2021 Programs of College of Chinese-ASEAN Arts (Admission For International Applicants) April8,2021

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Programs of
College of Chinese
& ASEAN Arts
(Admission for International Applicants)

In case of any dispute or misunderstanding relating to the interpretation of

the language or terms used in this document, the Chinese language version shall
I. Introduction of the College
The College of Chinese & ASEAN Arts of Chengdu University is a
comprehensive art institute approved by the Chengdu Municipal People's government.
It is established to actively integrate into the national "Belt and Road" construction,
vigorously demonstrate the charm of Sichuan culture while expanding international
cultural exchanges, in the vision of building a world-famous city with cultural and
creative industries. Based on the experience of art education in Chengdu University,
the college operates in accordance with the new system and mechanism and has
relatively independent autonomy in operation. The college is also a key cultural and
educational project supported by Chengdu city.

College of Chinese & ASEAN Arts consists of 4 units of teaching departments:

School of Fine Arts and Design, School of Music and Dance, School of Film and
Animation, and International Department. There are currently more than 2400 full-
time Bachelors, more than 200 Masters, and nearly 300 overseas students. The
College has eight Bachelor majors, including animation, visual communication design
and product design which are qualified as Five-Star-Level majors in China. The
college is also qualified to grant master's degree in design, art, music performance,
radio and television
II. Eligibility
A. Bachelor Programs
1. The applicants must be foreign citizens with good physical and mental health, the
candidate must provide a certificate of graduation from high school.
2. Academic performance
  The applicants should have outstanding academic performance. Proof should be
provided through (but not limited to) the following document(s): 
2.1 High school/University (if applicable) transcripts (in Chinese or English).
2.2 Certificate of National/Regional Graduation Examination/Matriculation
2.3 Results of international standard tests (e.g. SAT/ACT/A-Level/AP/IB/others).
2.4 Graduation certificate and degree certificate, which must be original or notarized,
notarized translations must be provided for the texts other than Chinese and English
2.5 Other supporting materials.
3. Language proficiency
The applicants must have good English language proficiency. For those whose
native language is not English, please provide at least one of the score reports of
internationally, nationally or regionally recognized English language tests (e.g.
4. The applicant must be aged 18 or above (by September 1st, 2021). For the
applicants under 18, please bring the relevant supporting documents to the official
registration (Please see annex 2 for details).
5. For those who were originally Chinese citizens but later naturalized as foreign
nationals, the conditions set by the Document No. 83 (2009) of Ministry of Education
of the PRC should be met.
B. Master Programs
1. The applicants must be foreign citizens with good physical and mental health, the
candidate must provide a bachelor diploma.
2. Academic performance
 The applicants should have outstanding academic performance. Proof should be
provided through (but not limited to) the following document(s): 
2.1 Official transcripts (with original Chinese or English notarized documents)
provided by institutes of the applicants’ highest academic qualifications.
2.2 The transcripts of the national/regional unified Bachelor examination (all modules
taken in the Bachelor course) must be original or notarized, if the transcripts are other
than Chinese and English, notarized translation documents should be provided.
2.3 Results of international standard tests (e.g. SAT/ACT/A-Level/AP/IB/others)
2.4 The diploma and diploma certificate (current Bachelor student should provide the
expected graduation certificate) must be the original or notarized document, if the
documents are other than Chinese and English, notarized translation documents
should be provided.
2.5 Other supporting materials.
3. Language proficiency
The applicants must have good English language proficiency. For those whose
native language is not English, please provide at least one of the score reports of
internationally, nationally or regionally recognized English language test (e.g.
4. For those who were originally Chinese citizens but later naturalized as foreign
nationals, the conditions set by the Document No. 83 (2009) of Ministry of Education
of the PRC should be met.

III Application:
1. Applicants are required to register online, complete all registration information and
submit relevant materials in accordance with the requirements.
2. Online registration period: Dec. 20th, 2020 - June 1st, 2021. Online registration is
available 24 hours a day.
3. The applicant should log on to the website
http://ccaa.cdu.mcitedu.cn/home/login/index.html within the specified registration
time and register in accordance with the corresponding instructions.

