The Galette of 1-T-Tel:a

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NO 7,9

The Galette of ;1-t-tel:a 3TWEITTUT

#1# 3-31T-13174 (i)
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i)
ArrEMIT vsTfi4rn
#. 5421 , Traig, itralzrf 29, 2010/ainter1 7, 1932


.9/ 1-C 1 , 29 kicii,.stk, 2010
WA-T.f4. 787(&)._ 11, TitITT9. t. 31 309 t 'ICI NGcci WitZ1) . Tr qq)'I
cp § -31t7" R 4 r .7Tftc zr . (4113T
:ft Olt II 1T-4f ft:r9- , 1 967
vl 6i d ct) \3 •14) I #0-1- fkk -rw 4)-7ftzr 1, -7rf w, 10 o rfk . ( kftsu) Iftrf4-
IfFt7-71 ,4 for tco (7-4F-d-9- )
kf lsrd- -11--6-r
∎3 L4 4-16 if- rw 05itict) 3 IT-4f f4um. , 2002 \316i . T" f k
ocr) -11c7)1 , -161Z4C11
3q (Wcitc1-1) 161('iCI t, c n3-17rdt t417
-- D-g -3-TfriCfr 4 131-6A - f+-71.
71- ct*) C1 dl q fv:fr t, 3TRim-t-d- co() t 3r4fq
1. Ttf4E?T- 19- 30 TritIT — (1) f^ 4r +il erTift7 -a-Fr 1-0-gir4•)cir
f4EPT, 201 0 t I

(2) .k ,fluit-N .34 sacor2Ta- rt-r-a- vlcd

2. ft9TrtTP-,T — ItTit \A s! ocr) -Rt 3T-4-xert 3T4frird

"3 1" 01)cil eaur 31-Rfirf 3Tfi-tff t;

(U) "f4triT- 11-rfil-wrft" •-kctlk

( TT) "fkITTItzT 7f4t" T7.4
3T-git 4 t 3Ttft9- 3Tfirff t;
(v) "Vt 3T•-Ot 1 it , -1 14110 -t=rq 30 t t ;
"44l err" 31y0-3 1:kfft- 10-4tzu 4rur , c.11 IT-df f 3Trztri.
3Trze -d- 1-01 4Tr 31#fir-ff t ;
3787 GI/2010 • (I)


"-Nct)k" #tt7*Ncr>1 31-5\11;ff t;

(U) " 301t" arTer 1 t tcrq 2 #f4-{ -ffisCr8t iw$t Ott 3 i t;

(-`13) 3Wfit "PLAci t .34d In Nfs ci 31-1147
Otit*I Tit 4.1cii $1- 31--41\-T riTi# 3T4-tt. 31141: c7 -

(i) T-6--A7ttt-f47-ff H lEoi--d-r

-#31-q-t cp1 \r1N411 ;
(if)(46 Ntir ct)1 t y-gt
6) . 1 err 31-R1-2fr wftd- 4) .) f'd7 3I 21T 3T--Er--mvc1- 6)cl I I

(-g) "3TTOr n -f4Zrt 31-Tze t;

() "--cb-1f; 4 171-litfd-" 7)- )cit —3 7 2 ci-1 .417.3 —4 -4f+ /1--crip.41.c9co
31 —4 311.ft- Trft-d- 71-frt3Tf rcf t ;

(z) 1` )(41" f4T1-19- 3 t 374"19 - Trtff 73IT9- 4-N Icl q , lirTtzr 4uur T*tEr
TiTT-g 31-ft

3. ct)I 4 16-1 —(1 )*-T -grt13- 61 .) 7-t -et 1-17-dtt

Iftgr-T TiTritff 77. Lesac l col "7yF'-N1clq, #7-

" t') I4 #739- f+--Trr v11(11 t

(2) -;1-714- 61 .) (41 # 1-ft 6 ') f

.41.Tur mul- -cr -17 3utuR-EF f4p-ff f 4 l t 3I-2M
731-63- \J LI WTI Trgl-t14) ( 1 r) ( 1#4-o-F-) (t7 cole.410-14)
19-), -1417-
fict) (10-o-F),
(3)totild cll "f4Z11:11 3TTT7 Tiff 6141 I
(2) -0--F4fft-f 31-ft m-rftzli to-7,*--1 61-) 7)- t-i6c)-- d q I
3frf- M-7 \fr)t-{ 4 I u f-1l f rT uwil

3T---01- 1 it r- i?, , c4i 4741- Vt 1-0 c411 #11-6- -47ff-0-

-119 , 111f4-p- _Szl I 31 i \3 4)1 T-1140114) .i-- (1 6)-) .M-4tr c

11 1 5). 40-3- q d I q c-1-1 4-11-1 31--f-fzit 1
Tran- V-)Rbt -f+7
(2). 5 ,-1 1, (1) 61c) *kcok 1,y1 14-1 —
3.1-TO 1 # c1-1 TIT c1-1411.1

1-9-, Rcick , -7rf-f24-FT9- 31-217 \3 1-iic-N u l Cl0

of ;
31-rth-rr 3tt-m-rfAm-
31t fom-r 7-R-FPf. 3T.Te 1 # 2Trf c f q

4)) q I # .1 c11 # f t-K 4)) c,1 d zTT 3101 --d. Titt. I

PITiff II—d u s 3(i)] `1177 tiA41 : 31Ti1tTg4T

(3) Tit ‘1\3-q 71. T 1 .3-e4 4-i 71- 'Fc-flzi-c-d- "fktiV ZIT ,4-NcON "RT1 c.t)N TfT 7[..74
, j14\yif*.r) \3w-r, #0T# ct)‘0< c5h.licifi4 7 T"--/Tzft mot'
• ) ci I **It* *1- tur ct)clit Aact)141 (1) ctac1 4Vffifilt.
T 374d-9- 31-rw icff ttr 31-f-rtt tr-qQ3ciKaT err

5. cil — '4-1-4.1 6 .1 , 31-2(rff

f47=1- 3 t. n3 Lifs?-49 (2 .) 37r-frff 34-F4 clIdl atf;

f4z:Fr 6 - 1:'4-41T8 1W 1:1-17 -1"47-ff zzlf . I

6 ,t)c-41 ci '‘'._151c1 3th 'LT-4f -cr--

4-f -
(1 ) f4z1-1#
771-1- ups , )c4r # 31-Te 1 #724T--f4f4fts- m-f4isa-

(2) --1'41s3- 1T-4f 3T7e 2 -4 -P4-fitsz- 311-0-1). 31---T1717 4, LI 4-11-

iTruFr #ttftc T-g-RT LI T16cd tiTtRT -gFT
flct),) T-R-r trfl-

ct)1 3Tt 4 1:3U T-91-1 \3 LN 471 55)-fiJrzit--

34-g-c11 3T70- —2 4- z -{ -Off

(4) 5-zIt 11)----it TAT f47gft fd-7 3TT-0- 2 VRT,t

6) 1 11 3#R.cll TT 2T u u 31-24117 -RT77:1--11-1 1;1- f - -1.7
eu-45- ti'rrEf-d-r \3ctd 3T-Tit # -T7ft

tt&IT 3crOti ct)) 37T-i-t- 3 zp-Fr-tfkffisuf-trr ufNni

t7r- -3 3th 1cH tu-- -4 A Ktr M-7 , )cit 31-ft-m-rftEn:

)\s ufl) 3117 t--Tc-zr----rft n -'1-1-1 T-t) ZI,) -ff4E0, -Sft
3117 Rz4)\31-i T-Tr 3TT-Ot —4 W*'4t.t, Tr24-rft-uf, fomftzr cf

T{f4f0- R14t1Reit.31-RTR o f+711 \TIN'll I

31T77 — *-T f4E11# # f eN9- 1:g t. f 3117 )c41
a- I 11-1 2p- 34-rztp-r \rwii I
q)bdc-11 —(1 )-.1 -f47:19)- 774 6) .) f s 7:J1- 3"0 Li f4Ff f -r17

A q i 717 71 -4 -
f471=1). t ATT -1 6) 1 1- . •Tfrr 1:7; I
M TU: ci

urt.a. rft :

icFq -aft f+-R-ft \3(1-c1 2;1- fka9'r

7174 0') 31-1117 3 cT 77rit


- _
( 2 )79"f- 4ttflcLtz ITT tqT -f-4-44T
•51 ZTfSZ
T;;T 4k7-4 73,--41t 34-,--Ti-kr 31ifci ciq" ,TriTft

