Sediment Transport Model: 7.2.1 Bed Shear Stresses

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Chapter 7

Sediment transport model

7.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the sediment transport model implemented in COHE-
RENS. There are six sections. In the first one, a discussion is given of phys-
ical parameters and processes (bed shear stress, molecular viscosity, waves)
which are of importance for the sediment and the influence of sediments
on the physics through density gradients. In the next section a description
is given of the basic sediment parameters (Shield parameter, fall velocity,
critical shear stress), related to sediment transport. This is followed by an
overview of the bed and total load equations available in COHERENS. Then,
the suspended sediment transport module is presented. Finally, numerical
techniques, specific for the sediment module, are described.

7.2 Physical aspects

7.2.1 Bed shear stresses
The bed shear stress is considered as the physical parameter which has the
largest impact on sediment transport, since it controls how much of the se-
diment in the bed layer becomes suspended in the water column. In the
physical part of COHERENS, bottom stresses are calculated using either a
linear or a quadratic friction law (see Section 4.9). In the sediment transport
module, however, a quadratic friction law is always taken, as given by equa-
tion (4.340) in 3-D or (4.341) in 2-D mode. The magnitude of the bottom
stress can then be written as

τb = ρu2∗b = ρCdb u2b or τb = ρu2∗b = ρCdb |ū|2 (7.1)


for the 3-D, respectively 2-D case. In the equations, u∗b is the wall shear
(friction) velocity1 , ub the bottom current, |ū| the magnitude of the depth
mean current and Cdb the bottom drag coefficient given by
h κ i2 h κ i2
Cdb =  or Cdb =  (7.2)
ln zb /z0 ln H/z0 ) − 1
for the 3-D, respectively 2-D case. Here, κ is the Von Karman constant, zb
height of the first velocity node above the sea bed, z0 the roughness height
and H the total water depth.
In the discussions of the load formulae, given in the sections below, other
formulations, obtained from engineering practice, are mentioned and given
here for completeness:

Cdb = Chezy (7.3)
gM 2
Cdb = 1/3 Manning (7.4)
Cdb = White-Colebrook (7.5)
[18 log (2H/5z0 )]2
The coefficients C and M are denoted as the Chezy, respectively Manning
In case of a rough bed, the roughness length z0 can be calculated using
the following relation:
ν kb kb
z0 = 0.11 + ≈ (7.6)
u∗ 30 30
Here, kb is the roughness height from Nikuradse, ν the kinematic viscosity
and u∗ the friction velocity.
Different kinds of roughness height are considered:
• Physical or “form” roughness kb representing the heights of the elements
composing the bottom roughness. The corresponding physical bottom
stress is used as boundary condition for the momentum flux at the
• “Skin” roughness ks usually related to the median particle size. Skin
stress is used in the sediment module to calculate the amount of sedi-
ment material resuspended from the sea bed, once the stress exceeds a
critical value (see below).
Since the friction velocity always refers to the bottom in this chapter, the subscript b
will be omitted in the following.

• The main effect of surface waves on the bottom stress is a significant

increase of both the form and skin roughness heights. The new rough-
ness height, denoted as ka , is obtained from formulae for current-wave
interaction theories. The formulations are currently not implemented
in COHERENS, but foreseen in a future version of the code.
COHERENS provides different options for the selection of the skin bottom
roughness. Either the form roughness, as used by the hydrodynamics, is
taken as the skin roughess, or a constant user-defined value is supplied or
spatially non-uniform values are provided by the user. A further advantage is
that the user can calibrate the sediment transport rates in this way without
changing the hydrodynamics. Note that, in the current version of the code,
no formulation has been implemented for the skin roughness as function of
median size, although ks can always be externally supplied by the user.

7.2.2 Wave effects

Although surface waves effects have not been implemented in the physical
part of the code, the bottom stresses used in the load formulae, discussed
below, take account of both currents and waves. A summary of the applied
methods is given in this subsection.
The wave field is supplied externally by a significant wave height Hs ,
a wave period Tw and a wave direction φw . The wave amplitude Aw and
frequency are defined by

Aw = Hs /2 , ωw = 2π/Tw (7.7)

The near-bottom wave orbital velocity determined from linear wave theory
is given by
Aw ωw
Uw = (7.8)
sinh kw H
with the wavenumber kw obtained from the dispersion relation

ωw2 = gkw tanh kw H (7.9)

The latter equation is solved for kw using the approximate formula of Hunt
(1979) s
f (α)
kw = ωw (7.10)
f (α) = α + 1.0 + 0.652α + 0.466422α2 + 0.0864α4 + 0.0675α5 (7.11)

ωw2 H
α= (7.12)
With this option, it is assumed that the near bed wave period is equal to the
mean wave period, such that the near bed wave excursion amplitude can be
written as
Ab = (7.13)
The combined effect of currents and waves on the bed shear stress is calcu-
lated using the method described in Soulsby (1997). Two types of bottom
stress are defined

• The mean value over the wave cycle which should be used for currents
"  3.2 #
τm = τc 1 + 1.2 (7.14)
τc + τw

where τc is the bottom stress for currents alone as given by (7.1)–(7.2).

• The maximum value during the wave cycle used in the criterion for
resuspension p
τmax = τm 2 + τ 2 + 2τ τ cos φ (7.15)
w m w w

where the wave bottom stress is defined by

τw = fw Uw2 (7.16)
Two formulations are used for the wave friction

• Swart (1974)

fw = 0.3 for Ab /kb ≤ 1.57

fw = 0.00251 exp 5.21(Ab /kb ) for Ab /kb > 1.57

• Soulsby et al. (1993)

fw = 0.237(Ab /kb )−0.52 (7.18)


7.2.3 Density effects Equation of state
The fluid density is an important parameter for calculating settling velocities
and entrainment rates in sediment transport. The equation of state that is
used to calculate the fluid density as function of the water temperature and
salinity is discussed in Section 4.2.3. When sediment is present, an additional
effect is present in the equation of state
ρ = (1 − cn )ρw + cn ρs,n (7.19)
n=1 n=1

Here ρ is the density of the mixture, ρw the density of the fluid (including the
effects of temperature, pressure and salinity), cn the volume concentration
of fraction n, N the number of sediment fractions and ρs,n the particle den-
sity for sediment fraction n. A stable vertical sediment stratification leads to
damping of turbulence and affects the settling velocity of the sediment. How-
ever, care must be taken when applying this in combination with hindered
settling (Section, because hindered settling models already account
for the increased buoyancy of the mixture. Thus using a changed equation
of state in combination with hindered settling will result in too low settling
velocities. Density stratification

To a large extent, the two-way coupling effects between flow and sediment
transport are due to density stratification effects. Villaret & Trowbridge
(1991) showed that the effects of the stratification from suspended sediment
are very similar (even with the same coefficients) to the ones produced by
temperature and salinity gradients. This means that the effects of sediment-
turbulence interaction in COHERENS can be implemented within the existing
turbulence models in the same way as T and S.
The (squared) buoyancy frequency in the presence of vertical sediment
stratification becomes:
X ∂cn
N = Nw2 −g βc,n (7.20)

where Nw2 is the value in the absence of sediment stratification, as given by

(4.130) and βc,n , the expansion coefficient for sediment fraction n, which is

calculated from the density of each sediment fraction ρs,n using:

1 ∂ρ ρs,n − ρw
βc,n = = (7.21)
ρ ∂cn ρ
The baroclinic component of the horizontal pressure gradient contains an
additional term due to horizontal sediment stratification. Equation (5.223)
now becomes
Z ζ N
∂q ∂T ∂S X ∂c  0
− 'g βT − βS − βc,n dz (7.22)
∂xi z ∂xi ∂xi n=1 ∂xi

In transformed coordinates the following term is added to right hand side of

(5.224) for each fraction n:
Z ζ
∂cn ∂z 0
c,n ∂cn
Fi = −g βc,n − 0 dz 0 (7.23)
z ∂x i s ∂z ∂x i s

The numerical methods, described in Section 5.3.13 for discretising the baro-
clinic gradient are easily extended to include sediment stratification.

7.2.4 Kinematic viscosity

The kinematic viscosity ν is an important parameter that has a significant
influence on the settling velocity and the critical bed stress. Its value can be
selected in COHERENS either as a user-defined constant or as a temperature
dependent value using the ITTC (1978) equation for sea water

ν = 10−6 1.7688 + 0.659.10−3 (T − 1) − 0.05076 (T − 1)


Here T is the water temperature in 0 C and ν is given in m2 /s.

The following switches are available:
iopt sed tau Selects type of roughness height zs used for sediment transport
1: set equal to the form roughness used in the hydrodynamics
2: user-defined uniform value
3: spatially non-uniform value supplied by the user
iopt waves Disables/enables wave effects and selects type of input data wave
data, for use in the sediment transport models.

