Some Suggest Than Young People Should Take A Job For A Few Years Between School and University. Discuss What The It Advantages and Disadvantages Might Be For People Who Do This.
Some Suggest Than Young People Should Take A Job For A Few Years Between School and University. Discuss What The It Advantages and Disadvantages Might Be For People Who Do This.
Some Suggest Than Young People Should Take A Job For A Few Years Between School and University. Discuss What The It Advantages and Disadvantages Might Be For People Who Do This.
Discuss what the it advantages and disadvantages might be for people who do this.
Nowadays, taking a gap year before starting university is a common practice in western culture. It is
believed to be beneficial both financially and academically for students. However, there is an argument
whether the claim is true or not which will be discussed in the following essay.
First of all, it is undeniable that working a few years after high school gives students a chance to explore
their interests and provides a better understanding regarding their future studies. For example, if one is
interested in joining marketing-related organizations, participating in internship programs would provide
them with a good introduction to the dynamic working environment, different organization’s structures,
advice from supervisors and working experiences with real customers. As a result, these things would
equip them with the necessary skills needed for a successful career. Furthermore, it is considered to be
a time to collect money in order to afford courses’ fees, textbooks, etc as not all of them are able to do
On the other hand, the issue is raised that it may be a waste of time doing random things ,especially in
Asian households. Instead, this period should be dedicated to studying and improving their potentials to
the maximum. For illustration, if juveniles begin university early, they would have more knowledge ,to
begin with before jumping into the field. Therefore, in theory, these groups of students would be
expertise in their specific occupations which would be a jump start for them.
In conclusion, both perspectives have their own benefits and drawbacks. Evidently, this essay supports
going straight to undergraduate education due to the strong good points which outweigh the