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Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01395

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Case Studies in Construction Materials

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Optimisation of mechanical properties of polyethylene

terephthalate fibre/fly ash hybrid concrete composite
N.Z. Nkomo *, L.M. Masu , P.K. Nziu
Department of Industrial & Operations Management and Mechanical Engineering, Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa


Keywords: The study focuses on the prediction and optimisation using modelling with respect to the fresh
Fibre reinforced concrete and hardened properties of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibre reinforced concrete containing
Fly ash partial cement replacement with fly ash. Full factorial experimental design methodology was
Mechanical properties
employed to fabricate the test specimens by simultaneously varying the independent factors to
Polyethylene terephthalate
develop a model for overall response variation. Numerical optimisation was carried out con­
cerning the fibre reinforced concrete’s fresh and hardened mechanical properties. Predictive
modified quadratic equations were developed for slump value, compressive, flexural, split tensile
strength and total cost. Analysis of variance test was carried out for all the responses indicated
and the developed model could predict the slump value and mechanical properties of the fibre
reinforced concrete correctly and effectively with a coefficient of determination in the range of
0.5–0.9467. The optimum constituent combination for maximum mechanical strength at the
lowest possible cost was found to be 15.76 % fly ash and 0.32 % PET fibre. These optimum values
corresponded to responses of 25.65 MPa, 3.69 MPa, 2.36 MPa, 31.48 mm, R2744.17 for
compressive strength, flexural strength, tensile strength, slump value and total cost, respectively.
These predictions were validated experimentally, and a good correlation was observed between
the actual and predicted values based on the observed standard deviations of 0.1335, 0.031,
0.005, 0.676, 0.02 for compressive strength, flexural strength, tensile strength, slump value and
cost, respectively. Concrete slabs were optimised for various possible end uses, and the optimum
PET fibre % and fly ash % were ascertained. The optimum combination for suspended slabs was
19.09 % for fly ash and 0.34 % PET fibre. These values corresponded to responses of R2742.03/
kg/m3, 2.30 MPa, 3.68 MPa, 24.77 MPa, 30.60 mm for the total cost, split tensile, flexural,
compressive strength and slump value. For foundation slabs, the optimum combination was 3.94
% fly ash and 0.65 % PET fibre, and the corresponding response values are R 2760.47 /kg/m3,
1.82 MPa, 3.26 MPa, 19.32 MPa and 10.78 mm for a total cost, split tensile, flexural, compressive
strength and slump value, respectively. For paving slabs, the optimum combination was 0.65 %
PET fibre giving a response of R 2775.13 kg/m3, 1.41 MPa, 3.29 MPa, 19.11 MPa and 9.92 mm
for total cost, split tensile, flexural, compressive strength and slump value, respectively.

1. Introduction

Concrete material is widely used worldwide due to its low cost and availability of its raw materials [1–3]. Concrete manufacture

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (N.Z. Nkomo).

Received 14 February 2022; Received in revised form 7 July 2022; Accepted 11 August 2022
Available online 15 August 2022
2214-5095/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
N.Z. Nkomo et al. Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01395

contributes around 5 % of yearly human caused carbon dioxide production mainly because of the enormous quantities used, with
cement being the second most consumed material next to water [4,5]. This high percentage of carbon dioxide produced contributes
considerably to global warming and climate change afflicting the earth. Several researchers have pursued varied strategies to reduce
the environmental impact from concrete production. Due to the increasing popularity and importance of fibre reinforced concrete for
various applications the use of waste plastic in concrete as an environmentally friendly method of its disposal is being considered
[6–8]. The utilisation of waste materials such as fly ash and plastic material can lower the quantity of cement necessary in concrete and
reduce the carbon footprint in the construction industry.
Cracked concrete slabs have become widespread due to poor maintenance, increase in legal load limit, inadequate reinforcement or
steel rust which leads to cracks [9]. There is an urgent need to enhance the cracking load and mode of failure of concrete slabs as
flexural elements. Unreinforced concrete slabs are quasi-brittle materials that undergo very little deformation before failure and have
low fracture toughness. The tensile strength of concrete is 1/10th of its compressive strength, which is too weak in many structural
applications necessitating the introduction of reinforcement material. Unreinforced concrete is characterised by several defects such as
low ductility, low toughness, and heavy weight [10]. Steel reinforced slabs, when cracked, tend to allow conduits for water to reach
steel reinforcement and initiate corrosion which compromises the strength of the slabs. Premature deterioration of concrete due to
reinforcing steel corrosion represents one of the most serious threats to the future of concrete as the foremost construction material for
slab manufacture. The cracking of concrete originates from different reasons during the service life of concrete. Micro cracking initially
occurs induced by thermal and shrinkage properties of hydrates and aggregates. At advanced stages, load and shrinkage induced stress
may result in major cracking compounded by environmental effects. There is a need to optimise the composite material’s strength
properties to ensure its durability and safety in its use.
Plastic waste is now a serious environmental threat to modern living. A major drawback to dumping plastics in landfills from a
sustainability point of view is that none of the material resources used to produce the plastic is recovered – the material flow is linear
rather than cyclic [11]. There is a need to use this waste plastic material sustainably to create value-added products. Polyethylene
Terephthalate (PET) waste material can be used as reinforced material in the form of flakes, particles, or fibres in the concrete mixture
[12–15]. Concrete has inherently low tensile strength and poor crack resistance which restricts its use in several applications [16,17].
Synthetic fibres can effectively increase the fracture toughness and crack resistance of concrete [18–20]. Furthermore, the
enhancement of fibre reinforced concrete containing fly ash has been shown by several studies to be viable [21].
PET fibres and particles have generated a lot of attention in the fibre reinforced concrete industry, and this is because the fibres can
be easily mixed into the concrete paste. Ataei et al. (2017) [22] studied the compressive strength effect of recycled PET particles in
concrete. The research reported an increase in compressive strength at low PET particle loading of < 5 % thereafter a decrease in
compressive strength was recorded. This decrease in compressive strength was attributed to the weak cohesion between the particles
and the cement resin. Study by Rahmani et al. (2013) [23] reported that the compressive strength of PET particle reinforced concrete
had an increase in compressive strength of 8.86 % at a 5 % particle mass fraction. However, at 10 % PET particle mass fraction, the
compressive strength was found to remain the same as that of unreinforced concrete [24]. Studies that used PET fibre addition reported
a marginal increase in compressive strength at 0.5 % fibre addition [25].
Ismail et al. (2008) [26] studied the flexural strength properties of waste PET particle reinforced concrete. This study concluded
that at 20 % PET particles mass fraction, there was a decrease of 30.5 % in flexural strength. This decrease in flexural strength was
attributed to a reduction in adhesive strength due to the hydrophobic nature of PET. Furthermore, the reduction in flexural strength
can also be attributed to the plastic aggregate’s elastic nature and non-brittle loading characteristics. Nonetheless, the flexural strength
can be increased using PET fibres, which have a high aspect ratio as shown in study by Alani et al. (2020) [27]. Alani et al. (2020) [27]
reported an 18 % increase in flexural strength when 1 % PET fibres were added. This finding was in line with research by Borg et al.
(2016) [28] and Pelisser et al. (2012) [29] who reported an increase of over 18 % in concrete flexural strength with PET fibre addition
of less than 1 %. However, more research needs to be conducted to establish PET fibre aspect ratios that give optimal flexural strength
properties. Sayi et al. (2021) [30] studied the effects of varying PET fibre addition on water and sound permeability and concluded that
permeability was reduced by fibre addition.
The use of fly ash in concrete has earned increased popularity over the past years. This popularity is because of the enhanced
durability, workability, and ecological benefits of using concrete containing fly ash. Fly ash is a three-dimensional network inorganic
cementitious material that can be used in place of Portland cement effectively reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the environment
[20]. The use of fly ash as partial replacement of cement has numerous benefits both economically as well as environmentally. The use
of fly ash reduces cost as well as cement consumption in manufacture of concrete thus reducing the environmental pollution due to
carbon dioxide produced during the manufacture of cement [31]. Furthermore, the spherical shape of the fly ash particles allows the
concrete to flow smoothly and increases its workability considerably. Partial replacement of cement with fly ash in concrete slabs
positively affects the compressive and flexural strength of concrete [32].
Research carried out by Barbuta et al. (2017) [33] reported that the highest compressive strength of the fibre and fly ash reinforced
concrete slab is obtained at 10 % fly ash volume fraction after 28 days. Rohman et al. (2010) studied the effect of fly ash concentration
on the compressive strength of concrete. They concluded that the compressive strength of concrete improved at 16.4 % volume fraction
of fly ash and then decreased significantly up to 20 %. An increase in the quantity of fly ash volume fraction decreases the compressive
strength of concrete. This phenomenon implies that the addition of fly ash must be limited to less than 20 % to get the best short term
compressive strength.
According to research carried out by Barbuta et al. (2017) [33], the maximum flexural strength for a cement composite containing
glass fibre and fly ash was obtained at a fly ash volume fraction of 40 %. For fly ash concrete composite with polyester fibres as
reinforcement, the maximum flexural strength was observed at 20 % volume fraction fly ash. A study by Nkomo et al. (2022) [34]