0: wave effects disabled

1: waves enabled with input of wave height, period and direction
2: waves enabled with input of wave height, period, velocity, excursion
and direction
iopt sed dens Disables (0) or enables (1) effects of sediments in the equation
of state and density stratification.
iopt kinvisc Selects type of kinematic viscosity.
0: user-selected uniform value
1: from the ITTC (1978) equation

7.3 Sediment properties

7.3.1 Introduction
Sediment concentrations can be represented either as a volumetric concen-
tration c in units of m3 /m3 or as a mass concentration cmass in kg/m3 .The
two forms are related by
cmass = ρs c (7.25)
The volumetric form is taken in COHERENS, which is considered as more
physically meanigfull, especially in processes as hindered settling.
A dimensional analysis by Yalin (1977) shows that the sediment transport
can be expressed by a number of dimensionless parameters:
u∗ d
Re∗ = (7.26)
θ= (7.27)
(ρs − ρ)gd
s= (7.28)
h g i1/3
d∗ = d (s − 1) 2 (7.29)
Φ= p (7.30)
(s − 1)gd3
where d is the particle diameter, Re∗ the particle Reynolds number, θ the
dimensionless shear stress or Shields parameter (Shields, 1936), s the relative
density, d∗ the dimensionless particle diameter and q the sediment load per
unit width (in m2 /s).

These non-dimensional diameters are often used to describe sediment

properties, such as critical shear stresses or settling velocities, which are
discussed below.

7.3.2 Critical shear stress

In many transport relations, a critical shear stress is required, which is the
value of the bed shear stress at which the sediment particles start to move
(the threshold of motion). The value of the bed shear stress is in engineering
practice obtained from the Shields curve, which relates the non-dimensional
critical shear stress θcr to the particle Reynolds number Re∗ .
For numerical models, some fits to these curves are made, expressing θcr
as a function of d∗ rather than Re∗ , in order to avoid the iteration process
necessary for the determination of the threshold of motion in the original
curve obtained by Shields (1936), as both θ and Re∗ are a function of u∗ .
Brownlie (1981) obtained the following relation from a fit through the data:
θcr = 0.22d−0.9
∗ + 0.06.10(−7.7d∗ )

An alternative form, also obtained by fitting of the Shields curve, is pro-

posed by Soulsby & Whitehouse (1997)

+ 0.055 1 − e−0.02d∗

θcr = (7.32)
1 + 1.2d∗

Another equation, available in COHERENS from Wu et al. (2000), is to

assume a constant critical Shields stress

θcr = 0.03 (7.33)

This equation should only be used in combination with the bed load and
total load equations from Wu et al. (2000). In COHERENS, the critical shear
stress is calculated for each fraction separately at each horizontal location,
using the local values of the kinematic viscosity and the mixture density.
The sediment transport model in COHERENS has an option available for
the user to manually set the critical shear stress. The user can either set
the critical shear stress to a uniform value throughout the whole domain,
or to a spatially varying value. Be aware that the value given should be
the kinematic critical shear stress defined as the square of the critical shear
velocity u2∗,cr = τcr /ρ.
7.3. SEDIMENT PROPERTIES 319 Hiding and exposure

A hiding and exposure factor can be implemented for the critical shear stress
τcr or the critical Shields parameter θcr to account for the change in sediment
transport when different fractions are present. In general, the correction
factor will increase the critical value for the smaller, hidden fractions and
will reduce the critical threshold for motion for the coarser, exposed, frac-
tions. Several formulations can be found in literature, usually as a function
ξ(dn /d50 ).
Two methods are available in COHERENS for hiding and exposure. The
first one uses the formulation of Wu et al. (2000) based upon a stochastic
relation between size and gradation of bed materials and the hidden and
exposed probabilities. The probability of particles dm in front of particles dn
can be assumed to be the fraction of particles dm in the bed material, pbm .
The total hidden and exposed probabilities of particles dn can be described

X dm
phn = pbm (7.34)
dn + dm
X dn
pen = pbm (7.35)
dn + dm

and phn + pen = 1. The hiding/exposure factor is then defined by:

 m  m
pen 1 − phn
ξn = = (7.36)
phn phn

where m is an empirical parameter which Wu et al. (2000) determined as

m = −0.6 in their study.
Alternatively, hiding and exposure can be calculated with the equation
of Ashida & Michiue (1972), which is an adapted form of Egiazaroff (1965)

0.8429 dd50n d50

if dn
< 0.38889
ξn = h
log 19
d50 (7.37)
log 19+log(dn /d50 )
if dn
≥ 0.38889

where d50 is the median grain size diameter, which, in case multiple size
fractions are present, means that particles with sizes less than d50 account
for 50% of the total mass.

The threshold of motion is also influenced by the bed level gradient in the
current direction  
θcr = θcr,0 1 − (7.38)
where θcr,0 is the critical Shields parameter in absence of bed slopes, h the
mean water depth and ∂h/∂c the bed slope along the current direction, de-
fined below (equation (7.81). Since many of the bed boundary conditions for
suspended sediment concentrations depend on the critical Shields parame-
ters, this correction will also affect the amount of sediment in suspension.

7.3.3 Settling velocity Single particle settling
Different methods are available to calculate the settling velocity of sediment
particles in COHERENS. A general formula for settling velocity was derived
by Camenen (2007), based on two formulations for the drag coefficient:

 1/m m
s 
 2/m  3 1/m
ν ν 1 A 4 d∗ 1 A
ws = Rep =  + −  (7.39)
d d 4 B 3B 2 B

with d∗ defined by (7.29) and Rep = ws dp /ν the particle Reynolds number.

The coefficients A, B and m have been given different values in literature.
Camenen (2007) recalibrated these coefficients using results of Dietrich (1982)
and data from 11 previous studies. He found for natural sand that A = 24.6,
B = 0.96 and m = 1.53, for flocs he found A = 26.8, B = 2.11 and m = 1.19.
Note that when using this equations for calculating the settling velocity for
mud flocs, the diameter that is used is the floc diameter, not the one of the
primary particles.
For small Reynolds numbers (Rep  1), the settling velocity can be
calculated from the Stokes equation (Stokes, 1847), valid for small spherical
ws = (7.40)
where s is the relative density defined by (7.28), g the acceleration due to
gravity, d the particle diameter and ν the viscosity. This equation should only
be used for very small particles, because it can give large overestimations for
larger ones.

The following formulation is recommended by Soulsby (1997) for natural

ν hp i
ws = 10.362 + 1.049d3∗ − 10.36 (7.41)
Another equation for the settling velocity, available in COHERENS is the
one by Zhang & Xie (1993)
ν 2 ν
ws = 13.95 + 1.09 (s − 1) gd − 13.95 (7.42)
d d Hindered settling

In case of high concentrations (mass concentrations larger than 3 g/l) the
settling of particles is not only influenced by the surrounding fluid and the
weight and shape of the particles, but also by the other particles in suspen-
sion. The settling of the particles is reduced by a number of processes, e.g.
return flow, particle collisions, changed mixture viscosity, buoyancy due to
increased mixture density and wake formation.
For sand, hindered settling can be calculated with the equation of Richard-
son & Zaki (1954). They described the settling velocity in high sediment
concentrations as a function of the sediment concentration, Rep and undis-
turbed settling velocity ws,0 (i.e. the one of a single particle without being

ws = ws,0 (1 − c)n (7.43)

In this equation, n is a user-defined constant. Note that this formula is
not advisable for cohesive sediments because it does not take into account
the maximum sediment concentration (i.e. the settling velocity should reduce
to zero at the maximum packing concentration cmax ). This is not a severe
disadvantage, because in most practical applications, the concentrations are
not so high, except close to the sea bed. Note that some hindered settling
effects are already calculated when the fluid density depends on the sediment
concentrations, and that this equations are only valid when a net deposition
occurs (Breugem, 2012). Therefore, it is recommended not to use hindered
settling in that case.
Winterwerp & van Kesteren (2004) introduced a different formula for mud

(1 − cf )(1 − c)
ws = ws,0 (7.44)
1 + 2.5cf
Here ws,0 is the settling velocity of a single mud-floc, cf = c/cgel , cgel is the
gelling concentration (the mass concentration at which the mud flocs form a

space filling network), which can be calculated with

dp 3−nf
cgel = ρs (7.45)

The parameters needed to calculate the gelling concentration (nf and df )

are difficult to determine. Therefore, the user must provide a value for cgel ,
which should be obtained from measurements. Influence of flocculation

In COHERENS, the influence of turbulence and sediment concentration on
the flocculation of mud flocs can be simulated. The effect of salinity is not
considered. For simulating the influence of turbulence the empirical model
by Van Leussen (1994) is used for the fall velocity of settling flocs

ws 1 + aG
= (7.46)
ws,r 1 + bG2
Here ws,r is a reference velocity, G the shear rate, defined as G = ε/ν
and a, b empirical constants. In order to estimate the shear rate if the
turbulent dissipation ε is not known (e.g. when an algebraic turbulence
model is used), G can be obtained assuming equilibrium between production
and dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy (4.204) which gives 2
νT M 2 − λT N 2
G= (7.47)
where νT , λT are the turbulent diffusion coefficients for respectively mo-
mentum and density and M , N the shear and buoyancy frequencies (see
Section 4.4 for details).
A similar empirical approach to flocculation, which considers the influence
of the sediment concentration is given in Van Rijn (2007b)
ws  α
= 4 + log10 2c/cgel = φf loc (7.48)

with 1≤ φf loc ≤10 and α a user-defined constant with a minimum of 0 and

a maximum of 3, whose default value in COHERENS was obtained from
calibration of flocculation data in the Scheldt and harbour of Zeebrugge. Note
Note that G has a different meaning than in Section 4.4 where it represents the
buoyancy term in the turbulent energy equation.

that Van Rijn (2007b) suggests α = dsand /d50 − 1, with dsand the diameter of
the transition from sand to silt (62 µm).
It is also possible to combine the effects of these two models in COHE-
RENS. In this case, the settling velocity is multipled by the two corrections
factors on the right of (7.46) and (7.48).

