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Let’s Try This!

  Try these exercises using the matrices below: 
In this section you should analyze your key competitors and their products or services to get a
comprehensive overview of your industry. Remember, in most cases you have to gain and remain 
customers in the face of strong competition. Thus, knowing your competitors is crucial for you! 
Who is directly and indirectly Direct and Indirect Competitors 
competing with you? 
Direct Competitors Analysis
(Provide details of your direct
Competitor #1
customers – that is customers
Name: Doggies’ Choice Shampoo
who offer the same product or
Products: Pet Care products specializing in Shampoo. Their product
service! Give their 
line up consists of a wide variation of dog shampoos with different
 names  specialization based on its ingredients. Anti Parasitic shampoo with
 products / services guava extracts and Anti Fungal shampoo with lemon are a few
and their special examples of their products
features (what makes Prices: The price range varies from 135 pesos for the smallest variant
them unique?)  (100 ml) to 305 pesos for the largest variant (500 ml)
 prices  Location: Widely available in malls and in online selling markets
 location  like Shopee and Lazada
 promotion strategies  Promotion Strategies: The company does not incorporate a strong
 and if available promotion strategy as it is already established in the market Though,
information about their they always have an improvement or addition to their current line of
revenues and profits  products
  Information about revenue is unavailable
Give the same details for
indirect competitors – that is Competitor #2
competitors that offer Name: Bearing Dog Shampoo
substitute products or Products: Product line consists of gel-like formulation for dogs of all
services!  kinds. It has a variation set for dogs of different ages (puppies and
  adults) that is focused on tick and flea fighting properties.
Who of your direct and Active ingredient is Cypermethrin, which is a synthetic material. The
indirect competitors is most product line boasts its great and long lasting scent on the dog’s fur.
serious / threatening and Prices: Product is only available in 150 ml bottles which cost 160
why?  pesos srp.
  Location: Available in Shopee and Lazada
Promotion Strategies: The product line has its own facebook page
which is updated weekly with advertisements about their products.
The page also posts about great reviews about their product.
Information about revenue is unavailable

Competitor #3
Name: Dog Playpets Shampoo and Conditioner
Products: Focuses on Dog Fur Care products with both the power of
shampoo and conditioner. Enjoys a wide variety of products that
focuses on coat and fur beautification and scent. Fragrance is their
top priority so the ingredients are strong in artificial agents. 
Prices: Only available in 1000 ml bottles worth 345 pesos each
Location: Available in SM malls and online markets such as Shopee
and Lazada.
Promotion Strategies: Offers discount on a minimum of 3
purchases. Has a facebook page which serves as its main advertising
and marketing platform. 
Information about revenue is unavailable

Indirect Competitor Analysis

Name: Papi Pet Powder
Products: An anti tick powder for dogs. Made with natural
ingredients like Citronella that promotes healthy coat growth. Offers
less maintenance and work than dog shampoos
Price: Each bottle is worth 150 pesos with 100g of powder
Location: Available in Tom Eloy’s Convenience Store and Shopee
Promotion Strategies:Utilization of Social Media platforms such as
Instagram and Facebook. Advertising through facebook posts and
Information about Revenue is unavailable

Name: Rinse Out Pet Soap

Products: An antiseptic and antibacterial dog soap made with
organic ingredients such as Tea Tree Oil with Vitamin C. Veterinary
Price: 90 pesos per 100g bar of soap
Location: Available in local pet shops and in Shopee
Promotion Strategies: Has its own website and incorporated a door
to door promotion and product introduction in Sipocot, Camarines
Information about Revenue is unavailable
Among my 3 key competitors, the most serious by far is the Doggies’
Choice Shampoo. This is because it has been in the industry for 30
years, with continuous progress ever. It is already established and
strong regarding the different ups and downs of customer demands. It
is also familiar with different formulations of organic ingredients that
are safe for dogs. The aforementioned also has a wide variety of dog
shampoos with different specializations that cater a dog’s coat needs.

