Class Notes Cases and Laws: Sales
Class Notes Cases and Laws: Sales
Class Notes Cases and Laws: Sales
Sale is not: (other forms of contract) actual or constructive delivery (e.g., by the execution of a
a. Real contract: COC + delivery (pledge, mutuum, commodatum, public document) of the property sold. Where the condition is
pledge, deposit) imposed upon the perfection of the contract itself, the failure
b. Formal/ Solemn Contract: COC + form (as required by law) of the condition would prevent such perfection. If the
GR: sale does not need a form for perfection/ validity condition is imposed on the obligation of a party which is not
ie. mortgage contracts (form: must be in writing; if verbal: void fulfilled, the other party may either waive the condition or
contract of mortgage); refuse to proceed with the sale. (Art. 1545, Civil Code).
DEFECTIVE SALES: (1380- 1430) -In accordance with the cited provisions, ownership of the
1. Voidable – vitiated consent disputed property passed to petitioners when its possession
- Valid until annulled/ nullified was transferred in their favor, as no reservation to the
- Action in court: nullification contrary had been made.
GENERAL RULE: Valid Sale, subject to the condition that the thing OTHER CASES:
will come into existence.
Illus: grape vineyard. Sale of wine expected to be produced; grains Sale distinguished from other contracts
that may be produced in the rice terraces. Guide question: What is the legal significance of
distinguishing a contract of sale from other contracts?
Emptio Spei- sale of hope
RULE: Absolute Sale, Contract of Sale v. Contract for a Piece of Work
If VAIN HOPE- void Case 1: Engineering and Machinery Corp. v. CA, G.R. No.
52267, Jan. 24, 1996
2. Absolutely Simulated Sale- sale where parties do not Contract for a piece of work. A contract for a piece of work,
intend to be bound – VOID labor and materials may be distinguished from a contract of
sale by the inquiry as to whether the thing transferred is one
*If Relatively simulated- binding between the parties but calls for the not in existence and which would never have existed but
reformation of the instrument to reflect their true agreement because the for the order, of the person desiring it. In such case, the
parties are bound by their true agreement. contract is one for a piece of work, not a sale. On the other
hand, if the thing subject of the contract would have existed
STATUS OF THE SALE: VALID and been the subject of a sale to some other person even if the
order had not been given, then the contract is one of sale.
b. Option Contract (Article 1479, 1324) Accordingly, when an option to buy or to sell is not supported
- An Option Contract is a contract by which the owner of the by a consideration separate from the purchase price, the
property agrees with another person that he shall have the option constitutes as an offer to buy or to sell, which may be
right to buy his property at a fixed price within a certain withdrawn by the offeror at any time prior to the
time. communication of the offeree's acceptance. When the offer
- An option imposes no binding obligation on the person is duly accepted, a mutual promise to buy and to sell under the
holding the option aside from the consideration for the offer. first paragraph of Article 1479 of the Civil Code ensues and
Until accepted, it is not treated as a sale. the parties' respective obligations become reciprocally
- An option contract must be supported by a separate demandable.
consideration that is either clearly specified as such in the
contract or duly proven by the offeree/promise The court ruled that the offer to buy the land was timely
accepted by Keppel. As early as 1994, Keppel expressed its
- A purchaser who is unsure whether or not he wants to buy the desire to exercise its option to buy the land. Instead of
property can enter into an option contract with the seller. This will give rejecting outright Keppel's acceptance xxx Thus, when Keppel
the him/her an option to buy a particular asset at a later date at an communicated its acceptance, the offer to purchase the Bauan
agreed upon price. If the seller reneges on his word and disposes of the land stood, not having been withdrawn by PNOC. The offer
property in favor of another before the end of the agreed time, the having been duly accepted, a contract to sell the land ensued
purchaser can sue him for damages. which Keppel can rightfully demand PNOC to comply
- It is a contract by which the owner of the property agrees with another
person that he shall have the right to buy his property at a fixed price Case 3: First Optima Realty Corp. v. Securitron Security
within a certain time. Services,G.R. No. 199648, Jan. 28, 2015;
- It is binding upon the promissor if the promise is supported by a
Case 4: Villanueva v. PNB, G.R. No. 154493, Dec. 6, 2006;
consideration distinct from the price. An option contract is likewise a
separate and distinct contract from a contract of sale.
Case 5: San Miguel Corp. v. Huang, G.R. No. 137290, July 31,
c. Right of First Refusal
- a contractual right that gives its holder the option to enter a
business transaction with the owner of something, according
to specified terms, before the owner is entitled to enter into
that transaction with a Third party. In brief, the right of first
refusal is similar in concept to a Call Option.
1. Ward- incapacitated, weak-minds
2. Agency – if he buys principals propert--- breach of trust and
3. Executor/ executrix if named in will ; none named, appoint
among themselves or agree on another –else court assigns ---