ATPL Fragen 1

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What is usually used in hydraulic systems?


What is the crossfeed function used for?

to provide fuel to the remaining engine from both tanks following an engine failure

How does the TH change on a flight from Lisboa to Boston?

TH decreases by the convergence of the earth

What is the distance on 60 latitude between 5W and 65W?

1800NM (65W-5W=60 60x60=3600 3600xcos 60=1800)

What is real wander?

It describes the actual movement of the spin axis by applying an external force on it, as in
alignment of tied gyros, imperfections in the gyroscope, unbalanced gimbals or bearing friction

What distance on earth are 10cm on a lambert chart with a scale 1:500 000?


What is the purpose of the eustachian tube?

It is connected to the passages of nose and throat to equalise pressure between the middle and
the outer ear

What is the standard rate for turns?


How is oxygen transported in the blood?

By the haemoglobin of the red blood cells

What does the red pyrotechnic during approach mean?

Not withstanding any previous instructions do not land for the time being

What is somatographic illusion?

It causes pitch to be sensed under linear acceleration

Acceleration: Pitch up sensation

Deceleration: Pitch down sensation

The plane is accelerating down the runway. What indication shows the AH? (Artificial Horizon)

Pitch up indication because of the full opening of the right pendulous vane of the gyro erection

What is the PRM indication for the low pressure compressor?


What can be understood by environmental capture?

Error of skill based behaviour caused by habit, An automated behaviour based on routine, for
example calling „five greens“ after having lowered the gear without having really monitored the
indications, Skill based behaviour is a motor program which can be executed without conscious

What is the Vtat (Vref) for a category C aircraft?


Given: Height to climb=20000ft, Distance for climb=50NM, GS=300kts

What rate of climb is required?

300NM in 60min, 5NM in 1min, für 50NM habe ich dann 10 min, also 20000ft in 10min ergibt

What is the distance of vision with the eyes? relaxed


How is linear acceleration sensed?

By the otoliths (utricle & saccule)

What is the correct squawk for Communication Failure?


What is the screen height for a jet aircraft in DRY/WET conditions?


What is the transition level?

The lowest FL above the transition altitude with a transition layer of at least 1000ft

What is the correct read back of ATC asks „Set transponder code A 4567“?

„Callsign, Squawk 4567 A“

Which altitude needs to be maintained straight after COMM failure and for how long?

Last assigned ATL by ATC for 7 minutes

During landing roll the center line lights are alternatively red/white. How many meters of runway
are left?


What does RVSM mean?

Reduced Vertical Separation Minima

What is the CAT1 minima?

200ft, 550m

How do you call a volume of air with a fairly uniform temperature horizontally bounded?


How does fog form?

When the temperature drops down to the dew point

What approach category is classified as medium?

>7t-136t MTOM

What approach category is classified as heavy?

>136t MTOM

What is the humidity of the air if the OAT is equal to the dew point?


How fast does the human body adjust

to a new time zone?

at 1-1,5 hours a day

What is one of the standard cruising

levels flying westbound under IFR?


What is the minimum allowed pressure

in a pressurised aircraft?


Whats the rule of thumb to determine

descent rate for a 3 degree flight path?


How does weather develop?

By solar radiation

What is the minimum lateral distance a H aircraft has to respect following a M aircraft (according
to the wake turbulence categories)?


What is the minimum lateral distance a H aircraft has to respect following a L aircraft (according to
the wake turbulence categories)?


What is the minimum lateral distance a L aircraft has to respect following a M aircraft (according
to the wake turbulence categories)?


What is the minimum lateral distance a M aircraft has to respect following a M aircraft (according
to the wake turbulence categories)?


What is the minimum lateral distance a M aircraft has to respect following a L aircraft (according
to the wake turbulence categories)?


Which real distance equal 5cm in a map with a scale of 1:20 000?

1cm entspricht 200m, also 200mx5cm sind 1000m, also 1km

During an IFR flight your heading is 000. Which FL will be assigned?

