Project Management - Ayzee Events

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The AYZEE Events Project

MGT380 – Project Management

Deliverable #3

Group Members:
Wahi Almashdali 72848
Ranim Alherafi 78697
Omar Aldiek 73163
Renad Bajnaid 73980
Alaa Deeb 68367
Table of Contents



Major Milestones:......................................................................................................................3

Major Deliverables:....................................................................................................................4



Acceptance Criteria:...................................................................................................................7

Schedule and Cost Dependencies, Assumptions and/or Consideration:....................................8

Business Opportunity:................................................................................................................8


Funding Source:.......................................................................................................................10


Stakeholder analysis.................................................................................................................13

Stakeholder Management Matrix.............................................................................................15

Risk assessment........................................................................................................................16


Expert Information...................................................................................................................22


Name: Ayzee Events

Date: March 15, 2022

Revision: 4

Overview: The Ayzee Events Project is planning to develop and launch a mobile
application to connect party/event suppliers to customers.


 The objective of this project is to develop a mobile application and obtain 20

trustworthy partners from each product category, which includes flower

arrangements, catering, décor, rentals, and cakes and chocolate, by Sunday, March

15th, 2022.

 The objective of this project is to have final data on the target audience in both

quantitative and qualitative format collected by 3rd of May 2021 before hiring the

Mobile App Developers and User Experience Specialists.

(collected data on the target audience is expected to help User Experience Specialists with

understanding what potential users seek for when using the mobile application. Additionally, it will

help refine product categories and consider additional features for the mobile application to be

considered by the mobile app developers.)

 The objective of this project is to hire at least 2 App Developers and 2 User

Experience Specialists between the 23rd of May and the 20th of June 2021.

 The objective of this project is to secure an angel investor by October 24, 2021

which will help provide 40% of the estimated budget for the project.


Description of Scope:

The aim and purpose of the project is to ensure the successful development and launch of a

user- friendly, one-stop shop mobile application, to be used by party hosts or planners to

plan their next party/event from the comfort of their home. The mobile application released

by the end of the project aims to ease the process of planning an event or hosting a party by

reducing the hassle of searching and finding the perfect supplier for their needs. This will

be achieved by developing and launching a mobile application that serves as a link to

connect vendors such as caterers, cake shops, furniture rentals, florists, and party shops to

our users to ease their transactions. The objective is to launch the mobile application and

secure 20 reputable vendors from each product category by Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at an

approximate cost of $127,488.7.

Requirements: (activities included within the scope)

 Hire mobile application developers and UX specialists to assist in the development

and launch of the mobile application.

 Establish product categories to be included in the mobile application.

 Secure 20 vendors for each product category

 Mobile application maintenance and optimization prior to the official launch

 Official launch of the mobile application

Exclusions: (activities not included within the scope)

 Client is responsible for hiring the customer service team to address users' concerns

post final and official application launch.

 Client is responsible for hiring an in-house mobile application maintenance team

for future app store optimization.

 Client is responsible for maintaining, following up and meeting contract

requirements and agreements with vendors post final and official application


 Developers and UX specialists are responsible for subcontracted work.

 Client is responsible for all marketing and advertising activities related to the

launch of the mobile application.

Major Deliverables:
Provide documentation of the plan,
schedule, and scope of the app 3/5/2021
development process.
Provide a mockup of the app to
conceptualize the functionalities of the
app and the services which would be
provided in it.
Provide a prototype to showcase the
basic design of the app.
Provide the technical documentation
for MVP
Provide the components architecture 17/5/2021
Provide the technical investigation
Coding required for iOS & Android 23/8/2021
Integrate the chosen MBaaS with our
Receive conformation from all vendors
in each product category that will
display their products/ services on the
Applying all testing requirements on
the app before the launch


Budget: We are assuming that 40% of our project budget will be funded through angel

investors which will be secured in the earlier stages of the project to support the project


Location of operation: We are assuming that the main area of operation of the mobile

application will be in the United Arab Emirates, specifically in Dubai.

Software: We are assuming that the mobile application at the time of launch will be

compatible with the latest IOS release.

App Developers and Design team: We are assuming that the two teams will work

together harmoniously and communicate effectively and frequently to ensure the smooth

functioning of the mobile application and sleek design given the requirements.


Cost: The project has a cost constraint of $127,488.7and it has to be completed under this


Scope: The scope of the project is to develop a full-fledged mobile application that links

vendors to consumers and vice versa.

Quality: The quality of the project must adhere to the IEEE app design/development


Customer Satisfaction: The main functions of the app must match the customers’

expectations to ensure their satisfaction while using the app.

Resources: there must be a sufficient number of suppliers identified for each

product/service category provided in the mobile application by the project deadline to

ensure a successful mobile application launch.

Time: The project needs to be completed within a year.