N.Z. Nkomo et al. Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01395

reported that initial addition of fly ash alone increases the concrete compressive strength significantly, with the highest strength being
realised with the addition of 15 % fly ash. Further addition of fly ash beyond this percentage up to 30 % resulted in a decrease in
compressive strength [34]. The addition of fly ash alone increased the split tensile strength gradually to the peak of 2.35 MPa for 20 %
fly ash addition. Thereafter, there was a sharp decrease in split tensile strength with the further addition of fly ash.
The use of analytical models such as the full factorial experimental design to study the mechanical properties of concrete has gained
significant interest [35–38]. Younsi et al. [39] studied the durability of concrete containing high quantity of fly ash through the use of a
centroid design method. The centroid design method has been extensively used in optimisation of the food, textile fibre and medicine
industry [40]. The centroid design does assist to design experiments at a lower cost [41]. However, for large number of experiments the
full factorial experimental design is more suitable [42]. Full factorial experimental design is a multi-factor grouping design, which has
the capability to check difference between two or more factors at various levels. Furthermore, full factorial experimental design is able
to check if there are first order or second order interactions among three factors [43]. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a widely used
statistical method that assists researchers to understand the contribution of the various factors to the results. In the current study
ANOVA was used to establish the level of contribution of the various factors such as compression, flexural and split tensile strength,
and cost to the overall composite properties.
Current research focus mainly on the use of polyethylene terephthalate filaments and tapes. However, there is limited research into
the use of textile grade recycled polyethylene terephthalate fibres as reinforced concrete. Furthermore, not much research has been
done into mechanical properties of concrete from hybrid polyethylene terephthalate recycled fibres and fly ash. However, prior
research has shown the mechanical properties advantages of synthetic fibre reinforced concrete containing fly ash [44]. Various types
of synthetic fibres can improve the toughness of concrete containing partial replacement with fly ash altering the crack development in
the stressed state [45]. In this study, full factorial experimental design was used to optimise the mechanical properties of concrete. The
effects of PET fibre and fly ash mass fractions on the flexural, split tensile and compressional strength as well as cost we investigated. A
large, experimental data set was analysed, and a statistical model developed. Moreover, the model developed in this study can be used
to predict the mix ratios and cost of the fibre reinforced concrete. Thus, this study aimed to contribute to optimisation studies for fibre
reinforced concrete designers. Reinforced concrete which utilised waste PET and fly ash in an environmentally friendly manner with
minimised utilisation of cement was produced.

2. Experimental procedure, materials, and methods

2.1. Experimental design

A 2 factor and 5 level full factorial experimental design was used to ascertain the effect of mass fraction of the PET fibres and fly ash
on mechanical properties of the concrete composite slab. A total of 25 experimental runs were generated using the full factorial
experimental design of response surface methodology. The full factorial experimental design can be used to predict dependent vari­
ables, also known as responses by using a small number of experimental data points, with all the parameters varied within a preferred
and set range. 5 level experimental design with two factors, namely mass fraction of the PET fibres and fly ash, was developed using
Minitab Software Version 17. Each factor was varied over five levels as shown in.
Table 1. The dependent variables included the slump value, compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength and total
Minitab software was then used to generate the multilevel full factorial experimental design followed in generating the test samples
as shown in Table 2.
The water to cementitious materials ratio was held constant throughout the mix design at 0.6 in order to ensure acceptable
workability of the concrete mixture with fibre addition.

2.2. Materials

The properties of the raw materials used in this study which include the fly ash, aggregates, PET fibres and fly ash are outlined in the
following subsections. The water used in the manufacture of the fibre reinforced concrete was clean water from municipality

2.2.1. Cement
Suretech Portland cement CEM I 52,5 N was used in this study and Table 3 shows the important properties of the cement.

