Hospital Management System: Cec418: Software Construction and Evolution

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HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ............................................................................................................... 1
Group Members ........................................................................................................................................ 2
GENERAL INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 5
Objectives ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Goals ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER ONE: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................ 6
About the Existing System ........................................................................................................................ 7
About the New System ............................................................................................................................. 8
CHAPTER TWO: METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................ 10
2.1 System Development lifecycle .......................................................................................................... 10
Planning............................................................................................................................................... 10
Analysis ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Design.................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.2 System Documentation..................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Limitations of the System ................................................................................................................. 11
Usability .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Security ............................................................................................................................................... 11
Accessibility ......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.4 Advantage of New System ................................................................................................................ 12
2.5 Software Development Tools Used .................................................................................................. 12
Visual Paradigm................................................................................................................................... 12
Mozilla Firefox ..................................................................................................................................... 12
MYSQL ................................................................................................................................................. 12
WAMP ................................................................................................................................................. 13
2.6 Programming Languages ................................................................................................................... 13
HTML ................................................................................................................................................... 14
CSS ....................................................................................................................................................... 14

JavaScript ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Bootstrap ............................................................................................................................................ 15
CHAPTER THREE: REALIZATION................................................................................................................... 16
System Functions .................................................................................................................................... 16
System Functional Requirements ........................................................................................................... 17
System Non-Functional Requirements ................................................................................................... 18
Performance: ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Maintainability: ................................................................................................................................. 18
Reliability: .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Responsiveness: ................................................................................................................................. 19
Cost efficiency and effectiveness:....................................................................................................... 19
The UML diagram of the system ............................................................................................................. 20
CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 21
Patient Module: ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Doctor Module: ....................................................................................................................................... 26
Admin Module: ................................................................................................................................... 28
CHAPTER FOUR: CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................... 34
References .............................................................................................................................................. 34


Hospital management system is a computer system that helps manage the information related to
healthcare and aids in the job completion of healthcare providers effectively. A hospital
management system uses computer related technologies for its functioning that is; it is a
computer based system. When a patient reports to the registration point, the personnel on duty
must establish whether the patient has a number or weather a file exist as a result of previous
attendance in the system. In many instances it would be possible that a file exist by obtaining the
number from the patient’s hospital booklet. When a patient does not have a booklet or forgot to
bring it, the main list would be needed to trace the number so that the patient’s file can be
retrieved. When the patient name is a common one, the receptionist would need to interview the
patient or a relative to obtain sufficient information to identify the patient from other of the same
name who appear in the index. Before creating a new record one must be careful that no file
already exist. The users of this system are registered by the system admin, all the doctors and
patients are registered by the admin and the schedules are managed by each doctor and the

The main reason or advantage of hospital management is to solve the complication coming from
managing all the paper works of every patient associated with the various departments of
hospitalization with confidentiality. HMS provides the ability to manage all the paper work in
one place reducing the work of staffs in arranging and analyzing the paper work of the patients.

HMS can be considered as a high performance database system designed purposely for keeping
records of patients, doctors, laboratory test results for each patient and medicine stock in
medical store and medicine prescribed to each patient.

HMS can also be seen as a large system including several sub systems or modules providing
several Functions. The Modules here include: Doctors, Patients, Receptionist, and
Administration. It mainly relates to management of all aspects of a hospital; coordination of all
elements of a hospital. This may range from patient care to record keeping

- To have a plan approach towards working: the working in the organization will be
well planned and organized, the data would be stored properly in databases which would
help in retrieval of information and as well as storing the information.
- To have high accuracy: we want to make sure that all operations would be correctly
done and ensure that the information appearing to the interface is accurate.
- To reduce redundancy: To avoid repetition of information stored in the database, this
would improve consistency in data.
- Easy operability: the system should be easy to operate. By this, we try to create a user
interface that would be easy to learn by the user.

