Cheat Sheets
Cheat Sheets
Cheat Sheets
PSS®E 35.3.0
July 2021
Copyright © 1997 - 2021 Siemens Industry, Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
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PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Table of Contents
SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 1
Overview ................................................................................................................................. 2
File Notational Conventions ............................................................................................... 2
Bus Input/Output Using Bus Numbers and Names ............................................................... 3
Special Data Records ......................................................................................................... 4
Subsystem Definition Data File .................................................................................................. 5
Monitored Element Data File ..................................................................................................... 9
Individual Flow Monitoring Records ................................................................................... 9
Group Flow Monitoring Records ....................................................................................... 10
Subsystem Tie Monitoring Records ................................................................................... 11
Subsystem Switching Device Monitoring Records .............................................................. 15
Voltage Monitoring Records ............................................................................................. 16
Contingency Definition Data File ............................................................................................. 19
Contingency Case Block Structure .................................................................................... 19
Automatic Contingency Specification ............................................................................... 28
Node-Breaker Contingency Specification ........................................................................... 31
Automatic Contingency Specification ....................................................................... 33
Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/MON/CON File Extensions and Options ....................................... 36
Description of Input Data ........................................................................................................ 37
Input Data Types ............................................................................................................ 37
Conventions and Special Data Records ............................................................................. 37
INCLUDE Record ............................................................................................................. 38
Subsystem Definition Data File ................................................................................................ 40
General Description and Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST Subsystem Extensions .................. 40
Defining Buses within a Subsystem .................................................................................. 40
Subsystem Adjustments Methods ..................................................................................... 44
Automatic Specifications Using the ADD Command ........................................................... 45
Defining Buses Using the PARTICIPATE Command .............................................................. 47
Automatic Participation Factors Definition within the SUBSYSTEM Group ............................. 48
Defining New Subsystems Based on Already Defined Subsystems ....................................... 51
Adding Subsystems by Bus or Generator .......................................................................... 52
Reporting Available Subsystems ....................................................................................... 53
Subsystem Detailed Report .............................................................................................. 53
Saving Subsystem Adjustments in a Load Flow Case .......................................................... 53
Monitored Element Data File ................................................................................................... 54
General Description and Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST Extensions ................................... 54
Monitored Branches Specifications ................................................................................... 54
DC and Linear Analysis - Branch Limit Checking ........................................................ 54
Non-Linear AC Models - Branch Limit Checking ......................................................... 55
Interface Specifications ................................................................................................... 55
Flowgates Formats .......................................................................................................... 57
Defining Rating Multiplier by Areas or Zones .................................................................... 58
Defining Distribution Factors Cutoff by Control Areas and Zones ......................................... 59
Contingency Definition Data File ............................................................................................. 61
Individual Contingency Specifications ............................................................................... 61
Automatic Contingency Specifications .............................................................................. 62
Single Automatic Contingency Labels – Single Branch ............................................... 62
Single Automatic Contingency Labels – Three-Winding Transformer ............................ 62
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Chapter 1
SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Overview
1.1. Overview
This section contains details on the formats of the data input files used by activity DFAX. File Notational
Conventions defines the notational conventions used in the data record descriptions defined below. Special
Data Records describes those records that are common to all of the Linear Network Analysis Data Files. Sec-
tion 1.2, “Subsystem Definition Data File” gives the record formats used in the Subsystem Definition data file,
Monitored Element Data File describes the Monitored Element data file, and Contingency Definition Data
File defines the Contingency Definition data file.
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Bus Input/Output Using Bus Numbers
and Names
Bus names have to be specified via a name and voltage level as shown below:
Inputting by bus names provides independence from bus numbering, and allows bus renumbering, which
is done by some companies in the United States on a consistent basis when creating combined load flow
cases. It is quite common to use bus names in various transfer analysis/assessment reports.
To accommodate the advantages of both types of bus input, PSS E allows the user to alternate between the
two modes of bus input within the same input files. For example, one subsystem may be defined using a
bus name, the next one using bus numbers; or, define a subsystem file by using bus names, and then use
input by bus number to define monitored elements.
Changing bus input mode can be done anywhere in the subsystem, contingent, monitored, and/or exclude
data input files via BUSNAMES and BUSNUMBERS keywords. BUSNAMES and BUSNUMBERS records are spec-
ified on separate input lines.
The default mode for specifying the use of bus names or bus numbers can be set by selecting the BUS In-
put/Output option. If a user has redefined the input mode to bus name, this redefinition will propagate to
other input functions. For example, if a user used bus input by names to read in the subsystem file, then
PSS E will use bus names input mode when reading monitored element and contingency files. Only the ex-
plicit record BUSNUMBERS will switch the bus input mode to bus numbers.
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Special Data Records
In addition, blank lines may be included anywhere in the file. These are ignored during the input file pro-
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All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Subsystem Definition Data File
The portion of the working case to be contained in each subsystem being defined is specified in the following
block structure:
(subsystem specification data record)
(subsystem specification data record)
The optional subsystem labels are used on several record types in the Monitored Element and Contingency
Definition data files; they are also printed in the line mode dialog of activity TLTG, SPIL, and POLY, which
summarizes the subsystems defined and allows the user to select the study and opposing systems. If no
label is specified on a SUBSYSTEM record, the label UNNAMED n is assigned to the subsystem, where < n
> is a unique integer. Up to 100 subsystems may be specified in a Subsystem Definition data file, and each
subsystem must be defined within a single SUBSYSTEM block structure.
Buses can be selected to be in included in a SUBSYSTEM or SYSTEM using a series of criteria; that is selecting
by BUS, AREA, ZONE, OWNER, and KV. Furthermore, buses can be selected on an individual basis or in groups.
BUS bsid
BUSES bsid bsid
The BUSES record is valid only when the numbers input option is in effect (refer to Section 3.3.3, “Program
Run-Time Option Settings” and activity OPTN), and assigns the designated buses, as well as all buses where
bus numbers fall between the two bus numbers specified, to the subsystem being defined. For example, the
data record BUSES 15 77 may be used to select all buses with numbers from 16 to 76, inclusive.
All buses in selected areas may be assigned to a subsystem with data records in the following format:
where i is an area number. The AREAS record type assigns all buses in a range of area numbers to the
subsystem being defined. For example, the data record AREAS 5 7 may be used to assign all buses in areas
five, six, and seven to the subsystem.
Similarly, all buses in selected zones and owners may be assigned to a subsystem with data records of the
following form:
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Subsystem Definition Data File
Buses at designated voltage levels may be assigned to a subsystem with records of the following form, where,
as above, the KVRANGE record defines a range of voltage levels:
KV r
Note that, in specifying ranges of bus numbers, areas, zones, owners, and voltage levels, the second value
specified must not be preceded with a minus sign. The second number specified must be greater than the
In addition, a join group block structure provides for the specification of a group of buses through the logical
anding of two or more of the five selection criteria described above. A join group has the following block
JOIN [label]
(subsystem specification data record)
(subsystem specification data record)
where each subsystem specification data record is one of the simple record types (BUS, AREA, ZONE, OWNER,
KV, or the corresponding range of records) described above. The optional JOIN group label is for the user’s
convenience and is neither used by activity DFAX nor preserved in the Distribution Factor data file.
Each join group block structure must appear within the subsystem block structure described above. Both join
group block structures and the simple record types may be included within a subsystem block structure.
The following example defines the subsystem MY COMPANY, which consists of all buses in Area 5, along with
all buses in Area 6, which are in Zones 8 through 10:
A single bus or a set of buses can be excluded from a subsystem with the SKIP commands as described below.
The commands must follow the simple subsystem specification records and/or join group block structures; in
other words they must be the last records or only appear before the participation block within the subsystem
specification block.
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Subsystem Definition Data File
A single bus may be excluded from a subsystem with the data record in the form of:
A set of buses may be excluded form a subsystem with the following data records:
When the optional IN-SERVICE keyword is present, only in-service components are considered in summation,
otherwise both in-service and out-of-service components are counted. The 'r' value is the threshold in the
specified unit of one of keywords MW, MVAR, or MVA. In using the LESS keyword, a bus is skipped from
a subsystem if the corresponding data quantity of the bus is less than the 'r' value. In using the GREATER
keyword, a bus is skipped from a subsystem if its data quantity is greater than the 'r' value.
At each bus that is assigned to the subsystem, in using LOAD keyword the total nominal load of loads is
compared against the 'r' value. When the GENERATION keyword is used, the total generation of the machines
is compared against the 'r' value. In using GENUPLIMIT or GENLOWLIMIT keyword, the corresponding total
upper or lower limit of machines is considered in the summation. When the SHUNT keyword is present, the
total nominal output of bus fixed shunts is used for comparing against the 'r' value.
The following data record can be used to exclude buses from a subsystem by comparing the current nominal
reactive power output from the switched shunt at the buses against the 'r' value.
The following data record can be used to exclude buses by comparing the total active power settings of
induction machines at the buses against the 'r' value.
A “SKIP” record can be used to exclude a single bus or a group of buses from a subsystem, as shown in the
following example.
SKIP records must “follow” the simple subsystem specification records and/or join group block structures
within the subsystem specification block.
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Subsystem Definition Data File
Activities TLTG, SPIL, and POLY and the PV Analysis calculation modify the generation/load profile within
designated subsystems to determine transfer capability. The participation block structure allows the user to
specify those buses that are to participate in the generation/load shift, along with their participation factors
that determine how the change in subsystem power injection is to be shared among the designated buses.
To establish the participating buses and their participation factors, the PARTICIPATE block structure is used.
BUS bsid r
BUS bsid r
Each participation block structure must appear within the subsystem block structure described above, and
must follow the simple record types and/or join group block structures defining the SUBSYSTEM; that is, it
must be the last data record block in the SUBSYSTEM specification.
Each bus specified must be present in the subsystem being processed. Any bus that violates this requirement
or which is disconnected (i.e., its type code is four or greater) generates an alarm and is excluded from the
group of participating buses.
The r values are non-zero participation factors that are normally expressed in percent or per unit of the total
subsystem generation shift. While individual r values may be negative, the sum of the r values within a
participate block structure must be positive.
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Monitored Element Data File
Up to 1,000 interfaces are allowed, and the total of single branches plus branches contained in all interfaces
may not exceed the number of branches for which PSS E is dimensioned. Only in-service branches are added
to the monitored element list.
To specify a single substation switching device for monitoring, the following data record may be used:
|SWD |
To specify a single branch for monitoring, the following data record may be used:
To specify one winding of a three-winding transformer for monitoring, the bus to which the winding is con-
nected must be the first bus specified in the following data record:
|LINE | |CKT |
The above example will only monitor flow into the winding of the three-winding transformer connected
to bus 288. If it is desired to monitor bus 2000 and bus 398 flows into the transformer additional monitor
statements are required.
If the optional circuit identifier keyword and data value are omitted, a circuit identifier of '1' is assumed.
As a convenience to save typing, the following block structure may be used to designate a series of single
branches for monitoring where, as above, the default circuit identifier is '1'. Three-winding transformers
cannot be specified using this block structure.
bsid bsid [ckid]
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Group Flow Monitoring Records
bsid bsid [ckid]
In specifying a branch with the above records, if it is already in the monitored element list in the specified
direction, an appropriate message is printed and the record is ignored. If a branch is included in the monitored
element list in both directions, flows (and distribution factors) for the two entries are printed in activities
OTDF, DCCC, TLTG, SPIL, IMPC, and POLY with equal magnitude and opposite sign; in activity ACCC, the same
results are shown in both directions.
