Principles of Marketing - First Quarter Exam

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First Semester, SY: 2022-2023

Name: _______________________________________ Year and Strand: ___________________ Score: __________

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Customer-oriented and coordinated marketing aims to achieve its profit, objectives and goals. These goals and
objectives hinge on the increase in sales volume and customer’s patronage.
a. Maximize the Consumption of Goods b. Maximize Consumer Satisfaction
c. Maximize Choice of Goods or Service d. None of the above
2. The process must conform to standards in terms of product quality.
a. Marketing Process b. Sales Process c. Production Process d. Marketing Process
3. Higher-level human needs appeal more to the emotions. These are the social needs for recognition and the
development of higher social satisfaction which is limitless.
a. Needs b. Drives c. Wants d. Social needs
4. This tool is used to check that the marketing activities of a company are on track and are used to track
performance to make sure the firm is on track to meet specific objectives.
a. SMART Objectives b. Goals c. Objectives d. Key Performance Indicators
5. Company are selling products and/or services by first promoting its benefit that is environmentally friendly or
produced in an environmentally friendly way.
a. Marketing Research b. Green Marketing
c. Innovative marketing d. None of the above
6. Is a marketing strategy a company uses to determine if it can produce a viable product consumer want or need,
whether the company can produce enough products to fill the need, and the marketing method by which the
need can be filled?
a. New concept in Marketing b. Sales Concept
c. Tradition Concept in Marketing d. Marketing Concept
7. This concept refers to the idea that people will buy more goods and services through personal is?
a. Marketing Concept b. Sales Concept
c. Production Concept d. None of the above
8. An organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to
customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.
a. Marketing b. Marketing Research c. Production d. Sales
9. It views that organizations must satisfy the needs of consumers in a manner that gives for society’s benefit.
a. Marketing Concept b. Sales Concept
c. Production Concept d. None of the above
10. Top-level broad goals to show how the business can benefit from channels. So, goals are the broad aims used
to shape strategy. They describe how marketing will contribute to the business in key areas of growing sales,
communicating with audience and saving money.
a. SMART Objectives b. Goals
c. Objectives d. None of the above
For item numbers 11-15, choose the correct answer from the choices below:
A. Reactive B. Proactive C. Partnership D. Basic E. Accountable
11. The salesperson phones the customer a short time after the sale to check whether the product is meeting the
customer’s expectations. The salesperson also solicits from the customer any product improvement
suggestions and any specific disappointments. This information helps the company continuously to improve its
12. The company salesperson sells the product but does not follow up in any way.
13. The company works continuously with the customer and with other customers to discover ways to deliver better
14. The salesperson or others in the company phone the customer from time to time with suggestions about
improved product use or helpful new products.
15. The salesperson sells the product and encourages the customer to call whenever he or she has any questions
or problems.
16. Is a marketing strategy a company uses to determine if it can produce a viable product consumer want or need,
whether the company can produce enough products to fill the need, and the marketing method by which the
need can be filled?
a. New concept in Marketing b. Sales Concept
c. Tradition Concept in Marketing d. Marketing Concept
17. This concept refers to the idea that people will buy more goods and services through personal is?
a. Marketing Concept b. Sales Concept
c. Production Concept d. None of the above
18. An organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to
customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.
a. Marketing b. Marketing Research c. Production d. Sales
19. This concept refers to the views that organizations must satisfy the needs of consumers in a manner that gives
for society’s benefit.
a. Marketing Concept b. Sales Concept c. Production Concept d. None of the above
20. Top-level broad goals to show how the business can benefit from channels. So, goals are the broad aims used
to shape strategy. They describe how marketing will contribute to the business in key areas of growing sales,
communicating with audience and saving money.
a. SMART Objectives b. Goals c. Objectives d. None of the above
For item numbers 21-25, choose the correct answer from the choices below:
A. Professionalism B. Loyalty Rewards C. Face-To-Face Time
D. Customer service E. Cherish each Customer
21. It is not just in the way that every company says that they do. Make sure that every interaction you have with
your customers shows them that they are valued.
22. Encourage shoppers to return to stores where they frequently make purchases.
23. Like a lot of what we’ve been mentioning, it comes back to interactions. While electronic communication is
great, and often preferred, having a face-to-face meeting can help the customer feel valued.
24. The act of taking care of the customer's needs by providing and delivering professional, helpful, high quality
service and assistance before, during, and after the customer's requirements are met.
25. All customers should be treated professionally, which means the use of competence or skill expected of the
professional. Professionalism shows the customer they're cared for.
For item numbers 26-30, choose the correct answer from the choices below:
A. Customer Value B. Customer Relationship C. Marketing Professionalism
D. Communicate Often E. Customer Service F. Politeness
26. It is almost a lost art. Saying 'hello,' 'good afternoon,' 'sir', and 'thank you very much' are a part of good