(3)44- 1T-dt Tht473U #1:17:1 1-i S4Hci3TRFT-T1t -T=U-dr TT --tfrIT:11crii

W4f 31 kc' s4)^id 317-Frff 4 3YlR1 c , 317T7 tT 1TF n311Y11 I

(4)ik q f c Ta1,3Ttrt: /117*11 :NJ 'VT T 4, -t f R

f4"- R "f*TIT 5T61 ci6i \3-0 &f's3- .aff'+-zi\f 71-41T t itc17
c Rtvg 31T1TItv-q Ll
tt 74. ,tfi 3Tfr/ 1-11-)1c-11 trqT, fr 3f/1r tcri 3T3TRT-47 7-1- Tr{
1-fr co4i cofl t 3117 \3-61. 4 cf cz414)4i .314/ 41-4isr.
tt)cflt, 31-11-4t \3-ucick 3)-oft4 71-Y----
H-fo- c
37-41- LiRchrr Titfia-ai3O1)

(5)01T (1 ) A-..341z4 ,1 (2)t 3T. tft . 3-Trk clic) #14Tat

34777 t t.m 4-0# 374vrftff I

a tiNt4-1T 30 V- —(1) ci I t Trf41 Tf77-91-1' -

# 7411fr '11-4f i Tit--7itcf fqfd
i11 1I c1fh3T-4it 1'6-7 trfftvr T-T7 411 :

f4zt-i-ws i i cokUi -** trftt-4ff *1- 31-45.1- co) zrd-r osi q, ci t 3P,7
7f4Itur 3T-4ftr •-v-rft
3flt :rtrrg ITT 417 --411)-o,- stimftt
q4 ter ct) ,..) Trrei-fft-d# \N-ci 31-41t. TTI
(2).urtaur T '34- f+-t. f4R7rF z-, fi 3T-04 t TR-r 3Tftrwt
ITF-dtzr iftrft ,4449-Err, Tftmur g161K Tvr
tfieNsP9 1Trrr -) 3117 n3crc1 31 1410-zi t 3td- ruf ct)

(3)Trit 4101-4fr zrr mit r * q1R-140) t q 6 f ctN

3TftITTft lift-05T7 z41 , 44 -lett f4tNT co \J1 \3 q-cr f 1-4-1yff TIT #ziT
f4zift•q r \34 TT IR T4ctirc4f4d,

( 4 )7ft4t4TT TIT \314) L

34tit tF, 3iRrwrtt-trit -erva- 1797 t C1) Ce4/LS-

TFEI- 4-11-1 !).5 #-uRr4:1- ct) t 777ft I

10. 1-117 t ci
f-5-4" ITT .N I t fe7 71" 341:4t1.7 Th-T 1.47
ifr WIT kr1ki fli cOccfal) 7 3111-fferq cocciall f7 ct).)
le.11 uiii I

II—tgus 3(i)] 1-17ff TT (1,3141: 3R7-177 5

1. 3T--r f414- rr efT .71739- -4 -qf'de4?i-ft —(1) Iff f4erzi): 4 3tc1f4 fi t 6 7, •AcIl
Tr7 3rftr-eit col dlcii-aci -4, ergarritc4f, , -Nci-)N 7rti-f-7 Tr7 3lle-,et
ailzrzfr9-, -R-NcoN err 1\3-41 err ftlilrr, err ,wcov err 7F-Ter ,-.1144ccprR-ft -1'4r q err
.3sp-1 q " Pi4) err f+-7-11- 317E1 +-1.A1c,1?-1 err
ftRfm-r 714 q- , -Nct)N err Ivtl . -kct)k 7r2r m g dr tr, f4--V-.)c11, LR. I4--a-r Jr79----ffr

q- uf442i- .4
(2) z 3r-q-Rr 3T1i1T1-ftt '?1191-?-4(1?-11 # '?1111-1"Vt
3TfTWFitl"). t fr3-TWIT # trit 3-fi7 qN1 717
171. -rrRT-dtrft- :

tR--q 3fftwrftzr1-*'t Taf mi*6 ER- 6c.) \34 3Titd ,) 14 LiPc114-- f+-zrr

1 2. "f4RtffT : c16 -

orf- err It tc f f+-Eit t TIT

(u) f 3rcr-4 of 44 1 3Trrt g71-7-41- t

trq- 11 ff-relt TT 1:15' trIT :

flcr)N q, Ierg 349rqr9-t. t 1ci 16 V. u:Fft 3T -ft-q-1-6- 1:141-457

7-))' Ttzr f 3T 3Vzr 3T rct) .)f 3T sir -t-dt cl ---fr
f Tff
1.-ETTiT 1).1 c14--T# Trfr

13. fTf2RT ct)-1 : v161 ..-Nct-)k *I-zr “4 c^ii 34T4ZEIT . TIT 1 4-f1-41 .-i -g-,(461 ci
c Nur t,
\311 h c 3fftrl- 7-4-R-Fre f4-Ert f+-01- "7-104 cri)-
-Wt qrf err i;rq-Tf t czi 6?-1) 4 3f1-4717T fe2a- ct-) T]tift I

1 4. 3T.4 TrFft,-; 91 4-i d) fiert cr)) -icr-0.T. -181 f rr' i zai t,

#411- # T RI-771T
•?)ci 3T-4 c -oft vi) *NoN =1--R•trrtt-d-71-T-6-

1 5. v41*- : f4Eftit ctN tsi 10, i 3047, 3TT?i -T411iT 3T 31-- 4. (-1 1 1TR- 711-1-4
-9-er Wrzr tkcoN TI:fur-Tfrrzr -EF f4tr t 34TIR
3370-d- Wi'd-Eit 37f.ff \-1-1 \111fel). 30 3T-" T f lu 71-7f t cz4()1 z.11 ct) -11 *rf


r421-31- 2 (ET) , f4EIT12 (a), 3 (5), Repi 4 (1), ft:111- 4 (2) 30 ffiz11:16 (1)

:Rf. sziA trq T-r t--- liq-wr ( T. veri7-). 4d9 4 31i-R- t-P4ffff of
tr \Lit54i) ct-i4-11-1 (5)
--d9- t•--a9-

1 2 3 4 5 (() 5 (g)
. \3-0-ci Mii-if)cr) W4-q 3.Tf.t
( ITROT9-) 961 710 67000 -
(3.7.t) (Iiitar) 79000/ -
fts3I ik-ff)ct) -
\31 1- 30 .44-4 10000/ -.
s (`+) -TT. 37400 -
(Ti) (1&79-) 67000/ -
tIV- N ' zi-9- *I-) &P:3-UT, 0 • -4 8700/--'.
s( lit-OT9-) (lift-gr9-) 30% Oct) 37400 -
[4 --r (31-zi Id.1-ua. 67000/ -
(tt.T.-.4)] ‘9•4,z4411-1 117 -°
4. ct)quo 73 " 31W4T-• --cry crq) t-4- - 3 7600/ --.
( lif40-9-) (-- lift-F-ft 314 15600 -
R t.) 39100/-
5.. Ti-EllsUId-911-'l tRfC1-1-ftTt" 751 -4.t - 3 6600/ -.
( `liff9-) -4.) \l-i--q-i I 15600 -
2055 39100/ -
6.-Ea T. lift-rt- 1304 'k-4- -3 5400/ -.
(44-V9.) ( r -4.) 1 5600 -
39100/ -

[ TIM II —(g °,s 3(i)] 1,3114 4 : 3MINT7T 7

[-f4-44- 6 (2), ziTT 6 (3) 30-frrr 6 (4) 4]

T.1-. 17, MT •IN„ crz41 T14-I ti zi-lm--r ai. 31 i-1;ft9f'd-
*i ,<T4-ti ( cfri is 3i tr---g- •-erld41 31taT cll
4 6 cfrizi-i- c1-t=11-1) 31-2I-41-
-c4 z1-1 TM '
2 3 4 5