When the multi-section line reporting option is enabled (refer to Section 3.3.3, “Program Run-Time Option
Settings” and activity OPTN), in-service multi-section line groupings may be specified with the above records.
If an in-service member of a multi-section line grouping is specified, the multi-section line (rather than the
specified member) is added to the monitored element list in the same direction as the specified member.
When the multi-section line reporting option is disabled, multi-section line groupings may not be specified
in the above records; in-service members of multi-section line groupings may be designated and are added
as specified to the monitored element list.
For these record types, when the multi-section line reporting option is enabled, multi-section line groupings
within the specified subset, but not the individual members of such groupings, are added to the monitored
line list. When the multi-section line reporting option is disabled, members of multi-section line groupings
within the specified subset, but not the multi-section line groupings, are added to the monitored line list.
To place all branches in the monitored element list, the following data record may be used:
Branches are entered into the monitored element list in single entry form, with the lower ordered bus (num-
ber or name, according to the bus output option currently in effect) as the from bus.
The following data record may be used to select for monitoring all branches connected to a specified bus:
All branches within a specified subsystem may be monitored by entering the data record:
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Subsystem Tie Monitoring Records
When using the SYSTEM or SUBSYSTEM keywords, the label must correspond to a subsystem label specified
in a previously accessed Subsystem Definition data file (refer to Section 1.2, “Subsystem Definition Data File”).
For a three-winding transformer to be included, without the keyword 3WLOWVOLTAGE specified all of its in-
service windings must be connected to subsystem buses; when using the keyword 3WLOWVOLTAGE, checking
on connection of its low voltage winding to a subsystem bus is disabled if all its three winding bus voltages are
specified as non-zero values. For any such three-winding transformer, all of its in-service windings connected
to subsystem buses are added to the monitored element list.
The IN KVRANGE keyword can be added to simplify defining monitored elements within a desired voltage
range. The first r1 is the lower bound of the voltage range, and the second r2 is the upper bound of the
voltage range. With IN KVRANGE keyword, all terminal buses of selected branches are within the desired
voltage range.
When AREAS, ZONES or OWNERS is specified, a range of items is selected based on the i and j values entered.
To place branches that are assigned to a line owner into the monitored element list, the following data record
can be used:
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Subsystem Tie Monitoring Records
The main difference between the IN, FROM, and TO specifications is that IN specifies the kV requirement of
both terminal buses for the selected branches, while the FROM and TO specifications define only the from
or to selection, respectively.
For a three-winding transformer to be included, at least one of its in-service windings must be connected to
a subsystem bus, and at least one of its in-service windings must be connected to a bus that is either not in
the subsystem or in the to subsystem, as appropriate; for any such three-winding transformer, all of its in-
service windings connected to subsystem buses are added to the monitored element list.
The following provides several examples of selecting monitored branches using the formats described above.
includes not only branches within areas 40, 41, and 42, but also all ties between areas 40, 41, and 42.
For a tie branch between a pair of subsystems to be added to the monitored element list, both of the following
must be satisfied:
For the case of disjoint subsystems (e.g., TIES FROM AREA 1 TO AREA 2), the selection of tie branches is clear
and unambiguous. However, in the case of overlapping subsystems (e.g., TIES FROM AREA 1 TO ZONE 5),
the user must be aware of the above rules in specifying TIES records. The possibility exists that, in applying
the above criteria, the set of branches included as ties may not be the same if the from and to subsystems
are interchanged. Consider, for example, the following area and zone assignments:
Further, assume that a branch exists between each pair of buses. The following record would include branch-
es 1-3, 2-3, and 4-3, but not 1-2, 1-4, or 2-4:
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Subsystem Tie Monitoring Records
Conversely, the following record would include branches 2-1, 3-1, and 4-1, but not 2-3, 2-4, or 3-4:
When the multi-section line reporting option is enabled (refer to Section 3.3.3, “Program Run-Time Option
Settings” and activity OPTN) the subsystem assignments of the dummy buses of each multi-section line
grouping are ignored; a multi-section line grouping is treated as a tie branch if and only if its endpoint buses
satisfy items (1) and (2) above. When the multi-section line reporting option is disabled, the multi-section
line grouping definitions are ignored and any member of a multi-section line grouping satisfying items (1)
and (2) above is considered a tie branch.
The IN KVRANGE keyword can be added to simplfy defining monitored elements within a desired voltage
range. The first r1 is the lower bound of the voltage range, and the second r2 is the upper bound of the
voltage range. The KVRANGE is ignored if it is defined after the FROM KV r1 or TO KV r1 keywords. With
KVRANGE keyword, all terminal buses of selected branches are within the desired voltage range
To demonstrate the use of KVRANGE specifications, assume that subsystem COMPANY1 was defined as:
AREAS 25 35
KVRANGE 200 999
The example below shows how to add all ties from COMPANY1, including step-up transformers within COM-
PANY2 and all ties from COMPANY1 to other neighbors:
This specification excludes from the selection all 345-kV ties from COMPANY1.
A KVRANGE specification eliminates the need to create intermediate subsystems if a user wants to define
ties from some area(s)/zone(s) within some kV level as shown below:
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Subsystem Tie Monitoring Records
where the branch specification records may specify sets of tie lines:
individual branches:
|LINE | |CKT |
or, simply:
The 32-character interface labels are used to identify interfaces in the output reports of those activities that
use the Distribution Factor data file. As with ac branches, provision is made for up to twelve interface ratings.
Interface ratings that are entered as zero, or omitted, are handled in the same way as branch ratings of zero
in activities DCCC, TLTG, SPIL, POLY,IMPC, and ACCC.
If the optional specification of ratings is omitted, the sum of the appropriate rating set values of each of
the interface members is taken as the interface rating. An interface rating is usually specified as something
other than a thermal limit; for example, contractual or stability considerations may determine the interface
rating to be used.
The SKIP block structure is used to specify individual branches that are to be excluded from the monitored
element list generated as a result of subsequent specification records that are used to define a group of
(branch specification record; see below)
(branch specification record; see below)
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Subsystem Switching Device Monitor-
ing Records
Non-transformer branches and two-winding transformers are specified on branch specification records using
the following record format:
Three-winding transformers are specified on branch specification records using the following record format:
“SKIP blocks” can also be used to omit individual branches from the monitored element list generated by
subsequent automatic specification commands, as shown in the following example.
3008 TO 154
100 TO 200 TO 300
Branches specified in a SKIP block structure apply only to MONITOR ALL, MONITOR LINES and MONITOR TIES
records which define a group of branches and are below it in the Monitored Element data file. Multiple SKIP
block structures are allowed, and each SKIP block structure appends to the list of branches to be omitted
from monitoring as a result of subsequent group specification records.
When using the SYSTEM or SUBSYSTEM keywords, the label must correspond to a subsystem label specified
in a previously accessed Subsystem Definition data file (refer to Section 1.2, “Subsystem Definition Data File”).
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Voltage Monitoring Records
When the keyword SWDS is used, all the system and substation switching devices will be included. Using
the keyword BREAKERS will limit the selected switching devices to those designated as breakers. Using the
keyword SWITCHES will limit the selected switching devices to those designated as switches.
The following data record defines a voltage band along with a set of buses where voltages are to be checked
against the band.
This example monitors all 500kV bus voltages in areas 1 through 5 within 0.98 to 1.10 per unit, all lower
voltage buses within 0.95 to 1.05 per unit and monitors bus number 1234 within 0.93 to 1.05 per unit.
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Voltage Monitoring Records
|SYSTEM label |
|SUBSYSTEM label |
|SUB staid |
Where the first r value is the lower bound of the per unit voltage band and the optional second r value is
the upper bound. If the upper bound is omitted, the upper end of the band is not checked.
The following data records define a set of buses to be monitored for voltage limit violations.
When multiple voltage limit records are used in a monitored element data file, buses that have already been
included in the set will be ignored. Bus data includes normal and emergency bus voltage limits. The desig-
nation of the voltage limit to be used is made at result post-processing stage.
The following data record defines voltage drop and voltage rise deviation thresholds along with a set of buses
where voltage changes in contingency cases from their base case values are to be checked.
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Voltage Monitoring Records
Where the first r value is the magnitude of voltage drop in per unit and the optional second r value is the
magnitude of voltage rise. If the voltage rise threshold is omitted, the voltage rise check is omitted.
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Contingency Definition Data File
The Contingency Defintion data file provides two means by which contingency cases may be specified. In-
dividual contingency cases consisting of single or multiple events involving bus boundary condition and/or
branch status changes may be specified in a contingency case block structure (refer to Contingency Case
Block Structure In addition, the selection of a group of single or double line outage contingency cases may
be specified with a single data record (refer to Automatic Contingency Specification). Default contingency
categories are defined with the following structure:
CATEGORY category-string
VALUE category-string
VALUE category-string
If the contingency cases below a contingency category structure do not have categories specified then they
are assigned to the contingency categories defined in the structure. Multiple category structures can be used
in a contingency description file to change default categories.
The 32-character contingency label is printed in output reports to identify each contingency. The first r
value on the data record represents frequency in occurrence/year and the second r value on the data record
represents duration in hours of the contingency. They are used for probabilistic reliability assessment. The
category-string can be a single string or a quoted comma-delimited set of strings. Categories are used to
select elements of report tables. A contingency can contain up to 32 contingency event specification records
The remainder of this section describes the contingency event specification records supported.
The outaging of an in-service non-transformer branch or two-winding transformer is specified with the fol-
lowing record, where the default circuit identifier is '1' if this specification is omitted:
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Contingency Case Block Structure
When the multi-section line reporting option is enabled (refer to Section 3.3.3, “Program Run-Time Option
Settings” and activity OPTN), multi-section line groupings may be specified with the above records. If a mem-
ber of a multi-section line grouping is specified, switching the entire multi-section line (rather than the spec-
ified member) is treated as the contingency event.
When the multi-section line reporting option is disabled, multi-section line groupings may not be specified in
the above records; members of multi-section line groupings may be designated on OPEN and CLOSE records,
and only the specified member is switched.
The outaging of an in-service three-winding transformer is specified with the following record, where the
default circuit identifier is '1' if this specification is omitted:
|OPEN | |LINE | |CKT |
Similarly, all windings of an out-of-service three-winding transformer may be placed in-service with a record
of the form:
CLOSE |BRANCH| FROM BUS bsid TO BUS bsid to BUS bsid [|CIRCUIT| ckid]
|LINE | |CKT |
The outaging of one winding of a three-winding transformer is specified with the following record, where
the default circuit identifier is 1 if this specification is omitted:
Similarly, one winding of a three-winding transformer may be placed in-service with a record of the form:
|CKT |
The winding to be opened or closed is the winding connected to the first bus specified. Prior to opening
one winding of a three-winding transformer, all three windings of the transformer must be in-service; prior
to closing one winding of a three-winding transformer, the other two windings of the transformer must be
An out-of-service two-terminal dc line may be placed in-service with a record of the form:
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Contingency Case Block Structure
When keyword MW is used, the two terminal dc line must be in power control mode and r is the power
demand to be designated. When keyword AMPS is used, the two terminal dc line must be in current control
mode and r is the current demand to be designated.
An out-of-service VSC dc line may be placed in-service with a record of the form:
An in-service FACTS device or dc line may be blocked with a record of the form:
where the four tokens in the selection list allow access to two-terminal dc lines, multi-terminal dc lines, VSC
dc lines, and FACTS devices, respectively.
