Priinciple Stress

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Question 1

Setting the rectangle
Setting the dimensions
Eliminating the two holes from the rectangle

D) It is an effective method to modify finite element meshes to make the solution more precise.
Refinement takes place in an iterative process where a response is detected, error assessments are
measured and in high error regions, components are calculated.

E) The stress concentration is the aspect that speaks to how intensively stresses are focused in a
given region.

F) If there is no defect that is not sharp twists, curvature or fractures, and no defects, an entity is
better. Such an ideal substance has the same power that is calculated logically. However, due to
defects, fractures, and openings, the intensity is often less than the strength theoretically

G) The Stress Concentration Factor, KtKt, is the ratio of maximum stress at a hole, fillet, or

notch, (but not a crack) to the remote stress. Therefore, at the plate, which include holes stress
distribution is more and at the plate, which exclude holes stress, distribution is less. Plate which
include holes have low strength and plate which exclude holes have high strength comparatively 

H) Stress concentration factor is used to account for the presence of so-called stress raisers in
structure. These are the locations were stress is concentrated for example notches, holes or other
geometric discontinuities whereas Factor of safety is defined as ratio of ultimate stress and
working stress. Expresses how much stronger a system is than it needs to be for an intended load.
It is also called as factor of ignorance. The factor of safety is dependent on the type of load. A
usually applied safety factor is 1.5, but for pressurized fuselage, it is 2.0, and for main landing
gear structures, it is often 1.25.

Question 2

Given data:

Principle stresses σ1 = 91.62 mpa

σ2 = 28.38 mpa

Plane of orientation of principal stress Ҩp = 35.78 (CCW)

σ 1−σ 2
Radius of Mohr’s Circle R =


R = 31.62 mpa

σx = -R Cos 35.78° = - 31.62 Cos 35.78° = -25.65 Mpa

σx = -25.65 Mpa

σy = R Cos 35.78°

σy = 25.65 Mpa

Now, σx + σy = σ1 + σ2

Σy = σ1 + σ2 - σx = 91.62+28.38 +25.65

Σy = 145.65 Mpa


Cos (90 – 35.78°) =

CB = R Sin 35.78°

CB = xy = 18.49 Mpa

We know that maximum shear stress =R


mass = R = 31.62 mpa

σx−σy 25.65−145.65
Normal stress = =
2 2

σn = -59 Mpa

σx = Pyx3 – 2 G x y + C2y

σy = P x 3 – 2 p x 3 y
T xy = -3/2 pX2y2 + Gy2 + ½ Px4 C3

Equilibrium equation in 2.0 combining

∂rx / ∂ x + ∂ Txy / ∂ y = 0

3 Pyx2 – 2C1y – 3Px2y + C1 y = 0

0 = 0 True


∂ry / ∂ y = ∂T xy / ∂ x = 0

Orientation of maximum shear stress = Ҩp + 45

= 35.78 + 45

= 80.78°

3 Pxy 2 – 2 px3 – 3 Pxy2 + 2Px3C3 = 0

2 Px3 + 2Px3 C3 = 0

Not equal to 0

Hence, the stress field does not satisfy the equilibrium equations

Question no 3

Given Values:
σx = 0
σy = -20 M pa
σz = 40 M pa
Zxy = -10 Mpa

To find:

a) Principle stresses:

σ x+ σ y
σavg =
σavg =
σavg = -10 Mpa
R = ( σ x−σ y ) +(τ xy)2
√ 2
R = ( 0−(−20) ) +( 10)2
√ 2
R = 14.14 Mpa
σ1 = σavg + R
σ1 = -10 + 14.14
σ1 = 4.14
σ2 = σavg - R
σ2 = -10 – 14.14
σ2 = 24.14 Mpa
σ3 = σz = 40 Mpa

b) The maximum shear stress in the XY plane:

τmax = ( σ x−σ y ) +(τ xy)2
√ 2
τmax = ( 0−(−20) ) +( 10)2
√ 2
τmax = 14.14 Mpa

c) Orientation for maximum shear stress in the XY plane:

σ x−σ y
tan2θs =
2 τxy
2θs = tan-1
2θs = tan-1
2θs = 45
θs = 22.5

d) What is the relationship between σz and maximum principle stress and why?