Table 1
Composite experimental design with values Xf of the independent variables.
Variable Parameters Levels

1 2 3 4 5

X1 PET Fibre Mass Fraction (%) 0.00 % 0.50 % 1.00 % 1.50 % 2.00 %
X2 Fly ash Mass Fraction (%) 0.00 % 15.00 % 20.00 % 25.00 % 30.00 %

N.Z. Nkomo et al. Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01395

Table 2
Multilevel full factorial experimental design mix.
PET Fibre Mass Fraction (%) Fly Ash Mass Fraction (%) Design Materials for Fibre Reinforced Cement Composite

Cement Fine Coarse Fly ash Fibre Water

Aggregate Aggregate

Kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3 kg/m3

0 0 346.50 546.75 1093.50 0.00 0.00 207.90

0 15 294.53 546.75 1093.50 51.98 0.00 176.72
0 20 277.20 546.75 1093.50 69.30 0.00 166.32
0 25 259.88 546.75 1093.50 86.63 0.00 155.93
0 30 242.55 546.75 1093.50 103.95 0.00 145.53
0.50 0 346.50 546.75 1093.50 0.00 9.93 207.90
0.50 15 294.53 546.75 1093.50 51.98 9.93 176.72
0.50 20 277.20 546.75 1093.50 69.30 9.93 166.32
0.50 25 259.88 546.75 1093.50 86.63 9.93 155.93
0.50 30 242.55 546.75 1093.50 103.95 9.93 145.53
1.00 0 346.50 546.75 1093.50 0.00 19.87 207.90
1.00 15 294.53 546.75 1093.50 51.98 19.87 176.72
1.00 20 277.20 546.75 1093.50 69.30 19.87 166.32
1.00 25 259.88 546.75 1093.50 86.63 19.87 155.93
1.00 30 242.55 546.75 1093.50 103.95 19.87 145.53
1.50 0 346.50 546.75 1093.50 0.00 29.80 207.90
1.50 15 294.53 546.75 1093.50 51.98 29.80 176.72
1.50 20 277.20 546.75 1093.50 69.30 29.80 166.32
1.50 25 259.88 546.75 1093.50 86.63 29.80 155.93
1.50 30 242.55 546.75 1093.50 103.95 29.80 145.53
2.00 0 346.50 546.75 1093.50 0.00 39.74 207.90
2.00 15 294.53 546.75 1093.50 51.98 39.74 176.72
2.00 20 277.20 546.75 1093.50 69.30 39.74 166.32
2.00 25 259.88 546.75 1093.50 86.63 39.74 155.93
2.00 30 242.55 546.75 1093.50 103.95 39.74 145.53

2.2.2. Polyethylene terephthalate fibres

Recycled 12 mm PET fibres were used in this study from waste PET bottles. The waste PET bottles were cleaned, cut, and sorted. The
PET flakes were then reprocessed into fibres by melt extrusion system in a process similar to textile grade fibre as shown in Fig. 1.
The fibres used had the specifications shown in Table 4.

2.2.3. Fly ash

The fly ash had a dark grey colour as shown in Fig. 2, with moisture regain of 0.5695 %, which was considered low for Class F fly
The SEM morphology study showed that the fly ash had predominantly spherically shaped particles as shown in Fig. 3. This was
expected to improve the workability of the concrete.
The fly ash particle sizes analysed by the particle size distribution machine (PSD) had sizes that ranged from 0.31 µm to 800 µm.
Chemical analysis using EDS showed that the fly ash contained Ca, Al, P, Si, and trace amounts of Ti and Mg. The XRD pattern showed
the presence of a large number of crystalline minerals like mullite (Al6Si2O13) and quartz (SiO2).

2.2.4. Fine aggregates

The fine aggregate characterisation showed that the river sand had a fineness modulus of 3.69, which is considered coarse sand. The
river sand showed uniform particle size distribution with a uniformity coefficient of 4.007. The specific gravity of the river sand was
calculated as 2.15, which was considered a bit low for fine aggregate.

Table 3
Specifications of the Suretech cement from PPC.
Parameter Properties Result

Setting time: Initial (min) 125

Final (h) 2.50
Specific Area (Blaine): m2/kg 400
Compressive strength (mortar prism EN 196–1) At 2 days (MPa) 28
At 28 days (MPa) ±58
Densities Relative density ±3.14
Bulk density, aerated, kg/m3 1100–1300
Bulk density, as packed, kg/m3 ±1500

N.Z. Nkomo et al. Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01395

Fig. 1. PET fibres.

Table 4
Properties of PET fibres.
Property Specification

Description Round and uncrimped

Fibre diameter 18 µm
Fibre count per gram 231.40
Specific density 1.34 – 1.40
Moisture regain 0.50 %
Tenacity at break 45 cN/Tex (+/− 5)
Elongation at break 40 % (+/-)
Fibre tenacity at 10 % elongation >10 cN/Tex

Fig. 2. Fly ash sample.

2.2.5. Coarse aggregates

The coarse aggregate characterisation revealed that the size of the aggregate particle was between 9.5 mm and 13 mm. The coarse
aggregate had a uniformity coefficient of 4.007, which implied the aggregate was well graded. The coarse aggregate had a high
flakiness index of 74.82 % and an acceptable elongation index of 46.72 %. The water absorption of the coarse aggregate used was 0.80
% with a specific gravity of 2.609, which is typical for coarse aggregates.

2.3. Fresh concrete mixture

The fresh concrete was mixed in accordance with SANS5861-1 [46]. The ambient temperature for the storage of raw materials was
maintained between 22◦ C and 25◦ C. The Portland cement and sand was measured and blended for 3 min to obtain a homogeneous
mixture. The fly ash and weighed PET fibres were then added to the mixture. Water was constantly added to the mixture until there was

N.Z. Nkomo et al. Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01395

Fig. 3. Surface morphology of fly ash sample.

equal distribution. The concrete mix was then placed in an appropriate mould suitable for the various tests. The samples were covered
with a damp hessian sack for 24 hrs and then demoulded and put into temperature-controlled water tanks at 23 ◦ C ± /− 2 ◦ C for 28

2.4. Experiments

2.4.1. Slump test

A sample of the fresh concrete mixture was obtained in line with SANS 5861–2 [46]. The slump was then measured in accordance
with the SANS standard.

