CE-703 (C) - CBGS: B.Tech., VII Semester

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Total No. of Questions : 8] [1] [Total No.

of Printed Pages : 3

Roll No ..................................
B.Tech., VII Semester
Examination, December 2020
Choice Based Grading System (CBGS)
Integrated Waste Management
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note: i) Attempt any five questions.
ii) All questions carry equal marks.

1. a) Explain the adverse health and environmental impacts due

to improper handling of solid waste. 7
b) Estimate the Energy content, Energy content on dry basis
and Energy content on an ash-free dry basis for a waste
sample with the given composition, and choose the correct
range: 7
(Assume moisture content as 20% as Ash content as 5%)
Component % by mass Energy, kJ/kg
Food Waste 10 4,650
Paper 45 16,750
Cardboard 14 16,300
Plastic 6 32,600
Garden trimming 15 6,500
Wood 5 18,600
Tin cans 5 700

2. a) Write seven benefits of recycling of waste? 7

b) Explain the necessity of source reduction in solid waste
management. 7



3. a) Solid waste from a commercial area are to be collected

using a stationary container collection system having
6 m3 containers. Determine the appropriate truck capacity
for the following conditions: 7
i) Container size = 6 m3
ii) Container utilization factor = 0.8
iii) Average number of containers at each location = 2
iv) Collection vehicle compaction ratio = 3.0
v) Container unloading time = 0.1 h/container
vi) Average drive time between container locations = 0.1 h
vii) One-way haul distance = 30 km
viii) Speed limit = 88 km/h (55 mi/h)
ix) Time from garage to first container location = 0.3 h
x) Time from last container location to garage = 0.2 h
xi) Number of trips to disposal sites per day = 2
xii) Length of workday = 8 h
xiii)Use Length of workday as 8 h and off-route factor
as 0.2
xiv) a = 0.016 h/trip, s = 0.1 h/trip
xv) Empirical haul constant b = 0.011 h/km
b) Explain Hauled container System with neat and detailed
sketch. 7

4. a) Discuss human health risks due to composting and

possible preventive measures. 7
b) How does incineration help in the management of solid
waste? Describe the incineration technologies and air
emissions and its control in detail. 7

5. a) Explain the various phases of municipal solid waste

decomposition in a closed landfill cell. 7
b) Identify the adverse effects of a landfill leachate and list
appropriate control measures. 7
CE-703(C)-CBGS Contd...


6. a) Write a note on waste management under Swachh Bharat

Mission and Smart City Program. (400 words) 7
b) Describe the six ways of reuse of waste in industry and
its limitations. 7

7. a) What do you mean by solid waste management hierarchy?

Draw neat sketch and explain. 7
b) Describe any two-leachate control method with a neat
sketch. 7

8. Following data is given for a town in Madhya Pradesh, find

out the required area of landfill for next three years. 14
a) Population = 50,000
b) Population growth rate = 8% per year
c) Per capita generation rate = 0.40 kg/day/person
d) Per capita production growth rate = 2 % per year
e) Pn = Po (1+rp)n
f) GRn = GRo (1+rw)n
g) Density of stabilized soil mass = 600 kg/m3
h) Depth of landfill = 3.1m (7m)
i) Cover of soil = Zero (0)




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