, .-7*--ff ‘16IN Th---qi,fl tiq-1 1,*-11 311- -Tf

(ift-r9 ), \i-o-ci ( iftoI4) -f-i9-4 4 c11-1
mimPcr) ,s citi *1- i q fki tr-i-4-*1-t ;z4-{
67000-79000/- tqr -4 -:TV '' Vt Li‹). -4
--. 104tRi- citi c 1- 1- .1 ci cal
q, cile) 3ifirWr# .11-4
\34 4 1611T- ( 1#44.) t-
4 cb 41--A. vi ct) qtEf tt
1- -Aci 4-4-r tfit 1
2. .1t4 IT-eTftbl------- q NI -cf9- . R:rr ftzr- (1-ft--r9-) -f:0-
( 10o-r9-) ci-i as -4 fi-b-rw (lifari) A
I 37400 -67000/- WI-8pr 1-1-F4--T-4t *ILI
TR)i=r1000()/- 3Tr3 c14 r. \L-114-ifofqfd
Vi0 it ,,.)cii tl t ; Err
Acii 4 TP:Kg- `.w' Wt L1‹).
it 'ick675f -1-1.41c1 tr-qt-
clie) 3T1 3th 3it4T0-1-
Ifto-r-41- 5 It ch li tr V-I
T.IN ci : 1- 141k- i -4-4r 6) 1
(f-ff# t--T-c--zTwrtl-
# 'i- iii tiqr 3r2,11---q
---f4ts- -mimPc1)
-fthco ( 1.&-ft-F) urita-t I


3. a'. T ( ) -F-741t T.1-49- 3T ter 3TINTur (11ft---4)

*4•-• —4 .6 4f qm 1Tik -44 tr4-g-A-v--q-a- col
37400 —67000/— ,t)(41 t •qk-64 .44 A u-i-
o-R7R:1- 8700 / —T r+-71-r t, Dflcn iiumi 44fr
64 t qtf tr 31-1-0- q ti NH.4
tt 1 1 -jf t 3TRIF IT
--ICTTft I
1W q H1 ff49- t jr qftuu lit---r-41- l'r4- -4--
ci -1 —3 4 g ill citi-t ft4fci ,.)cii*'t
15600 —39100 / — t- I
•0 I FR-{ 7600/ —0
..." .1.. —=
qm tiq.-1 I 9- TIN
—1-ri-f ,i1,s —3 qif*)fq 0 cil-Q-t 1
15600 —39100/—
0 ,z 1R-i- 6600 / —7-0
as '4

6. 1-1-c46- P4 e — ' ci -cie4-1

c-h-i ils —3 Tfttf1- lit TR-1 ;
15600 —39100 / — 7417T 1Tft'ZM-
FO 49- 5400 / — --0 3:1)---- TT -ft-- ('w) TI'r---f---r 4i- :
-4 9-t -ffT4- TR- 3l-f4---t- -
u cl gkl

D-0 .) dcl . i 4t--2,

9300-34800/--F0 qff
tiff 4800/—i. 4
\961 qco VW-4r f),S -1
(7- 73- TffE.Tff, trq
-cff q tt iz4i9c-i -#41
t ; AV
•st R 4--ifR5ci 3fe-d-r
-r-4 g- :
1.1-Fff 4 t-dtzr TIT .i\rLi
Wt 3Tf4ftzill- TRT .frr1:4ff
f47c c1 1 31-2 7 TfT1-q t
3-TRATT q i ,t1 T24-ftff

[WI II_ u s 3(i)] 17117 TIT .1 :;74TW07 9

kr1)4-, Tr-o-rr err

E1kT341<r9 Yr-a)-rr
341;41 ,) g 9, 1956 ( 3) cl;)
tiRT 3 t WM' Enferff
-fcIncyclq TTfr

zir 911F1 UT
en Iv-44pr err
Pi'i Trei-Tir fli- 1
err 75. -a Iftgiq
ftiff. 3ft
- rnw9- 74IT
UT 141 4-q
3Tt2.1e4-i Zffk)1ZP-1

4 9N-q--ftlfr I

(•) N :
ttEr zfr Tf *HON
err zrOrci. err
r--ftqr9- I 2 TT err \Lc4144-0
-frer err 3rtfRi-Rm-rtt 3rerqr
31-frwrtt ;

(i) e1 4-)16 , err

f411-Fr 4 f q 10 3TTZ11F 14R-
TT t4c
tTTRDT Cfr.- ciic); Zn
(ii) err tli-Fr 4
(1 ,.1
4s-2 , 9300-
4800/-W Zn 9C1-


3T-FtiF qtf

ci I : TiT
'2c1 (01.5 7F form- -4
01 -2 , 9300-



4600/— 7 9T -4
t-i-cild s A-
1-41- ti (WWTR" uF cfl –I (44
: ?Tr
(iv) tei c111.5 71 f4#7
0-1 t-2, 9300—
34800/—T), I rRT 5 ci-i
4200/—. 31-24-4T .14-ict-)U#
-1 -zP-ff t 1-7ciicl #
1.1Pc-i 31-rcl-R-tR31-r3 ci 1 t
(u)341-01-1{-df f-q- \A I.)
cl le) X11 -4 . t Th-q- f4-ftftS
r4W artd-k t ; 3
( Tr) 10-oft 91.-11-Aui
zit 31-1'4--- Tr--Ercrr Zr kOkifur mi-
c-11-1 u r 3T-T1-4 TIT
Ito-rf -crz1)Tmidi34
(1t----d-1- wi'mlic,ii . 3T-tr-q-r
Dz4)51)) .-i)divil 3N-
3ffet1 cr h1 wr1mildi
31-24 qr Iiiiql-tnvilcoci
Trztrudi 31-2F4T 41-
TITIMMirif) # t# cil Thi.
3T-T45c11 ti
fir 1 — trlisr-a) Tr-44. t
0 foTriftzr 31-Rwrft,
-ri--H-ft t trft. # t,
mD1- 6 IF ftgft t- fo7
it---R- f+-7 Q11 .) t (1 ,1 -151
6)-) I T#t mcoN, qDfict-ci
v:rif t--fa- TRT -Nif- t
i'7 -r4-4R- fh7 \iii .) t. LIN
.9-et 61. 1
fir 2 — UfR4)
3T-4RT, fR-i-- 3t-d-4--a --tzr

DIM I I ---/fitr 3(i)] ,
ITTM i (1 444 : 371ILTITrIT

\,-kcovt t R,it TIT W1-- 3F.‘7

\L-iflo-i/foTri-r -4 -14zp RI'
t'W tr-6--- tire- ft-4- .T.E1
ct)I5 esil6J 1:1 IR- 14F6P441
*zi- 3T-44 t, vrrt0ur -dar -1
4,Efti- 3Tfirw -41 trfr 1
ftcqui- 3 — lift-1 IF
f4V- R- 31-ftr-- d-4 3T%
4t4-r 3Tr-k# -ci-rtr c4,
i-tk3- col 56 u4#
31-kW -I gl. trft I

ftcurur 1 : ci 4 *1- zr-6- 1- Ract e.i i t, ,․):

