healthy, but I only have it about twice
_ cdy where the club was, so we walked around J Oh, yes. I see it. Why is there a hole in the ceiling? a month. I always buy it from the same hop and if
IT a very long time. Tn the end, we got there five M Well , upstairs is the bathroom. The hole i for the weather's nice, I sit outside in the park to eat it.
.flute before the concerr starred. when you have a shower. You take off your I putlots of salt and vinegar on the chips. Yum!!!
. 3 the concert good? clothes and pur them down the hole. They land Speaker 4 My favourite food is Chinese food
es, it was fanta tic. The band played all our on the floor next to the washing machine. and I always order the same dish - sweet and
.ourite song, and we danced and ang for J Oh. That's interesting! sour pork. This is bits of meat in a sauce made
ut twO hours. M Yes ... ltwasmyidea ... ow .. . this way please ... 1 of sugar, tomatOes, white vinegar, and soy
,d you go home after the concert? want to show you the living room . There. What sauce. The sauce al 0 has pineapple, green
, we didn't go home straight away. We do you think? peppers, and onion in it. I always eat it with
. dn't have dinner before it started so we were J Oh! There are big windows here, too. I love it! fried rice. I have it at the restaurant, and
aungry. We went to Manchester's Curry Mile B Mrs Goodings, is there a television? sometimes I get a takeaway and eat it at home.
9 B»)) R Wow! That 's a surprise! lOB »))
P = Presenter, M = Miriam M Ye , but it's hotter over there. The average Speaker 1 I had my firs t exper ience of
P Hello and welcome to the programme. Our temperature in Birmingbam UK is only CouchSurfing in China. I wanted to spend
first guest tOday is nutritionist Miriam 13 degrees whereas in Birmingham USA it's a few days in a city called Guilin so I made
Shepherd. She's here to give us some advice 23 degrees. That's ten degree warmer. contact witb a Chine e guy ca lled Leo. Leo wa
about hea lthy eating. Miriam. what do we need R So, why are you telling me all tbis anyway? the perfect host: he gave me a bed, he organized
to eat to be healthy? M I'm reading an article in the new paper. It's a dinner that other CouchSurfer carne to, and
M Well, basically, we all need a balanced diet. about a mistake that they made in Birmingham. he showed me around the ciry. I loved it, and I'd
P A nd what exactly is a balanced diet? That' our Birmingham , not theirs. recommend it to anyone!
M It's when you eat the right amount offood from R What happened? Speaker 2 My first CouchSurfing experience
each of the five different food group. M They made an advert for Birmingham UK. but did not go weIl.l was in Bucharest, Romania,
P Can you tell us more about tbose groups, they used tbe wrong photO. They put a photo and I found an American guy who agreed ro
Miriam? of Birmingham USA on the advert instead nf host me. First he was late and tben he didn't
M Ye , of course. Let 's start with carbohydrates. Birmingham UK. stop talking about himself all nighr. In the end,
These are things lile bread. pasta, rice, and R No! How funny! I sa id I was tired and went to bed. T he next
potatOes. We need to eat a lot of carbohydrate M Yes, I thought so. tOO! morning, I left Bucharest and took the train to
because they give us energy. Transylvania, where my host was Romanian
P Right. What's next? lOA »)) and I had a much better time.
M The next group is fru it and vegetables. Things P =Presenter, H = Harry Speaker 3 I'm American and my first
like apples and oranges, and peas and carrots. P Hello and welcome to the travel section of the CouchSurfing experience wa in England.
These contai n important vitamins so you need programme. Our guest tOday is travel writer Iwamed to do some research for a novel I'm
to eat something from this group at every meal. Harry Miller, whose book Sllperlative Si£Jllts writing, so I needed to meet as many people as
P OK. What the third group? came out yesterday. Harry, welcome ro the possible. My sister told me about the website so
M The third group is protein, w hicb is in food like programme. I decided to try it out. In the end, I stayed with
meat and eggs. We need it to grow and to repair H Thank you , G loria. someone different every night and I got a lot of
the body. You need to eat quite a lot offoods from P So wbat exactly is your book about? ideas for my book!
this group, but not necessarily with every meal. H Well. it's basica lly about the biggest, the best Speaker 4 I wa in Au tralia working when [
p Right. What's the next group , Miriam? and the most beauriful places in the world. found out about the CouchSurfing website.
M Milk and dairy. Dairy foods are things like P Can you give u orne examples? I wamed to travel around the country at
cheese and yogh urt. This group co ntains H Yes, of course. Let's start with Ayers Rock weekends, but [didn 't know anyone. A friend
calcium which is important for our bones and in Australia. It other name i Uluru and it 's suggested looking at the CouchSurfing website
teeth. But you have to be a litrle careful because the world's largest rock. It's 3.6 kilometres and ['m very happy that I did. [now have friend
they sometimes contai n a lot of fat. You need to long, 2 kilometres wide and 348 metres high- allover Australia and some of them are going to
eat something from this group every day, but enormous! visit me in tbe USA when I go back next month.
not necessarily every meal. P Ye .1 see what you mean. What else?
P And which is the last group, Miriam? H How about the world 's highest waterfall? Tbe 10 C»))
M The last group i fat and sugars. These are Angel Falls in Venezuela are 979 metres high. P = Pete, A = Amy
found in snacks, like cake, biscuits, sweets, A lot of the water evaporates before it hits tbe P Amy, do you remember Ur i Geller?
and crisp. Fats and sugar aren 't very good for ground. A No, I don't. Who was he?
you, so on Iy eat a Iirtle food from th is group- P Wow! Are tbere only natural places in your book, P He wa a kind of psychic. He was on TV a lot in
maybe once or twice a week. or do you have a ny man-made structures? the past and he became quite famous.
