3º Ano AB - Inglês Simulado (4a Unidade)

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3º ano – Inglês - Simulado

Question 01: Leia o texto e escolha qual a opção mais adequada para completar corretamente
usando Gerund or Infinitive:
Speak, FIDO!

Imagine you're out for a walk with your family when a strange dog approaches. The dog isn't
aggressive, but it seems ______ something because it nudges you with its snout, and barks.
What you don't know is that this dog is trained _______ a person with a medical condition.
Around the corner, the dog's owner has collapsed, and the dog instinctively runs off _____
help. That's you! But how can the dog make you _______ what's wrong?

(Adapted from https://www.timeforkids.com)

a) to want / help / to find / to understand

b) want / helping / finding / understanding
c) want / help / find / to understand
d) to want / to help / to find / understand
e) wanting / to helping / finding / understand

Question 02: De acordo com os estudos sobre Gerund or Infinitive, complete: He avoids
_________ the same mistakes again.

a) makes
b) making
c) to make
d) made
e) maked

Question 03: De acordo com os estudos sobre Gerund or Infinitive, complete: Would you mind
_____________ the door, please?

a) opened
b) open
c) opening
d) opens
e) opening

Question 04: Seguindo as regras de uso do Gerund and Infinitive, complete: She couldn’t stop
__________ at you, honey!

a) laugh
b) to laugh
c) laughed
d) was laughing
e) laughing
3º ano – Inglês - Simulado


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s breaking royal news sparked a media frenzy…and the
breathless use of a single word to describe the drama: Megxit. On Monday, Los Angeles
magazine explained that “Megxit is a name coined by the Sun” – and a play on Brexit – to
describe Harry and Meghan’s decision to seek financial independence and “split their time
between the U.K. and North America.” But that’s not entirely true. In fact, the word Megxit is
nearly two years old, and deeply rooted in internet ugliness. Though “Megxit” is now being
widely used as a clever catch-all for the Sussexes’ next step, it was, in fact, hatched by online
trolls who have long used #Megxit as a rallying cry for a campaign of hate against the duchess.
Since at least Harry and Meghan’s royal wedding in 2018, posts tagged #Megxit on Twitter,
Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr (among others) have urged Meghan to exit the royal family
and trafficked in racist and/or sexist abuse, including – but not limited to – portraying her as a
nefarious social climber and “gold digger” that online haters call “MeGain,” spreading
conspiracy theories that she was faking her pregnancy, and, much worse, using racial slurs.
RUIZ, M. Disponível em: https://www.vanityfair.com. Acesso em: 26 jan. 2020.

Enquanto o mundo prestava atenção na escalada do conflito entre Irã e Estados Unidos, um
post no Instagram se tornou um ímã para a atenção de milhões de pessoas. Pela rede social,
Harry e Meghan, duque e duquesa de Sussex, anunciaram que não vão mais representar a
família real britânica em compromissos públicos. Com base na leitura do texto, a origem do
termo “Megxit” remete

A) à intenção do príncipe Harry e de Meghan Markle de dividir o seu tempo livre entre os
Estados Unidos e o Reino Unido.
B) a uma campanha de ódio, com traços racistas e/ou sexistas, que pede a saída de Meghan
Markle da família real britânica.
C) à escolha feita pelo príncipe Harry e por Meghan Markle de abandonar as redes sociais em
virtude da discriminação.
D) à insatisfação do povo britânico em relação à dificuldade de o Reino Unido finalmente
deixar o bloco da União Europeia.
E) à decisão do príncipe Harry e Meghan Markle de deixar a família real britânica e buscar a
sua independência financeira.


A new coronavirus originating in Wuhan, China, that has claimed 17 lives may have been
transmitted to people from snakes, according to a genetic analysis. The snakes may have
caught the virus from bats in the food market in which both animals were sold. As of 22
January, there are 555 confirmed cases of the infection, which can cause fever, difficulty
breathing and pneumonia. To contain the virus, Wuhan has effectively been placed under
quarantine, with public transport being temporarily closed, according to reports. While 444 of
the cases have been reported in Wuhan, others have also been confirmed in the surrounding
regions of China, with 26 in Guangdong province, 14 in Beijing and 9 in Shanghai.
Internationally, confirmed cases have been reported in Thailand, Japan, South Korea and the
US. Hundreds more are suspected and attempts to diagnose these cases are under way. The
3º ano – Inglês - Simulado

source of the infection is suspected to be a food market in Wuhan that was visited by several
of those first infected with the virus. The market is known to sell live wild and farmed animals,
including marmots, birds, rabbits, bats and snakes. HAMZELOU, J. Disponível em:
https://www.newscientist.com. Acesso em: 26 jan. 2020.

O surto do mortal Coronavírus, que acontece na China, está sendo amplamente divulgado pela
mídia em todo o mundo, despertando o medo de uma epidemia global. Com base no texto
acima, o vírus em questão

A) surgiu em virtude da precariedade das condições sanitárias de um mercado popular situado

em Wuhan.

B) produz sintomas ainda difíceis de serem identificados, o que dificulta bastante o diagnóstico
da doença.

C) circula, de forma muito restrita, em alguns países asiáticos, não tendo chegado ainda ao

D) provocou a morte de mais de 500 pessoas na ocasião em que a matéria foi publicada em
um site científico.

E) pode ter sido transmitido dos morcegos para as cobras e, posteriormente, das cobras para
os humanos.

Question 07: Leia a tirinha e assinale a opção que explica o que aconteceu pra Mônica ficar

a) Mônica convida Cebolinha para pintar a parede.

b) Mônica quer colocar outro tipo de papel de parede na porta.
c) Mônica não se lembra onde está a porta.
d) Cebolinha não consegue entender o que Mônica quer fazer.
e) Mônica e Cebolinha estão pensando em alguma coisa para fazer.

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