Communication: poor communication amongst the app developers hired for the interest of

the project due to differences in work ethics, culture, and background.

Advances in technology: sudden advances in the IOS or Android software development

could impose issues and delays to the development and launch of the mobile application

since one of the objectives is to launch the mobile application with compatibility to the

latest software for both IOS and Android.

Acceptance Criteria:

 Successful installation of the mobile application by client

 Successful uninstallation of the mobile application by client

 Positive response of application when there is a network issue and client is


 operations.

 Client should be able to successfully track incoming orders and scheduled delivery

 Successful application launch and verification that application logo and name is

 At least 15-20 vendors from each product category are secured to serve users.

Schedule and Cost Dependencies, Assumptions and/or Consideration:

Because our project at the beginning has limited funding, we can only go forward with the

mobile app development stage once we secure an investment by the Angel Investors. Thus,

the latest end date we can secure the investors to ensure the app goes live by April 24, 2021

is, August 24th,2021. If, for whatever reason we miss our date, we will not be able to launch

the mobile application by April 24, 2021, and the project will be delayed until we secure an

angel investor.

Business Opportunity:

The goal of this project is to develop and launch a mobile application for AyZee Events

and to secure 20 vendors within each product category of the mobile application. The

AyZee Events mobile application will be a convenience to customers who plan on hosting

their own parties or events since all necessary goods and services will be available to order

through the mobile application. Thus, this will help customers plan their parties and events

with ease since all their needs are in one space and they can order them at their

convenience and have them delivered to their doorstep.


The cost of the project was estimated using a variety of methods. First, based on our meeting

with the software consulting engineer and the freelancer programmer, we were able to

estimate the cost of mobile app design, development, and testing phases based on their prior

experience working on similar projects. On the other hand, the InstaShop talent specialist

assisted us with the bottom-up estimate by providing us with details on the approximate cost

of securing vendors for our application, as well as the time and costs of the sales pitch and

contract signing. We were also able to estimate the material costs, such as copyright and

mobile app license costs, based on our secondary research.

Each task percentage from the total cost


Legal Copyright
Legal paperwork and App launch license
agreement contracts 1.22%
1.3% 0.9%
0.6% UI Design Specialist
iOS App Developer

Android App Developer 4.9%

21.9% Project Manager

Sales Representative to secure rentals 6%

r Representative to secure
floist s and cat er ing comp ani es 7.2%

Sales Representative to secure

restaurants and decoration shops 7.2% 19.61%
Other costs including offic
rentals and computers


Business Administrator

Deployment & testing Specialist

Total Cost = $
Funding Source:

The sources of funding of the project will be provided through the client and the angel

investors that we aim to secure at a particular stage of the project with a proportion of 60%

and 40%, respectively. Resource allocation will adhere to the specified tentative budget


 $93,483 to be funded by the angel investor to ensure the completion of the AyZee

Events project.


Based on the secondary research conducted and information provided by the experts the

following are the determined preliminary start and end date for the AyZee events project:

Preliminary Start Date Sunday, April 4, 2021

Preliminary End Date Sunday, April 24, 2021

Based on the tasks identified in the WBS in MS Project the start and end date are determined

as follows:

Tentative Start Date Sunday Sunday, April 4, 2021

Tentative End Date Sunday Tuesday, March 15, 2022

AyZee event Project will take 49 weeks to be completed.

Stakeholder analysis

The stakeholders recognized for AyZee Events are grouped as follows:

Key players: Project manager, project owner, service providers/vendors, and app developers

Context setters: Government, Residential Communities Management Defenders: Clients and

Angel investors Crowd: Delivery companies

Understand Engage

Government Project manager

Residential communities Project owner
Service providers/Vendors
App developers

Monitor Consider

Delivery companies Clients

Angel investors

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Project manager

Project owner To Us

Service providers/Vendors

App developers
To The
Residential communities management

Delivery companies


Angel investors


Based on our own and the expert’s opinion, we have identified the level of importance

of the stakeholder to our project. The two categories represent how vested the stakeholders

are in the project, based on a scale from 1 to 5 the highest being the most important and 1

being the least. App developers, service providers, angel investors, and project owners are the

most important stakeholders to us due to their inevitable role in the application’s functionality

and success, and these stakeholders share the same importance we have for them. Moreover,

the least significant stakeholders, that have the least effect and impact on our project would

include the delivery company, clients and the residential community management.

Stakeholder Management Matrix
PROJECT NAME AyZee Events Mobile Application BEGIN DATE March 7th, 2021

CLIENT Mohammed Alabbar END DATE Februaury 7th, 2022


Project Manager High High Delivery of the project on Responsible of the Crucial daily updates.
time and within the delegation of duties. Weekly email summaries.
specified budget Overlook the daily activities Monthly in-person milestone
of the project deliverables. summary meetings.

