Mechanical and Dynamic Properties of Self-Compacting Crumb Rubber
Mechanical and Dynamic Properties of Self-Compacting Crumb Rubber
Mechanical and Dynamic Properties of Self-Compacting Crumb Rubber
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this study, the mechanical and dynamic properties of Self-Compacting Rubberised Concrete (SCRC)
Received 28 February 2011 were experimentally investigated. Crumb rubber from scrap tyres was used as a partial replacement
Received in revised form 24 June 2011 for Fine Aggregate (FA), Coarse Aggregate (CA) and combined Fine and Coarse Aggregate (FCA) at 5, 10,
Accepted 18 July 2011
and 15 wt% proportions. Incorporating rubber aggregates generally has a detrimental effect on the
Available online 23 August 2011
mechanical strength, but gives improved strain capacity resulting in significant reductions in the flexural
Crack Mouth Open Displacement (CMOD), compared to the reference mix. Structural grade SCRC
(fc > 17 MPa; q > 2000 kg/m3) can be obtained with up to 260 kg/m3 (equivalent to 15 wt%) in all forms
Self-compacting concrete
Alternative aggregates
of crumb rubber aggregate substitution. The Dynamic Modulus and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity decreased
Crumb rubber as the proportion of rubber substitution was increased, however SCRC has superior vibration damping
Dynamic properties behaviour in all cases with up to 230% enhancement in damping ratio and damping coefficient for the
Vibration CR 15 wt% mix.
Mechanical properties Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
522 K.B. Najim, M.R. Hall / Construction and Building Materials 27 (2012) 521–530
Ltd. in Manchester, UK, see Fig. 1. Aggregate particle-size distribution was deter- 3.1. Compressive strength
mined in accordance with BS 882:1992 [24] and is presented in Fig. 2. The chemical
composition of the crumb rubber is given in Table 1, and its physical properties are
summarised in Table 2. Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA) was sourced from Ratcliffe-on-
The correlation between unconfined compressive strength and
Soar power station and was used a pozzolanic cement additive. The chemical com- both type and amount of rubber aggregate replacement is shown
position of the PFA is given in Table 3, and this conforms with the requirements of in Fig. 3. The deterioration in compressive strength is similar to
BS EN450: 2005 [25] for use with cement, i.e. SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 > 70% and that indicated for Plain Rubberised Concrete (PRC) [14], which
SiO2 > 25%. The PFA pozzolanic reactivity was measured in accordance with ASTM
can logically be attributed to (i) the low modulus of elasticity (E)
C311-87a [26] as explained by Agarwal [27], where the accelerated pozzolanic
activity value was found to be 84% (must be greater than 75% [26,27]). ADVA Flow for rubber particles and high Poisson ratio (v) which may encour-
411 high range water-reducing admixture was used, which is based on a polycar- age premature cracking under load, (ii) increased porosity due to
boxylate polymer next-generation super plasticiser (SP). It has a unit weight of air entrainment from rubber particles [16,18–20], and (iii) weak
1.08 kg/l (1080 kg/m3), a freezing temperature of 0 °C, the maximum chloride con-
bonding in the interfacial transition zone between the cement
tent is <0.1 wt% and the maximum alkali content is 0.5 wt%.
The SCC reference mix was designed by modifying a Normal Vibrated Concrete
paste and rubber particles which could be due to crack initiation
(NVC) mix design based on the British method that has been explained in Neville from the voids that form between crumb rubber particles and ce-
[28] and using the mix guidelines given by the European Federation of National ment paste, as observed by Emiroglu et al. [35]. Therefore, under
Associations Representing producers and applicators of specialist building products compression loading the aggregates can be susceptible to pull-
for Concrete (EFNARC) [3]. Table 4 shows details of the NVC and reference SCC mix
out resulting in particle perimeter voids and crack initiation sites.
designs. The addition of PFA and SP were used in quantities of 30 wt% and 2.5 wt% of
cement, respectively, in order to achieve the 730 mm slump flow value and to meet/ The FCR replacement offered the best results, whereas in FR
exceed the other SCC requirements (e.g. segregation resistance, V-funnel, etc.), as replacement the reduction in mortar phase (and hence cohesion)
specified in EFNARC [3]. The experimental data for fresh SCRC properties, including reduced homogeneity and so had the biggest influence on strength
slump flow, segregation resistance and V-funnel tests, have been published else-
reduction. All of the concrete mixes met/exceeded the minimum
where [29]. The rubber aggregate was used to partially substitute Fine Aggregate
(FA), Coarse Aggregate (CA), and a 50/50 combination of the two (FCA) in propor-
strength for structural concrete, i.e. fc > 17 MPa [28], and mixes
tions of 5, 10, and 15 wt%. In order to produce homogenous mixes, all solid ingre- with 610 wt% crumb rubber replacement meet the target of 28–
dients were mixed together in a rotary mixer for three minutes. Afterwards, the 35 MPa compressive strength that is required for civil infrastruc-
mixing water gauged with the full SP quantity was added following the manufac- ture applications [22].