P Thank you . Miriam. Thar was very helpful. H Yes , we include man-made structures too. For A What kind of tricks did he do?
M My pleasure. example, dn you know what the tallest building P Well, hi s most famous trick was bending spoo ns.
is ri ght now? There's a phnto here - come and have a look.
9 C»)) P 0 .. . tell us more. A Oh, there's a video bere roo on YouTube. Let'
M = Michael , R = Rachel H Well, it's Burj Khalifa in Dubai in the United watch it.
M Rachel , did you know that there are twO cities Arab Emirates. It stands 828 metres high. P You see? At first, the spoon looks normal.
called Birmingham? P Incredible! Here. he' touching it with his finger. .. and now,
R Really? I know the one in the UK, bur where's H What about the oldest city in tbe world? it's bent.
the otber one? P I'm not sure. Urn ... somewhere in Egypt? A That's amazing!
M It's in the USA , in the state of Alabama. H Nearly, but not quite . It 's Aleppo, in Syria. The P Actually ... it isn't.
R OK. Are the cities very small? city dates back to 600 Be and it's the old e t A What?
M Ot really. One big difference is the pnpulation. continuously inhabited city in the world. P It 's a trick.
There are only 243,000 people living in P Really? I didn't know that. A So how does he do it?
Birmingham USA , whereas there are over a H There are also some interesting facts about P The spoon is bent before be sbnws it to us. He's
million in Birmingham UK. transport. For instance, do you know anything hiding the bent parr in his hand, so tharyou think
R So, Birmingham UK is bigger then? about t he longest railway journey? it's a normal spoon. You don't have much time
M Well, no. The area of Birmingham UK is 165 P Well, I suppose it's in Russia. to lookarthe spoon at all because be's talking so
square kilometres while Birmingham USA H That's right. The Trans-Siberian Railway from much. What he's doing is distracting you while
covers 243 square kilometres. Moscow to Vladivostok is 9,297 kilometres he's pulling the bent spoon slowly out of his hand.
R Oh, that's quite big. long and crosses seve n different time zones. You think he's bending it but, in fact, he isn't.
M Yes, but there aren't as many people. P That's one long trai n ride! A So, the guy is a cheat!
Birmingham USA is alsover green. H That's righr. And how about pla ne journeys' P Yes, but he's a very famo us cheat.
R And our Birmingham isn't very green. What's the shortest runway in the world ? A Does he sti ll do his trick in public?
M Yes. And of course there's also a big difference P RUllway? You mean where the planes land at P Yes , he does. And the most incred ible thing is
in age. Birmingham, UK was already a small the airporr? that people still believe ir.
village as early as the seventh century while H That's right.
Birmingham USA didn 't exi t until 1871. P I have no idea. llA »))
R Right. What about the wea ther? It's alway H Well. it's on the beautiful island of Saba in the Speaker 1: Srno, Czech Republic
raining over bere so the weather is probably Dutcb Caribbean. The runway is only 400 metres At the weekend, the city is really quiet, which
better in Birmingham USA. long and it ends in a 60-metre drop into the sea. is a surprise because there are many univer iry
M No, you're wrong. There are 1,371 millimetres P This is fascinating stuff Harry. I can't wait to students. A lot of people go to the country, to spend
of rain in Birmingham USA and on ly halfof read you r bnok! time with their families in their country cottages.
that in Birmingham UK- 662 millimetres. I think family is very important to Czech penple,

Answer key
b 1 Europe 2 Asia 3 South America
4 North America 5 Africa ~~~~!!:a!I£!~!:.A~rr~
iving in London

a 2 are 3 you're 4 i 5 be's 6 she 2 single 3 double 4 bar 5 reception
7 she's 8 is 9 ir's 10 are 11 we're
12 are 13 you're 14 they 15 they're
E", 6 ground floor

b 2 They're 3 You're 4 It's 5 Sbe's 2 CHECKING IN

6 They're 7 We're 8 You're "" South 2 That's right 3 Just a second ...
d 2 thirty-three 3 forty 4 forry-eight 4 Can you sign here, please? 5 Thank you
2 VOCABULARY 5 fifty-six 6 sixty-two 7 seventy-four
8 eighry-five 9 runery-nine 10 one hundred 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH
a 2 Sunday 3 Thursday 4 Monday
5 Friday 6 Wednesday 7 Tuesday 2 about 3 problem 4 that 5 business
3 PRONUNCIATION 6 perfect 7 time
b 2 twelve, fourteen, ixteen
a 1 Afr@ 2 Chi@ 3 Ger@ny 4lrel@
3 eighteen, seventeen, sixteen
5 Eu@ 6 P~ 7I(§ly 8@)pan 4 READING
4 eleven, thirteen, fifteen
c I Swiss 2 English 3 Chinese 4 Spanish Sheraton Skyline Hotel 2, The Grove I,
c 1 Nice, meet 2 What, name, Pardon
3 How, you 4 number At-Home Bed and Breakfast 3
d 2 See you on Friday.
2F 3T 4F 5T 6F 7F 8F
3 0, not Friday. Saturday!
