Method Statement For Piling Works

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1.1 Plant & Equipment
Equipment No Remarks/Purpose
Truck mixers 2 No Agitation, transportation and placing of concrete

Batching Plant 1 No Batching and mixing

Mobile Crane 2 No Lifting formwork, rebar, steel elements and other
Excavator 1 No Excavation works and Clearing of spoil
Piling Rigs 1 No Drilling
Backhoe 1 No Clearing of spoil and Loading material
Wheel Loader 2 No Loading of spoil and feeding batching plant
Tippers 3 No Carting away of spoil and supply of insitu
materials, i.e rebars, formwork etc.
Rock breaker 1 No Breaking the hard material for the access road and
Steel drum roller 1 No Compaction of the excavated ground
Water bowser 1 No. Curing purposes
Poker Vibrators 4 No. Compaction of Concrete
Concrete pump 1 No Pumping concrete for the structures
Electric Welding 2 No. For welding and bolting of steel beam girders with
sets, bolting Set. splices
tools, winches
and hoisting

Note: Equipment may vary depending on suitability and above table may be
changed accordingly.

1.2 Human resources

Description Number
Site Agent 1
Site Engineers 1
Description Number
Site Surveyor 2
Site Material Technician 2
Piling Rig Operator 1
Drivers & Operators 12
Skilled Labor (Masons, Steel Fixers, 15
Carpenters etc)
General Laborer 15

Constituent materials are concrete and reinforcement and they conform to the
standards and specifications of the project. These materials have also being
approved for use in these works.

Concrete used in cast in situ concrete bored pile shall comply with EN 206-1.

Cast in situ concrete shall be composed to minimize segregation during

placing, to flow easily around the reinforcement, and when set, to provide a
dense and watertight material.

The concrete shall comply with the requirements related to strength and
durability in the hardened state as well as with the requirements related to
consistency in the fresh state.

Compressive strength classes for hardened concrete are given in EN 206-

1:2000. Therange forthe secondary bored piles will be not less than C25/30.
For primary piles of secant pile walls a lower compressive strength class of
concrete or mortar is used and the required class is C20/25.

In order to minimize segregation, aggregates shall not be gap graded and round
aggregates are preferred.

The maximum size of the aggregate shall not exceed 32 mm or ¼ of the clear
space between the longitudinal bars, whichever is the smaller.


Reinforcement material used in bored piles shall comply with the relevant
European Standards, this standard and the execution specification.
The reinforcement steel cages used in bored piles shall comply with EN
10080andshall be suspended or supported so as to maintain their correct
position during concreting.
The steel elements used in bored piles shall comply with EN 10025-2, EN
10210 (all parts), EN 10219 (all parts), EN 10248 (all parts), EN 10249 (all
parts) and EN 13670where relevant.

Steel reinforcement shall be stored in clean conditions and shall be clean and
free from loose rust, and loose mill scale at the time of installation and


The working area shall be accessed from the existing road from both Bao lala.
A hoarding fence has be installed at the site on the existing road, after
provision of the diversion.

There is adequate space for the piling rig to work in the abutment area.

Adequate safety signs and warning signs have been installed to warn road
users of the work site.

The general construction methodology will be as follows:-

5.1 Setting Out

Setting out the bridge shall be carried out in relation to the provided
Permanent Bench marks or primary field control provided. Temporary Bench
Marks (TBM’s) shall be established at appropriate locations near the worksite
for easy of reference.

The TBM’s will be required for levels on the ground level, pile base and cut off
level cab ne determined. We propose to have 4 No. TBM’s for each pile. This will
entail, an offcut of a reinforcement bar will be driven on the ground and

These TBM’s shall be protected from disturbance during the execution of the
works and shall be regularly checked for closure.

Each pile shall be set out in in moments from two base lines once the
coordinates have been calculated. The two base lines, at right angles to each
other and positioned away from the working area, will be used. Setting out pins
will be positioned, which can be rechecked by measurements to get the center
of the proposed pile, as shown below:-
5.2 Deviation
5.2.1 Vehicular traffic
The deviation has been constructed as shown in the layout drawing. This will
ensure passage of traffic outside the working area. All safety precautions will
be undertaken to ensure smooth passage of traffic.

The abutment foundation will adopt a bored cast-insitu piles. The general
sequence of operation as shown below.


Setting out of all the piles locations will be carried out in relation to the
provided Permanent Bench marks or primary field control provided. Temporary
Bench Marks (TBM’s) will be established at appropriate locations near the
worksite for easy of reference and will be used to set each individual pile
location. These TBM’s will be protected from disturbance during the execution
of the works and shall be regularly checked for closure.

All pile locations will be re-checked after piling for confirmation of accuracy.