Project Owner High High For the app (project) to Responsible of the budget Daily documentation
have full functionality as and assigning a suitable updates through email
described prior to the project manager. reports. Monthly
initiation of the project and deliverables updates (in-
completed on or prior to person)
the agreed deadline and
within the budget.

Clients Low High Convenience while using There is no contribution Clients are not involved
the app. To have a variety from the clients. Testers of during the project. However,
of options within the app to the app will impersonate potential clients are
choose from. clients during the final informed about the project
testing phase of the and the probable release
project. date.

Service High High Reachability to a Provide the main services nvolved/Informed on the They are cruical for the core functionality
Providers//Suppliers considerable portion of the on the app. Provide app changes that directly of the project (app).
etc. market. Exposure on the suggestions on better affect the
app. Customer feedback delivery/presentation of presentation/delivery of their
on the service provided information on the app. services.
and suitable mean of
communication with the

Governments High High Abide to the rules and Provide the licensing nformed on the legality of
regulations set by the needed for the initiation of the operations within the
governments relating to the project. Be the app.
event management and intermediary when it comes
service providing. to any type of breach of
contracts between the
owner of the app and
suppliers/service providers.

Angel Investors Low High A successful app that will Provide the funding Informed on the The power of angel investors during the
generate a good return on needed to complete the development progress of stage of securing them will increase to
their initial investment project on time. Provide the project (app) to maintain high given that we need their
suggestions on the their interest. investments, their level of influence will
funtionality/delivery of the also remain high given that we aim to
app. satisfy their needs and interests and
secure their investments, however, after
securing them their power decreases but
their interests remains high as they look
forward to their return on investment.

Residential High Low To abide by the rules of The community Inform them on the project
Communities their communities and management would and the type of deliveries
Management regulate the process of facilitate the process of that would enter their
delivering the services to delivering the services to communities.
the clients who are situated the clients into the
in said communities. communities.

Application High High Their most important goal They will be responsible of They would be constantly
Developers is the functionality of the developing the app through informed on the updates of
app given the requirements which the services would the project and the different
of the project manager. be provided. changes in the project.
Constant meetings would
be held to discuss the
functionalities of the app.

Delivery Low Low To have a convenient and They will be responsible of Inform them on the major
Companies functional app to be able to delivering the items offered project milestones.
stay up to date with the on the app on time. They
customer orders. will provide suggestions on
the order handling

Risk assessment
Risk Risk Event   Trigger Proba Imp Ove Risk Risk Risk
categor bility act rall resp response Own
y Ris onse er
k cate
(P*I gory

Cost Increase in Change 1:Low 1: 1 Acce Work along Clien

risks App in project Low pt with the t/
developer manager’ change in Proje
costs / Cost s app scope and ct
overruns due features make sure to Mana
to increased requirem update the ger
scope of ent overall
work project plan

Quality Connection WIFI or 1:Low 1: 1 Miti Update App App

risks issues cellular low gate features and Devel
affecting app data  ensure it can oper /
performance maintain Proje
quality ct
performance Mana
if user is ger

App crashes Mass- 2: 3: 6 Ensure App App

due to mass usage Moder High Miti can handle Devel
usage  ate gate the maximum oper /
number of UX
users and speci
transactions alist
the day

Financia Not securing Unsucces 1:Low 3: 3 Miti Have a list of Proje

l risks an sful Sales High gate other ct
investment Pitch possible Mana
before the investors to ger /
required date contact and Clien
create a sales t 
pitch for 

An investor Change 2: 3: 6 Miti Search for Proje

reconsidering in Moder High  gate  and secure ct

the amount of Interest ate another Mana
their towards investor from ger /
investment the the list of Clien
after initial project potential t 
agreement (App) investors that
was created
at the
beginning of
the project

Partners Not securing No 2: 1: 2 Acce Contact more Clien

hip risks 20 partners interest Moder Low pt potential t/
from each toward ate partners to Proje
product joining ensure a ct
category  the sufficient Mana
platform amount of ger
partners are
before the
launch of the

Low quality Lack of 2:Mod 2: 2 Acce Inform the Proje

images professio erate Mod pt partners and ct
provided by nal erate send out Mana
the partner photogra professional ger
for the menu pher/ photographer
or product lack of s to capture
display interest high-quality
section  in quality pictures to
photos of replace the
product ones
offerings provided by
the partner

Commu Lack of Poor 2: 3: 6 Miti Choose the Proje

nication crucial communi Moder High gate best and ct
risks updates from cation ate preferable mana
app plan/met method of ger
developers hods communicati
and on of the
deployment team
and testing members and
specialists explain that
would result
from the lack