Shear stress on Z plane is zero so the principle stress in Z plane and normal stress are same. In
addition, principle stress in Z plane (40) is greater than principle stress on X (4.14) and Y (-
24.14) planes so, normal stress in Z plane is same as the maximum principle stress.

e) Using the results of stress components, and taking v = 0.3 and E = 69 GPa.
Determine the following:

i) The principle strains:

1 1
Σ1 = [ σ 1−v (σ 2+σ 3) ] = [ 4.14−0.3 (−24.14+ 40) ] = -8.95 x 10-6
E 69000
1 1
Σ2 = [ σ 2−v (σ 1+σ 3) ] = [−24.14−0.3( 4.14+ 40) ] = -5.4 x 10-4
E 69000
1 1
Σ3 = [ σ 3−v (σ 1+σ 2) ] = [ 40−0.3(4.14+(−24.14)) ] = 6.66 x 10-4
E 69000
ii) The largest shear strain in the X-Y plane:

τmax = GYmax
σ max−σmin
τmax =
τmax = 14.14 Mpa
2(1+v )
G = 26538.46 Mpa
τ max
Ymax =
Ymax =
Ymax = 5.3 x 10-4

iii) The strain energy density (strain energy per unit volume):

σ 1 E 1+σ 2 E 2+ σ 3 E3

4.14 x (−8.95 x 10−6 )+ (−24.14 ) x (−5.4 x 10−4 ) +40 x (6.66 x 10−4 )

W = 0.0198 J/m3
Question no 4:

To solve the problem we can draw a sketch of cross section, and divide the section in three
For non-circular elements subjected to torque, there is no shearing stress at the corners of the
cross section of the bar 1-3. The largest stress occurs along the centreline of the wider face of the
bar, and it is:

We then proceed to determine the maximum sheer stress of each section, in order to explain the
maximum one. For section one, obtaining the coefficient from tables, we have;

Given values:

T = 60 N/m

d1 = 160 mm

b1 = 20 mm

d2 = 260 mm

b2 =20 mm

d3 = 160 mm

b3 = 18 mm

a) Determine the maximum value of the shear stress τmax in the material:

Part 1,
d1/ b1 = 160 / 20 = 80 mm

k1 = d1/ b1 = 80 mm

τmax = T / k1 db2

τmax = 60 / 80 x 160 x 202

τmax = 0.00001172

Part 2,

d2 / b2 = 260 / 20 = 13 mm

k2 = d2 / b2 = 13 mm


τmax = T / k2 db2

τmax = 60 / 13 x 260 x 202

τmax = 0.0000444

Part 3,

d3 / b3 =160 / 18 = 8.89 mm

k3 = d3 / b3 = 8.89 mm

τmax = T / k3 db2

τmax = 60 / 8.89 x 160 x 182

τmax = 0.000130

b) The twist angle per meter length, (𝜽/𝑳), the modulus of rigidity G for the material is
82 GN/m2:

θ / L = T / Gk2db3
θ / L = 60 / 82 x 80 x 160 x 203
θ / L = 7.1463 x 10-8
c) Find the maximum shear stress if the stress concentration effect at the fillet of
radius 5mm is considered. Do you think it is reliable?
= τmax x 1 +( b / 4a)
= 0.00001172 x 1 + (20 / 4x5)
= 0.00001172 x 1 + 1
= 0.00001172 x 2
= 0.00002344
It is not reliable because shear stress of (0.00002344) is greater than the maximum shear stress
(0.00001172) so, if shear stress of more than (0.00001172) is applied on the cross section it will
be broken.

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