The methods in this section are selected with the following switches
iopt sed taucr Selects type of method for the critical shear stress
1: user-defined value for each fraction
2: Brownlie (1981) equation (7.31)
3: Soulsby & Whitehouse (1997) equation (7.32)
4: Wu et al. (2000) equation (7.33)
iopt sed hiding Type of hiding/exposure factor for the critical shear stress
0: hiding disabled
1: Wu et al. (2000) equation (7.36)
2: Ashida & Michiue (1972) equation (7.37)
iopt sed ws Type of method for the settling velocity
1: user-defined value for each fraction
2: Camenen (2007) formulation (7.39) for sand
3: Camenen (2007) formulation (7.39) for mud
4: Stokes formula (7.40)
5: Soulsby (1997) formula (7.41)
6: Zhang & Xie (1993) equation (7.42)
iopt sed hindset Formulation for hindered settling
0: hindered settling disabled
1: Richardson & Zaki (1954) equation (7.43)
2: Winterwerp & van Kesteren (2004) formula (7.44)
iopt sed floc Type of flocculation factor for the settling velocity
0: flocculation effect disabled
1: Van Leussen (1994) equation (7.46)
2: Van Rijn (2007b) equation (7.48)
3: combination of the two previous methods

7.4 Bed load

7.4.1 Introduction
In this section an overview of available models for bed load transport is given.
These models are applicable to non-cohesive sediment transport and can be
used in combination with suspended transport equations except for the total
load models, discussed in Section 7.5 below. Bed load is active in the near-
bed layer with thickness taken often as zsb ≈ 2d. Both states are coupled by
the reference concentration ca , which is defined as the sediment concentration
in the near-bed layer.
Bed load is usually expressed as the intensity of solid discharge, which
can be written in non-dimensional form (see also equation (7.30)):
Φb = p (7.49)
(s − 1)gd3

where qb is the bed load solid discharge per unit width in m2 /s.
The Meyer-Peter-Muller and the Einstein equations are two examples
using dimensionless parameters for relating solid discharge to the shear stress
at the bed. However, the solid discharge rates of bed load, suspended load
and total load in this numerical model are given as the dimensional quantities
expressing the volumetric discharge per unit flow-perpendicular width (in
m2 /s).
The bed load transport is assumed to occur below the roughness level z0 ,
i.e. below the lowest σ-layer. The bed load transport vector is decomposed
in the same manner as the horizontal velocity vector. The bed load transport
magnitude is computed as the vector sum of transport components along the
ξ1 and ξ2 directions, assuming local orthogonality of the computational grid:

qb = (qb1 , qb2 ) (7.50)

The ξ1 and ξ2 components are computed at the U-, respectively V-nodes grid
points. This avoids that interpolations of the velocity components to e.g. the
C-points need to be taken prior to the determination of sediment transport
rates. Transport of different sediment size classes

COHERENS permits to simulate the transport of different sediment classes
(n = 1, . . . , nf ), each having a fraction fn present in the bed sediments.
Each sediment class will experience hiding or exposure due to the presence
of grains of different size in its vicinity. The effect is introduced in the model
7.4. BED LOAD 325

by means of a hiding/exposure factor (see Section for more detailed

information). Applicability of transport models

Every sediment transport formulation has been developed and calibrated un-
der controlled conditions where a certain range of parameters such as particle
diameters has been covered. The formulations are therefore only valid un-
der the conditions covered by the experiments that lead to the formula with
tuned parameters. The model user should take these limitations into account
when applying a formula. The range of applicability of a number of transport
formula has been given in table 7.1.

Table 7.1: Overview of applicability of sediment transport formula, i.e. con-

ditions of the measurements used as calibration data (if available).
d [mm] dx , for non-uniform granulate

Meyer-Peter & Müller (1948) 3.1-28.6 d50

Ackers & White (1973) a 0.04-4.0 d35
Engelund & Fredsøe (1976) 0.19-0.93 d50
Van Rijn (1993) 0.2-2.0 d50
Wu et al. (2000) 0.06-32 graded
Discussed in Section 7.5 below

7.4.2 Meyer-Peter and Mueller (1948)

The formula of Meyer-Peter & Müller (1948) relates the Shields parameter θn
to the intensity of solid discharge Φn for sediment class n, with the following
Φn = 8fn (ξM θn − ξn θcr,n )3/2 (7.51)
Here, θcr,n is the critical dimensionless shear stress, the threshold above
which motion of the sediment particles begins, and ξn the hiding or exposure
factor for sediment class n. The parameter ξM is a roughness parameter
expressing the relative importance of bed forms in the total roughness, equal
to 1 in absence of bed forms and 1 > ξM > 0.35 if bed forms are present:

ξM = (7.52)

where M is Manning’s roughness parameter for the total roughness and M 0

the Manning roughness for granulates only [m−1/3 s]. In the current version
of the model, separate bed form roughness has not yet been implemented,
so that the factor ξM is always set to 1. However, when the user specifies
the friction factor to be used for sediment transport calculations as the skin
friction roughness, an equivalent result is obtained as bed load transport is
assumed to be independent of form drag in this model (see Section 7.2.1).
It is important to mention under which circumstances a sediment trans-
port relation has been developed, and hence its validity range. The Meyer-
Peter-Muller formula (e.g.) is applicable for large sediment grain sizes, i.e.
d > 3.1 mm. See also table 7.1.

7.4.3 Engelund and Fredsøe (1976)

From an equilibrium of agitating and stabilizing forces, a dimensionless ex-
pression was found for the bed load transport. The agitating forces consist
of drag and lift, while the stabilising forces are reduced gravity and friction.
The agitating forces can be expressed as a drag force:

cl 2 πd2
FD = ρU (7.53)
2 p 4
The coefficient cl can be seen as a correction of the drag force for lifting, Up
is the particle migration velocity.
The friction force experienced by the particles can be expressed as:

Ff = ρg(s − 1) β (7.54)
where β is a dynamic friction coefficient.
When both forces are in equilibrium the following is obtained:

Up h p i
= α 1 − θ0 /θ (7.55)

in which θ0 = 4β/3α2 c and α = 9 represents the ratio of the current, taken

at two grain sizes from to the bottom, to the friction velocity.
Using measurements to determine the parameters, and using the number
of particles in the bed load layer per unit area, based on a particle probability
p, the following bed load transport equation is found:
π h p i
qb = 9.3 dpu∗ 1 − 0.7 θcr /θ (7.56)
7.4. BED LOAD 327

or, in non-dimensional form:

√ p
Φ = 5p( θ − 0.7 θcr ) (7.57)

In the case of fractional transport this becomes:

√ p
Φn = 5pfn ( θ − 0.7 ξn θcr,n ) (7.58)

The probability of mobility of a sediment grain p is expressed as follows:

  πf /6 4 −1/4
p= 1+ (7.59)
θ − θcr

with θ > θcr and fd the dynamic friction coefficient of a grain, assumed to
be equal to 0.51.
This relation was proven to be accurate for fine to medium sands, with
experiments using sand with diameters of 190, 270 and 930 µm.

7.4.4 Van Rijn (1984b)

Van Rijn (1984b) used the method of Bagnold (1954) to determine the bed
load sediment transport. Bed load transport is here dominated by particle
saltation with height δb causing a bed load concentration cb with particles
moving at a velocity equal to Up . Unlike in the formulation of Engelund &
Fredsøe (1976), only drag and lift forces as well as reduced weight are taken
into account. The bed load transport was then assumed to be qb = Up δb cb .
The bed load transport by currents for particles with diameter in the
range of 200 to 2000 µm is determined by:

Φn = 0.053fn Tn2.1 d∗−0.3 (7.60)

Tn = max − 1, 0 (7.61)
The implementation of this formula also allows for the computation of
transport of different size classes n with different bed fractions fn .

7.4.5 Wu et al. (2000)

This equation is specially recommended for the calculation of graded sedi-
ment, because in its determination, the different fractions were explicitly
taken into account.

The following steps are taken to calculate the suspended load and bed
load transport. Firstly, the settling velocity of fraction n is calculated with
formula (7.42) from Zhang & Xie (1993). Then the hiding and exposure
factors phn and pen are computed as defined in Section
The critical shear stress (taking into account hiding and exposure) for
fraction n is calculated:
τcr,n = 0.03(ρs − ρ)gdn (7.62)
The bed load sediment transport is then determined with:
Φb,n = 0.0053fn max − 1, 0 (7.63)
whereby the hiding/exposure factor ξn for sediment class n, is always
calculated with the method of Wu et al. (2000), as given by (7.34)–(7.36).

