Gate Questions (Housing) : Heritage Gate Architecture - Planning 2022

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1. GATE 2018
A plotted housing scheme on a site of 12 hectare has 60% saleable area. The
average unit cost of land development is INR 300 million per hectare. If the profit
margin is 20%, then the selling price of land per hectare is _________ million INR

2. GATE 2017, DDA 2019 (Asst. Dir Planning)

Data on "households with one or more married couples sharing room with a person
aged 12 years or more', is used for computing
(A) house density (B) housing shortage (C) housing price (D) housing affordability

3. GATA 2017
A proposed housing will have HIG, MIG and LIG units on a site measuring 60,750 sq.m.
The buildable area of each category of units with respect to total buildable area will be
30%, 50% and 20% respectively. The maximum allowed FAR is 2.5, ground coverage
45% and height 15m. The maximum available buildable area in sq.m of HIG units,
considering a floor height of 3m for all categories will be

4. GATE 2017
2011, the population of a town was 5,00,000 and the number of housing units were
1,00,000. Calculate the additional number of dwelling units (DU) required by 2031 so
that there is no housing shortage. The assumptions are
i. 5% decadal increase in population
ii New DU to be completed by 2021 is 10,000
iii Number of DU which will become non habitable by 2031 is 5,000
iv Average household size is 4.5

5. GATE 2017
Match the development schemes by Government of India in Group- I with their
objectives in Group- I

Group-1 Group-1

(P) PMAY 1. Housing for All

(Q) AMRUT 2. Rural cluster development

(R) NruM 3. Heritage city development

(S) HRIDAY 4. Urban mobility improvement

5. Urban rejuvenation


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(A) P-1, Q-5, R-4, S-3 (B) P-1, Q-5, R-2, S-3
(C) P-3, Q-5, R-1, S-2 (D) P-4, Q-2, R-1, S-5

6. GATE 2016, UPSC 2016

AMRUT", the new scheme launched by Government of India, stands for
(A) Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation
(B) Atal Mission for Renewal of Urban Transportation
(C) Atal Mission for Redevelopment of Urban Transportation
(D) Atal Mission for Renewal and Urban Transformation

7. GATE 2015, DDA 2019 (Asst. Dir, Planning)

A Housing Finance Institution in the private sector is

8. GATE 2015
PMGSY and JNNURM are two Indian Government programmes which deal with
(A) rural road development and urban basic service improvement respectively
(B) rural sanitation services and under-developed road maintenance respectively
(C) peri-urban basic services and urban basic service improvement respectively
(D) rural road development and urban transport development respectively

9. GATE 2015
The housing stock of a town has total number of 9090 dwelling units. Present population of
the town is 45,450. Assuming an average house hold size of 4.5, the housing shortage in
percentage is

10. GATE 2014, DDA 2019 (Planning Asst.)

Development authorities in India are established under the provision of
(A) Municipal Act (B) 74th Constitutional Amendment Act
(C)Town and Country Planning Act (D) Land Acquisition Act

11. GATE 2014, DDA 2019 (Planning Asst)

The sequence of development in a Site-and-Services scheme is
(A) Land-Service-House - Occupant (B) Occupant-Land-House-Service
(C) Occupant-Land-Service - House (D) Land-Occupant - House - Service

12. GATE 2014

A housing project is proposed to be designed in a plot of 2 hectare. Maximum permissible
FAR is 2. The share of the numbers of dwelling units (DU) for MIG, LIG and EWS is 1:2:3 having
sizes of 55, 35 and 25 sq.m respectively. The maximum number of DU which can be
accommodated in the plot is


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13. GATE 2013, DDA 2019 (Planning Asst.)
PMGSY, a programme of Government of India, deals with
(A) Urban Employment Generation
(C) Rural Electrification
(B) Rural Employment Generation
(D) Rural Road Development.

14. GATE 2013

Match the Five Year Plans listed under Group I with their corresponding feature from Group II

Group I Group II

First Five Year Plan 1. Formation of HUDCO

First Five Year Plan 2. Establishment of TCPO

Seventh Five Year Plan 3. Introduction of JNNURM

Tenth Five Year Plan 4. Announcement of National Housing Policy

5. Passing of Urban Land Ceiling and

Regulation Act

(A) P-5, Q-2, R-4, S-3 (B) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3 (C) P-4, Q-1, R-2, S-5 (D) P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-5