IV. Bachelor admission plan (see annex 4)

V. Master admission plan (see annex 5)

VI. Scholarship
Scholarships are mainly used to finance student tuition, accommodation, living
expenses and comprehensive medical insurance.
Chengdu ASEAN Art Scholarship
The "Chengdu ASEAN Art Scholarship" is used to reward outstanding international
students from ASEAN countries, other countries along the "Belt and Road", European
and American countries, and sister cities of Chengdu who have received Bachelor and
higher education in art majors in municipal universities.
Bachelors: 30,000 RMB per year
Masters: 36,000 RMB per year
Chengdu International Friendship City Government Scholarship
The "Friendship City Scholarship" is used to reward outstanding international
students from sister cities of Chengdu who have received diploma education or non-
education education in municipal universities.
Bachelors: 20,000 RMB per year
Masters: 25,000 RMB per year
Chengdu "Belt and Road" Government Scholarship
The “Belt and Road Scholarship” is used to reward outstanding international students
from countries along the “Belt and Road” who have received diploma education or
non-degree education in municipal universities.
Bachelors: 20,000 RMB per year
Masters: 25,000 RMB per year
Other considerations
Scholarship holder:
1. Must check in and register in accordance with the time stipulated by the college.
Those who fail to enroll after the deadline without approval will be automatically
disqualified and their scholarship qualifications will be automatically canceled. Those
who retain their admission qualifications will not retain their scholarship
2. Participate in the annual assessment of scholarships as required. Those who fail to
pass the assessment will be disqualified and the scholarship will be suspended.
3. Whether the application is successful or not, the application materials will not be
4. Each student can only apply for one type of scholarships, and no multiple
applications can be made.

VII. Admission
According to the principles of comprehensive assessment of morality, intelligence
and physique, the merit-based admission notice will be issued and sent within 10
working days after the assessment. A professional entrance assessment is within the
enrollment process.

VIII. Enrollment
New students should enroll as the time specified in the letter of admission. The
college shall verify the students’ eligibility of admission within the enrollment by
making a major test. For students who cannot enroll in the specific time due to force
majeure, it is mandatory to present a letter for leave to the college before the
enrollment. The students who do not pass the test or be absent two weeks after the
enrollment deadline will be disqualified.

IX. Course system and graduation:

The study length of Bachelor in College of Chinese & ASEAN Arts is four years,
while teaching in Chinese is adopted (some of the modules will take English Chinese
bilingual approach). The college will grant graduation and issue a diploma to the
students who study within the prescribed length of study, complete the contents in the
curriculum, pass the assessments and thesis defense, and further meet the graduate
requirements. Those who meet the conditions for awarding degrees shall be awarded
corresponding bachelor’s degrees and degree certificates.
The study length of Master in College of Chinese & ASEAN Arts is two years, while
bilingual teaching in Chinese and English is adopted. The college will grant
graduation and issue a diploma to the students who study within the prescribed length
of study, complete the contents in the curriculum, pass the assessments and meet the
graduate requirements. Those who meet the conditions for awarding degrees shall be
awarded corresponding master's degrees and degree certificates.

X. Contact:
International Department of College of Chinese & ASEAN Arts
Address: 107, Comprehensive Building D, Chengdu University, Shiling Town,
Chengdu ,China
Telephone: +86-028-84616625;
Postal Code: 610106
Recipient: Ms.Zhang;
Website: http://ccaaen.cdu.edu.cn/
Email: [email protected]
Apply for study: http://ccaa.cdu.mcitedu.cn/

XI. Supplement:
(1) For enrollment details, please visit the official website of the College
(http://ccaaen.cdu.edu.cn/) or consult with the International Department of the
College (tel: 86-028-84616625; e-mail: [email protected]).
(2) The promulgation of this document is at an early stage. If there is inconsistency
with the relevant provisions of Chinese government, it shall be implemented in
accordance with the relevant provisions of the People's Republic of China.
(3) The copyright of this document belongs to College of Chinese & ASEAN Arts and
is interpreted by the International Department of College of Chinese & ASEAN Arts.