FL50, 70, 90 ODD levels

What is the minimum lateral distance a L aircraft has to respect following a L aircraft (according to
the wake turbulence categories)?


Which real distance equal 3cm in a map with a scale of 1:500 000?

1cm=5000m=5km, 3cm=15km

What is the minimum height of the transition layer?


At which altitude (when descending from high altitudes) do you normally find the transition layer in

No exact altitude stateable. It depends on the present weather conditions.

What is the difference between real wander and apparent wander?

real: caused by friction and unbalanced mass, apparent: caused by rotation of the earth

In which altitude you usually find the transition altitude in Germany?


L up to 7000kg

M 7001kg-136t

H above 136t

What is the minimum lateral distance a M aircraft has to respect following a H aircraft (according
to the wake turbulence categories)?


What is the minimum lateral distance a H aircraft has to respect following a H aircraft (according
to the wake turbulence categories)?


What is the minimum lateral distance a L aircraft has to respect following a H aircraft (according to
the wake turbulence categories)?


When at the latest prior to departure you have to file a flight plan?


What is a good visible indication for possible turbulence?

Lenticularis clouds

How is an electrical gyro kept erected?

With an electrical motor

What is the reason for the turn indication error?

Gimbal mounting friction

How big is the difference between 10W and 50E at 60N?


Why are planes equipped with a crossed system?

To provide fuel for the good engine

How do windshears form at aerodromes?

Wind shears can form because of strong low level inversions

Which data are fed into the Air Data Computer?

Dynamic pressure + TAT

Pitot, Static, TAT

What is the purpose of boost pumps?

To provide fuel pressure if engine driven pump is defect

Which light signal tells you to stop while taxiing on the airport taxiways?

red permanent on light

Where do you think the tropopause can be found at the lowest altitude?

At the poles

During an IFR flight your heading is 180. Which FL will be assigned?

EVEN, FL60, 80, 100

During approach, which light signal will tell you that you will be allowed to land at that airport but
no landing permission is given yet?

white flashing light

Where do you think the tropopause can be found with the lowest temperature?

At the equator (because it has the highest altitude)

What do you add to your Vref when landing in gusty wind conditions?

1/2HWC + full gusts (min 5kts, max 15kts)

You are flying in FL50. The QNH is 1000. What is your true altitude?

4610ft (30x13hPa=390ft, 5000ft-390ft=4610ft)

How big is approx. the CO2 concentration in your lungs?


What are the most effective means of braking when landing on a contaminated runway?

Max. thrust reverse, max spoilers

Given: Deviation 3E, Variation 12W, TH 180. What is the magnetic and compass heading?

TH - (-12W) = MH - (+3E) = CH

180 + 12 = 192 - 3 = 189

E=+ W=-

- V + von oben nach unten -

- D + von unten nach oben +

Given: X=Distance to PET (Point of Equal Time) between A and B, E=Endurance, D=Distance,
O=GS Out, H=GS Home. What is the correct formula to calculate X the Distance to PET?

X=(DxH) / (O+H)

Given: True Course=017, W/V 340/30, TAS=420kts. What is the WCA and GS?

WW 37, HWC=cos 37x30=24kts, 420kts-24kts=396kts GS

WCA -2
WCA=WWxWS:TAS. 37x30:420=2,6
-2 weil Wind von links
You are departing an airport. ELEV 2000ft, QNH 1013. 10NM away you need to pass a waypoint
at 7500ft. What is the required ROC?

7500ft-2000ft=5500ft to climb in 10NM


A runway is to be considered contaminated when it is covered with more than…?

25% compacted snow

What is the correct ATC phraseology when executing a missed approach procedure?

„Callsign, going around“

The type of hydroplaning which most likely occurs at touchdown area at both runway ends is


An operator (EU-OPS) must store the M&B documentation of a flight for a minimum time of?

3 months

Which of the following statements describes the PET with one destination alternate? At PET it
takes you the same time to fly?

to destination aerodrome or to the departure aerodrome

What is correct regarding PET?

The endurance is not to be taken into account

What is the purpose of decision point planning?

to reduce the required fuel and therefore increasing the maximum payload

An airplane is following the 45N of latitude, the track followed is a?