31-Rrwrft-$'1- Li Ncti f rc -ffrttu -Oft I

-ftculur 2: tiqf T71- 11 d 3T f4fffftZ org{w

3TeffrQ f4zft *13 1 -F#U ct)) 3Tqft2Tid- # "OW TTFO- #
(114j,9gtTit I
ftarur 3 : 61 cbl tur-TOFff cols 3T-1ft chi
4 - -3 "M. cl • 1 4.5 -4 # clic) f+-#1- "f4tEl l)5 4) 5 4-
f+---ar vi I ci 1 t, Aut mil 31-Ri-w0.-41- a Trr 31 i qftsa t 31 \3,-1
as -4 314 ci ct) f' 7 t, 45 -4 \3 -1 f4tEr Diu -TAIN-Pco
3arwrtr *'t #9-r-dt *:=1- -ffittu -4R-- -Fzfwrtr (rcnV 3n-1T qgt
ftlifuT 4 : fir ic11 3T Au *t ITuTiT -0)79- 1 3TfiWt- ITT
179-qt- , 2006 # 11-0- /.3-1 tf, It## 3T177171- *1- Ri t-blRe 1:17
3iTZITitff "0-14ffd (1 .-1 -it4 .-11 cot f'4--rr f--z1-r 4 1 q 1 t, ReAci 31-m-R- ITR--$I- ti q-r col .34-(1
3f1-Elt1 i 31rw-cF 14(10c1 ci.-0(-1 -191-1 TR.
--rcn-ft 30 llfl1 1 ci 34-rt0 f4zyd- f4-4t 1 7-- 4--ft, 2006
1 -R114.10- 3T-rzn-rr -ft-wrfte y 31-r11-0-d- 7-ttru-d-
-r4--1 1 4)1 f4T---d-Fizur 'R41 t , 31-80 rf-R- 41 Aci t 4R{q rzr \3-1 vt6i c,r)
3mit-w 10 7-4tru-d- as d c1-1R(1-1-1111 Te0- cr u T d cl-1'-11-1f4-71- t 4 1 Z-11 t 34R- c4 61
-GF R-ctiRct f4-9-r
CDT Trfo-FarrEr9- t
ftecrur 5 : ut6i -Vf415U c2-14). #01- #, fi l 31-1:19f 31-g-dT/ 41,1di -641.
t, 61t ‘3161 \3 •14") czaz.11 t--4-zi f4-4r-- fist
z46 c1 61 \si c.1 -gTRT '14 tAt 31ft/41-Acil 31-10- 4
31-1:4W TIT ci tf \3-11 Ifr 409 6),09 tr 30
7{f8--d, f 3T / tmici I tp- u tt ct), A 31-ri-At -C;LCN P;i Jit
3Tur-41- -crittur 31-q-ftr ÷Ni dditkict) A0I

31-t- 3

[-1-72(T.) 3fR
149- 6(5) tt-

1.-iTTT 1


-1;14.0 ci-191-1) 3ttriff -Rt-qr1St- lid"f 4-41-w t itrw-1

-4S1- \yiN,fr

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TP97- ffl:RT LH -1 Gt)H TT aiRTRIFVTI: t 4 ! t1

3. Mgt \3 4-1-nci141 3ffr

•TiTfak -fcr
31fi-R-#1-7 4 Rir r445-F
:311Z1)TT qRT tr#E-TT ,1 a,T 241 30-112t c 371 171 141 'Iii 7{4ff .k-fr

4, 1TT , ii -fd-f . cot ci 'h 3TiVWF S4 eA1-1 9 gt L N(11 \L-Ncor<

1=4 .flqcrd d I , \511 74 , fti, t 3r f0- Zn 3TfI[Ty1-9-7T1r -zfr 3F:t f#5-4-r
col it ftuf .-tc?_41(4.1
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\J"k i c 7)111-Zr 91-11 .7N 4 11 1

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3fft5. 7-i-qrTzz
- r 9- LIN AI-) f+-3-4t. -11-FRT 31-2.MT 21-titeF ) t} T,IGtc-1
-r4-4-o--9- 7rti-r 3Mic#11 t, AciT zilr-i-rr

-mum 31 14-4f

1. c1.191•1 N G 9.)41:rit LI‹) 00741- LIG Th7t-,.--R--q-l-t-ft,-rq-TVt

4 dr 7#41-1- 1,ylII IcTI -i -7 71, c-q- -4 3117 .34ku1I 4t-T-t--rt-d-
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co) 3T ,111 4 11, \.3113ctci -1-1-P49- . -41 7T-'fr 1

II_ us 3(i)] T (Ni q 317111 1 13
3PZT2ff IT f c111 tft It, -q- -cr 3ttR-
-a)--rzrrr-JEr 3T-rzt-r A- ftrizrA. Q--, R. t>e fir t, fM• 311t- c0 , I1 I

3-1-Pg TNT f41:9TTITT trft : -

3P-70f •1 7-0-4' 21 Ti lt 39 7rL?r ci-r< t f$--q 44n- ci0 c44

797# 4-im t 33 32 (44 -9- t- I

(u) 31-Rtrrr \31-1-1 f'd7 tlf0 wilut "E0--- 1,441Hui '1 "W1


1Ttr&IT P-11t-IN :-

(T) --izr
5i-ko A -tta 31-2441-71\ f f a 9 TZT fi rt e f24cavAtc,i4
affilz71- *41t TT 7 -I cif4-eiime4 31 - 9- 3T1•71-1 aTt-T, 1956 . (3) c1
3 t 31-0t9- 2
-f-411-i TIT .-4-Sm--4 TITto
zTr Tlfq- Tr iTtif zfr lift-gTiznTiltITAV•1 Tit 'it- "f4-- T9- 311- R- iiTiF49- .1
- 7itIl—M1711"
1-.41 I mo, t T 3TuRff 7% i 9N-dV ftt I

f4tTzT -Wt 4 \Jk-klcro 3r2rcir RITP-11-1 loco --7-4.-t•

1 3T-qtr T-td colcckftffi Trr 3Trltff c16
013T-R-42-1T6t I

(TA) 31-1-70 \3-1\r -0-#7 (15 Tqu-- . (co) 3-reffr cP1 3Tf ri u Th'r-crtrPiir
cil3T-7(fruf 6)4 ua Etc t-H-71
t, Tit&TT b q •OT -1- (1) : -14)() t 3117 ∎ -1 - -1 4 1c1 .41Ef -f-7
3?..-icor/T-0- 5.0U chi
919oll 31-41 1:1- tsifff 01'3 ( - W) tfA"fftsZ treico 31t-di 711:ff ct).)
3Turt9- 611 I

( Tr) 0 3-117?-ff vil 34 - 12FT 31f0- CI Ucr (7)) 14ft ftfr

-FT -fc..14tic,i4.1 7rt t, 37 T \31 \N9T 5-11-.-T1)17:14-11•11

0 311-74
', mil t• T4711- TIT 3TT2TTEit tRizi t• Zff 31-1-Tf#rw
Itfr 3T11Tff-d- ct-)4T41\5) t, 01)4) ct)

t, t. 7Trq- ct)-II 6 -19.1)t. e-46 3fte

-P-rd. 611 \3-6 371-4
ct) aTaRT ZIT fklimizzi4f 4)1 flTf CN .27 t- 14 \3-61.
"f'-zi-r t-

6 . 3T-Eftrr-g-rTr %1N-1# "Rt.t 3rIzr2it T--r

-Rrrft, 7-4it -0# ip--E t.-TrErd- -N c/-)k 1TE TIT
3IT1Fcl --rsrTft I

7# 41-1 T1 3=1 4-11 •kl -

(T.) 4 &IT trek fl6ftl-ff 13 ffit17 4)9 3irtrr TTr

-Itzrr \YIN II I

(u) 3p-zrOf Li \qur 1). 3171)T1 fiq rfq cr ft-7 4 N I MRut 41 vico trr
,t)cI It, 4 )1 -RTR,-7--t-7 t- fR..g-a-rzrr r74--Trr

( Tr) y. 3TizrOf Ty it 3rTiftd- 7rik 3TTlitff \ii -m flt4c.44-f

t -Trit 3fitri MI6 1 tft' -g7i- 31-Fruff 174. c-)5-fk T-c17 R45- 311V17
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1Tr- Ct)) el 1 4k Cr) () Ti-roT-T-F f71ft-ff. (t),

(Er) ,di&-rrffF 31rtrr 341 )- t r1rirur qtrq---d-r 7-e AtiR 4itt

4ur AR- 7-i-refF-t-F T -P-C.4-T. ri 3r--r
T-\,r Tirgi S 3111T17 317ftff
3117 3T- 1 fOl q Trtlf 2Tif c t, 3117 7T--4t
31-1-72ff 4)) vt) f Li 4RuIP-1 ft; f 2 u c f t t ai-114M-ff+-zit
T ,110

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3TT-trr TR-F 1:12T -qtrzr-d-r TO- -tarn- ct ^ 4 I 13 i 31- 7ftd- \31-1
3T7. 31--L Wriq f - -,z41 -ttErr cicb Tdr4
cOrli 4 1 ci<N4 d I TAt ch) 1'1

3T1-7 2ff t cil 061 3fitTir, 31PitTF UfttitW

[ 9:FT II--ta u s 3(i)] I177 i tiA to( : 3114Itilt u f 15

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3-1 ,11M-d- \st-, -111- 30 q). cof4e4 #-01-

clic) 3P-71-Q-ff f fi 3171trr f49-r f TO- ci)- -R-1-ch-rffu
t 34-2TT- iTT*11 k f rc 31-e.F4T ct)) 31Tft-d- 7t0-,
3TTIt-d- .1-1\31P 77f t.fd-73TF-1-f--d-fr qc1-11 -1914RTIc1
f+-un- \yii

