Scrolling Display GSM Based Messages Crolling Led Display

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Scrolling Display
GSM based Messages Crolling Led Display
Tahseen Ahmad, Vivek Kumar, Punit Ranjan Yadav Nikhil Kumar Gupta
(Student) Department of Electrical Engineering, (HOD) Electrical Engineering Department
Greater Noida Institute of Technology, of Greater Noida Institute of Technology,
GreaterNoida. GreaterNoida

Dr. Dhiraj Gupta

Director of Greater Noida
Institute of Technology,
Greater Noida.
Abstract:- Now a days GSM Based scrolling LED light display board. If there are more than one display boards same
displays is very largely used display. Which is being used in process needs to be done which is time consuming. This
the field like railway buses and other vehicles displayed complexity can be eliminated from the system introducing
their destination and source from where they have got GSM modems (Global System for Mobile communication). To
started and the path followed by the vehicle to reach their make LED scrolling display more portable. GSM phone is used
destination. Similarly, some other uses are on the station, instead of bulky Keyboard and laptops. GSM based LED
platform and airport etc. To display the message. The display consist of a receiver and message decoder which can be
visibility of LED light is very good which is the best programmed using visualize the MIN (Mobile
advantage of LED light. Due to availability of LED lights Identification Number) and display the message after code
of different colours it excites us to work on that. Due to conversion. with help of this device Scrolling message can be
having different colours of LED it becomes very attractive. controlled easily and can be updated through SMS using simple
And having different colours its wave length are also mobile phones from anywhere under the range of wireless
different which make them good looking. Usually, we use network. This idea of message display eliminated the tough task
230 volt alternating source of supply to operate the LED of programming and reprograming the microcontroller every
scrolling light. This ac source is not directly fed to the time it needs to be changed. It also saves time and threat of
scrolling light, by the use of rectifier circuit like centre tap physical damage to the equipment. GSM system is popular
and bridge rectifier and filter circuit. We convert the because it provides flexibility to display a new flash message or
source into dc source and fed to the scrolling LED display. any announcement instantly thus avoiding any delay as faced in
And the level of voltage is decrease by use of controlled Programmable. Now a days GSM based display boards are
rectifier and chopper circuit. being used everywhere from public transportation to shopping
malls, High-way sign to the traffic signs. Apart from GSM
Keywords:- GSM modem, Display board, Microcontroller, based LED scrolling message display, several works have also
Assembly language etc. deployed GSM for monitoring and Controlling purpose such as
GSM based Street light controlling system, Vehicle tracking
I. INTRODUCTION system using GSM modems, Vehicle parking slot booking
Before the invention of Semiconductor devices and system using GSM and RFID (Radio frequency identification).
microcontrollers, displaying a message was very cumbersome This Project uses a GSM modem at the display side to receive
task, people used traditional method of wooden notice boards. SMS, a microcontroller to derive the LED display along with
By the advancement of technology & invention of this a Power supply unit and supporting hardware.
microcontrollers, digital notice boards came into the market, II. DESCRIPTION
many colleges, banks, railway stations, cinema halls started
using scrolling LED display. Unit design was very compact This project explains each development step we took for
and easy to handle. It is made of LEDs connected together designing the GSM based notice board by integrating features
with specific number of rows and columns arranged in a of all hardware components used. Each module is reasoned out
matrix configuration. Panels are divided in small standard size and placed carefully, then making the unit to work best. The
panels containing some sort of ratio of LED such as (8x8), speed of the display can be controlled through the software and
(10x10) and so on. This arrangement makes easy to choose any the message is displayed as required. received message on the
size required for the purpose which can be manipulated as LCD. Here we use 8051 as a microcontroller with 5v DC Power
desired. But it has also some limitation, displaying a simple supply. The main hub/heart of this synopsis is GSM modem
message on scrolling digital notice boards may be terrible and and it works on GPRS AT commands.
need someone skilled having knowledge of computer &
program writing. Moreover, if the message presently being III. WORKING & CONSTRUCTION
displayed need any modification or change at the same time, a
personal computer is needed to connect with notice board The main motive of this research is to replace presently
microcontroller and a new message could be installed to the used display system with automatically driven GSM based