turer’s recommendations and mixed for a further three minutes. The mixes were al-
lowed to rest for two minutes prior to casting, which was done without the aid of
vibration or tamping. 3.2. Splitting tensile strength
All specimens for mechanical and dynamic properties were tested at 28-days
following water curing at 20 ± 2 °C. For compressive and splitting tensile strength,
100 mm cubic moulds were used based on BS 1881-116 [30], and BS 1881:117
All concrete typically has low tensile strength (10% of com-
[31] respectively and the average of three reading was taken. For flexural and dy- pressive strength) and a low strain capacity [36]. However, tensile
namic properties, a 500 100 100 mm prism mould was used and the test for strength is important in highway design, airfield slabs, and when
flexural strength, dynamic modulus of elasticity and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity were shear strength and crack resistance are a priority. The addition of
carried out in accordance with ASTM C 1018 [32], BS 1881: Part 209 [33] and BS
crumb rubber to SCC exacerbates these shortcomings as shown
1881-203 [34] respectively and the average of two reading was recorded.
in Fig. 4, where there is a general tendency towards tensile
strength reduction which may be attributed to the same reasons
3. Mechanical properties affecting compressive strength. The relationship between com-
pressive and splitting tensile strength is controlled by numerous
The mean of three tested values at 28 days was recorded to factors including aggregate type and particle size distribution, de-
determine the compressive, splitting tensile and flexural strength, gree of air entrainment, and curing age [28] as well as powder and
for all mixtures. admixture(s) content and type.
As can be seen from Fig. 5 the tensile strength for NVC is greater
than for SCC and SCRC, even at the same compressive strengths.
This may occur because the dense microstructure in SCC mixes
leads to increased brittleness and thus decreases the splitting
strength. In SCC mixes, polycarboxylate SP causes enlargement in
the ettringite and calcium hydroxide crystals which generally
weakens the cement–aggregate bond, whilst high powder contents
can increase shrinkage resulting in micro-cracking within the ITZ
Fig. 1. Crumb rubber aggregate. [37–39]. However, there is a general positive correlation between
K.B. Najim, M.R. Hall / Construction and Building Materials 27 (2012) 521–530 523
Table 3
Chemical compositions of PFA.
Components SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O SO3 P2O5 LOI (950 °C)
PFA (wt%) 49.81 0.96 23.05 7.13 0.12 2.14 4.90 0.84 2.27 1.57 0.92 4.09
Table 4
Details of NVC and SCC mix designs.
Cement Sand Gravel Water PFA SP Slump/flow T50 (s) J-ring flow V-funnel (s) Seg. (%) fcu (MPa)
(kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (mm) (mm)
NVC 363 670 1092 174 – – 65 – – – – 58
SCC 363 881 881 174 109 9.075 730 3 700 4.9 6.8 54
Fig. 5. The relationship between compressive and splitting tensile strength (data of
SCC and NVC taken from [37]).
Fig. 4. The effect of rubber content on the splitting tensile and flexural strength.
Fig. 6. The relationship between compressive and both actual and predicted
have studied the flexural toughness of rubber-modified concrete splitting tensile strength.
[16,19], and to date none have investigated the behaviour of SCRC.
It is defined as the post-crack energy absorption capacity of a
material. It represents the calculated area under the flexural stress relaxation at the rubber–cement interface thus restricting
load–deflection curve up to critical deflections, specified in ASTM crack mouth opening.
C 1018 as d, 3d, 5.5d, and 10.5d, where d represents the first crack From a serviceability point of view, the crack width should not
deflection or the elastic limit [40]. These values are used to calcu- exceed 0.35 mm for interior members, 0.25 mm for exterior mem-
late the toughness index I5, I10, and I20, as illustrated by Fig. 8. Ta- ber under normal exposure conditions, and 0.15 mm for external
ble 5 shows that there is a general tendency for crumb rubber members exposed to aggressive environments in structural con-
aggregate replacement to significantly increase all toughness indi- crete [28]. Therefore, not only is deflection against load important,
ces in all cases. The best results for all toughness indices were for but also the Crack Mouth Opening Displacement (CMOD) needs to
5 wt% FR replacement where the increase was 76% (I5), 102% (I10), be quantified and understood. For this study, a Digital Image Cor-
and 118% (I20), due to significant enhancements in strain capacity relation system Q-400 (DIC camera) and ISTRA 4D software were
and energy absorption. As discussed earlier, this could result from employed during the flexural test to measure the CMOD whilst
K.B. Najim, M.R. Hall / Construction and Building Materials 27 (2012) 521–530 525
Table 5
The maximum load, deflection and flexural toughness indices of SCRC.