➢ Hospital Management Software not only controls the treatment schedules,
patient records, bills, and reports but also enables different departments like
an employee and administration management.
➢ Automated and Seamless Management
➢ Easier Tracking and Updates of the Information
➢ Assurance of Quality Healthcare
➢ Reinforced Data Security
➢ Efficient Financial Management
➢ Appointment Scheduling
➢ Easy Patient Registration Process

➢ Better Means of Data Storage and Recovery for Longer Period of Time


The purpose of this chapter is to see how hospitals work in the pass and compare them with
hospital management system. Case study here is MARY IMACULATE FOUNDATION.

About the Existing System

One of the main challenges with the existing system was the fact that when people
come to hospital, they turn out to wait for long hours, sometimes returning home
without seeing a doctor which could cause serious damage to health. Also, the
method used to record, keep and find or search patients records brought about
more work that’s dealing with the paper work causing redundancy in keeping
records of patients. After sometime the space to keep these records became a
problem which can cause fire accidents or in-case of fire break out, eventually the
papers which carry information will be lost in the fire.

The old system registration of patients was done by just writing the patients name,
age and
gender on a paper. Whenever the patient comes up, his information is stored
freshly without any

Bills are generated by recording price for each facility provided to the patient on
separate sheet and at last they are all summed up.

Diagnoses information to patients is generally recorded on the document which

contains patient’s information.

All this work is done manually by the receptionist and other operational staffs and
a lot of papers are need to be handheld and taken care of. This kind of information

is very difficult to retrieve and to find a particular information like to find out
about the patient’s history. This whole process makes it tiring or difficult since the
user has to go through various registers in search of a single information, this result
to inconvenience and wastage of time. Also, the use of papers is not an eco-
friendly method since papers are made from trees and also as the some of the paper
end being burnt, there polluting the air, while others that don’t get burnt turn to
pollute the surrounds.

The various changes and or process of some particular health information like
details or immunization details of child are difficult to make as paper work is

About the New System

The administrator can, create, delete and access accounts data and information of
the hospital, as well as can also define the departments of the hospital and which
can be viewed all through the application. The registration module can capture the
complete patient’s information with a unique ID that can generate the prescription
by the doctor.

With the rapid growth of technology and health difficulties which try to use
technology to help
make hospital operation effective and easy. This is the point at which record
management in
hospitals are integrated with computer science in order to develop a computer-
based record
management system.

The main aim is the easy access and communication with doctors’ despites the
time and place.

Easy creation, storage, and retrieving of data and information.

Easy access to data and information by patients and hospital staff.

Easy follow up and early diagnose of sickness.

Being more eco-friendly by the less use of papers.

Methodology is a term used to describe a process, technique or manner in which an action is
performed. Under the development of a system, a methodology refers to the process that will be
taken to ensure that a system is effectively and efficiently developed. In designing hospital
management system, the following system development methodology will be used. The

purpose of this software is to implement a hospital management software which is

suitable for hospitals, especially for the ones that use a file-based system for
storing information rather than having it stored in a more efficient and safer
environment like databases or excel programming software. The first giving an
overview of the different types of software development models that could be used
for developing hospital management software. The models considered in this
project was the Spiral model. Therefore, the most relevant aspects of these models
were presented. The system development part was then considered, explaining
some modules and the human interface with which a user can interact with the
software to store or get information from the database. The software system itself
and appendices contain the screenshots of the human interface after the completion
of the system.

2.1 System Development lifecycle

In developing hospital management system, the following step will be taken.

A project plan will be developed as well as other planning documents. It will prove the basis for
acquiring the resources needed to achieve a solution. This phase will ensure that the problem that
will be solved will be the one that needed to be solved.

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At this point, the manual system in place will be analyzed to determine where the problem is, in
an attempt to solve the system. This step will involve breaking down system in different pieces
to analyzed the situation, analyzing the project goals, breaking down what is needed to be
created and attempting to engage users so that definite requirements could be defined.

Under analysis, requirement gathering is the most crucial aspect as many times communication
gaps arise in this phase and this leads to validation errors and bugs in the software program.