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
display system. A receiver means GSM MODEM is designed  SIM:
which is programmable from a specified Mobile phone. The
sender sent the information through transmitter (mobile phone)
which is to be displayed. The sent information is received by
microcontroller then it is verified by generated unique code
(MIN - Mobile Identification Number) and displayed on LED
based display board. In this research, we made an effort to
advance the display board system with microcontroller and
enhance the display board in place of insignificant displays
that are in used that makes our project very attractive and
awesome. Fig. 2 : SIM (Subscriber Identity Module)
To know about it’s working, first we all have to familiar SIM stands for Subscriber Identity Module. Initially, it
with its elements that are used in this research work. They are was designed for mobile phone networking only (like calling
described below- and messaging, mostly for calling). But in this time, it is used
for multipurpose. In GSM module, a slot is fixed for SIM to
Components: insert in. These days the dimension of SIM cards reduced
 GSM Modem radically and its functionality is increased. So dual SIM
 SIM handsets are also available in market in which we can use two
 LED different SIM cards. SIM can also be used as storage for phone
 Microcontroller contacts, messages, roaming information across different
 Level Shifter networks, voice call records and many more data services.
 Voltage Regulators Presently mobile payments are done using mobile phones that
We shall discuss these components in detail can’t be possible without SIM that’s make it more popular.
There is no issue with SIM cards when it is replaced from one
 GSM Modem: mobile phone to another. It will perform the same task that it
was doing in previous mobile phone. So, it is easy to change
mobile phone or handset using the same mobile number.

 LED:

Fig. 1 : GSM Modem

GSM is nothing but a Global System for Mobile

Communications chip that works as a medium between mobile
phone (transmitter) and display board (receiver). It was
flourished by the European Telecommunications Standards
Institute (ETSI). It is the main part of the whole setup. The Fig. 3: LED Display
GSM modem is linked with power supply circuitry and
communication interface (RS-232) with programmable Light Emitting Diode, in short LED is a semiconductor
devices. It can also be linked with dedicated modem devices device based on the Electric Luminescence principle. It has no
like input-output serial ports, USB (Universal Serial Bus), moving parts, only made for solid materials. So often designed
Bluetooth or mobile phone that make it more compatible to into transparent body. It is commercially used device for
use. Each GSM module is linked with an identical mobile screening the display board. When LED is supplied from its
phone. It is also implemented for voice and data services two semiconductor coated terminals then it starts emitting light
operate at the 850MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, and 1900MHz without heating that reduces the problem of heating in
frequency bands. In case of interference between two electronic components. LED based display consist of a number
information, GSM modem uses time division multiple access of LEDs connected closely to each other. By changing the value
(TDMA) technique that gives it different time slot for each of each LED’s brightness, a image is form that is the our
user at same frequency to send their information. GSM modem required output displayed on display board. The image form has
has very wide applications in many fields such as in brilliance light intensity. This type of display is more efficient
transaction terminals, supply chain management, security and less power consuming. For designing a LED display board
applications, weather stations, and GPRS mode remote data following factors should be already known such as the display
logging. type, colour, size, brightness, and the number of LED required
for that particular display board.