Rhumb line track

Given: TAS 213kts, TC 350, Wind 350/35, Distance to Destination 350NM. What is the distance to
the PET?

X=(350NMx213kts+35kts) / (213kts-35kts+213kts+35kts)

X= 86800 / 426 = 203NM

Flight from A to B, the distance from A to the PET is?

inversely proportional to the GS out and GS home

Given: Distancec to Destination 2484NM, GS out 420kts, GS home 500kts. What is the time from
Departure to the PET?

E=DxGS Home / GS Home+GS Out

2484x500 / 500+420 = 1350 / GS Out = 3,2 3x60=180 + 12 = 192

The frequency of an SSR ground transmission is?


The on-board communication system to transmit and receive datalink messages can be? 1:VFH


The asymmetric blade effect on a single engine aeroplane with a clockwise rotating propeller…

produces left yaw

How does Vmcg change with increasing airport elevation and outside temperature?

decreases because engine thrust decreases

The FMS cross track (XTK) is?

the abeam distance error, right or left, from the desired flight plan leg

If the maximum operating pressure of the oxygen system is exceeded, the…

oxygen is discharged overboard via a safety valve

The distance between A and B is 90NM. An aircraft is 4NM right of course. The track angle error
(TKE) is?

TKE = Distance off track / Distance along track x 60

TKE = 4NM / 90NM x 60

3 degrees right

The optimum cruise altitude is?

The pressure altitude at which the best range can be achieved

What is the effect of tail wind on the time to climb to a given altitude?

Time to climb does not change

An aeroplane has its center of gravity located 7m from the datum line and it has a mass of
49000N. The moment about the datum is?


49000N x 7m

Thermal De-Icing & Anti-Icing

Pneumatic ice protection systems are?
Pneumatic (Mechanical) De-Icing
only used for de-icing

Electrical De-Icing
Runway edge lights shall consist of the following:

fixed lights showing variable white

The convention on offences and certain acts committed on board an aircraft is?

the convention of Tokyo

The ventilation system in a fuel tank…

prevents low pressure or excessive fuel overpressure

In the METAR the code VC means?

present weather within a range of approx. 8-16km vicinity

In addition to a lifting action what is needed as well for thunderstorm formation?

Conditional instability and a high moisture content

What unit of measurement is used to define electrical current?


The „hot busses“ are?

directly connected to the aircraft battery

What is correct regarding Decision Point planning?

The trip fuel to destination is calculated via the decision point

The density altitude is?

is used to determine aircraft performance

Engines have less power with less

The effect of a decrease in air density is to?

increase the take off distance and reduce the rate of climb

dense air

Under what conditions is pressure altitude and density altitude the same value?

At standard temperature

The coefficient of lift can be increased either by flap extension or by?

Increasing the AOA

To obtain the optimum descent distance the TAS must?

be increased in a head wind

The term AOA in a two dimensional flow is defined as?

The angle between the wing chord line and the direction of the relative air flow

What is the relationship between lift and weight when an airplane is in a climb?

Lift exceeds weight

Deviation is?

a correction to be added to magnetic heading to obtain compass heading

The operating principle of a electrical fuse is?

a wire with a predetermined melting point

Fog and cloud formation takes place by?


The amount of water vapour which can be held largely depends on?

Relative Humidity

During landing roll the center line lights start to be red. How many meters of runway are left?


What is the CAT2 minima?

100ft, 300m RVR

Which of the following alternatives applies to the correct composition of the atmosphere by

21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen

125 USG of Avgas in litres is?

USG x 3,79 = 473,75Liter

VLO is defined as?

the maximum speed for landing gear operation

The position of the COG can always be determined by?

dividing the total moment by the total mass
The stalling speed of an aircraft will be the highest when it is loaded with a?

high gross mass and a forward COG

V(square) is directly proportional to Weight and therefore V = Square root of Weight

This means that if the weight doubles the level flight stalling speed is multiplied by square root of
2. If 1g stall speed was 100 knots, now it will be 1.414 x 100 = 141 knots.