7.4.6 Soulsby (1997)

The bed load transport equation by Soulsby (1997) is an approximation
obtained by integrating the bed load equation over one wave period with a
sinusoidal oscillatory component. The components Φbc and Φbn along the
directions parallel, respectively perpendicular to the current direction are
obtained as follows
Φbc,1 = 12 θm (θm − θcr,n )
Φbc,2 = 12(0.95 + 0.19 cos 2φw ) θw θm
Φbc = fn max[Φbc,1 , Φbc,2 ]
12(0.19θm θw2 sin 2φw )
Φbn = fn (7.64)
θw1.5 + 1.5θm

and Φbc = Φbn = 0 if θmax ≤ θcr . θm is the value of θ averaged over the wave
cycle, θw , is the amplitude of the oscillatory component of θ and φ the angle
between current and wave propagation direction. The maximal value of the
Shields parameter θmax over the wave cycle is calculated as follows
θmax = θm 2 + θ 2 + 2θ θ cos2 φ (7.65)
w m w w

The wave-averaged Shields parameter θ is determined by the relationship

from Soulsby (1995):
"  3.2 #
θm = θc 1 + 1.2 (7.66)
θc + θw
7.4. BED LOAD 329

where θc is the current related Shields parameter. Note that (7.66) and (7.65)
are the dimensionless versions of (7.14)–(7.15).
From the equations it can be seen that when the wave direction is per-
pendicular or along the current direction, the component at right angle to
the current direction is zero. No wave asymmetry is taken into account.
In the absence of waves, one has Φbc,2 = Φbn = 0 so that

Φb = Φc = 12 θ max (θ − θcr,n , 0) (7.67)

The formula is implemented on the numerical grid by computing Φbc and

Φbn both at U- and V-velocity points, after which they are projected on the
ξ1 and ξ2 grid orientation. More details are given in Section 7.7.2.

7.4.7 Van Rijn (2007a)

In an unpublished paper by Van Rijn (2003) an approximative bed load
transport formula was determined in combination with time-integrated for-
mulations for wave-related and current-related suspended sediment trans-
port. In this sediment transport code, it was decided to combine the mo-
dified full equation (instantaneous transport integrated over a wave period)
by Van Rijn (1993) with the approximative formulations for suspended load
(see Section 7.5), resulting in the total sediment transport. The instaneous
bed load formula is the one given in Van Rijn (1993) but with modifications
on a calibration factor and the exponent η

qb = fn γρs d50 d−0.3

∗ (τb,cw /ρ)1/2 [(τb,cw − τb,cr )/τb,cr ]η (7.68)

in which

τb,cw = 0.5ρw fcw (Uδ,cw )2 (7.69)

fcw = αβfc + (1 − α)fw (7.70)
h κ i2
fc = 2 (7.71)
ln(15H/ks )
fw = 0.00251 exp 5.21(Aw /ks )−0.19 (7.72)

and fw given by (7.18).


fn fraction in the bed of sediment class n

τb,cw instantaneous grain-related bed-shear stress due to both cur-
rents and waves
Uδ,cw instantaneous velocity magnitude due to currents and waves
at the edge of the wave boundary layer
fcw skin friction coefficient due to current and waves
fc current-related skin friction coefficient
fw wave-related skin friction coefficient
ks skin roughness height = d90 = 1.5d50
α coefficient related to the relative strength of current and wave
β coefficient related to the vertical structure of the velocity pro-
file (Van Rijn, 1993)
Ab near bed wave excursion ampltide
τb,cr critical bed-shear stress
fsilt silt factor: fsilt = max(1, dsand /d50 )
γ coefficient = 0.5
η exponent = 1.0
The factor β converts the depth-averaged flow dependence of fc to a wave
boundary layer friction factor. Furthermore, this factor shifts the applied
roughness length from the grain roughness ks to an apparent roughness length
ka . The factor β is determined by (Appendix A in Van Rijn, 1993):
ln(30h/ks ) − 1
β = 0.25 (7.73)
ln(30δ/ks )
where δ = max(3δw , ks ) and δw the thickness of the wave boundary layer
δw = 0.072Ab (7.74)
with Ab given by (7.13).
The current ratio factor α is defined by
α= (7.75)
ucδ + Uw
The wave-mean current magnitude at the top of the boundary layer is given
|ūc | ln(30δ/ka )
ucδ = (7.76)
ln(30H/ka ) − 1
where |ūc | is the depth-mean current magnitude and the apparent roughness
ka represents the influence of waves on the roughness length:
ka = ks exp(γUw /ūc ) (7.77)
7.4. BED LOAD 331

γ = 0.8 + φ − 0.3φ2 (7.78)

where φ is the angle between wave propagation and current direction and Uw
the near-bed wave orbital velocity given by (7.8).
The instanteneous near-bed flow velocity magnitude due to combined
waves and currents is determined as the magnitude of the vector sum of the
current and wave components
h 2 i1/2
Uδ,cw (t) = Uw sin ϕ + u2cδ + 2ucδ Uw cos φ sin ϕ (7.79)

where ϕ = ωw t is the wave phase.

The instantaneous bed load transport vector is decomposed in a com-
ponent along the current direction and a component at right angle to the
current. The mean components are obtained after integration over the wave
period, by means of the Gaussian quadrature technique (Section 7.7.3).

Z 2π
1 uc,δ + Uw sin ϕ cos φ
q̄bc = qb (t) dϕ
2π 0 Uδ,cw (t)
Z 2π
1 Uw sin ϕ sin φ
q̄bn = qb (t) dϕ (7.80)
2π 0 Uδ,cw (t)

Note that the transport components are calculated at U- and V-nodes


7.4.8 Van Rijn (2003)

In the current version the bed load transport equations are identical to the
Van Rijn (2007a) method when this formula is selected. The difference be-
tween both methods is situated in the suspended load equations (see Sec-
tions 7.5.5 and 7.5.6).

7.4.9 Bed slope effects and coordinate transforms

The gradient of the bed level can have three effects:

• influence of local flow velocity

• a different critical condition for incipient motion

• a change in the bed load transport rate and direction beyond incipient

In COHERENS, the second and third effect can be modeled using the
switch iopt sed slope. The second effect was discussed in Section 7.3.2. For
the third effect, a correction for the transport rate vector magnitude has to
be combined with a correction on the transport direction, i.e. the correction
has a longitudinal component parallel to the current vector and transverse
component, normal to the current.
The longitudinal ∂h/∂c and transverse ∂h/∂n bed slopes are given by

∂h 1 ∂h 1 ∂h
= cos φc + sin φc (7.81)
∂c h1 ∂ξ1 h2 ∂ξ2

∂h 1 ∂h 1 ∂h
= cos φc − sin φc (7.82)
∂n h2 ∂ξ2 h1 ∂ξ1
where φc is the angle between the ξ1 - and current directions.
The slope effects are modeled using the relation of Koch & Flokstra
(1981). They developed the following relation for a correction factor αs on
the bed load transport rate

αs = 1 − βs (7.83)
with βs = 1.3. They included also the effect of the slope transverse to the
flow by the change in direction of δs degrees:

tan δs = βs (7.84)
Note that these corrections are only applied for bed load equations and not
for total load.
The bed load formulae in the previous subsections were derived along the
current direction and an additional transverse component in the presence of
waves. The components along the coordinate directions are calculated by
the following transformations
qb1 = αs qbc cos(φc + δs ) − qbn sin(φc + δs )
qb2 = αs qbc sin(φc + δs ) + qbn cos(φc + δs ) (7.85)


• αs = 1, βs = 0, δs = 0 in the absence of bed slope effects

• qbn = 0 in the absence of waves.

7.5. TOTAL LOAD 333


The bed load formulae in this section are selected with the following switches

iopt sed bedeq Type of bedload equation.

1 : Meyer-Peter & Müller (1948)

2 : Engelund & Fredsøe (1976)
3 : Van Rijn (1984b)
4 : Wu et al. (2000)
5 : Soulsby (1997). This equation includes wave effects.
6 : Van Rijn (2003). This formula includes wave effects.
7 : Van Rijn (2007a). This method includes wave effects.

iopt sed slope Disables (0) or enables (1) bed slope efects using the Koch &
Flokstra (1981) formulation.

