PJM5900 Group Assignment 4 - Project Charter

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Running Head: Project Charter


Group - 1
Gaurav Prakash Salvi
Khushbu Ashok Souda
Wurood Almozan
Njideka Ikejiofor
Bright Odenore

PJM 5900 – Foundation of Project Management

November 04, 2023

Prof. Cawder Ravi Andrews

Project Charter 2

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary…................................................................................................. 3

2. Business Case..............................................................................................................

2.1. What business need does the project address?............................................................ 3

2.2. What is the relationship between the project’s goals and the organization’s goals?... 3

2.3. What are the benefits of the project to the organization?............................................ 4

3. Project Definition.........................................................................................................

3.1. What is the project mission statement?....................................................................... 4

3.2. Who is the project sponsor?........................................................................................ 4

3.3. What is the project scope?........................................................................................... 5

3.4. What is the expected time frame of the project work and milestones?....................... 5

3.5. What resources are available to the project team?....................................................... 6

3.6. Project constraints........................................................................................................ 6

3.7. Assumptions about the project..................................................................................... 6

3.8. Project quality requirements........................................................................................ 7

4. Risk Assessment.......................................................................................................... 8

5. Project Organization.................................................................................................... 12

6. References.................................................................................................................... 13

Project Charter 3

Project Charter

Part I. Executive Summary

What are the project’s objectives (deliverables)?

1. Successfully finalize the integration of the Calendar and Email Applications while adhering to time,
budget, and scope constraints.
2. Enhance competitiveness by maintaining or achieving a leading position in the Calendar and Email App
3. Enhance consumer services by consolidating two separate apps into a single, more efficient solution.

Part II. Business Case

What business need does the project address?

Handstar Inc. Has not updated any of its apps since its launch and now considering the competition in the
market, firm has decided to merge its two existing apps into one I.e., integration of Calander and Email apps
which would provide several benefits to users such as allowing them to automatically enter the dates of
meetings into the calendar based on the content of an email message.

The firm aims to generate revenue of $750,000 in the first year of launch of the product, provided the project is
completed within the decided budget and on time.

What is the relationship between the project’s goals and the organization’s goals?

The organization aims to retain or obtain a leadership position in the market and looking at the increasing
number of mobile computing, evaluate to what extent the products made the use of the web.

The project goal of merging calendar and email apps into one perfectly aligns with the organization goals
because enhanced features of integrated app will attract new users and retain existing users as they will not to

Project Charter 4

have to manage two apps separately. This will help the organization to regain or obtain a leadership position in
the market.

What are the benefits of the project to the organization?

The project will help to meet the organizational goals, enhance the quality of the existing products. It will also
increase brand awareness with the new update and open the door for developing new products as per latest
market demands and trends. The project will also improve the skills of software developers, project team and
other employees involved in the project.

The adaptability of users to the new update of apps will give Hanstar Inc. an overview of their current position
in the market compared to their competitors. Successful delivery of project scope will also help the organization
to generate estimated revenue of $750,000.

As this is first project in Handstar Inc.for updating the existing apps, the organization will have documentation
of lessons learned and training materials from the project which in future will give the organization a guide to
execute the project more effectively.

Part III. Project Definition

What is the project mission statement?

Our mission is to seamlessly integrate Handstar's existing calendar and email applications into a unified
platform. By merging these two apps, we aim to empower users with automatic event scheduling based on
email content, offering a convenient and efficient experience. Through this project, we are committed to
creating a product that leverages web capabilities to position Handstar as a leader in the calendar and email app
market, ensuring the highest level of competitiveness and enhancing user satisfaction.

Who is the project sponsor?

The project sponsors are the two founders of Handstar Inc., namely Mr. Danny Ocean and Mr. Robert Green.

Project Charter 5

What is the project scope?

Our project's primary objective is to seamlessly integrate Handstar's existing calendar and email applications
into a unified platform. This integration will provide users with the ability to automatically schedule events in
their calendar based on the content of email messages, delivering a convenient and efficient user experience. To
achieve this, we will moderately leverage web technologies to enhance the app's capabilities.

 Third-Party Integration: The project will not involve the integration of third-party calendar or email
services; it will focus exclusively on Handstar's apps.
 Advanced AI or Machine Learning Features: The project will not encompass the development of highly
advanced AI or machine learning algorithms for content analysis. It will focus on basic automation.
 Compatibility with Legacy Devices: The project may not guarantee full compatibility with older or
legacy devices; the focus will be on modern platforms and technologies.
 Extensive Customization and Personalization: The project will not prioritize extensive customization or
personalization options for individual users.
 Backend Infrastructure Overhaul: The project will not involve a complete overhaul of Handstar's
backend systems or databases.
 User Training and Support: User training and support for the new integrated app may not be included.

This project is expected to be completed in approximately 2.5 months.

What is the expected time frame of the project work and milestones?

The project to integrate Handstar's calendar app with its email app is estimated to require 2,500 hours (about 3
and a half months) of software development time. If each of the four software developers on staff works 2,500
hours per year, this project can be completed in approximately 3.5 months. The expected milestones for the
project can be broken down as follows:
 Month 1: Requirements analysis and project planning.
 Month 2: Software development and integration.
 Month 3: Testing, quality assurance, and final adjustments.

Project Charter 6

 Month 4: Launch of the integrated app to users.

What resources are available to the project team?

