World War I Project

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World War I Project Day I:

Directions: Create 5 slides of the Main Causes of World War I, Time Line of Events, &
Propaganda. The Starred parenthesis areas indicate how many points each slide or each
project day is worth. For instance, World War I Project Day I is worth *(33 Points).

Slide 1 – List the main causes of World War I. *(11 Points)

Slide 2 – Provide a timeline of events that led up to World War I. This slide should include 6
bullets. In other words, type up the event and put the date right beside it. Refer back to sect 1 of
Chapter 23. *(11 Points)

Slides 3 to 5 – Use 3 Propaganda posters from the resources that are provided for you on Mr.
Donaldson’s G-Drive and the Internet. You will choose an assigned country out of a draw.
After you have confirmed your country, you will create 3 powerpoint slides from your assigned
country with captions. The captions need to be located at the bottom of each slide and must
address each one of the following questions: *(11 Points)

1. What do you see in the poster?

2. What type of propaganda is the poster?
3. What’s the message behind the poster? Why?

Propaganda – Slides 3 to 5

The onset of World War I was marked by intense nationalism and military rivalry among the nations of
Europe. During that era, and in other times of great political upheaval, propaganda posters have managed
to convey important and complex ideas and opinions, and they have done so in ways that speeches,
writings, and other forms of communication could not. Political cartoons and propaganda posters remain
a unique and sophisticated form of art even today. By creating powerpoint slide presentations of the
propaganda, you will better understand how they work and why they can be so effective. You will use
the propaganda posters to help explain the causes of World War I.

Pair Directions

1. Use Mr. Donaldson’s Weebly – Grade 7 Page, Chapter 3, Lesson 3 in the Contemporary Cultures
Textbook, WWI History Books or the Internet resources to research the causes of World War I
with your partner.

2. Collect examples of historical propaganda posters. You might also research some symbols of
World War I that were used in cartoons and posters such as the German helmet, Lady Liberty, the
British Lion, the Russian bear, and so on.
3. You will be assigned a country and create 3 powerpoint slides conveying actual WWI propaganda
posters, with captions, that actually appear on the editorial page of a newspaper, in a pamphlet, or
in a magazine of the day. These powerpoint slides should express one country’s rationale for
entering the war. You will find your name and your partner’s name assigned below:

Friendly Reminder – You need to make sure that you have a work cited page at the end of the 3 project
days that are provided for you. Otherwise, the consequence will be a zero because it would be considered
plagiarism without a works cited page.
World War I Project Day II:

Directions: You will create 3 to 5 powerpoint slides on weapons that were used during World
War I. You will research the weapons that were first created and first used by your assigned
country. The same country you were assigned to for day one on propaganda is also the same
country for the research on weapons. Each slide must address each one of the following
questions: *(33 Points)

Slide 4 *(11 Points)

 1. What is the weapon? (photo)

 2. When was it created?

Slide 5 *(11 Points)

 3. Who created it? (photo) Why?

 4. How was it used?

Slide 6 *(11 Points)

 5. Have weapons like this been used in war before WWI? (1914)
 6. Major battles weapon was key? (photo if you can find one)
 7. Did the weapon have a major impact on the outcome of the war? Why or why not?

Afterward: After you answer each one of the questions, be sure to include some pictures of the
weapons. If you can find a picture of the person who designed the weapon(s), go for it.

Extra Resources:

Friendly Reminder – You need to make sure that you have a work cited page at the end of the 3project
days that are provided for you. Otherwise, the consequence will be a zero because it would be considered
plagiarism without a works cited page.
World War I Project Day III:
Directions: Create 1 powerpoint slide that address Wilson’s 14 points and their effects on the
Paris peace conference, 1 powerpoint slide that address’s the War Guilt Clause, & your own
personal researched conclusion powerpoint slide. *(34 Points)

 Slide 7 – Wilson’s 14 points & their effects on the Paris Peace Conference. (photo of
Woodrow Wilson) *(11 Points)

 Slide 8 – War Guilt Clause: Summarize Germany’s War Guilt Clause that came about
between 1918-1919. *(11 Points)

 Slide 9 – Use the web to find our answer to our essential question. Do your own
research. *(12 Points)
o How do the Treaty of Versaille and Article 231 ensure that the war will not be the
war to end all wars?

Afterward: Please provide pictures. I would appreciate it!

Friendly Reminder – You need to make sure that you have a work cited page at the end of the 3project
days that are provided for you. Otherwise, the consequence will be a zero because it would be considered
plagiarism without a works cited page.

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