ref. 5% 10% 15% 5% 10% 15% 5% 10% 15%
Fmax (KN) 16.78 14.27 14.89 10.98 15.88 12.41 10.28 15.06 12.45 12.26
dmax (mm) 0.039 0.047 0.051 0.050 0.048 0.037 0.044 0.040 0.038 0.047
I5 3.3 5.08 3.86 4.41 2.92 3.91 4.66 2.71 3.47 4.00
I10 3.79 7.68 5.38 6.59 3.46 5.53 7.23 3.38 4.82 5.75
I20 4.26 9.28 6.53 8.63 3.78 6.73 8.83 3.93 5.71 7.50
the load was applied, and the position of the cameras is shown in With regard to dynamic properties, the dynamic modulus of
Fig. 10. Fig. 11 shows that there is a general improvement (de- elasticity Ed and Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) were measured
crease) in CMOD with increasing wt% rubber replacement at the according to BS 1881-203 1986 [34] using a CNS Farnell PUNDIT
same level of loading. The relationship between deflection and Plus instrument. The damping constant, Q (quality factor), and
526 K.B. Najim, M.R. Hall / Construction and Building Materials 27 (2012) 521–530
rubber replacement, as shown in Fig. 13. This is understandable in the rubber-modified concrete higher showing close agreement
since the addition of crumb rubber causes significant air entrain- with another study using PRC [22].
ment, and the rubber aggregates have a low E [22,44,45]. The highest It is clear that UPV and Ed, as defined by Khaloo et al. [46], de-
reduction in Ed occurred for CR replacement followed by FCR and FR creases with wt% rubber substitution in Plain Rubberised Concrete
replacement. Fig. 14 shows the relationship between Ed and com- (PRC), as highlighted by Najim and Hall [14]. Fig. 15 shows that the
pressive strength for SCRC and NVC, where Ed is significantly lower UPV reduction in SCRC is highest in CR replacement, followed by
FCR and FR. This can be mainly attributed to significant absorption
of acoustic vibration by the rubber particles compared to mineral
aggregates (found to be 21 times lower than hardened cement
paste [44]), as well as the increase in bulk porosity as a result of
air entrainment. Generally, the UPV was found to reduce in parallel
with both compressive strength and Ed, as shown by Fig. 16. Previ-
ous studies [47,48] developed generic criteria to assess the quality
of rubber-modified concrete, in relation to the UPV value, against
which all of the SCRC mixes tested in this study are classified as
‘good’ (i.e. UPV > 3.660 km/s).
1 A0
1 ¼ ln ð2Þ
n An
where A0 is initial amplitude and An is amplitude after n number of
cycles. Logarithmic decrement can also be calculated from the funda-
mental resonant frequency and the frequencies on each side, when
the vibration amplitude is 0.707 times the maximum amplitude. It
is related to Q by the expression 1 = p/Q. The damping ratio f can be
calculated using the term f = 1/2p [22,23,49,50]. In general, a low
Q-value means higher vibration damping which, in concrete, is
Fig. 18. The effect of concrete density on GD. mainly affected by the presence of cement paste air voids, particu-
larly if water-filled [51], although in addition the contrast in E for
the rubber and cement paste, and the poor ITZ between them, may
that damping is greater for low strength concrete than high also play a role. Previous research has also shown that the type of
strength such that damping has a positive correlation with ductil- coarse aggregate has greater influence upon damping than Ed, Fcu,
ity rather than brittleness [23,49]. Damping capacity can be evalu- and flexural strength [49].
ated by determination of the damping constant, the logarithmic In this study, the damping constant fell sharply with increased
decrement, and the damping ratio. wt% rubber substitution for all replacement types, which is in gen-
The damping constant (quality factor), Q, is considered to be a eral agreement with previous findings for PRC [22] and thought to
more reliable quality indicator of concrete than the dynamic modu- be attributable to a weak rubber–cement ITZ and reduced homoge-
lus due to its sensitivity to any small imperfections, e.g. micro cracks, neity [22]. Fig. 21 shows that FR replacement resulted in the least
which causes relatively large changes in Q whilst Ed is only slightly reduction in damping constant and that CR replacement result in
affected [23,43]. Q is calculated from the bandwidth as follows: the most, which is supported by the fact that the coarse aggregate
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