2.4.2. Rebound hammer test

A Rebound hammer test was carried out in accordance with ASTM C806–02 [47] using a Schmidt rebound hammer shown in Fig. 4.
The test area was prepared before testing by grinding the surface flat. The test was then carried out by placing the plunger
perpendicular to the test surface. Ten readings were taken from each test area on two opposite faces in the non-casting direction and
the average calculated.

Fig. 4. Schmidt rebound hammer test.

N.Z. Nkomo et al. Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01395

2.4.3. Compressive strength test

A compressive test was carried out in accordance with SANS 5836:2006 [48]. Steel cube moulds of dimensions
150 mm × 150 mm× 150 mm were used to cast the test specimens. The samples were cured for 28 days in the water tank and
thereafter tested. Testing of the cubes was done on an ELE 1887B0001 compressive testing machine. The samples were placed in the
machine with the sample faces that were in contact with the true plane surfaces of the mould. The compression load rate was applied at
a rate of 6.8 MPa until the specimen failure. The ultimate load at failure and stress were recorded, and the compressive strength was

2.4.4. Flexural strength test

The fibre reinforced cement composite (FRCC) flexural strength and modulus was determined on a Versa beam press machine.
ASTM C78 standard [49] was followed and a four-point loading flexural test was carried out. The beams cast for this test had di­
mensions of 150 mm X 150 mm X 510 mm. The flexural strength of the fibre reinforced concrete sample was then ascertained by
subjecting the sample to flexure under transverse load at a loading rate of 6.3 kN/min until the sample failed. The modulus of rupture
was then calculated.

2.4.5. Split tensile strength test

The split tensile test was carried out on Model number 1887B0001 ELE machine in accordance with ASTM C 596 − 96 standard
[50]. The split tensile strength test applied a compressive force diametrically along the length of the concrete cylinder until failure as
shown in Fig. 5.
This force resulted in the load inducing tensile stresses on the plane with the load and high compressive stresses in the area sur­
rounding the applied load. Thus, tensile failure of the specimen occurred rather than compressive failure. Metal strips on which the
force was applied were placed on top and below the concrete cylinder using marked diametric lines. The rate of loading used was 690
kPa/min, and the splitting tensile strength was then calculated.

2.5. Numerical modelling

Modelling was carried out in order to develop a composite slab predictive model that was also able to optimise the response pa­
rameters. Modelling was done using Minitab software as outlined in the following subsequent sub-sections. Modelling and statistical
analysis were carried out using Minitab software. The experimental data was entered thereafter, factorial response optimisation was
carried out. Optimisation was carried out on the major strength parameters of the slabs, which includes the split tensile, compressive,
and flexural strength and total cost.
The response surface design was carried out in Minitab through the Stat>DOE>Response Surface> Analyse response surface. This
procedure was carried out to create the design model. The continuous optimised factors were selected. The continuous factors to be
optimised are the fibre and the fly ash mass fraction.
The responses to be analysed were then selected to create the response surface design. The responses to be considered in the
optimisation were the slump value, total cost, compressive, flexural, and split tensile strength. Thereafter, response surface regression
analysis was carried for each of the responses against the continuous factors individually.

Fig. 5. Split tensile strength set up with metal tabs below and above sample.

N.Z. Nkomo et al. Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01395

2.5.1. ANOVA and response surface regression analysis

ANOVA response surface design analysis was carried out for each of the responses that were analysed in this study. The ANOVA
gave valuable information such as the coefficient of determination which determined the fit of the model. Furthermore, the statistical
significance was tested through the t-test.

2.5.2. Development of prediction modelling

The developed model on Minitab software was tested for the prediction of response output based on the input parameters. The input
values to the model were taken as the fibre and fly ash mass fraction.

2.5.3. Model validation

The model was validated by entering factor input data and comparing the model response outputs with the experimental results.
These results were then tested for the extent of deviations of the model output from the actual response outputs obtained
Further, validation was carried out after running the optimising model to compare the model optimum response outputs to actual
response outputs obtained through experiments. The variation between the optimum model responses and actual experimental re­
sponses was compared statistically to validate the model.

2.5.4. Response optimiser

To obtain the optimum values for the continuous factors, which are the fly ash and fibre mass fraction, the responses were opti­
mised. The strength responses, which included flexural strength, compressive strength, and split tensile strength, were maximised to
obtain the highest possible strength. The total cost was minimised to get the best mechanical properties at the lowest possible cost. For
increased workability, the slump value was set at target of 8 mm.

2.6. Applications of fibre reinforced composite in slabs

The predictive model developed was used to determine the optimum mixture design for the fabricated reinforced slabs’ various
applications. The values given in Table 5 give the target values for the suitable end uses of the slabs.

3. Results and discussion

Numerical modelling was carried out, and the results are presented and discussed in the following subsections. Optimisation of the
composite parameters was carried out to obtain the optimum design mix that gave the best response mechanical properties at the
lowest possible cost.

3.1. Optimisation of mechanical strength of the composite

The optimisation process was considered for all the responses simultaneously to build an appropriate model that could ascertain the
optimum fibre and fly ash values for the FRCC. The parameters considered in the optimisation are as shown in Table 6, including slump
value, compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength, and the total cost of the composite. The optimisation model was
programmed through Minitab software.

3.2. Analysis of variance and response surface regression models

The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out for all the response surfaces investigated and presented in the following sub­
sections. ANOVA response surface design analysis was carried out for each of the responses that were analysed in this study using
Minitab V11 statistical software. The ANOVA gave valuable information such as the coefficient of determination which determined the
fit of the model. Furthermore, the statistical significance was tested through the t-test. Multiple regression analysis was then carried out
to obtain regression equations to show relationship between the factors and the responses.

3.2.1. Slump value

The ANOVA response surface design analysis for slump value is reported in Table 7.

