Are Students of Today Interested To Use Technology in Order To Learn

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1. Are students of today interested to use technology in order to learn? Why?

 Yes, it is quite obvious that the students today are interested to use
technology in order to learn because the speed of development in
technology allows them to stay curious, learn on their own, explore, and
develop their higher-order- thinking skills.

Explore A
Read and be familiarized with the three domains of educational technology which can
be found on page 17. After reading, briefly discuss the differences of these domains.
You may elaborate through examples :)
1. Technology as a tutor. It is a technology that serves as the support system of
the teachers to tutor a student via educational programs. Technology can be
observed anywhere, hence, technology as a tutor brings convenience to the
learners since they can access anytime the lessons being programmed by
their instructors or teachers. Technology-based tutorials helps the learners to
be more self-directed and encouraged due to the embedded tutorials that can
take them to a series of specific task. One example of technology-based
tutorial is when our teacher in Cell and Molecular Biology provided a video
and instructed us to watched a virtual laboratory about the basic cell culture.
Through this procedure we learn interesting things about basics of cell
culture, laboratory set-ups, safety and aseptic techniques during our most
convenient time.

On the other hand, technology as a teaching tool, unlike technology-based

tutorials were technology plays the role of teaching, this second domain is
also a tool for teaching but it does not reject the value of the teacher. It serves
only as a means or instrument used to facilitate and lighten the work of the
teachers. Their usage can save time and intellectual energy by shifting
necessary but tedious task to the computer. One example of technology as a
tool is when teacher Roland tries to explain the ideas about organic
chemistry, hence, his students wants more of the discussion. As a result,
Teacher Roland includes a video/PowerPoint learning presentation to help his
students comprehend the fundamentals of Organic Chemistry.

The next one is the technology as a learning tool, this third domain is utilized
to make the teaching and learning process easier and more effective.
Examples of important learning technology tools are tutorials, simulations,
productivity tools like Microsoft, spreadsheet etc., and communication tools
such as messengers and email. These learning tools are essential in
disseminating information, enhancing, and assessing the students learning.

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