Unit 7 Performance Appraisal and Career Path

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]`kt 7 Zmredrih`cm Hpprhkshl h`n Chrmmr Zhto
 Hpprhkshl F.
Chrmmr Zlh``k`g Gdhls h`n Zrdcmss C.
Smle-K`trdnuctkd` N.
 Hrt de Zhrtkckphtk`g k` Grdup Nkscusskd`/Idnmllk`g M.
Vmsuim fuklnk`g. E.
Zmrsd`hl K`tmrvkmw @dtm2 ^dpkcs d` Vmsuim fuklnk`g h`n Zmrsd`hl K`tmrvkmw hrm dptkd`hl. ^omsm tdpkcs hrm k`clunmn k` GZC (Zurpdskvm Cdiiu`kchtkd` sufbmct) Zrdbmctk`g h Zdsktkvm Sdckhl Kihgm  Ht tom m`n de tom tdpkc tom stunm`ts wkll fm hflm td2 8.
Nmvmldp Chrmmr Zlh``k`g gdhls. 6.
Mvhluhtm dw` a`dwlmngm h`n saklls h`n knm`tkey ghps edr rmhcok`g pmrsd`hl h`n prdemsskd`hl gdhl. 3.
Comca d`m‛s smle dr pmrsd`hlkty.
Crmhtm h` kiprmsskvm rmsuim.
Wm hrm hll usmn td fmk`g bungmn fy h ldt de pmdplm
 phrm`ts, tmhcomrs, h`n fdssms. Sdimtkims wm ihy emml wm nd `dt gmt td ohvm dur ehkr sohrm de tom hrguim`t. Smle-hpprhkshl, hs tom tmri suggmsts ks tom prdcmss womrm tom mipldymm rmvkmws oks/omr dw` pmredrih`cm. Kt ks h prdcmss k` wokco mipldymms hrm gkvm` tom dppdrtu`kty td scrutk`kzm tomkr dw` pmredrih`cm h`n hssmss tomkr dw` strm`gtos h`n wmha`mssms. K` toks why, tomy ch` ek`n dut tomkr hrmhs de kiprdvmim`t h`n iham h lkst de tomkr hccdiplksoim`ts dvmr tom ymhr.
Woy hrm smle-hpprhkshls sd kipdrth`t4
Woklm tom smle-hpprhkshl prdcmss ks cd`sknmrmn hs idst nrmhneul h`n id`dtd`dus thsa fy idst mipldymms kt ks d`m de tom idst rdfust prdcmssms h`n tom k`trdnuctkd` de smle-hpprhkshl prdcmss k` h` drgh`kzhtkd` ch` prdvknm m`dridus fm`mekts ke nd`m prmcksmly. Omrm hrm tom rmhsd`s woy tom smle-
hpprhkshl prdcmss plhys h` kipdrth`t phrt k` tdnhy‛s
okgo-elux drgh`kzhtkd` structurm-
 H sm`sm de idtkvhtkd`
Wom` mipldymms hrm gkvm` tom dppdrtu`kty td smle-mvhluhtm, tomy emml mipdwmrmn. ^omy rmhlkzm toht tomkr dpk`kd`s nd ihttmr h`n hrm tham` k`td cd`sknmrhtkd` nurk`g pmredrih`cm rmvkmw nkscusskd`s. Mhco mipldymm ohs hctkvm phrtkckphtkd` k` tom pmredrih`cm rmvkmw prdcmss. ^oks ks hlsd h gddn tkim td knm`tkey idtkvhtmn mipldymms hccdrnk`g td tom quhlkty
de gdhls smt fy tomismlvms h`n tomkr smle-mvhluhtkd`s. H idtkvhtmn wdraedrcm mvm`tuhlly ykmlns h fmttmr dutput wokco ks fm`mekckhl td tom grdwto de h` drgh`kzhtkd`.
Dw`mrsokp de wdra
 Edr sthrtmrs kt gkvms tomi dw`mrsokp de tomkr wdra. Kt ihams tomi idrm hccdu`thflm edr tomkr hctkd`s. Kt thams tom mipldymm erdi fmk`g h phsskvm dfsmrvmr td h` hctkvm phrtkckph`t k` tom rmvkmw prdcmss. Ih`hgmrs soduln tham kt hs h` dppdrtu`kty td sodw tomkr mipldymms toht tomkr dpk`kd`s hrm tham` smrkdusly.
Omhltoy mipldymr-mipldymm rmlhtkd`sokp
 Smle-hpprhkshls omlps k` kiprdvk`g mipldymr-mipldymm rmlhtkd`s k` tom wdraplhcm. Smle-hpprhkshls k`ktkhtm h` m`ghgk`g h`n cd`tk`udus cd`vmrshtkd` fmtwmm` mipldymr h`n mipldymms. Om`cm, tomrm ks `d coh`cm de cd`elkct fmtwmm` mipldymr h`n mipldymm.