4 Sorry. See you on Saturday.
5 Bye.
6 Goodbye. 1 Russian 2 American, California
3 Spanish, from Mexico 4 French, Italian 1 VOCABULARY
3 PRONUNCIATION Across: 3 laptop 7 newspaper 9 photo
a I SIX,1O I. meet, three it man, tbanks 10 scissor 11 glasses
e ten, well twelve, very el eight, day Down: 1 magazine 4 ticket 5 pen
~II fine, nice 6 headphones 8 coin
c 1 sandwich 2 g:nnis 3 eighteen
4 thirteen 5 basketball 6 good~
7 ~maj I 8 internet 9 comJlliter 10 hotel a Subject pronouns: 2 you 4 he 5 it 8 they a 3 It' a 4 It's an 5 They're 6 They're
Possessive adjectives: I my 3 his 6 our 7 It's an 8 It's a
4 LISTENING 7 your b -5: pencils, tickets, windows
Ic 2c 3a b 2His 30ur 4My Sits 6your 7Their -es: classes, watches, sandwicbes
c Where's your teacher from? -ies: diaries, coumrie , dicti onaries
Is he a student? c 2 This 3 Those 4 That's 5 These
How old are you? d Singular: woman, child
How do you spell your surname? Plural: men , people
e 2 man 3 children , child 4 people
a 2 She isn't British. She's b2 cl d4 etO f8 g7 h6 i9 j5
3 He isn't German. He's 3 PRONUNCIATION
4 They aren't in Greece. They're in 3 VOCABULARY a 2 classes 3 add res es 4 watches
5 You aren't in room 309. You're in a 2 Listen 3 Open 4 Work 5 Answer 5 sandwiches 6 gla ses
6 [t isn't from France. It's from 6 Turn 7 Look 8 Go
7 I'm not Brazilian. I'm c 1 thanks 2 these 3 three 4 those
b 2 How do you spell it?
8 He isn't American. He's
3 I don't under tand. 4 READING
b 2 Where's she from? 4 Sorry, can you repeat that please?
3 Are they from South America? t pens 3 receipt 4 tissues 5 keys
5 Excuse me, what's' vacaciones' in English?
4 Are we in room five? 6 I. can't remember.
5 Are you on holiday? 5 LISTENING
6 Is he from Poland? 4 PRONUNCIATION 1 Speaker 3 2 Speaker 2 3 Speaker 4
c a6 b5 c2 d4 e3 4 Speaker 1
a ;"II' orth u: South 0: Asia ;II) do
c 1:1 G I: S l.: 0 L A .II E
a 3 Japanese 4 Hungary 5 Mexican 6ltaly 5 LISTENING
7 Sparush 8 Egypt 9 American 10 Brazil
2 Taylor 3 Australia 5 15 6 WA 6008
7 [email protected] 8 087010 5692
l 1 blue jeans 2 nice day 3 very tall 2 economics 3 German 4 a newspaper a 2 What do you do atthe weekend?
4 fast car 5 good photos 6 quite cbeap 5 sorry 6 glasses 7 exercise 8 an imals 3 What kind of books do you read?
big house 8 very old 9 a new car 10 an umbrella 4 Do you want another drink?
2 That's an expensive watch. 5 Are you a flight attendant?
3 My hai r is quite long. 2 GRAMMAR 6 Where do you live in Bristol?
4 That woman is very ricb. a 2 doesn't rain 31ive 4 changes 7 Who is your favourite writer?
S Your boots are really dirty. 5 doesn't cook 6 doesn't wear 7 don't have 8 How old are yo u?
6 Tbis is a dangerous city. 8 need 9 makes 10 don 't do 9 DoyouhaveaniPad?
That isn't a very good book. b 2 doesn't wear 3 drink 4 doesn't do 10 I s you r salad nice?
8 His house is quite near. 5 don't play 6 doesn't eat 7 wears 8 does b 2 Do yo u live 3 Do you have 4 Is she
c 2 don't go 3 has 4 doesn't work 5 rains 5 Where do you 6 Do you like
VOCABULARY 6 live 7 doesn 't speak 8 study 9 don't do
2 grey 3 ora nge 4 pin k 5 brow 11 2 VOCABULARY
Across: 4 expensive 8 poor 11 good 3 PRONUNCIATION 2 What 3 Where 4 When 5 Which
12 hot 13 strong 14 dirty a 3S 4D 50 6S 7S 80 90 lOS 6 What kind 7 How many 8 Who 9 Why
Down: 1 safe 3 difficult 5 near 6 empty c 2 watches 3 finishes 4 u es 5 kisses
- big 9 old 10 wrong 13 short 6 changes 3 PRONUNCIATION
20 3A 4C SF 6E aId 2f 3a 4b 5g 6e 7c
_ old 3 very old 4 is very tall 4 READING c A What do you do?
- is quite short 6 is quite tall 7 is very fat a 10 2A 3B 4C B I'm a doctor.
is quite fat 9 is very thin A Where do you work?
5 LISTENING B I work in a hospital.
_ clean jeans 3 a fat man 4 a dark car 4 READING
- a long o ng 6 a mall door a no
- a good book 8 blue shoes b IC 3A 4B

IF 2F 3T 4F 5T 6F 1 VOCABULARY a yes
a Across: 4 architect 6 vet 8 shop assistant b 2F 3F 4T 5T 6F
- LISTENING 10 dentist
-\2 B3 CI 05 E4 Down: 1 flight attendant 3 factory worker
5 chef 7 model 9 oldier
b 2 drive 3 earn 4 wear 5 speak Coffee to take away
6 travel 7 work 8 have 9 earn 10 work
a journalist 2 a nurse 3 a policeman 1 1 VOCABULARY
c 2 -er 3 -or 4 -er 5 -or 6 -er 2 It's five past ten.
• GRAMMAR 3 It's five o'clock.