The settings of an in-service two terminal dc line may be specified with a record of the form:
When keyword MW is used, the two terminal dc line must be in power control mode and r is the power
demand to be designated. When keyword AMPS is used, the two terminal dc line must be in current control
mode and r is the current demand to be designated. The scheduled compounded dc voltage is changed to
r when keyword KV is employed. The ohms of two terminal dc line is changed when OHMS is employed.
The settings of an in-service VSC dc line may be specified with a record of the form:
When keyword MW is used, the VSC dc line power demand is set to r. The scheduled VSC dc voltage is
changed to r when keyword KV is employed. The ohms of VSC dc line is changed when OHMS is employed.
The outaging of all in-service branches connected to a bus may be specified with a record of the form:
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Contingency Case Block Structure
This command is converted to as many OPEN BRANCH commands as are required before it is passed to the
Distribution Factor data file.
When the multi-section line reporting option is enabled (refer to Section 3.3.3, “Program Run-Time Option
Settings” and activity OPTN), each in-service multi-section line connected to the specified bus is switched out
as a unit. If the specified bus is a dummy bus of a multi-section line, this command is converted to a single
OPEN BRANCH command that outages the corresponding multi-section line.
When the multi-section line reporting option is disabled, only the line section adjacent to the specified bus
is outaged for each multi-section line connected to the bus.
The next four record types allow the user to specify contingency events in which the load and generation
boundary conditions may be changed at a selected bus. Load and shunt are synonymous in the linearized
network model and specifying either results in identical contingency events. When changing generation, the
bus must have in-service generation connected to it and it may not be a swing bus.
The following data record is used to set the load or generation at a bus either to a designated value or to a
specified percentage of its initial value:
The number r specified must not be a negative number when the PERCENT keyword is used.
When LOAD is set either by PERCENT or MW, the power factor of load is constant (i.e., the reactive power
is changed by the same ratio as the active power). When GENERATION or SHUNT is set either by PERCENT
or MW, only active power is changed.
When the optional keyword DISPATCH is included at the end of the SET record, the user may designate how
the change in the bus boundary condition is to be apportioned among selected network buses rather than
having it all assigned to the system swing bus(es). In this case, the SET data record must be followed by
records of the form:
BUS bsid r
BUS bsid r
The r values are positive participation factors that are normally expressed in percent or per unit of the total
MW change specified by the contingency event specification record.
When SET commands operate on the bus fixed shunt, an additional keyword MVAR can be used to change
reactive power component of a bus fixed shunt:
The real power component of bus fixed shunts remains constant. DISPATCH keyword is not allowed to be
included in the above command.
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Contingency Case Block Structure
The following data record is used to set an individual load either to a designated amount or by a specified
percentage of its initial value:
When LOAD is set either by PERCENT or MW, the power factor of load is constant (i.e., the reactive power is
changed by the same ratio as the active power).
The following data record is used to set an individual machine's Voltage Scheduled/Active Power/Reactive
Power either to a designated amount or by a specified percentage of its initial value:
The following data record is used to set an individual shunt either to a designated amount or by a specified
percentage of its initial value:
The following data record is used to set an individual switched shunt's Voltage Scheduled/VMAX/VMIN/Re-
active Power either to a designated amount or by a specified percentage of its initial value:
The following data record is used to change the load/generation/shunt at a bus either by a designated amount
or by a specified percentage of its initial value:
When LOAD is changed either by PERCENT or MW, the power factor of load is constant (i.e., the reactive
power is changed by the same ratio as the active power). When GENERATION or SHUNT is changed either
by PERCENT or MW, only active power is changed.
PSS®E 35.3.0
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Contingency Case Block Structure
When the PERCENT keyword is specified, the magnitude of the initial value of the quantity to be modified is
used to determine the amount of the change; i.e.,
When changing either by PERCENT or MW, when the quantity to be modified is initially positive and the
change is a reduction (i.e., r is negative), a negative result is treated as an error condition.
The presence of the optional keyword DISPATCH is handled as described above for the SET data record.
The next two data record types are similar to the CHANGE record, except the direction of the change is defined
by the first keyword, and r must be a positive number:
The presence of the optional keyword DISPATCH is handled as described above for the SET datarecord.
When LOAD is changed either by PERCENT or MW, the power factor of load is constant (i.e., the reactive
power is changed by the same ratio as the active power). When GENERATION or SHUNT is changed either
by PERCENT or MW, only active power is changed.
Similarly, keyword MVAR can be used in CHANGE/INCREASE/DECREASE commands to change reactive power
component of bus fixed shunts, e.g.:
The following data record is used to change an individual load either by a designated amount or by a spec-
ified percentage of its initial value:
When LOAD is changed either by PERCENT or MW, the power factor of load is constant (i.e., the reactive
power is changed by the same ratio as the active power).
PSS®E 35.3.0
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Contingency Case Block Structure
The following data record is used to change an individual machine's Voltage Schedule/Active Power/Reactive
Power either by a designated amount or by a specified percentage of its initial value:
The following data record is used to change an individual shunt's power either by a designated amount or
by a specified percentage of its initial value:
The following data record is used to change an individual switched shunt's Voltage Scheduled/VMAX/VMIN/
Reactive Power either by a designated amount or by a specified percentage of its initial value:
PSS®E 35.3.0
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Contingency Case Block Structure
The following data record is used to change the two-terminal dc line either by a designated amount of power
or by a specified percentage of its initial value:
When keyword MW is used, the two-terminal dc line must be in power control mode andr is the power
demand to be changed. When keyword AMPS is used, the two terminal dc line must be in current control
mode andr is the current demand to be changed. When the PERCENTkeyword is specified, the power demand
of two-terminal dc line is changed byr percent.
The following data record is used to change the VSC dc line either by a designated amount of power or by
a specified percentage of its initial value:
When keyword MW is used, the VSC dc line power demand is increased byr. When the PERCENT keyword is
specified, the power demand of VSC dc line is changed by r percent.
The following data record is used to transfer load or generation from one bus to another:
When LOAD is moved either by PERCENT or MW, the power factor of load is constant (i.e., the reactive power
is changed by the same ratio as the active power). When GENERATION or SHUNT is moved either by PERCENT
or MW, only active power is changed.
When transferring MW, the power shift, Pshift, is set to r; when the PERCENT keyword is specified, the power
shift is calculated as:
PSS®E 35.3.0
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Contingency Case Block Structure
where Porig is initial load or generation, as appropriate, at the from bus. The power shift is then subtracted
from the original power at the from bus and added to the original power at the to bus. When the quantity
to be modified at the from bus is initially positive, a negative post-shift power at the from bus is treated as
an error condition.
When generation is being transferred, the from bus must have in-service generation. If the to bus is not a
generator bus, an appropriate message is printed and the power shift is treated as negative load at the to
bus. Either of the two buses may be a swing bus.
The following data record is used to transfer the active power and reactive power of load from one bus to
The keyword MVAR can be used to transfer the reactive power component of bus fixed shunts with the data
The following data record is used to transfer individual load from one bus to another:
When the keyword MW is used, only the active power of the individual load is moved; when the keyword
MVAR is used, only the reactive power of the individual load is moved; when the keyword PERCENT is used,
both active power and reactive power of the individual load is moved by r percent; when the keyword MWPF
is used, the active power of the individual load is moved by r MW, and the reactive power is changed by the
same ratio as the active power.
The following data record is used to transfer individual machine from one bus to another:
The following data record is used to transfer individual shunt from one bus to another:
PSS®E 35.3.0
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Automatic Contingency Specification
The following data record is used to transfer individual switched shunt from one bus to another:
An in-service synchronous machine, induction machine, load or fixed bus shunt may be removed from service
using the following data record:
Similarly, an out-of-service synchronous machine, induction machine, load or fixed bus shunt may be placed
in-service with a record of the form:
The presence of the optional keyword DISPATCH is handled as described above for the SET data record. The
machine status contingency events are not permitted at swing buses.
An in-service switched shunt may be removed form service with the following data record:
Similarly, an out-of-service switched shunt may be placed in-service with a record of the form:
When the keyword BRANCH, LINE, or TIE is used in automatic single and double line outage contingency
specification commands, all branches except breakers and switches are included in the contingencies. When
the keyword BREAKER is used, only breaker and switch branches are included in the contingencies.
The following data record provides for the designation of a series of single line outage contingency cases:
PSS®E 35.3.0
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Automatic Contingency Specification
Each in-service branch connected to the designated bus is outaged, one at a time. Similarly, a series of double
line outage contingency cases may be specified with the data record:
All branches within a specified subsystem may be outaged, either singly or in pairs, by entering the data
Without the token '3WLOWVOLTAGE', for a three-winding transformer to be included, all of its in-service
windings must be connected to subsystem buses. In using the token '3WLOWVOLTAGE', the three-winding
transformer is included if its in-service high and median voltage windings are connected to subsystem buses.
The DOUBLE, BUSDOUBLE, and PARALLEL contingency specification records all generate contingency cases
consisting of two simultaneous line outages. The DOUBLE record generates all combinations of double line
outage contingencies for all branches where endpoint buses are contained in the specified subsystem. That
is, each branch in the subsystem is outaged in turn with every other branch in the subsystem. DOUBLE may
be viewed as considering independent events causing simultaneous outages.
The BUSDOUBLE record is more restrictive than the DOUBLE record. For each bus in the specified subsystem,
it generates all combinations of double line outage contingencies for all branches between that bus and
other subsystem buses. BUSDOUBLE may be viewed as considering single events in substations that affect
pairs of branches connected to a substation.
The PARALLEL record is more restrictive than the BUSDOUBLE record. It generates double line outage con-
tingencies only for parallel branches (i.e., for each contingency case, the two branches being outaged con-
nect the same pair of subsystem buses). Three-winding transformer contingencies are not generated by the
PARALLEL record. PARALLEL may be viewed as considering single events on rights-of-way that affect pairs
of branches on a right-of-way.
In using the SYSTEM or SUBSYSTEM keywords, the label must correspond to a subsystem label specified in a
previously accessed Subsystem Definition data file (refer to Section 1.2, “Subsystem Definition Data File”).
Branches that are assigned to a line owner can be outaged, either singly or in pairs by using the following
data record:
All in-service buses within a specified subsystem may be singly disconnected with the data record:
PSS®E 35.3.0
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Automatic Contingency Specification
Each single bus outage is converted to as many OPEN BRANCH commands as are required to open all in-
service branches connected to the bus before it is passed to Distribution Factor Data File.
In-service machines connected to in-service generator buses within a specified subsystem may be removed
from service singly with the data record:
Only one machine can be outaged for each generator bus. When a generator bus has multiple in-service
machines, the machine with the biggest real power generation is chosen to be outaged.
Finally, the following data record provides for the outaging, either singly or in pairs, of all ties from a specified
subsystem or all ties between a pair of subsystems:
The selection of tie branches in the case of overlapping subsystems is handled using the same criteria defined
in Monitored Element Data File for the monitoring of ties.
For these record types, when the multi-section line reporting option is enabled, the outaging of a multi-sec-
tion line grouping within the specified subset is treated as a contingency event; the entire multi-section line
is outaged. When the multi-section line reporting option is disabled, individual members of multi-section
line groupings within the specified subset (rather than entire multi-section line groupings) are outaged.
