Digital Frequency Meter

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A digital frequency meter is an electronic instrument that can measure

even the smaller value of frequency up to 3 decimals of a sinusoidal wave
and displays it on the counter display. It counts the frequency periodically
and can measure in the range of frequencies between 104 to 109 hertz.
The entire concept is based on the conversion of sinusoidal voltage into
continuous pulses ( 01, 1.0, 10 seconds) along a single direction.
Construction of Digital Frequency Meter:
The main components of digital frequency meter are

Unknown Frequency Source: It is used to measure the unknown value of

input signal frequency.

Amplifier: It amplifies low-level signals to high-level signals.

Schmitt Trigger: The main purpose of the Schmitt trigger is to convert the

analog signal into a digital signal in a pulse train form. It is also known as

ADC and basically acts as a comparator circuit.

And Gate: The generated output from AND gate is obtained only when the
inputs exist at the gate. One of the terminals of the AND gate is connected to
Schmitt Trigger output, and another terminal is connected to a flipflop.
Counter: It operates based on the clock period, which starts from “0”. One

input is taken from the output of the AND gate. The counter is constructed

by cascading many flip flops.

Crystal Oscillator: When a DC supply is given to a crystal oscillator

(frequency of 1MHz) it generates a sinusoidal wave.

Time-Based Selector: Depending on reference the time period of signals

can be varied. It consists of a clock oscillator which gives an accurate

value. The clock oscillator output is given as input to Schmitt trigger which
sinusoidal wave into a series of a square wave of the same frequency.

These continuous pulses are sent to frequency divider decade which is in

series that are connected one after the another, where each divider

decade consists of a counter decade and the frequency is divided by 10.

Each decade frequency divider provides respective output using a selector


Flip Flop:

It provides output based on input.

Working Principle:
When an unknown frequency signal is applied to the meter it passes on to

amplifier which amplifies the weak signal. Now the amplified signal is now

applied to Schmitt trigger which can convert input sinusoidal signal into a

square wave. The oscillator also generates sinusoidal waves at periodic

intervals of time, which is fed to Schmitt trigger. This trigger converts sin

wave into a square wave, which is in the form of continuous pulses, where

one pulse is equal to one positive and one negative value of a single

signal cycle.
The first pulse which is generated is given as input to the gate control flip flop turning

ON AND gate. The output from this AND gate count decimal value. Similarly, when

the second pulse arrives, it disconnects AND gate, and when the third pulse arrives

the AND gate turns ON and the corresponding continuous pulses for a precise time

interval which is the decimal value is displayed on the counter display.


The frequency of the unknown signal can be calculated by the following formula

F = N / t …………………..(1)

F =frequency of the unknown signal

N = Number of counts displayed by the counter

t = time interval between the start-stop of the gate.

The following are the advantages of digital frequency meter

● Good frequency response

● High sensitivity
● The production cost is low.
The following are the disadvantages

● It does not measure the exact value.

Digital Frequency Meter Applications

The following are the applications

● The equipment’s like radio can be tested using a digital frequency meter
● It can measure parameters like pressure, strength, vibrations, etc.

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