customer service. For any business, using good manners is appropriate whether the customer makes a
purchase or not.
27. It is the relationship between benefits and the costs including money, stress, and time to sacrifice that is
necessary to get those benefits.
28. It is the act of taking care of the customer's needs by providing and delivering professional, helpful, high quality
service and assistance before, during, and after the customer's requirements are met. Customer service is
meeting the needs and desires of any customer.
29. It includes activities aimed at developing and managing trusting and long-term relationships with larger
30. Relationships are based on communication. Your customers and users want to communicate with you, so be
sure to communicate with them often. Relationship marketing works well when you strive to be there for your
31. 1.It is shaped by your business strategy, your marketing strategy is your purpose; it's the offering you deliver,
how you will deliver it and why your marketing efforts will help you achieve your company’s mission and
strategic goals. Once you have your strategy, only then will you be able to develop an effective marketing plan.
a. Marketing Strategy b. Marketing Plan c. Strategic Planning d. Planning
32. Driven by your strategy, your marketing plan is the execution; the roadmap of tactical marketing efforts that help
you achieve your marketing goals. Your plan is your detailed campaign of what you will do, where you will do it,
when you will implement, and how you will track success.
a. Marketing Strategy b. Marketing Plan c. Strategic Planning d. Planning
33. 3. It is a broad process that can address the entire business, or a portion of the business such as marketing
while Marketing planning?
a. Marketing Strategy b. Marketing Plan c. Strategic Planning d. Planning
34. 4.The strategic plan involves adapting the firm to take advantage of opportunities in its constantly changing
environment. It is the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization's goals and
capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities.
a. Marketing Strategy b. Marketing Plan c. Strategic Planning d. None of the
35. is the process of predicting future events and conditions and of determining the best way to attain the goals and
objectives of the organization?
a. Marketing Strategy b. Marketing Plan c. Strategic Planning d. Planning
For item numbers 36-40, choose the correct answer from the choices below:
A. Marketing Strategy B. Marketing Plan C. Long-Range Plan
D. Strategic Planning E. Control.
36. The describes the primary factors and forces affecting the organization during the next several years. It includes
the long-term objectives, the main marketing strategies used to attain them, and the resources required.
Reviewed and updated each year so [hat the company always has a current long-range plan. The company's
annual and long range plans deal with current businesses and how to keep them going.
37. Shaped by your business strategy, your marketing strategy is your purpose; it's the offering you deliver, how
you will deliver it and why your marketing efforts will help you achieve your company’s mission and strategic
goals. Once you have your strategy, only then will you be able to develop an effective marketing plan.
38. sets the stage for the marketing plan. It starts with its overall purpose and mission. These guide the formation of
measurable corporate objectives.
39. Consists of measuring and evaluating the results of plans and activities and taking corrective action to make
sure objectives are being achieved. Analysis provides.
40. It is driven by your strategy, your marketing plan is the execution; the roadmap of tactical marketing efforts that
help you achieve your marketing goals. Your plan is your detailed campaign of what you will do, where you will
do it, when you will implement, and how you will track success.
41. Refers to the environment which is in direct contact with the business organization and can affect the routine
activities of business straight away.
a. PESTLE Analysis
b. Macroenvironment
c. SWOT Analysis
d. None of the Above
42. Distils these data to show the critical items from the internal and external audit. The number of items is small for
forceful communications, and they show where a business should focus its attention.
a. Macroenvironment
b. Microenvironment
c. PESTLE Analysis
d. SWOT Analysis
43. Refers to the general environment, that can affect the working of all business enterprises.
a. PESTLE Analysis
b. Macroenvironment
c. SWOT Analysis
d. Microenvironment
44. These factors are all about how and to what degree a government intervenes in the economy or a certain
industry. a. PESTLE Analysis
b. Political Factors
c. SWOT Analysis
d. Microenvironment
45. This dimension of the general environment represents the demographic characteristics, norms, customs and
values of the population within which the organization operates.
a. PESTLE Analysis
b. Macroenvironment
c. SWOT Analysis
d. None of above
For item numbers 46-50, choose the correct answer from the choices below:
A. Microenvironment B. Social Factors C. Political Factors
D. Macro Environment E. Swot Analysis
46. Refers to the environment which is in direct contact with the business organization and can affect the routine
activities of business straight away.
47. It distils these data to show the critical items from the internal and external audit. The number of items is small
for forceful communications, and they show where a business should focus its attention.
48. This refers to the general environment, that can affect the working of all business enterprises.
49. These factors are all about how and to what degree a government intervenes in the economy or a certain
50. This dimension of the general environment represents the demographic characteristics, norms, customs and
values of the population within which the organization operates.

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JHS Teacher I SHS Master Teacher I School Principal IV

1-10) D C C B A C B A C D
11-20) E D C B A C B A C D
21-30) E B C D A F A B C D
31-40) A B C D D C A D E B
41-50) D D B B D A E D C B

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