The SKIP block structure is used to specify individual branches that are to be excluded from outaging in
contingencies generated as a result of subsequent SINGLE, DOUBLE, BUSDOUBLE, and PARALLEL contingency
specification records. Each SKIP block structure is specified as follows:
(branch specification record; below)
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Node-Breaker Contingency Specifica-
(branch specification record; below)
Non-transformer branches and two-winding transformers are specified on branch specification records using
the following record format:
Three-winding transformers are specified on branch specification records using the following record format:
Branches specified in a SKIP block structure apply only to SINGLE, DOUBLE, BUSDOUBLE, and PARALLEL con-
tingency specification records which are below it in the Contingency Definition data file. Multiple SKIP block
structures are allowed, and each SKIP block structure appends to the list of branches to be omitted from
outaging as a result of subsequent automatic contingency specification records.
When the multi-section line reporting option is enabled and a branch that is a member of a multi-section line
is specified, the multi-section line is excluded from outaging. When the multi-section line reporting option
is disabled and a multi-section line is specified, an error message is printed and the record is ignored.
The following command will isolate an in-service branch, system switching device or two- winding trans-
former by breaker operations.
• Using the full topology network model to systematically follow the circuits outward from the line to be
isolated, and identify and open breakers in order to clear the fault on the circuit. The operation may result
in one or multiple circuits (i.e. branches, transformers, etc.) being opened en route to the opening of
a breaker. Once a breaker is successfully opened, the search along that path terminates. If the process
extends along paths beyond a user specified number of bus levels outward (OPTN) and the line has not
been successfully isolated, then the process will terminate with a message.
• The breakers include those defined as both system switching devices and substation switching devices.
The operations may result in one or more breakers being opened.
• If a stuck breaker status is encountered, the process will continue without opening the breaker and a
message will be displayed. Refer to the Stuck Breaker command below.
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Node-Breaker Contingency Specifica-
• With the successful isolation of the line the following process are completed in order:
• The topology processor will automatically be run to update the bus branch model based the status of
switching devices.
• Once the topology processing is complete, the power flow solution will be run to solve the new contingency
The following command will isolate an in-service three-winding transformer by breaker operations:
|LINE | |CKT |
The following command will isolate one winding of a three-winding transformer by breaker operations:
|CKT |
Isolation of all in-service branches connected to a bus may be specified with a record of the form:
The following commands will isolate in-service bus-connected equipment by breaker operations:
The following commands will isolate in-service dc lines or a FACTS device by breaker operations:
PSS®E 35.3.0
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Node-Breaker Contingency Specifica-
The following command isolates an in-service switching device in a substation by breaker operations.
The following command will isolate a single end of an in-service branch, system switching device or two-
winding transformer by breaker operations:
The following command will isolate a single terminal of an in-service three-winding transformer by breaker
|OPEN | |CKT |
The following command will isolate a single node of a substation by breaker operations:
The following command will place a closed breaker in the status of “stuck”. It will fail to open in subsequent
isolation operations in that contingency:
|SUB | |CKT |
The following record will create contingencies for every in-service branch or transformer connected to a bus:
The following records will create contingencies for every in-service branch or transformer in a subsystem:
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Node-Breaker Contingency Specifica-
|SYSTEM label |
The following record will create contingencies for every in-service substation switching device (which can
be limited to switches or breakers) in a subsystem:
The following record will create contingencies for every in-service bus in a subsystem:
The following record will create stuck breaker contingencies for a subsystem. For each substation in the sub-
system, for each node in that substation, all combinations of in-service branches or transformers and closed
breakers connected to that node will be found. Each combination will generate a contingency consisting of
a stuck breaker record for that breaker and an isolate record for that branch or transformer.
The SKIP block structure is used to specify individual substation switching device that are to be excluded from
outaging in contingencies generated as a result of subsequent SINGLE, DOUBLE, BUSDOUBLE, and PARALLEL
contingency specification records. Each SKIP block structure is specified as follows:
(substation switching device specification record; below)
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SUB/MON/CON File Descriptions Node-Breaker Contingency Specifica-
(substation switching device specification record; below)
Substation switching devices are specified on branch specification records using the following record format:
Substation switching devices (SWDs) specified in a SKIP block structure apply only to SINGLE, DOUBLE, BUS-
DOUBLE, and PARALLEL contingency specification records which are below it in the Contingency Definition
data file. Multiple SKIP block structures are allowed, and each SKIP block structure appends to the list of SWDs
to be omitted from outaging as a result of subsequent automatic contingency specification records.
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Chapter 2
Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/MON/CON
File Extensions and Options
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Description of Input Data
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
1. Make sure that the SUB/MON/CON files for either module does not cause an issue when run in the other
module i.e. PSS®E files run in Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST and vice versa
If there are unsupported elements or syntax contained in the files when run in the opposing system
thengenerate an error message, ignorethe record, and continue execution.
3. Extend, where practical, recognized elements to further close gaps. The caveat to this is approach is we
will not make both modules equal in their functionality. The Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST module
will support certain logical network elements that are key to its analysis. PSS®E will not support these
element where it is not key to its analysis. An example of this would be flowgates. These are key to the
Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST module calculations but play no part in PSS®E core calculations.
• Subsystems data file, which defines potential sources and sinks for transactions and subsystems that may
be used later for defining monitored elements and contingencies.
• Monitored element data file, which specifies monitored branches, interfaces and flowgates.
• Optional exclude data file, which allows custom adjustments to the monitored element data file, excluding
specific pairs of monitored elements and contingencies, changing branch ratings, or interface limits.
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ INCLUDE Record
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
INCLUDE filename
Every INCLUDE statement should start from a new line. Included files may also contain another INCLUDE
record. The user is limited to 10 levels of nesting of INCLUDE statements.
Data files included via the INCLUDE statement can reside in different directories. The directory of the main
file (the file specified by the user for the MUST request) is considered the current directory. All paths provided
in the INCLUDE statement should be relative to this current directory or should provide an absolute path. If,
for example, c:\MUST\userdata\main contains the main subsystem file specified for the MUST requests, the
following two examples will be equivalent:
INCLUDE ..\pjmdata\pseg.sub
INCLUDE c:\must\userdata\pjmdata\pseg.sub
The INCLUDE statement simplifies data maintenance of large files especially if different parts of the data
come from different sources. The example below demonstrates how a large number of subsystem files can
be maintained by using a master subsystem file. As shown in the example below, the master subsystem file
contains several automatic subsystem specification records and INCLUDE statements for every control area
of interest.
INCLUDE aep.sub
INCLUDE ap.sub
INCLUDE cin.sub
INCLUDE cple.sub
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ INCLUDE Record
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
INCLUDE southern.sub
INCLUDE tva.sub
INCLUDE vp.sub
The first four records result in creating up to four subsystems for every existing area in the load flow case.
Each of the included files should contain subsystem definitions specific to the corresponding control area.
The same multilevel approach can be used for maintaining large monitored element data files, including large
flowgate files and large contingency files because it distributes the data maintenance support functions.
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Subsystem Definition Data File
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
1. Sources and sinks (or purchasing and selling entities) by defining the set of buses involved in the trans-
2. Control areas defined as any groups of buses. Several Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST activities allow
evaluations of transaction impacts on defined subsystems. Also, defined subsystems can be used later
to specify monitored elements and contingencies.
Separating these two notions can increase flexibility of modeling and accounting for transactions.
Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST allows automatic definition of many subsystems on an area and zone basis.
A key feature of Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST is the independence of the subsystem definition and the
current load flow case data. The same subsystem definitions can be used simultaneously for different load
flow cases. For example, a single ADD ALL record defines one subsystem for each area existing in the current
load flow case, and automatically selects generator participation factors such that all generators would reach
their upper/lower limit simultaneously. This is a convenient shortcut for defining external systems and fast
screening studies.
Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST allows definition of participation factors on the fly according to current gen-
eration, generation minimum and maximum, and generator current status from the load flow. This makes
subsystem definitions less dependent on the current load flow case generation dispatch. Advanced Linear
Analysis/MUST provides automatic selection of only large generators with maximum or current generation
above a user-specified threshold. This provides, for example, a convenient approach for selecting all essential
generators on the area-wide basis for generator sensitivity analysis.
Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST allows load scaling by areas, zones, or subsystems. When scaling load, Ad-
vanced Linear Analysis/MUST adjusts all selected load buses in the subsystems in proportion to the bus loads.
This applies to all scaling methods (FOR EXPORT, FOR IMPORT, GENERATION and LOAD) methods. The PARTICI-
PATE command is an exception; buses defined by PARTICIPATE will also be included in the subsystem.
Bus Names can be of the format 'nnnnnnnnvvvv' (old format) or 'nnnnnnnnnnnnvvvv' (new format); where
nnnnnnnn or nnnnnnnnnnnn is the name portion and vvvv the voltage portion of the bus name. Bus names
have to be specified via a name and voltage level as shown below:
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Defining Buses within a Subsystem
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
Below is an incorrect definition, and correct definitions for a subsystem. Generation scaling is used in the
example, but all scaling methods except for PARTICIPATE have the same requirement.
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Defining Buses within a Subsystem
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
BUS 33333
To specify participation buses via the PARTICIPATE command, Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST users do not
have to specify buses within the subsystem definition. If Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST finds a bus defined
within a participate record but not defined in the subsystem above, it will add such bus to the subsystem
The portion of the working case buses to be contained in each subsystem definition is specified in the fol-
lowing block structure:
(subsystem specification data record)
(subsystem specification data record)
where the subsystem specification data records allowed are as described below. Subsystem/system label
width in Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST can be up to 20 characters. If no label is specified on a SUBSYSTEM
record, the label "UNNAMED N" is assigned to the subsystem, where "N" is a unique integer.
Selected buses may be designated as part of a subsystem with data records of the following form:
BUS bsid
BUSES bsid bsid
BUS 200
BUSES 300 400
BUS and BUSES records are valid only when using bus input by bus numbers. The BUSES record assigns the
designated buses, as well as all buses whose bus numbers fall between the two bus numbers specified, to
the subsystem being defined.
All buses in selected areas may be assigned to a subsystem with data records in the following format:
where "i" and "j" are area numbers. The AREAS record type assigns all buses in a range of area numbers to
the subsystem being defined.
In the example above, the data record "AREAS 5 7" may be used to assign all buses in areas five, six, and
seven to the subsystem.
Similarly, all buses in selected zones may be assigned to a subsystem with data records of the following form:
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Defining Buses within a Subsystem
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
Buses at designated voltage levels may be assigned to a subsystem with records of the following form, where,
the KVRANGE record defines a range of voltage levels:
KV r
In specifying ranges of bus numbers, areas, zones, and voltage levels, the second specified value should be
a positive number greater than the first one.
AREAS 7 3 -wrong
KVRANGE 135 -500 -wrong
All buses with selected owners may be assigned to a subsystem with data records in the following format:
where "i" and "j" are owner numbers. The OWNERS record type assigns all buses in a range of owner numbers
to the subsystem being defined.
In the example above, the data record "OWNERS 2 4" may be used to assign all buses with owners two, three,
and four to the subsystem.
In addition, a JOIN specification block structure provides for the specification of a group of buses through
the logical "anding" of two or more of the four selection criteria described above. A JOIN specification has
the following block structure:
JOIN [label]
(subsystem specification data record)
(subsystem specification data record)
where each subsystem specification data record is one of the simple record types (BUS, AREA, ZONE, KV, or
the corresponding "range of" records) described above. The optional JOIN specification label is for the user's
convenience and is not used by Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST functions.
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Subsystem Adjustments Methods
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
Each JOIN specification block structure must appear within the subsystem block structure described above.