Table 5
Target values used for various applications.
Parameter Paving Slabs Floor Slabs Foundation Slabs Suspended Slabs References

Split Tensile Strength (MPa) 1.01 1.01 1.83 2.30 [51,52]

Flexural Strength (MPa) 2.09 3.70 2.09 3.70 [51,53]
Compressive Strength (MPa) 20 25 20 30.5 [52,54]
Slump Value (mm) 0–10.00 0–10.00 0–10.00 0–10.00
Total Cost (Rands) Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum

N.Z. Nkomo et al. Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01395

Table 6
Response analysis of FRCC.
Code Fibre Mass Fraction Fly Ash Mass Fraction Slump Compressive Flexural Split Tensile Total Cost
(%) (%) Value strength Strength Strength (Rands)
(mm) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)

S3 0.00 0 50.30 23.84 4.60 0.90 2840.75

S4 0.50 15 15.00 15.54 3.22 2.70 2762.27
S5 1.00 15 0.00 14.62 2.83 1.77 2724.50
S6 1.50 15 0.00 10.44 1.96 1.47 2686.73
S7 2.00 15 0.00 6.74 2.34 1.19 2648.97
S8 0.50 20 12.00 19.07 3.13 2.79 2875.97
S9 1.00 20 0.00 15.96 3.23 2.69 2762.67
S10 1.50 20 0.00 8.50 2.93 2.34 2724.90
S11 2.00 20 0.00 15.53 4.00 1.11 2687.13
S12 0.50 25 11.00 13.58 3.63 1.48 2649.36
S13 1.00 25 0.00 10.74 3.70 1.16 2876.37
S14 1.50 25 0.00 9.54 2.20 1.29 2763.07
S15 2.00 25 0.00 7.44 1.89 0.44 2725.30
S16 0.50 30 10.00 12.89 4.47 1.16 2687.53
S17 1.00 30 0.00 11.78 3.72 1.03 2649.76
S18 1.50 30 0.00 13.47 3.84 0.98 2876.77
S19 2.00 30 0.00 11.17 2.25 0.79 2763.46
S20 0.00 15 61.50 44.14 5.94 2.36 2725.69
S21 0.00 20 62.00 41.46 3.42 2.37 2687.93
S22 0.00 25 63.20 29.14 2.99 1.90 2650.16
S23 0.00 30 65.50 35.32 4.00 1.78 2877.17
S24 0.50 0 15.00 29.32 3.59 1.82 2763.86
S25 1.00 0 0.00 16.12 1.80 1.16 2726.09
S26 1.50 0 0.00 13.64 2.25 1.21 2688.32
S27 2.00 0 0.00 10.87 2.87 0.92 2646.27

From Table 7, it was observed that for the linear terms, the Fibre Mass Fraction (%) was statistically insignificant according to the t-
test having a p-value < 0.05. However, the Fly Ash Mass Fraction (%) was statistically significant, having a p-value of 0.634. The
effects of the interaction between the square of AB were statistically significant. However, the interaction between the square off BA
was insignificant for the slump. The model for the slump was insignificant at a 95 % confidence level, F-value of 67.47 and a p-value of
0.000. By applying multiple regression analysis, the regression Eq. 1 was obtained for slump value with R2 of 0.9467.

Slump value = 52.40 + 0.340A − 85.74B − 0.0040A2 + 30.97B2 − 0.163AB (1)

3.2.2. Compressive strength

The ANOVA response surface design analysis for compressive strength is reported in Table 8.
From Table 8, it was observed that the linear terms for both A and B were statistically significant in accordance with the t-test as the
p-value > 0.05. The interaction between the two factors AB was statistically insignificant with a p-value of 0.634. However, the square
interaction between BA was statistically insignificant with a p-value of 0.002. The two-way interaction between AB was statistically
significant with a p-value of 0.922. The two-way interaction between AB was significant with a p-value of 0.922. The model for
compressive strength was not significant at a 95 % confidence level with F-value of 12.74 and a p-value of 0.0000.
By applying multiple regression analysis, regression Eq. (2) was obtained for compressive strength with an R2 of 0.7703.

Comprssive Strength = 34.50 + 0.084A − 29.96B − 0.0057A2 + 9.54B2 − 0.015AB (2)

Table 7
ANOVA for slump (Minitab 17 output).
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F value P value Comment

Model 5 13,170.40 2634.08 67.47 0.000 S = 6.2845

Linear 2 7937.50 3968.74 101.65 0.000 R2 = 0.9467
A 1 9.10 9.12 0.23 0.634 Adj. R2 = 0.9326
B 1 7928.40 7928.36 203.07 0.000 Pred R2 = 0.9074
Square 2 4200.20 2100.08 53.79 0.000
AB 1 3.50 3.53 0.09 0.767
BA 1 4196.60 4196.63 107.49 0.000
2-Way interaction 1 35.00 35.05 0.90 0.3555
AB 1 35.00 35.05 0.90 0.3555
Error 19 741.80 39.04
Total 24 13,912.20

SS: Sum of squares; MS: Mean square; DF: Degree of freedom; R2: Coefficient of determination; Adj R2: Adjusted coefficient of determination; A = Fly
Ash Mass Fraction (%); B = Fibre Mass Fraction (%)

N.Z. Nkomo et al. Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01395

Table 8
ANOVA for compressive strength (Minitab 17 output).
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F value P-value Comment

Model 5 1987.37 397.47 12.74 0.000 S = 5.58535

Linear 2 1451.21 725.60 23.26 0.000 R2 = 0.7703
A 1 27.11 27.11 0.87 0.363 Adj. R2 = 0.7098
B 1 1424.10 1424.10 45.65 0.000 Pred R2 = 0.4311
Square 2 405.18 202.59 6.49 0.007
AB 1 7.32 7.32 0.23 0.634
BA 1 397.85 397.85 12.75 0.002
2-Way interaction 1 0.31 0.31 0.01 0.922
AB 1 0.31 0.31 0.01 0.922
Error 19 592.73 31.20
Total 24 2580.09

SS: Sum of squares; MS: Mean square; DF: Degree of freedom; R2: Coefficient of determination; Adj R2: Adjusted coefficient of determination; A = Fly
Ash Mass Fraction (%); B = Fibre Mass Fraction (%).

3.2.3. Flexural strength

The ANOVA response surface design analysis for compressive strength is reported in Table 9. From Table 9, it was observed that the
linear terms of A relation to the flexural strength were statistically significant in accordance with the t-test as their p-value > 0.005.
However, B was statistically insignificant with a p-value of 0.003. The square interaction between AB and BA was statistically sig­
nificant according to the t-test with a p-value> 0.005. the two-way interaction between AB was statistically significant with a p-value
of 0.532. The model for flexural strength was significant at a 95 % confidence level with an F-value of 2.70 and a p-value > 0.05.
By applying multiple regression analysis, regression Eq. 3 was obtained for flexural strength with an R2 value of 0.6151.

