4TH QTR EXAM 2019 ENTREP All Other Strand Reviewer
4TH QTR EXAM 2019 ENTREP All Other Strand Reviewer
4TH QTR EXAM 2019 ENTREP All Other Strand Reviewer
Ma Theresa DF Malco
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Review the following materials. The answer keys are indicated in BOLD.
For numbers 1-4, On marketing plan implementation steps, identify the steps by choosing the
correct answer from the box.
1. Marketing activities are important task to perform in order to ensure that the product or
services serves its purpose. C.
2. The value proposition, the unique selling proposition, and the 7Ps or the marketing mix
should be clear with the members of the marketing team and why these were chosen to
best communicate the product or services to target customers. D.
3. Feedback is very important in all understakings and ensuring that is taken across at the
right time in every stiuation shall ensure success in the marketing implementation. A.
4. When a marketing campaign is successful, keeping it in a status quo is far harder and
difficult. Thus, it is important to manage and track its details of what went wrong and what
went right, successful endeavors should have documentation. B
For numbers 5-8, On marketing plan implementation steps, identify the steps by choosing the
correct answer from the box.
5. Marketing endeavors are worthwhile achieving when all relevant information were taken
from the members of the team. C.
6. Marketing endeavors are prone to modification every now then and thus, to embrace
inevitable changes within and outside the organization that will shake marketing initiatives
is a good indicator of consistency and proficiency of the marketing team. D
7. A good job deserves a treat either additional remuneration, free travel abroad, new car,
etc will boost morale of people who worked hard for the success of a marketing activities
in place. B
8. At the end of the day, output is important and CIS (comprehensive income statement) is a
tool to check how well initiatives are planned. A
A. consumer expectation.
B. need that consumer claim.
C. specification that originates from customers.
D. requirements that company recognizes for customers.
17. What is the 4Ms of operation? The 4Ms of operation is the ______________
For Numbers 19 – 22, Understanding the importance of 4Ms in operating business. Choose the correct
answer from the box.
19. Which of the following statements suggest Manpower for operations in relation to the
business opportunity? D.
20. Which of the following statements suggest Methods for operations in relation to the
business opportunity? B.
21. Which of the following statements suggest Machine for operations in relation to the
business opportunity? C.
22. Which of the following statements suggest Materials for operations in relation to the
business opportunity? A.
For Numbers 23-25, How important is Keeping Business Records. Choose the correct answer from the
23. Which of the following statements suggest the importance of a 5yr financial plan? A
24. Which of the following statements suggest the importance of a business records as an
audit trail where entrepreneur can track the transaction of the past.? B
25. Which of the following statements suggest the relevance of knowing details of the actual
performance of the business in a daily transaction to forecasting costing and revenues? D.
For Numbers 26-29, How to perform bookkeeping tasks. Choose the correct answer from the box.
27. Which of the following statements suggest the step in bookeeping tasks that shows
company’s revenues and expenses during a particular period? D
28. Which of the following statements suggest the step in bookeeping tasks that provide data
for the company and its shareholders financial position relevent to future decion making?
29. Which of the following statements suggest the step in bookeeping tasks that keeps and
makes record of any transaction either economic or non economic? A
30. Which of the following is NOT an assessement tool of marketing, sales and operation
B. sales report
C. return on marketing investment
D. feedback on the product or service
31. Which of the following is NOT a concept of GANTT Chart? GANTT Chart is NOT
For Numbers 32 - 36, Understanding Actual Selling Strategy of a Product or Service. Choose the
correct answer from the box.
A. Cold Calls. C. Persuavive Selling
B. Direct Selling D. Consultative Selling
32. Which of the following suggest an actual selling strategy whereby the seller calls random
customer from a database of potential cutomers? A.
33. Which of the following suggest an actual selling strategy is that a type usually seen in banks
ties up with another company such life insurance that act as consultant pertaining to any
product/service within the immediate needs of the customers? C
34. Which of the following suggest an actual selling strategy is that a type usually seen within
residential areas where sellers suggest product/service house-to-house? B
35. Which of the following suggest an actual selling strategy is that a type usually seen in malls
where sellers sets up booth and gives demonstration of the product and have direct
question and answer interaction with customers? D.
36. Which of the following statement is NOT an objective of a marketing strategy? Marketing
Strategy is not to _______________
A. Manage inventory.
B. create awareness.
C. grow market share.
D. generate revenue and income.
For Numbers 37 – 45, Application of concepts learned on product/service development thru business
planning. Choose the appropriate answer from the box.
C. Planning D. Implementation/Execution
37. developing product/service description of the business concept for the Strand Business
Summit. C.
38. creating and testing protype of product/service for the strand business summit. D.
39. In the industry, validate the service description of the product with potential customers to
determine its market acceptability while in SBS, it is to inform and ask guidance from your
subject teachers on what service/product to choose in order to utilize your skills and
knowledge. A.
40. In the industry it is to select/pinpoint potential suppliers of raw materials and other inputs
necessary for the production of the product or service while in the strand business summit it
is determining the raw materails to utilize for the product or service to be offered. C.
41. In the industry, discuss the value/supply chain in relation to the business enterprise, in SBS it
is to determine the learned skills to execute and utilize business implementation. C.
42. In the industry, recruit qualified people for one’s business enterprise while in SBS it is
pinpointing the right person to do the specific duties during the planning and
implementation of the business execution of the strand business summit. D.
43. Collaboration with non-business strand to establish products and or service to be offered
during SBS business implementation. B.
44. Series of meetings and updates of teachers and students in the accomplishment of task for
the strand business summit. B.
45. Utilizing skills and knowledge as prototypes for products and or services to be offered
during the strand business summit. D.
For Numbers 46-54, Peruse (read and understand carefully) each sentence. Write “A” if it is TRUE and
“B” if it is FALSE.
46. Income statements are analyzed in three main ways but the most common way is the
vertical way analysis. B Horizontal (year to year comparison or the 5yr plan)
47. The most common reason of IS analysis is to know the value of the company. A
49. A balance sheet has two sections such as Asset and Liability. B A = L + Equity (owner)
50. Balance sheet is usually prepared at the close of an accounting period such as month-
end, quarter-end, or year-end. A
54. The basic understanding of profitablity is that when income is at its breakeven point to its
expenses. B income should must exceed expenses