Subjective: DX:: Case: Systemic Infection

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Subjective: Hypothalamus controls body STO: Dx: STO: (Goal Met)

temperature. In response to Assessed client temperature degree and Beneficial as a baseline status for
Patient verbalized an infection, the Within 6 hours of effective pattern. comparing. Within 4 hours of effective
“Nagpudut tuy riknak ken hypothalamus resets the nursing interventions, the nursing interventions, the
malamlamin nak” body to a higher patient will be able to: Monitored environmental temperature. Room temperature and linens should be patient:
temperature. The patient is Limit or add bed linens, as indicated. altered to maintain near-normal body temp.
Objective: currently experiencing a. Maintain normal body a. Maintained normal body
systemic infection. The temperature. Checked client’s current medication temperature of 37.2 °C.
 Flushed skin therapies.
increase of patient’s body Determine drug interactions
 Skin is warm to b. Understand plan of care b. Understood plan of care.
temperature happens because
touch for compliance.
of the body’s immune LTO: (Goal Met)
 Temp. of 37.9 Tx:
response to an infection.
 General Provided tepid sponge baths.
weakness LTO: Tepid sponge baths may help reduce fever. Within 48 hours of
effective nursing
Within 48 hours of effective Provided cooling blanket, or Used to reduce fever. interventions, the patient:
Source: hypothermia therapy as indicated.
nursing interventions, the
Nursing Diagnosis: patient will be able to: a. Manifested free of
https://www.webmd. Administered antipyretics, as ordered
Reduces fever by its central action on the complications such as
com/first-aid/finger-infection (ex. Tylenol).
Hyperthermia related to a. Be free of complications hypothalamus. irreversible brain or
body’s immune response such as irreversible brain or neurologic damage.
to infection neurologic damage.
Encouraged adequate fluid intake. b. Demonstrated actions
Help lower the body temperature.
b. Demonstrate actions that Educated the patient and family that may help the
may help the temperature members about the signs and symptoms For early detection of increase/decrease of temperature back to
back to normal range. of hyperthermia and help identify factors temperature and avoiding risks and normal range. Like tbs, use
related to the occurrence of fever. complications. of thermometer and
medication compliance.
Demonstrated pt. and SO on TSB and
medication compliance.
For continuance of care.



Objective: Shock is a life-threatening STO: Dx: Cardiac output becomes severely depressed STO: (Goal Met)
condition that occurs when Monitored blood pressure (BP), due to major alterations in contractility,

 Malaise the body is not getting Within 2 hours of effective especially noting progressive preload, and/or afterload, thus producing Within 30 mins of
 Hyperthermia enough blood flow. This can nursing interventions, the hypotension and widening pulse profound hypotension. effective nursing
 Inc. Heart rate lead to damage to multiple patient will be able to: pressure. interventions, the patient:
 Systemic organs. Septic shock is a life- Respirations become shallow as respiratory
infection threatening condition that a. Understand plan of care insufficiency develops, creating the risk of a. Understood plan of care.
 Decreased happens when your blood for compliance. Assessed respiratory rate, depth, and acute respiratory failure.
urinary output pressure drops to a quality. Note onset of severe dyspnea. LTO: (Goal Met)
dangerously low level after Changes in mentation reflect alterations in
Nursing Diagnosis: LTO: Assessed for changes in sensorium cerebral perfusion, hypoxemia, and/or Within 48 hours of
an infection.
(confusion, lethargy, personality acidosis. effective nursing
Risk for Shock related to Source: Within 48 hours of effective changes, stupor, delirium, and coma). interventions, the patient:
systemic infection nursing interventions, the patient will be able to: Progressive deterioration requires more a. Manifested free of
Tx: aggressive therapy including hemodynamic complications such as
llnesses-and- Prepared for transfer to critical care
conditions/blood-and- a. Display adequate monitoring and vasoactive drug infusions. irreversible brain or
perfusion as evidenced by setting, as indicated. neurologic damage.
stable vital signs. To increase blood volume and cardiac
Given fluids to maintain blood pressure output. a. Display adequate
or cardiac output. perfusion as evidenced by
Manage current problem that may result to stable vital signs, palpable
Administered medications, as ordered complications if left untreated. peripheral pulses, skin
(ex. Corticosteroids, inotropic agents).
warm and dry, usual level
Information helps reduce anxiety. Anxious of mentation, and
Edx: clients unable to understand anything more
Explained all procedures as appropriate, individually appropriate
than simple, clear, brief instructions. urinary output.
keeping explanations basic.

Encouraged the client to verbalized his Talking about anxiety-producing situations

or her feelings. and anxious feelings can help the client
perceive the situation in a less threatening

Instructed to take medication therapies For continuance of care and prevent

on time as prescribed. complications.

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