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Microcontroller: it may use an electromechanical mechanism or electronic
Microcontroller is a small device. Which controls the component. Electronic voltage regulators are found in devices
particular operation of system. Microcontroller consist of such as computer power supplies where they stabilize the DC
RAM, ROM, Timer, Counter, Oscillator circuit, digital to voltages used by processors and other elements.
analog converter and analog to digital converter. All the
components and functional block design on a single chip. IV. SOFTWARE USED
Microcontroller is also known as complete system or system
Many software has been used for programming and
on chip or computer on a chip because of all the peripherals are
interfacing of the micro controller to GSM modem SIM 300 as
design on single chip. Peripherals are chosen according to
well as LED display. They are as follows:
applications. It is used to performed particular task. It is widely
used in GSM Module. Microcontroller based system is very A. AT Commands
reliable. All these features are available in 40 pin IC. We have B. Hyper Terminal
used microcontroller ATMEGA32. It is a 8 bit high
performance microcontroller with low power Atmel Pico We shall also discuss the applications and their use in the
power 8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller which combines project.
32KB ISP flash memory with read-while-write capabilities. ,
1024B EEPROM, 2KB SRAM, 23 general purpose I/O lines, A. AT Commands:
32 general purpose working registers, three flexible AT commands are instructions used to control a modem. AT
timer/counters with compare modes, internal and external is the abbreviation of Attention. Every command line starts
interrupts, serial programmable USART, a byte-oriented 2- with"AT" or "at". That's why modem commands are called AT
wire serial interface, SPI serial port, a 6-channel 10-bit A/D commands. Many of the commands that are used to control
converter (8-channels in TQFP and QFN/MLF packages), wired dial-up modems, such as ATD (Dial), ATA (Answer),
programmable watchdog timer with internal oscillator, and ATH(Hook control) andATO (Return to online data state), are
five software selectable power saving modes. The device also supported by GSM/GPRS modems and mobile phones.
operates between 1.8-5.5 volts. Besides this common AT command set, GSM/GPRS modems
and mobile phones support an AT command set that is specific
 Level Shifter: to the GSM technology, which includes SMS-related
A level shifter is a circuit used for shifting a signal from a commands like AT+CMGS (Send SMS message), AT+CMSS
lower level to higher level and vice-versa. Basically, a level (Send SMS message from storage), AT+CMGL (List SMS
shifter is a very simple circuit. It is use for compatibility messages) and AT+CMGR (Read SMS messages).
between the integrated circuit with different voltage level most
usual level voltage is 1.8V, 3.3V and 5.0V. We have to use B. Hyper Terminal:
MAX232 it is an IC that’s convert the signal from an RS-232 Hyper Terminal can be useful in diagnosing whether a
serial port to signals suitable for use in TTL compatible digital connection problem is due to modem/line issues or dial-up
logic circuits. The MAX232 is a dual driver/receiver and networking issue, partly because it bypasses dial-up networking
typically converts the RX, TX, CTS and RTS signals. The when dialling a POP. It is also capable of directing commands
drivers provide RS-232 voltage level outputs (approx. ± 7.5 V) to the modem (ATi), there by providing a means of collecting
from a single + 5 V supply via on-chip charge pumps. This valuable information about the modem properties such as the
makes it useful for implementing RS-232 in devices that chipset, BIOS and more. Hyper Terminal can therefore be used
otherwise do not need any voltages outside the 0 V to + 5 V instead of "More Info" or "Query Modem" on the Diagnostics
range, as power supply design does not need to be made more tab of the Modem Properties in Windows.
 Voltage Regulators: -

Fig. 4
A voltage regulator is an electronics device. Voltage
regulators take variable and unstable input voltages and
convert them to higher or lower constant output that matches
the voltage and current needs of an electronic circuit.
Basically, regulators of the linear IC type simply drop down
the source to the desired level a voltage regulator may use a
simple feed forward design or may include negative feedback

IJISRT21NOV613 502

Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Microcontroller based scrolling display has following Form internet source

 The message to be displayed is stored in memory andthe [2.] www.
message length to be displayed is limited only but free [3.]
memory space of the microcontroller. [4.] www.republication .com
 The running speed of message can be increased or
decreased by pressing switches.


 Multiple language message display can be another variant in

this model. The message can be first received, displayed in
standard language. The same message can be translated to
required language and the message can be displayed.
 In upcoming future, we can add more memory and high-end
microprocessors to implement larger words and characters
which will make it very easy to convey longer messages.
 We can use Red Led as a power indicator which will let us
know that our system is properly plugged in or not.
 One thing for sure as upcoming trend IOT, we can add more
(IOT) components to make this system more reliable.


By introducing the concept of wireless communications

technology. In this communication make fastest growing and
more efficient. Its efficiency is high so that we can display the
message with less error. The GSM base LED display can be
easily integrated with all general-purpose display board and
various company created has been practical use like a notice
board etc. GSM Based Led notice board collaboration of many
software and hardware. It is very easy to operate consumes less
power. This is paper based on GSM wireless technology. This
technology can avoid paper work, reduce human efforts in all
the industries, college and train. This GSM board project is a
remote notice board with modem connected, so that display
message, they will send SMS in our mobile phone. This
project mostly used to police or army to display in something
crucial within a matter of seconds and send the information.
Using GSM mobile we can send to message to any distance
location, from any part of the world. Multiple users are
authorized to update notice on the electronics notice board.
There no printing and photocopying cost. So that thus save
time energy and finally our environment.


We would like to thank all the important people who

have helped us in completing this paper. We would like to
thank our H.O.D of Electrical Engineering Department Mr.
Nikhil Kumar Gupta for providing us an opportunity to work
on the project GSM Based LED Scrolling Display Board. We
sincerely thank our project guide Dr. Dhiraj Gupta,
Department of Electrical Engineering whose help, stimulating
suggestions, knowledge and experience helped us at all the
time during the study and analysis of the project.

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