College of Chinese & ASEAN Arts

December, 2020
Annex 1: 中国—东盟艺术学院
中文姓名/Chinese Name (optional)
1. 姓 名
Name 姓/Family Name 名/Given Name 照 片
2. 国 籍 3. 性 别 Gender
Nationality 男 ( M ) □ 女
4. 护照号码 5. 宗教信仰 6. 婚 否 Marital
Passport No. Religion Status
Single□ Married□
7. 出生日期 年 月 日 8. 出生地点
Date of Birth Year Month Date Place of Birth
9. 联系单位、地址、电话、传真、电子邮件
Tel: Fax: E-mail:
10. 家庭地址和电话/Home Add. & Tel:


13. 现有汉语水平 ① 学习期限
Current Chinese Duration of previous Chinese language study
Level ② 学习地点
Place of study
③ 水平 □优秀 □良好 □一
般 □不好
Level □Excellent □Good □Average □Poor
14.其他语言/Other Languages

15. 来华学习专业
Field of study in China
□ 是否服从调配(如所选专业招生人数已满)
□ Compliance with deployment (if the selected major is full)
16. 学习期限自 年 月至 年 月
Duration from yr mo. to yr mo.
17. 留学类别 Student Category 18. 经 费 来 源 Sources of
□① 本科生 Bachelor Support
□② 硕士研究生 Master □ 自费/Self-Supporting
□③ 博士研究生 Doctor □ 经济担保人及机构
Economic Guarantor and
□ 奖学金/Scholarship

19. 在华事务担保人及联系方式/Guarantor in China

Tel: Fax: E-mail:
20. 紧急事件联系人/Person(s) to contact in case of emergency
Tel: Fax: E-mail:
Relations to you:
21. 声明/Statement of Commitment
I hereby confirm bindingly that I will join the program I chose at College of
Chinese & ASEAN Arts for the stated period. I declare that all statements submitted
are correct.
本人署名 Signature: 日期 Date:

1. 遵守中华人民共和国法律。
2. 不从事来华学习目的以外的活动。
3. 遵守学校的各项规章制度,努力学习。
4. 按时交纳学校规定的学生应该交纳的各项费用。
5. 接受中国—东盟艺术学院对学习的安排。

国籍: 与本人关系:

电话:(住宅) (办公室) 传真:
学生本人签字: 日期:


I am willing to study in COLLEGE OF CHINESE & ASEAN ARTS. I pledge the

following terms during my study:
1. I will abide by the laws of People’s Republic of China.
2. I will not engage in activities bearing no relation with my academic pursuit in
3. I will study industriously and observe all rules and regulations of COLLEGE OF
4. I will pay all expenses on time.
5. I will accept the arrangements of COLLEGE OF CHINESE & ASEAN ARTS
regarding my study.
6. I will actively contribute to a positive learning atmosphere and pledge support to
CCAA's faculty and staff.

The following person will be contacted in case of unexpected events or emergencies

which may happen to me during my stay in COLLEGE OF CHINESE & ASEAN

Nationality: Relationship to the applicant:

Name of employer:
Tel:(home) (office) Fax:

Signature of the applicant: Date:

Annex 2: attachment list of online application for international

Bachelor students
The following application materials should be submitted in the color scan of the
original; if you have obtained the admission qualification, you need to provide the
original documents at the time of enrollment. In the process of assessing and verifying
the uploaded application materials, the college may require applicants to provide
original/notarized documents in physical form or certification documents issued by
designated certification bodies for further examination. Applicants should ensure the
authenticity and accuracy of the application information and materials provided,
otherwise they may be disqualified.
1. Passport photo page, if the applicant is in China, please provide both the visa page
and the entry seal page(Passport validity must be later than September 1, 2022,
otherwise you will not be able to apply for a visa for the first academic year of the
university after admission).
2. Highest degree/diploma or pre-graduation certificate (original):
A) Year 2021's high school graduates shall submit the certificate of graduation from
high school.
B) Past (Before 2021) high school graduates shall submit high school diplomas.
C) The Bachelor students must provide the following materials in addition to the high
school diploma.
3. Resume (in Chinese or English).
4. Official transcripts of study from higher education institutes (original copy from
highest degree/diploma).
5. National/regional standardized high school graduation examination results or/and
internationally accepted standardized test scores (e.g., SAT/A CT/a-level/AP/IB, etc.).
6. English language proficiency certificate (e.g. TOEFL/IELTS).
7. In accordance with the provisions of Article 83 of the Ministry of Education (2009),
those who were originally Chinese citizens but later naturalized as foreign nationals
shall submit:
(1) Naturalization certificate.
(2) Cancellation of original Chinese household registration certificate.
(3) Copy of passport entry and exit seal page on the deadline of the batch of
application (the original copy is for reference).
(4) Record of actual residence in foreign countries on the deadline of the batch of
8. Other supporting documents (such as certificates of awards, letters of admission
from other universities, etc.).
9. In addition to the above application materials, the college may require applicants to
provide other supplementary materials according to the circumstance.