In systems design, the design functions and operation will be described in details, including
screen layouts, process diagrams and other documentation. Design elements will describe the
desired system features in detail, and generally will include functional screen layout diagrams,
pseudo code, and a complete Entity Relationship Diagram.

2.2 System Documentation

System documentation is a crucial aspect of system implementation it would provide a frame of
reference in regards to the implementation process. In designing the system, the documentation
would be done in the form of an integrated FAQ file that users of the system can refer to if they
have any challenges as far as using the system is concern.

2.3 Limitations of the System

Usability: the system would only cater for those who understand English. The graphical user
interface and associated documentation is in English this may present a problem for non-English
speaking users.

Security: The system is not in charge of the automatic back up of the data in the database, this
may present a security problem in the event of data lost.

Accessibility: This system is only accessible over the internet that is; those who are not
connected to the internet cannot access the system.

➢ Ability to accept the appointment by the doctor to acknowledge the patient that their
appointment has been approved.
➢ User should not be allowed to register if he/she tries to provide the already registered
email ID.

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2.4 Advantage of New System
The main advantage of the new system is that it will enable faster and more efficient storage,
execute important report to support daily medical tasks.

2.5 Software Development Tools Used

Visual Paradigm
It is a UML CASE Tool supporting UML, System Modeling Language (SML)
and Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) from the Object Management Group (OMG).
It helped us to draw our various UML diagrams.

Figure 1: visual paradigm

Mozilla Firefox
It is a free and open-source web browser developed by Mozilla Foundation and its
subsidiary, Mozilla Corporation. Firefox is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Linux,
BSD, and Solaris OS.

Figure 2: Mozilla firefox

MySQL is an important component of an open source enterprise stack called LAMP. MySQL is
an oracle backed open source relational database management system (RDBMS) based on
structured query languages (SQL). It runs on virtually all platforms including LINUX, UNIX and
Windows. Although it can be used in a wide range of applications and it is mostly often
associated with web applications and online publishing.

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Figure 3: mysql

WAMP stands for Windows Apache MySQL PHP. WAMP is a variation of LAMP (which
stands for Linux Apache MySQL PHP) which is for windows system and is often installed as a
software bundle which are Apache MySQL and PHP.
It is often used for web development and internal testing but may also be used to serve websites.
▪ Windows as the operating system
▪ Apache as the web server
▪ MySQL for relational database management system
▪ PHP for object oriented scripting language

Figure 4: wamp

2.6 Programming Languages

Computer programming language is essential in our world today, running the system for
every device we use computer programming languages.
Programming languages are used by computer programmers to write specific sets of
instructions for the computer microprocessors to read in order to complete a specific task.

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HTML is a computer language devised to allow websites creation. This website can then be
viewed by anyone else connected to the internet and it is relatively easy to learn.
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and is a language which has code words and
syntax any other languages.

Figure 5: html

Everything that is virtual about a website from the background, colors, navigation, bars to front
and text alignment is a product of CSS and is a language for describing the presentation of web
pages to allow one to adapt the presentation of different types of devices.
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets which is a style sheet language designers use to give a
site its look and feel.

Figure 6: css

It is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex features on
web pages. Every time a web page does more than just sit there and display static information
for you to look at displaying timely content updates, animate images and pretty much
everything else and was designed as a client side scripting language.

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Figure 7: javascript

Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end
web development. It contains CSS- and (optionally) JavaScript-based design templates for
typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components.

Figure 8: bootstrap

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System Functions

➢The system should facilitate the creation, storage and retrieving of data and
➢ The system should facilitate easy access to doctors at any time and place.
➢The system makes it easy for the facilitation of patient’s health documents with
little efforts and time.
➢ It should provide structured organization of staff.
➢ The Hospital Management System should be able to improves visibility and
transparency in the entire management process and in all registries.
➢ It should be able to help provide accurate reports with the help of updated
and accurate records.
➢ It should be able to response to emergencies.
➢ It should be able to improved management and easy visibility for all the
information and
data related to the patient and doctors as well as the medication history.

