Module 3 (H.R Alignment 2) Different Methods in Laying A Simple Curve

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Republic of the Philippines

Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City

Cagayan State University
Tel. No. (078) 304 - 0818



Different Methods in Laying a Simple Curve

CSU Vision
Transforming lives by
Educating for the
BEST. Whenever the direction of a road or railway line is to be changed, curves are provided between the
intersecting straights. This is necessary for smooth and safe movement of the vehicles and for the comfort of
passengers. The curves required may be in the horizontal planes or in the vertical planes.
CSU Mission
Sometimes it is necessary to lay out a horizontal curve that passes through certain a point. For instance,
CSU is committed to it may be desired to establish a curve that passes no closer than a certain distance to some feature such as a
transform the lives of
people and communities
building or stream or any other kind of obstruction. The distance from the PI to the point in question and the
through high quality angle from one of the tangents can be measured.
instruction and innovative
research, development,
production and extension.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, learners of this program are expected to:
a. Lay out a simple curve by deflection angle of a point method.
b. Lay out a simple curve by offset from the tangent of a point method.
c. Lay out a simple curve by offset from the long chord to a point method.
d. Lay out a simple curve by deflection distance of a point method.

Lesson Proper/ Discussion

a. Simple Curve by Deflection Angle of a Point Method

Deflection angle of a point is the angle formed by the chord drawn from a point of tangency to
the point. The deflection angle is measured from the tangent at the PC or the PT to any other
desired point on the curve.

1|Page Prepared By: Engr. Natalio G. Pelovello

Faculty, College of Engineering
Republic of the Philippines
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Cagayan State University
Tel. No. (078) 304 - 0818


Deflection angle @ PC = θP / 2

Deflection angle @ PT = I – θP / 2
CSU Vision

Transforming lives by b. Simple Curve by Offset from the Tangent of a Point Method
Educating for the
Occasionally, it is convenient to establish the various points on the curve by perpendicular
offsets from the tangents.

CSU Mission

CSU is committed to
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people and communities
through high quality
instruction and innovative
research, development,
production and extension.

CP = 2R (sin θP / 2 )

Yp = Cp (sin θP / 2 )

Xp = Cp (cos θP / 2)

Cz = 2R (sin I – θP / 2)

Yz = Cz (sin I - θP / 2 )

Xz = Cz (cos I -θP / 2)

Where :
θP = central angle subtending the arc from PC to point P
Yp = offset from back tangent

2|Page Prepared By: Engr. Natalio G. Pelovello

Faculty, College of Engineering
Republic of the Philippines
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Cagayan State University
Tel. No. (078) 304 - 0818

Xp = distance along back tangent from PC
Cp = the chord drawn from PC to P
Yz = offset from forward tangent
Xz = distance along forward tangent to PT
Cz = chord drawn from PT to point P
CSU Vision

Transforming lives by
Educating for the
BEST. c. Simple Curve by Offset from the Long Chord to a Point
-The perpendicular distance of a point from the long chord.

CSU Mission In this method, long chord is divided into an even number of equal parts. Taking centre of long chord as
origin, for various values of x, the perpendicular offsets are calculated to the curve and the curve is set in the
CSU is committed to field by driving pegs at those offsets.
transform the lives of
people and communities
through high quality
instruction and innovative
research, development,
production and extension.

CP = 2R (sin θP / 2 )

Yp = Cp (sin θP )

Xp = Cp (cos θP)

θP = (I/2) – (θP / 2)

Where :
Yp = offset from the long chord
Xp = distance along the long chord from the PC
Cp = the chord drawn from PC to point P

d.Simple Curve by Deflection Distance of a Point Method

1. Tangent Deflection of a point= the perpendicular distance of a point from the tangent

3|Page Prepared By: Engr. Natalio G. Pelovello

Faculty, College of Engineering
Republic of the Philippines
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Cagayan State University
Tel. No. (078) 304 - 0818


CSU Vision

Transforming lives by
Educating for the

CSU Mission

CSU is committed to
transform the lives of
people and communities
through high quality
instruction and innovative
research, development,
production and extension.

2. Chord Deflection of a point= the distance between the prolongation of the chord of the
succeeding point. The prolongation is equal to the chord of the succeeding point.