Of the indirect competitors however, the strongest one may be the

Rinse Out Pet Soap since it also has the same ingredient as my
product which is Tea Tree Oil.
How is your position compared to your key competitors? First, take the attributes form the Working
04 – Customer Analysis and list them in the first column of the matrix! Then, cross your key competitors
with the attributes or features to form a competitive profile matrix! Give an honest assessment from 1
(very weak) to 5 (very strong) of your own and your competitors’ performance on each attribute or
  Furever Doggies’ Bearing Dog Dog Playpets Shampoo
Coat Care Choice Shampoo & Conditioner
Made with Organic 5 4 3 3
Effectiveness in 4 5 4  2 
Eradicating fleas and  
Budget Friendly 5 4 4 4
in respect to bottle size  
Long lasting scent 3 4 5 5
Dog Fur Care (softness) 4 3 3 4

How is your position compared to your key competitors? Summarize your competitor profile matrix and
derive the most important points for your business! Regarding each competitor, what are your strengths,
what are your weaknesses, and what is your competitive advantage? 
Main Their strengths over Their weaknesses over My competitive advantage
Competitors  my business  my business  over competitor 

Doggies’ •  Their established •  The various • The two most important

Choice reputation in the dog specializations of their specializations in a dog
  care industry products are separated, shampoo: softness of fur
  • Countless variety of causing customers to and effectiveness in killing
  dog shampoos with spend more on products fleas are combined in one
different dog problem that can be combined.  product that customers will
specializations.  pay for two on theirs. 
• Marketing Strategy in • Product is below 100
Facebook is already built pesos with reasonable
with thousands of measurement per bottle
reviews compared to Doggies’
• Consumers’ queries are to
be dealt with immediately
Bearing Dog •  The gel like •  Active ingredient is a •  With almost the same
Shampoo formulation of the synthetic ingredient ingredients for dismissing
  shampoo is a new which can cause ticks pestation, our product
  customer catching allergies to dogs’ skin if is cheaper compared to the
  feature compared to the washed too much or too Bearing Dog Shampoo.
cream like formulation often • Our product has organic
of other brands and all natural ingredients
• Product is already only compared to their
well known  artificial ingredient for
•Has long lasting enhanced fragrance.
fragrance Therefore, ours is safer for
Dog Playpets •  Has a long lasting •  1000 ml per purchase •  Our product is cheaper
Shampoo & scent on the dog’s coat is too much and too and has ingredients
Conditioner as its defining brand costly for the formulated to target the
  •  Offers freebies and consumers  pests on the dog’s fur which
  discounts for ever 3 • Focused too much on is the number 1 reason why
  purchase of bottles fragrance so it has owners use shampoo.
many artificial • Has a 7 day warranty in
ingredients. case of damaged products
• Does not target the
flea problem of dogs
What aspects do your Learning from Competitors 
competitors do better than
you? To what extent can you
learn from your  Because most of my competitors are already established in the Dog
competitors?  Care Products Industry, their reputation and familiarity with it is one
of their clear advantages over me. They have incorporated already
different organic ingredients in their shampoos and already created
other variations compared to mine which is a mix of aloe vera and tea
tree oil extracts. They are already doing better than my product in
terms of consumer interaction. Most of their shampoo products are
advertised online on their facebook pages and it is obvious that
customers are interacting with it by providing reviews. 

With such, I can learn with these things I have identified by

incorporating a different marketing strategy online. I can give promos
to the consumers through Buy 1, Take 1’s , discounts, and even
freebies. In this way I can already garner trust and purchases with my
consumers slowly and little by little. This is the first step towards a
steady flow of revenue. I should also be encouraging them to give me
feedback and suggestions so that I know what aspect of my products
can further improve. 