1. The documents submitted as required above must be original documents in Chinese
or English. If the original documents are in other language (for example, Korean), the
documents need to be translated into Chinese or English, and notarized.
2. The original official documents (such as high school diploma, HSK certificate and
English proficiency certificate) will not be returned.
3. Applicants under the age of 18 as of September 1, 2021 should also provide the
notarial certificate of guardian in China (the guardian should be a Chinese or
foreigner living in China with financial income) at the time of enrollment.
Annex 3: attachment list of online application for international
Master students
The following application materials should be submitted in the color scan of the
original; if you have obtained the admission qualification, you need to provide the
original documents at the time of enrollment. In the process of assessing and verifying
the uploaded application materials, the college may require applicants to provide
original/notarized documents in physical form or certification documents issued by
designated certification bodies for further examination. Applicants should ensure the
authenticity and accuracy of the application information and materials provided,
otherwise they may be disqualified.
1. Passport photo page, if the applicant is in China, please provide both the visa page
and the entry seal page(Passport validity must be later than September 1, 2022,
otherwise you will not be able to apply for a visa for the first academic year of the
university after admission).
2. Highest degree/diploma or pre-graduation certificate (original):
A) Year 2021's bachelor graduates shall submit the certificate of graduation from
Bachelor program.
B) Past (Before 2021) bachelor graduates shall submit bachelor diplomas.
3. Resume (in Chinese or English).
4. Official transcripts of study from higher education institutes (original copy from
highest degree/diploma).
5. English language proficiency certificate (e.g. TOEFL/IELTS).
6. In accordance with the provisions of Article 83 of the Ministry of Education (2009),
those who were originally Chinese citizens but later naturalized as foreign nationals
shall submit:
(1) Naturalization certificate.
(2) Cancellation of original Chinese household registration certificate.
(3) Copy of passport entry and exit seal page on the deadline of the batch of
application (the original copy is for reference).
(4) Record of actual residence in foreign countries on the deadline of the batch of
7. Other supporting documents (such as certificates of awards, letters of admission
from other universities, etc.).
8. In addition to the above application materials, the college may require applicants to
provide other supplementary materials according to the circumstance.

1. The documents submitted as required above must be original documents in Chinese
or English. If the original documents are in other language (for example, Korean), the
documents need to be translated into Chinese or English, and notarized.
2. The original official documents (such as high school diploma, HSK certificate and
English proficiency certificate) will not be returned.
3. Applicants under the age of 18 as of September 1, 2021 should also provide the
notarial certificate of guardian in China (the guardian should be a Chinese or
foreigner living in China with financial income) at the time of enrollment.
Annex 4: Bachelor programs

Academic School Department Major

Visual Communication
School of Fine Arts Design
Environmental Art Design
and Design
Product Design
Fine Arts Painting
Instrumental performance-
School of Music and Music Performance  Instrumental performance-
Dance Violin
Instrumental performance-
Dance Performance Chinese Dance
School of Film and Animation
Animation and film
Animation Radio and Television Editing
Annex 5: Master programs

Academic School Department Major

Visual Communication
Art Design
Environmental Art Design
School of Fine Arts
Product Design
and Design
Painting (Canvas)
Fine Arts Calligraphy
Art management
Instrumental performance-
School of Music and
Music Performance  Instrumental performance-
Instrumental performance-
School of Film and
Radio and Television Animation

Annex 6: Standards for Bachelor professional assessment

I School of Fine Arts and Design

Assessment materials for Bachelor candidates applying for School of Fine Arts and
(1) Candidates who apply for product design major should submit at least six works
representing their professional level, including sketch, coloring, creative graphics,
product design (can be furniture, crafts, home appliances, jewelry creation, etc., it is
better to have a structural design), etc.
(2) Candidates who apply for visual communication design major should submit at
least ten works representing their professional level, including: sketch, coloring,
advertising design, brand image design, digital media design, etc.
(3) Candidates who apply for environmental art design major should submit at least
ten pieces of works that can represent their professional level, including: sketch,
coloring, interior design, landscape design, etc.
(4) Candidates who apply painting major should submit three sketch works and three
coloring works, in which must include one work representing a person character. And
one to three personal creation works with no subject limitation.
Notes: After the enrollment, School of Fine Arts and Design will conduct a
professional test for 2021 Bachelor students. Should there are problems of plagiarism
and fraud in the submission of materials, the college has the right to withdraw the
student from the school.