Y1 = tangent deflection ; Y1 = C1 (sin d1/2)

X1 =distance along the tangent ; X1 = C1 (cos d1/2)

Y2 =chord deflection ; θ1 = d1/2 + D/2

4|Page Prepared By: Engr. Natalio G. Pelovello

Faculty, College of Engineering
Republic of the Philippines
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Cagayan State University
Tel. No. (078) 304 - 0818


CSU Vision

Transforming lives by
Educating for the

CSU Mission

CSU is committed to
transform the lives of
people and communities
through high quality
instruction and innovative
Y2 / 2 = C (sin θ1 /2)
research, development,
production and extension.
Y2 = 2C (sin θ1 /2)

Since θ1 = d1/2 + D/2

Y2 = 2C sin ½ ( d1/2 + D/2)

Y2 2C sin (d1/4 + D/4)

Enrichment Activities.
1. It is necessary to lay out a simple curve by deflection angles. The curve is to connect two tangents with
an intersection angle of 320 and a radius of 240.00 meters. Compute the deflection angles to each full
stations on the curve if the transit is set up at PC which is at Station (5 + 767.20m). Find the station of
PT. Illustrate the figure and tabulate the results.

i.) Solve for the Degree of Curve ( D )


D = 40 46’
ii.) Solve for the first sub chord (c1):

Note: the first full station is at 5 + 780 since the stationing of PC is at 5 + 767.20.
c1 = (5 + 780) – (5 + 767.20)
c1 = 12.80 m

iii.) Solve for the sub degree angle (d1).

5|Page Prepared By: Engr. Natalio G. Pelovello

Faculty, College of Engineering
Republic of the Philippines
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Cagayan State University
Tel. No. (078) 304 - 0818


= 20
4 ˚ 46 ˈ

CSU Vision

= 20
Transforming lives by
Educating for the
BEST. d1 4 ˚ 46 ˈ

CSU Mission

CSU is committed to d1 = 3 ˚ 03ˈ

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people and communities
through high quality
instruction and innovative
iv.) Solve for LC of curve.
research, development,
production and extension.
20 I

20(32˚ )
4 ˚ 46 ˈ

LC = 134.27 m.
v.) Solve for Sta PT.

Sta PT. = Sta PC + LC

Sta PT. = (5 + 767.20) + (0 + 134.27)
Sta PT. = 5 + 901.47

vi.) Solve for sub chord (c2) and sub degree angle (d2)

c2 = Sta PT – (5 + 900)
c2 = (5 + 901.47) – (5 + 900)
c2 = 1.47

c2 20
= 4 ˚ 46 ˈ

1.47 20
= 4 ˚ 46 ˈ

d2 = 0 ˚ 21ˈ

6|Page Prepared By: Engr. Natalio G. Pelovello

Faculty, College of Engineering
Republic of the Philippines
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Cagayan State University
Tel. No. (078) 304 - 0818


CSU Vision

Transforming lives by
Educating for the

CSU Mission

CSU is committed to
transform the lives of
people and communities
through high quality
instruction and innovative
research, development,
production and extension.

Tabulated Data

Station Occupied Station Observed Deflection Angles Central Angle Remarks

5 + 901.47 16000’00” 00 21’ Sta PT
5 + 900.00 15049’30” 40 46’ 7
5 + 880.00 130 26’ 30” 40 46’ 6
5 + 860.00 110 03’ 30” 40 46’ 5
5 + 840.00 80 40’ 30” 40 46’ 4
5 + 820.00 60 17’ 30” 40 46’ 3
5 + 800.00 30 54’ 30” 40 46’ 2
5 + 780.00 10 31’ 30” 3003’ 1
5 + 767.20 Sta PC


1. Elementary Surveying 3rd edition by Juny Pilapil La Putt

2. Surveying by Jack McCormac Et. Al.
3. Surveying Theory and Practice By R.E Davis, F. S. Foote
4. The principles and Practice of Surveying by C. B. Breed; G.L. Hosmer and A. J. Bone

7|Page Prepared By: Engr. Natalio G. Pelovello

Faculty, College of Engineering

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