CAT (Financial and Administrative Powers) Rules, 1985

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T. . Ti . TUT . 7 111,;(;18 1 - EltED 1;). (1).rs.. ^-72


mrr 3---.37-vn
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i)

sittpuT Tt suErNa

. 50 5) fqz.- 41, ;Tqr4 7: 2 0, 19 S5ITTrifT 2 9, 1 90 7


UTIT 13' 1*-4. 9.7sZ5 r1 ql t' 1-41#4 f- u 31#4 T tfici * 401T T1'
T11-1 in ma
Separate Paging is given to this Part in order dint it may he tiled :is a
separate compilation

rfilfilT NIT SITU :ivr, sT,nr ri r tiiTTT 3TIT 2. 9- k-)- frftc.r f +VI T ii Ta Ti h;
9147 utfT '474'4 3TTF:TJ =f gr,—

( irEFTRT aTT qfm-itir f41mr) (T ) "31'1444 1r 4 TagTv-rfirq7 'A1+1; r"1 31 PPM,

1985 ( 1 9 8 5 Tr 1 3 ) "%11 :1-1:1 ,T ,•*
fw71'1, 20 1-1q 4T, 1985

3111.1Tr1TffT ) "3ft;IVIT'' TIT al ',. 7 fe.1

TiT.Tr.fT. 8 5 4 ( n) ..1-7ST1 7., A3TrTrf 1T
artimvil 3TRIRITTI, 1 98 5 ( 1 98 5 Tr 1 3 ) Fr4 LITTJ (4) ":1- 11. :T7T.Tir" :1 .1T al fi..1 74: 1,11-
12, TIM 3 5 4; (9- ) .6ttT 1:11-71 3(; 4-;
3ff1E ,71 4.
(T) arrr q".,'ff 3T FT 911 Tr S41-fr TTt F3 Tr frir;T--
fitituT fil- 4 =fit "fr1h14711" .7/11Irff?; z,114 rr LITT FTTrit
4R7--T qTTT 31:1T AT-6r :—(1 ) f TArii TT TFf 3TF.1•7rq qg 4r4F-Q-uTr
itfut9- 7:Triq f1r41- ;;11 ,141.7;k
(fa-#)-4 TITTill;TT 71 PfFirlf 3ITT PT 17f 9- 11-11TFT Tf 1711 riir 31-47 6144 rip-r--
1985 0-> 1 171 74t w{ ;T A fir4-4 1Tg rq741;

( 2) zi ,.1,14-9 4 zp-T:T3r4- Ti -f-T 'T12; Tr -31T-1 °.141 1T srFIT- 14 77ff 7". .3114 ql

I h7-41 rT7 , -311 3 4T T'419 11111T 7 1Fit 4 f4;-,:r

1 119 GI/85--
...• .

;.11. 11•1;.'17.1•1" - 1 1414r.?; Oft :IV/Fitz 7. r :171 1 1i. Tri P 3 1 1 ,111 -4i 'TT ."3 vi (14K114 0114141

:311434-3.14t g 31 fT 9t3.14-ily1- 14* 14 9 ..-rlitir9 Ppm, 1 978 14 f4-3T1T I 8 )

1,--h-d-r FT
8. 75 1-1111.-.7.17
64 NMI 71,141- P411 17 17): I
9. 3,141t '1441 14 193RT 9f 117 11113, rikr
4. art71-e4- l ra11991- :-3/9d9 174 t 1.41firrt TV'-1- 2 0, 0 ()0 1 :41-1-, it 6T NT
-q.1./ft ziit fr-rt'f Ili 14 1-3-1-f 41 744 f1-44, 1 978.
1 0. 3171-4 31-111471R4t 171 31191'414 4-:Tyr
iTTEirTur FP9Thr Fitr, 1 9 6 3, TT 3T'' f997 i;f01

kFgrtEr PTFITT ) 71-11, 1 972, 4;7414 1 1 . 43 T1, Tj hurt, 31 .1t: 11 -414 9 11'14741 Tr

1i ci rrr (11'i7IT 3171-11") KIT, I 979, k,-' 1.1-TT 1-1F4141-4, 1" 1444, 1 978 14 1444 2 1 ) --141 1111

fiTfc1c1 rr (Fr) t4z(ff, , 1 9 7 2, 1'1" fif is4FT itqr 7T-19-alit it alf13-9; 5/99917-T
(arr-177) FPI-4, 1 964, 4c;r7,-171- f:11- 14 ,71- 41T 0 3 3117 V11 ;;T tT4
fqçu 3r19- v) 1 9 (3 5 311 1.: T1111 11 f7DI

ffffEr F-144, 1960 14 4-1-14 13. TI4I444111- 1

t,11t 4; frill f971T9 5r -k9

=.1rurT.,Ji I t f;r9Ir
11 qf-994t Tr.-T s141 11 41:44-T-
1 . 14. 1441441 47 hi); '4T711-
H4.14.1 (TT 7-417;1- 19.;-;AI Prfir;4171-9; ar74