Both JOIN specification block structures and the simple record types may be included within a subsystem
block structure.
The above example defines the subsystem "MY COMPANY", that consists of all buses in area 5, along with
all buses in area 6, which are in zones 8 through 10.
• Adjusting generation in proportion to available generator reserves in a load flow case. This is defined as
the difference between maximum and current generation (Pmax - Pcur). Several selected generators are
adjusted in such a way that all selected generators would reach their maximum simultaneously. This type
of adjustment can be defined using the EXPORT specification.
• Adjusting generation based on the current and minimum generation in a load flow case. For this method,
generators will be adjusted so that all generators would reach their minimum at the same time (but stay on
line if Pmin is greater than zero). This type of adjustment can be defined using the IMPORT specification.
Reaching zero generation will not change the generator status to OFF.
• The SCALE GENERATION specification defines generator participation factors in proportion to the current
generation. Generators will be adjusted in a way that, for example, all selected generators would reach
zero generation level simultaneously.
• The SCALE LOAD specification defines bus participation factors in proportion to the current bus load rela-
tive to the total load in the system.
Participation factors used for adjustments can be either explicitly specified by a user or selected automatically
according to the adjustment methods described above.
Report Notation
PartFactSpec Participating generators and factors are user specified
PartFactSpecOff Participating generators and factors are user specified, subsystem transfer limit
checking will consider offline generators.
PartFactDef Default PARTICIPATE type in case the PARTICIPATE record was omitted in the subsys-
tem specification and participation factors were selected in MBASE on the basis of
machine availability
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Automatic Specifications Using the
MON/CON File Extensions and Options ADD Command
Report Notation
ExportSpec Participating generators are user specified, but participation factors are selected au-
tomatically according to export specification
ExportSpecOff Participating generators are user specified, but participation factors are selected au-
tomatically according to export specification (off-line generators included)
ExportDef All available subsystem generators were selected to participate automatically with
export type participation factors
ExportDefOff All available subsystem generators were selected to participate automatically with
export type participation factors (off-line generators included)
ImportSpec Participating generators are user specified with import type participation factors
ImportDef All available subsystem generators were selected to participate automatically with
import type participation factors
ScaleGenSpec Participating generators are user specified with participation factors proportional to
generation in a load flow case.
ScaleGenDef All available subsystem generators were selected with participation factors propor-
tional to generation in a load flow case
ScaleLoadSpec Participation buses are user specified with adjustments proportional to load level in
a load flow case
ScaleLoadDef All load buses will be scaled in the subsystem
SingleBus Systems added by the BUS method.
SingleGen Systems added by the GENERATOR method.
SingleGenOff Systems added by the GENERATOR method (off-line generators included)
Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST transfer limit analysis calculation functions do not enforce generator limits.
A user can use the detailed subsystem report to identify the maximum shifts possible before violating gen-
eration limits.
There are four different types of ADD ALL commands which define different ways of adjusting/scaling spec-
ified subsystems:
ADD ALL records add one subsystem for each valid area or zone existing in the current load flow case. For
adjusting generation, Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST creates subsystems for every area or zone that has
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Automatic Specifications Using the
MON/CON File Extensions and Options ADD Command
generation that can be adjusted without violating the corresponding limit. For example, an area with all
generators at maximum will not be considered as a valid EXPORT subsystem. Specifications FOR EXPORT
and FOR IMPORT result in creating subsystems with the maximum export/import capability before violating
generator limits.
For automatically specified contingencies, Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST uses area/zone to build a subsys-
tem name. An optional SUFFIX specification provides a simple solution for resolving possible name collision
problems. The specified suffix is added to subsystems area/zone names. If the SUFFIX specification is omit-
ted, the program will use the default suffixes EXA, EXZ, IMA, IMZ, SGA, SGZ, LDA, LDZ, which correspond to
EXPORT, IMPORT, SCALE GENERATION, and SCALE LOAD records by areas and zones. The user-defined suffix
can have up to six characters.
An optional WITH_GROUP specification allows the user to apply additional criteria to automatic generator se-
lection by selecting only generators with the current or maximum generation above a user-specified thresh-
old. The WITH GROUP record has the following format:
The extension INCLUDE OFFLINE allows the user to include off-line units in automatically defined subsys-
tems; INCLUDE OFFLINE is most useful within FOR EXPORT specifications. The INCLUDE OFFLINE specifica-
tion changes Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST logic for automatic participation factors definition. Advanced
Linear Analysis/MUST internally computes the maximum plant output for all units, including off-line units,
if FOR EXPORT was used. By default, Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST uses maximum plant output arrays,
which exclude off-line units.
The INCLUDE OFFLINE keywords belong after WITH_GROUP, if any, as shown in the ADD ALL definition above.
As illustrated above, ADD ALL automatically selects all areas with available generation reserve for export
type scaling. Using this method, all generators reach their maximum level simultaneously. All export type
subsystem names have the suffix _EXA50. Only generators with available reserve and maximum generation
greater than 50 MW will be included. Areas without available export will not be added.
This command automatically selects all areas with nonzero generation for scaling in proportion to current
case generation.
This command selects all zones existing in the load flows as subsystems for scaling load in proportion to the
current bus loads.
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Defining Buses Using the PARTICIPATE
MON/CON File Extensions and Options Command
The above examples show how to select all areas/zones for import/export. Only generators with the cur-
rent/maximum generation above 50 MW will be selected for adjustments.
The above examples demonstrate how to include off-line generators in subsystem definitions. Participating
factors for off-line generators will be proportional to maximum generation at each generator.
Automatically selected participation factors can be reported using the detailed report for the subsystem of
ADD records allows the addition of several specified areas or zones using scaling methods similar to the ADD
ALL command based on the grammar rules shown below:
The SCALE LOAD record has a very similar format but does not use WITH_GROUP and INCLUDE OFFLINE
• Subsystems defined using the SCALE GENERATION record should have at least one generator bus among
selected buses with positive generation
• In the case of EXPORT and IMPORT records, only generators with available required reserves are accepted.
The area or zone is valid only if at least one generator has available reserve (correspondingly FOR EXPORT
or FOR IMPORT) depending on the type of ADD ALL record.
• Any area or zone with at least one bus with positive load will be accepted as a valid subsystem for load
scaling. Buses with negative load are not selected for load scaling.
• Automatically defined participation factors are calculated on the fly internally within Advanced Linear
Analysis/MUST. These factors can be reported using a detailed subsystem report, but cannot be edited by
the user.
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Automatic Participation Factors Defini-
MON/CON File Extensions and Options tion within the SUBSYSTEM Group
shift along with their participation factors, which determine how the change in subsystem generation is to
be shared among the designated buses.
Each participation block structure must appear within the subsystem block structure described above, and
must follow the simple record types and/or JOIN specification block structures defining the subsystem. Each
bus specified must reside in the subsystem being processed. Any bus that violates this requirement or is
disconnected (i.e., its type code is four or greater) is alarmed, and ignored.
The "r" values are participation factors that are normally expressed in percent or per unit of the total subsys-
tem generation shift. The sum of the "r" values within a participate block structure must be positive.
BUS 100 100 /* PGEN = 100 PMAX = 200
BUS 110 300 /* PGEN = 300 PMAX = 400
In the example above, the sum of the "r" values is 400, i.e,. total participation =400. BUS 100 participates at
25% (100/400), while BUS 110 participates at 75% (300/400).
For generation sensitivity analysis within Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST it is convenient to assign zero par-
ticipation factors for a generator that should be considered for worst dispatch scenarios, but not for study
The optional [INCLUDE OFFLINE] specification has no impact on the defined participating factors, but will be
used for checking subsystem export capability. The maximum capability of all generators including offline
will be used for maximum generation output.
The use of SCALE still requires that the user define the buses in the subsystem. Unlike PARTICIPATE, SCALE
does not do this for the user.
The SCALE record allows specification of either all generators (load buses) within a specified subsystem using
SCALE ALL specification or by specifying the user-defined list of participating buses.
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Automatic Participation Factors Defini-
MON/CON File Extensions and Options tion within the SUBSYSTEM Group
AREAS 40 45
The example above demonstrates the creation of a subsystem for scaling load within the group of areas.
The above example demonstrates automatic creation of scaling factors using FOR EXPORT for subsystems
built by using the JOIN specification:
Optional EXCEPT specification for automatic scaling specifications allows the user to exclude several buses
from scaling using the following format:
It is quite convenient to exclude several generators that cannot participate in transfer or allow the user to
exclude non-conforming load buses from load scaling.
The following example will define the subsystem for import but exclude several plants from adjustments.
Area 356
scale all for generation with pmax greater 100 MW except
Bus 12345 / excludes plant1
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Automatic Participation Factors Defini-
MON/CON File Extensions and Options tion within the SUBSYSTEM Group
The following example creates a subsystem for load scaling with the exclusion of several buses to simulate
non-conforming load adjustments.
System CE
Area 363
scale all load except
Bus 12345 / excluded
Bus 23456 / excluded
The SCALE command allows specification by individual buses with the following format:
Assume that all three specified buses have on-line generation values of 100 MW at bus 12345, 200 MW at
bus 12346, and 100 MW at bus 12347. The SCALE GENERATION specification for these buses is shown below:
ZONE 1 2
bus 12345
bus 12346
bus 12347
Buses 12345 and 12347 have a normalized participation factor of 0.25, while bus 12346 has a participation
factor of 0.5.
The ADD ALL GENERATORS record allows users to select all generators as participation points in the user
defined subset of buses (normally control area). The format is similar to the SCALE ALL command within
subsystem definition as shown below:
bus bsid
bus bsid
. . .
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Defining New Subsystems Based on Al-
MON/CON File Extensions and Options ready Defined Subsystems
bus bsid
This option simplifies defining a subsystem for Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST sensitivity analysis when a
user would like to get the sensitivity report for all generators in a control area as shown in the example below.
AREA 1 99
Add all generators
(definition of subsystem buses)
BUS bsid r
subsystem label r
subsystem label r
. . .
BUS bsid r
subsystem label r
There are various applications for this extension such as scaling loads in different areas/zones with different
proportions, and mixing scaled loads with scaled generation specifications as it shown in the next example.
Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST allows the simultaneous use of bus and subsystem specifications within one
participate group as shown below.
System TEST
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Adding Subsystems by Bus or Genera-
MON/CON File Extensions and Options tor
Bus 12345 40
System AMRN_LOAD 30
Subsystem names are built from bus name and number. If the current mode of bus input is input by numbers,
then subsystem names will be formed by concatenating first the bus number and then the bus name. If the
bus input mode is bus input by bus names, bus names will precede bus numbers in the automatically built
subsystem names.
The example above illustrates how a subsystem is created for every specified bus.
Similarly, adding subsystems by GENERATOR specification provides a convenient method for defining sub-
systems for every generator bus using the following format:
In the example above a subsystem is created for every generator with maximum generation greater than
100 MW, including off-line generators.
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Reporting Available Subsystems
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
The subsystem detailed report is computed when a user selects a generator subsystem and a transfer level.
Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST uses several rules when saving adjustments in load flow cases:
• For PARTICIPATE records, Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST attempts to save adjustments in the generation
array. If the PARTICIPATE record is used to specify load buses, for nongenerator buses or off-line generators,
Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST saves adjustments in the load arrays preserving the same power factor
(Q/P ratio).
• Generation scaling methods (SCALE GENERATION, FOR EXPORT, and FOR IMPORT methods) are accom-
plished by generation changes only. No load buses or buses with off-line generation can be assigned for
adjustments; scale generation records can select only generator buses and honor generation status.