Flexural Strength = 4.317 − 0.0179A − 1.840B + 0.00054A2 + 0.387B2 + 0.0144AB (3)


3.2.4. Split tensile strength

The ANOVA response surface design analysis for split tensile strength is reported in Table 10.
From Table 10, it was observed that the linear terms of A relation to the split tensile strength were statistically significant in
accordance with the t-test as their p-value > 0.005. However, B was statistically insignificant with a p-value of 0.001. The square
interaction between AB and BA was statistically insignificant according to the t-test with a p-value < 0.005. The two-way interaction
between AB was statistically significant with a p-value of 0.290. The model for flexural strength was insignificant at a 95 % confidence
level with an F-value of 8.63 and a p-value of 0.00. By applying multiple regression analysis, regression Eq. 4 was obtained for split
tensile strength.

Split Tensile Strength = 1.319 + 0.1287A − 0.337B − 0.004046A2 + 0.305B2 + 0.0124AB (4)

3.2.5. Total cost

The ANOVA response surface design analysis for total FRCC cost is reported in Table 11.
From Table 11, it was observed that the linear terms of A and B in relation to the total cost were statistically significant in
accordance with the t-test as their p-value > 0.005. The square interaction between AB and BA was statistically significant with a p-
value > 0.005. The two-way interaction between AB was statistically significant with a p-value of 0.079. The model for total cost was
significant at a 95 % confidence level with an F-value of 1.32 and a p-value > 0.05. The regression Eq. 5 was obtained for total cost by

Table 9
ANOVA for flexural strength.
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F value P-value Comment

Model 5 9.4466 1.88931 2.70 0.053 S = 0.836999

Linear 2 8.6792 4.33961 6.19 0.008 R2 = 0.4151
A 1 0.4350 0.43496 0.62 0.440 Adj. R2 = 0.2612
B 1 8.2443 8.24427 11.77 0.003 Pred R2 = 0.00
Square 2 0.7220 0.36102 0.52 0.605
AB 1 0.0653 0.06534 0.09 0.763
BA 1 0.6567 0.65669 0.94 0.345
2-Way interaction 1 0.2837 0.28368 0.40 0.532
AB 1 0.2837 0.28368 0.40 0.532
Error 19 13.3108 0.70057
Total 24 22.7573

SS: Sum of squares; MS: Mean square; DF: Degree of freedom; R2: Coefficient of determination; Adj R2: Adjusted coefficient of determination; A = Fly
Ash Mass Fraction (%); B = Fibre Mass Fraction (%)

N.Z. Nkomo et al. Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01395

Table 10
ANOVA for split tensile strength.
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F value P value Comment

Model 5 7.3720 1.47439 8.63 0.000 S = 0.413387

Linear 2 2.4902 1.24512 7.29 0.004 R2 = 0.6942
A 1 0.0666 0.06657 0.39 0.540 Adj. R2 = 0.6138
B 1 2.4237 2.42367 14.18 0.001 Pred R2 = 0.4419
Square 2 4.0966 2.04823 11.99 0.000
AB 1 3.6888 3.68876 21.59 0.000
BA 1 0.4078 0.40782 2.39 0.139
2-Way interaction 1 0.2027 0.20269 1.19 0.290
AB 1 0.2027 0.20269 1.19 0.290
Error 19 3.2469 0.17089
Total 24 10.6188

SS: Sum of squares; MS: Mean square; DF: Degree of freedom; R2: Coefficient of determination; Adj R2: Adjusted coefficient of determination; A = Fly
Ash Mass Fraction (%); B = Fibre Mass Fraction (%)

Table 11
– ANOVA for total cost.
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F value P value Comment

Model 5 37,089 7418 1.32 0.297 S = 74.9201

Linear 2 18,914 9457 1.68 0.212 R2 = 0.2580
A 1 3745 3745 0.67 0.424 Adj. R2 = 0.628
B 1 15,169 15,169 2.70 0.117 Pred R2 = 0.00
Square 2 7141 3570 0.64 0.540
AB 1 4223 4223 0.75 0.397
BA 1 2918 2918 0.52 0.480
2-Way interaction 1 19,371 19,371 3.45 0.079
AB 1 19,371 19,371 3.45 0.079
Error 19 10,6647 5613
Total 24 143,737

SS: Sum of squares; MS: Mean square; DF: Degree of freedom; R2: Coefficient of determination; Adj R2: Adjusted coefficient of determination; A = Fly
Ash Mass Fraction (%); B = Fibre Mass Fraction (%)

applying multiple regression analysis with R2 of 0.2580. The low R2 value was of concern and made the model unreliable for estimating
the total cost with great accuracy.

Total Cost = 2813.1 − 6.73A − 42.0B + 0.137A2 − 25.8B2 + 3.82AB (5)

3.3. Model validation

The model developed is restricted to the initial raw material composition, which includes the water, cement, river sand, dolomite
stone, fly ash and PET fibre content. The model’s predictive capabilities were tested, with input for the numerical simulation being
independent of those used to construct the model. In this manner, the model was rigorously assessed, and its predictive capabilities
were confirmed through actual experimental data. The input parameters are the fibre and fly ash mass fraction.

3.3.1. Comparison of predictive and actual normality plots

The effectiveness and acceptability of prediction models have based on the premise that the model is able to predict the output
accurately. In this study, the model was designed to predict the mechanical behaviour of the FRCC based on the two-factor input
parameters. This subsection validated the prediction model through the coefficient of determination (R2), adjusted coefficient of
determination (R2 adj) and S value. This information is consolidated and summarised in Table 12. Data were checked for the actual
versus predicted plots for all the tested responses in this study.