_ cia e 3 don't worry 4 don 't peak d 2 an 3 for 4 unemployed 5a
4 It' twenty to three.
- low 6 Corne 7 don't park 6 retired 7 in
5 It's quarter past six.
Don't drink 9 turn e 2 shirt 3 tie 4 skirt 5 top 6 trousers 6 It's twenty to twe lve.
!E 3F 40 5C 6A 7 It's twenty-five past eight.
2 GRAMMAR 8 It's ten to one.
VOCABULARY a 2 Do 3 Does 4 Do 5 Does 6 Does
_ I'm cold . 3 I'm happy. 41'm worried. 7 Does 8 Do 9 Does 10 Do 2 BUYING A COFFEE
- I'm hungry. 6 I'm bored. 7 I'm hot. b 2 do 3 Is 4 do 5 Are 6 does 7 [s 8 does 3 A Regular or large?
- I'm tired. 9 I'm sad. 10 I'm thirsty.
c 2g 3f 4e 5d 6b 7h 8a 4 B Large, please.
, 1 I'm stressed. 5 A To have here or take away?
6 B To take away.
PRONUNCIATION 7 A Anything else?
a 1 administrator 2 Mchitect 3 dentist 8 B No thanks. How much is that?
fat , bappy, have, matter, sad 4 footballer 5 hairdresser 6 model 9 A That's £3.65, please.
bungry, Monday, one, ugly, worried, young 7 mumcian 8 pilot 9 policeman 10 soldier 10 B Sorry, how much?
c nurse, journalist, service, thirsty, worker 11 A £3.65. Thank you. And your change.
READING 12 B Thanks.
B I our car ready? 4 LISTENING
C il.lake ureeverythingisinthecar. a vet 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH
D Keep awake!
b 2 Do you have 2 first time 3 to drink 4 to you 5 a seat
E Have fun!
3 Doyou speak
4 Do you wear 4 READING
5 Do you travel aiD 2B 3E/A 4A 5C
Ib 2a 'c 4a -b
6 Doyou earn

- Do you work
a I You ge~p late.
1 VOCABULARY 2 [have a shower. 1 GRAMMAR
a 2 father 3 aunt 4 husband 5 sister a 2 She can paint. 3 He can't swim.
3 We check emails.
6 son 7 niece 8 cousin \J 4 He can cook. 5 She can't take photos.
4 He does exercise.
b 2 niece 3 aunt 4 grandmother \J b 2 Can, paint 3 Can, swim 4 Can, cook
5 cousin 6 nephew 5 She goes homt)arly. 5 Can, take photos
6 They have lunch a~ork. c 2b 3d 4e Sa 6f
2 GRAMMAR c I I wake up at six. d 2 can't talk! speak 3 can see
a 2 My boyfriend's car is German. 2 I have a coffee. 4 can't turn right
3 Hisgirifriend'smumisPoli h . 3 I go to work by bus.
4 Do you know Sandra's brother? 4 I do the housework. 2 VOCABULARY
5 We live with my wife's parents. 5 I have a pizza for dinner.
6 Their son's friend earns a lot of money. a Across: 4 remember 6 wait 8 paint
6 IgQto bed atmidnight.
7 Is Adam's job dangerous? 9 use 12 dance 14 take
8 Susan's uniform is very ugly. 4 LISTENING Down: 2 meet 3 see 5 swim 7 give
b 2 That is my parents' car.
10 sing 11 tell 12 drive 13 draw
a 1 He's a taxi driver
3 I think this is that woman's pen. b 2 play 3 help 4 buy 5 run 6 hear
2 Yes
4 They drink tea in the Teachers' Room. 7 talk 8 look for
3 From 7 p.m. to about 6 a.m.
5 Do you know Barbara' sister?
6 My grandparents' house is in Ireland. b 2 He has a hamburger or a pizza. 3 PRONUNCIATION
7 James' wife is Russian. 3 He finishes work.
b ,l : can, fat, have, tamp
4 He goes home.
c 3A 4B 5B 6A 7A 8B II : can't, class, dance, start
5 He goes to bed.
d 3 Whose 4 Who 's 5 Who's 6 Whose 6 He sleeps for eight hou rs.
7 Who's 8 Whose 7 He gets up.
8 He has breakfast. Ib 2a 3c 4b 5c
3 PRONUNCIATION 9 He goes to the gym.
alb 2d 3a 4c 10 He has a hower.
11 He watches TV or check 11is emails.
4 READING 12 He has dinner.
a son-in-law
b 1 Rachel 2 Tony 3 Carlo 4 Natasha
2 barks 3 cries 4 have 5 talk 6 argue
5 Tim 6 Daniel 7 Daisy
7 play 8 have 9 play
She shows four photos.
a 2 is always 3 sometimes does 4 often eats a 2 Sarah's friends are staying with her
2F 3T 4F SF 6T 7F 8T 5 is never 6 sometimes sleeps 7 is often this week.
8 never does 9 hardly ever eats 10 is always 3 We aren't having a party tonight.
b 3 Mike sometimes rides his motorbike 4 I'm drinking a cup of coffee in the kitchen.
to work. 5 Why is George looking for a job?