7.5 Total Load

7.5.1 Engelund and Hansen (1967)
The classic formula of Engelund & Hansen (1967) has been modified by
Chollet & Cunge (1979) to take into account of different transport regimes
and to introduce a threshold for beginnning of sediment particle motion:
(s − 1)d350

qt = 0.05fn K 2 H 1/3 θ∗5/2 (7.86)
in which fn is the fraction in the bed of sediment class n, K is the Strickler
coefficient, i.e. the inverse of the Manning coefficient, defined in (7.4) and s
the relative density of the sediment.
The need for the Strickler coefficient can be avoided by setting K 2 H 1/3
equal to g/CD , which can be computed using (7.2) with z0 chosen equal
to either the (form) roughness length from the hydrodynamic model or the
skin roughness length defined in the sediment transport model. To switch
between the two options, set iopt sed tau to the appropriate value.
In the original formulation by Engelund & Hansen (1967) θ∗ is set to θ.
In the modified version of Chollet & Cunge (1979), θ∗ is defined depending

on the transport regime:

θ∗ =0 if θ < 0.06 (no transport),

θ∗ = [2.5(θ − 0.06)]0.5 if 0.06 < θ < 0.384 (dune regime),
θ∗ = 1.065θ0.176 if 0.348 < θ < 1.08 (transition regime),
θ∗ =θ if 1.08 < θ (sheet flow regime),

where θ is the Shields parameter, defined by (7.27).

The user can choose to use the original version as well as the modified
version by setting the switch iopt sed eha. The modified version shows devi-
ations of the transport calculated for bed shear below the sheet flow regime,
where the original version shows result more in line with other formulae.

7.5.2 Ackers and White (1973)

A direct determination of the total sediment transport rate is provided with
the formula from Ackers & White (1973). It gives extra attention to the sub-
division of non-cohesive sediment transport for coarser and finer fractions. It
was developed using hydraulic considerations and dimensional analysis. The
coefficients in the model have been determined by evaluation of nearly 1000
experiments in the laboratory and 250 experiments in the field. Nineteen
different transport formulae have been studied in this work.
A parameter of mobility was defined, based on the Shields parameter:
(1−nw )
un∗ w

Fgr = p (7.88)
(s − 1)gd 2.46 ln(10H/d)
The parameter of transport is then defined as
Ggr = Cw −1 for Fgr > Aw
Ggr = 0 otherwise (7.89)

The total load is then calculated as follows:

|ū| −n /2
(qt1 , qt2 ) = fn Ggr d (ū, v̄) = fn Ggr dCD w (ū, v̄) (7.90)

with d = d35 , fn the fraction of size class n in the bed and |ū| the magnitude
of the depth averaged current.
This transport formula was derived by uniting bed load and suspended
load transport relations in one function through a transition in the dimen-
sionless d∗ parameter. A revised set of values for the parameters mw and
7.5. TOTAL LOAD 335

Cw which are used in the current implementation, have been derived after
experiments in 1990:

nw = 1 − 0.243 ln d˜∗
mw = 1.67 + 6.83/d˜∗
ln Cw = 2.79 ln d˜∗ − 0.426(ln d˜∗ )2 − 7.97
Aw = 0.14 + 0.23/d˜∗1/2 (7.91)

with d˜∗ = min(60, max(1, d∗ )).

Since this total load formula was developed using a d35 grain size diameter,
the user should also give this sieve size instead of d50 when the information
is available.

7.5.3 Madsen and Grant (1976)

The Madsen & Grant (1976) formula is a total load formula determining the
instantaneous transport rate vector qt , for one sediment grain size class:

3 Ucw (t)
qt = 40fn ws dn θcw (7.92)
|Ucw (t)|

in which ws is the particle fall velocity, dn the grain size of class n, with
fraction fn , θcw the instantaneous Shield parameter of dimensionless shear
stress due to currents and waves and Ucw the current due to current and
waves, whose magnitude is given by (7.79).
The Shields parameter is computed here with the velocity due waves and
currents and with a combined friction factor for waves and currents:
fcw |Ucw (t)|2
θcw (t) = (7.93)
2(s − 1)gd50


fcw = αfc + (1 − α)fw (7.94)

α= (7.95)
ucδ + Uw
fc = 0.32 ln −1 (7.96)
u∗ 30δ 
ucδ = ln (7.97)
κ z0

where fc is the friction factor due to currents and fw the wave-related friction
factor given by (7.18). The wave boundary layer thickness δ is the same as
the one for the Van Rijn (2007a) bed load formula.
The mean total load is obtained by decomposing the instantaneous sedi-
ment total load vector into components, along and transverse to the current
direction, and integration over the wave period using (7.80) with qb replaced
by qt . The components along the coordinate axes are obtained using (7.85)
without slope effects (i.e. αs = 1, βs = 0, δs = 0).
The integration over the wave period is executed in the code with the
numerical integration method of Gaussian quadrature. For details about the
applied method see Section 7.7.3. The number of data points needed in this
method to reach a stable solution is optimised for the Madsen & Grant (1976)
method. The fact that the transport is determined with the fifth power of the
Shields number makes that the oscillating signal of the wave-current velocity
results in a very peaked instantaneous transport. The consequence is that a
relatively high number of points is needed to capture the sharp peak in the
transport during maximal near-bed velocity. The optimal number for this
method was determined at 15 points per wave period, see Figure 7.1.
The procedure is repeated for each class of sediment grain size defined by
the user.

7.5.4 Wu et al (2000)
The calculation procedure for bed load transport is described in Section 7.4.5.
Adding the following equation for suspended load to the bed load formula
results in the total sediment transport due currents only:
p τb |ū|
qs,n = 0.262.10 (s − 1)gd3 −1 (7.98)
τcr,n ws,n

Here, the settling velocity is calculated with equation (7.42) of Zhang &
Xie (1993) and the critical shear stress using relation (7.33) from Wu et al.

7.5.5 Van Rijn (2003)

In an unpublished paper Van Rijn (2003) describes approximate formulae
for the bed and suspended load under combined currents and waves. A va-
lidity range is given for d50 between 0.1 and 0.5 mm sand, water depths
between 0.25 and 20 m, current velocities between 0 and 2 m/s and relative
wave heights Hs /H between 0 and 0.5. In this code, the bed load is not

Figure 7.1: Convergence of Gauss-Legendre quadrature for wave period integration of instantaneous sediment trans-
port. Different peak orbital velocities and wave-current angles are considered.

computed following the approximate formula, but with the fully integrated
instantaneous oscillating transport, as described in Section 7.4.7. The sus-
pended load, however, is computed using the explicit approximation formula
of Van Rijn (2003).
The suspended sediment transport due to currents and waves is calculated
qs = qsc + qsw (7.99)
which is the sum of the current-related suspended transport (with wave agita-
tion), directed in the main current direction and the wave-related suspended
transport in the wave propagation direction (associated with wave asymme-
try). For simplicity, it is assumed in the following that there is only one grain
size class in the sediment bed. In case of multiple fractions, the procedures
are repeated for all classes, and the transports are multiplied with each class’
fraction in bed. Current-related part

The current related part of the sediment transport is calculated as:

qsc = (Fc + Fw )|ūc |Hca (7.100)

Here, Fc and Fw are correction factors representing the depth-averaged con-

centration profile (relative to ca ), for current and waves respectively. They
are defined as follows
Fc = G(Zc ) (7.101)
Fw = G(Zw ) (7.102)
where the function G(Z) reads:
(a/H)Z − (a/H)1.2
G(Z) = (7.103)
[(1.2 − Z)(1 − a/H)Z ]
 0.8  0.4
ws ws ca
Zc = + 2.5 (7.104)
βc κu∗c u∗c cmax
 0.6  0.8
H ws TP
Zw = 4 (7.105)
Href HS
where βc = 1 + 2(ws /u∗ )2 , a the reference height (see Section, Href
the reference water depth taken as 5 m, TP the peak period of the waves,
HS the significant wave height and cmax the maximal concentration, which
is taken equal to 0.65 for sand.
7.5. TOTAL LOAD 339

The appropriate expression for the reference concentration ca is the one

given in equation (7.125), but modified for wave-current interaction. The
T -parameter (7.61) becomes then

Tn = max − 1, 0 (7.106)
e e e
where τb,cw = τb,c + τb,w is the time-(wave-) averaged effective bed shear stress
and τcr,n the critical bed shear stress for sediment class n.
The effective current-related bed-shear τb,c is determined by:
τb,c = µc αcw τb,c (7.107)
here, µc is the current-related efficiency factor, transforming the friction fac-
tor from total friction to grain-related friction, since the oscillating character
of the flow does not permit it to feel bed forms with longer wavelength than
the near-bed wave excursion. Also related to this effect is the wave-current
interaction factor αcw . The former and latter parameters are defined as:

log(H/30z0 )
µc = fce /fc
= (7.108)
log(H/1.5d50 )
 2  2
ln(90δw /ka ) ln(30H/ks ) − 1
αcw = (7.109)
ln(90δw /ks ) ln(30H/ka ) − 1
αcw,max = 1 (7.110)
with δw the wave boundary layer thickness and ka the apparent roughness.
For definitions, see Section 7.4.7. Note that the skin roughness height is set
to 1.5d50 which is the actual median grain size in the bed at each location
from the particle size distribution in the highest bed layer.
The effective wave-related bed-shear τb,w is in turn determined by:
τb,w = µw τb,w (7.111)
In the 2003 version of the van Rijn model, µw is given by 0.125(1.5−Hs /H)2 .
This parameter will be different in the 2007 version described in the next sec-
tion. The bed shear stresses due to waves and due to currents are determined
using the same friction factors as in the bed load transport model, see Sec-
tion 7.4.7. Wave-related part