31-1k711.- qn 3101T ', ri 11711 7-1-11". 111 : 2. '1-.F11'111 . 4 T Ti111 rif 4; TO- , T;-'4 it 1;1 30'9,1) 4;
(IT 11- 11 ,!: '10 171 3114 3T
f. 1; ii 11 1 1-0 t ir
iii vrt;f4Ttr Tr sT4tar 4•44 41f1117 30-4 !4[311- :3. 13711-1 T14 qif OiF)ritaif-+Tr 71111F.11r TetiiiTT
113-41-41147 IT 3T\I f ;..1'.11t f 7-1T
*1194, 17114n-.- f1-411-4 3TF9-
q- 19- 1 1 n -‘.9-Tr7i9 t 11:9- fT41:1 ..T rr TX -17 1444

. IT 1 2 0 1 81518 5-7 7-'1" . 1 Of 47 --.314 T.T•JP1-9 91 rrm.419 . 17
91' TI 7itquir I
fq C',1"1 I 7.4). 1-!, 31-1 T. -1 ITT
14-9 , f 31177 3/9,9-99T f 4 , 1-4//f9911 Tr ifvi riT
31;12141 ITT T1'T19-it59 19941 47 317-431-1 t7 FiTT, 14.q1111-
9-.9f 4/9-ITT
f9.91-4 44 IT -f4T4171- TIT
3. it Tr f9 T lT61 117 iT 1:1;,1 I I;
1. at(Traf •6T..r rrq
114 't 1 I1T11:'r4 .47 For, 4 ,1.1
W-K4 14 41 '31-# Fr-f0 111. 114/711'I 14 01'144
1441-1, TT F. 1.13
- 1- TT 'T n-11,1 ror
• ,11t 17.1" 31-I1417ff1 1f , 3.-T.FTITT
14 7311-.7.4 TT; fti4 31- '1 .7:1
2. ifTETT-TIT Ttr fq-i4TT rrrt r1- 4T 3Tr4 11-74 T1 I' jr 1- q1 1-14 :11 1: 431-4 11T '1 7.4 IT
017 41-11-2:. Ti 4 20,000 15417- 31-94441 31177 5, 0 0 0 F47 f=9- t74 311;TI 4 I 4T 7" 1:-TiT II T1:
atrqFir ghl-ri" 4 31N-47 4; 4-0-11-i3T4- 57T7T 499 t -10 N" I I
34-717 17--44 47 41,4 t1TI4 1
4. 1141- Ti 174 91

3. rfk1•51-4.4, r iT iIT 1T 4. 7 :31'1TrTg 5. 47 4Prt f 149. iriT ( ) f.111 , 1 972

'41 TT 674 41 1 19- ¶7.4 77 .T1ft •
14-74 -ft 4;1 raft 9; t 1.1i14
1- F(11-TT ‘Iti- • 7:ITITT 7Trip-.11. zrr P-Pluf aOrif 177.1T I
4j): 3111 1
6. '411T4 Fillft: 31 ,74114 9'1.1

4. f1-11TTt 311T 71- 4t4 3-14 7: fitift

:1-Trr t794TTI 7. ;1-7471-74 41- it 17t, it rpir ftZfl APirifiT1c-7/
9111-1-71 9tr WO. 3r 0,Tet 47 :-21-941- 3T14 ark 'i ,719-4 zuTF-r4 17 1114 T.1 w117 zlii.1-14 11- 47
I r-s-11- 4 g:1 TO. , Trig T EIT 31";74 7;711,1r.41- ¶1
734417 17 174 314,114 tITT 77K-311 APTT
5. IN 4'44 I
.. 447 311T. 311114T it -IPT It ql4T1-
6. • ¶1tT 31Th1 1-41-64 1t fT. U1rrnki-TT 1 731- 11 it 1
pz 11---M7 3()] 11 :

