Revolutionary War Project

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Tic Tac Toe: The American Revolution Final Project

Create a diary of a Create a poster that a Make a board game that

Revolutionary War soldier. Loyalist or Patriot would can be played to learn at
have made to convince least 15 facts about the
others of their opinion. Revolutionary War.

4 3 5
Write a poem about an Compare the Continental Draw a map showing the 13
historic Revolutionary and British Armies in four colonies and major battles
War event or about ways. Share why you in the Revolutionary War.
someone’s life and feelings believe the British were
during that time period. defeated.

2 3 3
Write the lead story for a Make a crossword puzzle Create a 30 second
Boston newspaper using at least 20 words commercial for the
describing the events at related to the American public explaining
Lexington and Concord. Revolutionary War. what the Declaration of
Include a headline and Independence is and why
answer the questions who, it is important.
what, when, why and how.

4 3 4

Directions: Choose two or three boxes. Complete enough tasks to earn ______ points.
You may choose additional activities to earn extra credit. You will have until Monday,
4/11/11 to complete your work. There may be a few class periods to work on the
projects, but the bulk of the work will be done at home. Please plan accordingly!

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