This part of the suspended load – with equal values in the 2003 and 2007
versions of the van Rijn model – is dependent on the wave asymmetry in

terms of onshore and offshore directed peak velocities. These velocities have
been computed using the method of Grasmeijer & Van Rijn (1998). The
wave propagation directed suspended transport is given by:

qsw,n = γfn UA LT (7.112)


qsw,n volumetric suspended sediment transport of class

n [m2 /s]
4 4
UA =(Uδ,f −Uδ,b ) /(Uon
3 +U 3 )
of f
velocity asymmetry [m/s]
LT = 0.007dn Me suspended sediment load [m]
Me =(ve −vc ) /((s−1)gdn ) Sediment mobility number due to waves and cur-
Uδ,f Near-bed orbital velocity peak in onshore (for-
ward) direction [m/s]
Uδ,b Near-bed orbital velocity peak in offshore (back-
q ward) direction [m/s]
ve = U 2 + Uδ,f effective velocity due to currents and waves [m/s]
vc = 0.19d0.1
n ln(2h/dn ) critical velocity for 0.1 mm < dn < 0.5 mm [m/s]
vc = 8.50d0.6
n ln(2h/dn ) critical velocity for dn > 0.5 mm [m/s]
dn grain size of sediment class n [m]
γ phase lag coefficient = 0.2

A number of assumptions have been made during the development of this

simplified approximative formulation: a bed roughness length ks of 0.03m,
wave-current angle of 90 degrees, temperature of 150 C; salinity of 30 ppt. The
onshore and offshore peaks of the asymmetric wave boundary velocities Uδ,f
and Uδ,b are computed using the method of Grasmeijer & Van Rijn (1998),
which will not be reproduced here.
Effectively, in this method, the critical condition for initiation of motion
is defined specifically. The methods used in other parts of the code for
determination of critical shear are not applied for the wave part of suspended

7.5.6 Van Rijn (2007a)

The Van Rijn (2007a) method is very similar to the 2003 version, with a
different formulation for some of the parameters: the turbulence damping
factor and the wave-related efficiency factor.
7.5. TOTAL LOAD 341

Due to the relation adopted for turbulence damping due to high sediment
concentrations, the modified Rouse number in the approximative formulation
for current-related suspended load (Zc in equation (7.104)) takes a different
Zc = (7.113)
βc κu∗ φd
Here, φd is the turbulence damping function used, originally varying with
concentration, but here evaluated for the reference concentration

φd = 1 + (ca /cmax )0.8 − 2(ca /cmax )0.4 (7.114)

The wave-related efficiency factor µw takes a different form in this formu-

lation. It is made dependent of the dimensionless particle diameter rather
than the wave height relative to the water depth:

 0.35 if d∗ < 2
µw = 0.7/d∗ if 2 < d∗ < 5 (7.115)
0.14 if 5 < d∗

The type of total load formulation is selected with the following switches

iopt sed toteq Method for total load transport

1: Engelund & Hansen (1967). The precise form is also determined by
the switch iopt sed eha.
2: Ackers & White (1973)
3: Madsen & Grant (1976). This equation includes wave effects.
4: Wu et al. (2000). Total load is calculated as the sum of suspended
and bed load.
5: Van Rijn (2003). This equation includes wave effects and total load
is the sum of suspended and bed load.
6: Van Rijn (2007a). This equation includes wave effects and total load
is the sum of suspended and bed load.
iopt sed eha Switch to select the type of formulation in the Engelund-Hansen
total load equation (7.86)
1: original form
2: Chollet & Cunge (1979) form as function of θ∗

7.6 Suspended sediment transport

7.6.1 Three-dimensional sediment transport
In COHERENS multiple sediment fractions can be taken, each with its own
diameter, settling velocity, critical shear stres, . . . . In an orthogonal curvilin-
ear coordinate system, the sediment concentration of each sediment fraction
is governed by the following advection-diffusion equation for the volumetric
sediment concentration fraction c (with the subscript n omitted):
1 ∂ 1 ∂ ∂
(h3 c) + (h2 h3 (u − ũs )c) + (h1 h3 (v − ṽs )c) +
h3 ∂t h1 h2 h3
∂ξ1 ∂ξ2
1 ∂ 
h3 (ω − ws )c =
h3 ∂s
1 ∂ DV ∂c
  1  ∂ DH h2 h3 ∂c ∂ DH h1 h3 ∂c  Qsed
+ + +
h3 ∂s h3 ∂s h1 h2 h3 ∂ξ1 h1 ∂ξ1 ∂ξ2 h1 ∂ξ2 h1 h2 h3

where DV = λsT , DH = λH are the vertical, respectively horizontal diffusion

coefficients for sediments, ws the settling velocity, defined in Section 7.3.3 and
Qsed a user defined source term. More information on the used coordinate
systems can be found in Section 4.1. In the 3-D version of the transport
equation, erosion and depositions of sediment enter through the boundary
conditions (Section 7.6.3).
Equation (7.116) is the same as the scalar transport equation (4.76) for
a scalar quantity ψ except that the equation now contains an extra vertical
advective term for the settling velocity. Since the settling velocity is directed
along the vertical which does not coincide with the transformed vertical di-
rection normal to the iso-σ surfaces, the horizontal advective currents need
to be adjusted by adding a correction for settling

ws ∂z h3 ∂s
ũs = − = −ws (7.117)
h1 ∂ ξ˜1 s h1 ∂ξ1 z

ws ∂z h3 ∂s
ṽs = − = −ws (7.118)
h2 ∂ ξ˜2 s h2 ∂ξ2 z

7.6.2 Two-dimensional sediment transport

As explained in Section 4.3.2, the advection-diffusion equations for sediments
can also be solved in depth-averaged form. In that case, erosion E and
deposition D, used to determine the bottom boundary condition in the 3-D

case (see below), are modeled by source terms in the depth averaged sediment
concentration equation
∂c̄ 1 ∂ ∂
+ h2 c̄ū + h1 c̄v̄ =
∂t h1 h2 ∂ξ1 ∂ξ2
1 ∂ h2 ∂c̄ ∂ h1 ∂c̄ E−D
D̄H + D̄H + (7.119)
h1 h2 ∂ξ1 h1 ∂ξ1 ∂ξ2 h2 ∂ξ2 H
For details see Section 4.3.2.

7.6.3 Erosion and deposition

Erosion and deposition have a double influence. On the one hand, the erosion
and deposition provide the bottom boundary conditions for the advection-
diffusion equation of sediment transport. On the other hand, they provide
an important source term in the equation for the bed-level elevation for the
morphology. In this section, the modeling of the erosion and deposition terms
is described. This is first done for three-dimensional situations, where the
erosion and deposition terms are introduced through the near-bed boundary
conditions. These terms are described separately for sand and mud, because
they are calculated in a different way. This is followed by a description of
erosion and deposition in two-dimensional situations, where they are repre-
sented as a source term. Erosion and deposition of sand in 3-D

The following equation is used as the boundary condition near the bed for
the suspended sediment transport equation (taken at a reference height a
above the bed)
− DV (a) (a) − ws,in (a)cn (a) = En − Dn (7.120)
Here, En is the erosion of sediment fraction n, Dn the deposition, cn the
volumetric sediment concentration, and ws,n the settling velocity of fraction
n. Note that because the volume concentrations are used in COHERENS, the
dimensions of the erosion and deposition are m/s.
The deposition flux is given as
Dn = ws,n (a)cn (a) (7.121)
Using this expression, the bottom boundary conditions reduces to the
following Neumann boundary condition:
− DV (a) = En (7.122)
∂z a

Garcia & Parker (1991) showed that the flux can be expressed as an non-
dimensional flux E∗ ≡ E/ws and that in situations not too far from equili-
brium, this non-dimensional entrainment is equal to the near bed reference
concentration (i.e. E∗ = ca ). Therefore one can write:

− DV (a) = fn ws,n (a)ca,n (7.123)
∂z a
Here ca,n is the near-bed reference (equilibrium) sediment concentration at
a reference height an for sediment size class n with fractional amount fn at
the bed.
In COHERENS, the near bed reference concentration for sand is calculated
either by the method of Smith & McLean (1977) or by the one in Van Rijn
(1984a), which can be selected with the switch iopt sed bbc.
The near-bed boundary condition of Smith & McLean (1977) is given for
each fraction n by:

ca,n = 0.0024cmax
1 + 0.0024Tn
a = ks + 26.3(θn − θcr,n )dn
ks = 30z0 (7.124)