15. GATE 2012

** Match the schemes in Group I with their specific targets in Group II

Group I Group II

P. JNNURM 1. Urban Amenities for Rural Areas

Q. RAY 2. Infrastructure and Slum Upgradation

R. PURA 3. Rural Employment

S. NREGA 4. Land Acquisition

5. Housing for BPL families

(A) P-2, Q-5, R-1, S-3 (B) P-5, Q-2, R-1, S-3
(C) P-5, Q-2, R-3, S-4 (D) P-2, Q-5, R-3, S-4


A group housing project spread over 20 hectares with FAR 1.5 has to accommodate different
housing units in the following manner:


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Category Percentage distribution Built up area per Average household
of built up area unit in sq. m size(including common areas)

P 10 120 4.0

Q 20 80 4.6

R 30 60 5.5

S 40 45 6.0

16. The respective number of housing units to be built for each category are
(A) P-25, Q-75, R-200, S-200
(B) P-75, Q-25, R-200, S-200
(C) P-25, Q-25, R-75, S-200
(D) P-25, Q-75, R-200, S-75

17. The gross density of the above housing complex (in persons per hectare) is
(A) 125-130 (B) 130-135 (C) 135-140 (D) 140-145

18. GATE 2011

Rajiv Awas Yojana of Ministry of Housing, Government of India addresses housing for
(A)Middle Income Group (B) Low income Group (C) High Income Group (D) Slum Dwellers

19.GATE 2011
In India, one of the Slum Improvement initiatives is
(A) Special Residential Zone (B) Valmiki Ambedkar Malin Basti Awas Yojna
(C) Indira Awas Yojna (D) Eco Housing
20. GATE 2010
Annual housing demand of a Metropolitan city is estimated through the combination of the
following components. Identify the correct combination.

P. New entrants in the city Q. Elderly Population living in the city

R. New Relocated Slum Dwellers S. Slum Squatter Dwellers
T. Unauthorized Dwelling Units U. Dilapidated Houses
V. Part of Backlog W. Any other Houses
(A) P, R, T (C) W, Q. T
(B) U, S, Q (D) P. U. V

21. GATE 2009

A town with a population of 50,000 has an average household size of 5.0. The number of
occupied dwelling units is 8400 of which 10% are in dilapidated condition. The housing
demand of the town is


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(A) 760 (B) 1600 (C) 2440 (D) 10840

22.GATE 2008
The concept of 'Slum- networking' aims to promote
(A) social and physical improvement of Slums.
(B) holistic development in conformity with the infrastructure of the entire city.
(C) improvement of physical networks within the slum areas.
(D) rehabilitation of slum dwellers.

23. GATE 2008

Identify the relationship governing the cost of land (C) based on the following factors:
Net density in plots per hectare=p
Land use percentage allocation in net housing = q
Price of land in Rs. Per sq. m.=s
(A) C=(10,000/p x 100/q) s (B) C=(10,000/p x q/100) s
(C) C= (10,000/p x 100/s)q (D) C= (10,000/s x 100/q) p

24. If for a housing development, p= 30, q= 45 and s= 500, then the cost of land per dwelling
unit is:
(A) Rs 1,333/- (B) Rs 3,000/- (C) Rs 75,000/- (D) Rs 3,70, 370/-

25. GATE 2007

A sector has a gross density of 250 persons per hectare and a net density of 400 persons per
hectare. If the area of sector is 120 hectares, then the percentage of non-residential area is
(A) 30 (B) 35.5
(C) 37.5 (D) 40

26. GATE 2007

A town has 16,000 existing dwelling units of which 10% is dilapidated. If the house need is
8,700 dwelling units
and the average household size is 4.5, then the population of the town is
(A) 64,800 (B) 1,03,950
(C) 1,11,150 (D)1,18,350

GATE 2006
Common data for Questions 27,28,29
A town with an area of 340 hectares has 15, 000 households. The number of occupied
dwelling units is 12,400 of which 15% are dilapidated condition. 5 % of the households are
below poverty line and unable to afford any type of dwelling. (Note: Dwelling Unit = DU)

27. The present density of the town (in DU/ acre) is approximately
(A) 15 (B) 18 (C) 37 (D) 44


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28. The housing need of the town is approximately
(A) 1860 DU (B) 2600 DU (C) 3320 DU (D) 4460 DU

29. The housing demand of the town is approximately

(A) 1240 DU (B) 1860 DU
(C) 2470 DU (D) 3710 DU

30. GATE 2005

Housing backlog means
(A) Dwelling units back to back
(B) Dwelling units built up to last year
(C) Dwelling units arranged with their backs towards a large courtyard
(D) Accumulated substandard dwelling units to be replaced immediately