(J) 3trthi-r 7 li ,k)Rci.) \4-141<cik1 co) \3-14)

-P-ftit col .t. 1-7,.3-14) -cm- it LOM-r -cri't -Oft -47-4 7TrtTR-cri
7ft--d-zrr 34nzrzff 31 7t0- , 31-Tftd- n31-1.1111 31----W-Ef
ourf-Eft -rd-7 31kru-d-itft qfl-zr-d-r ct)) 3Tffi-ftTff chrii'l cik
f7 3Tre-d- ftitTit +k.,q41 3Tf fee-d--dr t, 34-rtrr
-ftim-t- .9-er*fi7T-ufr I

(7) 1V.1-4.17 -c0urTlir I -C1- 1 30 tit 317l)T1 -TT f4ff4ftm- -77-Tft

3T1zreff -Tt--T--ed- 341-R- 7-strut f 7:14)1 34-Rtrr

34tR- k \ 4-41c; c1 3-1TE1)-TT TR1 - -a-fr fefT 1-4tUT # 51 2T -itEfT
\TIN 4 11 I

•17T-It 37PP-if co) 34-ItTr TZT s41t) l-itii cot tt 'EfiAct 4811 t, TIT -9-1-4t. c-10\3-1
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T4-1131t ct")) - ftFITLTT t, Zfr (-I-TT -2-01" 3T c1 71- -cl-trUT
-tt 3T c1

71119)- : chl 37E1)7 c) .) "fM•r cO) 661')

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\'/) LI zir f; ( 3{q-ffa -# 0,fr I

,3• T-Tr arrtrr ;

31) 341,1h' 1 P.11\31-1 -g-RT ;

Trff cl6 u # , -Nct-4 X141

t f471-tt- 341 R.50it4-)


31TO — 4

{-1111 2 ( Tr), 1. 1 2 (5) 3i171 .19- 6 (6)

-4 -1

sT)3i. \See ,-i q ii --11) 117 N T4N 'TR f4"-- F td-9- U -3 31,R.--d--1-4. -4
-D-R:r-f67 ct) .) 1'7f-41-TrTil-zr ct-) .) 'f- --ici--)' il-F-q---rft .1--N-1
---1fa-tir -fa- ,t-Pit- f4ni-rtzr ti -5RRI Tftrfa-
-st, -1- sq-r-4fi .M79-ft
t wfrffa-
cff (i) 3l-1441-'1-r 3Turff di'kTg' (i) Tftq , tql-t
1-16111-- 31711-*Mq-4 6)01 I 4-1'711(141

(ii) :1-f4-q-zi-rfo'rEf tiqt -4 (ii)fo'FNifti-zur

:iiii q 1- 3TIF .' 1 4, 37R- TF.44-, ,,,g NI
I-1 -0717Zr 9kie1Zi
(iii) Traf4kuT-, \Liqt'-i (iii) Pi

IT(FM-7 'ziftF 41-Rem-1#4---aFf

T11-4-fur ti 449-u-T
2. 737 (i) 3774-4r Try art riff T4-p19-f— Terfq , u-F
ff- 3Trztrri- col *Iqti4 61t-IT 4;iicizi
(11/T9') (ii)if4̀-4TITfi-- 'lq\ firtErRift-i-zir
tf-r am- Tifti-, 31--EF-ii---4, hi
_51--1 -i-Alel q 44.41e/e4
(iii) 1 16I f 1 ct) zir ti de t.ti (iii) 1161fTWTfT
3Tff'd-RTff 1-161R -rw 3TFO-ft-ff ,-1.51-rw
(1-1-ft-r-ff), 1-Twita (10-arff) 1-1-7-414
-- vs-0 4.Tur 1-1-4urft- ti449Irr
3. U- (1) ligTfte-ict), 31-zzf4f cll'k (1) TA 4 - , tgm
0-1froal 1TR-41-Er 1-1-ftr9- 6 01 ,-i .1 lcd L4
(ii) .4-g--d--TifA-q-, '-1 " (ii) -16111,41-q-{
ur9- J-1,Ilei q 3Tftft-TT-9-611-.
(&M), ITT--41zr
litarH cp ,i4urri
DIM 3(0] `1-1T7 mil (1,1141 : 3TFITtT171 17

(iii) .34 961R4rw \'-I -1 (iii) \34 9611-

(Vo-F. ), ITT-T-4tzr (fir'), 1TR-4m
lit-arf \94c ,-144-i-ur

341-49-or (1) 3Tamrz1r 3i RftIT 3T TAT (11'0gf ft--4- , gi.-f

liftart r •k-1 6 cl I 1-1,11e1.1
(11)TOgdTri -, *i-q 9611.1ct)T4T
'1 I-1 4-1,11cl q 3T c ,i6Ifi-r-.
(2;`' F), I-11707
---) =r-g.Tur
Iftr n

(iii) .3 y 4-16P Y1-- ' 1 ' 'l (iii) .14 416111ct)

(ifra19), `147ft:f (Vgf9), 1-TRtzr
9.0o-rf \-144fur 1r4-arftw iy4iTrr

5. -.5--41: (i) 4-16P 11---zn. 3T17:149- (n9-81 (i) :A.q. , .51,-I

V4-ait 3TitffTff 4-1611 4 cP 6 di 4,1k,1e.1
(raj, 1TRtzi
1-0--arf pTr-4.4ftir
(ii) -f4---rw, g i .-i Tr -'-1 (ii) '-16 1R 410 TT
4-111e1L4 31-rdittd-Trefkkww
(V407), ITR-dfizr
(iii) fiict) ---R.Tf (iii) ∎i ti 96i(ff-
( 11-ft-F ), ITF4tzi (1-#9.), 1-TR-ta
ftrf= \LI 44iur Iftrf \944rur

6 litor41- (i) 3TIZR5 ZIT 3TIZIV (i) r11+1,--atffT I

3TTeRT col . -1 •q4 rw,

(ii) Tzgff Tift-4, *1 (ii)

9-?I Ici zl f*:,)1


3787 GI/2010-3


(iii) 34 *1,,,-zi (iii)
9 6l1 3rOtuur
( lit-áF), ITT--dt-Er Volt,
1.Kto-rft--144fur ITr-tzr
[In 1/23/2008-W-2]
Tjth rob , fikFT
New Delhi, the 29th September, 2010
G.S.R.787(E).--1n exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of
the Constitution and in supersession of the Geological Survey of India including
Exploration Wing (Class I and Class II posts) Recruitment Rules, 1967 in so far as
they relate to the posts of Director (Selection Grade), Director, Regional Geologist,
Geologist (Senior) and Geologist (Junior) and the Geological Survey of India
(Director General, Senior Deputy Director General (Operations) and Senior Deputy
Director General (Scientific and Technical Support Services) Recruitment Rules,
2002 in so far as they relate to the post of Senior Deputy Director General
(Operations), except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such
supersession, the President hereby makes the following rules, namely:-

Short title and commencement.- (1)These rules may be called the Minikry of
Mines, Central Geological Service Group 'A' Rules, 2010.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official

Definitions. -- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a) "Commission" means-the Union Public Service Commission;

(b)"Controlling Authority" means the Central Government in the Ministry of
"Departmental Promotion Committee" means a committee constituted under
Schedule IV to consider promotion or confirmation in any duty post of the
"duty post" means the post included in Schedule I;
"Examination" means the Geologists' Examination conducted by the
.Commission for recruitment to the Service in Geological Survey of India, as
specified in Schedule III;
"Government" means the Central Government;
"grade" means a grade of a duty post specified in column 2 of
Schedule I;
regular service" in relation to any grade, means the period of service in
that grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis and
includes any period -