^wd-why cdiiu`kchtkd`
 Zmredrih`cm ih`hgmim`t wdras fmst wom` tomrm ks twd-why cdiiu`kchtkd` fmtwmm` tom ih`hgmr h`n tom mipldymm. ^oks ks detm` dvmrlddamn k` tomkr nhy-td-nhy k`tmrhctkd`s. Smle-hpprhkshls ch` edrihlkzm toks k`tmrhctkd` td h grmht mxtm`t. Smle-hpprhkshl prdcmss phvms why edr twd-why cdiiu`kchtkd` fmtwmm` mipldymr h`n mipldymm. ^oks omlps k` rmvmhlk`g tom dvmrhll pmredrih`cm de mipldymms. Kt gkvms nmmpmr k`skgots h`n h
clmhr pkcturm de mipldymms‛ hccdiplksoim`ts hs wmll hs wmha`mssms k` cmrthk`
Mlkik`htms nkscrmph`ckms
 Ih`hgmrs hlwhys ohvm h nkeemrm`t pmrspmctkvm toh` tom mipldymm. Mvm` ih`hgmrs wod wdra cldsmly wkto tomkr tmhis ch``dt
hlwhys smm tom mipldymm‛s sknm de tom stdry. ^omrmedrm sdimtkims ih`hgmrs
hrm chugot dee-guhrn nurk`g pmredrih`cm rmvkmw immtk`gs womrm som h`n omr mipldymr ohvm h cdiplmtmly nkeemrm`t pmrcmptkd` de omr pmredrih`cm. Sk`cm smle-
hpprhkshls prdvknms h cdiplmtm pkcturm de mipldymm‛s strm`gtos h`n wmha`mss
kt omlps k` rmidvk`g nkscrmph`ckms ke h`y. Fdto mipldymr h`n mipldymm ihtco tomkr rmcdrns td m`surm toht hll hccdiplksoim`ts h`n nrhwfhcas hrm tham` k`td
cd`sknmrhtkd` nurk`g tom ek`hl pmredrih`cm rmvkmw. ^omrmedrm, kt mlkik`htms tom coh`cms de nksphrkty.
Chrmmr grdwto
 Woklm pmredrik`g smle-hpprhkshls mipldymms gmt td a`dw tomkr strm`gtos h`n wmha`mssms. ^omy knm`tkey tom hrmhs k` wokco tomy hrm wmha h`n `mmn kiprdvmim`ts. ^om trhk`k`g `mmns hrm rmvmhlmn. ^om ch` hlsd lkst ndw` tom rdlms wokco tomy m`bdymn, prdbmcts tomy ldvmn ndk`g, euturm prmemrm`cms. ^omsm k`puts ch` fm prdvknmn td ih`hgmrs edr fmttmr chrmmr prdspmcts. Smle-hpprhkshl ks h` dppdrtu`kty edr tom mipldymm `dt d`ly td tmll oks fdss hfdut oks hcokmvmim`ts fut hlsd prdflmis toht om ks ehck`g h`n woht om rmqukrms erdi tom ih`hgmim`t td pmredri fmttmr. Mvm` ke smle-hpprhkshls nd `dt ohvm h`y kiphct d` cdipm`shtkd`, kt ch` cmrthk`ly omlp tom mipldymm grdw.
Odw td wrktm h grmht smle-hpprhkshl
 H gddn plhcm td sthrt ks td ldda ht ydur lhst smle-hpprhkshl h`n tok`a odw tom ih`hgmim`t ohn hca`dwlmngmn kt. Ke tom rmspd`sm erdi tom ih`hgmim`t whs `dt toht gddn, ihyfm toks tkim ydu soduln rmtok`a h`n hvdkn tom shim iksthams. Edcus d` ydur pdsktkvms h`n usm tom cdiph`y guknmlk`ms td edriht ydur smle-rmvkmw. K`stmhn de thlak`g hfdut ydur ehults, thla hfdut tom hrmhs ydu `mmn td kiprdvm h`n ihyfm hlsd hsa edr sdim trhk`k`g. Edlldw tom tkps fmldw td hcm toht pmredrih`cm hpprhkshl.
8. Hsa ydur ih`hgmr woht tom hpprhkshl ks edr
Fmedrm ydu gmt sthrtmn td hsa ydur ih`hgmr woht kt wkll fm usmn edr. Wkll kt plhy h ihbdr rdlm k` ydur rmvkmw4 Wkll kt fm usmn td nmcknm ydur rhksm dr prdidtkd`4 Dr wkll kt fm sodw` td dtomr ih`hgmrs h`n mxmcutkvms4 ^oks wkll gkvm ydu h fmttmr knmh de woht ydu wh`t td hccdiplkso wom` ydu wrktm tom smle-rmvkmw.

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