• Load scaling will always be accomplished by scaling load with a fixed power factor (e.g., reactive load will
be adjusted too.)
When saving subsystem adjustments in the load flow case, Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST also adjusts the
change area interchange data for that load flow case.
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Monitored Element Data File
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
1. Monitored branches
2. Monitored interfaces, where the flow on an interface is taken as the sum of the flows on the branches
comprising the interface. As many as 5000 interfaces can be specified within Advanced Linear Analy-
sis/MUST. The total number of branches contained in all interfaces may not exceed the total number of
branches in the load flow.
3. Monitored flowgates. Up to 5000 flowgates are allowed by Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST. The total
number of branches contained in all flowgates may not exceed the total number of branches in the
load flow.
Only in-service branches are processed; out-of-service branches, if specified, will be ignored. Branches closed
in contingencies are monitored for violations.
MUST uses two sets of ratings for every monitored branch and interface: base case and contingency. One
of the user-specified options allows the user to disable checking/reporting base case violations. By default,
MUST checks contingency violations (using the same contingency rating) for all specified contingencies. The
MUST EXCLUDE function allows the user to disable checking violations for some of defined contingencies,
and allows the user to specify different rating parameters for specified branches.
The user specifies the percentage of ratings to be used by MUST in branch limit checking on the MUST Options
Menu. A typical specification would be to check against 100% of RATEA (Normal) in the base case and against
100% of RATEB (Long Term Emergency) post-contingency.
In the linear transfer and contingency analysis functions, MUST checks the MW loadings against the specified
ratings which are in MVA (if the user chooses not to Convert Branch Ratings To Estimated MW in MUST
Options). If the Convert Branch Ratings To Estimated MW option is chosen, MUST calculates a MW Rating
using the base case power factor to reduce the MVA rating to an estimated MW value. In all cases MUST will
use the flow at the branch metered end.
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Interface Specifications
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
• Ebase is the base voltage in volts of the bus to which the terminal of the branch is connected.
Any checked branch whose current loading, including line charging and line connected shunt components,
exceeds the percentage of rating, specified in MUST Options, is reported.
For transformers, MUST checks the MVA loading against designated branch ratings that are assumed to have
been entered as MVA ratings. Any checked transformer branch whose MVA loading, including line charging
and line connected shunt components, exceeds the percentage of rating, specified in MUST Options, is re-
MUST always checks both terminals of the monitored branches and reports the highest branch loading irrel-
evant of the metered end location.
|RATING r [MW] |
|RATINGS r r r [MW] |
|BIRATINGS AmaxImp AmaxExp BmaxImp BmaxExp CmaxImp CmaxExp [MW]|
RATING and RATINGS specifications assume that interface minimum flows (e.g., imports through the inter-
face) are negative and equal in absolute values to maximum flow (exports).
BIRATINGS specifications allows the user to specify bidirectional ratings (e.g., Pmin not equal to - Pmax); there
are no limitations on the sign of IMPORT and EXPORT. Using the RATING command provides that AmaxImp
= -AmaxExp.
Branch specification records allowing the user to specify sets of TIE lines are identical to the MONITOR TIES
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Interface Specifications
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
SYSTEM label
KV r1
or, simply:
To create an interface containing only 230kV lines as ties from system MAACEHV, a user should use:
A 12-character interface label is printed in the output reports of these activities to identify each interface. As
with AC branches, provision is made for three interface ratings. When the first form of the INTERFACE record
above is used (i.e., the keyword RATING and a single value are specified), the designated value is used for
each of the three interface ratings. When the second form of the INTERFACE record is used (i.e., the keyword
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Flowgates Formats
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
RATINGS and three values are specified), the designated values are used as the interface's A, B, and C ratings,
respectively. Interfaces with ratings specified as zero are not checked by MUST violation analysis activities.
If the optional specification of ratings is omitted, the sum of the appropriate rating set values of each of
the interface members is taken as the interface rating. An interface rating is intended to be specified as
something different than a thermal limit; for example, contractual or stability considerations may determine
the interface rating to be used.
• Contingency definition is optional. If omitted, MUST will consider the flowgate as the base case flowgate
and will use PTDF factors to update flowgate values. The contingency definition within the flowgate has
the same format as the contingency definitions within contingency files with the only exception that con-
tingency labels following the keyword contingency are ignored.
• If the flowgate limit is omitted, MUST determines the flowgate rating using the rating of the monitored
• Optional Flowgate properties (Control Area (CA), Security Coordinator (SC) and Transmission Provider (TP))
are optional and currently are used for reporting purposes only. Keywords CA, SC, and TP can be specified
in any order. CA, SC, and TP properties are used for reporting only.
There are no limitations on the number of monitored branches within one flowgate. MUST processes the
reading of monitored branches until it finds one of the following keywords: CONTINGENCY, TP, CA, SC or
END. Up to 100 elementary events can be specified within one contingency definition.
Bus IDs can be specified using either bus numbers or names. MUST allows switching between input from
bus name to bus number within input files using the BUSNUMBERS and BUSNAMES records. It appears that
bus names are more convenient for defining flowgates. The use of bus input by bus names tends to be more
stable (i.e., bus names don't change when buses are renumbered) than that of bus by numbers.
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Defining Rating Multiplier by Areas or
MON/CON File Extensions and Options Zones
Example 2 defines contingency (OTDF) flowgate with the single branch outage as the contingency. For this
type of flowgate MUST will provide various additional information describing the contingency impact on
monitored elements (LODF) and various other factors.
Flowgates are reported in similar ways as branches and interfaces in all MUST reports.
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Defining Distribution Factors Cutoff by
MON/CON File Extensions and Options Control Areas and Zones
The rating multipliers adjustment may be used for either areas or zones, but not for both in the same monitor
The example below shows the redefinition of the default ratings A and B as set in the MUST Options, i.e.,
base case and contingent ratings. In general, it defines a default of 100% (A) for base case and 100% (B) for
contingent ratings. Then, for area 151 it defines rating A with the 120% multiplier as the contingent rating.
Further, for areas 300-400 it reduces the base case ratings to 98% of A and the contingent ratings to 95% of B.
Rating multipliers
Areas 1 999 A 100 B 100
Area 151 A 100 A 120 / the second definition will overwrite
/ the previous definition for that area
Areas 300 400 A 98 B 95
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Defining Distribution Factors Cutoff by
MON/CON File Extensions and Options Control Areas and Zones
The example below redefines the default distribution factor cutoff of 0.05 (PTDF and OTDF) to the lower
values of 0.02 (PTDF) and 0.03 (OTDF) for the group of control areas with the area number in the range
between 300 and 400.
Factors cutoff
Areas 1 300 0.05 0.05
Areas 301 400 0.02 0.03
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Contingency Definition Data File
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
The contingency description data file provides two means by which contingency cases may be specified.
Individual contingency cases containing branches with status changes may be specified in a contingency case
block structure (described in the following subsections) or by using an automatic contingency specification
allowing the selection of a group of single- or doubleline/ generator/bus outage contingency cases within
a single data record.
MUST has a function that allows generation of new contingency files. MUST-generated contingency files
always contain only explicit individual contingency definitions without automatic specifications. This feature
allows a user to customize the contingency definition files originally created using automatic specifications.
Section 5.2.2, “Statistics on All Contingencies” and Section 5.2.6, “Details for Selected Contingencies” de-
scribes the MUST interactive facilities for examining specified contingencies and checking for dataerrors. The
MUST log file contains all errors and warnings about specified input data, mismatches between load flow
case and input files. It is strongly recommended that the user review this file after significant modification
to the load flow case.
(contingency event specification record) [dispatch group]
(contingency event specification record) [dispatch group]
MUST incorporates a duplicate contingency label checker. Duplicate contingency labels will be flagged as an
error and the duplicate contingency will be disabled.
Most of the elementary contingency events can be specified using DISPATCH_GROUP. Use of the
DISPATCH_GROUP option causes any power mismatch within the contingency event to be distributed among
the buses specified within the DISPATCH_GROUP.
The outaging of an in-service branch is specified with the following record where the default circuit identifier
is '1' if this specification is omitted:
Use of the record operator WND assumes that the FROM BUS bisd is bus number 1, the first TO BUS bsid
is bus number 2 and the second TO BUS bsid is bus number 3. The operator WND is followed by a number
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Automatic Contingency Specifications
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
WND_ID which can take on the values 1, 2, 3, or any two digit combinations of these values; ex 23, 13, 31, ...
indicating which buses are to be opened or closed.
Similarly, an out-of-service branch may be placed in service with a record of the form:
Various record types allow the user to specify bus contingency events in which the load and generation
boundary conditions may be changed at a selected bus. When changing generation, the bus must have in-
service generation connected to it and it cannot be a swing bus.
A single DISCONNECT BUS specification results in defining several branch openings for all branches connect-
ed to a specified bus. Bus outage records provide a convenient means to specify multisection line outages
by specifying boundary bus outages. Bus outage specifications are shorter than branch outage records and
do not require testing the status of specified branches.
Automatic contingency labels referencing a single branch are labeled using an automatic branch name. The
automatic branch name includes the FROM bus number, FROM bus name, FROM bus voltage, TO bus number,
TO bus name, bus voltage and circuit identifier.
The automatic branch name for a three-winding transformer consists of the three-winding star bus number,
the transformer name and circuit identifier. Automatic contingency labels referencing a three-winding trans-
former as labeled using the prefix, "3Wnd: OPEN", followed by the automatic branch name.
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Automatic Contingency Specifications
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
Double automatic contingency labels are built using the automatic branch names of both contingency pairs.
Because the automatic branch name for a single branch is rather long as defined above, the automatic branch
name for the single branch (double automatic contingencies only) is shortened to be the FROM bus name,
the term "-", the TO bus name, and the circuit identifier.
The double automatic contingency label consists of the prefix, "D:", followed by the automatic branch name
for first contingency, the term "+", and the automatic branch name for second contingency.
(Double with two branches one on circuit 22, the other 33)
(Double with a single branch on circuit 44 and a three-winding transformer on circuit 22)
Automatic IN Contingencies
All branches within a specified subsystem may be outaged, either singly or in pairs, by entering the data
SYSTEM label
KV r1
When using the SYSTEM or SUBSYSTEM keywords, the label must correspond to a subsystem label specified
in a previously accessed subsystem description data file.
The DOUBLE, BUSDOUBLE, and PARALLEL contingency specification records all generate contingency cases
consisting of two simultaneous branch outages. The DOUBLE record generates all combinations of double
line outage contingencies for all branches whose endpoint buses are contained in the specified subsystem.
That is, each branch in the subsystem is outaged, in turn, with every other branch in the subsystem. DOUBLE
may be viewed as considering independent events causing simultaneous outages.
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Automatic Contingency Specifications
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
The BUSDOUBLE record is more restrictive than the double record. For each bus in the specified subsystem, it
generates all combinations of double line outage contingencies for all branches between that bus and other
subsystem buses. BUSDOUBLE may be viewed as considering single events in substations that affect pairs of
branches connected to a substation (e.g., stuck breaker events).
The PARALLEL record is more restrictive than the BUSDOUBLE record. It generates double line outage contin-
gencies only for parallel branches (i.e., for each contingency case, the two branches being outaged connect
the same pair of subsystem buses). PARALLEL may be viewed as considering single events on right-of-ways,
which affect pairs of branches on a right-of-way.