If the CG is in front of the CP, there is a nose down pitching moment.

In this case the tailplane must provide a down load to maintain equilibrium.
Lift must be increased to maintain an upwards force equal to the increased downwards force.
Thus forward movement of the CG increases stall speed.

In case of heavy smoke in the cabin, which oxygen mask selector position must be used?


What is the main effect of fatigue?

Reduced vigilance
verringerte Wachsamkeit

The cabin pressure in commercial airline operation is?

usually not exceeding 6000ft - 8000ft

What is the purpose of a CSD (Constant Speed Drive)?

Keeps the generators running at the same speed to provide an unchanged voltage output

How may feet in altitude are you loosing per NM in a standard 3 degree GP?


What is the required final reserve fuel for jet aeroplanes?


A jet aircraft flies from A to B, what is the minimum final reserve fuel?

30min to hold at 1500ft above destination aerodrome when no alternate is required

How can be spinning of an aircraft corrected?

opposite rudder, neutral aileron, slight pitch down

Seasons are happening due to the…

Inclination of the polar axis with the ecliptic plane

What does the abbreviation OCH mean?

Obstacle Clearance Height

What does the abbreviation MSA mean?

Minimum Sector Altitude

The type of flap which extends rearward from the trailing edge of the wing is a?

Fowler Flap

Alternating green/yellow centreline lights of a taxiway indicate?

an LS critical/sensitive area

Coordinates of latitude and longitude are expressed in terms of? (technical)

WGS 84

The unit of pressure commonly used in meteorology is?


Which statement concerning wind is correct for the southern hemisphere?

The wind backs with increasing height

The lower limit of a CTA must be established at a minimum height of?

700ft above ground

The transition level?

will be transmitted to the aeroplane by ATC

What is a TAF?

A terminal weather forecast that applies to an area within 5NM of an airport

What information can be found in a TAF?

Time of origin (UTC), validity period, location identifier

Where do you find squall lines?

In the warm sector just in front of the active cold front

What is a squall line?

a squall line is a line of severe thunderstorms

What information can be found in a TAF?

Statement of turbulence

When do you think the „polar front jet“ is stronger?

In winter

What is the ISA temperature at FL340 (Tropopause at FL360)?

unterhalb der Tropopause nimmt


Temperatur mit zunehmender Höhe ab

When cruising in FL350 you read a temperature of -52. What will be stated on the Air Data page of
your FMS?
35x2=70 15-70=-55 in ISA Conditions @ F350
jetzt nur -52, also 3 Grad wärmer als ISA

From which deviation of the TAS you have to notify ATC?


Where around a jetstream do you find the biggest turbulence?

At the cold side of the jet, at the north side of the jet in the northern hemisphere, at the south side
of the jet in the southern hemisphere

Where do you find the biggest coriolis effect?

At both poles

How does your heading change on a flight from Europe to North America?




The HDG continues to get smaller

What is the beta range?

The beta range describes the power lever positions from flight idle to maximum reverse of
turboprop aircraft

What happens to the stall speed if the aircraft is in a 25 degree bank angle?

It increases 5%

25 degrees angle of bank the stall speed will increase by the square root of the load factor

Load factor (g) is the ratio of the lift generated in manoeuvre to lift in level flight at lg.
An increase in load factor is effectively an increase in the "apparent" weight of the aircrtaft.
That means V square is also directly proprtional to Load factor (like weight).
Therefor, V = square root of load factor.
That means an aircraft in a 2g turn will have a stalling speed 1.41 times the basic stalling speed.
What is the bypass ratio?

it is the ratio between the air drawn in by the fan but bypassing the engine core to the air passing
through the engine core

What is an Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR)?

it is the ratio of the pressure of the engine outlet to the engine inlet

What is an okulo?

it is a defect which causes a graphic illusion

How would you describe the flow conditions in a meteorologic high pressure system?

diverging and descending

How would you describe the flow conditions in a meteorologic low pressure system?

converging and ascending

How would you describe the average altitude of the tropopause?