Table 12
Statistical conducted on Predictive Model.
Predicted Parameters S R2 R2 (adj)

Slump Value 4.22051 0.965 0.965

Compressive Strength 3.62398 0.824 0.816
Flexural Strength 0.490019 0.415 0.390
Split Tensile Strength 0.313243 0.694 0.681
Total Cost 34.6682 0.254 0.222

S - Standard Deviation; R2- Coefficient of determination; R2 adj -Adjusted Coefficient of determination

N.Z. Nkomo et al. Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01395

Figs. 6 and 7 to Fig. 10 show the predicted versus actual plot for all the responses in the study. From these plots, it was observed that
the plotted points fell very close to the distribution fitted line for compressive strength, slump value, and split tensile strength.
However, for the total cost and flexural strength, the plotted points were not as strong a fit to the distribution fitted line.
The prediction of slump value has an acceptable standard deviation of 4.22051 and a coefficient of determination R2 of 0.965. This
indicates high accuracy and a strong co-relationship between the predicted and the actual values. The prediction plot for compressive
strength with respect to its actual value is shown in Fig. 6. The statistical validation of the compressive strength model shows that the
R2 and standard deviation are within acceptable limits, and the model exhibits high accuracy.
From Fig. 8, it was observed that the flexural strength model predicts high accuracy until actual flexural strength is 4 MPa
thereafter, the scatter plots deviate from the trend line. Hence the model has an R2 value of 0.415.
Therefore, the model for flexural strength can only be used with confidence up to 4 MPa strength. Fig. 9 shows the prediction
against the actual plot for split tensile strength to have high accuracy with an R2 value of 0.694, which is acceptable. Fig. 10 shows the
plot for actual total cost versus the predicted total cost, which has the lowest R2 value of 0.254. This made the model unreliable for
estimating the total cost with great accuracy. The developed model performed generally well and had a good fit between the actual and
predicted values except for the total cost model. Other generated models in studies by Zain et al. (2002) [55] and Karthiyaini et al.
(2019) [56] used input properties such as cement, admixtures, fine and coarse aggregate. They did not provide adequate reliability for
tensile flexural properties. However, this current study provided a model that generated a good fit for flexural and tensile properties.
Karthiyaini (2019) [56] study used Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to build a predictive model for fibre reinforced concrete; however,
the model failed to predict the compressive strength with reliable accuracy. This limitation has been overcome in this study.

3.4. Response optimiser for the mix design

The optimisation of the design considered all the responses simultaneously to achieve an optimum mix design favourable to all the
reported responses. The optimisation was carried out to determine the optimum fibre and fly ash mass fraction taking into consid­
eration the responses, which included the compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength, slump value and total cost. The
maximum goal was set for split tensile strength, flexural strength, and compressive strength, as shown in Table 13. However, the total
cost was set at the lowest goal to manage the cost of the product. The slump value was set at a target value of 9 cm, which was a
compromise on the workability of the concrete paste.
Table 14 was generated from the variable settings in Table 5 to calculate all the responses included in the optimisation. The fit gives
the mean responses for the continuous measurements. From Table 14, the mean for a total cost, split tensile strength, flexural strength
and compressive strength and slump value were 2744.2, 2.356, 3.689, 25.65 and 31.48, respectively.
The standard error of the fit gives an estimation of the variation in the estimated mean responses for the specified variable settings.
Split tensile strength and flexural strength have a low standard error of fit, showing that with 95 % confidence, the mean is within
range. The total cost has a high standard error of fit.
The 95 % confidence interval for all the responses is within range for all the experimental data carried out. The Confidence intervals
are for all responses relatively narrow, implying that there is strong confidence in the mean of future values.
The 95 % prediction interval assesses the prediction precision. The prediction intervals are all within acceptable boundaries for the
responses except the slump value. The low precision interval for slump value could be attributed to the low slump for most of the

Fig. 6. Predicted vs actual for compressive strength.

N.Z. Nkomo et al. Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01395

Fig. 7. Predictive vs actual for slump, value.

Fig. 8. Predictive vs actual for flexural strength.

experiments, which did not give sufficient data precision. The prediction interval has a wider range than the confidence interval due to
the uncertainty in predicting a single response compared to a mean response.
Fig. 11 shows the overlaid contour-plot for all the composite responses. The overlaid contour plot gives a visual representation of
the area where the predicted means of the responses are in the acceptable region.
The overlaid contour plot shows that the optimum and feasible region is within 6–25 % fly ash content and within 0–0.5 % fibre
mass fraction content. The optimum was calculated using the response optimiser, as shown in Fig. 12.
The region bounded by the compressional strength, slump line and split tensile strength line has feasible split tensile strength,
flexural strength, slump value and total cost. However, the compressive strength is low. The region bounded by the flexural strength,
slump value and split tensile strength line has acceptable flexural strength, total cost, and split tensile strength. Although, that region
has low compressional strength and low slump. The region of the contour plot bounded by the split tensile strength and flexural
strength line has acceptable split tensile strength and total cost. Despite, that the compressional strength, slump value and flexural
strength are low. The area bounded by the flexural strength, split tensile strength and total cost has only the total cost feasible. The
upper most portion of the graph bounded by total cost has unacceptably low all the parameters. This is in line with the previous

N.Z. Nkomo et al. Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01395

Fig. 9. Predictive vs actual for split tensile strength.

Fig. 10. Predictive vs actual for total cost.

Table 13
Response surface optimiser.
Response Units Goal Lower Target Upper Weight Importance

Split Tensile Strength MPa Maximum 0.44020 2.79 – 1 1

Flexural Strength MPa Maximum 1.80000 5.93 – 1 1
Compressive Strength MPa Maximum 6.73778 44.14 – 1 1
Slump Value Target 0.00000 9.00 65.50 1 1
Total Cost Rands Minimum 2646.27 2877.17 1 1

discussions whereby high levels of fibre content exceeding 1.8 % do not yield favourable strength properties due to the formation of
voids and clumping of fibres.
For the FRRC, the composite desirability is 0.5796, which is considered acceptable for the model. Low composite desirability less

N.Z. Nkomo et al. Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01395

Table 14
– Multiple response prediction.
Response Fit SE Fit 95% CI 95% PI

Split Tensile Strength 2.356 0.155 (2.031;2.682) (1.432; 3.281)

Flexural Strength 3.689 0.315 (3.030;4.348) (1.817; 5.561)
Compressive strength 25.65 2.10 (21.25;30.04) (13.16;38.14)
Slump Value 31.48 2.35 (26.56;36.39) (17.50; 45.45)
Total Cost 2744.2 28.2 (2685.2;2803.1) (2576.6; 2911.7)

SE Fit- Standard Error of the Fit; CI – Confidence Interval; PI – Prediction Interval.

Fig. 11. Overlaid contour plot.

Fig. 12. Numerical response optimiser.