[ 177-t 3(i)] 147-d TI

taken into account for purpose of seniority in the case of those

already in that grade at the time of commencement of these
during which an officer would have held a duty post in that
grade but for being on leave or otherwise not being available for
holding such post.
"Schedule" means a Schedule to these rules;
"Screening Committee" means a committee constituted under Schedule IV
to consider the Non-Functional Upgradation of any duty post in pay band - 3
or pay band 4 of the Service.
(k) "Service" means the Ministry of Mines, Central Geological Service Group 'A'
in the Geological Survey of India constituted under rule 3;
3. Constitution of Service.- (3) On and from the date of commencement of
these rules, the Geology stream of the Geological Survey of India, a Central
Organised Group 'A' Service is hereby constituted as "the Ministry of Mines, Central
Geological Service Group 'A'.
On the date of commencement of these rules, the Service shall consist of
persons who have already been appointed on a regular basis to duty posts of
Geological Survey of India in Geology / stream namely, Senior Deputy Director
General (Operations), Deputy Director General (Geology), Director (Geology) (Non-
Functional Selection Grade), Director (Geology), Geologist (Senior) and Geologist
Thereafter the Service shall consist of persons appointed to the Service in
terms of these rules.
For the officers referred to in sub-rule 2, the regular service rendered before
the commencement of these rules, shall be taken into account as regular service
for seniority, confirmation, promotion, pension, etc.
All the duty posts in the Service, as specified in Schedule I, shall be
classified as Group 'A' posts.
4. Name, grade, authorised strength and its review.- (1)The name, grade, number
(sanctioned strength), pay band and grade pay or pay scale of the duty posts on the
date of commencement of these rules shall be as specified in Schedule I.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), the Government may by
notification in Official Gazette,-
make additions, alterations, substitutions or modifications to the number
of duty posts or grades, designation, pay band and grade pay or pay scale
specified in Schedule I;
in consultation with the Commission and the Department of Personnel
and Training, include in the Service any duty post or exclude from the
Service any duty post included in Schedule I.
( 3 ) If any State or Union territory or autonomous body or public sector enterprise
of the Government or State Government or any foreign country, having an
agreement in this regard with the Government, desire to requisition an officer of the
Service on long term or permanent basis, the Controlling Authority may in public
interest, provide the services of such officer on deputation or absorption basis.

Members of Service.-The following persons shall be the members of the

Service, namely:-
(I) persons covered under sub-rule(2) of rule 3 ;
(ii) persons appointed to duty posts in terms of rule 6.

Future maintenance of Service and method of recruitment.-(1)Afte.r the

commencement of these rules, the initial appointment to the Service shall be made,
in the Junior Time Scale, as specified in Schedule I .
The method of recruitment to the Junior Time Scale shall be seventy-five
percent. by direct recruitment through Examination and twenty-five percent. by
promotion failing which by deputation, in accordance with the provisions specified
in Schedule II.
The method of recruitment, field of selection and minimum qualifying
service for promotion to the grades above Junior Time Scale shall be as specified in
Schedule II.
The field of selection for appointment by promotion to various grades of the
Service shall be as specified in Schedule II and the minimum educational
qualification for promotion to the entry grade duty post of the Service i.e. Junior
Time Scale, shall be as specified in the said Schedule.
The provisions pertaining to the Examination shall be as specified in
Schedule III.
(6) The appointment, confirmation and placement on Non-Functional Selection
Grade (NFSG) and Non-Functional Upgradation (NFU) applicable to officers of the
Service for duty posts in pay band-3 and pay band-4, shall be done by the
Controlling Authority on the basis of the recommendations of the Departmental
Promotion Committee or the Screening Committee, as the case may be, specified
in Schedule IV.

Consultation with Commission.-The Commission shall be consulted in case of

any amendment or relaxation of these rules and for appointment to the Junior Time
Scale of the Service.

Seniority.- (1) The seniority of members of the Service appointed before the
commencement of these rules, to any grade or duty post, shall be governed by their
relative seniority in the respective grade or duty post immediately before the date of
the commencement of these rules:
Provided that if the seniority of any such memberihad not been determined
on the said date, the same shall be determined on the basis of the rules as were
applicable to such member before the commencement of these rules.
The seniority of persons appointed to the Service, after the commencement
of these rules, in any grade or duty post shall be determined in accordance with
the provisions of these rules.
The fixation of inter-se seniority between the direct recruits and the officers
promoted to the Junior Time Scale shall be done on pro-rata basis in the ratio of
three direct recruit against one promotee.
Where juniors who have completed their qualifying or eligibility service are
being considered for promotion, their seniors shall also be considered provided
they are not short of the requisite qualifying or eligibility service by more than half
of such qualifying or eligibility service or two years, whichever is less, and have
successfully completed their probation period for promotion to' the next higher
grade along with their juniors who have already completed such qualifying or
eligibility service.
In cases not covered by sub-rule (1) and sub-rule (2), the seniority shall be
determined by the Controlling Authority in consultation with the Commission.

[ ITT II-1§Fr 3(i)] 177 1,114 4 317iTNR7 21

9. Probation and confirmation.-(1) Every officer appointed in the grade of Junior

Time Scale of the Service either by direct recruitment or by promotion shall be on
probation for a period of two years:
Provided that the Controlling Authority may for reasons to be recorded in
writing extend the period of probation and such decision shall be taken
within eight weeks of the expiry of the aforesaid probation period and
communicated in writing to the concerned officer together with the reasons
for so doing within the said period.
During the period of probation or any extension • thereof, an officer may be
required by the Controlling Authority to undergo an orientation course for Geologist
conducted by the Geological Survey of India, Training Institute, Hyderabad and to
pass examination at the end of the said orientation course.
If, during the period of probation or any extension thereof, the Controlling
Authority is of the opinion that an officer is not fit for confirmation, the Controlling
Authority may, discharge or revert the said officer to the post held by him prior to
his or her appointment in the Service, as the case may be.
(4) On completion of the period of probation or any extension thereof,. the
officer, if considered fit, shall be confirmed in the grade of Junior Time Scale.

10. Liability for Service in any part of India or abroad.- Officers appointed to the
Service shall be liable to serve anywhere in India or abroad for duties of fieldwork
on land or for offshore duties.

Deputation to other Department or organisation.-(1) Notwithstanding anything

contained in these rules, officers appointed to the Service shall be liable to be sent
on deputation or foreign service to any other Ministry or Department of the
Government or State Government or Union territory Administration, • or to an
autonomous body or public sector enterprise of Government or State Government,
or to any foreign country, as the case may be, having an agreement in this regard
with the Government or State Government, in public interest, subject to the
orders issued by the Government in this regard.
(2) The service conditions of the officers during the period they are on deputation
or foreign service shall ordinarily be not less than those available to the officers of
the same duty post in the Service and shall be governed by orders issued by the
Government in this regard:
Provided that the service conditions of such officers while on deputation
shall not be varied to their disadvantage.

Disqualifications.-No person,-
who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse
living, or
who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with
any person,
shall be eligible for appointment to the Service:
Provided that the Government may, if it is satisfied that such marriage is
permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and the other

party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for so doing, exempt
any person from the operation of this rule.

Power to Relax.-Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or

expedient so to do, it may, by an order, for reasons to be recorded in writing and
in consultation with the Commission, relax any of the provisions of these rules with
respect to any class or category of persons.

Residuary matters.- The conditions of service of the members of the Service in

respect of matters for which no specific provision has been made in these rules
shall be same as are applicable to organised Group 'A' services of the Government.

15. Saving.- Nothing in these rules shall affect reservation. relaxation of age limit and
other concessions required to he provided for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes.
and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the
Government from time to time in this regard.
[See rule 2 (d), rule 2 (g), rule 3 (5), rule 4 (1), rule 4 (2) and rule 6(1)]
r SI. Grade of duty Name of the Number Pay band and grade
No. post. duty post (sanctioned pay or pay scale
strength) of duty .(5)
posts Pay band Grade
(2) (3) (4) 5(a) 5(b)
--• -------

1 Higher Additional 2 HAG
Administrative Director Rs.67000
Grade General
(Geology) (Geology) 79000/-
2. Senior Deputy 30 PB-4 Rs.
Administrative Director Rs.37400 10000/-
Grade General -67000/-
(Geology) (Geology)
ASAG) - - ---
Non- Director Upto thirty PB-4 Rs.
Functional (Geology) percent. of the Rs.37400 8700/-
Selection senior duty posts -67000/-
Grade (that is posts in
(Geology) Senior Time
IJAG(NESG)) Scale and above)
Junior Superintending PB-3 Rs.
Administrative Geologist 314 Rs. 7600/-
Grade 15600-
(Geology) 39100/-

Senior Time Senior 751 Combined PB-3 Rs.