The boring shall be by the means of a conventional auger rig.
After setting out of the pile location, the rig will be set to plumb over the point
and boring will commence. It is proposed that piling works will commence from
the abutment No 1, to the middle pier and finally to abutment No. 2.

Vertical alignment will be monitored during operation to ensure that the boring
remains within the specified tolerances over the entire length of the pile. The
piling rig will be installed with an inclinometer for this purpose. The Piling rig
also has a gauge that measures the depth to ensure that the required depth is

Temporary casings shall be of quality of material, length and thickness

adequate for the purpose of preventing water and unstable soil from entering
the pile excavations. A short length of temporary casing shall be provided for
all piles to provide an up-stand of at least 1 m above surrounding ground level
for safety and to prevent contamination of the concrete in the bore.

The temporary casings shall maintain the excavations to their full dimensions
and ensure that piles are completed to their specified cross-sectional

If it is noted that unstable and/or water-bearing strata has been encountered,

the process of excavation and the support fluid and depth of temporary casing
where employed shall be such that soil from outside the area of the pile bore is
not drawn into the pile section and cavities are not created outside the
temporary casing as it is advanced

On achieving the required depth, the auger will be withdrawn from the hole
and reinforcement installed in the hole before the commencement of concrete
Depth of piles will be ascertained jointly with Engineer before commencement
of concreting. Any loose, disturbed or softened soil shall be removed from the

At all times when the pile head is unattended, the bore shall be clearly marked
and fenced off.


Reinforcing steel cage shall be pre-fabricated in manageable sections at the
fabrication yard on site and transported via low beds to the borehole for

The amount type and size of steel bars shall be as shown on the approved
construction drawings, bar bending schedules and specifications.

Lap splices as shown on drawings may be jointed by welding to enhance

rigidity of the steel cage. The main reinforcing bars of the steel cage shall be
tied with stiffening links and other accessories to enable handling, lifting and
installation without permanent deformations as may be required.

The Contractor will fabricate a sample of the pile reinforcement cage for
inspection before all the cages are fabricated.

The reinforcement will be fitted with concrete spacers to ensure that uniform
cover is maintained around the pile. Rolling concrete spacers shall be produced
to provide a cover of 50 mm as indicated on the drawings. Vertical spacing of
the spacer blocks will be a maximum of 2.5 m to ensure that cover is uniform
over the length of the pile. The Contractor will provide sample of the rolling
concrete spacers for approval.
Reinforcement shall be maintained in its correct position during concreting of
the pile, to allow a vertical tolerance of +150/-50 mm (i.e. a maximum of 150
mm high) on the level of the reinforcement projecting above the final cut-off

The reinforcement cages shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer prior
to installation by lifting.

The concrete shall be self-leveling and compacting in nature as per the
approved mix design.

Concrete shall be delivered to the bore ready mixed from the batching plant
that will be installed on site and will be directly discharged into a hopper set
over the hole.

Attached to the hopper will be tremie pipes that will run down the center of the
reinforcement cage to the bottom of the hole. As the concrete is filled into the
hole, the hopper will be raised and the pipe withdrawn. The sequence shall
ensure that a section of pipe is always embedded in the rising concrete to avoid
air pockets and discontinuities in the concrete as shown below.

Temporary casings shall be extracted while the concrete within them remains
sufficiently workable to ensure that the concrete is not lifted. When the casing
is being extracted, a sufficient quantity of concrete shall be maintained within
it to ensure that pressure from external water, support fluid or soil is exceeded
and that the pile is neither reduced in section nor contaminated.
Sampling and testing of the concrete shall be as per the specifications.

Slump/ Flow test shall be conducted to check workability of the concrete prior
to any discharge or deposition of the concrete into the borehole.

The concreting process shall continue until level of concrete has risen through
the bore to the required level.

For assurance of quality and integrity, concrete will be poured to an adequate

level above the theoretical cut-off level. This level will typically be about 600mm
above the cut-off level.

A template of steel or concrete should be installed at the working platform for

the maintenance of the pile positions.

Excavations of secondary piles should be supported by temporary casings.

Secondary piles only are reinforced, and they should be constructed after the
initially installed unreinforced piles on either side are in place.

The construction sequence of secant and contiguous pile walls, and the
concrete composition employed, shall be chosen such that the concrete of the
primary piles has achieved sufficient strength for stability but has not
developed a strength that would be restrictive to the boring of the secondary
reinforced piles.

Immediately prior to placing the steel reinforcement in the borehole, the bottom
of the excavation shall be checked for the presence of loose material. Should
any loose material be found, this shall be removed, and any support fluid shall
also be re-circulated and cleaned. During its placing, the reinforcement (cage)
shall be kept in a vertical position.