One thing is to always seek for improvement and product add ups. I
can try a new formulation of shampoo with a different specialization
such as anti galis. Or a new form of Anti pest product
This section deals with the industry or the market you are going to enter. So, define your industry or
market and give information about its size and future development. Answer the following questions and
you will get your industry and market analysis: 
What industry or market does your The Target Industry 
business enter? 
(Define the industry and be concrete The General target that my business enters is in the “Pet
about your specific niche! E.g., if you Care” industry, specifically on dogs and their fur coats.
produce chewing gums, don’t spin a tale The Pet Care industry focuses on the overall hygiene,
of the multi-billion Shilling food market! protection, and health of the pet or in this case, the dogs.
Is the market saturated with many It includes vitamins, dog foods, hygiene products, and
competitors? Is it an emerging market?)  even tools used to clean the dogs. In this particular
business, the niche focuses on the outside anatomy of the
dog, which is their fur/coat. It targets the common
problems experienced by these pets such as ticks, fleas,
and manges. 

According to Market analysis, the pet care industry is an

emerging market which has grown extravagantly in the
last 5 years.  That is why it is already saturated with many
What is the size of your market regarding Market Size 
(Find out the total size of your industry
and market regarding revenues in the last  According to statistics provided by Euromonitor, Pet
Shampoo market size is expected to gain market growth
years! This gives an idea about the
demand in the market!)  in the forecast period of 2021 to 2025, with a CAGR of
6.7% in the forecast period of 2021 to 2025 and is
expected to reach USD 636 million of global revenues by
2025, from USD 490.7 million.

Therefore, there is a continuous increase in the demand

for Dog Shampoos in the market for the following years
to come.

What will be future trends and Trends and Future Developments 
developments in your market? (State
whether the market will grow, shrink, or I believe that with the data presented regarding the growth
remain stagnant in future and give percentage of dog care products purchased by the
reasons and references for your consumers, the pet care industry will continue to grow
assessment! State the general trend in the dramatically as more and more people take dogs as pets.
industry based recent official analyses, for One website, the Fact MR., says that this growth is
example is the market  anticipated as people’s disposable income increases-
 emerging  resulting in higher spending on pet care and groomin g.
 established  The forecast era for dog shampoos shows significant
 saturated?  increase, which is a good implication for the years to
Describe whether customer needs are come.
likely to change in the short- or long-
term!  There are two general categorical trends for the dog
  shampoos in the market - Artificial style shampoos and
State other major forces that may affect the herbal ones. Both have great performance in the
future development! For example:  industry, however, owners tend to look for different
 Recent changes in industry  qualities that the two mentioned categories have
 Demographic changes  separately. Artificial style shampoos are for owners that
 Economic factors  look for a wide variety of applications and scents, while
 Legislative changes  Herbal infused shampoos are for those who want a
 New technologies  cheaper, safer, and effective ingredient in targeting ticks.
New trends or fashions)  The pet care industry is still a growing industry, therefore,
new marketing strategies and continuous studies and
experimentations on different natural ingredients are still

With this, it is more likely that customers’ needs are

stable for the short term period, but is likely to change in
the long term.  Different discoveries are ought to be made
in the near future regarding the fusion of other natural
ingredients (which can be more effective than present)
and introduction of new methods of cleaning a dog’s coat.

Major Forces that may affect future development

 Recent Changes in Industry 
 With the rise of doggy day cares in the
United States, it may be possible that the
country will adapt this kind of industry
wherein owners will let their dogs be
taken care of by doggy caretakers for a
day through leisure and hygiene. Thus,
less work for the owners in terms of
bathing their pets.
 New Trends and Technologies
 There is a new emerging trend in terms of
bath care- the bath bombs. Bath bombs
are circular like soaps with active
ingredients that are used by soaking it in
a tub of water until it dissolves. It creates
a soapy and bath ready environment, with
great fragrance and colors. Today, it is
made only for humans, but it may be
possible for the dog care industry to adapt
 Economic Factors 
 Although it is stated in the study of Fact
MR. that there is a stable demand for dog
shampoos in the last 5 years, it may be
possible that a mild decline may happen
especially when people of other social
classes will start to prioritize human
necessities other than dog hygiene with
regards to their purchasing power.
 Legislative Changes
 Future policies may be stricter to the
industry in terms of dog’s safety
regarding the different ingredients used to
create shampoos. Synthetic materials like
sulfates are identified to cause allergic
reactions to a dog’s fur, therefore, having
limited movement in the market. 

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