31. GATE 2005

The sampling rate for household survey of a town with 2 lakhs population is (A) 1 in 10 (B) 1
in 5 (C) 1 in 8 (D) 1 in 15

32. GATE 2005

The role of government agencies in the field of housing started changing since 1970s in the
following way
(A) From provider to facilitator (B) From plot supplier to dwelling unit supplier
(C) From designer to builder (D) From facilitator to provider

33. GATE 2005

The efficiency of a modern housing scheme can be best accessed by
P) Efficient planning of a dwelling unit
Q) Better carpet area ratio
R) Imported finishes and textures
S) Good general common facilities
T) Good landscaping
(A) R, S, T (B) Q, S,T (C)P, Q.S (D) P, R, T

34. GATE 2005

Choose the most appropriate set of facilities to be provided at the Sector level for about
20,000 inhabitants in a town of 3,25,000 inhabitants.
P) High School Q) College
R) Play field S) Shopping centre
T) Civic Centre
(A) P, Q, S (B) Q, R, T (C) P, R, S (D) Q, S, T


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35. GATE 2005
Q. 62 Find out which of the following are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) and then choose the correct

Group 1 Group 2

P Housing loan amount is determined by repayment capacity 1 True

Q The period of repayment of housing loans is never more than 7 years 2 False

R In the villages, loans for house buildings is still taken from private

S Housing loan packages are available From LIC, HUDCO, HFDC, CPWD
& SBI.

(A) P-1, Q-2, R-1, S-2 (B) P-2, Q-1, R-2, S-2
(C) P-1. Q-2, R-2, S-1 (D) P-2, Q-1, R-1, S-2

36. GATE 2005

Match the housing programmes in Group 1 with their key features in Group 2

Group I Group 2

P) KIP of Indonesia 1) Participatory, stress on young beneficiaries education

Q) MHP of Sri Lanka 2) Participatory, beneficiaries contributed land

R) Orangi Project of Pakistan 3) Employment generative, tenureship to beneficiaries, in situ

S) CDP of Hyderabad, India 4) Flexible assistance, tenureship to beneficiaries, in situ

(A) P-2, Q-4, R-1, S-3 (B) P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4
(C) P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-4 (D) P-4, Q-3, R-4, S-3
37. GATE 2005
Match the beneficiaries of housing in Group 1 with type of housing in Group 2.

Group 1 Group 2

P) Post disaster homeless families 1) Self financing apartments

Q) Slum dwellers under eviction notice 2) Prefabricted portable housing

R) Middle income governments employee 3) HIG cooperative apartmentsS NRIs

4) Site and services scheme

(A) P-1, Q-3, R-2, S-4 (B) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3 (C) P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2 (D) P-2, Q-4, R-1, S-3


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38. GATE 2004
Homelessness refers to
(A) number of people per 1000 urban area population sleeping outside dwelling units
(B) total number of people living on footpath
(C) percentage of people living on unauthorized land
(D) share of urban population living in slums

39. GATE 2004

Housing in Compliance refers to
(A) housing affordability (B) Mortgage rate
(C) Zoning regulation (D) Authorised Housing

40. GATE 2003

Which housing layout variation does not follow a strict geometrical (orthogonal) pattern?
(A)Prastara variation (B) Finger variation (C)Cluster variation (D)Finger and cluster variation -

41. GATE 2002

IRDP in India is associated with
(A) regional development (B) rural development
(C) riverfront development (D) road development

42. GATE 2000, DDA 2019 (Planning Asst.)

Occupancy rate refers to
(A)number of buildings per unit area. (B) number of persons per habitable rooms.
(C) number of habitable rooms per acre. (D)number of persons working in an office.

43. GATE 1997

The Aranya Project in Indore is planned by
(A) U. C. Jain (B) B. V. Doshi (C) C. P. Kukreja (D) Amos Rappoport

44. GATE 1994

The National Commission on Urbanisation was chaired by
(A) Rajiv Gandhi (B) Charles Correa (C) B. V. Doshi (D) A. P. Kanvinde

45. GATE 1991

Principal determinants of a residential neighbourhood size is based on:
(A) Land use composition (B) Availability of vacant land
(C) Education facility (D) Residential density


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1 600 16 A 31 D
2 B 17 C 32 A
3 41,006 18 D 33 C
4 17,500 19 B 34 C
5 B 20 D 5 A
6 A 21 C 36 D
7 D 22 A 37 D
8 A 23 B 38 A
9 10 24 C 39 D
10 C 25 C 40 D
11 A 26 B 41 B
12 1200 27 A 42 B
13 D 28 D 43 B
14 B 29 D 44 B
15 A 30 D 45 C
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