In order to satisfy the requirements of minimum cover along the whole length
of the reinforcement, the appropriate spacers shall be used.
Placing of concrete shall be undertaken with a hopper connected to a tremmie
pipe, from the bottom of the borehole and upwards. Prior to starting
concreting, a plastic ball shall be placed in the pipe in order to avoid mixing the
concrete with water or bentonite during concreting. In the case of a dry bore
the end of the pipe shall not be placed more than 1.50m above the level of the
concrete. In case there is water or bentonite in the borehole, the base of the
pipe shall be placed initially at the base of the bore and subsequently shall be
retained fully within the concrete so that the concrete rises upwards,
displacing water or bentonite. As concrete is placed, the tremmie mouth shall
be retained at least 3 m below the concrete surface in the bore. Should, at any
time the tremmie mouth be raised above the level of the concrete thus breaking
the seal, concreting shall immediately be stopped. The tremie pipe shall be
removed and be re-prepared before being re-inserted into the bore to a level at
least3m below the surface level of the concrete. Following this, concreting may
be re-started; however, the completed pile shall be considered to be of suspect
quality and will require testing of the pile prior to acceptance.

When a support fluid is used, the level shall be maintained a minimum of 2m

above the ground water level at all times.

The total tolerance for piles comprising location tolerance and vertical tolerance
shall comply with the construction drawings and shall not exceed 0.10m in any
direction. A minimum of 70 cm of concrete, clean of laitance and un-
contaminated with drilling fluid shall be cast above cut off level to allow for
trimming back of the pile head. For reasons of economy, quality, speed and
safety, the Contractor may propose alternative methods of cutting off the pile
head, besides the traditional hydraulic hammer, such as using the ELLIOT pile
breaking method. Provisions shall be made for reinforcement starters which
shall protrude a minimum of 100 cm above cut-off level of the piles.


Where pile integrity tests are to be performed, the sonic testing method will be
The pile integrity tests shall not be carried out until such a time that the
concrete is of sufficient strength to allow for the same. Where sensing
equipment is to be placed on the pile head, the pile head will be broken down
to expose sound concrete free from any contaminants.

All other aspects of testing shall be as per Section 9.1 of the ICE Specification
for piling and embedded retaining walls.


We propose 3 No. preliminary piles (test piles) to be constructed, which will
undergo testing to ascertain that the method of construction can result in
viable piles.

The static method of testing is proposed for these works. This will be
undertaken by a specialized sub-contractor.

Three types of testing ae proposed i.e.

 Axial Compression Test
 Axial Tension Test
 Lateral Test

It will entail the following:- TESTING APPARATUS

Reaction Beam
The steel girders will be laid across the test pile with system set up similar to
that shown below.

Hydraulic Jacks
 Axial Compressive Test: One hydraulic jack with ton capacity that will
be provided from the design loadings on top of the pile head as loading
 Axial Tension Test: One hydraulic jack with ton capacity that will be
provided from the design loadings on top of the pile head as loading
 Lateral Test: One hydraulic jack ton capacity that will be provided from
the design loadings and to be provided on the side of the pile head as
loading apparatus.

Ball Bearing
To provide non-eccentric load to the pile head, a ball bearing shall be inserted
in between the reaction beam and the hydraulic jack.

Dial gauges
Four dial gauges will be provided to monitor the pile movements by mounting
between the pile head and reference beams. The micrometer has a range of 0-
50 mm and an accuracy of 0.01 mm.

Reference Beam
Two reference beams (Mild steel channels 125x65x5 mm) will be cross-
connected and laid on support, firmly embedded in ground with one end fixed
and the other end freed.

Leveling instrument
Relative movements of the test pile head, reference beam and anchor pile will
be checked by a precise leveling instrument with an accuracy of 0.01 mm.
Readings will be made on ruler scale fixed on the reading points (1 point at
pile head, 2 points at reference beams and 1 point at each anchor pile). TEST PROCEDURE

Testing shall be as per Section 15.1 of the ICE Specification for piling and
embedded retaining walls.

The pile head or cap shall be formed to give a smooth plane surface which is
normal to the axis of the pile, sufficiently large to accommodate the loading and
settlement measuring equipment, and adequately reinforced or protected to
prevent damage from the concentrated application of load from the loading

Sufficient clear space shall be made under any part of the cap projecting
beyond the section of the pile so that, at the maximum expected settlement,
load is not transmitted to the ground by the cap.