Technic App Technica 2: 3: 6 Miti Ensure that App

al risks breakdown/m l Issues Moder High  gate  the issue is Devel
(Softwar alfunction  ate fixed in a oper
e and short-
hardwar duration and
e risks) understand
the reason of
in order to
update the
app to avoid
such risks

Major iOS Major 2: 3: 6 Miti Ensure App

and Android Software Moder High  gate constant Devel
software Updates / ate software oper
requirement New updates that and
update software align with the UX
releases iOS and speci
android alist
releases and

Security Lack of 1: low 3: 3 Acce Accept the App

breach  high High  pt breach and Devel
security   for work on oper
measures now; updating the
Miti software and
gate implementing
for high security
futur measures to
e avoid such
risks in the

Resourc Delay in Lack of 2: 3: 6 Acce Ensure Proje

es risks receiving communi Moder High pt overall plans, ct
required cation ate for activities, and Mana
deliverables now; deadlines are ger
from app mitig clearly
developers ate communicate
for d to all team
futur members 

Hiring unfit Incompre 1: low 3: 3 Miti Ensuring Proje
developers hensive High gate proper ct
interview assessments Mana
measures are ger
during the

Legal Change in Emergin 1:Low 1: 1 Acce Work on Proje

risks domestic g User low pt overviewing ct
governmental privacy the current Mana
rules concerns app ger
regarding or issues features/requi
application rements and
requirements updating
and features them if
(privacy needed

Delay in Lengthy 3: 3: 9 Miti Contact Proje

obtaining applicati High  High  gate  responsible ct
required on authority to Mana
licenses  review check on the ger
process progress of
the request
the reason
behind the
delay in order
to facilitate
obtaining the

Contract Breach of Unfavora 1: 3: 3 Miti Ensure strong Proje

ual risks freelancing ble Low  High gate consequences ct
contract by working are Mana
App condition implemented ger
developer s to prevent the
breach of
and non-

Partners not Lack of 2: 2: 4 Acce Ensure strong Proje

upholding sufficient moder mod pt consequences ct
contract amount ate erate are Mana
requirements of implemented ger

benefits to prevent the
received breach of
from contract
joining (monetary
the and non-
platform monetary)

Risk summary

  After identifying potential risk based on the work break down structure and expert’s

knowledge, a qualitative analysis has been conducted and the risks evaluated. This tool offers

us practical solutions and strategies that can be undertaken if something happens that will

have an impact on the achievement. The table above showcases the six main categories of

risks identified which include quality, financial and legal risks, which then breaks down into

sub risks or activities. 

Within these risks include important activities which need a certain response like

being mitigated or reduced to a safe level or accepted risks with a high likelihood of it

happening and low impacts and accepted and then mitigated. The risk responses are based on

our evaluation via the level of risk attributed to each sub risk.

 Further evaluation of the risk is illustrated through the donut chart. The chart shows

most of the risks have moderate and low probability, and the majority of those risks have a

high impact. Leaving the least probability of high risks lower chance of happening. Even

though, those of high impact are less likely to occur, which is a positive indicator of the, but,

a certain response is attributed to each risk from low to high probability and impact.

According to the charts most of the risks are reduced to a certain level, those with high

impact are preferred to be mitigated. For instance, most of the technical risks are mostly

mitigated due to the nature of the project and the importance of technical safety is required

for the application to function.

The overall risks are calculated for each category and the results are showcased in the

bar chart above. Based on expert’s knowledge and the WBS, the highest level of risk lies

under technical risks, while financial, legal and resources risks fall closely to each other. And

the rest have the lowest overall risk that will potentially affect the project. Based on this

assessment we can specify the contingency level and the amounts specified to each category.


All UAE citizens and Emiratis who wish to host a party or an event will use the AyZee Event

app. Our app will connect users with vendors who can provide them with everything they

need to throw an event or party. This mobile app would be particularly useful during the

Covid-19 outbreak, where the government has imposed severe gathering regulations. As a

result, many families have decided to throw small gatherings in their homes, including

relatives and loved ones, at the lowest possible cost. By using our app, they will be able to

browse and compare all of the varied pricing of various products without having to visit each

vendor's location. The vendor would then bring the items to their doorstep once they have

chosen the products that meet their budget.

Expert Information
Expert Contact Info. Position Contribution to
Name project
Meena Al Email: Talent Specialist AyZee events overall
Taleb [email protected] at InstaShop WBS and tasks
Phone no.: +971 54 755 519 duration
Diana Email: [email protected] Software Mobile Application
Wehbe Phone no.: +971 56 300 7550 Consulting Development
Engineer at breakdown and
Cisco budgeting
Ahmed Email: Freelance Java, Mobile Application
Abuali [email protected] HTML, SQL, Development detailed
Phone no.: +971 52 878 6813 and Python WBS, duration, and
programmer budgeting


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