➢ It should be able to allow unlimited user support whenever the client

requires assistance.
➢ It should be able to provide a unique database management system to store
complete data from different departments in the same database, which
increases efficiency, reduces costs, simplifies the infrastructure and is useful
in multiple reports.
➢ It should be able to improved time management because it allows access to
any information or data required with a single click. It also allows you to add
or update information within a few clicks.
➢ It should be able to provide easy access to the system facilities to facilitate
access to the facilities of the management system for authorized users and
keeps it safe from unauthorized users.

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System Functional Requirements
Registration Process of HMS (Software Requirements Specification)

• Registering Patients: The Hospital Management enables the staff in the front
desk to include new patients to the system.
• Assigning an ID to the patients: The HMS enables the staff in the front desk
to provide a unique ID for each patient and then add them to the record sheet
of the patient. The patients can utilize the ID throughout their hospital stay.
Check Out of HMS:

• Deleting ID Info: The staff in the administration section of the ward can
delete the patient ID from the system when the patient's checkout from the
• Adding to beds available list: The Staff in the administration section of the
ward can put the bed empty in the list of beds-available.
Report Generation of HMS:
• Information of the Patient: The Hospital Management System generates a
report on every patient regarding various information like patients name,
Phone number, bed number, the doctor's name whom its assigns, ward name,
and more.
• Availability of the Bed: The Hospital Management system also helps in
generating reports on the availability of the bed regarding the information
like bed number unoccupied or occupied, ward name, and more.
Database of HMS:

• Mandatory Patient Information: Every patient has some necessary data like
phone number, their first and last name, personal health number, postal code,
country, address, city, 'patient's ID number, etc.
• Updating information of the Patient: The hospital management system
enables users to update the information of the patient as described in the
mandatory information included.

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System Non-Functional Requirements
(System Attributes)

• Patient Identification: The system needs the patient to recognize herself or

himself using the any mobile smart phone.
• Logon ID: Any users who make use of the system need to hold a Logon ID
and password which is unique to the individual.
• Modifications: Any modifications like insert, delete, update, etc. for the
database must be able to synchronize quickly and executed only by the ward
• Front Desk Staff Rights: The staff in the front desk should be able to view
any data in the Hospital Management system, add new patients record to the
HMS but they don't have any rights alter any data in it.
• Administrator rights: The administrator should be able to view as well as
alter any information in the Hospital Management System.

● Response Time: The system should be able to provides acknowledgment in
just one second once the 'patient’s information is checked.
● Capacity: The system should be able to support a large amount of people at

● Back-Up: The system should be able to offers the efficiency for data
● Errors: The system should be able to track every mistake as well as keep a
log of it.

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● Availability: The system should be available all the time.

● The system should be able to work well on different devices .

Cost efficiency and effectiveness:

● The system should not be expensive in building and maintaining at the same

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The UML diagram of the system

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Hospital Management System in php and MySQL. This system has a ‘Home’ page from where
the patient, doctor & administrator can login into their accounts by toggling the tabs accordingly.

Figure 9: homepage

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The ‘Home’ page consists of 3 modules:

1. Patient Module
2. Doctor Module
3. Admin Module
4. Receptionist

Patient Module:
This module allows patients to create their account, book an appointment to see a
doctor and see their appointment history. The registration page (in the home page
itself) asks patients to enter their First Name, Last Name, Email ID, Contact Number,
Password and radio buttons to select their gender.

Figure 10: patient login

Once the patient has created his/her own account after clicking the ‘Register’ button, then he
will be redirected to his/her Dashboard.

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Figure 11: patient dashboard

The Dashboard page allows patients to perform two operations:

1. Book his/her appointment:

Here, the patients can able to book their appointments to see a doctor. The
appointment form requires patients to select the doctor that they want to see, Date and
Time that they want to meet with the doctor. The consultancy fee will be shown
accordingly to the patient as it was already determined by the doctor.

figure12: booking an appointment

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Figure13: checking appointment history

Here, the patient can see their appointment history which contains Doctor Name, Consultancy
Fee, Appointment Date and Time. Once the patient has logged out of his account, if he wants to
go into his account again, he can login his account, instead of register his account again. Clicking
on ‘Login’ button will redirect the patient to his dashboard page which we have seen earlier.