Higher during the summer

How is named a large volume of air with same characteristics?

Air mass

At which OAT the flash of lightening occurs most frequently?

-5 to +5 OAT

What is the purpose of the eustachian tube?

It helps to regulate the pressure in the middle ear of the human body

Which of the below is a stress compensation mechanism?

action coping

How is the atmosphere set together in an altitude of 30000ft?

About 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, 1% other gases and 0,038% Carbondioxyd

What statement concerning the real altitude in flight compared to the displayed altitude in the
cockpit during wintertime is correct?

Real altitude is lower than indicated

What is the vertical separation between 2 aircrafts flying in the same direction above FL290 where
RVSM is NOT applied?


When the term QDR is used in reference to a NDB station, it means

Magnetic bearing from the station

Normally all turns, which are requested by ATC have to be executed as:

if not otherwise instructed as standard rate turns of 3/sec

State the standard separation in RVSM airspace between FL290 and FL410 (inclusive) in the NAT
MNPS airspace:

60NM lateral and 1000ft vertical

What is the Q code for a magnetic bearing to a station?


The basic properties of a gyro are the following:

Rigidity in space and gyroscopic precession

What best describes a „barotrauma“?

An acute or chronic trauma of the middle ear caused by a difference of pressure on either side of
the eardrum

Regarding an electrical artificial horizon, the gyro axis is tied to:

The earth’s vertical by level switches and torque motors

A directional gyro is:

A gyroscope free around two axes and incapable of self-orientation around an earth-tied direction.
The rotor spin axis is horizontal

Height above beacon divided by 60 = DME distance in NM

Mach number is defined as:

TAS/LSS (Local Speed of Sound)

Which statements about speed are correct?

RAS = IAS + instrument error correction

CAS = IAS + position + instrument error correction

EAS = CAS + compressibility error corrections

TAS = EAS + density error correction

TAS = CAS + compressibility error correction

Knowing EAS (Equivalent Air Speed) and density altitude, we can deduce:


The mean sun:

Moves with a constant speed (15 degrees / hour) along the celestial equator

How does the scale vary in a direct Mercator chart:

The scale increases with increasing distance from the equator, proportional to 1/cosine of latitude

On a direct Mercator chart, parallels of latitude are:

parallel straight lines unequally spaced

Parallel of Latitude N/S, Parallel of Longitude E/W

Breitengrad Längengrad
An aircraft at 10S 10W flies due North at a GS of 480kts. What will its latitude be after 1.5 hours?

480NM in 1h, 720NM in 1.5h. 720/60=12 degrees. 10S + 12 = 2N

How does the chart convergence change with latitude in a Lambert chart?

It is constant and does not change with latitude: con = change in longitude x sin (parallel of origin)

Myopia is:


State the HWC for the following conditions: RWY 24, Wind 285/10

285-240=45, cos 45 x 10 = 7kts

HWC = cos WW x WS

CWC = sin WW x WS

What is the corrective action when encountering a dutch roll?

Use firm but gentle aileron

What do you do if you experience a communication failure after take off during an IFR flight
departing in IMC?

Squawk 7600 and follow published COMM failure procedure

How do you check in a new ATC controller after a frequency change? (enroute and only HF

Callsign, FL, ETA next fix

ATC asks you to set your transponder to a code of 4042 Mode A and C. What will be the phrase
used by ATC?

Callsign, squawk 4042 charlie

Which phrase is to be used if you cannot follow an instruction given by ATC?

Callsign, unable to comply

A quasi-stationary front, spanning in almost east-west direction, extends from the Northern
Atlantic to Northern Scotland and further on to Norway. North to the front there is a high. South to
the front, a low is situated to the west of England and a high is situated to the east of England. In
July, which can be expected over Southern England.

Continental tropical air - warm and dry

A high pressure area covers the Mediterranean Sea and costal regions during summer. What
surface wind do you expect at an airport close to the coast on a sunny afternoon?