Scale Geologist strength Rs. 6600/-
(Geology) of 2055 15600-
(STS) 39100/-
___ _ _ _
Junior Time Geologist 1304 PB-3 Rs.
Scale Rs. 5400/-
(Geology) 15600-

[ i II—ta u s 3(i)] tizt44 : 31- Tt/ITT 23

[See rule 6 (2), rule 6 (3) and rule 6(4)]

SI. Name of post, Method of Whether Field of selection and the minimum
No. grade, pay recruitment. selection post or qualifying service for promotion.
structure [pay non- selection
band and grade post.
pay or pay.
(1) (2) (3) (4) . (5)
Additional By Selection. Deputy Director General
Director promotion. (Geology) . with three years'
General regular service in the Grade; or
Officers with twenty-five years'
regular service in Group 'A'
duty posts in the Service with
at least one . year regular
service in the grade of Deputy
Rs. 67000-
Director General (Geology).

Deputy By Selection. Director (Geology) with eight

Director promotion. years' combined regular service
General as Director (Geology) and
(Geology), Superintending Geologist; or
Officers with seventeen years'
Pay band-4
regular service in Group 'A'
Rs. 37400-
duty posts in the Service with
67000/- plus
at least four years' regular
grade pay
service in the grade of
Rs. 10000/-.
Superintending Geologist
[including service rendered in
the Non-functional Selection
Grade that is Director
(Geology) of the Junior
Administrative Grade].
3 Director By Non- T Superintending Geologist who
(Geology), appointment selection. has entered the fourteenth
to Non- year of the Service on the lst
Pay band-4 Functional January of the year calculated
Rs. 37400- Selection from the year following the
67000/- plus Grade. year of Examination on the
grade pay basis of which such member
Rs. 8700/ - . was recruited.

1 4. rSuperintending 1 By -Selection. 7! enior Geologist with five

Geologist, promotion. , ears' regular service in the
Pay band-3
Rs. 15600-
39100/- plus
grade pay
Rs. 7600/-.
5. Senior By Selection. g eologist with four years'
Geologist, promotion. i egular service in the
i rade.
Pay band-3
Rs. 15600-
39100/- plus
grade pay
Rs 6600/-.
6. Geologist, Seventy- Selection.
five percent. •
Pay band-3 by direct
Rs. 15600- recruitment;
39100/- plus
grade pay -
Rs. 5,400/-.

twenty- 1 A) Field of promotion:

five Officers with-
percent. by two years'
promotion, regular service in the
failing post of Assistant
which, by Geologist, Grade-I
deputation (Group-B Gazetted) in
pay band-2 Rs.9300-
34,800/- plus grade
pay Rs.4800/-; and
possessing the
following qualification:

Master's degree in
Geological Science or
Geology or Applied
Geology or Geo-
Exploration or Mineral
Exploration or
Engineering Geology or
Marine Geology or
Earth Science and
Resource Management
or Oceanography and
Coastal Areas Studies
or Petroleum
Geosciences or

[ ITT 3(i)] (1-11Td. T (1 , 141 : 37fTW7IT 25

Geochemistry from an
University incorporated
by an Act of the
Central or State
Legislature in India or
an educational
institution established
by an Act of Parliament
or declared to be
deemed University
under section 3 of the
University Grants
Commission Act, 1956
(3 of 1956).
(B) Field of deputation:

Officers of the Central

Government or State
Government or Union
territory or Public Sector
Urdertaking or University or
recognised Research
Institute or Autonomous
body or semi-Government
or statutory organisation,-

(a) (i) holding analogous

post on regular basis in the
parent cadre or
Department; or

(ii) with two years'

service in the grade
rendered after appointment
thereto on a regular basis in
pay band-2 Rs.9300-34800
with grade pay Rs. 4800 or •
equivalent in the parent
cadre or Department; or

(iii) with three

years' service in the grade
rendered after appointment
thereto on a regular,basis in
pay band-2 Rs.9300-34800
with grade pay Rs. 4600 or
equivalent in the parent
cadre or Department; or

(iv) with eight

years' service in the grade
rendered after appointment
thereto on a regular basis in

37 ' 7 )/o

pay band-2 Rs.9300-34800

with grade pay -Rs. 4200 or
equivalent in the parent
cadre or Department;

possessing the
educational qualifications
prescribed for direct
recruits; and

having three years'

experience of Geological
Mapping or Mineral
Exploration or prospecting
or three years' experience
of work in Geological
Laboratories [Petrology'
laboratory or Geochronology
and Isotope Geology
laboratory or
Palaeontological laboratory
or Geotechnical laboratory].

Note 1.-The Departmental

officers in the feeder
category who are in the
direct line of promotion shall
not be eligible for
consideration for
appointment by deputation
and similarly,
deputationists, shall not be
eligible for consideration for
appointment by promotion.

Note 2.- Period of

deputation including period
of deputation in another ex-
cadre post held immediately
preceding this appointment
in the same or some other
organisation or Department
of the Central Government
shall ordinarily not exceed
three years.

Note 3.- The maximum

age limit for appointment
by deputation shall be not
exceeding 56 years as on
the closing date of the
receipt of applications__

[ qm 3(i)] : 3mMitirt 27

Note I: First January of the year for which the vacancies pertain shall be the date
for determining the eligibility of officers for promotion to various grades.

Note II: Educational Qualifications prescribed for induction by promotion into the
Service at the Junior Time Scale level shall not be applicable in the case of feeder
grade officers in position on the date of notification of these Rules.

Note III. Whenever any Indian Administrative Service officer of the State or Joint
Cadre is posted at the Centre to a particular grade carrying a specific grade pay in
Pay band-3 or Pay band-4, the members of the Service, who are senior to such
officers by two years or more and have not so far been promoted to that particular
grade, would be granted the same grade on Non-Functional Upgradation(NFU)
basis from the date of posting of the Indian Administrative Service officer in that
particular grade at the Centre.

Note IV: For the purpose of computing minimum qualifying service for promotion,
the service rendered on a regular basis by a officer prior to 1 s` January, 2006 or the
date from which the revised pay structure based on the recommendations of the
Sixth Central Pay Commission has been extended, shall be deemed to be service
rendered in the corresponding grade pay or pay scale extended based on the
recommendations of the said Pay Commission and for purposes of appointment on
deputation basis, the service rendered on a regular basis by a officer prior to 1st
January, 2006 or the date from which the revised pay structure based on the
recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission has been extended, shall be
deemed to be service rendered in the corresponding grade pay or pay scale
extended based on the recommendations of the said Pay Commission except
. where there has been merger of more than one pre-revised scale of pay into one
grade with a common grade pay or pay scale, and where this benefit will extend
only for the post (s) for which that grade pay or pay scale is the normal
replacement grade without any up-gradation.

Note V: Where juniors who have completed their qualifying or eligibility service are
being considered for promotion, their seniors shall also be considered provided they
• are not short of the requisite qualifying or eligibility service by more than half of such
qualifying or eligibility service or two years, whichever is less, and have successfully
completed their probation period for promotion to the next higher grade along with
their juniors who have already completed such qualifying or eligibility service.

3787 GI/2010-5


[See rule 2(e) and rule 6(5)]



Direct recruitment to the entry Grade (Junior Time Scale), i.e. to the post of
Geologist of the Service shall be made through Examination.,
A candidate must be a citizen of India or he or she must belong to such
categories of persons as may be notified by the Government from time to time.
Any attempt on the par't of a candidate to obtain support for his or her
candidature by any means may make the candidate liable for being disqualified by
the Commission from admission to the Examination, or selection.
Success in the Examination, or selection confers no right to appointment,
unless the Government, after enquiry in all respects regarding the medical fitness,
character, antecedents and verification of Schedule Caste or Schedule Tribe or
Other Backward Class status, of the candidate is satisfied that the candidate is
suitable • for appointment to the Service.
5. A candidate who, after such physical examination as the Government may
specify, is not found to be in good mental or bodily health and free from any
mental or physical defect likely to interfere with the discharge of the duties of the
Service, shall not be appointed to the Service.