‘1 ,71 ;)-.1-17.4 ITT Ti 14T 4q1- fi1lfFt ADM INIS TRATI VI lUEFORMS AND PI !RI
77.1TrIttirri 4 Fti
7 11 ifqa 7717;1' 74 4 TrfUT Toil
T-411:7 4711" I (Department or Pcrsonnd mid •rainor)
New Delhi, the 20th November, 1985
9. .;:v al 41 iT ai-71;41 7.1- T1 4 1;1 i7) Uf 31U 1 T.6t 31)
3rtiTT7111. 31 74 ftI 4 3fl ;171;--fr I
G.S.R. 854(E).--In cm:rcise of the powers confer-
fvfl• rTr9i.4 firfq 4; aTtilqi- Tr r4 r i1 T1 -7. -414.1 red by section 12, clause (f) of section 3.5 :ma clause
AI Tfti. . F."TT it TT'411 47 fkiT.T, ZI (a) of Section 36 of the Administrative Tribunals Act,
• kffT I 1985 (13 of 1985) the Central Governmeot hereby
makes the following rules, namely :-
1 1. anitt rUTTRzil ;T1 7,1 f::(TIFf iT rcrr 1
I. Short title and commencement : ( I ) 'These rules
12.. (l i-4-4i fair VT7R aft ct t RF,19. fir may be called the Central Administrative Tribunal
UT 31. 4,,q4 qr111-TKT 4-affr (Financial and Administrative Powers) Rules, 1085.

1 3. •41 td UKTP: 47 fc17<1. 101714 i47 TitlikrI ;ITTITI (2) They shall conic into force on the date of their
publication ir, the official Gtizet4e.
trr,T ( 6 ) 2 :34-1I/ 6 2, 1 71" 2 2- 6- 1 9 8 2
11c.41111f4j3 . "c4T 411-ft •1•11•31 ;id ;1-11-e,- 2. Definitioas : In these rules, unless the context
fazfa Tt-9-1- I otherwise requires, -

1 4. 4741'9' 7,i.r.1 T4 -44V- I (a) "Act" means the Administrative •rilumals

Act, 1985 (13 of 1985);
1 5. 51'c4'T Imi ;:k ITT;T.•• ,:rit-r, 4 affir+ r1T•r it
(b) "Chairman" means the Chairman of the
ri1. alai171- T1 T41T 4 zrf Tribunal.
if77.11" 717 FR-41R. =Pi 4 f:641' r.rT z40471.
(c) "Tribunal" means the Central Adminish
T1. 17.477 4'7 3riq9i 'TT ziri4T .T1- r>f .41iit
3. sittings of an additional ncnch at placc other
VT1* 1 than the place where it shall ordinarily sit : If at tiny
time the Vice-Chairman of any additional Bench is
1.. SkfTMT, 11,49- :31-rf4- fi TMT z1-- TTIT, satisfied that circumstances exist which ruder - it
neceSs!, ry to have sittings of the said liontit at any
if ?R' -T. RFT -,111-.1' i 4F1TKTIT fir.;
place failing within its Pst•ritorial jurisdiction, other'
arlfm. A: 307. riFr .514id wr PRIM than the place or places rt which it ordinarily sits.
qc-v-i Tr 97•74111.1-49- fTZPT, 1 9 7 8 T-1 2ITT41 he may with •thepreyious consent of the Chairman
7 * UThitfI unfiftru T 4kTif direct that the Additional Bench shall hold its aitt;ngs
at any such 'appropriate place.
3-;14T1tf *1 VAT 47 rftE, 14T19711 I
4. Powers of Chairman.---The Chairman shall
2. 4-4.174-t fl fr FfT;i7lt 4; Patr, riliTT I have the same powers as arc conferred on a Depart-
ment of the Central• Government in respect of Delet.i.a- .
3. ITMi' 4; .111 .: 31 , 01 it 11 4 1171117N-ff k; M144 I Financial Powers Rules, 1978, General FirS71-tionf
cial Rules, 1963. Fundamental and Supplementary
4. fl :74) 31TETFT qf 79-ur 4717.1 I Rules, Central Civil Services .(Leave) Rules, 1972,
Central Civil Services (inininn Time) Rules, 1970,
5. WM-44TV zITz1•t 4 5,00° -KF-9-7, RN qti.
Central Civil Services (Pension) Rifles, 1972, Central .!
3iftriti wri TT 917;47; lys?,7419711 Fj;
Civil Services (c.7on(uct) Rules, 1964, Central . (7iVil
nrczn- t f4v417,7i- I Services (Classification, Control and Appeal), Rules,
1965 awl General Provident Fund (Central Services)
G. pfg-,4; ufl-t 51-P-71717 NAPT 1-TT fRfo 7, -4i 4 Rules, 1960.
Is t.;r1;.nyt a71-7: 471-7 7=411'; zr•T Provided that the exercise of 'these powers slim!l he
subject to any procedural or other instructions issued
from time to time by the Government;
. 1. ?fret Tr 1-4 fii.T fti'q TAT It 7311-4 7tT
fear ;Mr 311T tall,F 1177 Provided further that in the exercise of powei.; iii
• •
respect of items specified in the Schedule, the concur-
zlareit TT 'VI' I rence of the Department of Personnel & 'Training in
[PAR r Suc.
the Ministry of Personnel & Training, Administrative
Reforms & Public Grievarces and Pension shall bo FUNDAMENTAL RULES AND SUPPLEMI N-
obtained. TARY RULES