4 My girlfriend is never late. 6 They aren't jogging because it's too
5 I see my grandparents every weekend. cold today.! They aren't jogging today
1 GRAMMAR 6 Ellis drinks coffee three times a day. because it's too cold.
7 I'm always hungry. 7 Are you using the computer?
a in: the winter, the afternoon, 1984
8 We study English twice a week. 8 [s Adam playing football in the park?
on: Monday, Saturday evening, 21st August
at: night, the weekend, Christmas b 21'mmaking 3Aretheyarguing
b 2 in 3 at 4 at 5 in 6 on 7 at 8 at
2 VOCABULARY 4 they're not shouting 5 they're watching
a 1 60 2 12 37 460 54 624 6 He's not having 7 He's listening
9to lain
731 852 8 I 'mlooking for
c 1 in 2 at 3 to 4 on 5 in 6 at 7 at
b 2 twice 3 once 4 never 5 three times c 2 're arguing 3 are playing foOtball
81n 90n lOin
6 every 7 ha rd Iy ever 8 every 4 's listening to music 5 's crying
6 's barking 7 's playing the guitar
2 VOCABULARY 8 's singing
a 2 have a shower 3 have breakfast
a 2c 3h 4b 5g 6a 7d 8f
4 go to work 5 go home 6 go shopping
b 2 get 3 have 4 have 5 have 6 go 7 go b 2 pink 310ng 4 uncle 5 drink
8 get 9 go 10 go 11 have 12 get 13 go 4 READING 6 Hungary 7 young 8 think
14go 15go 16 have 17 have 18go
a She is a 94-year-old accountant.
c Ie 2d 3b 4a 5c
b 2F 3T 4F 5T 6F 7F 8T
Speaker 1 B, Speaker 2 C, Speaker 3 F,
5 LISTENING Speaker 4 E
a Marge
b 2F 3T 4T SF 6F 7F 8T

3 PRONUNCIATION 5 Do they go to a lot of musicals?
6 Am 1 waiting in the right place?
b 1 nice 2 this 3 me 4 these 5 it 6 niece 7 Does Kathy like reggae?
8 Do you go dancing at the weekend?
a 21'm baving dinner 3 do they usually go 4 READING 9 Does he listen to classical music when
4 He travels 5 does your girlfriend do 1 Katherine is Paul's sister. he's stressed?
6 Are you working 7 It closes 8 [s it raining 2 Louise suggests that Sally puts on her red 10 Are they in an orchestra?
b 2 're arguing 3 'm learning 's teaching skirt, goes to the parry, and forgets Andrew.
4 do, go 5 goes out 6 isn't shining 3 Paul doesn't know his phone number 2 VOCABULARY
7 Are, using, want 8 loves, doesn't do because he never calls it. a 2 rock 3 hip hop 4 heavy metal 5 blues
4 His mum tells him what his number is. 6 classical music 7 Latin 8 reggae 9 jazz
b 2 fan club 3 download 4 music channels
a spring, summer, autumn 5 LISTENING
5 online 6 lyr ics 7 karaoke 8 concert
b 2 windy 3 cloudy 4 raining 5 foggy Ib 2b 3a 4a 5b 6b 7a 8b
6 sunny 7 cold 8 snowing 3 PRONUNCIATION
a lumbrella 2 journalist 3 nurse
3 PRONUNCIATION 4lunch 5 summer
1 Buckingham Palace
2 Westminster Abbey 4 LISTENING
3 Oxford Street 1 GRAMMAR lb 2c 3a 4a 5b
-:1 St Paul's Cathedral a verb + -ing: drawing, finding, waiting
5 Eiccadilly Circus -e- + -il1g: coming, having, giving, taking
6 Leicester Square
double consonant + -illg : getting, running,
Houses of Parliament
stopping, swimming
Trafalgar Square
b 1 loves dancing
2 doesn't mind doing, bates doing 1 GRAMMAR
READING a 2 was 3 Was 4 wasn't 5 was 6 was
3 likes driving, doesn't like driving
2T 3F 4F 5T 6T 7T 8F 9F 7 was 8 wasn 't
4 doesn't mind sitting, likes sitting
5 loves swimming, doesn 't like swimming b 3 Was Charles Dickens a novelist?
_ LISTENING 6 doesn't like watching, loves watching Yes, he was.
A2 B5 C8 E3 F4 G6 H7 4 Were The Bearles from the USA?
2 VOCABULARY No, they weren't.
a 2 July, August 3 March, Apr il 5 Was Lord Byron a politician?
4 autumn, winter 5 third, fourth No, he wasn't.
"1iIidi~~~:E:~I:n!.!. a clothes shop 6 eighth, ninth 7 twentieth, twenty-first 6 Was Isaac Newton a composer?
No, he wasn't.
b Halloween: 31/10, the thirty-first of October
VOCABULARY New Year's Day: 1/1, the first ofJanuary
7 Was Bono born in Ireland?
2 a shirt 3 a skirt 4 shoes 5 a sweater Yes, he was.
US Independence Day: 4/7, the fourth of July
6 jeans 7 a T-shirt 8 trousers S Was Amy Winehouse a singer?
Valentine's Day: 14/2, the fourteentb
Yes, she was.
of February
BUYING CLOTHES 9 Were JR R Tolkien and C S Lewis painters?
No, they weren't.
1 help 2 size 3 large 4 are 5 changing 3 PRONUNCIATION 10 Was Michael Jackson born in Britain?
