Lawas, Caryl Marion Unit 2 Instructional Planning Essay

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Name: Caryl Marion Lawas

Yr/Section: BEED 3-8A


Answer the following questions to verbalize your understanding of the instructional

planning models commonly used in math.

1. Did you notice any similarity between ADIDAS and the Five Es model? Match the
components of the two models to summarize the similarities that you saw.
• Activity • Engage
• Discussion • Explore
• Input • Explain
• Deepening • Elaborate
• Activity • Evaluate
• Synthesis

2. Explain the matching you did in #1.

I did match these ADIDAS to the corresponding 5 E's. I did match these because
it corresponds to it where they have the same objectives for the students. They might
have different in words but they are the same with their meanings and thoughts.


Even though ADIDAS and Five Es are commonly used, they also receive criticisms such

as not being applicable to some topics in math. The following questions will challenge your

reasoning skills regarding this issue of applicability of instructional planning models.

1. Do you think ADIDAS or the Five Es model is applicable to planning any lesson in

mathematics? Explain your thought.

ADIDAS or 5 E's is both applicable in planning a lesson in mathematics because it

focuses in students learning. Some others might think that it is not applicable but for me, it is
applicable or rather it is what we need in planning a lesson in mathematics. Again it’s Yes,
because both of them are applicable in any curriculum guide. its designed to supplement the day
to day planning, teaching, and evaluation activities of teachers at all educational level.

2. What if, in the school where you will be employed, a different instructional planning model is
used. Do you think you will have a hard time adjusting? Explain.

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Yes, because their purpose is for learning, determining challenging learning goals and making
assessment and performance requirements. Well, as a teacher if we are being deployed to a
school that has a their own specific instructional planning, then it will be hard for me to adjust
because in this case, I need to study the instructional planning. For me I may engage difficulties
in teaching to my students. It is indeed hard to adjust when it is new to you and you don't have
any idea of it. Maybe you have an idea to it but it's not enough for you to understand clearly the
prescribe instructional planning in that school.


In this activity, you will be asked to refer to the lesson plan you previously studied in the last
lesson. This time, focus your analysis on the different components of the lesson plan in relation
to the ADIDAS and Five Es model. Refer to the lesson plan that you collected or borrowed in the
previous lesson and do the following.

1. Extract parts of the lesson plan that exhibits the components of:


Activity A part of the lesson plan where I ask my

students regarding to a topic that I did give
them of what they have understand or what
are the thoughts they can think when they
hear this word or topic.
Discussion A part of the lesson plan where I teach them a
topic where they don't have difficulties in
understanding the topic that I discussed to
A part of the lesson plan where I gave my
Input students a group activity so that they will
engaged in their ideas to others base on what
they learned in the discussion of the topic.
Deepening A part of the lesson plan where I ask my
students a follow up questions base on the
activity that I gave to them for me to ensure
that they truly learned.
Activity A part of the lesson plan where I gave them a
problem and they must solve while I am
facilitating them.
Synthesis A part of the lesson plan where I will give to
the students an activity that derives from the
topic to see if they learned and what they have

a. Five Es

Part of the lesson plan where I give the

Engage students a discussion of the topic while giving
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them all the means for them to understand the
discussion easily.
Explore A part of the lesson plan where I give a topic
that is new to my students and have them do
some research about it and explain it.
Explain A part of the lesson plan where I as a teacher
having a discussion to my students regarding
to the topic prescribe in the lesson plan.
Elaborate A part of the lesson plan where I as a teacher
having a discussion to my students and
making an examples of it for me to elaborate
and have them learn effectively.
Evaluate A part of the lesson plan where I will give an
assessment to my students by the end of the
discussion for me to ensure that they learned
and understand the topic that being discussed
to them.

2. Are there components of the ADIDAS/Five Es model that were not reflected in the lesson
plan? If you are to fill in these missing parts, what would you write?

For me, all components in these two models are all reflected in lesson plan. But if I we're
to write to fill the missing parts. I will write interaction where a teacher will provide an activity
that will make the students interact to their classmates and when that happens they will also
interact more in the class because they already build the confidence towards their classmates
where they trust each other.

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