The use of the SINGLE/DOUBLE/BUSDOUBLE/PARALLEL branch outages may result in the loss of load or gen-
eration, or island creation. The optional keyword DISPATCH allows a user to designate how the change in
the bus boundary condition is to be apportioned among selected network buses rather than having it all
assigned to the system swing bus(es). Without the DISPATCH specification, island mismatch causes swing
bus adjustments, which is most likely an erroneous solution. The DISPATCH_GROUP specification is only used
with single/double branch outages. The following example specifies how to adjust subsystem INERTIA in the
case of a single line outage resulting in the loss of load, generation, or island creation.
The following data record designates a series of single/double line outage contingencies from a selected bus:
The following data record creates a list of single/double outages encompassing all ties from a specified sub-
system or all ties between a pair of subsystems:
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Automatic Contingency Specifications
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
SYSTEM label
KV r1
The main difference between the IN, FROM, and TO specifications is that IN specifies the kV requirement for
both terminal buses for the selected branches, while FROM and TO specifications define only corresponding
FROM or TO selection. The selection of tie branches in the case of overlapping subsystems is handled using
the criteria described above for monitored ties between systems.
The KVRANGE specification selects single branch outages only if both terminal buses are within the selected
kV range. To select all transformers between two kV levels or ranges, the user should use the TIE command.
Optional DISPATCH_GROUP specifications are used only for single/double branch outages resulting in creating
an island.
The selection of tie branches in the case of overlapping subsystems is handled using the criteria described
for monitored element selection.
The following data record creates a list of single unit/generator/bus outages in the specified subsystem:
SYSTEM label
KV r1
In the case of a UNIT specification, MUST selects the single largest unit contingency at every generator bus
in the specified subset.
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ DISPATCH Record Format
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
A GENERATOR specification creates the set contingencies for every single plant outage (all units) of all gen-
erator buses in the specified subsystem.
A BUS outage record allows the user to select as contingencies every single bus outage in the selected subset.
The "r" values are positive participation factors that are normally expressed in percent or per unit of
the total MW change. MUST allows the user to use BUS and SYSTEM records simultaneously within one
DISPATCH_GROUP definition. If a user wants to specify only one subsystem within a subsystem group, then
the "r" value specification can be omitted.
If participating factors in subsystem INERTIA have been defined to simulate inertia redispatch, then the ex-
ample below will provide a simple solution to simulate inertia redispatch for every single largest generator
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ DISPATCH Record Format
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
If only one subsystem has to be specified, then there is no need to specify "r" value.
BUS and SYSTEM records can be used within one DISPATCH_GROUP, as shown below:
In the above example, 50% of mismatch will be accomplished by adjusting subsystem INERTIA; 25% by ad-
justing generation at bus 12345; and 25% at bus 12346.
Default Dispatch
By default, for imbalanced contingencies (with the loss of load or generation) MUST will adjust the system
swing bus. Imbalanced contingencies are commonly created by using automatic contingency definition (sin-
gle branch in area, for example). In most cases system swing bus adjustment does not provide adequate
model. It is the user's responsibility to identify imbalanced contingencies and then improve contingency de-
finitions. MUST has several ways to identify imbalanced contingencies within DC contingency analysis
The DEFAULT DISPATCH specification described below provides a simple and convenient solution to defining
a "default dispatch" subsystem that would pick up the power mismatch introduced by contingency events. A
default dispatch subsystem can be defined using all features available for defining subsystems, for example,
proportional scaling of all generators in the LF case as the default subsystem.
default dispatch
bsid x
subsystem x
. . .
For every imbalanced contingency MUST will apply the default dispatch. The default dispatch subsystem can
be redefined several times within one contingency file.
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Multi-Section Line Outages
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
Subsystem file
subsystem inertia
areas 1 999
scale all generation with pmax greater 100 MW
Contingency file
default dispatch
system inertia
load throwover
from_bus_id to_bus_id
. . .
In addition, a load throwover data file may be used as in the example below:
include Ldthrowover.dat
from_bus_id to_bus_id
. . .
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Three-Winding Transformer Contin-
MON/CON File Extensions and Options gency
The load throwover file is available within all MUST activities including DC and AC based contingency analysis
and transfer limit analysis.
All windings of a three-winding transformer may be placed in/out of-service with a record of the form:
|CLOSE | BRANCH FROM BUS bsid TO BUS bsid TO BUS bsid [ | CIRCUIT | ckid ]
|OPEN | | CKT |
Each TO BUS bsid and the FROM BUS bsid must be unique and specific to the intended threewinding trans-
The above example will open all three windings of the in-service three-winding transformer connected to
bus 288, bus 2000 and bus 398. This single contingency will be internally registered as three single branch
events, one for each of the three winding buses of the transformer.
Three-winding transformers are modeled as three two winding transformers connected together by a com-
mon bus, known as the star bus. Star buses are indicated in MUST by the bus number B$xxx; where xxx is
an artificial number assigned to the three-winding transformer. Report lines containing three-winding trans-
formers are highlighted in yellow.
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ EXCLUDE Data File
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
A user can read in the file by using the exclude Data File button, which brings in the file selector. In command
line mode, a user can read the exclude data file by invoking function CONSTR/CHANGE.
If a user has restarted MUST with different options, data files, or a new load flow case, the user has to read
the exclude data file again to exclude elements or reactivate excluded elements.
Also, a user can exclude/include selected contingencies on the fly with a MUST session within contingency
analysis group functions. MUST can generate the new exclude data file based on the current selection of
excluded monitored elements, contingencies, and monitored/contingencies combinations.
For more detailed explanation for Exclusion see Section 7.1, “Overview Of Exclusion”
The difference between the above format of the INTERFACE record and that of the monitored element def-
inition file. The user must use one of the keywords (NAME or NUMBER) as there are two possible ways to
identify interfaces.
|NAME Label |
The contingency number can be obtained from the list of contingencies and is also reported by many MUST
|RATINGS r r r [MW]|
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Exclude File
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
The first record type assumes that all three ratings are equal.
The EXCLUDE record above allows the user to exclude all initial overloads. This record provides a simple
solution when running MUST for the first time; a user can then create an explicit exclude data file at a later
The following format allows excluding initial violations just in several selected areas and zones. It is quite a
common and simple solution to avoid reporting local problems in the external control areas.
An exclude monitored element statement can have one of the following formats:
• Type (1) excludes a monitored element from the base case and all contingencies
• Type (2) excludes a monitored element only from the base case
• Type (3) excludes a monitored element from all contingencies, but it is monitored in the base case
The include command in combination with exclude command allows the user to exclude a monitored ele-
ment under all contingencies and then to include checking that constraint back in for only a few contingen-
exclude branch from bus 70001 to bus 70003 circuit 2 in base case
exclude branch from bus 70001 to bus 70003 cktid 2 in all contingencies
exclude interface number 3 in base case
exclude interface name XYZ_1 3 in all contingencies
exclude branch from bus 70001 to bus 70003 circuit 2 in
contingency branch from bus 70001 to bus 70002 circuit 3
exclude branch from bus 10 to bus 20 in contingency number 527
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Exclude File
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
The EXCLUDE BRANCH/INTERFACE in the contingency record specification can use one or two lines. In the
case of two lines, it is important that the IN keyword is the last keyword on the first line with a monitored
branch specification as shown above.
For branches, the CHANGE record changes A, B, and C ratings defined in the load flow case. For interfaces,
it changes limits specified in the monitored file.
When new ratings are specified, these ratings will be assigned to the load flow case ratings (A, B, C). These
ratings will be scaled according to the rating multiplier specified on the MUST Startup dialog.
CHANGE BRANCH FROM BUS 70001 TO BUS 70002 CIRCUIT 3 ratings 100 110 120
Buses can be excluded from the monitored bus set. Buses can be excluded using the bus name or bus number.
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Summary of Advanced Linear Analy-
MON/CON File Extensions and Options sis/MUST File Extensions Not Available
in PSS®E
• SCALE LOAD for subsystem adjustments can be explicitly specified (e.g., "scale load in area …").
• INCLUDE OFFLINE specification provides simple solution to include off-line generators in subsystems and
enhances reporting/limit checking.
• Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST allows the automatic adding of subsystems by every bus or generator
within a user-defined subset of buses (areas, zones, bus ranges).
• Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST allows defining new subsystems by combining previously defined subsys-
tems with user defined participating factor.
• Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST has the EMS Flows Method, which allows using flows provided by a user
(not obtained from the load flow case).
• Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST allows to specify rating selection and multipliers on the area and zone
• Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST allows selective selection of the distribution factors cutoff on area and
zone basis.
• Optional exclude files allows to customize reporting violations. Primary objective of this function is to
reflect existing operating guides (in the very simplified form).
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Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST SUB/ Contingency Data File Extensions
MON/CON File Extensions and Options
• Default dispatch subsystem definition provides convenient approach to model imbalanced contingencies.
DISPATCH records can be used for automatic contingency specifications.
• Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST checks contingent violations for branches opened in the base case, but
closed in the contingencies; PSS®E does not do this.
• Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST provides better modeling of dynamic bus events in the case of interaction
between study transfer and the size of bus injections in contingencies.
• Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST allows generating a new contingency file for user-selected contingencies.
Advanced Linear Analysis/MUST always generates individual contingency definitions even if contingencies
are specified using automatic specifications.
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Chapter 3
Graphic Report Generator GRPG User’s Ready
APPEND VECTOR [FROM x,y] FOR length [c] ANGLE angle [c]
APPEND ARC [c] AT x,y [c] RADIUS rad [c] FROM angle [c] TO angle
|CCW |
APPEND POLYGON[S] FROM filename [c] [OFFSET x,y] [c] [SCALE scale]
COMMENT string
DRAW LOGO AT x,y WITH SIZE size [c] [ANGLE angle] [c]
DRAW VECTOR [FROM x,y] FOR length [c] ANGLE angle [c]
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Graphic Report Generator GRPG User’s
Ready Reference
DRAW BOX CENTERED AT x,y WITH SIDES length-x BY length-y [c] [RADIUS
DRAW ARC [c] AT x,y [c] RADIUS rad [c] FROM angle [c] TO angle [c]
|CCW |
DRAW POLYGON[S] FROM filename [c] [OFFSET x,y] [c] [SCALE scale]
|&label| |&label|
ELSEIF |string| oper |string|
|real | |real |
END [c]
HELP [command]
|&label| |&label|
IF |string| oper |string|
|real | |real |
where "oper" is "EQ", "=", "NE", "<>", "GT", ">", "GE", ">=",
"LT", "<", "LE", or "<=".
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Graphic Report Generator GRPG User’s
Ready Reference
|real |
LET &label = |string|
LET &label2 = THE |LOAD | FOR |AREA| n
LET &label2 = THE SYSTEM |LOAD |
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Graphic Report Generator GRPG User’s
Ready Reference
LET &label2 = THE FLOW FOR |BRANCH| FROM BUS busid TO BUS busid
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Graphic Report Generator GRPG User’s
Ready Reference
SHADE ARC [c] AT x,y [c] RADIUS rad [c] FROM angle [c] TO angle
|CCW |
SHADE POLYGON[S] FROM filename [c] [OFFSET x,y] [c] [SCALE scale]
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Graphic Report Generator GRPG User’s NOTES:
Ready Reference
3.1. NOTES:
1. [c] => Optional comments
4. Lower case words are variable fields. For more information on a specific variable, refer to Section C.4.1
of the PSS®E Program Operation Manual.
