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Page 118

118 Chapter 5 Standard Models for Dynamic Systems

Example 5.3
Figure 5.2 shows the solenoid actuator–valve system described in Chapters 2 and 3. Obtain a set of state-variable
equations for this system.
The solenoid actuator consists of a coil circuit and a valve mass constrained by a return spring. When a
voltage is applied to the armature circuit, an electromagnetic force is produced, which pushes on the valve to meter
hydraulic flow. Recall that in Chapter 3 we showed that the inductance L(z) of the solenoid coil is a nonlinear
function of armature displacement z. We also showed that the electromagnetic force Fem is a nonlinear function
of current I and position z, or Fem = 0.5KI 2 , where K = dL∕dz. In addition, the motion of the plunger core in
the coil produces a “back-emf ” voltage KI z,̇ which is a nonlinear function of current, velocity, and position. In
order to simplify matters, let us assume nominal (constant) values for inductance L and its gradient K = dL∕dz;
furthermore, let us assume linear friction and zero spring preload for the mechanical subsystem. Therefore, the
complete mathematical model of the solenoid actuator is

Lİ + RI + KI ż = ein (t) (5.12)

m̈z + bż + kz = 0.5KI 2

Equation (5.12) is a first-order nonlinear ODE, and Eq. (5.13) is a second-order nonlinear ODE. Hence n = 3 and
the complete system requires three state variables. We select current I, and armature position z and velocity ż as
the three state variables, and applied voltage ein (t) is the single system input. Therefore, we have x1 = I, x2 = z,
x3 = z,̇ and u = ein (t).
Once we have defined the state variables, we write the n first-order differential equations by taking a time
derivative of each state variable
1( )
ẋ 1 = İ = −RI − KI ż + ein (t) (5.14)
ẋ 2 = ż (5.15)
1 ( )
ẋ 3 = z̈ = −bż − kz + 0.5KI 2 (5.16)

Spool valve
Seated Return
Coil Air gap Supply spring
position pressure Drain


Armature Push rod Fluid flow


Figure 5.2 Solenoid actuator–valve system for Example 5.3.

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5.3 State-Space Representation 119

Notice that we have substituted the mathematical modeling equations (5.12) and (5.13) for İ and z̈ , respectively.
Finally, we substitute x1 = I, x2 = z, and x3 = ż and u = ein (t) in the three first-order differential equations to yield

R K 1
ẋ 1 = − x1 − x1 x3 + u (5.17)
ẋ 2 = x3 (5.18)
k b K 2
ẋ 3 = − x2 − x3 + x (5.19)
m m 2m 1

Equations (5.17), (5.18), and (5.19) are the state-variable equations for the solenoid actuator. The reader should
note that each right-hand side of the state-variable equations involves only the states xi and the input u.


If the mathematical modeling equations representing a system are linear, then the resulting state-variable
equations (5.1) will be linear first-order ODEs. In this case, we can write the state-variable equations in
a convenient matrix-vector format called the state-space representation (SSR). The SSR is well-suited
for implementation in a numerical computer simulation using MATLAB or Simulink as discussed in
Chapter 6.
A few definitions are in order before the SSR is presented. Recall that an nth-order system will require
n state variables x1 , x2 , … , xn . We define the state vector x as the n × 1 column vector composed of the state
variables xi
⎡x1 ⎤
⎢x ⎥
x = ⎢ 2⎥

⎢ ⎥
⎣xn ⎦

It should be noted that the state vector does not represent a physical vector (such as a three-component force
vector in mechanics), but rather a convenient collection of all n state variables. The state space is defined as
the n-dimensional “geometric space” that contains the state vector x.
A complete SSR includes two equations in a matrix-vector format: the state equation and the output
equation. The output variables are denoted by y1 , y2 , … , ym , and they are functions of the state and input

y1 = h1 (x1 , x2 , … , xn , u1 , u2 , … , ur )
y2 = h2 (x1 , x2 , … , xn , u1 , u2 , … , ur )

ym = hm (x1 , x2 , … , xn , u1 , u2 , … , ur ) (5.20)

The output equations (5.20) may be linear or nonlinear; however, the output equations must be linear in
order to use the matrix-vector SSR. Output variables usually represent sensor measurements of a system’s
response. For example, if a 1-DOF rotational mechanical system has state variables x1 = angular position and
x2 = angular velocity and a tachometer is measuring angular velocity, the single output equation is y = x2 .

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