Sea breeze

Sea breeze Land breeze

The retina is the part of the human eye which allows for the acquisition of colours as a result of

Cones located in its central part

How long does a microburst last and what is the diameter of such a phenomenon?

1-5 minutes and up to 4km

Which weather phenomenon is described? A hot, local wind blowing downwards from the
mountain chains.


During a climb at a constant CAS below the tropopause in ISA conditions:

Mach number increases and the LSS decreases (TAS increases and LSS decreases due to
decreasing temperature with higher altitude below tropopause)

During a climb at a constant TAS through an inversion layer:

Both CAS and MACH decrease (Temperatur nimmt in Inversionsschicht mit der Höhe zu. TAS
bleibt konstant, LSS wird größer aufgrund der höheren Temperatur; dadurch wird M kleiner

What is the effect of a swept wing?

Higher Mach crit

If the max fuel capacity of an aircraft is 48,8t at a specific gravity of 0,80. What will be the
capacity with a specific gravity of 0,75?

48800 / 0,8 = 61000 x 0,75 = 45750

What does VVxxx mean on a TAF?

Vertical visibility not available, sky obscured


What does WS mean?

Wind shear

If the TAS is 480kts and the LSS is calculated with 600kts. What would be your present Mach




The presence of a stopway increases the…?


Which COG is more efficient during cruise flight?


The presence of a clearway can have several effects.

Increases MTOM, decreases V1

What is the effect to the aircraft performance during climb with the air condition and/or the anti ice
systems ON?

Both will result in a loss of climb performance

What are vortex generators?

It is an aerodynamic surface to delay stalling and improve effectiveness of control surfaces

For the same engine, what is the difference between N1 and thrust, when the engine is taken from
MSL to a hot and high airport?

With constant EPR, the thrust will decrease when the altitude increases (due to lower density)

What is the carrier frequency of the outer marker?


What is one of the benefits having vortex generators?

Increase the MTOM

What are the weather characteristics in the vicinity of the ITCZ?

Unstable air, high humidity, severe thunderstorms

When maintaining a constant altitude, what will be the effect of setting slats and flaps on the

It results in a higher AOA (man stallt später)

Two planes fly directly towards each other. Which way would you turn to avoid a crash?

Heading to the right

Does a compressor change kinetic energy into pressure energy? If yes, are stators divergent or

Yes, convergent

If the air mass lapse rate is 3deg/1000ft and the air is saturated, is the atmosphere stable or

Stable, as the dry adiabatic lapse rate is 3deg/1000ft

Given: airport pressure altitude is 39ft, temperature is 41deg. What is the density altitude of the


Density altitude in feet = pressure altitude in feet + (120 x (OAT - ISA temperature at pressure
Temp. < ISA => DA < PA
Temp. > ISA => DA > PA

During a heavy crosswind, which engine would be the most critical?

The outboard, upwind engine

What will you expect if you are fully established on the ILS and your VSI reads -1300ft/min at an
IAS of 160kts?

To descend below the glide slope

When does the holdover time start?

At the beginning of the 1st if only one application or at the beginning of the second application
when two applications are commenced

Can V1 be less than Vmcg? Can it be equal?

No, Yes

If you experience a complete radio communication failure, which FL do you have to fly initially?

The last advised FL

When do you talk about a decision altitude, when about a decision height?

DA: normal ILS approach, DH: CAT2 or CAT3 ILS approach

Which gyro always re-adjusts in the vertical axis?

tied gyro

How do air masses move in a cyclone?

Cyclone=Low Pressure
counter clockwise

What is an okulo-graphical illusion?

During forwards headed accelerations you feel pushed back

What happens to the profile and induced drag with increasing speed?

Profile increases, induced decreases

As airspeed increases, parasite drag increaes
while induced drag decreases. Profile drag
If no transponder code is assigned, what should you set?
remains relatively constant throughout the speed
range with some increase at higher speeds.
Induced drag is greater at lower speeds where a
high AOA is required. As speed increases, the
Using a lower flap setting for take off will result in a?
induced drag decreases but parasite drag
longer acceleration distance but steeper climb

What statement is correct?