The project team will have access to the following resources:

 Four software developers on staff, each capable of working 2,500 hours per year.
 Existing infrastructure, tools, and equipment for software development.
 Access to the expertise of the product development and marketing directors.
 Financial resources for development costs.

Project constraints.

The project may have several constraints, including:

 Time constraint: The project is expected to be completed within a relatively short time frame due to
competitive pressures.
 Budget constraint: The project budget needs to be carefully managed to ensure it remains within the
allocated financial resources.
 Resource constraint: The availability of software developers on staff and their work hours may limit
the pace of development.
 Technology constraint: The project should ensure compatibility with the existing calendar and email

Assumptions about the project.

Key assumptions for this project include:

 The integration of the calendar and email apps will provide significant benefits to users.
 Sales are projected to decline by 10 percent annually in subsequent years after the initial launch.
 Handstar has a moderate likelihood of obtaining a leadership position in the email/calendar app
 The app will make moderate use of the Web.
 The budget for this project will be approximately $250,000.
 Milestones and project goal are achievable in the set project timeline.
Project Charter 7

 Project team and firm already have enough manpower and other resources required for the project.
 Software developers are provided with the latest coding software, and hardware required to achieve
project goals.

Project quality requirements.

The project quality requirements should include:

 Seamless integration of the calendar and email apps, ensuring a user-friendly experience.
 Reliability and stability of the integrated app to minimize crashes or errors.
 Compatibility with various smartphone platforms and operating systems.
 Data security and privacy to protect user information.
 Regular updates and maintenance to address any potential issues or improvements.
 User feedback mechanisms for ongoing improvement and user satisfaction.
 Compliance with industry standards and best practices for mobile app development.

Project Charter 8

Part IV. Risk Assessment

User adoption 5 10 1. Involve end-users from the project's
early stages.
2. Develop comprehensive training
program that covers the new
system's features, benefits, and
3. Conduct pilot test with a small
group of users before the full
4. Implement gradual rollout.
5. Create mechanisms for users to
provide ongoing feedback and
suggestions for improvements.
Compatibility of both 2 6 1. Document specific compatibility
apps requirements for both apps
2. Conduct compatibility testing to
identify issues or conflicts between
the two apps.
3. Implement continuous monitoring of
integrated apps to identify
compatibility issues in real-time.
4. Involve end-users in testing phase to
identify any user-specific
compatibility issues.

Project Charter 9

Reliance on vendors or 7 7 1. Aim for vendor independence where

third-party software possible.
2. Create detailed contracts that clearly
define the responsibilities and
obligations of vendors.
3. Implement backup software that can
temporarily replace the vendor's
software in case of unexpected
service disruptions.
4. Retain ownership of data and
control data security and privacy.
Insufficient staffing / 4 9 1. Training and upskilling for existing
skills team members to bridge skill gaps.
2. Create opportunities for cross-
training among team members to
ensure that multiple individuals can
perform critical tasks.
3. Develop succession plans that
identify backup resources who can
step in if key team members become
unavailable due to unforeseen
4. Hiring additional staff or
temporarily reassigning personnel
from other departments if necessary.

Project Charter 10

Scope creep 8 9 1. Define and document project

2. Engage with stakeholders to ensure
a comprehensive understanding of
what the merged software should
3. Conduct comprehensive
requirements gathering.
4. Engage stakeholders to identify and
document all project requirements.
5. Schedule regular reviews of the
project's scope and progress.
6. Monitor the project for any signs of
scope creep.
Data migration 4 9 1. Implement a backup and recovery
challenges for all data before starting the
2. Test data backups to ensure their
3. Identify and rectify data quality
issues before migration to avoid
propagating errors.
4. Conduct data validation and testing
to ensure that the data in the target
system matches the source data
5. Implement continuous monitoring of
the migrated data's performance in
the target system.

Project Charter 11

Security and privacy 7 10 1. Make security an integral part of the

merged software development
2. Train developers in secure coding
practices and best practices
3. Ensure API endpoints are protected
from malicious access.
4. Implement strong authentication and
authorization mechanisms.
5. Avoid unnecessary data collection to
reduce privacy risks.

Scale for Probability

Rating Interpretation
1-2 Low
3-4 Medium
5-6 Medium - High
7-8 High
9 - 10 Fact

Scale for Impact

Rating Interpretation
1 No substantial impact
2 Small reduction of time or cost reserves
3 Medium reduction of time or cost reserves
4 Significant reduction of time or cost reserves
5 Slightly over budget
6 Over budget by 10% - 20% or project delayed by 10% - 20%
7 Over budget by 20% - 30% or project delayed by 20% - 30%
8 Over budget by 30% - 40% or project delayed by 30% - 40%
9 Over budget by 40% or project delayed by 40%
10 Project failure
Part V. Project Organization

Project Charter 12

Mr. Bright Kings Project Manager To coordinate and oversee the project team.
Mr. Jones Smith Director of Product To create a business case for both existing and new
Development apps.
Ms. Florence May Director of Marketing To create a business case for both existing and new
Mr. James Brown Software Developer 1 To integrate the Calendar app with the email app.
Ms. Chan Lee Software Developer 2 To integrate the Calendar app with the email app.
Ms. Gloria Fish Software Developer 3 To integrate the Calendar app with the email app.
Ms. Jane D’mello Software Developer 4 To integrate the Calendar app with the email app.


Project Charter 13

Project Management Institute. (2021). A Guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK®
guide), (7th Edition). Project Management Institute.

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