II School of Music and Dance

Assessment materials for Bachelor candidates applying for School of Music and
A: Music Performance
1. Candidates can only fill in one of the majors for the entrance assessment;
candidates must upload videos within the specified time of registration and complete
the registration.
2. Video recording requirements:
4-octave scales, one virtuoso piece with piano or a caprice by N. Paganini, one
slow romantic piece
3-octave scales, one etude or caprice from Popper or Piatti, one prelude and one
other movement from Bach Suite No. 4, 5 or 6, one movement of a standard
concerto piece
One virtuoso Etude, one movement of a classical Sonata, one polyphonic work,
one piece of free choice
Vocal (classical):
A program selection consisting of both songs and arias: One song or aria in
English, one song or aria in Italian, one song or aria in German or French, one
song or aria in Chinese or native language.
Vocal (Pop):
One song in English, one song in Chinese or native language.

(2) pieces must be unedited and recorded separately; one fixed-focus camera (no
zooming) that displays a full-body view of the applicant and the instrument;
performance quality, presentation, venue and repertoire choice will be taken
into consideration for final judgement; all works must be performed by memory; with
submission of the video recording the applicant grants the video rights to the College
of Chinese & ASEAN Arts for further use and replication;
(3) The applicant shall be the only person in the video. Accompaniment personnel,
suggestive text, pattern, logo, background, or other personal information (the name,
place of origin and school of the candidate, etc.) are not allowed to appear in the
(4) The number of videos is limited to 1 (two works are in the same video), the format
is limited to WMV, MP4, AVI, MOV, make sure the sound and image are clear. File
size is less than 300MB.
(5) Any violation of any above provisions shall be deemed as a violation and may
result in disqualification from the preliminary examination.
(6) Please send the video to the specified E-mail [email protected] , please name the
email by the order: Name+Program(bachelor or master)+Major+Passport Number.

B: Dance Performance
1. The height of female applicants is not less than 150cm, and the height of male
applicants is not less than 170cm; have a basic dance foundation, and can complete
basic soft opening movements such as vertical fork, horizontal fork and standing
lower back; no physical problems that hinder dance performance.
2. The applicant of dance performance major should submit 2 video clips of dance
performance works that represent your professional level. The total length of the two
videos is not less than 5 minutes. There is no restriction on dance types except street
dance and ballroom dance.
3. Video recording requirements:
(1) The video submitted by the dance performance professional applicant shall be
recorded in the dance rehearsal hall or stage theater. The applicant shall record in the
training suit or formal performance costume. The video shall be recorded in a
panorama with stable picture and music at the same time and shall not be edited or
beautified later.
(2) The number of videos is limited to 1 (two works are in the same video), the format
is limited to WMV, MP4, AVI, MOV, make sure the sound and image are clear. File
size is less than 300MB.
(3) Any violation of any above provisions shall be deemed as a violation and may
result in disqualification from the preliminary examination.
(4) Please send the video to the specified E-mail [email protected] , please name the
email by the order : Name+Program(bachelor or master)+Major+Passport Number.
Notes: After the enrollment, School of Music and Dance will conduct a professional
test for 2021 Bachelor students. Should there are problems of plagiarism and fraud in
the submission of materials, the college has the right to withdraw the student from the

III School of Film and Animation

Assessment materials for Bachelor candidates applying for School of Film and
(1) The students who apply for animation major should submit a set of fine art works
(at least 10 works including sketch, coloring, and other representative personal
works), as well as relevant supplementary materials (explanation and highlighting the
content in the work).
(2) The applicants who apply for radio and television editing major should submit a
set of film and television works including video works of film and television, script of
film and television literature (translated into Chinese) and other representative
individual works. The applicants may also submit relevant supplementary materials
(explanation and highlighting the content in the work).
Notes: After the enrollment, School of Film and Animation will conduct a
professional test for 2021 Bachelor students. Should there are problems of plagiarism
and fraud in the submission of materials, the college has the right to withdraw the
student from the school.

