Math Activity 8

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Mitzi B.

Sumadero BEED – 2

GED 109

Answer the following questions to verbalize your understanding of inductive learning.

1. Explain how inductive learning is related to the constructivist theory of learning discussed
in the previous unit.
- Inductive learning lends itself very well to the constructivist theory of learning as inductive
learning, means learning occurs when the student learns from a specific incident/activities
and sees how such a specific point can be applied in general. Whilst, constructivism learning
theory is based on the notion that students learn by reflecting on their experiences, in this way
they ‘construct’ their way of making sense of the world. New knowledge is added to previous
knowledge, and the student's mental maps are adjusted as a result.

2. What possible hypotheses would the students come up with given the problem in
- The possible hypotheses that students would come up with given the problem in experience
is to understand the objective, particularly in problem solving, where understanding the
objective and solving the problem is extremely difficult. Furthermore, when students present
a problem, possible hypotheses include how to solve the problem, the process or steps to
solve the problem in order to obtain the final answer, and finally, how they apply it in a real-
life situation.
The following activity will engage you in identifying mathematical concepts that can be
taught using the inductive learning strategy.

1. Browse the DepEd mathematics curriculum for Kinder to Grade 3. Write five
mathematical rules that you can teach using the inductive learning strategy.


Grade level Standards:


K The learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts

and skills involving numbers and number sense (whole numbers up to 20,
basic concepts on addition and subtraction); geometry (basic attributes of
objects), patterns and algebra (basic concept of sequence and number pairs);
measurement (time, location, non-standard measures of length, mass and
capacity); and statistics and probability (data collection and tables) as
applied - using appropriate technology - in critical thinking, problem
solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations and
decisions in real life.
1 The learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts
and skills involving numbers and number sense (whole numbers up to 100,
ordinal numbers up to 10th, money up to PhP100, addition and subtraction
of whole numbers, and fractions ½ and 1/4);geometry (2- and 3-dimensional
objects); patterns and algebra (continuous and repeating patterns and number
sentences); measurement (time, non-standard measures of length, mass, and
capacity);and statistics and probability (tables, pictographs, and outcomes)
as applied - using appropriate technology - in critical thinking, problem
solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations,
and decisions in real life.
2 The learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts
and skills involving numbers and number sense (whole numbers up to 1 000,
ordinal numbers up to 20th, money up to PhP100, the four fundamental
operations of whole numbers, and unit fractions); geometry (basic shapes,
symmetry, and tessellations); patterns and algebra (continuous and repeating
patterns and number sentences);measurement (time, length, mass, and
capacity); and statistics and probability (tables, pictographs, and outcomes)
as applied - using appropriate technology - in critical thinking, problem
solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations,
and decisions in real life.
3 The learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts
and skills involving numbers and number sense (whole numbers up to
10 000; ordinal numbers up to 100th; money up to PhP1 000;the four
fundamental operations of whole numbers; proper and improper fractions;
and similar, dissimilar, and equivalent fractions); geometry (lines,
symmetry, and tessellations); patterns and algebra (continuous and repeating
patterns and number sentences); measurement (conversion of time, length,
mass and capacity, area of square and rectangle); and statistics and
probability (tables, bar graphs, and outcomes) as applied - using appropriate
technology - in critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning,communicating,
making connections, representations, and decisions in real life.

5 mathematical rules that can teach using inductive learning strategy:

 Squaring inductively.
 Explore Area and Perimeter.
 Multiply a Fraction.
 Exploring Circumference with Famous Circle
 Play with Linear Graphs

2. The key to effective inductive learning is well-thought-of examples. Choose one topic
from your list in #1 and write examples that you can use in class to allow discovery. What
were your considerations in choosing your examples?
- Multiply a Fractions is one of the topics I chose. My consideration in selecting this example
is how students analyze problems, particularly those involving multiplying fractions, and how
they go about multiplying the two fractions to arrive at their final answers. In addition to my
expertise, using an example, this is what I expected of my future students.

Multiply Fractions
Now let’s look at teaching students to multiply fractions by allowing them to uncover
patterns and formulate the rule on their own.
Give the Examples
Again, I’ve carefully chosen examples to enhance the pattern. For example, none of these
have a simplification step at the end, making the pattern more obvious.
 1/2 × 3/5 = 3/10
 2/3 × 5/7 = 10/21
 3/5 × 4/7 = 12/35
Students Identify Patterns
Eventually, someone will figure it out:
Student: Oh! I know! You multiply the numerators and then multiply the denominators!
This gives you the chance to formalize their definition, and make sure they’re using the
correct math vocabulary.
Source from:

Therefore, with the inductive learning, we still define terms, explain rules, and practice, but
the order is different. We’re harnessing students’ natural abilities to enhance our lessons. As
you try this, play to students’ ability to recognize patterns and determine the rules, but also
keep close to the struggling math students who may flounder in this setting.
Write a lesson plan that allows the students to discover a rule inductively. If appropriate,
use the same topic as in your Harness in Lesson 7. This activity will be part of the learning
portfolio that you will compile at the end of this module.

A.Find the product
1.6 x 9 = ____
2.7 x 8 = ____
3.9 x 7= ____
4. 4x6= _____
5. 5x9=_____
6. 6x3=_____
7. 9x8=_____
8. 11x3= ____

Ask students to fill the blanks by multiplying. Then lead them to observe each pair of
multiplication number sentences. Allow students to observe the examples for a while.
Allowing fast learners to share their hypotheses may cause them to become overly excited,
but do not allow them to do so. The goal is for every student to experience the "Aha!"

Struggling students may not see the pattern right away. Help them by focusing their
attention on the multiplying the ones first then multiply the multiplier by the digit in the tens
Call a few students to speak about their hypotheses. After each explanation, check to see if
anyone else has the same hypothesis.

Collect Evidence
Apply the hypotheses to each example to see if they always work.


Ask the students which hypothesis is true for all based on the results of the "collect
evidence" stage. The students should then be instructed to write the rule in their notebooks in
their own words. Allow two to three students to read their work aloud.

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