6 Thank 7 much a 2 February 4 April 7 Jui:' 8 August No, he wasn't.
9 September 100c1Qber II November
_ SOCIAL ENGLISH c 2Is, isn't, was, 's 3 are, were 4 is, was, were
12 December
_f 3c 4h 5g 6e 7b 8a 5 was , was
2D 3B 4 A, 0 5A 6B
B4 C2 D3 a & b 2 a writer 3 a policeman / policewoman
4 a comj2Qser 5 a mu~cian 6 a painter
5 LISTENING 7 a businessman / businesswoman
a Speaker 1 winter, Speaker 2 summer, 8 an actor / actress 9 a scientist 10 a sailor
Speaker 3 autumn, Speaker 4 spring
d 3 was an actor 4 was a scientist
b Speaker 1 B, Speaker 20, Speaker 3 A, 5 was a musician 6 were inventors
Speaker 4 C 7 was a writer 8 was a businessman
9 were artists
ubject pronouns: 2 you, 5 it, 7 you
Object pronouns: 3 him, 4 her, 6 us, 8 them
_ me 3 it 4 ber 5 you 6 tbem 7 us a Diana, Princess of Wales 3
- it 9 them 10 him Charles Darwin 4
2 her 3 he 4 him 5 them 6 they 1 GRAMMAR William Shakespeare 5
- her 8 she a 2 do 3 isn't 4 don't 5 're not / aren't Isambard Kingdom Brunel2
6 Does 7 is 8 doesn't 9 don 't 10 Are Winston Churchilll
VOCABULARY b 2 Does Adam sing karaoke? b 2F 3F 4T 5T 6F 7T 8F
_ It' 3 answer 4 this 5 Press 3 Is she singing in the shower?
wrong 7 message 4 [s that guitar expensive?

6 Alex didn't get up early yesterday morning. 2 VOCABULARY
7 My girlfriend felt ill yesterday. a 2 come, came 3 drink, drank 4 drive, drove
8 Helen didn 't go out during the week 5 give, gave 6 know, knew 7 put, put
1 GRAMMAR last week. 8 sit, sat 9 swim, swam 10 wake (up),
a 2 Ii tened, didn't listen 9 [didn't wear glasses yesterday. woke (up) 11 win, won 12 write, wrote
3 studied, didn't study 10 Lucy couldn't come ro my party last year. b 2 thought 3 found 4 met 5 bought
4 watched , didn't watch b 2 Was it 3 did you go 4 did you wear 6 lost 7 broke 8 rook 9 could 10 made
5 booked, didn't book 5 did you get 6 Did you get 7 you have
6 downloaded, didn 't download 8 Was 3 PRONUNCIATION
7 worked , didn't work
a 2 said 3 lost 4 had 5 bought 6 drove
8 played, didn't play 2 VOCABULARY 7 could 8 learnt
b 2 What time did the matcb finish? a 2 for a walk 3 a good time 4 a car
3 Did you like your birthday presents? 5 18 years 6 shopping 4 LISTENING
4 What did your brother study at university?
b 2 got 3 had 4 went 5 got 6 had 7 went a Solving a murder
5 Did your parents arrive late?
8 had 9 went 10 had 11 went 12 had b 1a 2b 3c 4a 5b
6 Where did your friends live in Germany?
7 Did you cry at the end of the film?
8 What time did Sandra arrive at work 3 PRONUNCIATION
yesterday? a 20 3S 40 5S 60 70 8S
c 2 When did Michael Jackson die? 2009
3 When did Facebook start? 2004
4 When did Princess Diana die? 1997 a She went to a concert by her favourite band. 1 GRAMMAR
5 When did the first tourist travel into b I 14th February a 2 there's a 31s there a 4 there isn't
space? 2001 2 two friends 5 there's a 6 are there 7 There are
6 When did iPhones first appear? 2007 3 Manchester 81 there a 9 there is 10 Are there any
7 When did Tim Berners-Lee create the 4 the night before 11 there are some
World Wide Web? 1990 5 I n a very old pub in the city centre.
6 Yes. The band played all their favourite b 2 A re there any carpets downstairs?
3 There are some CDs on the shelf.
2 VOCABULARY ongs, and they danced and sang for
4 Are there any glas es in the cupboard?
1 [chatted to my friends for an hour last night. about two hours.
7 a curry 5 There aren 't any files in the study.