Annex 7: standards for Master professional assessment

I School of Fine Arts and Design

Assessment materials for Master candidates applying for School of Fine Arts and
(1) Applicants for painting-canvas major must submit:
A. Three sketch works and three coloring works, in which must including one
work representing a person character. And one to three creative works with no subject
B. A Master study plan with at least 1000 words (English).
(2) Applicants for visual communication design major must submit:
A. A set of design works and elaboration on the works (including the reasons for
the creation of the works and the significance of those works);
B. A Master study plan with at least 1000 words (English).
(3) Applicants for environmental art design major must submit:
A. A set of design works and elaboration on the works (including the reasons for
the creation of the works and the significance of those works);
B. A Master study plan with at least 1000 words (English).
(4) Applicants for calligraphy major must submit:
A. A report in English or Chinese, telling about your knowledge of traditional
Chinese culture, as well as your understanding and knowledge of Chinese characters
and Chinese calligraphy (not less than 800 words);
B. If you have experience in calligraphy, please provide three copies of different
styles, the number of characters in each work must not be less than 20 characters. And
two personal creation works with different forms, the number of characters in each
work must not be less than 10 words.
(5) Applicants for art management major must submit:
A. A professional resume (Bachelor majors, reasons for applying for the art
management major, and knowledge of the major);
B. A Master study plan with at least 1500 words (English or Chinese).
(6) Applicants for product design major must submit:
A. Six works representing their professional level, including sketch, coloring,
creative graphics, product design(can be furniture, crafts, home appliances, jewelry
creation, etc., it is better to have a structural design), etc;
B. A Master study plan with at least 1000 words (English).
Notes: After the enrollment, School of Fine Arts and Design will conduct a
professional test for 2021 Master students. Should there are problems of plagiarism
and fraud in the submission of materials, the college has the right to withdraw the
student from the school.

II School of Music and Dance

Assessment materials for Master candidates applying for School of Music and Dance:
1. Candidates can only fill in one of the majors for the entrance assessment;
candidates must upload videos within the specified time of registration and complete
the registration.
2. Video recording requirements:
4-octave scales, one virtuoso piece with piano or a caprice by N. Paganini, one
slow romantic piece
3-octave scales, one etude or caprice from Popper or Piatti, one prelude and one
other movement from Bach Suite No. 4, 5 or 6, one movement of a standard
concerto piece
One virtuoso Etude, one movement of a classical Sonata, one polyphonic work,
one piece of free choice
Vocal (classical):
A program selection consisting of both songs and arias: One song or aria in
English, one song or aria in Italian, one song or aria in German or French, one
song or aria in Chinese or native language.
Vocal (Pop):
One song in English, one song in Chinese or native language.

(2) pieces must be unedited and recorded separately; one fixed-focus camera (no
zooming) that displays a full-body view of the applicant and the instrument;
performance quality, presentation, venue and repertoire choice will be taken
into consideration for final judgement; all works must be performed by memory; with
submission of the video recording the applicant grants the video rights to the College
of Chinese & ASEAN Arts for further use and replication;
(3) The applicant shall be the only person in the video. Accompaniment personnel,
suggestive text, pattern, logo, background, or other personal information (the name,
place of origin and school of the candidate, etc.) are not allowed to appear in the
(4) The number of videos is limited to 1 (two works are in the same video), the format
is limited to WMV, MP4, AVI, MOV, make sure the sound and image are clear. File
size is less than 300MB.
(5) Any violation of any above provisions shall be deemed as a violation and may
result in disqualification from the preliminary examination.
(6) Please send the video to the specified E-mail [email protected] , please name the
email by the order: Name+Program(bachelor or master)+Major+Passport Number.

III School of Film and Animation

Assessment materials for Master candidates applying for School of Film and
(1)Applicants for animation major must submit:
A. a set of artworks (at least 10) and elaboration on the works (including
interpretation of the content of the work, and focusing on the personal work contents);
B. A Master study plan with at least 1000 words (English).
(2) Applicants for television and film production major must submit:
A. A set of film and television works (including film and television works, film
and television literary scripts, etc. and other representative personal works) and
elaboration on the works (including interpretation of the content of the work, and
focusing on the personal work contents);
B. A Master study plan with at least 1000 words (English).
(3) Applicants for video culture and new media art major must submit:
A. a set of video and new media works and elaboration on the works (including
representative personal works such as video works, new media works, etc.);
B. A Master study plan with at least 1000 words (English).
Notes: After the enrollment, School of Film and Animation will conduct a
professional test for 2021 Master students. Should there are problems of plagiarism
and fraud in the submission of materials, the college has the right to withdraw the
student from the school.

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