Compression Pile Load Test

Cycle 1 (maximum to 100% of the design load)

A. The load will be added gradually by increasing from initial 0 to 25%,
50%, 75%, and 100% of the design load.
B. When each load increment will be achieved, the next load increment will
be added only when the settlement rate will be less than 0.25 mm per
hour or after 2 hours, whichever shall occur first.
C. At each load increment, load, settlement and time will be recorded at 1,
2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 240 minutes and every 2 hours.
D. The maximum load will be kept constant for at least 24 hours and then
reduced to 75%, 50%, 25% and 0% of the design load, respectively. Each
load will be maintained until the rate of settlement would not be greater
than 0.25 mm per hour or after two hours, whichever shall occur first.
E. At "0" load, rebound movement will be recorded at 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 40,
60 minutes and every hour thereafter until a constant settlement will be

Cycle 2 (QUICK TEST, maximum to 200% of the design load)

A. The load will be added gradually by increasing from initial 0 to 25%,

50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 175% and 200% of the design load.
B. When each load increment will be achieved, the next load increment will
be added every after 5 minutes.
C. At each load increment, load, settlement and time will be recorded at 1
and 5 minutes.
D. The load will then be reduced to 175%, 150%, 125%, 100%, 75%, 50%,
25% and 0% of the design load, respectively
E. At "0" load, rebound movement will be recorded at 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 40,
60 minutes and every hour thereafter until a no further settlement will
be experienced.
F. The test pile will be considered failure when a rapid progressive
movement of the pile in the direction of loading under a constant load or
physical failure of the test pile is observed or a settlement of more than
15% of the diagonal dimension of the pile, which is equivalent to 90

Tension Pile Load Test

The test will be conducted until the pile exhibit signs of failure.

Cycle 1 (maximum to 100% of the design load)

A. The load will be added gradually by increasing from initial 0 to 25%,
50%, 75%, and 100% of the design load.
B. When each load increment will be achieved, the next load increment
will be added only when the settlement rate will be less than 0.25 mm
per hour or after 2 hours, whichever shall occur first.
C. At each load increment, load, settlement and time will be recorded at 1,
2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 240 minutes and every 2 hours.
D. The maximum load will be kept constant for at least 24 hours and then
reduced to 75%, 50%, 25% and 0% of the design load, respectively.
Each load will be maintained until the rate of settlement would not be
greater than 0.25 mm per hour or after two hours, whichever shall
occur first.
E. At "0" load, rebound movement will be recorded at 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 40,
60 minutes and every hour thereafter until a constant settlement will
be reached.

Cycle 2 (QUICK TEST, maximum to 200% of the design load)

A. The load will be added gradually by increasing from initial 0 to 25%,
50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 175% and 200% of the design load.
B. When each load increment will be achieved, the next load increment
will be added every after 5 minutes.
G. At each load increment, load, settlement and time will be recorded at 1
and 5 minutes.
H. The load will then be reduced to 175%, 150%, 125%, 100%, 75%, 50%,
25% and 0% of the design load, respectively
I. At "0" load, rebound movement will be recorded at 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 40,
60 minutes and every hour thereafter until a no further settlement will
be experienced.
J. The test pile will be considered failure when a rapid progressive
movement of the pile in the direction of loading under a constant load
or physical failure of the test pile is observed or a settlement of more
than 15% of the diagonal dimension of the pile, which is equivalent to
90 mm.

Lateral Pile Load Test

The test will be conducted until the pile exhibit signs of failure.
A. The load will be added gradually by increasing from initial 0 to 25%,
50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 170%, 180%, 190% and 200% of the
design load.
B. When each load increment will be achieved, the next load increment
will be added after each load duration.
C. At each load increment, load and time will be recorded at 1, 5, 10
D. The test pile will be considered failure when a rapid progressive
movement of the pile in the direction of loading under a constant load
or physical failure of the test pile is observed.

During the load test, records including plots of load vs. time and load vs.
settlement will be maintained progressively. RESULTS OF TEST

The test results will then be reported in the form of:

• Time, load, pile head movements, settlements and reference beam
• Load-settlement curve.
• Time-settlement curve.
• Time-load curve.
• Report and recommendations on the ultimate pile capacity.

5.3.6 SAFETY
Piling installation involves heavy equipment operation and lifting and the
following is an analysis of the potential hazards and the precautionary
measures to be taken.

Hazard Precaution

Stability The piling rig should not be located on unstable

Reinforcement Cage or All lifting equipment to be inspected before use.
Auger falling during Lifting lugs to be welded firmly for lifting cages.
installation Auger to be lifted from the properly designated
Dust All personnel to wear appropriate PPE
Where possible, excavated material to be wetted
down to minimize dust
Weather Weather conditions have to be accessed daily.
Others No personnel to stand directly under objects being
All lifting cables and belts to be regularly checked
for damage.
All equipment to be checked regularly to ensure no
loose connections or damaged parts.

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