This is how the patient module works. On the whole, this module allows patients to
register their account or login their account (if he/she has one), book an appointment
and view his/her appointment history.

Doctor Module:
The doctors can login into their account which can be done by toggling the tab from ‘Patient’
to ‘Doctor’. Figure 14 shows the login form for a doctor. Registration of a doctor account can be
done only by admin. We will discuss more about this in Admin Module.

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Figure14: doctor’s login

Once the doctor clicking the ‘Login’ button, they will be redirected to their own dashboard.

Figure15: doctor’s dashboard

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In this page, doctor can able to see their appointments which has been booked by the patients.
Figure15 shows the appointment of the doctor ‘ashok’ which has been booked by the
patient ‘lekeufack karine’ This means that the doctor ‘ashok’ will have an appointment
with the patient ‘lekeufack karine’’ on 10-10-2019 10AM.

Figure16: appointment dashboard

In real-time, the doctors will have thousands of appointments. It will be easier for a doctor to
search for appointment in the case of more appointments. To make it easier, I have a ‘Search’
box in the navigation bar which allows doctors to search for a patient by their contact
number. Once everything is done, the doctor can logout of their account. Thus, in general, a
doctor can login into his/her account, view their appointments and search for a patient. This is all
about Doctor Module.

Admin Module:

This module is the heart of our project where an admin can see the list of all patients. Doctors
and appointments and the feedback/queries received from the ‘Contact’ page. Also, admin can
add doctor too. Login into admin account can be done by toggling into admin tab of the
Homepage. Figure 17 shows the login page for admin.

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Figure17: Admin’s login

On clicking the ‘Login’ button, the admin will be redirected to his/her dashboard as shown in

Figure18: Admin’s dashboard

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This module allows admin to perform five major operations:

1. View the list of all patients registered:

Admin can able to view all the patients registered. This includes the patients’ First
Name, Last Name, Email ID, Contact Number and Password. As like in doctor module,
admin can also search for a patient by their contact number in the search box.

Figure19: Receptionist’s dashboard

2. View the list of all doctors registered:

Details of the doctors can also be viewed by the admin. These details include the Name of the
doctor, Password, Email and Consultancy fees. Searching for a doctor can be done by using the
doctor’s Email ID in the search box.

3. View the Appointment lists:

Admin can also able to see the entire details of the appointment that shows the appointment
details of the patients with their respective doctors. This includes the First Name, Last Name,
Email and Contact Number of patients, doctor’s name, Appointment Date, Time and the
Consultancy Fees.

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Figure20: dashboard

4. Add Doctor:

Admin alone can add a new doctor since anyone can register as a doctor if we put
this section on the home page. This form asks Doctor’s Name, Email ID, Password and
his/her Consultancy Fees.

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Figure21: Adding a doctor

After adding a new doctor, if we check the doctor’s list, we will see the details of new doctor is
added to the list as shown in the Fig 21

Figure22: dashboard

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5. View User’s feedback/Queries:

Admin is allowed to view the feedback/Query that has been given by the user in the
‘Contact’ page. This includes User’s Name, Email Id, Contact Number and the message
(Feedback/ Query).

Figure 23: dashboard

Taking everything into consideration, admin can able to view the details of patients and doctors,
appointment details, Feedback by the user and can add a new doctor. Once everything is done,
the admin can logout from his account.

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To summarize, the Hospital Management System takes care of all activities and processes
involved in managing the hospital. But, you should understand this technology is only for
“Managing”, the aspect of patient care is lacking in it. Patients having episodic treatment have to
be nurtured properly. The one in the Out Patient Department has to be supplied with caregiving
inputs so that they can be converted into in-patient for more advanced treatment. There are
various other instances as well.


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