I. Declaration as to relative degree of res-

INo. A-12018[5185-A
ponsibility. of two posts.
SMT, P. V. VALSALA G. .KUTTY, Under Secy.
Declaration of Heads of Departments for
SCHEDULE the purpose of ERs and SRsIDEP
Delegation of Financial Power Rules 3. Fixing the pay of a retired Government
Proposals to incur contingent[Miscellancous servant employed in a post carrying a
expenditure of unusual character or where tiotted scale of pay, if pay is proposed to
prescribed sealesicorOitions arc required to be fixed at a stage higher than (he mini-
be relaxed. Mum of the scale of the poet or where the
pay plus pension and other 1- Or:Anent be-
2. nefits- exceed the last pay drawn.
All proposals to incur contingent expendi-
ture exceeding Rs. 20,000 non-recurring in 4. Grarling of premature increments.
each case and Rs. 5,000 recurring per ar-
num in each case not covered by general or 5.
special orders. Relaxing the requirements of a rule in
the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 under spe-
cial circumstances.
3. All proposals to incur expenditure on enter--
tairinents including dinners and luncheons
6. Deputations abroad, including to the neigh-
not covered by general or special orders of
Government. bouring countries.

4. Air-lifting of stores and demurrage charges, 7. Permitting a (imminent servant accom-

including insurance stores except when co- panying, a foreign delegaitioniVIP a; Liai-
vered by general or special orders. son Officer, to avail of the same travel or
the same arrangement at outstation for
5. Land acquisition. boarding and lodging as provided.

6. Renting of Oflice and residential 8. Allowing non-official other than a Mem-

ber of Parliament or State Legislature or
7. Expenditure orl schemes or projects ( Rule a retired High Court or Supreme Court.
18 of DEP Rules, 1978). Judge to travel by ACC or by air..
8. Trading opera( ions. 9. Extending the joining time admissible
I- • under the 1 Rules beyond the Maximum of
9. Sale or dismantlement of public buildings. 30 days.
if the book value exceeds Rs, 20.000.
10. Allowing previous service under a local
10. Residential telephones to non-entitled • fund to cowlt as duly in Governmert ser-
II, Indents, corVraCts and purchases (Rule 21
I. Air Travel by non-entitled officers.
of DEP Rules, 197 8)—Proposals in excess
of the existing powers.
12. Authorising provisional payment to re-em- •
12. Creation of posts. ployed pensioner pending fixation of final
13. Re-appropriation.
13. Fixation of pay etc. in terms of the powers.
GENERAL FINANCIAL RULES delegated in GIMP OM No. F. (6) . 23-E..
111[62 dated 22-6-62.
1. Sanction of permanent advances to new
offices. 14. Grant of Study Leave.
2 Advances to private firms for supply of
stores beyond delegated powers. 15. Sanction of honorariurn exceeding Re 1000 .

in each case. In the case of recurring

3. Declaring an item as countersigned contin- noraria this limit applies to: - the,Rttal - hE the.'..
. gent expenditure. recurring payment made to an individtial
in a financial year.
trwId : 4E1111R7,1
[Viq IL-4M 3(1)1

3. Cases of deputation on Foreign Service out-

side India.
4. Sanction of rent-free accommodation.
1. Redrawal of amount lost through misappro- Execution of printing work through private
priation, defalcation, embezzlement e tc, re- presses in emergent case exceeding Rs. 5,00(1
quired - for disbursement of claims against per annum.
Government beyond the power of authority
competent to write off the losses in question 6. Purchase of uniform cloth citc. at the rates
in terms of the provisions of Schedule VII in excess of 15 per cent over the rates pres-
of the Delegation of Fironcial Powers cribed by the Department of Personnel &
Rules, 1978. 'Training.
7. Purchase of vehicles for which no budget
Ad-hoc sanction for payment of arrcar provision exists and purchase of Staff Car
and imported vehicles.

- 11006 4
Perm-110054. 1985

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