Here, cmax is the maximum possible concentration, i.e. the concentration of

a bed packed with sediment, Tn the normalised excess shear stress defined
by (7.61), θ the Shield parameter (7.27), ks the skin roughness height and z0
the skin roughness length.
The near bed boundary condition of Van Rijn (1984a) is given by:

dn Tn1.5
ca,n = 0.015 (7.125)
an d0.3

with d∗ defined by (7.29). The reference level a (either half the size of the
dunes or the roughness length scale ks ) is limited to be between 0.01H and
It may occur that the reference level an is not located within the bottom
grid cell where the bottom boundary condition is applied. The methods used
in COHERENS to overcome this problem are described in Section 7.7.1. The
influence of waves on the erosion of sediment is included in this equation only
by the change in the bed shear stress due to the near bed wave motion using
the equation of Soulsby (1997).
7.6. SUSPENDED SEDIMENT TRANSPORT 345 Erosion of cohesive sediment in 3-D

Erosion of cohesive sediments is calculated with the equation based on the
data of Partheniades (1965)
τb − τcr,n p
En = fn M for τb > τcr,n (7.126)

Here En is the erosion rate, M is an erosion rate parameter (m/s), τb

the bed shear stress, τcr the critical shear stress threshold for erosion and np
an empirical parameter (normally equal to unity). The parameters M and
τcr,n need to be determined, which can be difficult in practice, because they
depend on the material, its consolidation as well as biological and chemical
characteristics of the bed, thus they can vary in space and time and fn is the
amount of this fraction in the bed. In COHERENS, the critical shear stress is
determined using one of the methods, described in Section 7.3.2. Note that
the unit of M (m/s) and τcr,n (m2 /s2 ) in the code is different from usual,
where the units of these quantities are respectively kg/m2 /s and N/m2 .
The implementation of the three-dimensional erosion of cohesive sediment
differs from sand in that no reference concentration is calculated, and no
reference height has to be specified. Just as for sand, wave effects are only
included through the changes in the bed shear stress. Erosion-deposition of sand in 2-D

In two dimensional calculations, the erosion and deposition of sand are cal-
culated from the difference between the depth averaged concentrations and
the depth averaged equilibrium concentration. A time scale Te,n is used in
which the sediment concentration adapts to the equilibrium concentration.
This represents the fact that deposition depends on the near-bed sediment
concentration, rather than the depth averaged value and thus that the se-
diment concentration profile needs some time to adapt to the equilibrium
profile (e.g. Galappatti & Vreugdenhil, 1985). The equations that are used
for the erosion deposition term are

En − Dn = (c̄e,n − c̄n ) (7.127)

The equilibrium concentration c̄e can be calculated in different ways,

which are selected by the switch iopt sed ceqeq. The default option is to
calculate the equilibrium concentration by taking the depth average of the
Rouse profile numerically (see Section 7.7.3 for the numerical method), which

is given by
ceq H − z̃ a
= (7.128)
ca z̃ H − a
where a is the reference level, H the total water depth, z̃ = z + h the
height above the sea bed, ca the reference concentration, R = ws /βκu∗ the
Rouse number, ws the particle fall velocity, u∗ the skin shear velocity, β the
inverse of the Prandtl-Schmidt number (see Section 7.6.4) and κ the von
Karman constant. The exponent expresses the relative importance of the
suspended load, where it is equal to about 5 for bed load only and decreases
to unity for suspended load up to the surface (Van Rijn, 1993). The reference
concentration is defined in Section
Another way to calculate the depth averaged sediment concentrations is
by using one of the fomulae for suspended transport, described in Section 7.5.
The depth averaged equilibrium concentration is then given by
c̄e = (7.129)
Here qs,e is the equilibrium suspended sediment transport and |U| the
magnitude of the depth-integrated current (in m2 /s).
The adaptation time scale Te is given by:
Te = T∗ (7.130)
Here, T∗ is a non-dimensional correction factor, which depends on the shape
of the sediment concentration profile, parametrized by the Rouse number R
defined below. For COHERENS, this relation was obtained by performing
simulations with COHERENS in water column (1DV) mode and determining
the adaptation time scale from the data (see Figure 7.2). Through this data
an eight order polynomial was fitted:

T∗ = p1 R8 + p2 R7 + p3 R6 + p4 R5 + p5 R4 + p6 R3 + p7 R2 + p8 R + p9 (7.131)
R = min(wsb /u∗ , 1.14) (7.132)
p1 = 67.342 p2 = −321.0 p3 = 614.14
p4 = −592.75 p5 = 292.15 p6 = −62.141
p7 = 3.667 p8 = −2.2571 p9 = 0.97978 (7.133)
and wsb the settling velocity at the bottom.

Data 1DV simulation
0.9 8th degree polynomial



T ws/h






0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 7.2: Numerically determined time scale and fitted polynomial Erosion-deposition of cohesive sediment in 2-D

For cohesive sediments, the erosion and deposition rates in 2-D are obtained
in similar way as for sand, using an equilibrium time schale and a depth
averaged concentration (Section For cohesive sediment, the only way
in which the depth averaged equilibrium concentration can be calculated is by
averaging the Rouse profile (equation 7.128). However, a near-bed reference
concentration and reference location are needed to obtain the depth averaged
concentrations. The near bed reference concentration is obtained from the
near bed erosion rate E using

ca = (7.134)
ws (a)

The near bed reference location a is, in the 2-D case, an extra tunable
parameter height c cst. This is not very different from the usual approach
to use a threshold of deposition as an extra tunable parameter for simu-
lating cohesive sediment transport. However, the present approach has the
advantage that unphysical results that may result from the threshold of de-
position method (such as the unlimited erosion leading to unphysically high
sediment concentrations) are avoided. The same time schale is used as for
the calculation of depth averaged sand transport.

7.6.4 Sediment diffusivity Without wave effects
It has been found experimentally that the diffusivity of sediment is not always
equal to the eddy diffusivity. For practical purposes, the sediment diffusivity
DV is assumed to be proportional to the eddy viscosity

DV = βνT (7.135)

Here, β is the inverse of the Prandtl-Schmidt number σT and νT the eddy

viscosity defined in Section 4.4. Different relations have been proposed for
the β factor. In COHERENS, β can be either a constant or calculated with
the equation of Van Rijn (1984b). Based on the work of (Coleman, 1970),
he found that it can be taken as a function of the settling velocity
β =1+2 (7.136)
For practical applications, β is limited to values between 1 and 1.5. With waves effects

The vertical sediment diffusivity due to combined waves and currents DV,cw
is calculated from the sediment diffusivity due to current and waves using
(Van Rijn, 2007b) q
DV,cw = (DV,c )2 + (DV,w )2 (7.137)
Here, DV,c = βνT is the sediment diffusivity in the absence of waves and DV,w
an additional component due to waves.
The wave related sediment diffusivity DV,w is calculated by separate ex-
pressions for the upper half of the water column and for the near-bed mixing
layer. Between the two layers, a linear interpolation is performed (Van Rijn,
DV,w = DV,w,max = 0.035γbr HHs /Tp ≤ 0.05 h m /si for 0.5H ≤ z̃
DV,w = DV,w,bed + (DV,w,max − DV,w,bed ) 0.5H−δ s
for δs < z̃ < 0.5H
DV,w = DV,w,bed = 0.018γbr βw δs Uδ,r for z̃ ≤ δs
where z̃ is the distance above the sea bed, Uδ,r the near-bed peak orbital
velocity Uw , given by (7.8), Tp the peak wave frequency and δs the thickness
of the mixing layer
δs = 0.072γbr Aδ (Aδ /kw )−0.25 (7.139)

Here, Aδ is the near-bottom orbital excursion Ab , given by (7.13), kw the

wave-related bed roughness height,

γbr = 1 + (Hs /H − 0.4)0.4 (7.140)

a coefficient related to wave breaking (= 1 for Hs /H ≤ 0.4), and

βw = 1 + 2(ws /u∗,w )2 (7.141)

where u∗w is the wave-related bed-shear velocity.

7.6.5 Boundary conditions

Bottom boundary conditions for sediment are defined through erosion and
deposition and discussed in Section 7.6.3.
At the free surface, a vertical zero-flux condition is used for the suspended
DV + ws,n cn = 0 (7.142)
The lateral boundary conditions are the same as the ones in discussed in

The following switches are used for the transport of suspended sediment:

iopt sed mode Type of mode for applying the sediment transport model
1: bedload transport only computed by a formula, which is determined
by iopt sed bedeq
2: suspended load transport only (computed with the advection-diffusion
3: bedload and suspended transport (i.e. option 1 and 2 together)
4: total load transport computed with a formula, which is determined
by iopt sed toteq
iopt sed nodim The number of dimensions used in the sediment formula-
2: depth averaged transport3
3: 3-D sediment transport.
Note that iopt sed nodim is always set to 2 if iopt grid nodim = 2.

iopt sed type The type of sediment that is used

1: sand (non-cohesive)
2: mud (cohesive)
iopt sed bbc The type of equation for bed boundary condition at the sea
0: no bed boundary conditions (no flux to and from the bed)
1: Smith & McLean (1977)
2: Van Rijn (1984a)
3: Partheniades (1965)
iopt sed ceqeq The type of model for determining the equilibrium sediment
1: numerical integration of the Rouse profile
2: Using qt /U determined with the equation of Engelund & Hansen
(1967). The precise form is also determined by the switch iopt sed eha.
3: using qt /U determined with the equation of Ackers & White (1973).
4: Using qs /U determined with the equation of Van Rijn (2003). This
formulation is very similar to Van Rijn (1984b), but takes wave
stresses into account.
5: using qs /U determined with the equation of Wu et al. (2000)
iopt sed beta The type of equation used for β, the ratio between the eddy
viscosity and eddy diffusivity
1: β = 1.
2: user defined value of β (beta cst).
3: Van Rijn (1984b).
iopt sed wave diff Selects the turbulent diffusion coefficient due to waves.
0: No diffusion coefficient
1: According to Van Rijn (2007b)

7.7 Numerical methods

This section describes the numerical methods that are specifically used in
the sediment transport module. The methods are generally the same as the

ones for a scalar quantity, as described in Section 5.5. However, there are
some differences, mainly related to the modeling of erosion and deposition,
which are discussed here.