2 My girlfriend finished university two
years ago. 8 2 o'clock in the morning c 2 it isn't 3 There are 4 they aren't
3 They travelled abroad last month. 5 There's 6 There isn't 7 there's
4 Did you call me yesterday morning? 8 there's 9 there's 10 They are
5 It stopped raining two hours ago.
6 My brother worked in Greece last July. _~=--Getting lost 2 VOCABULARY
7 We watched that fi lm two weeks ago. a Across: 4 mirror, S bed , 7 shelf, 9 fridge,
8 David booked the tickets yesterday afternoon. 1 VOCABULARY 10 stairs
9 Steve was born in 1990. 2 straight on 3 right 4 past 5 corner Down: 1 carpet, 2 cooker, 3 armchair,
10 [played golf the day before yesterday. 6 opposite 7 bridge 8 traffic lights 6 fireplace , 7 shower, 8 light
3 PRONUNCIATION b 2 bathroom 3 dining room 4 study
2 ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS 5 garage 6 kitchen 7 living room
a 1 wanted 2 painted 3 waited 4 chatted 2 Where's 3 Sorry 4 near 5 exactly 8 bedroom 9 garden
5 started 6 decided 6 tell 7 way 8 say 9 miss
4 READING 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH a I dear 2 stairs 3 we're 4 hair
a 2 2 would 3 there 4 could 5 meet
b carpet, mirror, cupboard, balcony, cooker,
b 1 J 9 2 Carlsbad, California 3 by plane 6 nice 7 Maybe 8 course
sofa, armchair, ~rage, ceiling
4 Carlsbad , ew Mexico
530 minutes before her match 4 READING c 1 carpet 2 mirror 3 cupboard 4 balcony
6 Roberta Vinci 7 No 5 cooker 6,illfa 7 armchair 8 ~rage
b 2T 3F 4F 5T
9 ceiling
c 1 scenic 2 confusing 3 economical
5 LISTENING 4 standard 5 flexible 6 frequent
a J by plane 2 by car (and taxi) 4 LISTENING
3 by train and car 4 by bus and taxi a 1,6,7
b IC 20 3B 4A b 2 F 3 F 4T 5T 6T 7 F 8T

a 2 parked 3 was 4 were 5 looked 6 saw
7 couldn't 8 opened 9 didn't run
1 GRAMMAR 10 went 11 found 12 didn't want 13 rook 1 GRAMMAR
a 2 Max saw his friends after work last night. b 2 did you see 3 did you go 4 Did she like a 2 were 3 wasn't 4 was 5 were 6 was
3 Emily lost her keys yesterday. 5 did, finish 6 did you do 7 did you leave 7 wa 8 weren't 9 were
4 We didn 't have dinner at home last night. 8 Did you go 9 Did you get 10 did you go b 2 there wasn't 3 there weren't 4 Was there
5 They left work at 5.30 yesterday. 5 there wasn 't 6 there wasn 't 7 Was there

8 there weren't 9 Were there 10 there were
2 next to ... sire 4 behind Sunder I:. cheaper, easier 1: shorrer, taller
6 out of - in - m of 8 from, to 1 GRAMMAR :1: dirtie r, worse e healthier
9 over Ie up a 2 How much, putS a lot of sugar in hi s tea ;I(), colder, slower <II drier, higher

3 How many, doesn 't eat many biscuits c I A pencil is cheaper than a~.
3 PRONUN CLATION 4 How many, buys quite a lot of sweets 2 June is shorterrhan~.
a 2 cupboard re 4 know 5 How much, doesn 't do much exercise 3 The kitchen is dirtier than the livin g room.
S autumn 6 ~ .'- - builder 8 wrong 6 How many, doesn't drink any (cups of) 4 An ~ is healthier than a biscuit.
c 1 There was a ~ on the table. coffee 5 Switzerland is colder than France.
2 There wasn [ a barh in the bathroom. b 2 How many calories are there in a banana? 6 Everest is higher than Kilimanjaro.
3 Was th ere a mirror in the bedroom? 3 How many oranges are there ill a carton
4 There were orne books on the shelf. of orange juice? 4 READING
S There weren'r any cupboards in the kitchen. 4 How much salt is there in a bowl of cereal? a IF 2T 3F 4T
6 Were there an) plant in the study? 5 How many eggs are there in a box?
6 How much jam is there in a jar? 5 LISTENING
4 READING 2F 3T 4F 5T 6T
a 2 box 3 carton 4 tin S packet 6 can
5 LISTENING 7 bottle
a Costa Rica, S\ eden, Germany, Fiji b 2 carton 3 jar 4 packet 5 bottle 6 tin At a restaurant
7 box
b 10 2C 3B 4
3 PRONUNCIATION a 1 Gril led vegetables with low-fat cheese
a 1 sugar 2 salt 3 shopping 4 centre 2 Mushroom risotto with parmesan cheese
3 yes
a 1 rice 2 peas 3 eggs 4 cheese 5 biscuits 5 no
a 2a 3 some 4 some 5 some 6 an b 1 energy 2 vitamins 3 grow 4 teeth 2 ORDERING A MEAL
7a 8 some 9 some 10 ome 5 once, twice
2 table 3 way 4 order 5 I'd 61ike
2 aren't any strawberries in o ur garden 7 Some 8Still
3 had an egg for breakfast.
4 's some sugar in my tea 3 SOCIAL ENGLISH
S ate some snacks yesterday 2a 3e 4f 5b 6d
6 were some sandwiches in the kitchen
- didn't buy a pineapple at the supermarket 1 GRAMMAR
wasn 't any bread in the cupboard a 1 cheaper, colder, higher
:2 orne 3 some 4 any 5 an 6 any 2 sadder, wetter, thinner
-any 8 some 9a lOa 11 any 3 drier, dirtier, hun grier
12 orne 4 more beautiful, more difficult,
more comfortable 1 GRAMMAR
5 fu rrher, better a Comparatives: higher, more expensive,
VOCABULARY drier, more dangerous, honer, more
.-\cross: 4 toast, 6 chicken , 8 cake, 9 jam, b 2 are bigger than lions
beautiful , more interesting, berter, worse
11 cereal 3 is drierrhan Irela nd
4 is shorter than January Superlatives: the highest, the most
Down: 2 steak, 3 rice, S chips, 7 coffee, expensive, the driest, the most dangerous,
5 is cheaper than a laptop
milk the honest, the most beautiful , the mo t
6 are worse than Fridays
e:;erable : carrOts, mushrooms, onions, 7 is colder than a cooker interesti ng, the best, the worst
-. potatoes 8 is harder than lralian b 2 What's the biggest ocean in the world?
- - : biscuits , chocolate, crisps, 3 What's the largest counrry in the world?
iche , weets 2 VOCABULARY 4 What's the most populated city in
bananas, o ranges, pineapple, the world?
a 1 104 2 596 3 2,660 4 8,905
berrie 5 What's the wettest place in the world?
5 12,750 6 543 , 830 7 1,3 15,000
6 What 's the driest desert in the world?
8 35,460,000
UNCIATION 7 What' the most common native
b lone hundred and twenry-five language in the world?
2 ice cream 3 eat 2 eight hundred and ninety-five 8 What 's the cold est place in the world?
