Entry 1: Chapter 5, Lesson 1 - Congressional Membership

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Entry 1: Chapter 5, Lesson 1 – Congressional Membership

As you read this chapter lesson’s Reading Essentials, you’ll encounter the following questions.
Please answer them as you read and use this checklist to make sure you didn’t miss anything.

☐ What are some of the differences between the House of Representatives and the
A:Senators have longer terms of office and represent their entire state. Representatives
have shorter terms and are elected from districts. The House of Representatives is
larger. It makes rules to limit debate and encourage majority rule. The Senate is smaller. It
makes rules that give more power to the minority.

☐ What salary and benefits do current members of Congress enjoy?

A:Most members of Congress have earned $174,000 a year. They have many benefits
in addition to their salaries. They have medical care and their own gymnasium. They
have large allowances to pay for staff, trips home, telephones, and newsletters. They
receive income tax benefits for having two homes, one in their home state and one in
the capital. They also get pensions of up to 80 percent of their salaries and have a
401(k) plan.

☐ Attach your personal notes.

☐ Attach the table where you listed the qualifications for representatives and

☐ Attach your Chapter 5 Video Worksheet – Role of the Legislature.

C-SPAN: Senator Ben Sasse on the Role of Legislative Branch

Answer these question as you watch.

1. Sasse says he has 4 points. What are they?

• The legislative branch is supposed to be the center of politics;

• More legislative authority has been delegated to the executive branch every year;

• The Supreme Court is increasingly a substitute political background in the U.S.;

• The proper duties and the balance of power from the constitutional system must be

2. Why does he believe that the focus should be on Article 1 of the Constitution?

He believes the focus should be on Article 1 of the Constitution because it is the one that
determines the legislative branch’s job.

3. What does he say about how laws are getting passed right now?

He says that the legislative branch isn’t actually passing laws, they are simply giving permission
for someone else to make law-like regulations.

4. Why does he say that some of the power is given to “experts” or alphabet soup agencies?
He says that because Congress is giving other unnamed institutions the power to make laws, so
that they can remains neutral in controversial topics.

5. According to his statement what are the roles of the branches?

According to his statement, the role of Congress is to make laws, the Executive branch is
responsible for enforcing the laws, and the Judiciary branch must apply written laws to facts in
cases before it.

After you complete Chapter 5 answer the following:

6. What other facts about the Legislative Branch did you hear Senator Ben Sasse make that you
did not notice before you read the chapter?

I hadn’t noticed that members of Congress may sometimes have difficulties in dealing with
technical details.

Note: Senator Sasse talks about Schoolhouse Rock verses. Schoolhouse Rock was a TV program
that used animation and music to teach concepts. The song he’s probably referring to is Three
Ring Circus, referring to the three branches of government.

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