7.7.1 Erosion-deposition Three-dimensional sediment transport
In three-dimensional simulations, erosion and deposition come into play through
the near-bed boundary condition. For mud, the erosion rate is given directly
by the equation of Partheniades (1965). For sand, the erosion E is calcu-
lated from the near bed reference concentration ca at a height a above the
bed using E = ws ca . However, the height a does not normally coincide with
the used computational grid. Hence, a transformation has to be made, such
that the erosion is calculated at a location coinciding with the computational
In COHERENS, three methods are available to do this, which can be set
with the switch iopt sed bbc type. The first two options are based on the
method used in the EFDC model. In this method, the flux is calculated
based on an averaged of either the lowest cell (iopt sed bbc type = 1) or the
cell in which a lies (iopt sed bbc type =2). At a given reference level a, the
net upward flux is given by

F (a) = ws (ca − c) (7.143)

Integrating this expression over the bottom cell gives the bottom flux into
that bottom cell, F0 :
F0 = ws (c̄eq − c1 ) (7.144)
were c̄eq is the averaged equilibrium concentration for the bottom cell, c1 is
the sediment concentration in the bottom cell. The determination of c̄eq can
be done by solving equation (7.146) below for F0 , and averaging over the
bottom cell by integration between z0 and z1 , i.e. the W-nodes below and
above the bottom cell. In case the reference level a is located above the near-
bed cell and iopt sed bbc type =2, the nth cell is integrated (the ‘reference
layer’), from zn−1 up to zn , and the c1 term in equation (7.144) becomes cn ,
 Z zn   R Z zn 
ca a 1
F0 = ws dz − cdz (7.145)
∆zn zn−1 z ∆zn zn−1
where ∆zn is the thickness of the nth cell, with the reference level a located
in the nth cell.

Herein, the following expression is used for the non-equilibrium near bed
sediment profile (derived assuming a linear varying eddy viscosity near the
 a R F
c = ca − (7.146)
z ws
Combining this expression with equation (7.144) gives
Z zn   R
ca a
c̄eq = dz (7.147)
∆zn zn−1 z

For R 6= 1, this gives

aR c a  1−R 1−R

c̄eq = zn − zn−1 (7.148)
∆zn (1 − R)

and for R = 1
c̄eq = [ln zn − ln zn−1 ] (7.149)
The range of values for the Rouse number R are limited by the theo-
retical maximum of 2.5, since no suspension can exist when the settling
velocity is larger than the shear velocity. When the method of cell-averaged
reference concentration described above is used while the reference level is
located within the bottom cell, the integrated profile (equations (7.148)-
(7.149)) starts from the bottom of the near-bed cell, at level z0 . Since the
Rouse profile is not valid that close to the bed, another lower limit for inte-
gration is used, with the minimum set at the Nikuradze roughness ks = 30z0 .
The level z0 , in turn, is the level at which the assumed logarithmic velocity
profile becomes equal to zero.
This method with iopt sed bbc type =2 can give very accurate results,
provided that a high resolution is used near the bed. However, when the
resolution is relatively low (and thus the cells near the bed are relatively
large), the averaging of the profile leads to an overestimation of the concen-
trations in the lowest cells and therefore in sediment concentrations that are
too high. Therefore, this method is not recommended for practical applica-
tions. Instead, another method should be used by setting iopt sed bbc type
= 3. In this method, the Rouse profile (equation (7.128)) is used to calculate
the sediment concentration from the given boundary condition at the first
C-node above the bed.
The deposition flux is just an advection term from the lowest cell. The
type discretisation of this term at the bed is determined by the switch
iopt scal depos. The options are

• No deposition flux (all sediment remains inside the computation do-

main). This is useful for simulating some laboratory experiments.

• First order discretisation

• Second order discretisation

The first order discretisation of the deposition flux D is an upwind dis-

cretisation that is given by:
D = w1w cc1 (7.150)
The second order discretisation of the deposition flux uses linear extrap-
olation to obtain an estimation of the sediment concentration at the lowest
W-node. It is given by
hc3;ij1 hc3;ij1
Dij = ws;ij1 1 + w cij1 − w cij2 (7.151)
2h3;ij2 2h3;ij2 Time integration of sediment transport

In 2-D mode, the source/sink term is integrated semi-implicitly in time

H n+1
ce − θv cn+1 − (1 − θv )cn

E−D = (7.152)
In case of 3-D simulations, erosion is taken explicitly whereas deposition is
integrated semi-implicitly with the implicity factor θa which is the same as
the one used for the vertical advective term in scalar transport equations (see
Section 5.5.3).

7.7.2 Bed slope factors

Using the notations of Section 7.4.9, one has

cos(φc + δs ) = cos φc cos δs − sin φc sin δs

sin(φc + δs ) = sin φc cos δs + cos φc sin δs (7.153)

β∗ = βs = tan δs (7.154)
one has
cos δs = cos arctan β∗ = p
1 + β∗2

sin δs = sin arctan β∗ = p (7.155)
1 + β∗2

so that
cos φc − β∗ sin φc
cos(φc + δs ) = p
1 + β∗2
sin φc + β∗ cos φc
sin(φc + δs ) = p (7.156)
1 + β∗2

7.7.3 Gaussian-Legendre quadrature

In COHERENS, numerical integration needs to be performed in two cases:

• to calculate phase averages from instantaneous values in the load for-

mulae of Madsen & Grant (1976) and Van Rijn (2003, 2007b)

• to determine the equilibrium concentration by taking the vertical av-

erage of the Rouse profile (7.128).

The integrals are calculated by applying Gaussian quadrature. The integral

of a function f (x) between a and b is calculated as:
b n  
b−aX b−a
f (x)dx ' wi f xi + (7.157)
a 2 i=1 2 2

Here, n is the number of points in the integration xi are the locations of

the nodes where the function is evaluated and wi are the weighting factors.
The locations xi are the roots of the n-th order Legendre polynomial Pn and
wi is determined by
2 dPn (xi )
wi = (7.158)
(1 − xi )2 dx
The locations and weight factors are obtained by calling the routine
gauss quad with, usually, a user-applied value n.
The phase average of a function f (ϕ) with ϕ = ωt, is then given by
Z 2π n
1 1X
F = f (ϕ) dϕ ' wi f (ϕi ) (7.159)
2π 0 2 i=1

with ϕi = π(1 + xi ).

The equilibrium concentration c¯e is given by

H − z a R
c̄e ' dz (7.160)
H a z H −a

Letting φ = ln(z/H), a∗ = a/H and applying (7.157) one obtains

a∗ R 0 φ −φ
c̄e = ca e e − 1 dφ
1 − a∗ ln a∗
ca a∗ R X R
' − ln a∗ wi eφi e−φi − 1 (7.161)
2 1 − a∗ i=1

with φi = 21 (1 − xi ) ln a∗ .

7.7.4 Bartnicki filter

Negative concentrations may arise by application of the bottom boundary
conditions. In order to prevent negative sediment concentrations, a Bart-
nicki (1989) filter can be used with the switch iopt sed filter. This filter elim-
inates negative sediment concentrations, while conserving the total sediment
volume. It is based on the assumption that the amount of negative con-
centration is much smaller than the amount of positive concentrations. The
Bartnicki filter performs, at each time step, the following steps iteratively
until no negative concentrations exist in the model.

• P
The total volume of negative concentrations is determined: M− =
ijk cijk (cijk < 0)∆Vijk where ∆Vijk = h1;ij h2;ij h3;ijk is the volume
of a grid cell.

• The total volume of the P

cells with a positive concentration (larger than
0) is determined: V+ = ijk (cijk > 0)∆Vijk .

• The average difference volume is determined: M+ = M− /V+ .

• The concentration in cells with a negative concentration is set to zero.

• M+ is added to the concentration in cells with a positive concentration.

Numerical methods, described in this section, are selected with the following

iopt sed bbc type Selects the method to transpose the near bed boundary
condition to the computational grid. It is strongly recommended not to
change the default value of 3.
1: EFDC method applied to lowest cell (not recommended)
2: EFDC method applied to the first the cell above (not recommended)
3: Using the Rouse profile
iopt sed filter Disables (0) or enables (1) the application of the Bartnicki filter
to prevent the occurrence of negative concentrations .

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