A Mercator chart is a cylindrical projection (Zylinder)

A Lambert chart is a conical projection (Kegel)

TAF: True North

How is the wind reported in a TAF/ATIS?
METAR: True North
ATIS: Magnetic North
Geschrieben: True, Gesprochen: Magnetic
The center of lift moves..?

forward as the AOA is increased

What is a Mach trimmer used for?

To trim out the nose pitching tendency of an aircraft

If the cabin and aircraft are climbing at 1500ft/min. What position is the outflow valve?

It depends on the airflow from the packs

Cruising at FL370 if the outflow valve is manually moved towards the closed position what will
happen and what can be noted concerning differential pressure?

The cabin pressure would increase and the differential pressure would increase, too.

What is Mach crit?

It is the speed, at which for the first time somewhere at the airplane sonic speed is being achieved

Which way would you move the outflow valve to decrease cabin altitude?

The valve must be moved towards the closed position

Um eine geringere Kabinenhöhe zu haben, muss man Outflow Valves

schließe, damit der Luftdruck nicht weiter abnimmt mit zunehmender Höhe
What can be seen if the pitot tube gets frozen during departure?

The airspeed indicator will register an increase in airspeed when the aircraft climbs even though
the speed is constant or decreasing

What can be seen if the pitot tube gets frozen during descend?

The speed indicator will show a decrease in airspeed as the aircraft descends, regardless if the
speed stays the same or increases

What can be noticed, if the static port gets blocked?

The altitude indicator will be stuck at the altitude, where the static port became blocked, the VSI
will become frozen at 0 and the airspeed indicator will show less than the actual speed as the
aircraft climbs.

Which data concerning a MSA is correct?

25NM, 1000ft

How do you call the speed until which you can maximum abort the take off?


How do you call the area, where an aircraft begins to encounter shock waves for the first time?


Maximum Holding speed in FL150?


How many degrees of freedom does a rate gyro have?

What is a hydraulic jack?

It is a hydraulic cylinder which helps to raise or lift up heavy bodies

What is a TRU?

It is a Transformer Rectifier Unit to convert AC into DC power

Which data inputs does a tachometer need to output a Mach number?

Pitot+Static pressure

When are you descending down to a MDA?

During a non precision approach

On a flight from Helsinki to CGN, what would be a common FL to use?

FL 360, an even level


FL350, an odd level

Which statement concerning the acceleration/deceleration errors using a magnetic compass is


ANDS: Acceleration North, Deceleration South

How do you have to adjust the vertical speed during a stabilised ILS approach, when you’re
encountering a tailwind?

It has to be increased

How can an electrical gyro be kept erected?

The pendulous vanes of the air driven unit are replaced by mercury tilt switches mounted on the
inner gimble

Any displacement of the gyro axis from the earth vertical is sensed by tilt switches which make a
break electrical circuit connect to torque motors on the system that erect the system

What is an accumulator used for?

As an energy storage device

Given: MH=20deg, RB to the station=40deg, VAR at a/c=10deg W. What is the true bearing (QTE)
from the station to the aircraft?

QTE 230deg

MH+VAR=TH da VAR westlich ist, wird aus + ein -




How can the rigidity of a gyroscope be improved?

Increasing the mass and the speed of the spindle

What radio call do you transmit when there is an imminent danger to the aircraft?

Mayday, Mayday, Mayday

You triple the speed while keeping the AOA steady. By how much will you increase the lift?

9 times

L=CL x 1/2 rho x A x v2

CL: Coefficient of Lift

Rho: Density of the Air

A: Surface Area

V: Velocity of the Air

What is the altimeter setting at the transition altitude?


What type of a gyro is a turn indicator?

A rate gyro

Departure airport in Europe (60N 15E), Destination airport in Canada (60N 105W). Imagine a track along the
rhumbline. GS 360kts. The distance and time for the journey are?
105+15=120 120x60=7200 7200xcos60=3600NM
360kts=360NM in 1h, 3600NM in 10h

Luv: dem Wind zugewandte Seite

Lee: dem Wind abgewandte Seite



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