N.Z. Nkomo et al. Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01395

than 0.5 would indicate that the model does not optimise the overall responses well. From Fig. 12, increasing the fly ash mass fraction
decreases the total cost with decreasing gradient. On the other hand, the split tensile strength increases with a steep gradient to a
certain point and then starts to decline with a steep gradient. The addition of fly ash content has a marginal increment in the flexural
strength of the composite. Fly ash has a small increase in flexural strength. However, the addition of higher quantities of fly ash
decreases the compressional strength. Besides, the addition of fly ash increases the slump value of the composite moderately.
Fibre content gives the FRCC high flexural strength, split tensile strength, compressive strength, and slump value at very low fibre
percentages. Further, the addition of fibre content tends to decrease the strength properties, as shown in Fig. 12. However, the addition
of fibre tends to increase the composite cost gradually.

3.4.1. Comparison of model prediction with experimental data

Numerical simulations of three data points were carried out experimental, and the same data points were fed into the predictive
model. The output results for a compressive, flexural, slump, split tensile strength and cost were then assessed for statistical signifi­
cance to validate the model, as shown in Table 15.
The absolute relative percent error was calculated according to Eq. 6.
( )
Predicted value
Absolute relative percent error (PE) = 1 − X 100 (6)
Experimental value
The standard deviation was very low for the total cost with a magnitude of 0.02, as shown in Table 15. This low standard deviation
showed a good fit between the experimental and predicted optimum data. The standard deviation for split tensile and flexural strength
was also very low showing that the model was representative and valid. On the other hand, the slump value had a slightly higher
standard deviation of 0.676. However, this higher deviation was still within the acceptable limits. The results shown in Table 15 show
that the model is valid.

3.5. Applications of fibre reinforced composite in slabs

The developed model is useful in design of concrete for various applications. The model allows reverse engineering and predicting
the fibre and fly ash mass fractions that should be used in the concrete for various mechanical requirements of concrete. The opti­
misation model can predict composition for various composite slabs as shown in Table 16.
The response optimiser showed that the mix design, as shown in Table 16 gave the optimum strength and cost responses for
reinforced paving, floor, ceiling, foundation, and suspended slabs. The use of waste material significantly reduces total cost, as seen
with suspended slabs total cost of R2742.03 /kg/m3. Despite the higher strength required for suspended slabs, the cost is lower than
slabs requiring lower strength. This is attributed to the increased use of fly ash, which lowers the cost of the composite.

4. Conclusion

In this study based on full factorial experimental design, a model was developed to optimise the properties of PET fibre and fly ash
reinforced concrete. Empirical relationships were derived for compressive, flexural, and split tensile strength as well as slump and cost
as a function of mix ingredients. The optimisation results were obtained, and validation tests conducted. The following main con­
clusions were obtained from this study:

i. The fibre mass fraction in concrete has a significant bearing on the ultimate concrete strength. The fibre mass fraction of below
0.5 % gave the best results for increased toughness. Beyond this range of fibre addition, the concrete strength decreased.
ii. The addition of fly ash increased the strength of concrete at various levels depending on the fibre addition.
iii. ANOVA test for all the responses indicated that the model was able to predict the slump value and mechanical properties of the
fibre reinforced concrete correctly and effectively with a coefficient of determination, R2, in the range of 0.5–0.9467. These
values validated the results obtained.
iv. An overlaid contour plot was drawn, which showed that the optimum region was between 6 % and 25 % fly ash content and
between 0 % and 0.5 % PET fibre content. The optimum constituent combination for maximum mechanical strength at the
lowest possible cost was found to be 15.7576 % Fly ash and 0.3232 % PET fibre. These values corresponded to responses of

Table 15
Validation of the optimal results generated from Minitab Software.
Parameter Units Goal Optimum Experimental SD PE

Fly Ash Mass Fraction (%) Optimum 15.7576 15.7576

Fibre Mass Fraction (%) Optimum 0.3232 0.3232
Split Tensile Strength MPa Maximum 2.3565 2.3570 ±0.005 0.02121
Flexural Strength MPa Maximum 3.6889 3.7200 ±0.031 0.8360
Compressive Strength MPa Maximum 25.6465 25.7800 ±0.1335 0.5178
Slump Value Target 31.4763 30.80 ±0.676 2.20
Total Cost Rands Minimum 2744.17 2744.19 ±0.02

SD- Standard deviation; PE – Absolute relative percent error.

N.Z. Nkomo et al. Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01395

Table 16
Optimum composition and strength properties for various applications.
Parameter Paving Slabs Floor Slabs Ceiling Slabs Foundation Slabs Suspended Slabs

Fly Ash Mass Fraction (%) 0.0000 30.0000 0.0000 3.9394 19.0909
Fibre Mass Fraction (%) 0.6465 0.1818 0.4040 0.6465 0.3434
Split Tensile Strength (MPa) 1.4096 1.5223 1.4055 1.8223 2.3001
Flexural Strength (MPa) 3.2891 4.0231 3.6365 3.2642 3.6814
Compressive Strength (MPa) 19.1149 26.6830 23.9497 19.3200 24.7664
Slump Value (mm) 9.9176 43.00 22.8145 10.7832 30.5986
Total Cost (Rands/kg/m3) 2775.13 2746.66 2791.88 2760.47 2742.03

25.6465 MPa, 3,6889 MPa, 2.3565 MPa, 31.4763 mm, R 2744.17 for compressive strength, flexural strength, tensile strength,
slump value and total cost, respectively. These predictions were validated experimentally, and a good correlation was observed
between the actual and predicted values based on the observed standard deviations of 0.1335, 0.031, 0.005, 0.676, 0.02 for
compressive strength, flexural strength, tensile strength, slump value and cost, respectively.
v. The optimum combination for suspended slabs was 19.0909 % for fly ash and 0.3434 % PET fibre. These values corresponded to
responses of R 2742.03/kg/m3, 2.3001 MPa, 3.6814 MPa, 24.7664 MPa, 30.5986 mm for a total cost, split tensile, flexural,
compressive strength and slump value. The generated model is able to predict depending on the final concrete properties the
optimum design mixture.

Funding statement

This research was funded by the Vaal University of Technology department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Management
and Mechanical Engineering.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Nkosilathi Zinti Nkomo: Conceptualisation, Software, Writing – original draft, Data curation, Formal analysis. Patrick Nziu:
Methodology, Supervision, reviewing and editing, Project administration. Leonard Masu: Conceptualisation, Project administration,
Funding acquisition, Supervision, review and editing.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.

Data availability

Data will be made available on request. The data used to support the findings of this study are included within the article.


This research work was supported by the Vaal University of Technology. The authors wish to thank the department of Industrial
Engineering & Operations Management and Mechanical Engineering at Vaal University of Technology for facilitating this work.


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