Recruitment through Examination
Open competitive examination for appointment to the Junior Time Scale
(entry grade duty post) of the Service, that is to the post of Geologist shall be held
by the Commission at such time and place as may be specified in the
advertisement published in the Employment News or leading newspapers and in
the website of the Commission and the approximate number of vacancies to be
filled up on the basis of Examination may be indicated in the said advertisement.

The candidates shall apply fr7 admission to the Examination before such
date, in such manner, in such form and to such office as the Commission may
specify in the aforesaid advertisement.

3. Age limit shall be as follows:-

(a) A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years but must not have
attended the age of 32 years on the first day of January of the year in which
the Examination is to be held.

[ ITT I I -1g 3(i)] (1-117ff 'TT '0 ,3144 : 31TiTtIT7T 29

(b) The Commission shall accept the proof of date of birth as entered in the
Matriculation Certificate or Secondary School Leaving Certificate.
4. The minimum educational qualification for admission to the Examination
shall be as follows:-

Master's degree in Geological Science or Geology or Applied Geology or

Geo-Exploration or Mineral Exploration or Engineering Geology or Marine
Geology or Earth Science and Resource Management or Oceanography
and Coastal Areas Studies or Petroleum Geosciences or Geochemistry
from a University incorporated by an Act of the Central or State
Legislature in India or an educational institution established by an Act of
Parliament or declared to be deemed University under section 3 of the
University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956).

Note: Master degree in the respective discipline means the post graduate degree or
post graduate diploma Of minimum two years duration after graduation from
aforesaid University or Institute in the respective discipline, whether be it an
i ntegrated course or otherwise.

Candidates who have appeared at the final examination of the minimum

educational qualification specified in clause (a) of this paragraph, passing
of which shall render them eligible to appear at the relevant year
Examination, but have not been informed of the result, may also apply for
admission to the Examination and in such case his or her admission to the
relevant year Examination shall be provisional and subject •to obtaining
minimum educational qualification specified in clause (a) of this
(c) A candidate who is otherwise qualified but who possesses the Master's
degree specified in clause (a) of this paragraph from a foreign University
approved by the Government may also be admitted to the Examination by
the Commission.

5. Candidates who are in Government service, whether in a permanent or in

temporary capacity or as work charged employees, other than casual or daily-rated
employees, or serving under Public Enterprises, shall be required to submit an
undertaking along with the application for the Examination stating that they have
informed in writing to their Head of Office or Department that they have applied for
the Examination.

The fee prescribed by the Commission in the advertisement shall be paid by

each applicant in the manner stated therein, unless exempted there from or
granted concession thereof in accordance with the exemptions or concessions in
this respect notified by the Government from time to time.

Scheme of Examination shall be as follows:-

(a) The pattern of examination, number of written papers and ,syllabus of
written papers shall be as decided by the Commission.

The candidate who obtains minimum general standard or qualifying

marks in the written examination as may be fixed by the Commission
shall be called for viva-voce.
The candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and
other special categories of persons may be summoned for viva-voce by
the Commission by applying relaxed standards if the Commission is of
the opinion that sufficient number of candidates from these communities
are not likely to be available for viva-voce on the basis of the general
standard in order to fill up the vacancies reserved for them.
After the interview, the general merit list of the candidates shall be
prepared by the Commission in the order of their general merit which
includes General, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, and other special
categories of persons on the basis of the aggregate marks finally
awarded to each candidate in the written examination as well as
interview and from such general merit list, the candidates shall be
recommended for appointment up to the number of unreserved
vacancies decided to be filled up on the result of the Examination.
For the vacancies reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and
other special categories of persons, a separate merit list for the reserved
vacancies among such reserved category persons (excluding those
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and other special categories of
persons who have been listed in the general merit), shall be prepared by
the Commission and recommended up • to the extent of vacancies
reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other special
categories of persons and as regards the vacancies reserved for
Physically Handicapped, if suitable Physically Handicapped candidate is
not available in general merit then the Commission may recommend,
Physically Handicapped candidate by a relaxed standard decided by the
Commission, subject to the fitness of such candidate for appointment to
the Service.
The candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and
other special categories of persons who have been recommended by the
Commission in• the general merit without resorting to any relaxations or
concessions in the eligibility or selection criteria at any stage of the
Examination shall not be adjusted against the vacancies reserved for the
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of
The specified qualifying standards shall be relaxable by the Commission
at all the stages of the Examination in favour of physically handicapped
candidates in order to fill up the vacancies reserved for them and in
case, the physically handicapped candidates are selected from the
general merit list or merit list for vacancies reserved for Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons, any
extra physically handicapped candidates that is more than the number
of vacancies reserved for them, shall not be recommended by the
Commission on the relaxed standards.

[ ITM I 3(i)] '177 347411TT711 31

The form and manner of communication of the result of the Examination
shall be decided by the Commission:
The acceptance of the application of a candidate and his or her eligibility for
admission to the Examination shall be decided by the Commission and no
candidate to whom admission card has not been issued by the Commission shall be
admitted to the examination.
Candidate who has been declared by the Commission guilty of
impersonation, or of submitting fabricated document or documents which have
been tampered with, or of making statements which are incorrect or false, or of
suppressing material information, or otherwise resorting to any other irregular or
improper means for obtaining admission to the Examination, or of using or
attempting to use unfair means in the Examination hall, shall in addition to
rendering himself liable for criminal prosecution, be liable to be disqualified by the
Commission from the Examination for which he or she is a candidate and to be
debarred either permanently or for a specified period,-

by the Commission from any Examination or selection held by them;

by. the Government from any employment under them; and

(c) if he or she is already in service under the Government, the Government
may take disciplinary action against him or her under rules.

[See rule 2 (c), rule 2 (j) and rule 6 (6)]

SI. Duty post for Departmental Promotion Departmental Screening
No. i which 'Committee for Promotional Committee for Non-
promotion or. considering promotion. Committee for Functional
confirmation is considering Upgradation of duty
to be made. confirmation. posts in pay band-3
and pay band-4.
Additional (i)Chairman Chairman Not applicable (i)Secretary,
Director or Member of Ministry of Mines
General the
(Geology) Commission
(ii)Secretary Member (ii)Special Secretary
or Special or Additional
Secretary or Secretary, Ministry
Additional of Mines
Ministry of
(iii)Director Member (iii)Director
General, General, Geological
Geological Survey of India
Survey of
India •
Deputy (i)Chairman Chairman Not applicable (i)Secretary, Ministry
Director or Member of of Mines
General the
(Geology) Commission

I (ii)Secretary Member Special Secretary

or Special or Additional
, Secretary or Secretary, Ministry of
1 Mines
1 Additional
Ministry of
T -
(m)Director Member Director General
General or or Additional Director
Additional General (Geology),
Director I Geological Survey of
General India
I Geological
Survey of

3. Director (i) Director Chairman ot applicable s ( i)Secretary, Ministry

(Geology) General, of Mines
I Geological
Survey of
(ii)Joint Member Director General
Secretary, or Additional Director
Ministry of . General (Geology),
Mines Geological Survey of
India _
(iii)Deputy Member Deputy Director
Director General (Geology),
General Geological • Survey of
(Geology), India
Survey of
4. Superintending (i)Chairman Chairman Not applicable (i)Secretary, Ministry
Geologist or Member of of Mines
(ii) Joint Member F (ii)Director General or
Secretary, Additional Director
Ministry of General (Geology),
Mines Geological Survey of
(iii)Deputy Member (iii)Deputy Director
Director General (Geology),
General Geological Survey of
(Geology), India
Survey of

[ 11171 1-11:r 3(1)] 33

5. i Senior (i) Director Chairman j Not applicable (i)Secretary, Ministry

Geologist General or of Mines
Survey of
(ii)Director, Member (ii)Director General or
Ministry of Additional Director
Mines General (Geology),
Geological Survey of
(iii)Director Member -1 (iii)Deputy Director
(Geology), General(Geology),
Geological Geological Survey of
Survey of India
6. Geologist (i)Chairman Chairman (i)Director, Not applicable
or Member of Ministry of
the Mines, Chairman
(ii) Joint I Member (ii)Director
Secretary, (Geology)
Ministry of Geological
Mines Survey of India,
(iii)Deputy Member (iii)
Director Superintending
General Geologist,
(Geology), Geological
Geological Survey of India, -
Survey of Member

[F. No. 1/23/2008-M. II]


Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-I 10064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.

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