3 four thousand , five hundred
c 2b 3c 4b Sa 6c 7a 8c
4 twelve thousand, four hundred and sevenry
2 Ice lollies 3 Coconut water 5 thirry-three thousa nd , nille hundred
and thirty 2 VOCABULARY
_F 'T 4T -F 6F
6 five hundred and evenry-five thousand , a 2 art gallery 3 railway station 4 post office
six hundred 5 po lice station 6 department tore
7 six million. two hundred and fifty thousand 7 car park 8 town hall
re -er 2 chicken
8 thirty-four million , eight hundred
- aker 4pork b 1 mosque 2 museum 3 hospital
thousand , two hundred and sixty-five 4 thearre 5 bridge 6 chemist's 7 square
8 church 9 market 10 temple 11 castle
The hidden words is slIpermarket.
a Superlarive Sinhts
b 1 largest 2 3.6 3 Venezuela 4 828 1 GRAMMAR 1 GRAMMAR
5 600 6 Moscow 7 400 a 2 She's going to change 3 He's going to buy a 2 to ride 3 to pend 4 to stop 5 to visit
4 She's going to have 5 He's going to listen 6 to download 7 to cook 8 to become
5 READING 6 She's going to read 7 She's going to take b 2 Would you like to climb a mountain?
a IF 2T 3F 4T SF 6F 8 He's going to lose 3 We'd like to get up earlier.
b 2B 3A 4B 5B 6B 7A 8A 4 I'd like to learn to fl y a plane.
5 She wouldn't like to make a short film.
2 VOCABULARY 6 Would they Like to get married?
2 meet 3 travel 4 get 5 have 6 fall
7 become 8 get 9 get 10 move 2 VOCABULARY
1 GRAMMAR 2g 3h 4c Sa 6e 7b 8d
a 2 He isn't going to stay in a hotel. 3 PRONUNCIATION
3 They're going to show me the city. a 3,,1 4,,1 5.x 6.x 3 PRONUNCIATION
4 We're going to have a good time. a 1 Would , like, drive, sports, Yes, love, ~
5 When is she going to go home? 4 READING love, cars, love, driving
6 I'm not going to see the s ights. 2 Would, like, ride, horse, No, wouldn't, not,
a A3 B4 C2 0 I
b 2 're going to show don't, horses.
b IF 2T 3T 4 F 3 want, learn, cook Yes, need , ~, wanr,
3 're going to have
4 Are you going to stay live, own.
5 're not going to visit
6 Are they going to ee a no 4 LISTENING
7 's going to meet b IT 2T 3F 4T SF 6F a 1 buy a motorbike 2 go to Australia
8 's not going to go 3 go to a concert
c 2 'm going to travel b 1 F 2F 3F 4T SF 6T
3 a re you goi ng to tay
4 'm not going to sleep 6 READING
5 A re you going to travel
6 's going to drive 1 GRAMMAR 1 Y 2) 3G 4K
7 're going to spend a 2 carefully 3 politely 4 well 5 hard
8 're going to dance 6 healthily 7 beautifully
9 'm going to meet
b 2 really 3 easy 4 quickly 5 quiet
10 are you going to visit
6 incredible 7 bad 8 slowly 9 well
11 are going to show
10 unhealthily II really
12 'm going to have 1 GRAMMAR
a 2 I'm an engineer. 3 In the fridge.
2 VOCABULARY 4 An identity card. 5 Twice a week.
2 hard 3 healthily 4 perfectly 5 easily 6 I like dogs. 7 By train. 8 On the inrernet.
a GO: by train , for a week, on holiday
6 quietly 7 well 8 incredibly
HAVE: a good time, nice meal b 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9the
SEE: the sights, somebody 10 - 11 the 12 an 13 a 14 A 15-
SHOW: somebody around your town
STAY: for a week in a hotel, with a friend a I beautifully 2 carefully 3.!d!.sually 2 VOCABULARY
4 dangerously 5 fashionably 6 incredibly 2 skype 3 online 410g in 5 download
b 2 stay 3 show 4 see 5 have 6 go 7 ~fecrly 8 politely 9 unhealthily 6 attachmenr 7 search for 8 google
7 stay 8 stay 9 have 10 go
Adverbs 6, 8 , and 9 are not stressed on the 9 upload
3 PRONUNCIATION first syllable.
1 How, gQing, ~ 2 where, gQing, ~
3 gQing,~, week 4, sights
4 READING a I ~mail, network, website
a 1C 20 3A 4B 2 address, online, results
5 aren't, gQ, car 6 nor ,~, horel
3 document, internet, username
b I impressio ns 2 culture 3 expect
4 attachmenr, comj2!J.ter, directions
4 LISTENING 4 architecture 5 atmosphere 6 hospitality
a one 7 socia lizing 8 fascinating
b Speaker I C, Speaker 2 0 , Speaker 3 B, a 1991
Speaker 4 A
Because a lor of people go to the country b 2 The Americans opened an agency to
to spend time with their families. develop new tech nology.
5 READING 3 The agency developed a network to
2 Underthe street.
1 V 2V 3A 4R 5H connect computers.
3 They are little shops, and often cheaper.
4 Before work, at the weekend , or 4 The network changed its name to the internet.
sometimes to have business meetings 5 Tim Berners-Lee developed a new
5 trees computer language.
6 a) fewer than 250,000 6 Berners- Lee and a colleague used the
6 b) 15,000 new language to write a new programme.
7 Music, paintings, drawings, books, and 7 They put the new language on the internet.
their own clorhes . 8 The World Wide Web made the inrernet
available to all computer users.

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