7. If "CIRCUIT cid" is not specified, default is circuit "1". If "LOADID lid" is not specified, default is load "1".
8. "busid" may be specified as either the extended bus name enclosed in single quotes or the bus number.
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Graphic Report Generator GRPG User’s GRPG Command Help
Ready Reference
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Graphic Report Generator GRPG User’s GRPG Input Files
Ready Reference
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Graphic Report Generator GRPG User’s To Execute GRPG From PSSLF4
Ready Reference
GRPG requests input and output filenames. To enter commands interactively, type a carriage return to the
input file request. GRPG prompts with "GRPG:" when ready for a new command.
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Graphic Report Generator GRPG User’s Sample GRPG Command File
Ready Reference
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Chapter 4
Simulation Run Assembler PSAS User’s Ready
|MWP |
|MWI |
|ALTER | |MWY | [ |MW
| ]
|CHANGE| |MVARQ| LOAD [n] BUS (bus id) [L0AD(id)] TO (R) [ |MVAR|
|CHANGE| BUS (bus id) CODE TO (I)
|ALTER | |R|
[|CKT | ]
|CHANGE| |X| TO (R) [n] FROM [n] BUS (bus id) TO [n] BUS (bus id)
[|CIRCUIT| (id)]
[|Y | |MVA
| ]
APPLY FAULT [n] BUS (bus id) [n] [|ADMITTANCE| (R1) (R2) |MHO[S]|
[|Z |
APPLY FAULT [n] BUS (bus id) [n] [|IMPEDANCE| (R1) (R2) OHM[S] [BASEKV
[|CKT | ]
APPLY FAULT [n] |TIE | [n] FROM [n] BUS (bsid) TO [n] BUS (bsid)
[|CIRCUIT| (id)] [n]
| |MVA | ]
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Simulation Run Assembler PSAS User’s
Ready Reference
(R1) (R2) |MHO[S]| [BASEKV (R)]]
[|CKT | ]
APPLY FAULT [n] |TIE | [n] FROM [n] BUS (bsid) TO [n] BUS (bsid)
[|CIRCUIT| (id)] [n]
| ]
(R1) (R2) OHM[S] [BASEKV (R)]]
|L-G |
SCMU |L-L | FAULT [n] BUS (bsid) [n] [ZL-G (R1) (R2)] [n] [ZL-L
(R3) (R4)]
|L-G |
|L-L |
[|CKT | ]
SPCB |L-L-G | FAULT (R1) [n] FROM [n] BUS (bsid) TO [n] BUS (bsid)
[n] [|CIRCUIT| (id)]
[n] [ZL-G (R2) (R3)] [n] [ZL-L (R4) (R5)]
| ]
SPCB 2PHASE OPEN [n] FROM [n] BUS (bsid) TO [n] BUS (bsid) [n] [|CIRCUIT|
| ]
SPCB 1PHASE OPEN [n] FROM [n] BUS (bsid) TO [n] BUS (bsid) [n] [|CIRCUIT|
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Simulation Run Assembler PSAS User’s
Ready Reference
| ]
SPCB BREAKER OPEN [n] AT [n] BUS (bsid) TO [n] BUS (bsid) [n] [|CIRCUIT|
[|CKT | ]
|CLOSE | |TIE | [n] FROM [n] BUS (bus id) TO [n] BUS (bus id)
[|CIRCUIT| (id)]
[|CKT | ]
|TRIP | |TIE | [n] FROM [n] BUS (bus id) TO [n] BUS (bus
id) [|CIRCUIT| (id)]
[|CKT ]
|CLOSE | THREEWINDING [n] FROM [n] BUS (bsid) TO [n] BUS (bsid)
TO [n] BUS (bsid) [|CIRCUIT| (id)]
[|CKT ]
|TRIP | THREEWINDING [n] FROM [n] BUS (bsid) TO [n] BUS (bsid)
TO [n] BUS (bsid) [|CIRCUIT| (id)]
[|CKT ]
|TRIP | THREEWINDING [n] AT [n] BUS (bsid) TO [n] BUS (bsid)
TO [n] BUS (bsid) [|CIRCUIT| (id)]
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Simulation Run Assembler PSAS User’s
Ready Reference
DROP |MACHINE | (id) [n] BUS (bus id)
RECONNECT |MACHINE | (id) [n] BUS (bus id)
HOLD [n] IN (filename-1) AND (filename-2) [SIZE[S] (I1) (I2) (I3)
(I4) (I5)]
|ON |
|FLOWP | [|CKT |
PLACE |FLOWPQ | [n] BUS (bus id) TO [n] BUS (bus id) [|CIRCUIT|
IDENTIFIER[S] (ident) [AND (ident)]]
[|CKT | ]
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Simulation Run Assembler PSAS User’s
Ready Reference
PLACE |3WNDFLOWPQ | [n] BUS (bus id) TO [n] BUS (bus id) TO [n]
BUS (bus id) [|CIRCUIT| (id)]
IDENTIFIER[S] (ident) [AND (ident)]]
PLACE quantity [n] BUS (bus id) [MACHINE (id)] IN CHANNEL[S] [WITH
IDENTIFIER[S] (ident) [AND (ident)]]
(ident) [AND (ident)]]
|VAR[S] |
|TO | |CYCLE[S] |
RUN [n] |FOR| (R) |SECOND[S]| [PRINT (I)] [PLOT (I)] [CRTPLT (I)]
SET [n] DCLINE (dc id) |SETPOINT| TO (R)
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Simulation Run Assembler PSAS User’s
Ready Reference
SET [n] |CON| (I) TO (R)
SET [n] ICON (I) TO |(I)|
SET [n] |CON[S]| (I1) THRU (In) TO (R1) ... (Rn)
[|CYCLE[S] |]
SET [n] STEP TO (R) (n) [|SECOND[S]|] [n]
|PSS |
|USE |
|COPY| (response-file-filename) [arg1...[arg9]]
EXECUTE (iplan-program-filename)
HELP [(command)]
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Simulation Run Assembler PSAS User’s NOTES:
Ready Reference
4.1. NOTES:
1. [n] => Optional comments
10. If "CIRCUIT (ID)" is not specified, default is circuit "1". If "LOAD (id)" is not specified, default is load "1".
11. BASEKV optional with PU. BASEKV required with OHMS or MHOS unless BASEKV is stored with working
12. BUS-ID is sensitive to the name/number input options switch of PSS E (names must be enclosed in quotes
and include the voltage field).
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Simulation Run Assembler PSAS User’s PSAS Command Help
Ready Reference
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Simulation Run Assembler PSAS User’s User-Entered PSS E Commands
Ready Reference
4.3. User-Entered PSS E Commands
To enter a series of PSS E commands into the output file, type "PSS". PSAS responds with the "PASSTHRU:"
prompt, indicting pass-thru mode. Each line entered is passed to the output file as ENTERED. To terminate
the PSS E pass-thru mode, type "FIN", the "PSAS:" prompt is then issued. This mode of input is accepted both
from the terminal and from input files.
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Simulation Run Assembler PSAS User’s PSAS Input Files
Ready Reference
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Simulation Run Assembler PSAS User’s To Execute PSAS From PSSDS4
Ready Reference
PSAS requests input and output filenames. To enter commands interactively, type a carriage return to the
input file request. PSAS prompts with "PSAS:" when ready for a new command. If the optional suffix "CHECK"
is included, PSAS does not attempt to execute the generated response file.
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Simulation Run Assembler PSAS User’s Sample PSAS Command File
Ready Reference
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Simulation Run Assembler PSAS User’s NOTES:
Ready Reference
4.7. NOTES:
1. Optional text is shown in lower case.
2. Commas and equal signs are used only to clarify the dialog. They are not required.
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Chapter 5
Engineering Basic PSEB User’s Ready Reference
|MW |
|MWP |
|MWI |
|ALTER | |MWY | [ |MW
| ]
|CHANGE| |MVAR | LOAD [n] BUS (bus id) [LOAD (id)] TO (R) [ |MVAR|
|MW |
|ALTER | |MWG | [|MW
|CHANGE| |MVAR | SHUNT [n] BUS (bus id) [SHUNT (id)] TO (R) [|MVAR|]
|CHANGE| BUS (bus id) CODE TO (I)
|ALTER | |R|
[|CKT | ]
|CHANGE| |X| TO (R) [n] FROM [n] BUS (bus id) TO [n] BUS (bus id)
[|CIRCUIT| (id)]
[|CKT | ]
|CLOSE | |TIE | [n] FROM [n] BUS (bus id) TO [n] BUS (bus id)
[|CIRCUIT| (id)]
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Engineering Basic PSEB User’s Ready
[|CKT ]
|CLOSE | THREEWINDING [n] FROM [n] BUS (bsid) TO [n] BUS (bsid)
TO [n] BUS (bsid) [|CIRCUIT| (id)]
DROP |GENERATOR| (id) [n] BUS (bus id)
RECONNECT |GENERATOR| (id) [n] BUS (bus id)
HELP [(command)]
|USE |
|COPY| (response-file-filename) [arg1...[arg9]]
EXECUTE (iplan-program-filename)
[|CKT | ]
|TRIP | |TIE | [n] FROM [n] BUS (bus id) TO [n] BUS (bus
id) [|CIRCUIT| (id)]
[|CKT ]
|TRIP | THREEWINDING [n] FROM [n] BUS (bsid) TO [n] BUS (bsid)
TO [n] BUS (bsid) [|CIRCUIT| (id)]
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Engineering Basic PSEB User’s Ready
[|CKT ]
|TRIP | THREEWINDING [n] AT [n] BUS (bsid) TO [n] BUS (bsid)
TO [n] BUS (bsid) [|CIRCUIT| (id)]
|BUS |
NET GENERATION [n] |BUSES| (bus id) [(bus id)...[(bus id)]]
|PSS |
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Engineering Basic PSEB User’s Ready
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Engineering Basic PSEB User’s Ready NOTES:
5.1. NOTES:
1. [n] => Optional comments
9. If "CIRCUIT (id)" is not specified, default is circuit "1". If "LOAD (id)" is not specified, default is load "1".
10. BUS-ID is sensitive to the name/number input options switch of E (names must be enclosed in quotes
and include the base voltage field).
12. (title) => a quoted string specifying the 60 character title line.
13. Section 16.4.2 of the ®E Program Operation Manual contains detailed instructions on the use of each
PSEB command.
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Engineering Basic PSEB User’s Ready PSEB Command Help
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Engineering Basic PSEB User’s Ready User-Entered PSS E Commands
5.3. User-Entered PSS E Commands
To enter a series of PSS E commands into the output file, type "PSS". PSEB responds with the "PASSTHRU:"
prompt, indicting pass-thru mode. Each line entered is passed to the output file as ENTERED. To terminate
the PSS E pass-thru mode, type "FIN", the "PSEB:" prompt is then issued. This mode of input is accepted both
from the terminal and from input files.
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Engineering Basic PSEB User’s Ready PSEB Input Files
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Engineering Basic PSEB User’s Ready To Execute PSEB From PSSLF4
PSEB requests input and output filenames. To enter commands interactively, type a carriage return to the
input file request. PSEB prompts with "PSEB:" when ready for a new command. If the optional suffix "CHECK"
is included, PSEB does not attempt to execute the generated responses.
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Engineering Basic PSEB User’s Ready Sample PSEB Command File
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Engineering Basic PSEB User’s Ready NOTES:
5.7. NOTES:
1. Optional text is shown in lower case.
2. Commas and equal signs are used only to clarify the dialog. They are not required.
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